Sunday 28 October 2012

Talking bad of others: the effects and metabolism.
"I will not say other people's faults". In Buddhist tradition, this is one of the prayer of Bodhisattva. With respect to the student's Particular life clergyman, a similar principle is mentioned in the words may not say libel.
This is also referred to in the Buddha's advice for everyone to avoid friendly industrial estate 10, that's real good cause Thursday: say the words which cause discord, Division.
Many people have the habit of telling other people's faults alike. And sometimes they don't realize the habit and just recognize it after it has finished speaking. So then the engine behind the talk of another's faults, behind the trend to lower other people 's? One of the Coalition 's, Mr. Ngawang Dhargye, once said: "you sit together and talk about someone else's mistake, the wrong deeds of that person. Then you continue to talk about the offense and the negative qualities of other people, because you yourself admit to each other that you are the best person in the world ".
When I look deep inside, I noticed that he right Dhargye Ngawang. Heated by feelings of insecurity, I had thought wrong that if someone else is wrong, bad, full of defects, by comparison, then I must be the true, the good and talented. Another tactic is to build humbled self esteem of himself in this way is difficult.
Angry at others we are at we often talk bad. In this case we can say somebody else's fault for a few different reasons. Sometimes we're talking bad of others to pull people on his side. We think that, if we tell people to listen to the debate between us with A and then convince people that he is A wrong and yourself right. Thus, people would stand in the us. Because of the thought that "If people think he's right, then certainly I correct". The thought so then a poor job while we will not be taking the time to evaluate honestly for the job and his motives.
There when we say bad other people because he hated them. We want people to respect and appreciate the other person as a result. From the deep down, we think: "If people see the bad qualities of the person that you think is better, instead of respecting and helping that person, they will praise and support". The guise that we use to gain the respect and appreciation of others in this way are hard to bring back.
Talking bad of others the consequences? First of all, we will be known as someone who often causes dissonance. People will not want to confide to us because they are afraid we are going to talk with other people's words repurposed it meant that they were not good. According to my personal experience, I find that people do or say bad other people with me then surely they will go bad with others. In other words, I don't trust those who often criticize others.
Second, we have to face the person is we talk bad when they found out what we had to say, and fuss over it's time they hear what we were talking bad about them that has been magnified to many times. That person can tell others about his error in retaliation.
Third, some people may be excited when he heard about the other person's fault. For example, if a person in the Office or in the factory talk bad behind other people, people at work will probably anger and attacked people were talking bad. This could be aroused to talk bad behind others in work and cause factions. This is damaging to the environment to work in harmony.
On Wednesday, the us also not happy when she has became someone else's fault. When we focus on the negative, either the main mistake of the US nor happily. The thought that this person is bad, the other not good ... is often not conducive to the spirit of our Lord.
Thursday, when one speaks of another bad news is that we have caused the agent to let other people talk bad. This can be made right in this life if people want to criticize him humbled oneself, or may appear in the future when you have more people accused of an entryway or slander. When we are listening to the words vulgar, we need to remember that it is the result of our own actions, we have created, now the time has come to get results. We have all the negativity in the universe and in his mind, it is now back with us. There is no reason to anger or blame other people when we are the one who created the primary cause for his troubles.
However, there are some cases that appear to be saying someone else's fault, but it is necessary, that should be said. Although these cases are very similar to the comments of others, but to be honest, they are not the same. Differences here? Is your engine. Say someone else's failure is often that malevolence on the inside and are often motivated by selfish motives. My ego would like to get something from the other person speaks, wants to be good by humbled. On the contrary, the legitimate discussion about other people's mistakes often stem from the care and love, we want to clarify the situation, preventing harm, or would like to help. For example, when we have to write a letter of recommendation for someone who's not good at all, we have to be honest, to mention the advantages as well as disadvantages for his future or that of their host can decide whether that person can do what they want or not. Similarly, we are able to notice about the habits of someone to warn the trouble in danger of happening. In both cases, my engine is not to criticize other people, nor to add seat belts things that he or she does not have. We just want to give a Word document with no prejudice about what we see.
Sometimes I suspect that the recognition of the negativity of someone can be with prejudice, so I told a friend that the friend did not know anything about the other, but it can help us to see the other aspects. This gives us the idea, constructive perspective, more actively and help us know how to behave with the other. My friend also just shows the points of his button-the reaction and the delicate issues-the things that we are exaggerating about the weakness of others, so that we can adjust accordingly.
That we are not clear about what other people do so thanks to a friend of his friend and fellow it consultants to learn more about the circumstances of the person, and from there, to behave with them in a reasonable manner. Either we are in contact with a person that he suspected they had a problem, so thanks to expert advice on how to behave to that person. In both cases, we have to talk to you or an expert to hear about the issues, what does good of other people, but his motive is to help them and would like to resolve the difficulty.
In one case, an acquaintance of themselves may not know is that they're behaving harm others or is behaving as a humbled man. To protect people from disasters is due to the lack of clarity of the causes, we can tell they know what they are doing. Here we are told not to critique or review the attitude which comes with love, to point out errors or violations of the person so he can fix.
We usually have a habit of telling other people's errors. To give up this habit, we must start from the habit of judging others. Instead of judging, criticizing others, Let's save the good qualities and kindness. We need to work out your mind, just look at the good, the positive things of others. Working out will make the difference between happiness, openness and love of him with the sad, hard and stern.
We need to try to cultivate the habit of paying attention to good things, cute, likable in person. If we look at those things then we wouldn't be mindful of their guilt. Fun attitude and tolerance comes from this will improve those around and raising happiness, contentment and love love in us. As a result, the quality of our lives depends on whether we find faults with your experience or see what good inside it.
When we see the faults of others that we missed out on the chance to love. That also means that we do not have the ability to nourish yourself properly with the understanding sincerely when we bring to mind the toxins. When we have routine eye other people's errors, we also tend to only see the shortcomings, the faults of the self. This can lead us to reduce the value of his entire life. It's tragic if we ignore those precious things and opportunities in his life, did not see the possibility of the Buddha in myself. Therefore, we must accept ourselves as what we are at present, as we strive to become better people in the future. Saying that does not mean that we turn a blind eye to his guilt before, which is that we are not too pejorative about it. We are thrilled to be as confident about their abilities and confidence about the true value that we have up to date.
Everybody wants to be loved-wanted to get people to pay attention and acknowledge the positive aspects of yourself, to get attention and respect. Most of us don't want to get reviews, criticism and rejection. To cultivate the habit of seeing the good things of yourself and of others that may be giving yourself and your happiness makes us feel and loves. Abandoning the habit of seeing faults will mitigate the suffering for yourself and your family. This issue should be seen as the focus of the roadmap of our spirituality. Because of this reason that Germany Dalai Lama said: "my religion is kindness". We can still see the incomplete and of others, but our mind his calmer, knowing acceptance and more generous.
In opposition to the other person speaks is said with understanding and love. Those who are travelling on a route and those who want to live in harmony with other people, a spokesman with understanding and love is very important. When we look at the good qualities of others, we feel happy. The acknowledge the good qualities of others will make your heart feel happy, and to create a harmonious atmosphere, give others feedback useful.
Others praise a work that we need to practice during the course of his practice. If we think of the talent, the good qualities of others then we feel more happy and other people, too. We will create a good relationship with other people, and our family, work environment as well as our living conditions will be more harmony. Sow the seed from the same aggressive behavior in your mind, we'll create a charming character for the peaceful relationship and for the achievement of the purpose of spirituality as well as the purpose of life. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.29/10/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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