Friday, 11 January 2013


Diamond texts Bat-elegant three-la-bile by the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng explaining be found in the rise of China (the Great Wall, No. 459 A) has not been translated into English. Yesterday I tried to send Give Buddhist monks and Vietnam in the domestic as well as overseas Vesak Vesak 2008 season, together with English translations of Thomas Cleary. written translation of the Diamond Sutra Bat-home then the Hui Neng according to the Chinese translation of the Tripitaka shaman sheep-ma-la-Cross, part of this category by Prince Zhao Ming. Present in this translation to English, the main text of the Diamond Sutra Real-I according to the English translation of the Venerable Thich Tri Quang, the categories I still hold by Prince Zhao Ming. afraid to English translation of Thomas Cleary is enclosed to assist you with Buddhist monks and nuns means Buddhist studies nouns in English, as well to help overseas Vietnamese Buddhists can recite the Diamond Sutra in English. Diamond Sutra and France United are the two most recitations in Viet Nam and China. The spiritual experience happened in China was recorded, the Diamond Sutra has 113 sheets, compared with 37 sheets of the Lotus Sutra (Van, 149/38-150) Diamond Sutra full contact for the Sixth Patriarch Hui , from the moment listening until 6th transmit the robe and bowl as team of Chinese Zen. It is interesting to read, study interpretation, explaining the of Hui Neng Fatherland. Meets enter the Diamond Sutra that Buddhist enlightenment enter care, the Supreme the Bodhi class. I sincerely thank Nguyen Hong lay reader, text correction before printing. Translation in Chinese ancient 8th century,'m okay inevitable cons, expect Noble to teach to each edition is more complete. I would give this product for copyright Buddhist Cultural Center Catholic Lieu Quan Hue.

Diamond Sutra Bat-elegant three-la-bile explaining

principles: the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng
Diamond Sutra get formless tone, radio head can, organic magic. From when Bodhi Reach-ma from West Architecture transmitted only makes economic life treatment of religion, see. Just because people do not see life itself should make the practice, then, if that is the truth as they do not need to make the practice. Trading Diamond This elegant Bat-loads of people reciting, who confess boundless canopy, more than eight hundred commentaries. The argument depends on the view of each person. That direct oil capacity is not the same, but the truth is not two. but people often need a consecutive Listen corn. The padded base oil recitation but do not communicate Buddha. That is the reason for explaining the meaning of Scripture to the except Comfort wrong. If you understand the meaning of the experience, no doubt, there is no need to explain. Tathagata ancient teaching of dhamma is to eradicate the evil mind of the ordinary. Scripture is the teaching of human life for the listening comprehension that go beyond the ordinary condition, see Qingdao, permanently eliminate love interest. A of this text book, self-sentient beings can not see by just reading recite the text. If enlightened mind, know that a business may not remain in the scripts. Be able to clearly see the new self can believe all Buddhas from doing this. now afraid of my life looking Buddha outside the body, outward which we make business, not to develop the interior, do not keep the idea economic sense in my mind, hence to generate discussion and settlement facilities to the self-learn to keep your business in mind, clearly understanding Buddhist purification boundless inconceivable. If the post-school prayers in doubt, read this explanation of the questions will melt away. Looking practice known gold in intellectual and fire ore smelting ore to gold. Germans teacher Sakyamuni say the Diamond Sutra in the Xa-about (Shravasti) is due to self-Bodhi (Subhuti) said appeal. Buddhist compassion claim, had Dhamma Bodhi-listen show enlightened Buddha would put the business name so that after that sale over. So in the business: "protection from the Bodhi-sutra called Diamond Bat-elegant three-la-bile (Vajra-Prajnaparamita), he should serve keep so!" said Diamond Sutra Tathagata Bat elegant-Ba-la-bile is a metaphor for truth. Mean it? Diamond is the jewel of the world, the hard edge can do broken things. extremely hard metal, horn antelope can be destructive. Diamond example Buddhahood, horn antelope example afflictions. Hard metal but, horn antelope can still sabotage. Buddha-nature Still solid, sorrow there can brain disorders. Disturbing but the same sure, intellectual Bat-writer break. Antelope horn is solid but can cut steel. The instant realization theorem see the Buddha nature. Sutra Nirvana said: "People see the Buddha, not called beings, not see the Buddha, known as beings. "diamond Tathagata example because the life is not permanent, but the mouth chanting the light of insight not found. If the external procedure in practice, the light of wisdom will arise. If not permanent, inner wisdom consecutive loss. Oral proceedings peer heart of the property, so ultimately. Gold in the mountains, do not know gold is valuable. Unknown treasures of the mountain, the mountain is not known treasures. Why? Because things are asexual. Humans are organic, know how to use treasure. If you find a miner, cloudy mountains breaking rocks, to obtain ores casting gold, disposal is no longer poor. Similarly, the Buddha-nature in the body of the four elements. My world example, the alpine fell instance, disturbing example mines. Buddha-nature example gold, miners Intellectual example, diligently mighty example for the casting out of cultivation. In the world of the body falls, in the mountain the falling ore mine affliction, in mining afflictions treasure animal Buddha, the Buddhist treasures of intellectual workers. use of intellectual workers attack the mountain of self, will find disturbing mines. Forged by fire of enlightenment practice, will see the Buddha clean your diamond lighting. So diamond is used as an example and name the business is like. If merely understand without practice, ie only name without substance. If there location, ie full name and nature. Not from the ordinary, from the resemblance to the Holy place, the so-called diamond. Bat-elegant? Bat-elegant (prajna) is a term in Sanskrit, Chinese wisdom. Wise and not from the center, the property has skillful means. Knowledge is of the mind, being the use of the property. If the property, the location is not stupid. Can without insight, source location. Because ignorance is not enlightened should cultivate a mind to kill, so-called Ba-la-bile. Ba-la-(Paramita)? Chinese means to the other shore. To the other shore means to escape birth and death. Since life is not permanent, for all things are now starting the idea of birth and death, propelled in the part, not to the banks of the legs, so-called shore. It is essential that there is great wisdom for all legal, completely separated from the idea of birth and death, that is, to the other shore. Wherefore say mind love this shore, it funny to the other shore. Mind that this coast, the mind is the other shore. Mouth an administrative judicial body Ba-la-confidential. Mouth care not operating, ie no three-la-bile. Sao business called? Scripture is the way to Buddhist Circuit achievements. Everyone who wants to mind Buddha achievement direction in mind to practice the Eight-to for ultimate. Also as merely chanting mouth that medical care not in practice, the mind itself, not economic. That right, it's true that economic self-interest. Therefore the Tathagata named economic is Diamond Sutra Bat-Ba-La-confidential. /. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.11/1/2013.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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