So before entering, the Buddha has recommended several times on the issue of Canon law. Buddha:
"Having no period, please take the precepts as the master".
The Buddha has showed us the importance of Muslim rule in the tu and gain relief. The oil we can understand the tenets of Buddhism, but bring it to apply in their daily lives to be legs as two different things. Today, people want it restored much of that space to achieve good results, very rare. In why? The answer is simply desire life did they blindly but forget about the law. Indeed, the Canon law of the Buddhism is a guideline to help us from being lost, astray. Once you know the precepts that deliberately violate it all looks well practiced, including sea river flows only. That means that the wife must keep precepts, which both the United States--slapped must also follow. So in Divine Expectation that says: "like the sun shining world Hold precious, like the Board, the Bo-slaps were maintained about purity which the Chief sensations".
So what is maintained?
Citadel is holding tight, also About the commandments, commandments. This is the rule that the Buddha has set out to instruct his disciples go into the primary path.
So who are the precepts?
Depending on the basic of them born and also by the austerities, the Buddha has devised many precepts so they follow that order. The maintenance is divided into three levels: the householder, the monks and the Bo-slapping sex.
About householder: the people who have made, also called an upasaka at the then just follow five precepts is enough.
According to Confucianism, has three diamonds, five are often left the Buddhism has three rules, the five precepts. Religious Scholars are not able to Lucy diamonds that go five. Also the Buddhist cannot only three life rules that do not maintain active.
That includes the five precepts?
1) not kill: the Buddha sentient beings are not killing anyone, from humans to animals. This is heavy. Why is that? You try to envision when a thrust the blade to the neck of a cow to thọt blood. As a response, it's Dragons and the dụa and tried to fight with the Death Eaters to cling live. The photo the other spooky how can delete in your sleep. When killing an animal like you yourself have made a career of evil. And evil factors lead us to go up and go down to thẩn, wandering in samsara. To kill an animal to which to defend themselves or unintentionally, the result is a lighter rather than killing a Dragonfly that with spiteful is killed it for fun.
2) not heist: heist coercive are took over the property of others. When we received the assets of others then we can temporary be raptured. But the other guys are suffering because they are "money is the lifeblood". When the other guy's talent heist, they are going to suffer so we have created career more then evil. That's not to mention the immediate result was the prison visit, the future dark. If you want to nurture compassion Center given we are not thinking of this one.
3) was not adultery: adultery is to say to the lewd or illegal market. When the couple had a decent wedding, then called the Chief Justice. In addition all the sneaky, the Wal is illegal. Often people have no adultery is always mindful of them also think praise misdeed of playing by your own reply. Who wants to be here, then we have to stay away from the bad disabilities and try to cultivate in order to remove the bad thoughts that go. In addition, we have to remove all the illegal images in minds as well as the temptation in their lives. Adultery, the mind defilements which is not to mention the melt down, crushed into the prison to visit.
4) not be disappointed: Hope as a lie, say spin, said two-way tongue and say. Philosophy of Buddhism is to respect the truth. Once the lie is that we have taken the selfish crush evil, to hurt people for pleasing his dark desire. That was a lie, then later left who believes himself anymore. By the neck that sentence: "any faithless People up". But as for the words that hurt people, we've created a career of evil any more. That's not to mention "evil bred evil report".
5) not drinking: Wine yeast yeast quality is the quality that made people say. When we cultivate the Buddha that he wanted to eradicate the pollution to rise to intellectual property rights. Drinking alcohol does make us say, that once was drunk, the brainchild of ours was eclipsed and the more physical illness. Worse is when you say then we can do any thing tầy it would also be. Such killings, saying power abuse, accidents while driving, don't be stifled human evil and create that yourself or did not know.
This year the industry influence, so badly for our samsara. The holder is the perfect city, by keeping the full example in greater London hể downs in past fallen trunk all the loss, half hard again.
So what business do to create an enterprise with the devil?
Buddha: "What they eat in the intensive, for example, the contestant's money men dress up, deception and take the money offered for private life. Have people in poverty begging, a pilot not to add any chữi give yelled at, no warm no cold people injured. Until death and then be fallen on the fell demons, hungry bear suffering, the throat is like swallowing food, e.g. needle down, the big belly as the drum, as the mount, having the diet drink food map suddenly became a hot iron boiling brass, hungry until the mouth turns out fire, nostrils out smoke, black, thin enough to form crime and ceases to cause suffering.
What about what industry is doing an animal birth?
The Buddha teaches: "These beings voracious meat wine, killing poultry animal to a party dress played ca glee returns result as a livestock feed being to the temple there. Have the loan of money lenders who tried not to pay, the report made repayment to animal-and pay for it out of the new reincarnation".
About: monks who renounced worldly scenes, reducer's efforts and desire to imitate the Buddha to be automatically and the tha. There are differences in font giửa monks and renunciation.
We understand that the renunciation is who abandoned the family to not stick to temple doors. But according to the Buddhist scriptures, the temple door is still filling more effectively, so that the renunciation of the right to be three things: suffering, death and the trailokya.
In the biography of the Buddha, we scored very carefully in terms of the formation of the Sangha. In it, He advocated "Y 's legal medical property" means the Sangha to retrieve three jewels-centered manner took a special individual to do the object at all. But in fact, after the Buddha entered the kill then that orientation is rotated through the "trọng French incense". That means standing up under the Dhamma and the three jewels no longer is the heart that gam are by falling.
So there are certain precepts for monks?
"Having no period, please take the precepts as the master".
The Buddha has showed us the importance of Muslim rule in the tu and gain relief. The oil we can understand the tenets of Buddhism, but bring it to apply in their daily lives to be legs as two different things. Today, people want it restored much of that space to achieve good results, very rare. In why? The answer is simply desire life did they blindly but forget about the law. Indeed, the Canon law of the Buddhism is a guideline to help us from being lost, astray. Once you know the precepts that deliberately violate it all looks well practiced, including sea river flows only. That means that the wife must keep precepts, which both the United States--slapped must also follow. So in Divine Expectation that says: "like the sun shining world Hold precious, like the Board, the Bo-slaps were maintained about purity which the Chief sensations".
So what is maintained?
Citadel is holding tight, also About the commandments, commandments. This is the rule that the Buddha has set out to instruct his disciples go into the primary path.
So who are the precepts?
Depending on the basic of them born and also by the austerities, the Buddha has devised many precepts so they follow that order. The maintenance is divided into three levels: the householder, the monks and the Bo-slapping sex.
About householder: the people who have made, also called an upasaka at the then just follow five precepts is enough.
According to Confucianism, has three diamonds, five are often left the Buddhism has three rules, the five precepts. Religious Scholars are not able to Lucy diamonds that go five. Also the Buddhist cannot only three life rules that do not maintain active.
That includes the five precepts?
1) not kill: the Buddha sentient beings are not killing anyone, from humans to animals. This is heavy. Why is that? You try to envision when a thrust the blade to the neck of a cow to thọt blood. As a response, it's Dragons and the dụa and tried to fight with the Death Eaters to cling live. The photo the other spooky how can delete in your sleep. When killing an animal like you yourself have made a career of evil. And evil factors lead us to go up and go down to thẩn, wandering in samsara. To kill an animal to which to defend themselves or unintentionally, the result is a lighter rather than killing a Dragonfly that with spiteful is killed it for fun.
2) not heist: heist coercive are took over the property of others. When we received the assets of others then we can temporary be raptured. But the other guys are suffering because they are "money is the lifeblood". When the other guy's talent heist, they are going to suffer so we have created career more then evil. That's not to mention the immediate result was the prison visit, the future dark. If you want to nurture compassion Center given we are not thinking of this one.
3) was not adultery: adultery is to say to the lewd or illegal market. When the couple had a decent wedding, then called the Chief Justice. In addition all the sneaky, the Wal is illegal. Often people have no adultery is always mindful of them also think praise misdeed of playing by your own reply. Who wants to be here, then we have to stay away from the bad disabilities and try to cultivate in order to remove the bad thoughts that go. In addition, we have to remove all the illegal images in minds as well as the temptation in their lives. Adultery, the mind defilements which is not to mention the melt down, crushed into the prison to visit.
4) not be disappointed: Hope as a lie, say spin, said two-way tongue and say. Philosophy of Buddhism is to respect the truth. Once the lie is that we have taken the selfish crush evil, to hurt people for pleasing his dark desire. That was a lie, then later left who believes himself anymore. By the neck that sentence: "any faithless People up". But as for the words that hurt people, we've created a career of evil any more. That's not to mention "evil bred evil report".
5) not drinking: Wine yeast yeast quality is the quality that made people say. When we cultivate the Buddha that he wanted to eradicate the pollution to rise to intellectual property rights. Drinking alcohol does make us say, that once was drunk, the brainchild of ours was eclipsed and the more physical illness. Worse is when you say then we can do any thing tầy it would also be. Such killings, saying power abuse, accidents while driving, don't be stifled human evil and create that yourself or did not know.
This year the industry influence, so badly for our samsara. The holder is the perfect city, by keeping the full example in greater London hể downs in past fallen trunk all the loss, half hard again.
So what business do to create an enterprise with the devil?
Buddha: "What they eat in the intensive, for example, the contestant's money men dress up, deception and take the money offered for private life. Have people in poverty begging, a pilot not to add any chữi give yelled at, no warm no cold people injured. Until death and then be fallen on the fell demons, hungry bear suffering, the throat is like swallowing food, e.g. needle down, the big belly as the drum, as the mount, having the diet drink food map suddenly became a hot iron boiling brass, hungry until the mouth turns out fire, nostrils out smoke, black, thin enough to form crime and ceases to cause suffering.
What about what industry is doing an animal birth?
The Buddha teaches: "These beings voracious meat wine, killing poultry animal to a party dress played ca glee returns result as a livestock feed being to the temple there. Have the loan of money lenders who tried not to pay, the report made repayment to animal-and pay for it out of the new reincarnation".
About: monks who renounced worldly scenes, reducer's efforts and desire to imitate the Buddha to be automatically and the tha. There are differences in font giửa monks and renunciation.
We understand that the renunciation is who abandoned the family to not stick to temple doors. But according to the Buddhist scriptures, the temple door is still filling more effectively, so that the renunciation of the right to be three things: suffering, death and the trailokya.
In the biography of the Buddha, we scored very carefully in terms of the formation of the Sangha. In it, He advocated "Y 's legal medical property" means the Sangha to retrieve three jewels-centered manner took a special individual to do the object at all. But in fact, after the Buddha entered the kill then that orientation is rotated through the "trọng French incense". That means standing up under the Dhamma and the three jewels no longer is the heart that gam are by falling.
So there are certain precepts for monks?
According to the Scriptures of Buddhism, a person at the age from 14 to 18 that want to export and then known as The di. He has the right to hold The 10 mobile precepts. After 20 years, new world Notes Mobile Sa-life Bhikkhu hamstring muscles. If the notes Sa di would not qualify to study several then was ready to return to life's pretentious Bhikkhu. When it became a Bhikkhu and pretentious, they must hold 250.
What about the females called Sa di ni. Other than a few minor portability, uncle a few nuns, Sa Sa di ni, we have more life "massage Formula ma ni". This world is composed of 6 basic laws. That is: No, not steal, do not kill, do not lie, do not drink alcohol and do not eat outside. The nuns oneness to this world the life of about 2 years, then life's pretentious new Flag. Once you've become pretentious Bhikkhu ni, they must keep the 348 to the Muslim rule. In addition, for those missing was married but had divorced or dead husband and there are, if you want to wait until they went 10 years to be passive about the massage Form ma ni.
TV reception about the pretentious World Bhikkhu called gender and communication platform. Because when the life, the blood was the pretentious perfume 3 Flag on top of the head. The flavor from the fire and the pretentious Spleen continue chanting until the incense. * Would be not so much the contest again. This is the challenge of maintaining their interest towards the exterior. Once the focus of Buddhist chanting, the mind just thinking about Buddha only, also felt the pain that is polluted mind. When given the pretentious that he received the Flag: Y (Austria CA sa), bowls (for food khất) grouping of instruments (ground cover fabric to plate that sits) and a drinking water filtration kits. For a truthful austerities then this is the cause of their separation, undefeated.
In the Tomb, the Buddhas are concerned about maintenance, He taught: "sentient beings hold the world maintenance center will be pure. Thanks to the new pure mind arises out of the intellect to break except ignorance. Ignorance of all the modern buffetdisplay their feet ". But this economy back as far one step further, that is: "Holdthe show's Center. This means that if user did not kill, robbery, adultery, also disappointed and don't think the thought, then, disappointed, "know that you're the exception" no longer available". Indeed, if the mind is still a little bit disappointed about what is not totally pure. If the mind is not the pure cannot yet be fullness.
Moreover, the focus of Buddhism is based on the philosophy of reincarnation. Such as the four noble truths, the Emperor set that line the roads of the birth. Also directed the destruction of Emperor and is result of dimensionality. As well as in the US, and Leanne Buddha is that be the Buddha himself in fullness is the result. If we in this one is ignorance, craving and hoping to do about black to cause much bad karma then hubs across one part for themselves? Once the apartment industry has created, and then the Buddha Portugese or oil-scooping couldn't save us. If the Buddha may be up to the people around us are freed from birth Prince reincarnation, He took on full for all his dependent self. But He must also teach them to take care of keeping five precepts and goodness to self rescue yourself. That's "one Irish's testimony".
The Buddhist is aware that obviously the householder as well as monks all together against a common purpose is trying to cultivate in order to get rid of the rollover relief staff. By Economic Forum Security had said: " If you want to practice cultivation, at home also, need not be in the temple. People in the country know the austerities such as the Oriental mind. While the guys at the temple was not restored, as people in the West have evil minds. Just pure heart, which is the Western name order".
Bo-slapped about: this is the world of Buddhists in the country as well as monks to hold life after campaigning on the Bodhi mind to blissful seclusion almost lane bodhisattva has the opportunity to do a culture and Buddhist beings. Bo-slapping about teaches us not to do evil things, determined to do all that and also resolved to austerities from discharge, marbles, Hy. for the benefit of all sentient beings as well as commodities for the King.
The old Thủa has two pretentious as far from the Spleen to the Buddha on the road, they have to cross a desert. Fortunately they found a puddle of water in the hold that the tiny creatures; a lest it about not dare drink the water should be dying of thirst. While the other end attributable to drink water so to live and search until he Found him. his rebuke, saying, "he's not pretentious precepts Bhikkhu other drink, but he had seen it before then. While he does not hold, however, until One, but he is One of thousands of miles. "
In summary, maintained the Three-suite has a tremendous efficiency to the austerities of the Buddhists. Because to do so, they showed the practice their duties and will bring immeasurable merit to them. Furthermore, maintenance had more value both alms about because the Buddhists have a laboratory, France participants without delay about the impossible to reach into the Chief result was. The reason is that we have just created the blessings recently causing offence. Because it does not meet the recommended they cause enough evil in good karma, how that result was evidence Holy.
When did the Buddha visited farewell to die, they should act towards the German's to all them born in France. Like the Germans would add that death benefits that workers also increased by much. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.30/10/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).
What about the females called Sa di ni. Other than a few minor portability, uncle a few nuns, Sa Sa di ni, we have more life "massage Formula ma ni". This world is composed of 6 basic laws. That is: No, not steal, do not kill, do not lie, do not drink alcohol and do not eat outside. The nuns oneness to this world the life of about 2 years, then life's pretentious new Flag. Once you've become pretentious Bhikkhu ni, they must keep the 348 to the Muslim rule. In addition, for those missing was married but had divorced or dead husband and there are, if you want to wait until they went 10 years to be passive about the massage Form ma ni.
TV reception about the pretentious World Bhikkhu called gender and communication platform. Because when the life, the blood was the pretentious perfume 3 Flag on top of the head. The flavor from the fire and the pretentious Spleen continue chanting until the incense. * Would be not so much the contest again. This is the challenge of maintaining their interest towards the exterior. Once the focus of Buddhist chanting, the mind just thinking about Buddha only, also felt the pain that is polluted mind. When given the pretentious that he received the Flag: Y (Austria CA sa), bowls (for food khất) grouping of instruments (ground cover fabric to plate that sits) and a drinking water filtration kits. For a truthful austerities then this is the cause of their separation, undefeated.
In the Tomb, the Buddhas are concerned about maintenance, He taught: "sentient beings hold the world maintenance center will be pure. Thanks to the new pure mind arises out of the intellect to break except ignorance. Ignorance of all the modern buffetdisplay their feet ". But this economy back as far one step further, that is: "Holdthe show's Center. This means that if user did not kill, robbery, adultery, also disappointed and don't think the thought, then, disappointed, "know that you're the exception" no longer available". Indeed, if the mind is still a little bit disappointed about what is not totally pure. If the mind is not the pure cannot yet be fullness.
Moreover, the focus of Buddhism is based on the philosophy of reincarnation. Such as the four noble truths, the Emperor set that line the roads of the birth. Also directed the destruction of Emperor and is result of dimensionality. As well as in the US, and Leanne Buddha is that be the Buddha himself in fullness is the result. If we in this one is ignorance, craving and hoping to do about black to cause much bad karma then hubs across one part for themselves? Once the apartment industry has created, and then the Buddha Portugese or oil-scooping couldn't save us. If the Buddha may be up to the people around us are freed from birth Prince reincarnation, He took on full for all his dependent self. But He must also teach them to take care of keeping five precepts and goodness to self rescue yourself. That's "one Irish's testimony".
The Buddhist is aware that obviously the householder as well as monks all together against a common purpose is trying to cultivate in order to get rid of the rollover relief staff. By Economic Forum Security had said: " If you want to practice cultivation, at home also, need not be in the temple. People in the country know the austerities such as the Oriental mind. While the guys at the temple was not restored, as people in the West have evil minds. Just pure heart, which is the Western name order".
Bo-slapped about: this is the world of Buddhists in the country as well as monks to hold life after campaigning on the Bodhi mind to blissful seclusion almost lane bodhisattva has the opportunity to do a culture and Buddhist beings. Bo-slapping about teaches us not to do evil things, determined to do all that and also resolved to austerities from discharge, marbles, Hy. for the benefit of all sentient beings as well as commodities for the King.
The old Thủa has two pretentious as far from the Spleen to the Buddha on the road, they have to cross a desert. Fortunately they found a puddle of water in the hold that the tiny creatures; a lest it about not dare drink the water should be dying of thirst. While the other end attributable to drink water so to live and search until he Found him. his rebuke, saying, "he's not pretentious precepts Bhikkhu other drink, but he had seen it before then. While he does not hold, however, until One, but he is One of thousands of miles. "
In summary, maintained the Three-suite has a tremendous efficiency to the austerities of the Buddhists. Because to do so, they showed the practice their duties and will bring immeasurable merit to them. Furthermore, maintenance had more value both alms about because the Buddhists have a laboratory, France participants without delay about the impossible to reach into the Chief result was. The reason is that we have just created the blessings recently causing offence. Because it does not meet the recommended they cause enough evil in good karma, how that result was evidence Holy.
When did the Buddha visited farewell to die, they should act towards the German's to all them born in France. Like the Germans would add that death benefits that workers also increased by much. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.30/10/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).
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