Monday 29 October 2012

The Buddha directed by Tibetan teachings.
Buddha is not a God, a prophet or an Angel. He is just a normal human but was due to the attempt to open themselves, which opened its own potential and directly aware of the true nature of reality.
More than five hundred years before Christ on the night of the first full moon of the month Vesakha according to India, Mr. Siddhartha Gautama sat folded in under the old established under a bodhi tree on the banks of the River Niranjana in India, a place noted the Bodhgaya. Swear not to get up until you see the path which He still craves for, Siddhartha on deep in a State of meditation. When night came, He increasingly deeper into the nature of reality until at last, he has the achievements acknowledged around the radically and directly about the truth. When the morning star has just sprouted on the East, the more enlightened has been completely and fullness that is unshakable. Siddhartha became the Buddha, from Sanskrit as Buddha, which means enlightened one whole person. We should also know that Tibetans call him as Shakyamuni, the name means ' Holy steps of the Shakya '.
Buddha is not a God, a prophet or an Angel. He is just a normal human but was due to the attempt to open themselves, which opened its own potential and directly aware of the true nature of reality.
All existing Buddhist traditions is to experience and share the profound realization that with everyone.
Despite the success of the Buddha only takes place during one night, spiritual struggle to attain that purpose has undergone many years of strenuous effort. Buddhists believe that not only in life, but also in countless lifetimes before then, the Buddha has prepared the basis for profound look through his word of reality. The Tibetan tradition has it that in countless lives ago, a forerunner of the Buddha was born in a cow's body in hell and double winner to pull a car. He felt pity for the weak cows were won with his mother told Alan ruled the Dama that he willingly pulls the chariot alone. An angry Alan kill him by a Trident; right at the time, the sense of Him being driven by data from has reborn into the pool T the t. There, He continued to accumulate merit over countless lives.
The book explained Him Siddhartha left the Crown Prince and ascetic life. However, He saw the suffering is not the proper way to then take on the globe's own truth.

Quote 2:
Despite the abandonment of the asceticism may seem like a defeat, in fact it was a great victory of Siddhartha. He has overcome the very human inclination is always looking for ways to deny that he had confusion. Siddhartha did let go of all that has been achieved in the process of asceticism, except that he was prepared to map out their own paths of desire go to demand the truth. He didn't mention anything to lose all his disciple, he is also not afraid to start again from the beginning, instead, He confessed he was confused, and continue the queries of his own.
Finally, after years of revolutionary dreams and portents in the night got food, Siddhartha sat under a tree in Bodhgaya and spent a night in meditation. He plays will make a final attempt and vowed not to leave the place until his bridge access to the achievements of the enlightenment. The art of Tibet describe moments with her undergraduate class about the Buddha sitting on a pile of grass busa just below the stem of an active sacred old fig trees which later called the Bodhi tree or tree of enlightenment. Around Him in the direction of thousands of demons out the flames filled the same threat to the bizarre comedy. The General archery, a demon, or smash the mountains. Legend has it that the Buddha Sakyamuni was faced with the Devil (a Buddhist term that personified the impermanence and death, often referred to as demons) together with the troops of the enemy. Devil hot example Buddha with the hope he will abandon his visit his bridge.
It is a symbol of the difficulty that any individual will encounter on the path to enlightenment. The temptation is a symbol of fear, doubt, and the desire to come back to the worldly pursuits and pleasures. But the Buddha was not attentive to the slideshows ma; and, considering all the just the illusion of magic, he is not being fearless army of ghosts. Undergraduate artist coming into the Buddha's accumulation of sufficient merit and power to win every temptation. When the arrows, and fire arrows, touch is his aura, they instantly turn into flowers and fall due described down to the ground. The Buddha continues to be meditation. Now Ma United changed tactics and tried fondling Buddha. Devil summons a flock of female drug ordered them to dance the dances very sexually suggestive. But Buddha remained in meditation: not a what could persuade Him to leave the selected path. Finally, the United Buddhist acceptance officers alone under a tree.
The temptation for the Buddha
Many articles recount this story; tell the devil tries to seduce the Buddha assumed his duties as Crown Prince, the Buddha defeated the army of ghosts and make them scared with red bayonet; We are reading the legend about Him put his hands down to Earth Prithivi land called up to testify for him. Yamantaka traditions of Tibet that He has won the Macau military by appearing in the black half red half Yamantaka; There are also other Tibetan articles tell the story that the Buddha himself the humiliation left by the River Niranjana then there France into the pool Akanisha, in which He entered the mahamudra of the diamond. Obviously, the story is the mystical way in order to demonstrate what had happened. The truth is that Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree alone and there is no one saw what was really going on. The story, as well as the story of Jesus being tempted at the Summit, only the symbol represents the floor of the enlightenment and the obstacles that anyone will have the day to myself.
Siddhartha attains enlightenment
Forty-nine day after listed meditation, Siddhartha has reached enlightenment in the end as a result of the Crown Prince to asceticism became the Buddha-The Sun. The perception of the Buddha Sakyamuni on the ultimate truth of the absolute reality that opening according to the steps like a blossoming Lotus đóa gradually each layer. The first tier is a kind of abstract NET security and let go, in which practitioners found it amusing and peaceful yet just the common sense Disclaimer (Ly being loving). In the next tier, the Buddha Sakyamuni becoming no longer entangled with the fluctuations of the mind and thoughts are turning to progress into a State of peace and deeper Rapture (To sanh loving). In the third step, He reached a delight even more clear (Glass magic tells us) until He entered the ranks of the fourth and last tier of consciousness, in which joy also faded, leaving only a mind extremely peaceful and clear that can directly perceive the reality (discharge of pure concepts).
The four floors of this conscious opening to the Buddha Sakyamuni are aware of the unconscious level. The level of awareness that occurs in a soup (from 6 hours to 10 p.m.) when He naturally recalled all the lives of the past, something that the Buddhists called Off the network. He recalled the tens of thousands of these past lives as lived together all those lifetimes is to detail. Everyone has the same detailed memories but congestion somewhere in his mind. We can witness the person being hypnotized recount the life of h.. sometimes they outlined the events that we can verify through the recognition of the public. Again, when I'm kneeling at the foot of his teachers, he Sai Baba, India, I have seen my past life glide past like a roll of film turned quickly. The truth is that everyone can reach the State of the zone that the Buddha Sakyamuni as well as the situation to him and he has revealed to us. The Buddha Sakyamuni was just a man. Some Buddhists said a few of his past is told in the story of the classic generation Jataka Pali. Sakyamuni the Buddha of this era, the Kali Yuga (era of decadence in the classics She Brahmin); before He had the Buddha Nature (Dipankara Buddha); and graduate the next era of enlightenment was Buddha Maitreya (Maitreya Buddha). The situation when reached the enlightenment then moved out of the samsara and do not need to regenerate. However, the Buddha Sakyamuni has decided to return to the live stream to teach mankind about Buddhist truths, such as the rescue Course Sign was once such a decision; as well as the Buddha Maitreya will decide in the coming century.
Happy Buddha's words
The Buddha Sakyamuni full from the mind when He saw the beings are bound within the rollover mortal never stops. When it is night in the broth (from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. the next day), he has reached a profound awareness throughout, is the Buddhist called Providence. The capacity to feel and the notice of his transcendent expands to the point that He saw said directly about all dimensions and worlds exist. He saw not only the world of mankind with these beings in human sex, heaven and hell that He did see all these worlds A-tu-la ngạ, demons, animals being. In all the worlds, He sees all beings naturally caused suffering for himself by his own acts. Christians are also aware of the convergence in the teachings of Jesus, "Who planted what they reap nấy".
In Buddhism, the law of cause and effect is called. Career balance laws are explained in the text of Hinduism. In the operation of the rule of law, by thought and action, each of them all is the molding for parts of our own. Any action that people put into motion are also in response to that as the starting point of action is like a cycle of events. It was the ultimate Justice and the career of a person going by that person from the past to the other realm until paid or have been converted to the conscious mind. The Buddha Sakyamuni clearly the eternal law is exposed and felt pity for all beings to be floating forever in the process she meandered without knowing why and not know how to escape.
To align three (from 2 hours to 6 a.m.), the Buddha Sakyamuni reached the absolute awareness and enlightenment. For him, the industry has lost its audience, because it is the same as the absolute law. The enlightenment that He said proved unable to speak because of that language which is beyond language, pictures, or even thought. France may know, but never fully expressed, even by the Buddha himself. enlightenment including a perfect peace, joyfulness and a clear understanding not be unshakable once you get the experience of absolute truth. It is an infinite joy, peace and kindness from infinite.
The moment completely pierced the ignorance coincided with the moment the sun rises at around 6 am. Siddhartha defeated all the lưc of the devil, who saw through the fall full of illusions and have a clean kill any in mind. The fighting has completely finished; He got to know the ultimate peace, forever; like the Sun He has seen are sprouting on the horizon in the morning, He was fully awake from the dark night of the soul. Not only glimpses of truth, he has actually become a truth. Now He is a Buddhist.
What is enlightenment?
The enlightenment was the most pronounced describes as a current status rather than a profound perception into a can. From the perspective of wisdom, which is keenly aware of the past directly about the nature of reality and truth. That is not an understanding that intellectual personality which is entered as a truth. With the Enlightenment, took out the liberation from ignorance, anxiety, sadness, and all unhappiness. And, can be regarded as a reward, we experience an outstanding State of pure existence. This State is a real possibility for anyone who has been sinhra in the body. Known as the "free spirit", Buddhists of all political systems are all go for the same purpose. Buddhists call the State can not describe it, beyond the present and not present, where every craving, the ignorance, misery were eradicated, is Nirvana. This status can be achieved both in this life and the afterlife.
From Nirvana are literally off the rest, symbolizing the fire involved, and si had been extinguished. First of all, the nirvana is the end, is the end of the cycle of reincarnation and is the ultimate of all suffering. This concept is difficult for Westerners to grasp, because initially, it seems like the destruction of all of what we considered to be precious. That seems to say that we destroy so we exit grieve; guys who are committed suicide in action with the selfish one.
The things that the Buddha Sakyamuni described as mystical experience that the human species has been described at all times and in all cultures. For example, the Greek philosopher Plato Plotinus the u district had experienced a consolidation of his soul to God. He taught that all things are possible that everything is one. Many western philosophers have argued that what we call "I" is not the "true", and at the moment, we can get a glimpse of the great "I am". Some of the mysticism known as infinite, self, or the universe is divine or cosmic soul. But the idea is similar to the view of Sakyamuni Buddha can be found in the philosophy of Descartes, Spinoza, Locke, Berkeley, Kant and Kierkegaard. In particular, the great achievement of Schopenhauer (1788-1860) is in the perception of the intrinsic dignity of the human conscience for which he is standing on the spirit, and is the source of all things, a truth to be discovered by Arthur Schopenhauer. Likewise, Christian Angelus Silesius (1624-1677) compared the merging with the endlessly as a drop of water to become one with the ocean, "Every drop of water into the sea as it flows to the sea, exactly as in the end the sublimation and became God".
The literary description of the Buddha
The epic Asian light by Edwin Arnold to present the life of the Buddha as is understood by the Buddhists, also described the same way under the same Act:
On Nirvana, he's the one life.
But at the same time he does not live.
That's weird, He is constantly available.
Om mani padme hum,!
Drops of dew mai slid into the sea Kami!

Similarly, the Scriptures of the Hindu Upanishads describe Judge (ego), is regarded as a sacred reality of human existence, one above and outside the body, the mind, and. The quintessential component that can integrate with Brahman (Great Falls, or Supreme cosmic spirit), is the result of self awareness or equivalent to the enlightenment of the Buddha Sakyamuni. The current Hindu Saints, Sai Baba, said, "people that always was as selfless, won the desire and interests of their own, destroy all the gas and the barbaric impulses as well as give up the natural orientation regarded the body as egowho's clearly are on the path of Dhamma. He said that the objective of France is the inclusion of the waves on the sea, the integration of the ego into the super ego"( Dharma Vahini, page 4) and,"we're just the shadow of Supreme consciousness, and basically, we're not as an individual, which is the Supreme consciousness's".
Such ideas are always located in the center of Oriental mysticism and Buddhism can be very difficult for Westerners to grasp. In Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, learning that emphasizes the integration of him is the integration with a God from man. Although God is present in the heaven and in the human soul, He also transcend the world. However in the Oriental religions, have insisted that the mystical experience is a full merger with the divine. Buddhism does not believe in a divine Creator, but as we can see, the truth that the Buddha Sakyamuni is revealed to us, in essence, is the same with what is at the core of most of the religion and philosophy. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.30/10/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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