Within two hours, both 110 story twin towers but completely collapsed. The other hijackers piloted the third aircraft crashed into the headquarters of the U.s. Department of defense in the Pentagon in the proscribed fields Washington. The fourth, after the passengers on board fought the Group of hijackers, crashed into a field near Shanksville in Pennsylvania. Not a passenger who would trến the four survivors. Who killed nearly three thousand and wounded over two thousand did dazed sensation around the United States and around the world.
The next one is the news agency said there were cases where the individual or group who had escaped death in a special way because arbitrarily changed the schedule visiting the building of the World Trade Center, as a soccer player came to this building but to return to the hotel take the papers and a group of Vietnamese who intend visiting on Tuesday 11-9-7 but then change your mind visit sooner than one day should escape death. Also fails as a passenger, Mrs. Joan live in Boston, scheduled flights on Monday, 10-09-01 but that her husband's birthday should be moved back to 11-09 new bay and she was killed.
Besides the hot news on the war in Afghanistan and of the debates on the construction of an Islamic Center in New York, they still have the question asked is why so many people died in the catastrophic accident such as above? Why are people who escaped death in the bands of silk hair? And how can this phenomenon be explained? Maybe not Mr. Sun or God punish them or all just because of the risk that no one can answer is clear but Buddhism could be explained through the law of cause and effect.
According to the law of cause and effect, all things, all things, don't put something, which happened from one or more causes. As Orange growers are going to be committed. Unlikely to grow oranges that stood out were the mango. Probably, of course, want to have orange, without adding extra elements that list from Buddhism called charm, such as water, fertilizer, the sunlight and the provider. In addition to requiring time newer, growing the result just yet. People do evil or you do the same, that is, be gracious, and the proper time, the new findings emerge. There are many people in the present life do so much evil that still live happily in wealth, because before they did things, to present the results of the new healthy specimen. What about the human currently cultivated in past crimes not graceful figure should not give results only. This Buddhist causal ratings on other types of cause and effect, i.e. the type of cause and effect that time away from the human to the result should be a period of time. This time period can be sown in this life will reap the fruit right in this life, or sow in this world but should result in either the sow in this life should result in the death or the afterlife. Say so to seem simple but are actually duplicate message scribbly causation and extremely complex. Only the enlightened know end.
Causality in Buddhism is not destiny and also not fixed in nature. Life of happiness or misery is not because God, heaven Buddha or spirit that is by itself we generate. The social collective, too, it is due to the good work of community in social decisions. Any results would also do the staff grew from lead. This past may that today, months, years, or from before immeasurable.
Every person in every industry, so when the sow who may not at the same time, is not the same place, and they are not quite the same as a similar character, should reap the fruit also has similar and also different. The rich, the poor, intelligent, wild guys mentally. When harvesting fruit separately and place that gathered together in one place to get results. Such as bank debt, the debt per person in each different, different debt borrowed time but went out at the same time repayment Bank on the same day due to the term "due date".
Result report of nearly 3000 people in the disaster in the two buildings of the World Trade Center in New York also likewise. Due to the spur of industry, they came from different parts of the world, not wanting that gathered about working in an environment. Previously, each person created the private industry, there are different or similar are the same and over time the differences. Today, charm and weather meet is getting together. There are also many cases in business creation, but due to lack of General Abubakar to converge so they pick the fruit in each different place, although the results can be quite the same. Mrs. Joan, should take flight the previous day, but her career driven to change the ticket goes on the fateful flight the next day. England soccer players and a group of Vietnamese who escaped death because their industry urged them to change the decision and also many other cases is not known.
Causality in Buddhism is not legal but is the charm of French birth, and therefore the fate of humans is not completely bound to the past have cultivated. Man, if desired, can change the fruit to bloom in the future by planting and digging piling other nuclei in the present, because an already planted couldn't figure out is if there is no other alternative and backend. Happiness or unhappiness is the result of us grain, depending on our staff grew, acting through the export of our Italian relatives. With the basic beliefs of Buddhism, not believing in a God Almighty, blessed Christmas, which is effect of artificial information. If not, should find out clear cause and effect and build confidence on the basis of this, to use every effort in themselves make the fresh thing, avoid evil and chemical purity of mind. Once the mind has been transformed from criminal to target the Translational infection • natural hell realm, disintegrate and Bourn peacefully so far.
Today October 11, 2010, 9 years after the events happen, all the people of the United States as a commemoration for those who were lying down. I had a look back at the pictures of the World Trade Center engulfed in smoke and dust, the crumbling ruins with nearly three thousand body ragged and feel that life's impermanence and pain of those sorry bereavement, they stop the wife's husband looks on, her mother's and/or of husband-wife goodbye messages to parenting.
Feel my impermanent and huyễn his life, but we are still not misery sorry in advance over the ones are divided lià. Please open the manual for Chapel incense ghost who lay down, for the patient to be completely recovered, for the ones of them less grief and for the forces of ignorance in the early enlightenment in order to bring about peace, peace for mankind. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.28/10/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).
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