Everyone who knows the minds are asking themselves these questions, and each person has their own answer, almost no different. However, due to a lot of speculation about these issues should have appeared many answers, represent the basic approach. One of these approaches has been popularized in the West as Christian theism, that the fate of the human being, basically, subject to the decision of God. God decided who would deserve a birth to heaven or fallen to hell. The second group then believe in dogma. According to the theory of destiny, each one of us has a certain fate and we can't change it. According to this theory's words: "something is going to come". In philosophy, the factors that determine the fate not a God of Theism, which is a mystical, supernatural power known as "fate", this doctrine was raising the understanding and the ability of the us to a higher level, to convince, to attract. And also a third group, the concept of totally opposed, according to the group, everything happens at random. This is the reasoning of any doctrine. The real doctrines to believe that, if the guys are lucky, that person will have to be happy and successful in life, if someone less fortunate, suffering or failure. And all that man receives are not due to a decision process at all, but just the chance, the repetition.
All three schools: the school of Theism, schools of destiny and uncertainty, Buddhism is not shared. The Buddhist's answer to the mystery of human destiny? Buddhism answer the general principle of action and reaction, is seen in the range of ethical and human perception. Under this rule, if a person does something, what he's doing will create the effects necessary for ourselves, maybe just in the present, or the future, and this influence will be determined by the nature of the action taken by him initially. If he does those things, or create the karma, then they will reap good results: there are happy, successful; If he's doing bad things, or create any good karma then they will have to assume the results were not good: being miserable, failed. The teachings of the Bible that: "you will reap what you sow grown". This statement describes precisely the meaning of the law of karma. However, Christianity explain this trend added, also Buddhism, see law of karma is a universal law of the universe. That theory is the theory of newspaper "the leader", not all about fate, nor wholly uncertain conclusion.
Buddhism also differs from Christianity in one other aspect, which is that while Christianity claims that the law, causation can be canceled if the people wish the exonerated from God's grace and through the intermediary of the monks. As Christian believers to worship the Lord and pray God to exonerate him for the results because of the action that they themselves have caused. While Buddhism does not exonerate anyone can tell others when he/she has caused errors. If someone would have created evil things, they must assume the consequences of them, because they all operate under the rule of the Cosmos rather than by a professional creator rights at all.
The concept of time in Buddhism generally refer to the current time, and now here. There is a connection between the past and the future. What we have at present is a result of the things that we have done in the past, and what we do in the present will now determine to what we will receive in the future. In Buddhism there is a sentence saying, "the shadow of the past, the future is by far". Therefore, our actions in the present is the most important, because what we produce in the present decision to the development process in the future. We should guide focused on the present to have sublimated their lives themselves. According to the theory of rebirth in Buddhism, the cause and effect relationship between action and its outcome is not only relevant to the present life but also the lives of the past and the future. This common law of cause and effect is not wrong to run, cannot be avoided. We cannot run away from his own shadow, too, we cannot escape from the results due to the action of the US has created, they will cling to it even though we have hid somewhere.
Speaking precisely, newspaper is not merely a theory of causality, that is the theory of action and reaction. According to this theory, every deliberate behavior is created from action, or from Word of mouth, or from one's mind are the response back to yourself. Karma is a natural law, it does not bear the impact of any paranormal powers. Like the one in violation of traffic laws, and then convinced police excuse errors. He will not forgive, because we were in violation we suffered the consequences. Also, through the operation of the law of karma, our behavior will bring its natural results. Aware of this problem, the Buddhists did not seek the pity of God that governs their behaviour so that the co-operative with the laws of nature. If they do any good, they'll try to figure out what's wrong and fix their mistakes; If they do well, they try to maintain and promote the good things.
We should not be too worried about the past, which was so interested in what we are doing in the present. Instead of fast day around looking for forgiveness, one should try to sow the seeds of goodness and let the law newspaper decide its outcome. When a disciple to Buddha and repentance about the mistake made in the past, the Buddha did not promise to forgive, because he knows that everyone is reaping the fruit of the seeds that were sown. He just recommended that, if you know what you do is wrong, is harmful, then from now onwards do not do those things anymore. If you know that what you do is right and the benefit shall continue execution. The need to avoid causing the detrimental elements and created the charity industry ". One should know that what we have at present is the reflection of what we have created in the past, and what comes with it in the future is the reflection of what we created in the present.
Law of karma in Buddhism settled that, man is the owner, is the architect of her own destiny building rather than anyone else. In every moment, we are creating, are establishing their destiny through the actions, speech and thoughts. According to Buddhism, the mind plays a role of paramount importance, decisions to the nature of the person's career. If we have good ideas then our actions cannot be bad. By thinking about good ideas, we will create more good deeds, develop better habits, the better personality and create the better destiny.
Buddhism most supreme responsibility for human lives into the hands of every person. If we want hands to create better lives for themselves, we must establish our mind in a better direction line. Since human good hands control to create life. However, where there are still some people skeptical about the causal law newspaper. It is occasionally caught some virtue, polite, kind, loving rich and intelligent, but their life is full. Why is it like that? Under the law, the newspaper industry friendly actions taken to the happy, friendly action taken to suffering that? To understand this problem, we need to be aware that, karma is not necessarily to be ripe in the same lifetimes that are there individuals who create, accumulate. Can lead to the outcomes of afterlife or reincarnation is the later. If a person who in the past have lived well then he can enjoy happiness and riches in this realm, although at present they are not good people. And a person can live moral that still face many miseries, much trouble is because of the real's career that he has created in the past. Just like we planted the seeds, some types are đơm, which left very quickly, some others require longer periods, it may be months, even years, for several dozen years. Law of cause and effect, the newspaper never change, but the results of the ripe at the time, under the form and locations. With life so far, we received the results of the human enterprise has been created in the past to the past as well as in life. And what we reap in the future will be the result of what we do in the present as well as in the past.
Newspaper Act binds past life, the present and the future of every person through a round of samsara. To understand the relationship between the experience and the behavior of individuals in the next realm of existence, we need to highlight the analysis of mind in Buddhism. According to the Buddhist philosophy of mind, the consciousness, there are 8 types, which include the 5 sensory: with bath, consciousness, an awakening, lost consciousness, and consciousness itself. In this way, creating the data source of the feelings of the outside world through our five senses. The sixth form is aware, is the ability to evaluate based on the awareness, compare, distinguish your data in the above senses and ideas. Available Saturday called germs-na, is the ability to self conscious about yourself as an individual ego and mounted to the distinction between self and others. Even if the six previous form does not work, such as sleep, this Saturday is still available, and if threatened, through defensive impulse, will awaken us. The eighth form known as a food store, also known as the Museum. In this way because it was so deeply for so hard to understand, but from the literal meaning of the name suggested does understand the meaning, its function. A store is the official repository for all of the jobs, the experience of it. Everything we see, hear, smell, taste, tactile touch are sown into the Museum of the seed. The seed is the nucleus of a career. Because A form-to-da hoarding the seeds of the actions in the past, it was the architect of our life destiny. My life and my personality reflects the seeds in his Museum. If we add the bad seed, it will become the bad guy. Like when we burn incense in a large room, the room will have a pleasant scent, if it fell into the room a few rotten eggs then the room will canvasses.
Recipe A-l-da not only contains all the good seeds and bad, but also brought them from this moment to moment, from his past to the present, and the present life for the future. This meant that the shifting personalities, as well as the development or degradation of characteristics in the long series of several lifetimes can take place. In some exceptions, food Museum also helps explain the phenomenon of recalling the things experienced, met over the past the past, or is the talent, the feature has been in the past, it is now early in the present. We read about the poets, painters, musicians have songwriting right from his childhood. Or sometimes we hear about the baby can speak foreign languages, but they have never been a parent or someone else just teach. All of these States is the expression of the characteristics of the seed is in the possession of the Museum. My destiny in life is the function of the nucleus of the Museum in his wake. However, fate here is not "money" as in destiny, which is the product of Italian mind, through deliberate action, or in other words is through our industry has created.
Mind is the decisive factor to properties of behaviour, our life decisions. All matters are subject to the mind. Therefore, to build a better world — a world of peace, harmony and people loving each other-we have to start from the amendment of the Act. The career of the world does nothing other than to reflect each individual's isolation has created the world. To modify the business practices must begin from the cultivate your mind. If the mind is filled with hatred, what will happen? One would cause enemy NB. If the mind is full of love love? We will set up a lot of your friends relationships. That led to a run in the mind are revealed to the outside world. Thus, everything depends on the human mind.
According to Buddhism, the best way to get your peace is through peace. We have to establish the peace in his self-if we want to set up the peace in the world. We never get the peace by fighting with someone, killing someone. The path to peace begins from the heart. We must learn to respect the differences of others, must know that the strange perspectives with her may have value for those who have that perspective. Often we tend to think that a peaceful society is not a homogeneous society, in which people think, say and act the same. However, it would be better if there was a diverse society. Diverse do not necessarily break the harmony. In music, in order to achieve harmony, they must have different pitches. If all nodes are the same, the results are not in harmony which is monotonous. The difference isn't just the spice of life, which is an extremely important factor for meaningful lives. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.24/10/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).
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