Thursday, 25 October 2012


Three Refuges
I. - Open to
Live the life you want, people want to choose a path, mapped out a life full of meaning and peace, it is not easy. We are travelers are at the intersection of falling in, but do not know the end of that road lead to? Pick a way to go until I am old, very wise wise from future regret. But that forces us to choose, not to small, do not listen to incite, because this is the path to self-not who we are. Choose carefully and then will go, is the attitude of the wise; blindly go need the mercy anywhere or to it, fool, take life as a game. The place to look carefully, to consider thoroughly before you walk on a path. Refuge in the Three Jewels result is put yourself on a path to the end. Until the road is our lifetime. This job should have known, intimately aware, new has Qui medical center. Vows of refuge that we have set the direction for his life. If you do not know what, the Qui y lost its meaning.

Three rules say enough refuge in the Three Jewels. Three Jewels are the Buddha Jewel, Dharma and Sangha. Buddha is the Buddha Sakyamuni Form-ni, due to his previous practice enlightened Buddha. Dharma is the Dharma taught by the Buddha said only way to practice. Sangha are the monks and nuns according to the precepts and the Dharma of the Buddha.
Why called Buddhist sure?
- From an ordinary man as we practice the true Buddha is talking less on the human world. So in the business say the Buddha was born is hard to see, such as flower Specials - undertakes a new millennium a time. By little difficult to come by to say is valuable. Moreover, the enlightenment of Buddhahood itself he got rid of birth and death, take place of enlightenment he taught the same from birth and death, is the greatest thing on earth so called treasures.
What is called Dharma?
- Dharma to be rare due to the Buddha, the listener is very difficult to understand thoroughly. But once you understand the spiritual application can transform ordinary life into a saint, such measures nothing more precious. The Buddha taught the truth, notwithstanding the long time the truth was still shining as the precious pearl. Those who are lost in the darkness, suddenly met torches, how glad you unfortunately, the director met the Chief Justice as well. Was sunk outside the pool, saw a boat to salvage, happy happy how beloved, the director met the Chief Justice as well. So says "hundreds of thousands want life difficult to see".
How is called Increase sure?
- Increase for a group of Buddhist monks, living together with the spirit harmoniously. True spiritual Force is less on the human world. Because the people of the world live Joneses shock win than lose to each other, they never live in harmony like that. Harmoniously as: body harmony in, û mouth - no contest, the fun, the rules harmonious jointly held, Air understanding and the benefit for peace division. Six this is the spirit of the Sangha. If the round square jacket that does not live up to the spirit at peace nor called Boost. In the group of four people or more, every harmonious coexistence with the spirit of Content Republic, it is very difficult to do for the people of the world. Therefore, mold monks living according to the spirit at peace, it is a precious thing in the human world. Furthermore, in the practice, he himself was shallow with sorrow, and teaching others to get rid of negativity. He was part of pure peace, to guide people to the place of pure peace. By the same token, they called Sangha.
How Qui y?
- Qui return, y refuge. Back refuge in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha called refuge in the Three Jewels. For a long time, we will always run after sensual karmic suffering, this in mind, the province decided to go for refuge to the Three Jewels. Jewels is a place at the glass so that our lives depend, is no longer a cause of suffering, which is usually brought peace to us. This is in the heart of awareness our vow to return. This awareness is the intellectual foundation of the castle, it is the first step on the path of enlightenment hometown. Laid a solid platform, the new intellectual castle is long. It is the critical spirit of Qui y.
III. Refuge in the Three Jewels OUT
Buddha Dharma and Sangha are subject to our Terms y. Will follow the path of the Buddha has to follow the Buddha. Decided to practice his teachings also write in classic French Qui y. Upon under the guidance of our religious Increase is Qui Sangha. From this step, we take the Triple Gem life as exemplary, directed by that eventually, from the suspect fumbling as ever. We are pilots, the Three Jewels is the lighthouse. For every target in a lighthouse that drove the boat close our network to the destination. Song of Buddhism, Buddhists believe the decision is no longer any hesitation, did increase to be careful to avoid getting wrong. Increase the corporate clergy living the spirit at peace, not personality. If a monk stands out as a refuge for Buddhist ceremony, the group he represents. Refuge Increase refuge with the monks live the spirit Force, not the individual monk passed eight regular five precepts. If transmission representatives provided realm tu be or not tu, the ordination Legal still have Activity Sangha. When refuge in a monk ie refuge in all monks, if you live the spirit of harmony. Buddhists have the right to learn all the Sangha, should not be limited where his teacher. So true spirit of Qui y external Jewels.
IV. Refuge TAM TAM spores
Buddhism never have enough sides, external Jewels objects, Jewels Self interest is nature. Princess Jewels outside, we developed the Three Jewels of the mind itself. In addition to mutual fulfillment meticulous practice, is an essential goal of Buddhism.
What is the Triple Gem self-care?
Sense of nature available in us is the Buddha Jewel. Compassionate heart to help sentient beings is Dharma. Mind are in agreement with all the Sangha. Thanks Buddha external security, we awaken their sense of identity, returning to rely on their sense of identity is to follow the Buddha. By Dharma outside, we pushed out of compassion for living beings, become the refuge with his compassion refuge in France. By monks outside reminds us a spirit of harmony upon draft, return to the refuge with a spirit of harmony upon his draft is Qui Sangha. Dharma Sangha outside compel Help us arise Dharma Increase of self-interest. For example, the teacher makes support for pupil Moo coast bringing its knowledge. There was hard teacher, but her lazy student did not learn, the teacher also becomes useless. Similarly, external Jewels, Buddhists do not try to wake her own Jewels, Jewels outside meaningless. Jewels outside is dark conditions essential to Buddhists, but enlightenment freedom is the ability of the Three Jewels own mind. Just know Jewels outside neglect proceedings. A surface on Jewels of self-interest no matter what the external Jewels, is the reason I walked. The true Buddhist must staff the new management from obstacles on the path.
V. - Rite of refuge
Major focus in the refuge ceremony, while Buddhists kneel before the Three Jewels, the three vows: "Practitioner ... lifelong please follow the Buddha, refuge Dharma, refuge Increase. "this aspiration from the bottom of my heart comes Buddhists, not by coercion instigated. Three times vows so as to sow the seed deep into stealth mode, making ever forget. This is a voluntary self-discipline. Form of ritual helps more impressive important for that aspiration moment only. When we are mindful prayer Tam Bao our life benefits. If the path has always been ignorance cover not mind the Three Jewels, we suffer. Buddhism is not required us oath heavily to apostasy. Treasure for if application is accepted, the benefits, do not like loud, forced to do. Except post mean, new heavy mandatory sentences swear to not dare to leave. People understand this site to see the true value of Buddhism. All the enticing forced to follow religion, Buddhism completely opposed. Each self-awareness about Buddhism and the mind to religion, the true spirit of Buddhism. Understand and then act in the spirit of enlightenment. Use technology or miracles to guide the direction, that is superstition. Use all benefits to lure people into the religion, it is tempting foolish man, do not fit with the spirit of enlightenment. We have an obligation to explain to other people understand the mind to follow the evangelical righteousness. Solemn rite in the refuge ceremony, just coast to support our vow achieve perfection. This ritual does not mean that the Buddha will bless our life peacefully.
VI. - Reaffirmed the
After refuge in the Three Jewels, we confirmed a clear stance: "Qui Buddha not to follow the natural, gods, demons, animals." We carefully determined according to the Buddha is enlightened, no reason in nature, gods, demons, animals. Because natural, gods, demons, animals still not enlightenment, samsara as we. But there are also some Buddhists follow the Buddha, which is still run by the evil spirit. These people are due to take benefits, like mystery, so went the wrong way Buddhism. Even because of their superstition, they become more respected demon god Buddha. This is the bad to critical customer bladder Buddhism.
"Qui y French not to follow the pagan cult." Buddha Dhamma is the truth, save sentient beings in a practical way, as his physician for the patient. Understanding this is probably true, and the reason we run the pagan cult. We call themselves loving the truth, may escape suffering practical, pagan cult had nothing to offer to us. Only three guys have heard where good, you change actions such nonsense. Despite allowing evil addition to what is sacred, we do not start craving them. Or they have the spiritual cure mystery illness also saved from, is the true Buddhist would rather die than beg. This body keeping some smart, finally melting tanks, peanuts on the wrong hard life out of life.
"Qui Sangha not to follow the you evil evil group." We chose the wise princess, that makes my life closer to virtue. You evil evil group of people that religion should be kept away. Because "near black ink near the light", or "close your map foul fishy smell after transmission, close animal smells their fragrance spread". Therefore, we must have the courage to right path of your choice, whether contempt when slandering, so that goes. Because we're not a blind man, that had run good or evil. Reaffirmed clearly willed determination. If the training and lacking willpower, easily shaken by the wind.
Refuge in the Three Jewels is building the foundation of enlightenment, is the first rung on the ladder tree release, is the first step on the way home unborn. Like a solid building, need a solid foundation. To beat extreme scale plant liberate, the first step for step manner. Interested in the welfare in unborn home, the first step on the road back to go to the right. Lack of foundation building Tam Qui enlightenment can never build. Without the first step, one can hardly take tree climbing stairs free. The first step on the road back home was wrong, hundreds of thousands of steps so as to go as wrong. So, Master Triple Jewels importance to infinity. Every person wants to Buddhism to your health but to on, do not like the learn basic Buddhist loss. Because it plays such an important role, should be cautious Buddhists in the vow of refuge. Do not because Qui y for the blessed, from sickness, Buddha Bless through affliction ..., are the reason against superstition voluntary self-discipline of Buddhism.
I. - Open to
Beings are immersed in the ocean of birth and death suffering, line boats to save them is the introduction of Buddhism. Darkness of ignorance covering all beings, holding torches to light the way for them is the responsibility of Buddhism. Buddhism comes to being in a deep boundless ambition, extreme expectations. But, the boat with the values ​​saved when the drowning clutch it. The torch is a savior, when those who lost their way in the dark desire. The boat and the torch will be useless, if those who are about to drown and lost in the night to accept what you are comfortable. Also, Buddhism is useless beings accept birth and death and the police department in ignorance. Therefore, the Buddhist presence in the world has more than two thousand five hundred years, how many people look at it with strange eyes. But those who have tasted the law, see the virtues of Buddhism for its numerous fine after all. It's true to the question of "Buddha predestined". END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.26/10/2012 ).NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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