1/ the law Ma-ha-falling (Mahāsāṃghika Vinaya): A Chinese Envoy: shinshū daizōkyō (Great Chief) 1425 489, pp. 493-c26 a Temporary 20 Tibetan Buddhist by the da-da-Awning-la French subjects and Results; A Vietnamese: the 500 Billion-to the pretentious, vol. 33, law of Friction Increase, led by Thich Phuoc son translating.
2/ the Final Act (Dharmaguptaka Vinaya): A Chinese: Chief Justice, T 966a16 968c 1428, pp. 17-due to the Buddhist Tripiṭaka-da-da-Buddhist Architecture and Monuments; A Vietnamese: Five hundred to Four laws, the vols led by Flag-Like and Đỗng pretentious Like Yura, Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles Like Integers (Master Tue Sy) editing and annotation.
3/the law of Pali (Pali Vinaya): English version: Vinaya Pitaka vol. V (Cullavagga), by i. b. Horner (tr.), London: Luzac & Company Ltd., 1971, pp. 393-406; A Vietnamese: Chapter XI, relating to five hundred, in the u.s., due to the Natural Lunar-Indacanda Bhikkhu pretentious.
4/ The Law litigation (Sarvāstivāda Vinaya): A Modern Chinese: Chief Justice, T 445c, pp. 1435 13-12 453b, Echo by him-NHA-da-la (若 弗 多羅) and La-the translation.
5/ the basic laws For The (Mūlasarvāstivādin Vinaya): A Modern Chinese: Chief 523c T 02, pp. 1457-524c 29 (?), because he Meant the President.
History of Buddhism in India, law Ma-ha-steady-States that the due to the mass media, litigation and maintained; the organ from Four French law to litigation, and maintenance; law of Pali Theravada due (Theravāda) aggregation, transmission and maintenance practices; law on The legal action due to the Need to gather, transmit and take over; the Basic Law For Nhiết Property (basis) as the basis for the aggregation, storage and transmission. Today, the Four laws are maintained popularity in the Northern Buddhist tribes, such as China, Vietnam, Japan, Korea, etc.; are common law hold at Pali the Theravada Buddhism, such as Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, etc.; the basic laws are maintained in the Suite, such as Tibet, Bhutan, Nepal, etc. However, here we only present the contents of the first classic file according to the narration in Ma-ha-steady-States, quarter-section and Pali (Theravāda); by law, the four parts and the law practice is in Pali (Theravāda) maintained popularity in both South and North traditional Tong and Ma-ha-law-States that the code is many scholars [1] reviews dating back to as early as the law of the mahāsāṃghika, the mission contributed to the development of Mahāyāna Buddhism (Mahayana) in India. We also present some differences between the source document and the translation into Vietnamese: the analysis and evaluation of the volume of this classical scholar e. Lamotte.
To look objectively, we are pleased to present the full content of the Congress to this classic set of three laws on presentation and reiterated some of the content in question in all of this code.
Vinaya of the mahāsāṃghika narration [2]:
False religion Represents while mahākāśyapa Zazen in the neo-cave bat-la on the mountain States-beams-excavation (Gṛdhrakūta), thinking the World was Honoring the life network, and Nirvana. And by meditation, Religious pundits know Germany The Religion took Nirvana in The-t-na (Kusinara). He then summoned the meeting raise them around the area, and go to The Festival-Contest-German girl na to close The last Respect kim and tea ceremony project Bhikkhu. On the way to the Club-contest-ca, false Religions Represent mahākāśyapa and they go through a meeting, a Bhikkhu-older real life are pretentious. Modern religious conservative pundits mahākāśyapa are pretentious about this fast-flag y Bowl to take them to the Flag Question-performance-pretentious. But upon hearing of Germany The Religion took Nirvana, Bhikkhu-this pretentious appearing happy and open with Hon said Bhikkhu-other pretentious that, from this, he is free, unrestricted by law The Religious dogma, like to do, how to, depending on preferences. Hear the words Africa-wide. the Philippines thus mahākāśyapa University fake Religion felt sad, and then use the force causing the Bhikkhu-old fled terrified about the pretentious. False religion mahākāśyapa University along pedestrian continued mass to the Sentence-construction-ca.
When Sun assumed Greater mahākāśyapa arrived Olympic religious Cult of German metal decor, from within, Germany The Religion took his legs out of the needle. False religions Represent mahākāśyapa German girl foot Festival The Sun. After the Religious ceremony at the foot of The German girl, supposedly Representing mahākāśyapa dear mass with Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles: "I am the captain of Germany The Religion, so to me setting fire". Represents the Increase approved in order to mock religion Represents mahākāśyapa igniting cremated loved The Honor of German metal.
After the tea ceremony, Honoring College College faked Bhikkhu mahākāśyapa recalls his old position seamlessly, Bhikkhu pretentious-dear to the increase: the Division of symbolism and built the tower to let the donation, head fake, Her Brahmin, do; work up to doing a review of France's Tibetan Religious World. After a mass at consensus discussion, select the Property Group to the Kingdom of France's Tibetan Religious World, because here, there is A King Ajatashatru, Micro-credit schemes, mind-hi resolution where the three jewels.
False religions A-nan to stay the Sentence-contest-na arrange property donation-benefit, should not go to mass together Bhikkhu-United to pretentious. After coming to the United Centre, mahākāśyapa, along with 1000 Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles to prepare the necessities needed in four hours and hang Close to the school world made the investment law. In the Survey, the Flag-decorated bed, pretentious French mệm Court of Germany between the World's Religions, false echo Religious Property in the left-and benefits-of moggallana target Religious right in France, the German court That Religion; and turn to mock Religion mahākāśyapa University ... Among 1000 Bhikkhu-pretentious, pretentious rising 499-spleen out Bhikkhu-Prime was pretentious and sanming (A-la-Han). After an over Glorified French University buildings mahākāśyapa, false false the elders L.-BA-, disciple of moggallana target Religious, soar the heavens Three thirteen is sometimes provided a number of flag-A pretentious Arhat down about joining the Falun World of Tibetan Religion. But upon hearing of Germany The Religion entered, the Bhikkhu-pretentious A-la-this will turn on light rail t black that nirvana. Hearing the news, Modern Religious conservative pundits mahākāśyapa stop information and invite more of the Flag-the pretentious A-la-Chinese are traveling on the realms of heaven, for fear that, upon hearing of Germany The Religious type, they will turn into Nirvana; Thus, this world fill of blessings will not empty. Although the number of flag-Arhat A pretentious enough about the 500 Bhikkhu-proposal and pretentious should invite him false religion A-nan took part in the rally of France, because he was a close disciple of Germany The Religion, but Religion assuming Greater mahākāśyapa is still not acceptable for him A-nan took part in the Congress and also said his rebuke A-nan lack tons in the practice.
False religions A-nan after tea ceremony after all the exalted German flag World Religion, come to the Hostel-. Here, counterfeit Religion A-nan to be an imitation of rebuke mahākāśyapa Religious Representatives; and to think that, assuming it is wants mahākāśyapa University effort and effort than in practice to prove A result mass acquisition Arhat should just say so. Night time, Mr. A-nan during the midnight meditation hall but has not proven to be innocent fruit smuggled A Arhat. Closer to dawn, the fatigue, the feeling will remember The Sun, A-nan to lie back and think of a short circuit in the case who lay down, fake anonymous results demonstrated the Respect of birth, County, Land Securities. After endless false birth certificates, A fruit-based spokes to apply force to the South, in-soles, stands apart from the cases, read notice shelves to the Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles increases. adjacent mahākāśyapa, explaining the reprimand of him and only want the best for him A-nan and invite A-nan, an is on trial in France for for him.
Great work-and increased spleen pretentious post-ma to My fake Tibetan Lamas and Religious error A-nan read that litigation over Tibetan plateau. False religions A-nan in turn read the chant all the classics have heard and remember from the French post of The Sun, each of which begins with the starting coast: "I heard it, as a role model, as a German, The Sun resided in ..."; and the Bhikkhu-post canopy-good pretentious ghost up the classics that mock Religions A-nan took legal action. Organ trading is to tap into four sets of āgama and an organ. The long article to the A-Field; the median is the Middle of āgama; the business journal-based content articles, journals and magazines, journals, and links to journals and A-rank; the lessons of that growing number from 1 to 100 to the most of āgama; the Bible as a living being, character, charm ... to the Tibet Issue.
False religion is false Boost Upāli read Law proceedings. First, Let's read the French translation Team chant Upāli: 1. net weight restrictions; 2. NET method; 3. NET happier; 4. NET elders and 5. Net etiquette. Next, let's turn Upāli litigation read 9 France: 1.01-la-di; 2. Rose-old-BA-Ta-sa; 3. the two legal uncertainty; 4. thirty France Ni-slaps-States; 5. Ninety-two three-evening-topic; 6. four three-issue-XA-ni; 7. France them; 8. Seven France Kill Dodge; 9. discretionary Remedies. Start each false Religious precepts, Upāli presented pratītyasamutpāda Buddha's regime, about where and who's there first ...
Next, suppose Upāli raised 7 issues related to religion, assuming A-nan during most of the German Religious World access, which according to the author, was Honor Upāili violations (a crime Encyclopedia Lumbini) should be reprimanded and repentance. These are: 1. request for Germany The Religion allows women in the Sangha; 2. Don't ask the Buddha head; 3. Use foot crush up y-age Ballet of the Ton of dry medicine; 4. Germany The Religion took the wrong three times, the A-nan go get water to drink, but the A-nan did not follow; 5. A-nan visiting young ladies not the law picked up need to match each; 6. when the Buddha's Parinirvana Bowl, A-nan for negative-see Bhikkhu pretentious Museum of Romanian of the Buddha; 7. When the Buddha Nirvana, A-nan did not prevent the master template, so they are crying and tears to dirty foot. However, A false Religion-nan only approved continental Assembly 5 violations from 3 to 7 and doesn't feel wrong at the first error and 2, because perhaps, Buddhist schools of the past are all four of them Samishould he ask the Buddha to allow women who joined in the Sangha is a traditional suit schools of Buddhism and the Buddhism of the time, he did not head for more time at which obscured by two major drug Center.
And after 500 Bhikkhu-pretentious A-la-Han to complete my law, false Religion mahākāśyapa Representatives referred to 1000 external Bhikkhu pretentious-and the investment law was 500 Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles A-la-Han the volumes. Then, they discussed the pretentious-spleen about what would be considered the things that before Nirvana Buddha has allowed local depending on the left leg. However, after a religious University at discussion, fake mahākāśyapa concluded, what Germany The Religious dogma must observe, what is The theory of Religious faith without added.
After all, this code came up with a list of lawyers Vinaya lineage.
The Congress ended with the shelf post exhorting them Bhikkhu-right litigation hold, in reading the pretentious and the Tibetan lineage of German Religious World in France had passed to the French public.
The Tibetan Vinaya narrative of [3]:
Germany The Ton Nirvana in the Woods, desert the dollar Loss (Malla), as The construction-na (Kusinara). After the loss of tribal-la stem coated in metal shroud enclosing Germany The Religion by the heavy silk, perfume and agarwood, the idea and the villagers Welcome the dollar in turn igniting kim for a biography, but the fire did not ignite. The villagers answered, ask fake Religions A-na-new law knows, Chu Tian did stop the fire ignited because of false Religion known Great mahākāśyapa along with 500 Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles are on the way to the Club-contest-na and the notion of wanting to enjoy the Religious cult of German body needle tea before World Bhikkhu.
False religions Represent mahākāśyapa along 500 great flag-was on its way from neighboring pretentious Three-she came into The competition-na-, then having a Ni-hopea-cards on hand a u.s. branch and are going backward. Spleen mass-pretentious enquire this Ni-new-Germany, hopea World Religion has residual Nirvana 7 days ago. When receiving The German Religious Cult Mass Nirvana mahākāśyapa, fake is not fun and some anonymous results evidence-less pretentious Bhikkhu smuggled A Arhat tribulations, weeping. However, Bhikkhu Ananda Baht pretentious-Like [4] appearing excited and emit the irreverent for Germany The Sun and said to the Africa sex, Philippines. Listening to these words, false Religion represents the joyless mahākāśyapa, raising that flag-fast-go to the nhóng pretentious Club-contest-na to the occasion see Bai kim loved the Buddha Bhikkhu tea before.
Although the German Religious World body, kim has been around his shrouded statues and put up the aromatic wood truss waited hours before false Religion but the cremation Represent themselves mahākāśyapa kim before, Buddha legs from within the Agency; Mahākāśyapa college girl 24-foot Buddha, with 7 officers surrounding the ring, and then igniting the German Religious World body metal cremation.
After the tea ceremony flag Represents mahākāśyapa ladies to increase that, on his way to the Club-contest-na, upon hearing of the German Religious World Nirvana, Bhikkhu Ananda-Awning pretentious Like Prince has told the flag-hamstring muscles are, from now on, they are free, there is no bound on the teaching of The Religion; can do what it wants to do and not to do what not to do. As to avoid the cartoon than we of Pagan and evil bad thoughts in the Sangha, false religion, mass General sparse mahākāśyapa Bhikkhu should have checked out the pretentious-Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles A-la-Chinese culture, wisdom for the French to Romanian flag organ. Spleen mass-499 is pretentious Bhikkhu-pretentious A-la-Chinese culture, wisdom. The Bhikkhu should suggest his pretentious-A-nan, even though he is not pretentious-flag A-la-Han, but he is the most diverse place tier approach for many years on the Buddha, has heard and remembers all of France Germany The Religious teaching. At first, let's Represent mahākāśyapa refused, not accepted for him A-nan attended the experiential law, because for that, A-nan also degrees of friendship, is also a craving, nhuế and si black, could not attend the same great steps are sterile; but after two of them Jumped, Religion author mahākāśyapa University approval, allowed A mock-nan taking an experiential law. Represents the Rising conducting post-ma chose the Property as a place of French aggregation Realm and Bhikkhu.
On the way to the United-spleen mass, passing the pretentious a Bhikkhu-XA-cups and thought the night in this city. During the night thinking back in the Bhikkhu-Respect-mock, A hostel-nan Quan, meditation all night until dawn, to lie down in the back and thought his research lies down, let's have proven results of A Arhat. Now, they're pretentious student eligibility-spleen of 500 Bhikkhu-pretentious A-la-Han. After that, the Increase continued to come to United and conducted post-ma to France Tibetan flag.
After the false Religions Represent mahākāśyapa Bach works for France lists-ma to the visceral, Bhikkhu French Crown assumed A-nan dear white with rose, before Nirvana, the Buddha had recommended, they can flag those count-pretentious about trifles. However, assuming A-nan did not ask How a particular Religious faith distinguished the sexes would be about trifles. So, let's Represent mahākāśyapa ladies with the same propagandistic pretentious conventional Setup-flag: what World does Respect German outlaw, not all, of what The regime has banned Religious faith cannot be cancelled.
Next up, let's Represent mahākāśyapa raised a number of violations of the false Religions A-nan, which according to him mahākāśyapa, was the breach (break-established-la) need to repent. These are: 1. request for Germany The Religion allows women in the Sangha; 2. To expect Germany to Respect The third time, A-nan as new German town World accepted as false Religion; 3. use the foot pedal to increase the elderly's health-Germany The religion, while haberdashery; 4. How Does the German Religious world headquarters are sometimes valued more lives; 5. in a German Religious World, the A-nan go get water to drink, but the A-nan did not go get; 6. A-nan did not ask the ladies German Religious World which is about trifles; 7. after the German Religious World Nirvana, with duty as the author, but A-nan does not prevent the women, so they do the dirty pins.
However, assuming A-nan himself felt no errors. Sun Jia-nan explains: the first Thing, he does not knowingly ask The Sun allows the female part in the Sangha, but because Marian Ma-ha Ba-o-BA SOAP is of form-ton, have nurtured Germany The Ton; the second thing, as do the German Religious World hypothesis is very hard to do, so A-nan said that he could not do, but no more; the third thing, not A-nan who had despised the German medical World Religion, but because at the time, no one helped him, so he had to pedal up to medical articles; thing thing 4, because due to the Haunted Heart A-nan, which he does not remember to ask Germany How to honor the head more, but no more; the fifth thing, not A-nan disobeyed German World Religion, but because at the time, there are 500 vehicle passes over the River nearby, making the water cloudy, dreamy river water contaminated structure could not be rendered onto Germany The Religion, so A-nan did not go get water; the sixth thing, because at the time A-nan, melancholy preference does not remember to ask the ladies specific trifles; to Saturday, due to a weak woman, soft Center so when the Buddha foot homage, weeping and tears fell to the foot of the Buddha, to dirty feet. all seven to be raised, false Religions A-nan is not guilt, but because of the false Religious beliefs glass mahākāśyapa Representatives should seek repentance.
Then, assuming Greater mahākāśyapa Bach works requested to approve fake Religion Upāli read Romanian flag suit. Increased litigation, false religion, Upāli false flag started litigation in three circles overlap-la-di, and strategic litigation on duplicate read all Vinaya. Start each about false Religions, Upāli raised the pratītyasamutpāda: Buddha said that world where, by who about it first ... All the pretentious Act into law, Spleen-Spleen-hamstring muscles, the Hopea.
End the litigation section of fake Romanian flag reading Religion Religious Upāli, a fake error A-nan Tung read in France. A-nan in turn litigation is reading all of France and represents the steady listing-ma to France. The long end of The A-central to the function of central A-rank, these have a growing number of Recent A-rank, the related Flag-flag of ni-pretentious pretentious, favor-she-she-Priority rules,-di, the heavenly Emperor, the likes of A-Magazine; the Bibles of birth, education, formation, etc. linking the Tibet Issue. And the problem is widespread or not having distress tied to Samyutta, A-flag-Tibet talks.
As such, the General Assembly was the organ Falun Bhikkhu-ni into three organs:,,.
At the time, Rich elders – long-na [5] 500 Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles are on the way, listening to the Great false religion mahākāśyapa and Bhikkhu-pretentious A-la-Han is the French flag set to organ. Master 500-along term Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles to the United Centre, lane to the hearing organ to France that Romanian flag Rising was read. False religions Represent mahākāśyapa million and increase them meeting sometimes Raises them completely read Tibetan chant the French flag-ni to elders-long-na and 500 Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles to hear back. Great, Rich elders – long-na approval upon what they're Up to, except for the eight related to world cuisine, which, according to him, he himself heard from Chrysostom's German Religious World. False religion mahākāśyapa Representative explained, since the circumstances of them at that hungry, because The new Religious virtues, bi allows eight; to the people at that place, all hungry, the Buddha then prohibited for eight. Master long-na-to say The least, was set to another, never banned and open, open to all. Mahākāśyapa pseudo religion to say, Germany The highest Religious position is necessary, and then open the new, open, and then banned. And suppose that the mahākāśyapa constraint programming, what Germany The Religion does not prohibit the regime should not be banned, what Germany should not outlaw Religious World.
Theravada Vinaya of the narration:
At the time, [6], College elders mahākāśyapa dear mass with Bhikkhu-that, in the pretentious and located at 500 Bhikkhu-Pāvā was on its way from the pretentious to the Kusināra, upon hearing of the German Religious World have Nirvana at the Kusināra (An-Ta-na) 7 days ago from a faithful Accomplice leaders, some pretentious late-stage Bhikkhu not craving cried as the carpet setting. However, in them, there is the name Bhikkhu pretentious Subhadda-, as was (Bhikkhu-pretentious old men), uttered the words of evil and evil appearing excited upon hearing the news of Germany The Ton Nirvana. The Bhikkhu-this pretentious told the flag-another pretentious that nothing that is grief to cry telling so, so excited right now, since new, no longer the German World as difficult and can do the like to do, don't do what doesn't like to do. To prevent illegal things the Philippines can develop and grow, mahākāśyapa Representative elders suggested that they should increase the selection of Flag-the pretentious A-la-Han conducted litigation law and infection.
They increase the selection of 499 Bhikkhu-pretentious A-la-Han and suggest a selection of more fake Religions A-nan, even though A-nan also ranks property, but cannot by played, golf, si and the Bhikkhu-various German side most pretentious in The Sun and listen to and remember the many French and German laws from The Sun. Upon our request, Representative elders mahākāśyapa invite false Religions A-nan attended the rally and the law.
They Increase discussion and consensus pick up Property and set to the Realm of law. Then the elders Represent mahākāśyapa II white throat-ma picked up United agents to limit Amnesty to France and settled in the law and all the non-pretentious Flag not being settled in the United.
An increased focus on the Religious law, and assume A-nan thought, the next day, they increase the conducting post-ma to France and the law, he was a high school friendship, which participated in this event in France and they Flag-benighted pretentious is not consistent. Night time, false Religious practice effort by France contemplation. When it is nearly dawn, Sun Jia felt tired, which is thought, and started up the notion of "lay down, stay down", her research position, writes the take the contraband or evidence, reach the Holy fruits of A Arhat.
The appropriate time has arrived, elders Representing mahākāśyapa Bach works list and proceed to the Vinaya, the organ in France. False religion is false Increase litigation and Upāli Vinaya. False religion began to chant to read three-la-di, litigation is reading all the precepts Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles and Spleen-hamstring muscles.
These Flag-Arhat A pretentious to the Vinaya, the elders Represent mahākāśyapa, expressing them, wrongly assuming Religion A-nan and chant the Dhamma. False religions A-nan begins with business sagging Offense article (Brahmajāla) and turn back the years reading proceedings Nikāya. Next up, A fake-nan Presbyterian ladies College to mahākāśyapa that, before the Unconscious residue Nirvana, Germany The Sun allows them Increase can turn away the little things and the less important. However, assuming A-nan did not ask Germany The Religion, the article would be considered an important and little things. A comment, do not Rise to the system would be less and less important. So the elders Representing the white agent mahākāśyapa asked Rep. rise. Increased Representation of Bach Works Word consensus by silence. So the elders themselves mahākāśyapa conduct University-ma that Bhikkhu should not hamstring muscles more defined-it has not been specified and do not dispose of the things have been defined, they should Increase the life and read the proceedings had to be regulated.
Next up, the Bhikkhu-pretentious elders claimed the article, which according to it is wrong (guilty world-dukkata), false Religion-related A-nan need to repent. Those things are: 1. no specific Religious World ladies German question what about little things and less important; 2. Bike to the Religious World's rain bath health care while sewing; 3. For the best German girl's humiliation ceremony The Sun first and to tear them down to dirty itself Buddha; 4. no request for Germany The Religious head that one lives; 5. request for Germany The Sun allows the female to the Sangha.
False religions A-nan himself felt no errors and remain with them to Increase that To 1, because no note should not question the Religious World ladies German little things and less important; 2. does not respect bikes up World's rain bath medical Philosophy that good; 3. because women have to come home before dark, A-nan allowed them to humiliating ceremonies Buddhist girl herself first; 4. evil only because of the gloomy picture, so A-nan did not ask the Buddha head; 5. because the Ma-ha Ba-o-ba-SOAP about the template and have the largest Germany The Religion, Buddha is sometimes A-new for her and two other women out. However, because of the belief for the elders should be A-nan would repent.
At the time, Purāṇa elders (Phu-long-na) and 500 as Bhikkhu-Dakkhiṇāgiri in travel are pretentious, South of United. Listen to believe they are a set of Scriptures, Purāṇa elders to wihan Lisa (Veluvana), United, where they Increase the French volumes and the law. And they raise should hold speaks to administrative litigation Purāṇa and reads what the Great increase was set. Purāna, elders can approve all that were the volumes, however, saying that only Presbyterian Purāṇa noted what the elders heard from Chrysostom's German Religious World.
End of the file, increase the false false Religions A-nan together with 500 Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles to bring celestial Range penalty Kosambi apply for flag-the pretentious Channa [7]. After the Suppression increased television Coverage, Bhikkhu-pretentious effort and practice Channa result A arhat a short time later.
The differences between:
-Especially popular tradition: the false Religion that Represents mahākāśyapa accept only allowed fake A-nan joins the classic episodes after testifying A Arhat. But two Legal traditions of Theravada and Tibetan that required approval of the increase, assuming Greater mahākāśyapa was approved allowing false Religions A-nan took part in the Congress before him have proven results of A Arhat.
Although all three Vinaya traditions, all agree that false Religions A-nan the result or the Holy and smuggled into A dollars-Han dynasty before joining the Congress to classics in the United. However, the speaker allowed A-nan syndrome before and after results of A Arhat has shown two views of this tradition. The first case is the view that, although the false Religions A-nan had the take but can't or more pirated copies would be dominated by, yard, si and he is the most diverse ranks in the German Cult disciples World, often almost reach the years German Religious World, listen and remember the many Tibetan Religious World Germany France, should be invited to Tibet and Falun Bhikkhu-ni. The second case is the view that, cannot accept a Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles are also smuggled or, also took part, si, this important event and they Flag-A pretentious Arhat pirated radio, radio, radio, theatre si parameter.
As regards the issue of false Religion amendment A-nan, according to Theravada tradition, supposedly A-nan, however, were approved to allow participating to Congress, but found himself not worthy of the same lettered Saints Raise A-la-Han the volumes of law, should have consistent meditation efforts in one night and were the fruit of pirated radio before attending the Congress. However, according to the mass, assuming A-nan must be due to the very heavy rebuke of elders Representing the new meditation efforts mahākāśyapa and also has seen the Holy innocent fruit before pirated copies effectively attended to this episode. So, one side has a view that, to the Religion's rebuke Jia Represents A false Religion, mahākāśyapa-nan as new effort and practice, i.e. to aid others favored; is a party to that, assuming A-nan feels himself unworthy to attend this great event together with schools of St. Rose up through the night meditation hall and the fruit loads smuggled, the effort on his own practice. These differences may reflect two points of differences between the two traditions in the history of the Buddhist sect. Can accept a more neutral point of view, that the work of these Increases should be by now or otherwise mock Religion offensive resulted in A-nan mau tu effort and Holy pirated radio show before he attended and did the work of false Religions A-nan to know its impossible as people smuggled or that the same court during the reading of Scriptural Saints German Growth The Sun, should be attempted proving and meditation the Holy berries before taking to the Scriptures as the same chant all āgama or Nikāya? As members of the Sangha, are thanks to the Sangha of tones in the practice and also to commit themselves to practice achievement results are freed.
We would also like to present some additional perspectives in relation to the question: why A fake Religion-nan can only show results A-la-Han after the German Religious World Nirvana. There are opinions that, in Respect of A false-nan is multi-cultural secondary ticket, many of the intellectual property office, the culture which has certified the convent. To have the view that, assuming A-nan did not want to witness the Holy fruits of A-la-Han dynasty when the Religious World is in that. Because of that, assuming A-nan is a German author of world Religion, not an A-la-attendant Han for a A-la-Han (according to the ideas of the āgama and Nikāya the Buddha, is an undergraduate A-la-Han, result of his liberation credentials are the same with all the Saints Raise A Arhat). Also has the notion that, because of the false Religions A-nan spent hours memorizing the French article by The Sun more time teaching practice, and delay in the Holy documents. And those who have this view explains that, assuming A-nan to sacrifice the peace and freed himself, in order to help the many peaceful and free. Because of that, if the false Religions A-nan did not focus on the field of intellectual property offices, no attention to remember what the Buddha taught, then who will be the match chanting Tibetan plateau to increase the TV, recording, and circulate to this day. So if having to sacrifice peace and Liberation of oneself, which brings benefits to the East, the so much. But when the Division of a powerful Surge that's done and the need to continue the growth of a false Religion, A-nan can win A Holy Arhat fruit overnight meditation hall after The Venerated Nirvana.
-Especially second: Vinaya of the mahāsāṃghika refers to a violation, but as we are very hard to understand, is the false Religions A-nan allowed Bhikkhu-Romanian audio source the pretentious German Museum of world Religion. All the while, the French and the Tibetan Vinaya Theravada does not mention this violation.
We have yet to understand why false Religions A-nan to the Bhikkhu-Romanian audio source the pretentious German Museum of world Religion. On the one hand that, in the opinion of German General of Buddhism and Indian culture in General, General audio coding is one of the good General of the University. But where necessarily the perfect Romanian flag pretentious-General audio coding your Museum see Germany The Religion, and many other fine to see the cult. Affordable prices, details, due to the mass of the add on? And add more of this to do?
Also in relation to the putative violations of false Religions A-nan, the Vinaya of the mahāsāṃghika, outlined in a false religion, 7, error-A-nan feels there are 5 errors and ask for repentance; While France Theravada and Tibetan that mock Religions A-nan not feel at fault but just because the glass mass signal flag-which accepts the pretentious repentance. The false Religions A-nan to guilt and repentance brings an entirely different meaning with the false Religions A-nan not guilt, but because of the false Religious beliefs glass mahākāśyapa Representative or which the Confessor.
-Especially Tuesday: Vinaya tradition of the mass does not mention cases of long-elders-na to the Congress proposals to hear back the whole of France and Romanian flag and expressed a few about it did not agree with Congress as the two Tibetan Vinaya traditions of Theravada and recorded.
-Especially Wednesday: two traditions of Vinaya and the visceral mass of French Ministry did not mention France the wrong jiexi increases that false Religions-ma A-nan and 500 Bhikkhu-suppression Kosambi to pretentious the punishment Violates the Christian flag-Vinaya traditions such as the pretentious of Channa Theravada record.
* According to the Vinaya of the Theravada and Tibetan Dharma (in the tradition of the elders), one finds that between the Great Religions and pseudo mahākāśyapa faked A-nan had a distinct perspective on things related to false Religions A-nan, false Religion that Represents mahākāśyapa is wrong need to repent, while false Respect A-nan doesn't feel wrong. And also in view of the Tibetan Vinaya and Theravada, it is shown that between Modern Religions and pseudo false mahākāśyapa Phu-long-there are some differences about some of the little things and the less important. If this information is correct, then most likely, the differences indirectly led to the differences between the Great Religious disciple mahākāśyapa Religious author, Jia nan and Phu A-false-so-na? [8] And the differences among the three disciples of this hypothesis may be one of the causes leading to the differences on some of the least significant thing that happened and led to the first meeting of the classic episode II between the flag-to-Flag-pretentious property, commonly referred to as the flag-the pretentious Eastlocal, is said to have thought of reform and the Bhikkhu-West local, pretentious is said to be more conservative, which is representing masters Da-halls, about 100 years after Germany The Ton Nirvana. But if, the views varied between the Flag-this pretentious is one of the indirect causes to the Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles into Bhikkhu-add or remove certain-ly Amnesty about the less important then why the differences are only recorded in the two sets of laws in the Presbyterian Ministry, but did not see the narration in the Vinaya of the mahāsāṃghikaa sect, often considered the successor of the Bhikkhu-pretentious schism into the Spleen, spleen--XA-hamstring muscles are often said to be distracted about the law? They must record this information as an identity document for editing some of the articles that follow them are things and less important? And they must also have the same view that, assuming A-nan was Great Boost invited to the classics while not proving A-la-Han as a justification for a period to a different set of them, including the majority of the young witness not pretentious-spleen St., in the Rosette (Pataliputta) after dissent about 10 to be the local elders to Western for the precepts Anyway? Thus, the mass has to be a successor to the sect of the Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles into Bhikkhu-XA-ly? We will present and discuss this issue in an article related to the Congress the first classics volume II in the Bhikkhu-XA-Cup and the first division causes of primitive Buddhist Sangha.
The analysis and review of the scholar Etienne Lamotte [9]:
For the most accurate assessment of the Congress to this classic, essential, not just research notes of the Theravāda tradition with which to compare, compare the notes from many different traditions, based on the written record to date and sort them.
All of these traditions are documented time this year to Congress the Buddha in Nirvana, but of different narrative about the episode and the Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles. In addition to the United Centre (Rājagṛha) was selected as the school world, we also find a few more places where the books noted: the Sentence-contest-na (Kuśinagara-T); a location north of Sāṃkāśya in Ma-da-masterpiece (2026 m); and a little is more NB, Sahaloka (2060 m). And if the Congress took place at the United Centre, the book also noted many places within the United property Lisa Glass: Xa (Veṇuvana), or Olfactory Part mountain (Gṛdhrakūta) or hang Kṣatriya (Officer) or Ventricular artery Ye (Saptaparaṇa). What about the Bhikkhu-pretentious attended, in General, most of the books noted that 500 Bhikkhu-pretentious attended, but there are also several books noted for 1000 (T 1509) and 3000 (T 4) Bhikkhu-pretentious attended.
There's an great asymmetries between the classic episodes of the popular Flag-and his pretentious is excuse mahākāśyapa (Skt. Kāśyapa) presented to Congress a set of classics. Evidentiary Tutty is because of the attitude of joy upon hearing the Buddha Nirvana and the crew's remarks, law of flag-named Subhadra, pretentious, or some other source, named, Upananda. The attitudes and opinions of a Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles are recorded in the Great Nirvana (Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra-Dīgha, II, p. 165, Waldschmidt, MPS, pp. 422-3), but did not record the reaction of the Bhikkhu and the attitude of the pretentious-speech by Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles. This Sanskrit texts reported him mahākāśyapa saw to the attitudes and opinions of a Bhikkhu-hamstring muscles.
More pretentious to Pūrṇa Śirīṣa-flag offers A-la-Gavāmpati Han attended the just recorded in the Bible; most jurisdictions do not record this information. Gavāmpati is described in the Bible is a legendary character and j. Przyluski believes that Gavāmpati is a reef called the rainy wind.
For more details on A-nan to advance a few minutes before the Congress the classic episodes begin inevitably is influenced the views: must verify the results of sin or clergyman who attended before allowing participation to France. Here is a recipe which was repeated many times in the history of the classic episode: writes A-nan Lastly, representing 500, in the classic collection at the United Centre (Rājagṛha); also that way, Sir Kubjita is the second-last, pretentious Bhikkhu 700, in the classic episode in Bhikkhu-XA-li (Veśalī) (T 1435, 1451) and Viable hypothesis (Vasumitra), was Bhikkhu pretentious late-and finally, the 500, in the classic episode in Kashmir (under the reign of King Kaniṣka-2087 T, ch. 2, pp. 886c). In a meeting held at the United Centre, mahākāśyapa fake or false religion, criticizing mass A-nan violation errors in most areas the Buddha; Despite the rebuke, only to attempt to make the community Flag-pure, but pretentious there's something lacking delicately when reprimanded a rising A-la-Han. In fact, the reprimand, in the narration of the traditional, nor the time and number of errors being rebuked: or before or between or after the episode of law and or 2, or 5, or 6, or 7 of mistakes.
All Vinaya tradition that pretentious A-Flag-500 Arhat coincide and memorize the rules, content that the copy editor after generation and retention; but in doing this, there are a number of content takes place after the Buddha's Nirvana and narration States the classic episodes. Some, like my Madhurā (the central part II, p. 83; Grand Chief, 99, ch. 20, p. 142a), Ghoṭamukha (central part II, p. 157), and Jing Gopakaṁoggallāna (Central III, p. 7; Grand Chief, t. 27, ch. 36, pp. 653c) are saying after the Buddha Nirvana; Nārada trading (branch III, p. 57; Great Chief Justice, t. 24, ch. 125, p. 679a) are saying during the reign of King Muṇḍa, a grandson of King Ajātaśatru (A Ajatashatru); Assalāyana trading (the II, p. 147; Chief Representative T 26, ch. 37, p. 663b; Grand Chief, 71, 876b) refers to the Yona-Kamboja of Graeco-bactrians (Greece-Persian), and Yueh-chid (Yuezhi) of the Kuṣāna dynasty. So if these are the episodes in the first episode of I, then surely, this experience does not mention the information is dated, the information that we find in this business.
Furthermore, the sources disagree with each other about what are the episodes in the episode in the Uk and every sectarian are thought their classics are the classics is that litigation and to remember in the third episode i. actually, classics of the sectarianthe books that we know and have mentioned about the Congress to this classic, shows a lack of consistency in the classification of the investment in the āgama (Āgama) and position of the A-rank in Tibetan, the contents of the Vinaya and had to Comment. And a ridiculous was that the sectarian includes for that classic of sectarian they are classics, original time, the sects has not been established.
In addition, the classics (classic tripiṭaka) not to be selected until many centuries later. In Ceylon (Sri Lanka), during the V century TL., there is still some debate about the classification of the Pali tripiṭaka copy editors and (Pali Tipiṭaka), and the result of the debate was admitted a number of works, such as the Kathāvatthu (General comment), are not known until the year 236, after the Buddha's nirvana. As will be outlined below, a question was posed, that the sectarian ever owning or not owning enough of the classics were the episodes in the episode at the United Centre?
We were told that 500 Bhikkhu-pretentious A-la-litigation law has read the Han economy back so be careful and accurate; by the way, ask him and Upāli Ānanda had heard the Buddha preach said that trading post or precepts which where, and to whom. In other words, each of the precepts and an investment was believed to have raised the pratītyasamutpāda (nidāna) to identify the places, objects and subjects of the law are the Buddha's teaching. However, if we compare the pratītyasamutpāda (nidāna) of every sectarian, we also found that there was no uniformity between the sects. For example, the sagging Offense (Brahmajālasutta) as quoted in Pali Vinaya (II, p. 287), is said to have been the Buddha preaching at the castle of Ambalaṭṭhikā, on the Property from the Uk to Nalanda. This information is consistent with the Scope economy sagging Pali, but doesn't fit with this article are Chinese initiative: Piracy (Great Chief, T 1, ch. 14, p. 13 88b) and breaking the sagging table of contents the second idea (Great Chief, 21, p. 1 264b). According to a translation of Han Pham, the Buddha taught this Essential business property comes at Lisa (Veṇuvana) and as a Chinese translator Violates sagging, the Buddha taught the Bible speaking in Kareri lecture (迦梨羅) near The hostel Elf (Jetavana), the Centre (Śrāvastī). Most likely, it's original, this experience is not necessarily full of pratītyasamutpāda (nidāna) of pratītyasamutpāda can be added when there are requirements on the authenticity and the evidence for the Bible. Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra trading, a later copy editor is mentioned in a location expression (Great Chief, T 1059) had recorded that, before entering Nirvana, the Buddha recommended fake Religions A-nan at the experiential law must begin with the sentence: "Evaṃ samaye ekasmin śrutam mayā: A life of faith, the Buddha residing in place as day, such as point, such as a forest ... ", and teaches that, historically, Buddha paranormal also started all of this way. However, this formula is suspicious, given that the earlier texts, Parinirvāṇasūtra no pratītyasamutpāda.
In the notes on the episode of the Pali Vinaya, having one more seems to advocate for the accuracy of this document, saying elders Purāna, who does not acknowledge the decisions of this Congress, have kept the precepts that follow Purāna (Phu-long-na), which heard from Purāna Chrysostom obviousness of the Buddha.This document (Cullavagga of the Vinaya Pali) are not interested in the evidence to suggest that the views of States, to classics in the United. In other words, according to Pali sources, Purāna accept all these laws that we cross A Arhat has the episode, except for a few little things: keep food in the House and eating there, etc.The silence of these precepts is picked up and less important has also stimulated the curious of the following generation, of which some are discussed in the Pali Vinaya (I, pp. 210-215).
Pali literature materials have an important place among the documents referring to the Congress the third volume i. source documents are cited in many, many, many Avadāva (for instance), several works of history, the stories of the Chinese astrological House and prize coming cult. However, according to the sources quoted in this different, it seems, at random, the information is cited, which are present in many of the different sides and with separate purposes.
The event is the first classic was also mentioned in the classic of all classics Minor (Hīnayāna) and Mahayana (Mahāyāna), although the books aren't categorized and sorted into the Tibetan capital-function (Āgama) or Nikāya.
Among the books blank TV's own Biography, we might mention the Kāśyapasaṃgīti (結 葉 迦 經, Grand Chief, T2027, p. 4b-7a) is attributed to him An Advanced World translated into Chinese in about 150 to 170 TL; two of the Eight Buddhist Nirvana (Great Chief, T 5, ch. 2, pp. 21-25 c 175a) and Nirvana (Great Chief, t. 6, ch. 2, p. 190 c 28-191a), the anterior Lymphatic fluid Organization by him in about the year 300 to 306 after a trading post, don't know the name translator, translated into Chinese during the year 317 to 420; and of the episodes tripiṭaka Scriptural and by-products (Chief T 2026, p. 1-4a), unknown translator, translated into Chinese during the year 317 to 420.
This Congress is also mentioned in full or in part in the Local economy and the conclusion of Mahayana, such as Comment to distinguish merit (Chief T 1507), do not know the name of the translator, translated in about 25 to 220; Location Of College (Captain 1509, Chief, ch. 2, p. 67a-70a), led by Mr. Jiujiang-ma-la-the translation in about the year 402 to 405; Portuguese trading-Part mythical Swan slapped children's long form advertising theory conception (Great Chief, 384, ch. 7, pp. 1058), Buddhist Architecture by him Recite in about the year 384 to 417, and Great ball (Great Chief, T 380, ch. 5, pp. 971b) proposed by the Pan-Na-he-da-Narendrayaśas (about half College in the V century TL.
The comment has a different content. And the content of each economic sector that conclusion as the ancient writings and authority. They bring somewhat legendary direction and almost all these works are mentioned in the invitation to Gavāmapati, a legendary figure, was mentioned in history, attended the rally of the law. However, there are points of interest here is that, as reported in the Position Of College (T 333, ch. 15, pp. 173c; and ch. 100 p. 756b), apart from the Congress to the classics in the United Religious, A Jia-nan and several Portuguese University-slaps to Mahayana sutras also in the Mountain Range Settings (Vimalasvabhāva) [10].
My dear more conclusion:
What we are portraying and perfectly presented above does not have the concept of "green lines look deeper", or recall a sad child who folds the Buddha assigned and claimed the sect in the history of Buddhism in General. We just want to present to talk to those who are interested in the history of Indian Buddhism, especially the analysis from the history of Buddhism in India. And we also want to talk to some people who look too good and lack of tolerance to a number of Buddhist texts in General. As we have already presented, in the same event that the Scriptures, followed on The German Honor Nirvana, Primitive Buddhism, the Ministry has kept the information differently and presented in many different looks. This is to say that Buddhist history over thousands of years, between the sects differ in the use of language and the language form is not backing away from and is the course. Now, if we are too good on a kind of language and a form of language that we cannot understand and experience all the teachings of The Religion. So, we thought, we should not be too good in the language and form of expression language, and, given that only the Scriptures kept in the language and form of this language is the Scriptural kept properly and all the Germans That Religion was taught; What about the other classics are kept in these languages and forms of expression in another language is not recorded properly the Germany The Religion taught and even the left is classic, it's not Buddha. And also there's always time for that, the classics and this new traditions is higher, and the other classics and other subjects in French is low. In France, the debate over the debate back to the classical Buddha or the other classic not because of Buddha; France is high, while other traditions are low just as obstacles the way tu of the US only. In France, we should consider aspects of peace and Liberation, of the traditions are kept in the classical tradition. The Scriptures and traditions that history has proven that brings peace, freed of Buddhist monks, we can conclude that the classical disciplines that is right under the foot of the German words That Religion has taught. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.23/10/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).
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