Saturday 28 January 2012

Buddhist Meditation

Buddhist meditation is a powerful way to taking control of your mind. You may believe that you cannot meditate. This is simply a wrong view on your part. I used to believe the same thing. Everyone can meditate. It just takes practice. The rewards of meditation are great.

The Rewards of Meditation

1) Clarity of mind by eliminating bothersome and useless thoughts.
2) Patience of body and mind by conditioning yourself to sit for extended periods of time.
3) Deep understanding and insight of your inner self through the process of listening.
4) Elimination of anxiety and panic through the gradual process of coming to understand your 'self'.
5) Elimination of fear through the understanding of why fear is manifesting in your body and mind.
6) Acceptance of the way things are through comtemplative meditation.
7) Invoking of bliss throughout your mind and body through the release of your brain's 'feel good' and healing chemicals.
8) Shaping your destiny through realization of understanding and truth which leads to you taking control with right view, right intention and right action.

Monkey Mind

A common phrase in Buddhism is 'monkey mind'. This is where you have lost control of your thoughts. As a result you can be over emotional and over reactive to many situations in life. In fact, the vast majority of these situations you don’t even need to over react to.
'Monkey mind' is an analogy of a little monkey jumping from tree to tree, never satisfied and always stirring up trouble in some way. In the same way your mind can jump from thought to thought stirring up emotions and doing it's best to wreak havoc with you. Sometimes these thoughts are so fast that you don't even realize they have happened. When this is the case you may feel fear, anxiety or panic for apparently no reason. All sorts of emotions can be stirred up with a 'monkey mind'.
"Put aside any worries, and with a serene heart, purify yourself of irritability and vexation of spirit."
- The Buddha
The Buddha taught that the cause of suffering is clinging, grasping and attachment to the various things in life. These things may cause you temporary false happiness. Once the feeling fades, on you go, clinging to the next false hope of happiness.Buddhist mediation can help free you of clinging, grasping and attachment. It will bring you clarity and peace of mind. You will be surprised at how quick your transformation happens.

Buddhist Meditation

Meditation will help you to see the true reality of life with clarity as opposed to the illusions that exist. As a result of these mind illusions a general delusion becomes your reality. This is a false mind that some call an ego. Your false mind or ego is the false constructs of self-deception.
These illusions may range from high expectations to racism and even certain family and cultural beliefs that are simply wrong view. These illusions may even be generated by some form of abuse that happened in your early life. Or even a misguided childhood could cause a false reality of illusions that cause delusion. Whatever the cause of your delusion, meditation will help resolve it in a powerful way. When you allow the process to happen, your mind strengthens and becomes clear.

Buddhist Meditation Leads To Patience

Now, when I first started meditating I couldn't seem to settle in. I was too impatient. I believed I just didn't have the capability to meditate. I was too restless, couldn't focus and had many, many thoughts that seemed to race through my mind. My body would experience a tiny itch here or there. It would want to move, basically do anything but sit.
Well, I did learn to meditate. The more I did so, the more the thoughts relaxed. The more I relaxed, the less my 'monkey mind' disturbed me. There are even times that I meditate with complete emptiness. There are times that I meditate with various thoughts streaming through my mind. The difference is now that I observe those thoughts. They have very little if any affect on me. My body stays calm. My mind even moreso.
How'd I learn all this? I realized a simple method that works. Something so simple that I'm amazed I didn't figure it out long ago. But, that's a part of shedding the illusions, understanding truth. Again, back to grasping and attachment, the reason I didn't get it is because my mind attached to the idea that mindful meditation is some sort of mystical experience that only masters, gurus and yogis can truly accomplish. Anyone can master Buddhist meditation. Drop your scepticism and believe it!
Buddhist meditation is all about practice. The more you sit the better you get. The core of learning this ancient art of mind training is how you go about it. It is important not to get caught up with any one perceived ideal of meditation. That is, you don't want to cling and grasp to anything. You want to have the enduring mind of peace and calm that allows you to be open minded.
Love of Self
Meditation is called many things. There are many different types of meditation. Really though, there is you and your mind. Your mind is the essence of you. It helps to view yourself in a special way. It doesn't matter your history. It doesn't matter your future. Right now is what's important. This is because this moment is the moment that you exist in. It is your moment of existence.
Think of Buddhist meditation as a way of embracing yourself with love in your current moment. Even of giving yourself health, healing and love. Some people will think this awkward. These people have not yet begun the path of shedding their ego and creating mind clarity. This is where compassion and understanding come into play. Compassion for yourself and for others. Buddhist meditation will expand your universe for the better.
The links below reveal the easy secret to becoming a master at meditation. If you ever thought you couldn't meditate then give this a try! It's how I got to the point of being able to meditate everyday for extended times. It's how you can gain insight as well!

1) Buddhist Meditation -A Simple Secret!

2) More Easy Meditation Techniques


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