Sunday 27 January 2013


Table of contents, table of contents, table of contents available is an important part of The charming erren Buddhism in order to explain the world's reality. The most basic is ignorance, which is the first of the 12 series of graceful charm. Most marine radio in celebration of ignorance and ignorance are two of the key opens the universe universe, the world, man. ...
Science explains the universe starting from the Big Bang. Before the Big Bang is an alternate universe. After the Big Bang of the universe in which we live. According to Buddhism, the Big Bang and what happens then is her ignorance. Infinity is not started. Ignorance is not clear, is about, there are a number of graceful poses universe universe. The term comb her ignorance is saying all is just a psychological phenomenon, is untrue. Since there is no beginning, no end, no birth. Ignorance sees no material universe, born, so have the new rollover mortal agony. The Buddha based on Psychology about our black students the people, preaching to coast understand our employees 12 compromise why not, nothing at all that the place had Three. T is 3 worlds:
-Sex is the human world many worldly desires, the matter has mass, weighing. On the person who is the pool table of contents of gymnastics, they are the long-lasting, this network over the world. Lower than the Inhabitants of the realm of A-tu-la (阿修羅; asura, had 3 kinds: evil gods, demons, monsters), animal, Ngạ demons, hell.
-SAC is the general picture which has no mass, no weight, material of this realm is the aura, the light, information, energy, wave. They are the low libido, this is no longer the physical body, but also shape, can be seen and heard.
-Colors are Infinite realms is no longer the Prime Minister, and only the information that only the classic, covered The Pool called Phi phi phi fantasy idea of an Infinite realms. This realms beings communicate with each other directly via the notion of the individual, do the other individuals who understand the language, without words.
General Abubakar's duodenum primarily focused towards the people to preach. (See The second coastal people). Four graceful figures (ignorance, onion, Recipe, List) is the lobbying of the virtual structure of matter, the quark (science is the formation of protons, neutrons, atomic nuclei, and in collaboration with electrons to create atoms of the elements, a number of atoms combining into inorganic molecules such as H2, O2, N2, a number of other atoms combine with other molecules to form a very basic molecule for life is water H2O and the organic molecules such as amino acids, glycine, the simplest amino acid C2H5NO.2 is written in the form of NH2CH2COOH
And organic molecules that form the cells, combined with many other elements to create the body, and then gradually evolved into the creatures, humans.)
Buddhism referred to extremely complex combination that is identical and pratītyasamutpāda. Why can the structure be the extremely complex and delicate like that? Because the Basic or background is the Buddha's name, names of enlightenment, Buddhist term, Lee called the Chief Justice made the tri, the ones that know the second (not knowledge and knowledge) and across space and time, there is no limit for the amount. The know that created the universe, galaxies, Suns, planets, universe, man. The universe initially only (material) that do not have a list (the name) just as there are people, there are new ideas.
Names see Creating basic labels (the eye). Names to create the Atrium apartments (tai). Names already created should align (right arrow). Tanh sample creates the root (the tongue). Before you touch the exposure created the body (body was based), the body has many internal organs help the body to function and grow according to a program of genetic information contained in the cell nucleus called chromosomes (DNA DeoxyriboNucleic Acid). Tanh said the creation of the unit (the brain) is the synthesis and control all activities of the body and are capable of abstract thought, thanks to the ability to remember of the nerve cells.
Over here is the table of contents.
At the same time with the formation of the Continental Army's base to the ceiling.
-What belongs to the colour, shape, become the object of eye. The eye is the organ of receiving information of the object through the medium of light. Sunlight has a 7 color, the color is just the feeling of consciousness, distinguished by the length of each single light colour as follows:
The light
Wave length (nm)
Wave energy (eV)
shorter than 380
greater than 3.3
Infrared rays
more than 720
less than 1.7
Table 1: wave length and energy waves.
People rely on this knowledge to manufacture cameras and camcorders. Long coated film is used for chemicals. Nowadays people don't use film that used a memory card to remember, a lot more convenient. Now all the smart mobile phone (smartphone) comes with the camera to film photography.
-Sound, sound becomes the object of crash. Sounds or noises that are essentially waves, transmitted through the air. Human ears can hear the vibrations of sound waves in the frequency range from 20 Hertz and 20 Kilohertz. Electromagnetic waves are oscillating frequency is higher, your ear is not heard, but the devices such as radio receivers and turns back into sounds that your ear to hear through the speaker (speaker). The Radio uses the resonant nature between the waves and the receiver to tune, when the monument was struck by resonance causes the oscillation amplitude is amplified so much cause the headset. Electromagnetic waves have wavelengths in length from 380 nm to 650 nm (nanometre = 1 billion portion of the metre), the human eye to see, that is the light. Resonant properties can also be used in the microwave, as the frequency of the microwave frequency coincides with the resonance of organic molecules in the food, the food is absorbed the energy of the microwaves to heat up very fast, very handy for reheated food.
Smell or become the subject of the tip. The nature of the chemical reaction between the olfactory cells and molecules of certain substances diffuse in the air. Nasal cells recognize the molecules that when comparing them to data contained in the memory, reviews or fragrance could be subjectively by each individual. For example the smell Durian aroma may be for some people, but it is bad for some others. Fishy odor of fried fish or animal is feeling of homage for they are normal.
Sweet, salty, spicy, sour, bitter, acrid, warm ... became the subject of tongues. Find tongue cells of food, drinking water, through the molecules, information transmitted to the brain, memories, compare and realize, for example, salt, salty, sweet, sour, lemon, coffee, the bitter, spicy, pepper, bananas were the harsh, fat, fat etc.
The feeling of smooth, dry, lumpy, lang, happy wet, sore, rash, Burns, itching ... become objects of the body. The nerve cells in the skin, the body's receipt of information through exposure. For example, holding the cup of hot water to 70 degrees is feeling hot, if the glass of ice water, then feeling cold. Hand touching silk, slippery feeling, touching the cement for the sensation of flap. When was the sensation of pain. Tactile feeling of living sexuality of men and women. This kind of feeling is important to the extent that it becomes typical of worlds. The human world is called sex. Is sexual desire, one of the main desire of the realms of sexuality. Sexuality is to give birth to the breed, like transfers, but for people, sexuality is also offering pleasure, ecstatic happiness, this feeling is becoming more important than the look. The human body contains the sensitive points, such as the G-spot, for example, when irritated, feeling the pleasure, the continuous stimulation leads to orgasm (orgasm). During intercourse, orgasm resulting in the release of semen from the male to the female, may be brought to the conception when the sperm meet egg. That is why sexual desire sexuality is a very strong demand, should one about all the basics of Buddhist precepts as adultery (do not calculate in addition to spousal relationships) for the Buddhist five precepts life [no kill, no gain (not stealing), no adultery, no good (don't lie)Suzhou cuisine, the real (not drinking)]
The Dharma (dharma, Dharma is the Buddhist term meaning very wide, just all the things that matter, including those not available as the turtle fur, rabbit-horns, and all concepts of spirit, reason, emotion ... is called) became the object of Italy. So the subject of the very broad-based, covering all areas, from the material to the spiritual. All activities of human society from material production to culture, art, philosophy, literature, science, history, law, belong to consciousness.
The communication between the units (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, the brain) and Lu Chen (,,,,,) generated table of contents (see, hear, smell, taste, tactile, sense). Buddhism called green, green and green is about 18 or more is 18 Bourn. All 18 who were the picket scene rather than animals, because animals exist for screening are false, though the bare apartment and record the majority of the material, only France can bare part of the spirit, because the brain must get information from the senses, comparable with the data stored in the memory can be aware. If no data memories, for example their infant, nothing to compare, then it does not understand not knowing anything at all. That the child has not yet learned that knows, that is because its memory to the data of the past. For enlightenment, opened a food store, said both the past the future, because the true nature of gender sterile irrigation method is common, no space, no time, no number.
Green is the most know thier ignorance, when the activity, each concept is generated repeatedly, forming a stream of consciousness. The loss of this sense-consciousness of the na to form the ego, conscious information is accumulated in a store. When a person dies, the body disintegrated, Green was based no longer, but the information remained intact in a store. So when a person dies, the lemur is still, some psychic as Phan Thi Bich Hang can be exposed to the lemur, see their general appearance. They are no longer in sex that is over Good. Buddhism does not call that lemur or the soul that God called the power forward before reincarnation into a new existence, depending on the karma that will go into a hex (six lines) parity as follows, 3 lines on the blessings of good roads, there is moral evil 3 are results report, green is:
1 swimming pool . The pool of the Sex Education including Mainland 6 God's floor covering: the four heavenly (四天王, sa. cāturmahārājika)), the executioner (忉利 or 三十三天, Tam Thien thirteen, sa. trayastriśa News 33 the heaven ), Christian 須夜摩天 (Ma Tu Banquet, sa. suyāma), what do you see Christian Publishing ((兜率天, sa. tuitaGoods Angel Tribe) (化樂天, sa. nirmāarati), Tha 他化自在天 (In Naturally, sa. paranirmitavaśavarti). In general they are born in the Sun more effectively announce should be long network life, enjoy many pleasures.
The pool of Lust had 4 Bourn is meditation, meditation, meditation, Delta-Ii each realm has 3 different types of solar realms, Four seven different types of meditation.
The pool of the Best Champions had 4 Bourn:
a. Africa, Africa Africa Christian thought (Devas of the Sphere of Neither perception nor non-perception-; Nevasaññā-nasaññā-yatanūpagā devā)
b. Christian owners Championship (Devas of the Sphere of No-thingness; Ākiñcañña-yatanūpagā devā)
c. boundless Knowledge (Devas of the Sphere of Infinite Consciousness; Viññānañca-yatanūpagā devā)
d. do not bias immeasurable (Devas of the Sphere of Infinite Space; Ākāsānañca-yatanūpā devā)
2 People . People and animals living in the 4 continents is Eastern European, Northern Spirit Wins The Game, South African Ministry Thiệm (also called Matchstick or Witch's grandmother) and Western European Culture of Taurus. In the middle of the continent's historic mountain. That's essentially the world geography of the conception of the Buddha. East Wins the European Spirit is China; North of The Displacement is Tibet, North of Central Asia; South African Thiệm From the South Asia; West European Culture of Taurus is West Asia, Arabic. Mt Tu Di is the Abode.
3 A-tu-la : there are 3 types. A-tu-la Angels management announced approval of the ugly kind of evil spirit not to be such a beautiful angel. A-tu-la Devil Devil-like leaders but not ngạ. A-tu-la preparing relief like animal but are monsters rather than normal animals.
4 animal. IE the type of animal, bird, and marine species such as reptiles, insects, or just swinging like insects, maggots.
5 Ngạ the devil. The hungry demon species is always hungry but not edible because of the monstrous body structure, small collar with needle, don't swallow yet food.
6 hell. Of which beings are more committed, and may hang back and constantly hungry but not edible, food is brought to the mouth it turns into fire. The Scriptures have mentioned the case of The Title, mother of Maudgalyayana, is suffering in hell.
All the realms above is due to the mind, depending on your goodwill industries clean out that evil pure landscape, ecological, or unclean, miserable, various events such as natural disasters, water, wind, fire is raging. They are born in or reproductive pattern 4 had occurred:
a. the Ovules (Andajayoni): species born from eggs, such as birds, goose, chicken, snake, giant fish, insects ...
b. Thai (Jalabuja, also called Sharon b.): species born from pregnant mother, such as people, elephants, horses, cattle, hogs, goats, donkey ...
c. High b. (Samsedaja, also called coastal people, Thermo eco-harmony): species generated from moisture, or favorable conditions such as germs, bacteria.
d. in Biochemistry (Opapatika): Is appearing without their parents, due to the power industry that now, called biochemistry, such as schools, naraka, the electric power industry by, past life when tipping, was born.
While the sum of the 18 of the realm, the ceiling, formal, but the fact that embraces the whole universe universe, because our currency units (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body) get to know the most basic objects, while the brain capable of abstract thinking and reasoning that does not need to have objects right does the money just has to replace the object. The symbol consists of images, language, writing, special symbols, such as symbols, mathematical physics, geometry ...The complex phenomenon is generalized into the model, as the Atomic model of matter, economic modeling, complicate the specific things that can be drawn into the diagram.Thus the brain know more and more and more sophisticated. Many things in nature are not available, but the brains of creative people out to use as ships, cars, planes, computers, magnetic waves used in radios, television sets; bluetooth, wi-fi, 3 g, 4 g is used in mobile phones and the internet. The myriad patent in all active industry making the ability to produce material and non-material of humans increased so much over the centuries. Abstract thinking with a brain can understand many things very far beyond the magic than the ones seen hear or know. Thus, French subjects of the brain, namely Italy, spanning all Three vast world, from macro-objects to the micro world of subatomic (subatomic), consciousness may be reached.
For example, often see Buffalo, horses, pigs, chicken, fish, mountain rivers, buildings, vehicles, rice water is matter and that they are true 100% because the eyes see, the body is exposed, smell, taste to see, eat, Digest, no weight gain, no longer possible to suspect that they do not have the real thing? But the thinking mind closely know the material composed by the virtual particles like quarks, electrons, these particles, if isolated, they don't exist, they are only available when combined, e.g. quark 2 up 1 down quark with the present proton; quark 1 quark 2 with UPS down the appearance of neutron particles. Protons and neutrons are extremely durable particles form the nucleus of the atom. The kernel combined with electrons, atoms of the material. Thus an atom is just the combination of the virtual particles ' atoms, not the animals. So why do I see what is, as the first unit of matter? That's because we had a table of contents, which is a virtual machine capable of deriving one notion of ignorance, said ignorance is as mesmerizing, not clearly, unknown, being misled, to imagine things. Just like computers, each variation of the chip corresponds to a human 's. The chip ranges billions of times per second, making the binary 0 and Christian Van shaped structure 1, the text, images, audio, video, which we see on the screen. Likewise, the Visual structure of the atom, of different nature (Buddhism is called her ignorance) is only available on the font of the consciousness from a myriad of anniversary for ignorance. Without the ideological divisions of the celebration of the greatest ignorance is no reaction at all, because all the physical structures are all virtual, is not real, so most need the notion of ignorance to imagine. Therefore human duodenum theory of Buddhism took ignorance do basic charm.
That reason we understand the matter is just the ideal father saved rather than the real thing, but I can't prove it, because of how much we have from past disputes is said to be materially false. The mind accepts it's solidly made quark on the structure of protons and neutrons form the phenomenon that the science called confinement (solitary confinement) i.e 3 quarks are permanently confined in the proton is not broken. Although science can bombard atomic nuclei break, forming another element and generated energy but the proton and neutron particles remained intact not broken. Even today, people have built the giant Collider LHC (Large Hadron Collider) Accelerator beams of protons to nearly the speed of light, for two beams of particles go backward, bumps into each other in no position to smash protons.
Only when completely removed about bigotry, Tanh, manipulate the power of Buddha's spiritual names is broke are proton, to The invisible, that can pass through walls, something that Zhang Bao won the performers go through the wall of the great Hall of the people in Beijing in 1982.

The human brain is capable of great, done a lot of work, but also much that hurt too much. The benefit is in everyday life who are also found, and then I can not live without electricity, lack the means, such as vehicles, aircraft, ships to travel, homes, clothes, TVs, computers, cell phones for work and leisure. But the harm is also very much, toxic chemicals in food, environmental pollution, the greenhouse effect, traffic jams, weapons of mass murder, a nuclear disaster.
The mind is not able to help people bring out the Pacific at peace for the world, nor is it able to help people quit are aging and suffering the disease spread. So people need a moral liberation as Buddhist, learning how to manipulate the power of Buddha's name, this is a kind of boundless strength that I have mentioned in Dynamics Like Ca, can help people at peace in the present and who decided they could take to meditation practice freed from samsara reincarnation, to achieve complete freedom at self, nothing binding, whether it's violent nature, or its intensity, or non-democratic authoritarian State.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.27/1/2013.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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