Sunday 1 January 2012


PRODUCT Dependent Origination


At that time, the end of the world's wealth of the world in the north, known as I win, win to have a Buddhist name, Tathagata is, the supreme enlightenment, Minh Hanh Consummation, celestial bodies, the World Award, Radio Truong Phu Thuong, The foolish, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Bat-age-range, stable accommodation is an over in which, say legal Great Bat-elegant-ba-la-secret multi-agency let the Bodhisattva. In particular, a Bodhisattva named Thang Tho, see this great glory, earth movements and body Buddha, our birth questions, go to the previous Buddha Buddha head bowed legs, white: Sir ! Do something predestined, that this auspicious?

At that time, Emperor Bao Dai Thang Buddha Bodhisattva Thang Tho Thien Son Behold! In the south of this world, through a multitude of world, end world named Kham Rings, there is Buddha Shakyamuni effect, Tathagata is, the supreme enlightenment, Minh Hanh Consummation, celestial bodies, The duration, macho Supreme, The foolish, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Bat-age-range, now residing in peace over there, talk about the General Legal Bat-elegant-ba-la-secret radar for them great Bodhisattva. Do the Buddhist god of power, but this is a good omen.

Thang Tho I hear, happy dancing, the white Buddha revered Bach! Son to this world patience please, to admire, worship and make offerings to the Tathagata Sakyamuni and Bodhisattva they age, those who have gained knowledge through, Method Da-la-ni , Method Tam-ma-site, in divine order, in the same body, Buddha throne. Crouching for His mercy Du, acceptance!

Then, the Buddha told Bodhisattva Empire Wins Victory Life: Or instead! Or instead! Now the right time. Well, he just departed.

Buddha immediately took thousands of golden lotus flower net, thousands of flowers that have wings, with the stately treasure, given to the Bodhisattva Wins Life and told: You brought this flower, to where the Buddha Sakyamuni, as the word; told, transparent: "Victory Tathagata De, please kindly visit, he was less patient, less annoying, walking softly, air force air conditioner, an affordable fun? The bear reasonable life? Beings easily affordable level ? " Then, holding the lotus, the Exalted rise, to Dharma. Other people to Buddha, to a correct perception, seeing Buddha and the public, do not underestimate our students, but their self-injure. Why? Because the other Bodhisattva, limo oai virtue, by being the urge to pray, because large predestined, birth of that realm.

Then, the Bodhisattva Wins received flowers, obeyed the order, then, along with countless hundred thousand myriad great Bodhisattva renunciation, at home and countless hundreds of thousands of men, and women, first leg Buddhist ceremony, go around right, then please retire from. Each brought home countless flowers, chalky, liquid treasures, clothes, jewels and other offerings, starting on the road. Countless Buddha in the north have come across, the Buddha always offered respect, respect for praise, do not miss any realm.

When Shakyamuni, Buddha head bowed legs, hundreds of thousands around the ring, then back to stand aside. Victory Life Bodhisattva carried forward, white Buddha revered Bach! In the north of this world, through a multitude of the world, has named the world's end I win, win to Buddha as Tathagata performance, application, supreme enlightenment, Minh Hanh Consummation, celestial bodies, the World Award, Supreme macho, The foolish, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Bat-age-range, please kindly visit the Blessed One, he was less patient, less annoying, walking softly, air force air conditioner, an affordable fun ? It is reasonable endured? Ease of reasonable beings? Then holding lotus flowers that color gold, offered to Bhagavan Dharma.

At that time, Buddha Sakyamuni received his shower, and then spread back to the world countless Buddhas in the north. Do Buddhist god force, making this shower falls over the Buddha. In this exchange of flowers, are of Buddha sitting cross-legged, said method corresponds Great Bat-elegant-ba-la-secret radar for the Bodhisattva; beings do hear, are certain to achieve the results Enlightenment is paramount.

Then, Victory Life and entourage see it then, happy dance, praise ever. Each depends on good base and offerings more or less, but reverently offered, respect and praise Buddha Bodhisattva. Finished, sit back on one side.

And so, from that world to this end, all the Buddha in the north, each plane has the Tathagata, is where the legal mystery to the general public. In place of the Buddha was, also has a Bodhisattva head, he saw a large halo, earth changes, and the Buddha's body minister, came before the Buddha, white: White Exalted! Do something predestined that this auspicious?

Then, the Buddha's past, he always replied: In the south of this world, patience with the world, there is Buddha Shakyamuni name, said about the General Legal Bat-elegant-ba-la-secret radar for the Bodhisattva. Do the Buddhist god of power, so new is this good omen.

The Bodhisattva leading listening, happy; He would always ask to Kham Rings world, to admire, worship, offerings to Buddha and Bodhisattva. The Tathagata or the other and give praise. He gave the thousand golden shower golden net and told: You bring flowers to a place other Buddhas, fully transparent my words: "Please kindly visit, he was less patient, less annoying, walking softly, air conditioning capacity, an affordable fun? The bear reasonable life? ease of reasonable beings? " Then this lotus flower, offered to Bhagavan Dharma. Attendees of the other, have a correct perception, seeing Buddha and the Bodhisattva, please do not despise despise life, but his self-injure. Why? Because the other Bodhisattva, limo oai faith, inspired by the prayer of birth, so great predestined, birth of that realm.

Each flower heads receive, obey, and along with countless, countless Bodhisattva, the male, the female Buddha departed, carrying offerings, starting on the road. The Buddha went, each place has offered the Buddha and Bodhisattva, do not miss any realm.

When Shakyamuni, Buddha head bowed legs, hundreds of thousands around the ring, offering flowers, transparent process everything. Buddha receiving flowers is done, spread back north. Do Buddhist god force, the flowers fall around the Buddha. The operator of the flowers, are of Buddhist, said the General Legal Bat-elegant-ba-la-secret radar for the Bodhisattva, the listener, certain enlightened achieve paramount results.

Bodhisattva head and the entourage that then, joy, praise ever; each base depending on the offerings fresh and more or less, but also glass offerings, respect and praise the Buddhist Bodhisattva . Finished, sit back on one side.

At that time, the world's end of the world's wealth in the East North, called The Ornament, a Buddhist name is Dinh Tuong Duc Thang, Tathagata, Applications, supreme enlightenment, Minh Hanh Consummation, celestial bodies, the World Award, Supreme macho, The foolish, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Bat-age-range, stable accommodation is an over in which, say legal Great Bat-elegant-ba-la-secret radar for them great Bodhisattva. In that Bodhisattva named Ly Tran Manh Dung, that this glory, earth movements and body Buddha, our birth questions, go to the previous Buddha Buddha head bowed legs, white: Sir ! Do something predestined, that this auspicious?

Then, the Buddha statue Wins The German security agency Bodhisattva Ly Tran Manh Dung: This e-Thien nam! In the southwest of this world, through a multitude of world, end world named Kham Rings, there is Buddha Shakyamuni effect, Tathagata is, the supreme enlightenment, Minh Hanh Consummation, celestial bodies, the World Award, Supreme macho, The foolish, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Bat-age-range, now residing in peace over there, talk about the General Legal Bat-elegant-ba-la-maximum-security they are great Bodhisattva. Do the Buddhist god of power, but this is a good omen.

Then, Ly Tran Manh Dung said, then listen to the Buddha, happy dancing, the white Buddha revered Bach! Son to this world patience please, to admire, worship and make offerings to the Tathagata Sakyamuni and Bodhisattva they age, those who have gained knowledge through, Method Da-la-ni , Method Tam-ma-site, in divine order, in the same body, Buddha throne. Bend applying for mercy, acceptance!

Then, Buddha Statue Wins The Germans told the Bodhisattva Ly Tran Manh Dung: Or instead! Or instead! Now the right time. Well, he just departed.

Buddha immediately took thousands of lotus flowers gold color, this flower thousand wings, with the stately treasure, given to the Bodhisattva Ly and Tran Manh Dung told: you bring flowers to place the Buddha Sakyamuni, the words I had advised, transparent: "As Lai Duc Thang Dinh Tuong please kindly visit, he was less patient, less annoying, walking softly, air force air conditioner, an affordable fun? It is reasonable endured? easy Beings reasonable level? " Then, holding the lotus, the Exalted rise, to Dharma. Attendees of the other, have a correct perception, seeing Buddha and the mass there, do not underestimate our students, but their self-injure. Why? Because of the great bodhisattva virtues oai other limo, by prayer of being compelled, for the most charming, the new birth of that realm.

Then, the Bodhisattva Ly Tran Manh Dung received flowers, obeyed the order, then, along with countless hundred thousand myriad great Bodhisattva renunciation, at home and countless hundreds of thousands of men, the female Buddha head bowed legs, detour to the right, then please retire from. Each brought home countless flowers, chalky, liquid treasures, clothes, jewels and other offerings, starting on the road. Countless Buddha in the North East has gone through, the Buddha always offered respect, respect for praise, do not miss any realm.

When Shakyamuni, Buddha head bowed legs, hundreds of thousands around the ring, then back to stand aside. Bodhisattva Ly Tran Manh Tien Dung to the front, white Buddha revered Bach! In the northeast of this world, through a multitude of world, end world called The Ornament, a Buddhist name is Dinh Tuong Duc Thang, Tathagata is, the supreme enlightenment, Minh Hanh Consummation, celestial , the World Award, Supreme macho, The foolish, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Bat-age-range, please kindly visit the Blessed One: "He was less patient, less annoying, walking softly, air force

conditioning, an affordable fun? It is reasonable endured? Ease of reasonable beings? "Then holding lotus flowers that color gold, offered to the Blessed One, to make the Buddha.

At that time, Shakyamuni Buddha, the lotus was received, then spread back to the world countless Buddhas in the northeast. Do Buddhist god force, making the flowers fall around the Buddha. In this exchange of flowers, are of Buddha sitting cross-legged, said method corresponds Great Bat-elegant-ba-la-secret radar for the Bodhisattva, beings that hear, the results were achieved enlightenment paramount.

Then, Ly Tran Manh Dung and the entourage then see this, happy dance, praise ever. Each person, depending on the base offerings fresh and more or less, but also glass offerings, respect and praise the Buddhist Bodhisattva. Finished, sit back on one side.

So on, from the ends of the world was coming here, all the Buddha in the Northeast, each plane has the Tathagata, who said legal mystery to the general public. In place of the Buddha was, also has a Bodhisattva head, he saw a large halo, earth changes, and the statue itself, are to place Buddha, white: White Exalted! Do something predestined that this auspicious?

Then, the Tathagata there, he always replied: In the southwest of this world, patience with the world, there is Buddha Shakyamuni name, said about the General Legal Bat-elegant-ba-la-bile radar for the Bodhisattva. Do the Buddhist god of power, so this new auspicious.

The Bodhisattva head listening to the happy, he would always apply to the world of patience, to admire, worship, offerings to Buddha and Bodhisattva. The Tathagata or the other and give praise. He gave the thousand golden shower golden net and told: You bring flowers to a place other Buddhas, fully transparent my words: "Please kindly visit, he was less patient, less annoying, walking softly, air conditioning capacity, an affordable fun? The bear reasonable life? ease of reasonable beings? " Then this lotus flower, offered to Bhagavan Dharma. Attendees of the other, have a correct perception, seeing Buddha and the Bodhisattva, do not underestimate our students, but their self-injure. Why? Because the other Bodhisattva, limo oai faith, inspired by the prayer of birth, so great predestined, birth of that realm.

Each flower heads receive, obey, and along with countless, countless Bodhisattva, the male, the female Buddha departed, carrying offerings, starting on the road. The Buddha went, each place has offered the Buddha and Bodhisattva, do not miss any realm.

When Shakyamuni, Buddha head bowed legs, hundreds of thousands around the ring, offering flowers, transparent process everything. Buddha received flowers finish, sprayed again the North East. Do Buddhist god force, the flowers fall around the Buddha. In this exchange of flowers, are of legal Great Buddha said Bat-elegant-ba-la-secret radar for the Bodhisattva, the listener, certain enlightened achieve paramount results.

Bodhisattva head and the entourage that then, joy, praise ever; each base depending on the offerings fresh and more or less, but also glass offerings, respect and praise the Buddhist Bodhisattva . Finished, sit back on one side.

At that time, the end of the world's wealth of world southeast, known as Dieu Giac Trang Nghiem, very popular, there is the Buddhist name Lotus Wins Tathagata, Applications, supreme enlightenment, Minh Hanh List Man, celestial bodies, the World Award, Supreme macho, The foolish, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Bat-age-range, stable accommodation is an over in which, say legal Great Bat-elegant-ba-la-bile multi-university for the Bodhisattva. In particular, a Bodhisattva named Lotus Thu, see this great glory, earth movements and body Buddha, our birth questions, go to the previous Buddha Buddha head bowed legs, white: Sir Ton! Do something predestined, that this auspicious?

Then, the Buddha told German university Wins Lotus Bodhisatta Lotus Player: Hey Good Son! In the northwest of this world, through a multitude of world, end world named Kham Rings, there is Buddha Shakyamuni effect, Tathagata, Applications, supreme enlightenment, Minh Hanh Consummation, celestial , the World Award, Supreme macho, The foolish, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Bat-age-range, is an over stable residence there, said about the General Legal Bat-elegant-ba-la-maximum-security they are great Bodhisattva. Do the Buddhist god of power, but this is a good omen.

At that hearing the Lotus The Buddha said it, happy dancing, the white Buddha revered Bach! Son to this world patience please, to admire, worship and make offerings to the Tathagata Sakyamuni and Bodhisattva they age, those who have gained knowledge through, Method Da-la-ni , Method Tam-ma-site, in divine order, in the same body, Buddha throne. Bend applying for mercy, acceptance!

Then, the Lotus Buddha told Bodhisattva Germany Wins Lotus Man: Or instead! Or instead! Now the right time. Well, he just departed.

Buddha immediately took thousands of golden lotus flower net, thousands of flowers that have wings, with the stately treasure, given to the Lotus Bodhisattva Player and told: you bring flowers to place the Buddha Sakyamuni, as the word; told, transparent: "As the Lotus Lai Duc Thang, please kindly visit, he was less patient, less annoying, walking softly, air force air conditioner, an affordable fun? It is reasonable endured? easy Beings reasonable level? " Then, holding the lotus, the Exalted rise, to Dharma. Attendees of the other, have a correct perception, seeing Buddha and the mass there, do not underestimate our students, but their self-injure. Why? Because the other Bodhisattva, limo oai virtue, by being the urge to pray, because large predestined, birth of that realm.

Then, the Bodhisattva Flower Lotus Collection, obeyed the order, then, with countless hundred thousand myriad great Bodhisattva renunciation, at home and countless hundreds of thousands of men, the female Buddha head bowed legs, go round to the right, then please retire from. Each brought home countless flowers, chalky, liquid treasures, clothes, jewels and other offerings, starting on the road. Countless Buddha in the East has to go through, the Buddha always offered respect, respect for praise, do not miss any realm.

When Shakyamuni, Buddha head bowed legs, hundreds of thousands around the ring, offering flowers, transparent process everything. Buddha received flowers finish, sprayed again the Southeast. Do Buddhist god force, causing flowers to fall around the Buddha. In this exchange of flowers, are of legal Great Buddha said Bat-elegant-ba-la-secret radar for the Bodhisattva, the listener, certain enlightened achieve paramount results.

Bodhisattva head and entourage, see and rejoice, praise ever. Each person, depending on the base offerings fresh and more or less, but also glass offerings, respect and praise the Buddhist Bodhisattva. Finished, sit back on one side.

At that time, the world's end the world in countless southwest, named Tran Tu Ly, a Japanese Buddhist Wheel variable name is straight Tathagata, Applications, supreme enlightenment, Minh Hanh Consummation, celestial , the World Award, Supreme macho, The foolish, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Bat-age-range, stable accommodation is an over in which, say legal Great Bat-elegant-ba-la-secret radar for the great Bodhisattva. Realms that Bodhisattva named Japan Quang Minh, see this great glory, earth movements and body Buddha, our birth questions, go to the previous Buddha Buddha head bowed legs, white: Sir! Do something predestined, that this auspicious?

Then, the Buddha Japanese Duc Thang told Falun Variable Projection great Bodhisattva Japan Quang Minh Thien Son Behold! In the northeast of this world, through a multitude of world, end world named Kham Rings, there is Buddha Shakyamuni effect, Tathagata, Applications, supreme enlightenment, Minh Hanh Consummation, celestial , the World Award, Supreme macho, The foolish, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Bat-age-range, now residing in peace over there, talk about the General Legal Bat-elegant-ba-la-secret radar them great Bodhisattva. Do the Buddhist god of power, but this is a good omen.

At that time, Japan Quang Minh Buddhist talk heard then, happy dancing, the white Buddha revered Bach! Son to this world patience please, to admire, worship and make offerings to the Tathagata Sakyamuni and Bodhisattva they age, those who have gained knowledge through, Method Da-la-ni , Method Tam-ma-site, in divine order, in the same body, Buddha throne. Bend applying for mercy, acceptance!

Then, Japanese Buddhist Wheel Make sure straight Bodhisattva Japanese Duc Quang Minh: Or instead! Or instead! Now the right time. Well, he just departed.

Buddha immediately took thousands of golden lotus flower net, thousands of flowers that have wings, with the stately treasure, given to the Bodhisattva Japan Quang Minh and told: you bring flowers to place the Buddha Sakyamuni, as the word; told, transparent: "Turn unto me straight Japanese Duc Luan please kindly visit, he was less patient, less annoying, walking softly, air force air conditioner, an affordable fun? The bear reasonable life? Beings easily affordable level? " Then, holding the lotus, the Exalted rise, to Dharma. Attendees of the other, have a correct perception, seeing Buddha and the public, do not underestimate our students, but their self-injure. Why? Because the other Bodhisattva, limo oai virtue, by being the urge to pray, because large predestined, birth of that realm.

Then, the Bodhisattva Flower Japan Quang Minh receive, obey, and along with countless hundred thousand myriad great Bodhisattva renunciation, at home and countless hundreds of thousands of men, and women, first leg Buddhist holidays, travel round to the right, then please retire from. Each brought home countless flowers, chalky, liquid treasures, clothes, jewels and other offerings, starting on the road. Countless Buddha in South West has gone through, the Buddha always offered respect, respect for praise, do not miss any realm.

When Shakyamuni, Buddha head bowed legs, hundreds of thousands around the ring, then back to stand aside. Bodhisattva before proceeding to Japan Quang Minh, white Buddha revered Bach! In the southwest of this world, through a multitude of world, end world named Tran Tu Ly, a Japanese Buddhist Wheel variable name is straight Tathagata, Applications, supreme enlightenment, Minh Hanh Consummation, celestial bodies, the World Award, Supreme macho, The foolish, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Bat-age-range, please kindly visit

asked the Blessed One: "He was less patient, less annoying, walking softly, air force air conditioner, an affordable fun? It is reasonable endured? ease of reasonable beings?" Then hold thousands of lotus flowers that color gold, offered to Bhagavan Dharma.

At that time, Buddha Sakyamuni, received her shower, then spread back to the world countless Buddhas in the southwest. Do Buddhist god force, making the flowers fall around the Buddha. In this exchange of flowers, are of Buddha sitting cross-legged, said method corresponds Great Bat-elegant-ba-la-secret radar for the Bodhisattva, beings that hear, certain results are achieved enlightenment treatment paramount.

At that time, Japan Quang Minh and the entourage saw this, happy dance, praise ever; per person depending on the base offerings fresh and more or less, but also glass offerings, praises respect for Buddha and the Bodhisattva. Finished, sit back on one side.

And so, from that world to this end, all the Buddha in the southwest, each plane has the Tathagata, who said legal mystery to the general public. In place of the Buddha was, also has a Bodhisattva head, he saw a large halo, earth movements, and body Buddha, the Buddha went to the front, white: White Exalted! Do something predestined that this auspicious?

Then, the Buddha's past, he always replied: In the northeast of this world, patience with the world, there is Buddha Shakyamuni name, said about the General Legal Bat-elegant-ba-la-secret- has for the Bodhisattva. Do the Buddhist god of power, so new is this good omen.

The Bodhisattva head listening, happy, he would always apply to the world of patience, to admire, worship, offerings to Buddha and Bodhisattva. The Tathagata or the other and give praise. He took the best shower of thousands of precious gold and told: You bring flowers to a place other Buddhas, fully transparent my words: "Please kindly visit, he was less patient, less annoying, walking lightly, gas power conditioning, an affordable fun? The bear reasonable life? ease of reasonable beings? " Then this lotus flower, offered to Bhagavan Dharma. Attendees of the other, have a correct perception, that the Buddha and Bodhisattva, do not underestimate our students, but their self-injure. Why? Because the other Bodhisattva, limo oai faith, inspired by the prayer of birth, so great predestined, birth of that realm.

Each flower heads receive, obey, and along with countless, countless Bodhisattva, the male, the female Buddha departed, carrying offerings, starting on the road. The Buddha went, each place has offered the Buddha and Bodhisattva, do not miss any realm.

When Shakyamuni, Buddha head bowed legs, hundreds of thousands around the ring, offering flowers, transparent process everything. Buddha received flowers finish, sprayed back southwest. Do Buddhist god force, the flowers fall around the Buddha. The operator of the flowers, are of legal Great Buddha said Bat-elegant-ba-la-secret radar for the Bodhisattva, the listener, certain results are achieved enlightenment paramount.

Bodhisattva head and the entourage that then, joy, praise ever; each base depending on the offerings fresh and more or less, but also glass offerings, respect and praise the Buddhist Bodhisattva . Finished, sit back on one side.

At that time, the end of the world's wealth of world-northwest, named Chon Tu in, there is the Buddhist name Tathagata Wins The Best Security, Application, supreme enlightenment, Minh Hanh Consummation, celestial bodies, The duration, macho Supreme, The foolish, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Bat-age-range, is an over stable residence there, said the General Legal Bat-elegant-ba-la-confidential for our multi-agency Bodhisattva. In particular, a Bodhisattva named Bao Thang, see this great glory, earth movements and body Buddha, our birth questions, go to the previous Buddha Buddha head bowed legs, white: Sir ! Do something predestined, that this auspicious?

Then, the Buddha told Daily ladder great Bodhisattva Bao Thang Hey Good Son! In the Southeast of this world, through a multitude of world, world ends, namely patience, there is Buddha Shakyamuni effect, Tathagata, Applications, supreme enlightenment, Minh Hanh Consummation, compassion Oath, the World Award, Supreme macho, The foolish, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Bat-age-range, now residing in peace over there, talk about the General Legal Bat-elegant-ba-la-secret- for they have great Bodhisattva. Do the Buddhist god of power, but this is a good omen.

Bao Thang hear it, happy dancing, the white Buddha revered Bach! Son to this world patience please, to admire, worship and make offerings to the Tathagata Sakyamuni and Bodhisattva they age, those who have gained knowledge through, Method Da-la-ni , Method Tam-ma-site, in divine order, in the same body, Buddha throne. Bend applying for mercy, acceptance!

Then, The Daily Buddha told the Bodhisattva Bao Thang Thang: Or instead! Or instead! Now the right time. Well, he just departed.

Buddha immediately took thousands of golden lotus flower net, thousands of flowers that have wings, with the stately treasure, given to the Bodhisattva Bao Thang and told: you bring flowers to place the Buddha Sakyamuni, the words I told , transparent: "Make me most graciously ladder please visit, he was less patient, less annoying, walking softly, air force air conditioner, an affordable fun? The bear reasonable life? Beings easily affordable level ? " Then, holding the lotus, the Exalted rise, to Dharma. Attendees of the other, have a correct perception, seeing Buddha and the public, do not underestimate our students, but their self-injure. Why? Because the other Bodhisattva, limo oai virtue, by being the urge to pray, because large predestined, birth of that realm.

Then, the Bodhisattva of Bao Thang received flowers, obeyed the order, then, with countless hundred thousand myriad great Bodhisattva renunciation, at home and countless hundreds of thousands of men, and women, first leg Buddhist ceremony, go around right, then please assume from. Each brought home countless flowers, chalky, liquid treasures, clothes, jewels and other offerings, starting on the road. Countless Buddha in the Northwest has passed, the Buddha always offered respect, respect for praise, do not miss any realm.

When Shakyamuni, Buddha head bowed legs, hundreds of thousands around the ring, then back to stand aside. Bao Thang Bodhisattva carried forward, white Buddha revered Bach! In the northwest of this world, through a multitude of world, end world called Self In Foot, a Buddhist name is Nhat Bao Thang The Tathagata is, the supreme enlightenment, Minh Hanh Consummation, celestial bodies, the World Award, Supreme macho, The foolish, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Bat-age-range, please kindly visit the Blessed One: "He was less patient, less annoying, walking softly, the air force peace, happiness reasonable? The reasonable life tolerate? Beings easily affordable level? " Then hold thousands of lotus flowers that color gold, offered to the Blessed One, to make the Buddha.

At that time, Buddha Sakyamuni received his shower, and then spread back to the world countless Buddhas in the Northwest. Do Buddhist god force, making the flowers, the fall around the Buddha. In this exchange of flowers, are of Buddha sitting cross-legged, said method corresponds Great Bat-elegant-ba-la-secret radar for the Bodhisattva, beings that hear, certain results are achieved enlightenment treatment paramount.

Then, Bao Thang and the entourage then see this, happy dance, praise ever; per person depending on the base offerings fresh and more or less, but also glass offerings, praises respect for Buddha and the Bodhisattva. Finished, sit back on one side.

So on, from the ends of the world was coming here, all the Buddha in the Northwest, each plane has the Tathagata, is where the legal mystery to the general public. In place of the Buddha was, also has a Bodhisattva head, that this great glory, earth changes, and the statue itself, advances to front, white Buddha revered Bach! Do something predestined that this auspicious?

Then, the other Buddha, each of his answers were: In the Southeast is the world's patience, there is Buddha Shakyamuni name, said about the General Legal Bat-elegant-ba-la-secret radar for Portugal -slaps. Do the Buddhist god of power, so new is this good omen.

The Bodhisattva head listening, happy, he would always ask to Kham Rings world, to admire, worship, offerings to Buddha and Bodhisattva. The Tathagata or the other and give praise. You are given the thousands of golden shower golden net and told: You brought this flower, Buddha came to the other, fully transparent my words: "Please kindly visit, he was less patient, less annoying, walking slightly gentle, air force air conditioner, an affordable fun? It is reasonable endured? ease of reasonable beings? " Then this lotus flower, offered to Bhagavan Dharma. Attendees of the other, have a correct perception, that the Buddha and Bodhisattva, do not underestimate our students, but their self-injure. Why? Because the other Bodhisattva, limo oai faith, inspired by the prayer of birth, so great predestined, birth of that realm.

Each flower heads receive, obey, and along with countless, countless Bodhisattva, the male, the female Buddha departed, carrying offerings, starting on the road. The Buddha went, each place has offered the Buddha and Bodhisattva, do not miss any realm.

When Shakyamuni, Buddha head bowed legs, hundreds of thousands around the ring, offering all the flowers white. Buddha received flowers finish, sprayed back northwest. Do Buddhist god force, the flowers fall around the Buddha. The operator of the flowers, are of legal Great Buddha said Bat-elegant-ba-la-secret radar for the Bodhisattva, the listener, certain results are achieved enlightenment paramount.

Bodhisattva head and see it every entourage, joy, praise ever; each base depending on the offerings fresh and more or less, but also glass offerings, respect and praise the Buddhist Bodhisattva . Finished, sit back on one side.

At that time, the world's end in numerous world below, known as the Lotus, a Buddhist name is Lotus Tathagata, Applications, supreme enlightenment, Minh Hanh Consummation, celestial bodies, the World Award, Supreme macho, The foolish, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Bat-age-range, stable accommodation is an over in which, say legal Great Bat-elegant-ba-la-security-for they have great Bodhisattva . There, a Bodhisattva named Lotus Wins, see this great glory, earth movements and body Buddha, our birth questions, go to the previous Buddha Buddha head bowed legs, white: Sir Ton! Do something predestined, that this auspicious?

Then, the Buddha told German Lotus Bodhisatta Lotus Wins: Behold Thien Son! At the top of this world, through a multitude of world, world ends, namely patience, there is Buddha Shakyamuni effect, Tathagata, Applications, supreme enlightenment, Minh Hanh Consummation, celestial , the World Award, Supreme macho, The foolish, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Bat-age-range, was now secure, stay over there, talk about the General Legal Bat-elegant-ba-la-secret- for they have great Bodhisattva. Do the Buddhist god of power, but this is a good omen.

At that hearing Wins Lotus Buddha said, then, happy dancing, the white Buddha revered Bach! Son to this world patience please, to admire, worship and make offerings to the Tathagata Sakyamuni and Bodhisattva they age, those who have gained knowledge through, Method Da-la-ni , Method Tam-ma-site, in divine order, in the same body, Buddha throne. Bend applying for mercy, acceptance!

Then, the Lotus Buddha told Bodhisattva Germany Lotus Wins: Or instead! Or instead! Now the right time. Well, he just departed.

Buddha immediately took thousands of golden lotus flower net, thousands of flowers that have wings, with the stately treasure, given to the Bodhisattva Lien Hoa Thang and told: you bring flowers to place the Buddha Sakyamuni, as the word; told, transparent: "Tathagata Lotus Germany please kindly visit, he was less patient, less annoying, walking softly, air force air conditioner, an affordable fun? The bear reasonable life? Beings easily affordable level ? " Then, holding the lotus, the Exalted rise, to Dharma. Attendees of the other, have a correct perception, seeing Buddha and the mass there, do not underestimate our students, but their self-injure. Why? Since these other great Bodhisattva, limo oai virtue, by being the urge to pray, because large predestined, birth of that realm.

Then, the Bodhisattva Lotus Wins, receiving flowers, obeyed the order, then, with countless hundred thousand myriad great Bodhisattva renunciation, at home and countless hundreds of thousands of men, and women, first leg Buddhist ceremony, detour to the right, then please retire from. Each brought home countless flowers, chalky, liquid treasures, clothes, jewels and other offerings, starting on the road. Countless Buddha in the Under has gone through, the Buddha always offered respect, respect for praise, do not miss any realm.

When Shakyamuni, Buddha head bowed legs, hundreds of thousands around the ring, then back to stand aside. Lotus Wins Bodhisattva carried forward, white Buddha revered Bach! At the bottom of this world, through a multitude of world, end world called Lotus, a Buddhist name is Lotus Germany, Tathagata is, the supreme enlightenment, Minh Hanh Consummation, celestial bodies, the World Award, Supreme macho, The foolish, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Bat-age-range, please kindly visit the Blessed One: "the less patient, less annoying, walking quietly, air conditioning capacity, an affordable fun? It is reasonable endured? Beings easily affordable level? " Then holding lotus flowers that color gold, offered to Bhagavan Dharma.

Then, the Buddha Sakyamuni, received her shower, then sprayed back countless Buddhas in the world Below. Do Buddhist god force, making the flowers, the fall around the Buddha. In this exchange of flowers, are of Buddha sitting cross-legged, said method corresponds Great Bat-elegant-ba-la-secret radar for the Bodhisattva, beings that hear, certain results are achieved enlightenment treatment paramount.

Then, Lien Hoa Thang and the entourage then see this, happy dance, praise ever; per person depending on the base offerings fresh and more or less, but reverently offered, praising respect Buddha and Bodhisattva. Finished, sit back on one side.

So on, from the ends of the world was coming here, all in the Under Buddha, each plane has the Tathagata, is where the legal mystery to the general public. In place of the Buddha was, also has a Bodhisattva head, he saw a large halo, earth changes, and the statue itself, are to place Buddha, white: White Exalted! Do something predestined that this auspicious?

Then, the Buddha's past, he always replied: At the top of this realm, is the world's patience, there is Buddha Shakyamuni name, said about the General Legal Bat-elegant-ba-la-secret radar for the Bodhisattva. Do the Buddhist god of power, so new is this good omen.

The Bodhisattva leading happy listening, he would always ask to Kham Rings world, to admire, worship, offerings to Buddha and Bodhisattva. The Tathagata or the other and give praise. He gave the thousand golden shower golden net and told: You bring flowers to a place other Buddhas, fully transparent my words: "Please kindly visit, he was less patient, less annoying, walking softly, air conditioning capacity, an affordable fun? The bear reasonable life? ease of reasonable beings? " Then this lotus flower, offered to Bhagavan Dharma. Attendees of the other, have a correct perception, seeing Buddha and the Bodhisattva, do not underestimate our students, but their self-injure. Why? Because the other Bodhisattva, limo oai faith, inspired by the prayer of birth, so great predestined, birth of that realm.

Each flower heads receive, obey, and along with countless, countless Bodhisattva, the male, the female Buddha departed, carrying offerings, starting on the road. The Buddha went, each place has offered the Buddha and Bodhisattva, do not miss any realm.

When Shakyamuni, Buddha head bowed legs, hundreds of thousands around the ring, offering flowers, transparent process everything. Buddha received flowers finish, the Under sprayed again. Do Buddhist god force, the flowers fall around the Buddha. The operator of the flowers, are of Buddhist, said the General Legal Bat-elegant-ba-la-secret radar for the Bodhisattva, the listener, certain results are achieved enlightenment paramount.

Bodhisattva head and see it every entourage, joy, praise ever; each base depending on the offerings fresh and more or less, but also glass offerings, respect and praise the Buddhist Bodhisattva . Finished, sit back on one side.

At that time, the world's end the world in countless ways on, the name is joy, a Buddhist name is Joy Tathagata, Applications, supreme enlightenment, Minh Hanh Consummation, celestial bodies, the World Award, Radio Truong Phu Thuong, The foolish, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Bat-age-range, stable accommodation is an over in which, say legal Great Bat-elegant-ba-la-secret multi-university for the Bodhisattva. There, a Bodhisattva named Hy Life, see this great glory, earth movements and body Buddha, our birth questions, go to the previous Buddha Buddha head bowed legs, white: Sir! Do something predestined, that this auspicious?

Then, the Buddha told the German Hy Hy great Bodhisattva Life: Good Son Behold! At the bottom of this world, through a multitude of world, end world named Kham Rings, there is Buddha Shakyamuni effect, Tathagata, Applications, supreme enlightenment, Minh Hanh Consummation, celestial bodies, the World Award, Supreme macho, The foolish, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Bat-age-range, was now secure, stay over there, talk about the General Legal Bat-elegant-ba-la-secret radar them great Bodhisattva. Do the Buddhist god of power, but this is a good omen.

Tho I heard Joy, joy, jumping, the white Buddha revered Bach! Son to this world patience please, to admire, worship and make offerings to the Tathagata Sakyamuni and Bodhisattva they age, those who have gained knowledge through, Method Da-la-ni , Method Tam-ma-site, in divine order, in the same body, Buddha throne. Bend applying for mercy, acceptance!

Then, the Buddha told the Bodhisattva Germany Hy Hy Life: Or instead! Or instead! Now the right time. Well, he just departed.

Buddha immediately took thousands of golden lotus flower net, thousands of flowers that have wings, with the stately treasure, given to the Bodhisattva Life and Joy told: you bring flowers to place the Buddha Sakyamuni, the words I told , transparent: "As Lai Duc Hy please kindly visit, he was less patient, less annoying, walking softly, air force air conditioner, an affordable fun? The reasonable life tolerate? Beings easily affordable level?" Then, holding the lotus, the Exalted rise, to Dharma. Attendees of the other, have a correct perception, seeing Buddha and the public, do not underestimate our students, but their self-injure. Why? Because the other Bodhisattva, limo oai virtue, by being the urge to pray, because large predestined, birth of that realm.

Then, the Bodhisattva Hy received flowers, obeyed the order, then, along with countless hundred thousand myriad great Bodhisattva renunciation, at home and countless hundreds of thousands of men, and women, first leg Buddhist ceremony, go around right, then please retire from. Each brought home countless flowers, chalky, liquid treasures, clothes, jewels and other offerings, starting on the road. Countless Buddha went through on the way, the Buddha always offered respect, respect for praise, do not miss any realm.

When Shakyamuni, Buddha head bowed legs, hundreds of thousands around the ring, then back to stand aside. Hy Life Bodhisattva carried forward, white Buddha revered Bach! At the top of this world, through a multitude of the world, the world is happy to take the same name, a German Buddhist name is Joy. As Lai, Application, supreme enlightenment, Minh Hanh Consummation, celestial bodies, the World Award, Supreme macho, The foolish, Thien Nhon Master, Buddha, Bat-age-range, please kindly visit the Blessed One: "are less patient, less annoying, walking softly, air force air conditioner, an affordable fun? It is reasonable endured? ease of reasonable beings?" Then holding lotus flowers that color gold, offered to Bhagavan Dharma.

Then, the Buddha Sakyamuni received his shower, then sprayed back countless Buddhas in the world on. Do Buddhist god force, causing the flowers, the fall around the Buddha. The operator of this flower are of Buddha sitting cross-legged, said general legal corresponds Bat-elegant-ba-la-secret radar for the Bodhisattva, beings that hear, achieve certain fruit taste treatment paramount.

Then, Joy of Life and that this entourage then, happy dance, praise ever; each base depending on the offerings fresh and more or less, but also glass offerings, praises respect for Buddha and the Bodhisattva. Finished, sit back on one side.

So on, from the ends of the world was coming here, all in the Buddha, each plane has the Tathagata, is where the legal mystery to the general public. In place of the Buddha was, also has a Bodhisattva head, he saw a large halo, earth changes, and the statue itself, are to place Buddha, white: White Exalted! Do something predestined that this auspicious?

Then, the other Buddha, each of his answers were: at the bottom, is the world's patience, there is Buddha Shakyamuni name, said about the General Legal Bat-ba-la-home-security-for the great majority Bodhisattva. Do the Buddhist god of power, so new is this good omen.

The Bodhisattva leading listening, happy, he does also apply to the world of patience, to admire, worship, offerings to Buddha and Bodhisattva. The Tathagata or the other and give praise. He gave the thousand golden shower golden net and told: You bring flowers to a place other Buddhas, fully transparent my words: "Please kindly visit, he was less patient, less annoying, walking softly, air conditioning capacity, an affordable fun? The bear reasonable life? ease of reasonable beings? " Then this lotus flower, offered to Bhagavan Dharma. Attendees of the other, have a correct perception, seeing Buddha and the Bodhisattva, do not underestimate our students, but their self-injure. Why? Because the other Bodhisattva, limo oai faith, inspired by the prayer of birth, so great predestined, birth of that realm.

Each flower heads receive, obey, and along with countless, countless Bodhisattva, the male, the female Buddha departed, carrying offerings, starting on the road. The Buddha went, each place has offered the Buddha and Bodhisattva, do not miss any realm.

When Shakyamuni, Buddha head bowed legs, hundreds of thousands around the ring, offering all the flowers white. Buddha received flowers finish, sprayed on the back. Do Buddhist god force, the flowers fall around the Buddha. The operator of this flower are of legal Great Buddha said Bat-elegant-ba-la-secret radar for the Bodhisattva, the listener, certain results are achieved enlightenment paramount.

Bodhisattva head and a retinue that I rejoice, praise ever; each base depending on the offerings fresh and more or less, but also glass offerings, respect and praise the Buddhist Bodhisattva. Finished, sit back over the side.

At that time, in the Buddha in this world three thousand, the precious fullness; the precious flowers, spread across the land, precious chalky, liquid golden snare everywhere; flowers, fruit trees, aromatic plants trees, silky, golden tree, coat tree, jewelry trees interspersed, with all solemnity, very fancy. As more planes in the Pureland shower of Pho Hoa Tathagata. Lisianthus Noble Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva Compassion and Wisdom Head countless great Bodhisattva has great force imposing moral and mental, are in it. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).2/1/2012.OM MANI PADME HUME.( 3 TIMES ).

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