Culasunnata sutta-the business and economic Mahasunnata-sutta.
The Buddha Hall that does not have any one phenomenon in the universe, as well as in the consciousness of each individual human being can have an independent entity, and longevity. Any one phenomenon would be well nhờvào must arise out of a combination of many causes and conditions, and the lack of a cause or a condition though it is secondary and in combinations, the same phenomena would also be impossible to obtain. This indicates that all phenomena are a unified configuration and does not contain an entity independent from individual at all. The absence of an independent entity and is of phenomena called the inane or emptiness (Sunyata is the Sanskrit and the Pa-li is Sunnata). Discover's Buddha is extremely unique and transcendent, relative to the whole process of the common understanding of people-from spirituality, philosophy to the sciences. Particularly for Buddhism, the application of this concept has played a key role in the practice aims to help people escape from suffering.
According to the historical development of the Buddhist concept of emptiness has always been a key position in the catechism and the countless great erudite Division deployed under all aspects. Theravada schools and some other ancient schools that have now disappeared, the advocates of emptiness-or the nature of "egolessness" — of an individual. Central Hall (Madhyamika) developed the definition of this concept, and that emptiness is the infinite personality of all phenomena, and of course including the "ego" of individuals. The Hall is a path or a ởgiữa position. As for The restaurant, emptiness is not a philosophical concept that is an experience that sense of ultimate entity of all phenomena. Do not rely on a radical revolutionary thinking, not based on an opinion, don't stand in a position to know exactly how to help them adhere to be emptiness. The Hall also raised the concept of two facts: relativity and tuyệtđối. Relative truth or due to artifacts that are the phenomena known as emptiness. Consciousness studies (Cittamatra) is that emptiness of all phenomena is the non-reciprocity between the subject and the object, which means a sựnhận recipe rise above duality personality. Dualistic perception is only one course of the illusion is temporary and only appear inside knowledge of each individual. In other words all the phenomenon identified by the distinction between the subject and the object are just hallucinations. Sects and tribes in Buddhism are formed by relying on measurements work differently, but the theory is based on the vềtánh interpretation is not on here.
In contrast to the teachings of the Buddha through investment in Economic Tripiṭaka shows it short, concise, specific and very pragmatic, non-narrative character weighting of metaphysical philosophy, but not because of poor thếmà deeper. So the Buddha has preached about the emptiness of the trading post?
Culasunnata sutta-trading post two and Mahasunnata-sutta in the Middle of A Function can be seen as the two most important trading post where Buddha was preaching about emptiness. Vietnamese Bible Scriptures call this two is that the minor Does Not Age and experience, but this is not appropriate at all because that is "no" then would also bring "great personality" or "minor". Translation of title Thanassaro two Bikkhu Sutra into English is The Lesser Discourse on Emptiness and The Greater Discourse on Emptiness, if after that, you can call this two songs are "short Trading Post of Emptiness" and "long Article about Emptiness". In addition to the meaning of the word "no" in the term emptiness is also prone to misinterpretation, because this word has two different meanings: the word "no" original Nom means a sựphủ Express, and the word "not" original Han dynasty, means an "inane", do not contain or store anything, and this is the new meaning of the word "no" in the term "emptiness". In the translation of every post of dướiđây there are a few small notes of the translator would be added to help the reader keep track more easily read the original. The notes are presented in italics and placed in two brackets. After the translation of each investment will also have a few comments to explain some of the key points in the capital.
Culasunnata sutta-A-Business
(Post your short on Emptiness)
(based on the French version of the Môhan Wijayaratna and the English of Thanissaro Bikkhu)
I have been listening to it like this:
Once The Seat of the Religious places of dwelling places form Vihara Migâra-Mita at the monastery on the East side of the Property component (the Pubbarama) guard (Sâvathi). After the end of the meditation alone at lunch, a Revered Saudi Ananda (the original is chữAyasmanta, Ananda Ayasmanta can translate the Revered or Respectable position. However should also note that in the Scriptures "primitives" in Pa-li chữAyasmanta is solely used to call the direct disciples of the Buddha) stands up and towards The Creator Sun. When approached, the Venerated Ananda A girl feasts Honoring The Lord and then go back and sit to one side. After an offering, the Venerated Ananda distilled and not A response to the following:
-"White World, once he is located in the town of Nagaraka in the parish of Sakka (Sakka is the Pa-li-, Sanskrit is translated into sound, Sakya the Vietnamese-American, and there is also the name of the family of the Buddha). On occasion and in front of Him I was listening to himself speak up like this: ' this A Ananda, Is always an emptiness in the stay, and at the moment we leave as an intensive stay further away '. The White World, I thought I had heard correctly, and understood so "
What The Crown responded as follows:
-"The right Result like this, A-nan-da, what has been heard is true; what people understand true is like that. Are in at the moment, and is the same as before We had an emptiness in him then as an over stay in emptiness. Just like as the Migâra Vihara built by Matâ empty-no, not an elephant, not a cow which, without a male horse, there is a horse which, no gold not silver, totally inane, not the man or woman who would congregate. The wihan solely non-blank-not about the unique characteristics [of it] collective founded by the Sangha (i.e. title that Sangha used to gọiđấy of the Vihara).
1-feel about the forest
Similarly, A Bhikkhu Ananda, whom pretentious-don't focus on the comments related to the village, does not focus on the perceived relative to humans, [that] focuses on the unique feature set up on the comments related to the forest (Thanissaro does not translate as "the jungle" which was called "the wilderness"-wildernessoriginal in English, this word Pa-li is a forest). The minds of people listening to the feelings of the forest. Thinking of the people he felt like it, based on where he found his salvation in the same realm. Therefore, he also understood that: ' it does not have any concerns that arise due to the feelings of the village. This place does not have any concerns that arise due to the feelings of the people. It only concerns about the unique characteristics of the mind set on the comments related to the forest '. So the ngườiấy will understand that: ' the perception is blank--not about the feelings of the village. Sựnhận formula is empty-not about the feelings of the people. The perception is chỉkhông-drums-not on single properties are set on the comments related to the forest ' (all of the inane and wild-no villages as well as no human being-just be aware "concept" of the forest). Similarly, if no one objects (in the forest), then he or she will also recognize explicitly the absence. If there is a little remnants (résidu/remains), then for the remnant is this person will understand that: "When one has, [then] that there" (there is regulation correlated-interdependence-meaning of phenomena inherent to entice that Yes, there is a phenomenon would present themselves independently, individually and in themselves. Verse trênđây mean if while meditating about the inane of the forest that still feel that something else is more then that is just a natural appeal of the work arises out of it). Is this A Ananda, is the way that people practice the emptiness is true, not misleading, and (though it is still in the preliminary level but there used to be a starting step into true emptiness).
2-feel about the land
"Moreover, this A-nan-da, the Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles do not focus on the perceived relative to humans, don't focus on the comments related to the forest, [that] focuses on the unique feature set up on the comments related to the land. Is this A Ananda, that like a sheet of real cowhide straight stretch with a percentage stake, and stick a bit of grease at all. Also, does A Bhikkhu Ananda pretentious, don't focus on the things that belong to the land, such as Highlands, wetlands, rivers, trees with foliage and rugged ... or the mountains, valleys, etc., [that] focuses on the unique characteristics of the set. The minds of people listening to the contractors felt (felt on land and only see land, don't see where the low seat height, rivers, trees, similar to that of cow skin stress that does not see the cows where, as SCAR and fat cảnhững stick on skin nor did). Thinking of the people he felt like it, based on where he found his salvation in the same realm. So he also understand that: ' this place is not a concern would arise due to the cause of human perception. This place does not have any concerns that arise due to the cause of the forest. It only concerns arises from the unique characteristics of the mind set on the sense of the land ' (just feel the soil, besides does nothing else). Thus, this A-nan-da, is the way that people integrate into true emptiness, no mistakes and pure.
3-the sense of endless space
"Moreover, this A-nan-da, the Bhikkhu does not focus on the pretentious feel about the forest, don't focus on the perceived on Earth, [which] focus only on single properties set on the sense of" timeless space "electoral (sphère de l'espace/infini infinitude of space). The minds of people listening to the comments about "the eternity". The only amendment of the person's feeling like it's based on where he found his salvation in the same realm. Therefore, he also understood that: ' this place is not any concern arising from the comments about Woods. This place does not have any concerns that arise due to the cause of the land. It only concerns arises from the unique characteristics of the mind set on the comments related to '' the endless space "' (that was the only sense an endless space only). Thus, if there is one things does he also know clearly about the absent mặtấy. If there is still some remnants are the remnant, he also understands that: "When the [then] that there". Therefore, this A-nan-da, is the way that people's integration into true emptiness, no mistakes and pure.
4-feel about the space of infinite knowledge
"Moreover, this A-nan-da, the Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles are not focused on the feel of the soil, does not focus on the sense of" the endless space, "[that] focuses only on" atmosphere of endless knowledge "(sphère de conscience infinie/the infinitude of consciousness. Please note the endless space in the section above are way out of outer space. During this period or this rank is way envisioned an immense knowledge of the inner-party meditating).The minds of people listening to the comments about the "atmosphere of endless knowledge". Thinking of the people he felt like it, based on where he found his salvation in the same realm. So, who's going to understand that: ' this place is not the concern arises because the cause of the land. This place doesn't have the concern arises because the cause of the endless space ". It only concerns arising from the unique characteristics of tưduy set up on the comments regarding "atmosphere of endless knowledge". So who's going to understand that the perception is receiver-vacant land for sựcảm. The perception is the drum--not about the sense of ' timeless atmosphere '. The perception is just non-blank-not about the unique feature set up on the comments regarding "atmosphere of endless knowledge". So, if no one objects (occurs in a space of infinite knowledge of that), it's also clearly aware of his absence. If there is still a slight hangover, then for the remnant is this person also understands that: "When one has, [then] that there". This is therefore A Ananda, is how he fit into true emptiness, no mistakes and pure.
5-comments on the possible form of nothingness
"Moreover, this A-nan-da, the Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles do not focus on the sense of" the endless space ", don't focus on the sense of" the space of infinite knowledge, "[that] focuses on the unique feature set up on the comments regarding" form of nothingness "(sphère du néant/dimension of nothingness, the drum does not, the gap does not contain a thứgì at all). She's thinking about deeper into the sense of "form of nothingness". Thinking of the people he felt like it, based on where he found his salvation in the same realm. So, who's going to understand that "it does not concern arises due to the cause of" the infinity space ". This place has no concerns arising from "the endless space". This place doesn't have the concern arises because of the sense of "atmosphere of endless knowledge". It only concerns arises from the unique characteristics of the mind set on the comments regarding "form of nothingness" '. So, who's going to understand that "Sựnhận formula is empty-not about the sense of infinite space" vote ". Sựnhận formula is empty-not about the sense of "atmosphere of endless knowledge". The perception is just non-blank-not about the only characteristic of the sense of "form of nothingness" '. So, if no one objects (shown in thểdạng nothingness that), it's also clearly aware of his absence. If there is still a slight hangover, then for the remnant is this person also understands that: "When one has, [then] that there". Therefore, this A-nan-da, is the way that people into true emptiness, no mistakes and pure.
6-Don't-get-recipient but also the not-to-not-get-get
"Moreover, this A-nan-da, the Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles do not focus on the sense of" the endless knowledge space ", don't focus on the sense of" nothingness "thểdạng, [that] focuses on the unique feature set up on the comments regarding" not-get-no-to-not-feeling-express "(sphère sans perception ni non-perception/dimension of neither perception nor non-perception of inscription in the original texts, the Pa-li's nevasannânâsannâyatana, the sanna-na-sanna in words this means:-no-express). She's thinking about deeper into the sense of "not-get-no-to-not-feeling-express". Thinking of someone's enjoying nơiấy, based on where he found his salvation in the same realm. So, who's going to understand that: ' this place is not the concern arises because of the sense of "atmosphere of endless knowledge". This place doesn't have the concern arises because of the sense of "form of nothingness". It only concerns arising from causes of unique characteristics of tưduy set up on the comments regarding "not-get-no-to-not-feeling-" '. So, who's going to understand that "the perception is the drum--not about the sense of" atmosphere of endless knowledge ". The perception is the drum--not about the sense of "form of nothingness". The perception is just non-blank-no single characteristic of thinking set up on sựcảm get involved "form of not-feeling-no-to-not-feeling-" '. So, if no one objects (shown in that form), he or she shall also recognize explicitly the absence. If there is still a slight hangover, then for the remnant is this person also understands that: "When one has, [then] that there". This is therefore A-lan-da, is the way that he's into true emptiness, no mistakes and pure.
7-form perception mental focus is not intended
"Moreover, this A-nan-da, a practice not to focus on the sense of" form of nothingness ", does not focus on the sense of" not-get-no-to-not-feeling-express ", [which] focus only on single properties set on the comments regarding" form of mental concentration not intent "(mental concentration hand sans indice/theme-less concentration hand/, the Pa-li's animitta-ceto-samâdhi, which means the intention but not directed at anything). She's thinking about deeper into the sense of "form of mental focus was not deliberate". Thinking of the people he felt like it, based on where he found his salvation in the same realm. Dođó, he will understand that: ' If a focused mind, not intent was dĩcó facility is due to many conditions that created it, i.e. jointly with the hexagon (Pentagon and knowledge). So if it is a thểdạng created by thinking; [then] it will also inevitably dissolution '. When he understands this and see this, then thinking [of ngườiấy] and will also eliminate the pollution of the craving sex; thinking [of ngườiấy] will also eliminate ignorance. When would he remove all [things is] the understanding will far out [and he will say the original]: ' That the rescue is like that! '. So he will understand that: ' all exclusion criteria were new, what is done is done, đãđược no longer save anything to be done anymore ' (meaning that đạtđược salvation). He will understand that: ' this place is not any concern arising from the cause of the contamination due to the craving sex. This place does not have any concerns that arise due to the cause of the contamination because of craving is retained and is formed. This place doesn't have the concern arises because the cause of the contamination because of ignorance. It only concerns arising from causes of the six areas of sensory experience (six sphères sensorielles/six/six senses sensory touch areas of spheres: include the Pentagon and knowledge) lệthuộc in this life, on this body. So he also understand that: ' the perception is not blank on everything of pollution called the "craving sex". The perception does not empty on everything from pollution called "the craving is retained and formed". The perception is the drum-not about contamination of sựô called "ignorance". This place, what's not-blank-there are six sensory areas are involved in this life, this body-related. So, if no one objects (out of the body and life of that), then the ngườiấy will also notice her absence was obvious. If there is a slight hangover, then for the remnants, the person will understand that: "When one has, [then] that there" (no relation to the emptiness of existence). This is therefore A Ananda, there are ways in which people's integration into true emptiness, no mistakes and pure.
"This A-nan-da, past ancient truth if the austerities and clergy (i.e. the anuttarayoga practice and Ba-la-Mon) integration and permanent residence in emptiness perfectly pure, unparalleled and paramount, then everyone who was also a resident and integration right out of the emptiness is absolutely pureNonpareil, and paramount. Is this A Ananda, the future is far away later if the the austerities and clergy will integrate and permanent residence in emptiness perfectly pure, unparalleled and paramount, then everyone who's also will integrate and correct permanent in the emptiness perfectly pure, unparalleled and paramount. Is this A Ananda, in the current period if the austerities and clergy are achieved and an emptiness in stay absolutely pure, unparalleled and paramount, then everyone who's also currently integrating and permanent right of the names is not completely pure, unparalleled and Max thượngấy. As such, this A-nan-da, who should be trained by said that: "[when] the names of not entirely pure, unparalleled and Max thượngấy, then I [would] at it" (paragraph above indicates when integrated properly into true emptiness is permanently residing in that format, get rid of the space and time).
What The Religious preaching as above, the revered A Ananda glee and joy of receiving the word of The Lord's teaching Philosophy.
Couple of notes
One of the most prominent economic post on here is not necessarily only emptiness is a philosophical theory that merely is extremely pragmatic and practical, applied directly to the practice in order to bring freedom. So the emptiness can be visualized under three different aspects:
1-the emptiness is a subject of interest or meditation
2-the emptiness is the nature or characteristics of the phenomenon
3-the emptiness is a means of helping people practice attain salvation
Trading post on this inclusive and comprehensive presentation of all three aspects under the form of a direct and practical applications, do not set up a revolutionary metaphysical argument at all. Bikkhu Thanassaro analysis, and this article is split into seven levels or seven different training stages. Buddhadasa Bikkhu in the book "the core of the original Bodhi" also has split practice of emptiness into seven ranks from as low as caođúng with this article. Nonetheless Please note about a small detail of the original trading post in the Middle of A Function is continuous, Thanassaro Bikkhu was divided into seven segments that are only intended to help the reader easily tracked. So also ask her permission to add a few small notes to explain each of the rank of nhưdưới.
1-feel about the wildlife, the Pa-li's arannasanna (aranna means forest, sanna is the comments). In this preliminary ranking the Buddha taught the meditation be envisioned a vast wilderness landscapes and wildlife scenes in it: all are vacant, no one's presence at all in the village as well as in the forest. In the realm that does not have an identity or an existing which can bring concerns and distraction for people who meditate. But that is the sựvắng picture of every human and every things is just represented a form of "illusion" of emptiness, but well enough to let people meditate to find yourself a true salvation in the first ranks of the training process. Should understand that a practice may mistakes đưađến are able to form of deviance of judgment about the emptiness.
2-feel about the land, the Pa-li's pathavisanna (pathavi means Earth). In this teaching experience post ranks it's clear: the meditating figure out his surroundings is chỉtoàn and "delete" everything related to the land, from mountains to trees, from the rivers to the sea. For example, in which the Buddha made in my đểnhấn more powerful objects of this meditation is very typical and understandable: when to see a cow, you just see a real stretch straight by one cent stake, no longer stick a bit of grease at all. In addition to real skin panels straight then the flesh of cows grazing was eliminated out of the consciousness of people who meditate and completely disappear. People meditate to delete everything that the consciousness of expression when looking at the surrounding spectacle, similar to taking a bungle (eraser) removed the pencil strokes on a white sheet of paper on which the operation of solar impulse and Italy in mind, inducing him to paint up there.
Thếnhưng why this ranks higher than the rank of # 1 above. The ranks feel about the real wilderness out under a certain aspect is just a way to fool yourself. There is only one way of "imagine" out in the home, in the village, in the forest, all are not free. In the second rank of people meditate realize external phenomena directly but does not create any other form of expression, similar to when to see the cows, but it's out in front of him just as a real stretch straight no longer stick a bit of grease.
3-the sense of endless space, the Pa-li's akasananacayatana (akasalà of the air, the space, the sky ..., nanaca: nothing at all, the sựcảm yatana: Express). In this level the meditation only felt "a timeless space", that space is empty and calm does not contain and convey anything at all, including the village of inane, wild forest and the vast and flat. Who does an infinite realm of stay and the space is not there ".
The three ranks of just telling people to meditate try to delete the material objects and cụthể, i.e. the phenomenon in the field of General (rupavacara bhumi). Should understand that the space is also a revolutionary component "specific" and "General", not the emptiness. However we can still perceive a rise sequentially and refined in three levels: the first level above is the absence of these objects is specific as to the identity, the village, the forests; the object of the second level is the ground, no longer human, villages, núiđồi, vegetation, rivers at all...; Finally the third ranks, and the object of this hierarchy is the immense space. The vacant space also represents a transition to allow meditation to the objects in the field of non-image-the Prime Minister of the next level after that.
4-the sense of boundless knowledge, Pa-li's vinnanacayatana (vin mean naturally, not creativity or create anything): the way of thinking on the infinite knowledge, not a mental object at all, just feel her knowledge extends in an immense space of the mind. Starting from this level the meditation to a subtle and rather than three levels of trướcđây, the meditation begins to sense the phenomenon of non-image-general means the objects in the field of mental health (arupavacara bhumi/field won the award). When approached with a best Championship fields then the meditation will also no longer perceive the phenomenon in the field of gender identity anymore — i.e. the three first ranks.
5-can feel as nothingness, Pa-li's akincannayatana (akincanna: nothing close to the next): in this form of meditation is no longer perceive his knowledge shines in a timeless space, which just felt an empty space, a space is not absolute. The inane does not a recognizable object is an "entity", such as space or knowledge, which is just a "name", a "specified" (pannatti/designation/appellation) of the consciousness and the consciousness of "imagine" out. The blank space is not infinite and that is not an entity called a space that is only an "indicative" or a "get to know" by knowledge (a mental index). In the empty space that does not contain or store any at all, but simply sympathetic to the inane.
6-Get-get-there-are-getting, the Pa-li's nevasannanasannayatana (sanna-na-sanna: get-get-no-thank-Express): is a form of mind-not-extremely subtle. However the practice is already drawing up or completely suspend the feel. Also understandable because the form does not feel it should always come with a "record" or "get to know" psychosis (a mental index). In other words, whether there was a balance based on a single thought comes again-in this case it is not possible to get-recipient-voila is also a tưduy are operated, are "getting to know" form, i.e. form-receive-not-get-recipient.
7-feel the ultimate emptiness, the Pa-li paramanuttarasunnata (para: something else/another, anuttara: do not exceed is insurpassable: sunnata emptiness,/) can call this pattern "Buddhadasa emptiness paramount nothing beyond", Thanassaro Bhikkhu Wijayaratna Môhan and is called a "mental focus is not intended" (concentration hand sans indice/theme-less concentration hand/nimitto-ceto-samadhi) i.e. focussing the mind is strong but not directed at an audience would at all.
In this type of thinking will empty out all the things and gain an understanding of all things right, in other words, a show that was a reality and that is how to eliminate ignorance. When ignorance has been removed, the operation of the aggregates (sankhara/formation/karmique "", i.e. the formation of Italy, and also known as the created) will also be suspended. The suspension of the aggregates this Wednesday will not give rise to the aggregates Thursday i.e. knowledge (vinnana/consciousness/"Awakening"), so "I" and the "I" will also be there. There is salvation.
Trading post also said that in each of the above process level "thinking of the practice will also feel like it's based on where he found his salvation in sight giớiấy", this indicates that the practice in the early stages of cũngđã inherited the results yielded from his exercise level, such as in the first rank of the envisioned the empty space of the home, of the village and of the forests, then the meditation also have an in the same place to find yourself a certain liberation, though it was just a real kind of illusion of emptiness.
Ởmỗi level who meditate are "the true emptiness, not misleading and purity", this indicates that the emptiness is not a sacred and mysterious things outside the mind practice, that there is only one possible form of consciousness which themselves have to create for himself and the form that includes several different ranks. The highest rank is "the suspension of the operation of sankhara" (aggregates, i.e. the process of expressing the sense of the Pentagon created the formation of Italy, also known as the enterprise creation) "," sựtập's mind is not geared to an intent to do ", as" the ultimate emptiness of nothing beyond ", the "emptiness of emptiness", is "Nirvana".
Sauđây is the transliteration of the long Article about emptiness, this article is a supplement to experience more for economic post on here.
(Long Post about the Emptiness)
I used to hear as thếnày:
There are times He implied That the Religious of the Love-ca (Sakka) in Ca-billion-dollar (Kapilavatthu) in Ni-an-da (Nigrodha). Morning dew boys, who The Sun dressed in KESA's Senate Health, more (warm coat even more outside), custard hug going into the Ca-fin-la-Wai to khất. After searching in the Canadian plant khất-la-hats, dress is completed and returned, the Creator of world religion, bulbous to shelter a people Sakka (the Love-ca) as Kala-khemaka to NAP. Took me many places are already cleaning up available at the refuge of Sakka named Kala-khemaka. Who ThếTôn to see more accommodation was clean. When he saw the place and he's nghỉngơi Religious World Who wonder: "If there is a break like this, then all must be more pretentious places living-spleen are here?"
Meanwhile, the Revered a. Ananda, along with some of the other ticket is pretentious-flag apparel (in the original, the Pa-li's civarakamma: civara is colored, kamma is meant to do or Act) in the House of a man called Sakka Ghata. Until the evening after the thiềnđịnh alone the Religious Position ended His bulbous to Sakka's Ghata is. When to this person, Who The Honor of sitting on a Chair that was in place. After an offering, He asked the Revered A-nan-da like this:
-"There is plenty of accommodation has been available up at home by Sakka as Kala-khemaka. So all are more pretentious places living-spleen is? "
-"White World, rightfully so, there is plenty of accommodation are available up at the home of the Sakka named Kala-khemaka. More vịtỳ-the pretentious there, living being, [because] it's time are right apparel "(following established lower then the Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles often save more for a short time to help each other sew-up before returning to his native).
-"A Ananda, the flag-not pretentious featured tỏra [than others] in the collective lives (i.e. making others pay attention and Inkscape, in original Pa-li is sobhati which means brilliant, radiant, for others to pay attention to yourself. The English and French translation of chữnày is from chapter and called "illumination": briller/shine), don't be looking for collective life pleasures, not seeking to bring attention to themselves in the collective life, if someone's looking for [true] [for her] my happily in the collective lifepleasure, collective life, joy in life. However, this A-nan-da, an unforgettable austerities to only find satisfaction in the collective life, pleasures in life, enjoy life in [equipped]. If [only] for the happily collective life, the enjoyment of life, the collective life, then he will never find easy, there were no obstacles and difficulties, the true pleasure of waiver (i.e. the renunciation), pleasure in the pleasure alone, in peace, enjoyment of the awakening.
"Really, this A Bhikkhu Ananda pretentious people just could not do-know find satisfaction in the collective life, the enjoyment of collective life, the enjoyment of life. [If he only knows] find gratification in the collective life, the enjoyment of life, the collective life, [the people 's] will never integrate and form the Permanent Liberation of consciousness, [even] temporarily and are still entangled in the interest, or permanently and beyond any provocation. However, a Bhikkhu can also not pretentious-alone, separated from the collective, [which] can integrate and residing in the liberation, [even] temporarily and are still entangled in the sựthích, or permanently and beyond any provocation.
"This A-nan-da, we don't imagine any one can change the shape and deform [of it] does not bring worry, blame, painful, woe and despair for a man who only knew her passion for form and looking for excitement in this form.
"Thếnhưng have a safe place to stay [in] that Such Hybrids (Like the hybrid that is Like-Ainsité/Suchness-that is, that the Buddha refers to himself. For Buddhists, a can of Reality is just "like" the subject has always remained like that, it doesn't come from nor where to go at all) have discovered, it's Like a hybrid is not directed at any one theme [think] that only integration and permanent residence in the inner air space. While a permanent nơiấy and across the realm, if there are people who come to visit As a hybrid, though the họlà flag-flag or pretentious-hamstring muscles, the secular, the man or woman who is, as chaplain, is the Prince of the Mandarin family, is the cult leader and his followers, đệcủa them, then the consciousness of the Tathāgata [always] Guide to the solitary, expand on the solitary, receiving his alone, look to the solitary, enjoy waiver (renunciation of lifestyle), and after having removed the product features (basic qualities) aroused the mental agitation, then Such index conversing with them about what is needed and to order them to report from.
"Therefore, this A-nan-da, if a Bhikkhu-expecting the pretentious: ' please let me be inclusive and safe residence in the inner drum of, ' who has to guide his consciousness into the mind, and it remained where he, the nơiấy, the true focus steadily on where thing. So how does a Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles can achieve a conscious mind know pointed at it, and it remained where he, the nơiấy, the true focus steadily on it? There is the case of the Bhikkhu-kheođã remove the craving sex, removed the PC products have not been perfect (unskillful qualities)-to integrate and often found in the ranks of meditation-na (jhana). .. in the rank of meditation-na Sunday ... Sunday ... Sunday: [that is] able to pure form of the serene and awakenot-like-there are also not-line-pain. Here is how a Bhikkhu-kheođạt is a mind balance [in the inane] of introspective, remained on it, in the same place, concentrate on where thing.
"Who's the sựtrống don't mind. Once the vacancy is not inside the mind of the person does not feel the excitement, the heaven, [which] promote truth and enjoy the inane thing in mind. That's the way these people gain the right formula at the time.
"Ngườiấy in the emptiness of the outside ... (i.e. the drums do not belong outside the mind: e.g. the wilderness of a forest, for example)
"Ngườiấy in the emptiness of the inside and the outside. (inside that is inside the mind: e.g. "atmosphere of endless knowledge" of the party in mind, for example)
"Ngườiấy the form promoted by no agitation. When did the thểdạng balance no agitation the mind he won't feel sựthích, satisfaction, [which] promote truth and steadfastness to a degree not agitation. If so, then this person will understand that: ' When tôiđã the balance not agitation is the conscious mind doesn't feel fun, satisfaction, [which] promote yourself and enjoy either a balance not agitation is. ' That's the way these people gain the right formula at the time.
"Who's the emptiness outside.
"Who's the emptiness inside and outside ...
"Who's the soul can not balance format. Once the form promoted by no agitation the mind he will not feel the excitement, satisfaction, [which] promote yourself and enjoy either a balance not agitation. In this case, he or she will understand that: ' When I'm in the balance no agitation, the mind does not feel the excitement, the heaven, [which] promote yourself and enjoy either a balance not agitation is. ' Here is how he gained the right formula at the time.
"If the people will keep the mind truth steadily in form is based on the same form and focus on topics of interest (which helps to make the emptiness).
"Who's the inner emptiness. When was the emptiness of the mind, the mind of the man who's going to feel like, find the heaven, promote yourself and enjoy the same emptiness of mind. If so, then he will understand that: ' When I integrate into the inner emptiness of mind I will feel the excitement, the satisfied, upholding truth and enjoy the inane's introspective '. Here is how he achieved the correct form sựtỉnh at the time.
"Who's the emptiness outside.
"Ngườiấy the emptiness inside and outside ...
"Who's the sựthăng with no agitation. While the balance is not agitation, her mind felt like it, find the heaven, promote yourself and enjoy either a balance not agitation. If nhưthế is true then he will understand that: ' while I doesn't balance the soul's consciousness, I feel like it, find the heaven, promote yourself and enjoy either a balance not agitation is. ' Here's how he achieved the right formula at the time.
"While an in form and through the form, if the consciousness of the Bhikkhu-pretentious to think [in] that he would like to go back and forth or step up to, then he [will] go back or jump to, and will understand that: ' while I'm stepping, no craving (covetousness) ticket, sad, or one as yet imperfect would invade retrieved me. ' Here is how he gained the right formula at the time.
"While an in form and through the form, if the consciousness of ngườiấy think you'd stand ... sitting ... or lie, then he [will] stand, sit or lie, [and in the conscious mind would think]: ' while I'm lying, no craving, anxiety, or one as yet imperfect would invade retrieved me. ' Here is how he gained the right formula at the time.
"While an in form and through the form, if the consciousness of ngườiấy think you want to say, then he or she will determine the most: ' I decided do not say what vile, bullshit, ti, trivial, not yield, sựtỉnh not routed to the love, not the suspension of the, the serenity, the understanding, the awakening and Liberation-such nhưkhông one comment about the stories concerning the King, the Prince of thieves, government officials, the military, the war, the story is awesome, the food, drink, clothing, furniture, bedding, jewelry, fragrance, seductive body, vehicles, villages, cities, and Ang, woman, heroes, the three-story addition to floral Street (the center of conversation or "hard talk") in the place of discreet, the fabricated stories related to the death, or at least every other spin thứchuyện, the story of the creation of the world, the ocean, discuss things with or without existence '. Here is how he gained the thứcđúng at the time.
"Thếnhưng [the decision]: ' I only speak the words carefully in order to promote understanding, bring the food poisoning, routed the Bliss, bring back the suspended, sựthanh, consulates see directly, the awakening and Liberation-such as the humble, the heaven, the solitary, the right truth, promote persistence, ethics, respect, wisdom, let go of the discharge, wisdom, enlightenment and salvation '. Is the way that he achieved awakening right at the time.
"While residing in the same form and through the form, if the consciousness of the people think you want to think, then he or she will determine: ' I decided what nghĩnhững no vile, bullshit, trivial, ti, no sựtỉnh food poisoning, routed the Mexican plum, bringing back the suspended, the serenity, the Consulate to see directly, the awakening and Liberation-such as not thinking vềnhững Wed sex obsessions, the morbid thought, the cruel intentions '. Here is how he gained the right formula at the time.
"But [the decision]: ' I was just thinking about what noble, Excel (onward-leading), directly bring a calm to the people around you-such as thinking about the disclaimer, on the healthy minds, the innocent mind. Here is how he gained the right formula at the time.
"This A Ananda, there are five bond bondage for sex. So, he lashing out? That is: the Prime Minister shall know by the eye-like, charming, cheerful, seductive, desirable, sexy. The sound noticeable by ear ... The smell was recognizable by the nose ... Vịnhận tell the tongue .... Sense of va chạmnhận know by the body. That was the year the sex lashing the Bhikkhu must be wary often pretentious: ' at any time or only in a few cases occur, I recognize that in lashing out at her sex [really] have shown in me? '. After consideration and if a Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles found that: ' in this context or circumstance, I recognize in that sex lashing [really] have shown in me '. If so, then he will understand that: ' The passionate-love and crave-wanted (desir-passion) on five bond sex still in chưađược I '. Is the way that he achieved awakening right at him (realize in computer education bond are governed themselves also have an awakening, because there are times of grief and suffering but not even the sense of đượcđấy is due to the effects of years of sexual lashing caused).
"There are five things your cooperation profiles the cling-dwell (skandha) that a Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles must be active and keep track of the arise and vanish [of them]: ' such as the Prime Minister (forms/SAC), causes arising out of them, and their dissolution. Such feeling (feeling/passive) ... Such as sựnhận (perception/idea) ... For example, the creation (fabrications/) ... Such knowledge (consciousness/awareness). Such causes arising out of them, the dissolution of them '. If active and track the rise and vanish in the second case structuring of dwell-time-tracking, then the Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles will eliminate thoughts for that year's profile-sựbám-dwell time "is me". If so, then he will understand that: ' I removed every religious order in mind and not get that first year's profile-sựbám-dwell "the truth is that I am '. Here is how he gained the thứcđúng at the time.
"This A-nan-da, the count's (see anatta personality of the five aggregates) are extremely good, fine, noble, supernatural, where the villains are evil (Evil One) could not be reached.
"This A-nan-da, at the discretion of the person, for the purposes thereof, a disciple ought to step in as teachers, despite all the abuse.
"White World, for us the teachings derived from His Religious Position, He was the conductor, who was arbitration. So better off asking Who The Religious explain for the question. After hearing What The Religious interpretation, then the Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles will keep in mind the meaning of the thing ".
"This A Ananda, the result is not good for the Sami alignment on a teachers for lectures, listening to the shelf (in the original article, this shows that during the period when the Buddha is in the result, the lectures have also been converted into shelves or poetry to easy to learn and easy to remember) and the Catechism. Why is it like that? Is this A Ananda, long now people have been listening to the teachings, once remembered, discussed, and judge the teachings is by his intelligence, and also have them evacuate the teachings is based on our own views. Thếnhưng when it comes to [the article 's] will be conservative, must necessarily bring the awakening, enlightenment and Liberation – such as talking up modest, the heaven, solitary lifestyle, the right truth, encouraging perseverance, morality, concentration, discernment, let go of the discharge, wisdom, enlightenment and Liberation: the wish to be heard the same words that the disciple should step in mentor and bind with a mentor, although subjected to any abuse.
"[Thếnhưng] then [also] the party turned to the teacher, the hủhóa to the disciples, the party for the moral life.
"So the teacher's style mean? There are cases where the teacher chooses a secluded lifestyle: a wilderness, the shade tree, a mountain, an alley, a cave, a hill-side, a graveyard, a deep forest, a place, or mộtđống. When she lived in the President's box, then from the Prince of the urban and rural, would be a Brahmin subject (the most senior of the four social classes, the clergy, the nobility, educated ...), the family (the secular) to pull together. When these people came to visit the mentor will be attracted by things that make her intoxicated, fell into the covet wealth, like back to lifestyle. It called a teachers and problems on the teacher's style. The master could no longer resist the evil, and computer products has not been perfect (unkillful qualities) will reveal, continued to lead to the formation, bringing all of the sorrow, misery, brought to the rebirth, old and death. Is the style of a teacher.
"The view of the đệtử? The disciples of the master is to imitate his master choose a reclusive lifestyle: a wilderness, a. .. When a disciple living in her chair, then from the urban and rural location, yet is the Brahmin, the families pulled together to visit. When these people come to visit, the disciple will be attracted by things that make her intoxicated, fell into the sựthèm wanted to reform, like back to lifestyle. There is a third tửvướng with the Party of the disciple. [Disciple] is no longer sexual lạiđược the evil, and computer products not yet perfectly will reveal, continued to lead to the formation, bringing all of the sorrow, misery, brought to the rebirth, old and death. It is the view of a disciple.
"The view of a person with a life of blissful relief? A Hybrid Who appeared in the world, worthy and enlightened, full of understanding and morals, all difficult, seeing the world in a correct way, it is A Guide to help those who desire to be converted, is a Master of both human nature and the human beingwas the Enlightenment, as The Sun. A's picked a secluded life: a wilderness, a tree, a nọn, an alley, a cave, a triềnđồi, a graveyard, a deep forest, a place, or a pile of straw. When he lived in her chair, then from it to a rural location, yet her Brahmin, those families to pull together. When these people came to visit he was never fascinated by things that are thểlàm for their intoxicated, do not fall into the covet wealth, not the back. [But] a disciple of him posing her lifestyle of the Teachers themselves, pick yourself a hide: a wilderness, a tree, a mountain, or a pile of straw. When he lived in her chair, from urban and rural location, yet is the Brahmin, who is married to. When these people come to visit, the disciples were attracted by things that make her intoxicated, fell into the sựthèm wanted to reform, like back to lifestyle. There is a person with a life of blissful relief problems in the view of those who are living happy Director. He could no longer resist the evil, and computer products not yet perfectly will reveal, continued to lead to the formation, bringing all of the sorrow, misery, brought to the rebirth, old and death. It is the view of a person with a life of blissful relief.
"This A-nan-da, on that aspect, then the Party of a man who has directed more and more happy life brings suffering and bitterness, more heavily both in the style of a teacher's or a disciple. The party which will cause him to lose all.
"Therefore, this-A-nan-da, please come to Like in love, not to fight with stock (in opposition/oppose, no doubt), there is a way to bring fresh sựan happy and in his lifetime.
"So the disciples to the teacher by profanity and lack of friendship sẽnhư? There are cases when the master preach Dhamma (Dharma) for the disciples to love affection and sympathy, desire for the well-being of all disciples: ' this is well-being and happy blessings for the disciples '. [Thếnhưng] and disciples is hovering is not listening, not radial to the enlightenment. If only interested in what's next then of course they will go out to the outside the instruction of the teacher. Here is how the disciple to the teacher as the rebels, not by the owners.
"So the disciples to the teacher with the friendship and not against profanity will be like? There are cases when the master preach Dhamma (Dharma) for all disciples of love affection and sympathy, desire for the well-being of all disciples: ' this is well-being and happy blessings for the disciples '. The disciples then listen headphones and afferent to the enlightenment. Thanks to not look at what the next so they will not go out beyond the teachings of the master. Here is how the person came to the disciples as mentor, not the stock.
"Therefore, this A-nan-da, please come to Like in love, not to fight with stock. Here's how to bring yourself to well-being and lasting happiness.
"We do not welcome the superficial way like the pottery water massage bằngđất items while crafting. Rebuke and rebuke, I will also say to the quởtrách. Over and over, I will also say to the end. Most of what is essential and the value will not be everlasting. "
What The Religious preaching like that. The Reverence A Ananda are Inkscape and welcomes the World's Religious teaching of Christ.
Couple of notes
In this article first of all the Buddha giving the tips help austerities, though they are the tỳkheo, the teachers or the Sami, understands that he must behave like thếnào in the collective life, or in foreclosure on her home in order to create the conditions conducive to the practice. The advice is quite simple and easy to understand. The Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles if you want to find your happily and joyfully in a collective way i.e. in the Sangha, are not yet proved the brilliance and dominance than others. Thếnhưng in that way the Bhikkhu-not pretentious just know thinking of facilities, the first pleasures that must look beyond, are thinking of cultivation and liberation.
In the event that a Bhikkhu or pretentious-teacher, or the disciples must choose for themselves a she tịchđể practice, have to understand that if there are people who will look to world khôngđược to "is attracted to things that can make her intoxicated, and made his party". Today, the Buddhist temple, then to watch here is an occasion to pay homage to the Buddha and lettered for the glass to come close to the schools of Buddhism, and should not see that nhưmột obliged to donation and has served teachers, because there is only a sựmua ransom can make teachers suffer Xu. About the part where the monasteries were not to see the Buddhist temple to have carried a 24-or not, and especially should not look them over any Prime Minister would, though they are nữhay males are also just see they are similar to the "broken skin it straight by one cent stake, no longer stick a bit of lard ", though there is belly fat or hip fat.
Other than the obvious dịvà comment on this post stating the business to the point it's hard to tell, and immensely profound, such as the following:
"But there is a place where an [in] that Such Hybrids were temperamental, it's Like a hybrid is not directed at any one theme [think] that only integration and permanent residence in the inner air space. While a permanent place and across the realm, if there are people who come to visit As a hybrid, though they are pretentious or pretentious-spleen-spleen-ni, who is secular, are men or women, is the chaplain, is the Prince of the Mandarin family, is the cult leader and his followers, the consciousness of the Tathāgata [always] Guide to the solitarymởrộng, on the solitary, receiving his alone, look to the lonely, the từbỏ, and after having removed the base products aroused the mental agitation, then Such index conversing with them about what it is you need and order họcáo from ".
This sentence shows that the Buddha is residing in the emptiness, and the emptiness is not a realm, a place of nothingness does not contain anything that is a form of mind flooded with peace, calm and the sensations inside His mind. If that's not a paralysis or empty of consciousness, but rather a form of sensitive and responsive and proactive it's sensory experience, an extraordinary concentration of attentiveness always expand into reality, giving the Buddha continues to visit people and preaching to them to listen to "what vềnhững really necessary and let them report order from ".
The others are in practice can be achieved only if a proper upon awakening the moment they reach the emptiness beneath the form is not perfect ", particularly for the Buddha, able to form" ultimate emptiness nothing beyond being "is always a possible form of longevitythe current, often in His mind, and he also has to speak in the first trading post (Culasunnata-sutta) on it when A disciple Ananda asks Him that there should be before Him had an emptiness in time or not:
-"White World Religion, there are times he is in Nagaraka town in the of Sakka. On occasion and in front of Him I was listening to himself speak up like this: ' this A Ananda, Is always an emptiness in the stay, and at the moment we leave as an intensive stay further away '. The white ThếTôn, I think I have heard correctly, and understood properly? "
What The Crown responded as follows:
-"This A proper, nhưthế Ananda, what has been heard is true; what people understand true is like that. Are in at the moment, and the same nhưtrước here We have an emptiness today, found in him as an over stay in emptiness ".
It's not that He just started an in emptiness from when he lived in the town of Nagaraka in the of Sakka, which he could then form the security market since Ngàiđạt is Enlightenment after a night of meditation where the forest-long-Tan-speaker in his youth.After gaining His form, he also wondered, "but people often have sufficient intelligence to understand the same emptiness?".
But ask like that but He also was determined to find ways to pass on the unique experience and unparalleled is for all sentient beings. He set Up Islamic Group, France, choose a pure lifestyle as a mirror for the disciples, have sacrificed human lives and make use of to bring well-being to each of them. Until one day, the exhausted and He had to lie down on the grass and dry leaves on the ground between a tree Sha-la in a forest, to integrate permanently into the form of the "ultimate emptiness nothing beyond" that He had discovered in his own mind, forty-five years ago.
Also in the post of trênđây Buddha also told A Ananda a sentence which we must always bear in mind: "this A-nan-da come to Like in love, not to fight with stock. Here's how to bring yourself to well-being and lasting Bliss ". It's in all of the Buddhist scriptures do not have a sentence or a paragraph would the Buddha called the disciples have to honor him as a Saint, or a character holding a supreme authority, that He is just calling A Ananda come to Him like a friend sincerely. Most of us today to put the Buddha in a position of high standing outside his consciousness in order to worship, begging and pleas, instead of expanding their hearts with the Buddha in the endless space of the "ultimate emptiness nothing beyond" that Buddha was discovered and was passed down to all of us today.
The Buddha's last words in the Bible also tells us to always remember:
"[This A-nan-da], does not meet and greet people in a superficial water massage nhưngười ceramic craftsmen goods by land also are crafting. Rebuke and rebuke, I will also say to the rebuke. Over and over, I will also say to the end. Much of what value will mãiđược and longevity ".
The Buddha does not come to us superficial as the pottery water jar reaches lowland massage are crafting to make them smooth and glossy. So if today we act contrary to the words and fervently that the Buddha has advice then we hear his ear the words of rebuke Him or not? If we only knew run according to what fits you and illusion, we hear, He rushed back to lick we take what's essential and values or not?END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.30/10/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA=3 TIMES .
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