Thursday 25 October 2012

Buddhism spread from East to West.

Author: Dalai Lama

Ladies and gentlemen,

We are very pleased to meet to today to talk to you here, because each of us are going to learn about the true value and meaning of life. few days ago I have said many times that along with material advances, the development of the spiritual life and the human mind is very necessary and useful. Immediately you notice that a strong-willed person, as their difficulty to easily overcome through. In the case of Tibet and the experience itself, I know that it is true.

Someone in a leadership role with the heavy responsibility as I am today but encountered many problems such trouble, make sure the spirit of their inevitable crisis and worry., but you go look at my face always calm, peace and liberation. Of course we recognize that the issues of our country is grave and grim, but we must accept that unfortunate destiny to try to fix the pass. Thanks to the mighty spirit of determination, clearly influenced and helped care we have enough energy to deal with the problem.

According to Buddhism because everyone has the same potential to become Buddha, so as to practice the Buddha's teachings, we will reap the many practical benefits. No need to wait for the blessed in the afterlife, but if we compassion help people, even in this life, we will feel happy and at peace.

Although the heart of compassion of the Bodhisattvas regular basis is explained in the Mahayana sutras, but in addition, we see the entire Buddhist thought is always built on a foundation of compassion. All Buddhist teachings can be expressed in two sentences: in the spirit of the Mahayana teachings, "You should help people" and Raw, or Hinayana "If not possible, you do not cause damage harm to anyone. " It highlighted the moral sense is to recommend that we terminate action suffering for others. Both teaching has since been built on the ideas of love and compassion .

If carried out, first of all we should prevent control itself does not cause evil actions harming living beings as much as possible. Later, when we have developed some good nature, we begin aims to help others. Initially, sometimes we need the quiet living people to practice gap, but after achieving inner master, we should contact, engage for human society in all areas such as health, education and politics etc ...

There are some who claim to be Buddhists often flaunt their practice in the form of wearing a particularly unusual or apply a method cultivation eccentric and sometimes prefer to live hidden away from the public . Such action is wrong. During the Buddha teaches, "For peace, people need to fix in the mind not change appearance." That is very important. primary purpose of the practice Mahayana Buddhism is for all living beings; therefore, we can not own social life separate. contrast to help us all to live life. This is essential first.

Second, especially in Buddhist practice is when we need to use both brains and heart. Morally, we should have compassion, at the same time we must also have wisdom. So combination of compassion and wisdom are needed. Lack of wisdom you can hardly achieved in understanding the profound Dharma. This is the basics. In addition we also need to be coordinated between the text (hear) from (thought) and practice (practice). Tibetan ambassador Drom-Don (1004-1064) said, "When I listen, I also trying to think and meditate. When I think, the more I listen and meditate. When I meditate I continued listening and reflection. " he said so "I have to keep a balance between the heard (text), to think (from) and practice (practice). "

When listening, it is important that your mind is to pay attention to think about all the things that we have heard. The study of the teachings of religion is not the same as learning about the events of history. practitioners need to use the mind, focus study the teachings of the religion. Scripture tells us that our practice is like a mirror. act, where your body, mouth and mind not other the shine out on the mirror surface, so that we find the wrong mistakes to modify.

When learning the practice, we need to apply it in your own life practice. I would tell you the following story: Once upon a time when the Tibetan masters Ga-Dam-Ba are studying precepts. He read that the Buddha taught the monks should not use cushions made ​​of animal skin. Since then, he storing bear pelts do not sit on it. One day, he read in the law of Buddha allowed in the winter cold, disease or illness, the monks can use leather cushions; immediately he immediately took it out back to sit. Such religious Professor Ga-Dam-Ba fact that pressure the precepts he had learned. , therefore, want to achieve good results in practice, we should try to apply what they have learned into practice.

The third thing, I hope you do not expect too much. We live in the age of computers and computing, so you might mistakenly think that the practice of conversion is the same as the inner machine automatically, simply press a button as everything is changing. It's not like that. contrast to subdue the human mind is not easy but it takes time.

On science and technology, especially conquer the external world, not just in a short time people can achieve great results is to launch spacecraft into the distant planet today, which takes hundreds of research over many generations, more progressive modern generation thanks to the previous generation. however sublimated spirit, moral development of the spiritual life is very difficult, because the practice of individuals can transition from generation to generation. lives and your actions in past lives will affect this life and now his current induced in artificial fruit for life. So the evil or good of the people can not be passed on to others. Everyone practice act of good and evil, happiness or misery depends where you are and it takes time.

I met many Western Buddhists initially very enthusiastic diligent practice but after a few years of their consciousness the term laziness and sometimes absolutely do not want to do anything anymore. This is because from the beginning they are eager to see the results of learning in a row. But according to the teachings in the book "Bodhisattva Action" he Shantideva (Shantideva), practitioners need to Practice patience or tolerance. You not only generous to enemies but also to sacrifice to endure with determination to avoid falling into the state of idleness and boredom. You need to persevere Practice patience. This is very important.

Take my case as an example. was born and raised in a Buddhist family in a country where all the people are mostly Buddhist, although many people follow Christianity, Islam and Bon , is the traditional religion of Tibet. I learned Buddhism in their own language and with grace in the Lord from very early childhood. Such practice in terms of teaching, I fared much easier to you. At my age of about fifteen or sixteen, I began diligent efforts to practice until today forty-four years old. looked back years ago compared to now, I realize I have progressed quite on the path. So persevere patiently, always diligent practice of the precepts no minutes long addressing is very important.

You should know the inner practice development takes time and progress slowly. You can think, "Today my heart is a little calm, and happiness in the heart. " Compared for a period of five, ten or fifteen years ago you realize that you have somewhat improved in practice. should you try comparing his mind not only for today and yesterday , or week or month; nor last year, but five years ago and then you will see clearly that his inner development partly in cultivation. Therefore, to achieve good results, progress in practice, we need to be diligent, often trying every day in practice to practice.

Sometimes people ask me to Buddhism, an ancient teachings passed on from the East not quite sure it is suitable for Western people? I answered that the fundamental purpose of religion is to address the problem of human suffering. As human beings, whether in the East or the West, white, black, yellow or red, all with the sufferings of birth, old age, sickness and death are the same. As long as these fundamental suffering, and religious people also need to save the suffering, we do not have to raise the question of Western Buddhism was introduced appropriate or not?

Another problem related to the spiritual life. Someone like this dish , whether it prefers other food. Similarly, some religious individuals should think better and more benefits, one would choose the other direction sublime, practical and progressive. So that in our society today people need so many different religions, and certainly in the majority of the West will also have fans Buddhism because of its practical benefits.

When we talk about the essence and the core of religion, from the need to ask questions appropriate or not, once the basic teachings of religion can not be changed. A Burmese monk in Theravada Buddhism I met recently in Europe and through adaptive monks of you here, I found that we need to distinguish between the national cultural heritage of the local the basics of Buddhism.

I want to talk about the difference between the teachings of the Buddha with the forms and ceremonies outside of Buddhism. In India, Tibet, China, Japan or wherever, the essence of the teachings Buddhism remains the same, nothing changes;, but the cultural heritage of each country may differ. Therefore, in the India, Buddhism integration with Indian culture, in Tibet, Tibetan and Japanese culture, Japanese culture, etc. .. In this view, when Buddhism in Europe, it will also fit in with the culture of the West.

The basic teachings of Buddhism is not going to be in any country where it was introduced, however, the brief ceremony and rituals do not necessarily have to maintain rigid that we can arbitrarily change to to suit new circumstances. And in that environment, we will have to reform how we hardly know. issue would need to have the time. Buddhist first time from India to Tibet one can not say that "Buddhism was first introduced to this new land , from now on we should practice practice like this or that ". Nobody decide what is. It develops gradually gradually, and over time a new Buddhist tradition was formed.

Where in the West, too, the future a Buddhist background in harmony with the cultural life of Europe will be born. During any circumstances, today's generation, people are beginning to sow planting the idea of Buddhism in these countries are responsible for maintaining the basic teachings and try to adapt it to new social activities.

To do this, we need to be wise to learn. You should not have extreme ideological conservative or too easily open are not good that we should follow the Middle Path. In any environment, it is important that we need to maintain a neutral attitude. Even the daily food consumption , we also avoid the excesses that have so far. In fact, eating too much can damage the stomach, less than malnutrition. So, in everyday life we try to apply the path in the middle of eating that is not too happy or miserable.

Likewise, we should be fully aware of the environment and cultural heritage where we live to know what is useful and what is not value appropriate for our life today.

For example, the case of Tibetan culture, some traditions of the past are no longer appropriate for tomorrow. In the new situation, the organization and activities of modern society has changed; therefore a few cultural life can become no longer necessary to maintain. Similarly, in the United States and Canada, if some aspect of ancient culture no longer fit the modern civilized life, we need to transform and maintain the traditions and any nice and useful shops, you should try to combine culture with Buddhism.

If you truly want to practice the Buddha's teaching is the most important thing is practice. Learning Buddhism and use it as a tool to criticize the religious doctrine or the other is wrong. sole purpose of religion is critical for yourself and not criticize others. better system should criticize us. I wonder had discounted eradicate nature where his anger?

I have to let go of how much greed and bad qualities such as jealousy, envy, arrogance, conceit in his mind? These evil nature we need to control every day with their understanding of Buddhism it. You heard me?

As Buddhists, the practice of the Buddha's teaching, we should respect other religions, such as Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and Muslim etc. .. We are also happy to recognize and celebrate the contribution of the religious over the centuries for human society and the present. We need common efforts in trying to serve humanity. Reverence with open heart and tolerance for other faiths is essential that the new Buddhists as we need to keep in mind.

Buddhism has many sects and different religious teachings. A true Buddhist should not have thought highly of this sect and click silver sect, or praise this practice religious or other religious teachings v . . v. .. Friends group policy and criticized the doctrine, or disparage other sects is not a good thing, causing harm that we should avoid.

The most important thing is the practice of everyday life and slowly you will realize the value of Buddhist teachers. Learning doctrines not only to the expansion of knowledge that is essential for developing the practice in the interior. You try to do it because it is part of our life. If you just hold the teachings of the Buddha in a building, and when you leave the house without longer practice, you will not reap any results.

I hope that you brethren try to practice the Buddha's teachings with all sincerity, that contribute to good benefit for Western society. It is prayer and my desire.

Question and answer


Dear sir! How can I fix the mind of insecurity and fear?

Dalai Lama:

The best way is before you do something, we should think of the consequences of it. Usually when having a bad job, we think it is good risk and time comes, we say that it was luck. In fact, if the security risk that due to garment is absolutely not true that our actions are governed by the law of cause and effect. Depending on the good or bad cause we'll see, good or bad, luck or chance, success or failure. Also in Buddhism by our actions or karma caused in the past. Alternative ways to eliminate our fear that we ask people who are scared, do not you? Ta where ? Who am I? What is the nature of the? In addition to the physical body or physical changes that I really? So thinking will help your mind peace not fear anymore. Sometimes by chanting mantras, praying Buddha Bless the fear where you will also disappear.

Q: In the United States, young men and women are free to marry, and when the moral values ​​of the past are no longer respected, so how do I contact, intimacy between the two men and women can keep the true spirit of Buddhism?

Dalai Lama:

There are many different case apply. The Buddhist monks under the law shall not be made the family. Those who can not live alone can lay.

Q: Please tell us about love and marriage problems.

Dalai Lama:

I do not know what more to say. As I'm in love is normal, but if the marriage, raised a family, you should be careful, do not rush to think carefully as you will definitely eat in a lifetime together. That's very important, because if you do not learn empathy before and hastily married after a month or a year starting what might cause the wood will lead to the break up and divorce. By law, husband and wife may be divorced, but I think if you do not have children are not stars, but have children is not good. So sometimes when married men and women think about love and sex alone is not enough, you also have the moral responsibility for their children. If parents are divorced, the children will suffer, not temporary, but throughout our lives. Children will imitate their parents. If daily living parents always quarrel or dispute, quarrel, accidentally cause adverse effects to the boys as well as girls in the future. This is a disaster. So I encourage you, to have a true marriage, not to promote quick but be careful. After a period of understanding, empathy and true newlywed married. So you will be happy in the marriage. Happy family you will bring happiness to all humanity the world.

Q: I am a more than earthly passion how I can be meditation.

Dalai Lama:

You should not get discouraged. All people have the same ability. You think: "I can not afford" is completely wrong. You deceive yourself. All of us who have the energy, the will, why should not you? If you have the determination, you can do anything. When you feel depressed you should think like this: "Why the Dalai Lama, he can do anything, then you attempt, you will be successful. So in Buddhism, you are a teacher, and master of himself. You can do what you want.

Q: In practice, the teacher plays the role like? So we need a guide?

Dalai Lama:

Well, depending on the subject. Common doctrine, you can read through the book The basic Buddhism understandable without a teacher. If they wish to study the Buddhist organ penetration should have teacher explains instructions, if not, then you can not understand.

Q: You are often advised to have the compassion to help people. But how can we do that in Western society?

Dalai Lama:

If you want to do good, you just get a still. You have many opportunities to help others in areas such as education, school, office etc. .. Some Christian priests and nuns has made many social charity work that I am very impressed. Buddhists we should imitate them. So I think in the area of ​​education and health that you can directly participate in helping others.

Even when working in factories or offices, but do not directly help others, but indirectly you have contributed to society. Although you do pay providers, but somehow you have to help people. So, when do you think this: "The work I'm doing this to help others." If you're doing rifle, casting bullets you still think that "I'm doing this to help people," it is somewhat difficult, and may seem hypocritical, is not it?

Q: People can achieve enlightenment liberation without leave away from life?

Dalai Lama:

Sure is. Renounced the world that we should shun all worldly sensual pleasures, not a separate isolated life. The main purpose of Buddhism is to serve sentient beings. Want to help people, we need to be present in society, rather than their own lives away from the backs of the public.

Q: Sir! He had the opportunity to preach to visit many places, how he felt about the United States?

Dalai Lama:

This is a great country . People complete freedom in the selection and acceptance of any ideology, tradition or religion they like and respect. That is very good. I realize that the American people have a straight honest with with generous open mind, like to help people. I admire and love this country. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BIKKHUNI GESHE TASHI TSERING.VIETNAMESE TIBET BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS TIBET MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.26/10/2012.OM MANI PADME HUM.( 3 TIMES ).MY HOME LAND=VIETNAM,NHATRANG,KHANH-HOA.

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