From the time I was four
years old, who brought food for me every day in Lhasa is a bald old man, beard
back hats named Ponpo. I am very close to him; him like a mother.
When I was at
Summer Palace memorize all texts, he is always nearby; I will cry if he does not
do that. At
least I have seen his lap while he sat on the other side fronts approximately
one meter from the door. He must be there; otherwise, I will cry.
Ponpo, who has
been cooking for the Dalai Lama's predecessor, did not know the story of how, do
not know how playing, and learning in the form of either religion or other
topics . I
respect him because he has provided food and care for
It seems to me we, like
other mammals such as dogs and cats, the most beloved of those who raised us.
We love our
mothers, not because she gave birth to us, but because she was for us to fix and
take care of us. When I sick, Ponpo I go around or to me in his lap. When we hug a cat, kitten
will moan Û enjoy; same with the kids. I love him.
People, whether religious
or not, can understand from natural experience and common sense that an
important emotional real date of birth; these are the basics of life.
The survival
of our body requires feelings of others, to which we respond in love.
Although this
mixed with the attachment or attachment, but this love is not based on physical
attraction or sexual. This sentiment, though not without bias, but can be expanded to cover all
living beings, it is not prejudice. This is what is called extended love and around or
expand kindness.
For the meditation
followed, if the relationship with the mother of sophisticated practitioners,
instead we may be interested in the ideal relationship of motherhood, or we can
use any relatives , you, or any member of the
First, let's take care of
this kind of meditation platform. The arrangement is built on the assumption of
rebirth, is that we have a vague notion may be true, we can use to thoroughly
examine the implications of wealth, they regenerate relationships with others.
However, if we
do not doubt that reincarnation is true, you can still use these steps as a pure
meditation practice to help remove the gut and in our
1 - Reflecting that if there is reincarnation, samsara, which means that
our own life is not started (unknowingly).
2 - Concern that when we
are born from a womb as an animal, or a spider, spiders, we require a mother.
And because
our students are endless, we have countless mothers through many lifetimes.
This implies
that each sentient beings have been our mother in a certain life. If you have a problem, come
to the conclusion that, then let's have a look you can follow the continuity of
life or not, and discovered that there are any beings not been our mothers or
not, such a conclusion is not possible.
3 - Reflecting that when we
are born from a womb or an egg is infinite, and so our mothers are
4 - Reflection on this
point, please understand that each we siinh in our present life is the mother of
us many times. Do not rush through this step; trend here is not reasonable to accept a
(logical) shallow, that permeated the mind and our attitude with the impact of
the awareness of recycling. Try this, for example, and see if it is useful or
* Think about a best friend
of the practitioner and determined that this friend, the continuity of life, had
a friend who raised [us]. Please keep this in mind until you feel a change in
* Then gradually see the
others, not so close friends, one by one in the same way that, acknowledge and
feel that through the continuity of life, they are very close to our .
This can take
several days to practice - even weekly.
* Then bring to mind a
certain neutral person who does not each help nor harm us in this life.
Please see
that this person lives the moment, it is also a close and raised as our closest
* Gradually expand this
awareness to a neutral person who saw in a subway station, passing by on the
road, or find a store.
* When we become proficient
at how to realize who you and neutral who had been raised, and can feel aware of
how we change, consider a person who it did some harm to us or our loved ones.
Let's start
with a minor enemy, as someone has said something critical, so we can develop a
temporary experience with aside negative feelings in favor of the realization
that at a certain point we had been close friends. If we jump too fast to pay
attention to the people that we really do not like, the negative ideas will be
able to make our hesitant process.
* When we feel our views
have changed for the enemy does not matter, head back with a new attitude for a
moment, then slowly interested in the next level of the enemy ( heavier
Through the practice, can
see every being as a friendship. Easy to say, but difficult to practice. Do not become rotten press;
maintain exercise these steps again and again. Accumulated experience
For me, because I take my
responsibility for the benefit of Tibet, the most difficult to perceive as
friendly as those who are harming the Tibetan people in a deliberate way.
However, from
experience with the friendly, neutral, and enemies less important, I can see
that basically they have no difference.
What made me from being
depressed despite over fifty years of action for Tibet without much success
before the cause is fair, honest, and benefit to others. The true cause is not
enough; it useful. My work for Tibet not increase either my reputation, my influence, my
ability, or my interests in any way; it is for the Tibetan people, who have the
right to be free and to preserve the teachings of Buddhism to benefit all
sentient beings. So, whether we are achieving our goals in this life or not, it is
worthwhile to maintain the struggle. We are in a time of urgency by Chinese rapidly
poured into Tibet; same as Manchuria and Inner Mongolia, where have become
completely assimilated to Han Chinese culture. Tibetan culture can be lost
if current trends continue. A sign of hope is now all over the world, including
many Chinese, are more aware of what is happening - the capacity loss could have
on the world with a precious culture and therefore more ethical concern.
The problem
will continue from generation to generation is not the same as a political term
in office, it is not limited by a certain boundary of the time. These are my reasons for
maintaining enthusiasm.
Support skills
Between meditation, month
or identify anyone that we encounter as a fellowship to help growth.
For example,
when passing by a neutral (neither friendly nor enemy) in a crowd, just think:
This person does not seem to have any contact with me in this life, but through
the same continuity of life has definitely been a father, mother, son, or my
friends. In
this way, we will gradually develop a sense that all beings are our
With practice will come to
this: even if we find a bug, we would think, Oh, this animal has been born in
such a miserable condition! Although I am a man, and this creature is an insect,
in the past, my mother, and I'm her son. At that time, my life depends on her, and she loves
me more than her own life. After the full meditation, this type of thinking
will arise spontaneously. Signs of being completely aware about all living
beings as friends to help maturity is when we look at the world around us and
think, beings from animals more had to take care of me in the past not only to
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