Tuesday 8 January 2013


"Who is willing to pay a thousand taels of gold, I would sell for a lesson."
Think of the effect before the cause cause
Think of the effect before the cause cause
In all our actions should always think too, that in the human. Those who do not think about the effect that every sow cause indiscriminate, how also reap many disasters, causing Give yourself the hassle, sometimes toxic to cancer life, whole life. Only those painful, desperate not think about tomorrow, newly alive. But the wise work wise plan, always close the destination, then travel to clearly visualize the results before planting.

The following story may prove a significant eloquently said: Then there is a sage mentioned in the middle of a board as follows: "Who is willing to pay a thousand taels of gold, I would sell for a lesson " . £ hung had many days that no one wants to ask. One day, a king, who walked across the market, see, curious nature, new sage, get a thousand taels of gold, asked for that lesson. Upon receipt of a sufficient number of gold, sage philosophers take lessons. The lesson there is only one sentence written simply as follows: "All that you do, work to review its results later" :. entourage saw it, murmuring to each other: "The king ripped off! saying so, cough or anything but to buy a thousand taels of gold? " Meanwhile, the king wondered, did not understand this simple lesson, why so expensive? Once the supply, King kept wondering about that up. Meanwhile every other night, in the palace are open to spiritual feast, also non-USA women singing all night, to the king to wear the fun with excellent wine. But today, because of the lessons of the sages obsessive, catching king thought: "If us wine enthusiasts identity forever like this, the result will be? depression body emaciated and quickly death, the court abandoned, and then will come to the loss of water, the people become slaves to the Gentiles, eternal humiliation and suffering! ... " Seeing clearly bad results nghuy's premium wine look like, the king commanded up immediately banquets, singing, and king care overhaul since the home, remodel soldiers ... Two years later, a neighbor led troops to rob the country, the king thanks soon enlightened, lo construction for strength hero, so drove back the invaders. Then the king said: "The lesson of the sages so precious! A thousand gold cheap". lesson The king ordered copy it, paste it all over the place, until the tray of rice, cup water also engraved on TV. One day, the prince wants to usurp won the throne, should lease implies a large amount to excess king pain, surge poison. Payments gone, implied after the poison, secretly poured into the cup, to give to the king to drink, but when he saw some inscriptions in the cup: "All that you do, work to review its results later ". Quan implied arc and think: "I was king, if discovered, will be charged the national party, not trivial" . Implication follows when considering the results of his work are such terrible, should have poured cup of drugs and confessed to the king. Implied that the king has said such repentance, so generously pardoned and given some big money. Through this lesson, the country from losing, people from slavery to foreigners, the king from death, so this lesson is priceless treasure. So we should take this lesson applies to all our day-to-day work. When we are interested in gambling, remember the outcome of it will be within the previous product, lack of deficit, debt requires. When the ceremony near excellent wine, consider the results of it will make the body wear, carry disease, evaluated buried. When anger harm, should review the results of the later it is "unfair injustice Forecast report," all will be harmful. When the foundation concept greedy money's wealth, should review the results of the following jail shackle shackles, etc. In short, if we take this lesson of cause and effect which apply in all work every days of his life, then we will see our behavioral traits, and improved every day, the wrongdoing will be reduced, and from the position beyond local saint, sage, not what not to do be.


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