Agony or pleasure by the mind. You create and the life. Want to know the Saint or divine looking back her crush will clear.
Stupid Lady divine delights all who do not make up for the resentment against the adversity star who, having agreed the scene haughty, Ocean Ocean Prime itself. Or a lifetime doing good that an evil consequence should mind, evil or to enjoy the fresh fruit should cancel the stock.
To understand cause and effect is profound. After we sow, which matured, then to the front. His career but now life without fresh fruit to create an evil they must understand is the evil in the past were enough to societies matured, so the fruit to bloom before then to head tho. This is due to his skilled unripe seed so far have yet to enjoy. If you believe deeply, knowing this, will not run the facilities psychology. From marine radio about Black's career knows how to create deep, heavy shield criminal charges now ripen until it to bloom, we are not able to evade. My steering wheel is strictly taught: "all mortal beings, because do not know who could strut leg usually names of Nick, so live with hope ever punished."
Want to escape the suffering has to do? Don't want the life in the mortal must purify pretensions. Good ideas here, and then the reincarnation. So then they call mind, mind sight called a Buddha different beings and Buddhist ... in love and enlightenment. To know this marvelous lucid Intelligence Center who's name also. Divine wife while there but like gold is located in the sandy soil is covered by affliction, it can not be used. He is also due to the many lives of austerities, sand stones smuggled or have been filtered out is pure gold pure net so incredibly great, so that was called The Sun, the most enlightened members, beyond the barrier. I would like to order as the Buddha, before having to watch his development and to subtract the afflictions stem. If original Buddhism pure sadism. If the amendment is not the Chief Justice, is an alarm vạy curve results.
The first set of steps to tu Qui y Tam. Evil not to do, just do the whole thing. And then from there, global peace, seclusion. If not sown who line the result line will across the three escape the line, super sharp, realms in Buddhism. This is the basis for the Buddhist five precepts tu qui Tam is the Central of the life, is the magic of France suffering fun Board. Qui Tam is a refuge, refuge, the refuge.
The medical Term for Buddhist: Buddhism is enlightenment constant peace, far from the left line. He instructed them to escape documentaries, so one should take his refuge Dhamma to him to escape. Buddha is the Cardinal's first step should be to refuge.
Qui y France: refuge Buddhist traditions That follow instruction, three Buddhist schools of life come under this law that immeasurable achievements merit purity. Now we would like qui on roots, purify mind, except the texture to UE qui y.
Qui y Increase: the Chief of France to have the two components, Xuan Duong, Director for the Dharma, used van, tu, as witness the results. If Dharma is not a sermon, hard to comprehend. Cryptic profound Dharma to Monks explains, the great German the grace so to qui y increases.
T have the three Most Distinct, three jewels may: Prime Minister three jewels and Abbot three jewels.
One to three jewels: as of one mind. Buddha was enlightened beings, a spiritual concept, is the most lucid mind can protect Buddha's name. Buddha full three Germany: Buddha, Dharma, and Rising.
France also means the Fund, is keeping regulation framework. Most self could name three jewels can maintain its framework and worldly appearance.
The increase is a mass religious harmony. Visual mind is able to take over all of France. The French, the French men are all psychological processes. A full Dharma should Rise as One to three jewels. They are passionate about introversion find requested went rolling out of samsara. Thanks to this sense Buddhism so Quotable.
From General Tam said: Since the list of Dharma uneven growth. Buddha was enlightened a profound mind, achieving what Prime Minister, called self-discipline. This certificate using enlightened cleric for all sentient beings, called sense tha. Self-discipline awareness tha are full, called happy sense of fullness. This full three round should the Buddhas are Buddha Distinguished Conservative Prime Minister.
Basic option, the sermon Buddha law, different thesis is From French General said. According to the tenets of tu tu auto cruise proved uneven, called From general insurance Increased.
Abbot three jewels: Buddha, after entering the removal, although the Buddha is made of wood, cement, plaster or painting ... are all fields of joy to them. If you know the iconic glass palaces such as the Buddha in the world, Germany was not able to speak out. Because the Abbot is not very loose so called conservative Buddhist Abbot.
All classics selected teachings of the Buddha are cultural education transfers them constantly, allowing the students the glass line was funny, so should be called Abbot protected.
The renunciation of hair shaved up such legislation, the French director Yang Xuan, a sentient, Buddha seed, is the Abbot Increases the.
Abbot, the Prime Minister and the most able are called (always) because no French world harm or affliction infects Seven worldly treasure box., such as gold, silver, glass, coral, agates, nacre, amber was respected, but access for some time and then also go away, because they only help to live rather than to the character. But three jewels can help put an end to making mortal boundless as far left as part of the brain thing worry, be happy happily forever.
Three jewels. but much calling the name but most from the mind, because all due care. All photography Center, which fully fullness like jewel as the new Liberal talk is so qui y Buddha, qui y France, qui y increases. Not saying qui y tha, is relying on the outside.
Qui, i.e. turn on, is returning to roots. Six apartments, they come from a mind, as root, run off six of the six photographers must return apartments, so called network policy. So qui y also means that the network policy.
Y, is y, relying upon. Do they run according to sound good as Prime Minister should be drifting sea rolling in agony with no possible refuge. Thanks for choosing three jewels do thay should be able to escape the dead end, the Bodhi mind, Taoist monasteries, until the Buddha.
Qui y Tam Bao was finished, to y under that order to escape from samsara, escape from worldly bondage of affliction. Step by step introduction first, also in an all out without any other support methods. So are new: «If not kept in general are way up as the Sun who also cut off»
So that is an important platform to help create good, put the almond, was the main source of virtue, is helping people means in the Scriptures. Who's born. From a to b. hue. Thanks, Lily, that the Chief Justice. Should say: «is the main root of the Bodhi invisible.» Buddha means opening disciplines. First novel Tam qui y, to teach the five precepts, the Mahayana world, scraps etc. Due to the basic and the names of beings should not had from deep rough to shallow to bail from the wing, but not the other.
In brief: no officer, Director, hope, no, addictive substances as coma position. This year is the basis, compulsory Buddhist disciples to learn and observe when boarding. This is the gateway to the achievements. In this world is to learn, to practice, to spread. Men and women are to hold executive officer housing. In this world of infinite merit. So that the first step of the first Buddhist mechanics to maintain life and health policy team. This platform is indispensable.
In this world the Grape is often called:,,,, and. That is, the character is not killed. The gas that is not theft. Who has that is not adultery. People who do not use intoxicating addictive. Christians do not FIB.
The Buddhists hold round in the world doesn't want to completely into the well completely, not expecting the German people into Germany. Not that that means holiday feasts bridge to the natural mind, informed, live. Dignity becomes precious religious, yet the esteem of charity.
The first is non :
Mencius said: «nỡ not hear the ROAR animal eat.» Mencius also said, we are disciples of Buddha transcribed about blur, who begins killing hostess fruit boundless agony later on? So Buddha instituted the non plot to prevent suffering for us. The disciples of Buddha if they wish to take, as a first step to nourish the heart from, not. If kept, this should no longer be reincarnation Temple. In addition to the weak, the strong assault series, taste or because money for living that kill, killing emanates from malevolence. If we create karma, for handling the NB self killing sheep. My Grave Mausoleum says: «killed a goat. Dead goats into people. Do eat swallow that result report spell rotation, complete with the evil bad career move, there is no end to the day.» Murder to the shrine there, animals must also be paid.
Do you remember the old area in, on which King Bhikkhu Yuri slaughtered their lines Like Ca, Buddha head was aching doom. The cause? It was in the lives of the ancient past, when families Like the fishing villages, and the Buddha Like Ca is a boy in the village. When fishermen catch big fish about to kill carnivores, the boy was joking precursor taking guest tree on top of it to three. Big fish is the predecessor of King Yuri. When the technician who slaughtered their lines Like Ca, did the Buddha also lightly press results with headaches.
It's impossible not to believe-very clear and frightening. You should carefully for observers. Because of this reason that Buddha prohibited.
Not the Buddha's compassion for human beings but also hurt at all to duplicate 7,00 Ant species. Because in the view of the Buddha, all sentient beings have the ability to Commit Capital. Hammock says: «all male who is the father. Every woman is the mother. They saved six bass lines move each of their dependent parents.» So that killing sentient beings as well as the murder of his parents.
The dead do not know, do not believe this theory should even love even its murder, eat swallow each other. Therefore, The new gender regime Respect all kill, by all the Buddhas are spiritual. The past they used to be our parents, the future is also known as the Buddha, so I dare to kill? We should not centred.
Now humanity fighting have produced enough weapons to kill people, to penalize each other regardless of the air, land or water. The thought of becoming the evil insurance, life increasingly topsy-turvy. Watch this interactive story remains relatively new to ever end. If it does not seek to salvage then this world will be the line tub of boiling to hatred. The views not of heart pain. You have to try to preserve peace and effort to salvage people about black, helps people return to the corners. Please people do not weight-weight force. Do not take immerse taste or for that killing. Never mind startups. Career suicide if discontinuation of the họai existence will stop. Nutritional goodness is right ethically.
You need a digital police, are believed to cause deep, to understand the cause and effect is not wrong as the ball in. If you believe deeply in the hearts of the causality, though not editing, well formed, because every action, thoughts you cannot not consider natural behavior to follow.
You should tell what this disaster is caused by human wickedness in the past you've sown. The accident as his executioner, wars, floods, disasters, foot, etc. the result was nine. To give you to get. Friendly staff recruiting results. Evidence in the two battles of the world war, the only overseas Chinese in Australia is peace. why? As in the past, they do not create karma. Those who often crashes due to special sensors Chieu, evil career. You are a Buddhist to grips during measurement theory this think hard causation. If you believe your cause and effect depth will not dare murder. If this is kept about not killing all weapons have turned out to be useless.
The first World Buddhist, all non is because everyone wants that life, goodness knows the trade of people, households, free line for himself and people, who also live in peace.
The second world is not theft:
Buddha even needle haywire, the clerk is not retrieved. But they only see the immediate benefits. Do take care do not know enough. The most serious crimes is robbery and abuse of ten increase them. Even the parent's items, counsel for, a clerk should get, if taken well.
If you have such deep causal beliefs violate the motor mảy happier self. Also, such nights sleep need closure.
The third world is not happy ":
Who joined the separatist groups, while people in the home is not adultery. For spouses who should keep the egg upright decency. By Jesica craving that sentient life London hundreds of thousands of lives be affective. Also from the craving that arises to theft, murder. Usually kept about the natural Majesty of non sexual deviant, virtue itself established, family fun draw cards.
The fourth is not lying:
The FIB is often as nominal benefits. Nor is his title credentials lies. This is the crime of great hopes, will be an Endless hell. People learn to be careful. Keep this is the glass and prestige, not for the list for which a list of aromatic character to not gain that blesses himself about.
About Thursday is not to drink alcohol:
Including the non-use of intoxicating substances, or drug addicts as coma position. Traders of all results were reported 500 dead with no hands. It's all about the location of this fuzzy God will do much to defeat resulting from the loss of status, not the commit more crimes that also planted countless human lives of the foolish later on. Therefore, that Buddha prohibited.
If you do not follow these ideas, is expected, then the evil of such enterprises was born. The Regency Center is about. Thanks to the students. Due to hue. You who is clever, evil, such industrial şi yard there. Making yourself happy future conservationists, thanks to the advance, to be at peace and also planted affects others, inspired them to practice.
Thanks to grace, you are required to be in life, health and gender, Tam, the line yourself. An immense Buddha image to zhucheng infinite, although this stems down, you also have a future in the temple.
Hear me preach about Tam qui five precepts, and then you go practice. Think of it, a villages if the hundred families were ten keep five precepts, ten people were at peace. Cent of the goodness life hundred monasteries like funny glasses. If the House according to the French Buddhist austerities houses from life.
A fresh deal is kind of a work goal, off a penalty. Country practice to heal the nation, was then the head of State does not require hard labor foreign interest that still sits in heaven, enjoying the Pacific. So, you hold life in General not the follow the word of Buddha, but also benefit the country. You no what a citizen is not illegal but also contribute virtue maintains the prosperity, peace for the country.
These are the basic conditions required the Buddhist subject, would you please be administrative, not the order of the collective good, let alone gas Buddhist seed was deeper. When the almond WINS complete Samyutta you to sight on the right.
Wishing you from here to there after the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice's mind, every effort, austerities you suicide but also advice people to himself and to the same end. Be the victim of such the yoke. Grain size triangle's life i.e. you do not do evil, always take to heal. While subduing the mind. Is that you've created a GER, the immeasurable certain Buddhist period. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.26/10/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).
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