Thursday 24 January 2013



At one point, The Sun in Sàvatthi, Him for calling the hamstring muscles:
There are two categories of this pretentious, it is said, the Bill cannot be paid for. What are the two? MOM and dad. If a party as the parents mated, the mated shoulder aside, do so for hundreds of years until the hundred years old; If the masseur, massage oil, wash and bathe in there parents have bowel, so this pretentious proportions, also not doing enough or paid enough for MOM and dad.
Because why? Because of that, the pretentious Proportions, parents have to do more for the children, feeding them growth, introduces them in this life.
(ĐTKVN, increasing the Branch I, Chapter 2, of one Mind, the land [extract], VNCPHVN press 1996, p. 119)

Curious parent support is one of the basic moral standards of those who follow the Buddhist University., first and foremost to be perfecting the happiness of the human tastes. If not then there is no Director hospitality clubs round qualify as and partakers of every righteous Dharma.
Grateful thanks for the birth of Christ and is the Buddha mind constants. However, for being the capital raised as high as the mountain, as wide as the sea, so it is hard to answer. Serve up tastes and dear parents entirely in terms of material things in life we have is getting harder to do. But whatever I have done, according to the intellectual property rights of The Crown are still not known enough. Buddhist Chi son (s) aware of the effect of karma in the rotation of the molecule through a rollover and to orient to parents largely lane business improvement creation sublimation lives in the future.
Each has a private industry, so an inspirational result report. In business jargon, the blessed one, the person is entitled to and who do the people's good. When karma is ripe and does emerge however dear or undivided to some still no-one can be replaced. Thus, while curious, exalted for parents far away, the Buddhist filial also good for parents to song were at peace for many years.
Thus, the children of Buddha dignified than to practice self-metabolism, exalted tastes, needs to support efforts to promote bilateral cultural, eco-net credit three jewels, an improved sex, stay diligent monks alms, happy with the wedding party donation and is the primary achievement. The intellectual property rights of the Chief Justice to enlighten all the healthy French Dishes on the primary practice. Whereby the parents meet the fresh coast featuring lots of good karma, far away from the evil behind the leaders.
This is the feature of welcoming Buddhist leaders, as well as a welcoming message and methods.

At one point, The Sun in Sàvatthi, call the hamstring muscles:
He thought, the pretentious Proportions, what's more? Breast milk that he drank while he's moving rollover for long periods or in the sea?
Open The ton, as The Religious teachings, we understand that, more than just breast milk we drank while turning the rollover in the long run is not in the last four.
Alternative healing, the pretentious Proportions, he understood that one has teach.
(ĐTKVN, Samyutta The II, Chapter 4, part 1, VNCPHVN, Milk products, published 1993, p. 314)

Most of us grow wise all begin from the mother's milk. Brings me a sweet, milk helps babies are full of nutrients and antibodies that rare combination of artificial nutrients can spare. And the milk line is also a part of the body of the mother.
Earlier, when his mother was pregnant, known to have lived as a child. Nearly ten months failures three years mothers mớm, mother was the full-scale to san for children. With his mother, children, all, maybe even for that child to forget about his life. The more polite, well mother jewelry tear, gradual exhaustion but my mom always glad about that. I took the picture and with all love and blood. So, as the saying breast milk that we drink while radio-reincarnation flow water from far more than the water in the four seas is not exaggeration.
Still says "do I vastly like the Pacific" but life with plenty of variation, ticket offer for living so much as mentioned, omission obligation as children. Thus, the dutiful children should have regular contemplation of Shenzhen Yin raised to feed, and all who taste, taste the almond with the Messiah being sung.
Aware of the deep parental support being an immense as it is important to practice the whole almond taste. "Mind is Buddha mind happy, curious fondness is happy Buddha". Mind as the basis for action, therefore, once the hospitality Center achievement will surely achieve the almond taste.

At one point, The Sun in Ràjagaha, at Veluvana. At the time, Singàkala (La Song), son of the owner, wake up early, out of the six desk girl. When you are in The Sun, He taught Singàkala about moral tastes are as follows:
The owner, there are five cases where children are served up parents: regretting bred parents, nursing; I'll fulfill my duty for parents; the will to preserve the traditional family; the protection of property succession; I'll do the funeral when his parents died.
The host was served up in such a way over the years, parents have compassion according to the ideas in how to: prevent the evil, encourage your child to do? teach the occupation; up my wife, child deserves the etymology; the right time given the succession to his.
In this topic, but the parents and the parents have compassion according to the concept in such a way, the family would be an OK, get rid of the fear.
(ĐTKVN, Ministry of Education, the school of life II Poetry La Encyclopedia [hit], VNCPHVN press, 1991, p. 541)

Family shelters are an important support for family members, especially in the context of social, economic volatility, the necessities established a happy family to cover each other again as needed. To do that, all the members of the family, parents and children all need to strive to his duties and responsibilities.
Wanted to let you know so diligently, conscientiously work, full glass, moral character, then the parents are really loved and brought to the children. No coincidence that we have the responsibility, "the naughty in me". The buds, if you know the shape, the new aft! straight bamboo, are useful. Thus, the foundation of basic morals to their children as exhorting the evil away to heal, not greed, said fellow traders .... is the thing to do. Followed by vocational work, create families and trust investments, given the tradition to their children, to the independent, it stands between the life.
Their parents love, brought the children, having the list, family, career, then surely the children will understand and report by the curious. According to the intellectual property of The Sun, to become dutiful sons the Grace Memorial parents to report security is needed. Thanks to foster understanding of grace that raised deep fondness and increasingly growing lead to duties as children will be exalted. So, filial is one of the important duties of the children conceived from the loves and the brought by parents. Full circle will taste a way as when the parents are truly exemplary, entirely with the parent, the child will succeed leader means doing his child.

At one point, The Sun in Rajàgaha, on the Gijjhakùta mountain. And then The Sun took a little land on top of the nail and the hamstring muscles:
He thought, the pretentious Proportions, which is more than a little over the top of the nail or the Earth is this big?
The White Sun, which is more than the Earth, is less than the land on top of the nail.
Likewise, the Bill is less pretentious, beings are curious spectacles with his mother, with his father and more than the beings do glass with her mother, with her father.
(ĐTKVN, 12 V, chapters from the Samyutta, one wheel is Jf mother glass composition, theory, history-Curious father [extract], the religious PUBLISHING HOUSE 2002, p. 675)

Glass tastes with their parents is an obvious, almost anyone who would know the notion of grace and hospitality packages to relatives grace Temple song meaning birth. Then why is The Sun to confirm "less than the beings are curious spectacles with MOM, dad and many more are the beings do with MOM, Dad"?
Can tell from the mosaic Centre, no one without glass merchant parents. But in order to make parallel almond taste and heart tastes perfectly, not a few who do. Here, we do not discuss great sinners class (patricide, matricide) or the inverse element and indicator as part of their parents. The issue is significant for these children but there are curious, eager to demonstrate moral tastes but also doesn't do much for the Messiah was born.
Why? Up to 1001 reasons to award remedies for it. Whether the reason is there for up to a few, and though his parents completely sympathetic, sacrifice, we must still admit that what he had done to his parents really too little compared to the deep sea as grace nursing labour pool. In life, there's hospitality was difficult, making it more and more difficult because not everybody has full glass charm and blessing to the parent Church to serve as his mind.
Life is inherently complex and volatile, employment offer in the matter more urgent, so my own parents temporarily shelved. This is also easy understanding but ironically is not have something waiting for us all. And then will come to and let's not hand back up, clutching my regret is not doing much for her parents, who have gone already.
Thinking and experience of the teachings of the religion, to find myself yet to round up the taste. People are really curious parent glass as in nails compared to land on the planet remind us by doing the right things to do for my parents, don't be an appointment tomorrow to avoid regrets later on.

At one point, The Sun in Sàvatthi, at Mr. Anàthapindika. At the bottom, The Sun said the hamstring muscles:
Is the hamstring muscles, one for the parents there is no confidence, encourage, guide and all stay safe on trust; for parents as evil, encourage, guide and an all stay on good. for parents San took, encouragement, guidance, security in alms; for parents as evil, encourage, guide to stay safe. So is doing enough and pay you enough for MOM and dad.
(ĐTKVN, increasing the Branch I, Chapter 2, the one Rises, the land [extract], VNCPHVN press, p. 119

Most of us are parents of wish's Pool, glass objects are worshipped, is sacrosanct. Cultivating and molding this notion into a focal mosaic is an important factor as to who should become curious, the almond taste. But the fact that there are still many parents who so dominated industry should not really exemplary and performed extra duties, responsibilities of his form, leading to no small influence for children and the whole family.
The critical real children seemingly curious is against death but also tough when attributed to "the damage in the mother, her fictional". There are not a few who have endured bitter with "grace means being the" resentment and alienation throughout the song. Here, we don't blame anybody, because that's human, though in her situation would also have certain limitations, no one is out of guilt.
Need balanced observers of themselves, their families, to get out of the operation of the power industry, the career of the whole family. Thanks to a deep slide in the industry, we will see more clearly the reality of the current family which relieved the resentment of mutual accountability and more importantly opens up a new direction to transform, correct. Right here, the almond taste is more encouraging is the parent chemical dropped ties processes.
The damage is also the parent, although it has the "negligence", as well as their parents, no one in this industry may be changing. As a result, mutual aid to metabolize coast, renovated the fine family of companies rather than things to do of the Buddhist filial. With humans, any errors are from ignorance which, since the craving that form, both from the si that led to a run. Instead of resentment, let's try again (faith), gender (do, evil avoided), (let go of discharge) and intellectual property (understanding), with respect to the parent culture towards the three jewels.
Nobody nỡ see their loved ones go to the evil realms. As a result, the parent chemical recommendation guide elements, remove the wooden railway Chief rules not only brings happiness in their parents happily that both of those. These are the tastes, though curious, is "doing enough and pay you enough for his mother and for his father."END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.25/1/2013.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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