In terms of possession contraband, which Chief Bowl practices to build a good life, happy, peaceful, blessed for this life and the hereafter. In terms of loads smuggled, practice Primary Bowl, briefly stated, is to keep the purity of mind training, digging, intellectual development to thereby achieve salvation, ending the contentious element.
Chief of the network, in terms of possession contraband, usually interpreted as a way of earning the correctness or choosing a dignified profession, and in this job or professional people can feed themselves and their families, as well as a heap of useful value contribution to society. In my Mahācattārīsaka mentioned above, the Chief Justice network is defined:"Saint disciples abandon Ta network, feed with Chief Justice network; as such, the public utility network-Rate is pretentious smuggled in phước, brought to birth outcome y. " And network ties are defined: "scam, say Rapture, the current Prime Minister, insincere, gain favor; as such, the Bill-TA is pretentious. " (HT. Eu). Network Chief here, as such, is not doing the things Ta network, no scams, no insincere, no gain taking ...
Some of the Fees The view making the right life is living with his devoted, diligent, legal, righteous, no scam, do not harm other people, not forced (see Falling Branch 4: 62; 5: 41). A passage to another, also in the Falling Branch, the Buddha teaches that a person performing his job or career needs and proficiency, and see if this is the correct principle that one should adhere to while practicing at work,"here, this friendly, Byagghapajja male deaths do to live, or farming, or caravan, or cattle, or as Archer, or working for the King, or any job, in the same occupation, similar to the ones she Shan, tirelessly, to know the thought out just enough vehicles to drivers and other people do." (8: 53 chi from HT. Eu).
In Samyutta V (section 45), Chief of the network are defined:"Chief of the network? That was the case in which the Holy disciples, after the abandonment of livelihood not righteous, living with dignified livelihood. This is called the Chief Justice. "However, what is livelihoods are not righteous, not interpretation here. But the Falling Branch V we see a piece of this: "there are five trades this trafficking, the pretentious artist, a population-men should not do. What is the year? Proceed to trafficking, human trafficking, trade in meat, liquor dealers, traders poison. " And this passage is often many cite when talking about career options in view of Buddhism, and is usually taken as the criteria for evaluating a job as "Chief" or "deviant". In breaking the Local Food Hub Bodhisattva Hammock, in occupational categories listed above are also advised not to do. Besides, the harm done to the lives of other beings, such as divination, Feng Shui, General, Pets Dogs hunting etc. are also advised not to do.
During the years of occupation were mentioned above, the executioner for the stands to trade weapons, war-related articles, and so it is not in line with the spirit of Buddhism. Traders who, at the time of the Buddha, in relation to the issue of slavery and class, it is not Buddhism. The three remaining careers were born Karma directly harmful to ourselves, for humanity and other living species.
In this profession, if you look at the situation in Vietnam, the two professions are considered unlawful: trafficking in arms and human trafficking. Traders, in their contacts with the sale of pesticides, are still considered legal. So, in addition to five trades both legal and illegal, other careers that are both considered the "Chief" or not, and the Buddhists have been allowed to choose according to their abilities and interests?
The Bible is preached is usually associated with a specific context, with human and social space. The profession, as well as other social entity, always can change. There are occupations that are mentioned in the books but now no longer exist; but in contrast, there are no long lines but were incurred in the development of society. Evaluating and looking on career also does not have the same each time. Therefore, when selecting and implementing a career, then the issue should be considered on the core principles of the marrow, not just limited to where a passage is taught to a child who at a particular time. Make a career, so the first thing to consider is whether the profession or work that is lawful and righteous or not, infringe the interests of others and damaging the other life; or in other words is the profession's benefit themselves beneficial or not. And because the Chief Justice as is the practice in an owner's key is smuggled in, so in the world of key criteria to help evaluate a job as Chief of the primary network.
In his Seventh World of Buddhist Meditation, (The Seventh World of Chan Buddhism), Ni Su Ming Zhen Shakya (American, but made in China) that does not have a career would completely "clean". This way or another, each of the occupations or jobs are linked to the other task. For example, a person not directly killed animals, but when he made the trades, such as leather, footwear, selling burgers ... then these jobs are linked indirectly to the people directly killed animals. Or a person not directly cooked wine, but if he worked in a tobacco factory and who served in a wine bar, also in relation to the production of alcohol. A factory worker in agriculture, insecticides, sauce, or even the scientific production of drugs, also were linked to the harm to other living species.
Nuns said that the Buddhists can do any type of work or occupation if the profession that suits him and not contrary to the law. And the criteria to evaluate a career as "the Chief" or "deviant" is not in the type of occupation which is located at the place where one can make it righteous or not. And then she said that the Buddhists probably soldiers who planted vegetables, beef farmers, who made shoes, who served in the wet, and even ... arms-if this person lives in a place where the arms are regarded as legitimate (Ming Zhen Shakya, The Seventh World of Chan Buddhism, 1985, pages 161-164).
Perspective of nuns Ming Zhen Shakya was clearly not the same as the general opinion of the Buddha School, or in other words is it sounds not "Orthodox". The fact of her book, she has criticized the interpretation of Works of ancient tradition, networks, and specifically criticized the network Chief explains in his book "What The Buddha Self-taught" (Naval Intelligence nuns as The Escape Line) of Walpola Rahula.
So by Ming Zhen Shakya nuns, lawful and righteous are two key principles to evaluate a career as Chief Justice or ties, regardless of what that profession. If the Buddhists was born in a place where fishery trade, and he doesn't have any choice other than the lineage from how's life in which, in this case failed to consider traditional issues. Thus two principles first of all need to put out is right and righteous. Teachers, doctors, writers, artists, and even the clergy ... If not then the righteous living as deviant as often. While a livestock breeding, selling, people grow vegetables, in the pub ... If the righteous is still considered alive according to the Chief Justice.
There are also questions to be posed as, a Buddhist working for a Publisher provides educational, career hearing a "Chief", but if that publishers do cheat giối, not treated civilly and not paying salaries to employees appropriately, then the Buddhists had to give up that job to make a pesticide factory but making a righteous or not? Or a person served in a tea meditation, also heard a Chief network, tea shop owner but there was cheating in business, then the Buddhists do there should continue this work and can move on to making a bar but in which wine and pay the appropriate?
In his Years In the Senate and Fine (Pancasila-Pancadhamma) by Vajirananavarorasa, Chief of the network is considered proper under the original terms: the action; correctness in terms of people; and correctness of an object. Correctness of an action is the work so diligent, committed, not wasting time and indolence, or fraud are products in the workplace. Correctness in terms of people's respect for the people who do the work, with colleagues, with the client ... in terms of the proper object is true in the production and exchange of goods, as well as in transactions ... (and again, Bikkhu Bodhi, The Noble Eightfold Path: The Way To The End of Suffering, 1999, p. 56.)
So, from the lead at the top, a person when choosing occupation and do the need to consider a few guidelines: see occupation which had legal and righteous or not; careers that make sense and are useful for yourself and society; It is violating and harming the interests of humanity and the other living or not ... Henepola Gunaratana, a rising artist Ceylon, when explains the Chief Justice network has put out a set of rules that a person should work to practice speculation. And here please borrow the words of master trainers to finish this short article:
-Consider means of earning a living that do hinder our spiritual development.
-Consider a career considered Chief of the network by implementing a survey of three steps: 1. review the work which harm people and themselves; 2. consider the work which makes it in about banning or not; and 3. Consider other factors that are relevant to the work that makes the mind is hard to spot.
-Compassion can improve a difficult work situation.
-Without the intention to cause harm, one would not be compromised by the negative outcome of the work.
-The Chief Justice network is a purpose need to be reached when the main spiritual practice Visual snapshots. (Henepola Gunaratana, Eight mindful steps to happiness: walking the Buddha's Path, 2001, p. 148). END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.24/10/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).
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