Monday 30 January 2012

About Signature Date Xuan Phuoc Sheh Dam

Life on earth who would not have wished or been Phuoc Phuoc!
In the New Year, people often label Phuoc on watermelon, cake, gifts ...
Date Xuan is the opportunity for them to pay much attention to the word blessed. Visiting relatives or loved ones, people frequently Tet. Tet is a form of   Phuoc Bridge, bless their loved ones. People often write sentences with words Phuoc, Phuoc way or writing calligraphy, to decorate the house, or donate their relatives in the New Year ...
During Tet, the Hoa to Saigon - Cho Lon, a custom label on the door Phuoc, but glued back. Why Phuoc paste text back? Someone explained that blessing did not create man, but it is due from the sky. They are interested in self-teachings as well as the children themselves that: To be blessed to live in it for a human life, have faith, then God will "to" Blessed. Therefore, the text is backwards Phuoc paste on the issue.
There are also people who explained that word again lead back Phuc (Phuoc) from Government Palace Prince Qing Dynasty. Year, on the occasion of Tet, the housekeeper who wants it please your landlord, as a rule, write a few words Phuc (Phuoc) very large, in the wrong crowd of people in the warehouse, and major port of Wangfujing. A servant, not knowing the word, the word has stuck against Phuc (Phuoc) in major ports. Prince Palace is Phuc Tan, after looking at were both angry, orders went fine whip servants. One aspect is to punish the guilty, on one hand to warn the other servants, do be careful. List butler-type mouth edge (cylinder mouth), which involved fear, bent down quickly said to the owner: "It loads often heard, Prince Palace durable, being thick, has great appeal was" dug "true that bode well. " (In Chinese, Philippine "knife" just means "opposite", both meaning "to").
Prince Palace that have good listening, abdominal think "No wonder, people go through all said the Prince Palace, Government Palace Prince Phuc (Phuoc)" Training "(to) and! Ke learned it at least, think star this technique "(!!!)
Then he went to reward stewards and servants, each 50 ounces of silver. Later, customs paste text back Phuc (Phuoc) was transferred from King's Government to take home. After the paste is done, everyone was looking forward to having people go through, to read the sentence: "Blessed come! Phuc come !..." for good luck.
In addition, there are some other anecdotes, explaining why a contrary word to paste Phuoc.
In the spring, with this short article to share, we want friendship with you, talk about the word chronic Phuoc, through the inspiration of the Bible, the Word of God.
If you want to understand correctly the word Phuoc, there is no book that can compare with the Bible. The Bible is a book that says a lot about the word blessed. Even the Bible also states that, people should " read, listen ... and keep the Word "was written in the Bible, it is certainly not the Phuoc, Phuoc Large but is again (Revelation 1: 3) . Signature   PHƯỚC first mentioned in the Bible is Genesis 1: 22 and lower end PHƯỚC recorded in the Bible is Revelation 22: 14.
I. PHƯỚC mean?
It is difficult to define fully, completely and accurately for the word blessed. Because that is what PHƯỚC nice, perfect, complete command, the most satisfactory ... that every human being wants to be in life. That the will of man is infinite, and the needs of the people, and endless ... Therefore, it is difficult to get a full definition for the word Phuoc. Nevertheless, we also try to discuss the letter Phuoc, to the extent of what we know and what the Bible says to. Because we talk more about letters Phuoc that we do not understand or does not discuss the letter Phuoc, Europe is also flawed.
II. The word itself PHƯỚC in Seoul
Phuoc letters in prison, is composed of four different words, that is: Signature First , the word Trade , the word mind and the word Enter . Four letters unite, forming words in Chinese Phuoc (also known as the Confucian text, written by the Chinese). The ancients put out the word that always comes with. Each word carries particular meaning, so it is new or known as "The word means ..."
1. First word : word first to create text Phuoc, which is Sunday.
Rectangle that is number one, is first, is "superior," is "above all" is "Number One" in English. Most words can be said to be understood here, is " the best of the best things . "Is not no reason that the ancient text set out in Phuoc, an indispensable font, which is Sunday: The blessed who has been the best thing. Persons who can Phuoc most successful, most wealthy, most healthy, most prestigious, the most widely respected ... and many other best thing.
The idea of the text rectangle in Phuoc, in the Bible :
"If the judge who heard the voice of Jehovah thy God, and faithfully, carefully follow all his commandments, which I transmit to you today, and Jehovah thy God will give you the superior of all people on earth (Most blessed). If the judge who heard the voice of Jehovah, and thy God, this is all Phuoc healthy people will descend on her. You will be blessed in the city, and be blessed in the field. Fruit body of people, who farm the land of fruits, animal products of living organisms you, always with calving cows and sheep of the people, will be blessed (female, field, cattle ... be blessed ); the basket and thy kneading trough will be blessed! (kitchen, dining and be blessed). You will be blessed as we go out, and will be blessed while in (Where to go, do something also been lucky - blessed). LORD LORD will make enemies raised with you was defeated before you; them it will be a way to beat you, then by the run before seven person (pay stubs ethnic, peaceful country - blessed.) LORD, the LORD will make blessings be with you in good granary and in your work; He will bless thee in the land which and Jehovah thy God gives thee. If you keep the commandments of Jehovah, and thy God, and follow his ways, the LORD, the LORD will establish you as a people holy to him, as he had sworn with you; (To be selected - be blessed), the nations of the world will see that you are known by name of the LORD, the LORD, and they shall fear thee. (because God has blessed backing, the Lord is with you) . and Jehovah thy God will make you more abundance of wealth, making the fruit body of people, the students produce livestock, farm land and the fruit of many more who were born in the land which LORD, the LORD has sworn with his fathers to give thee. (comfortable life - be blessed.) LORD, the LORD will open the heavens for you, is his treasure, waiting for rain then descend to earth, and the blessing for all the work of thy hand. You will for many countries, people who do not borrow. (It's outstanding - the Phuoc). If you listen to the commandments of Jehovah thy God, and that today we can begin to keep people follow , and if not leave a word for the people we pass today, but to the right hand or left, is following other gods to serve, the LORD, the LORD will put you in the back of the first (the idea rectangles) , do not have a tail, who will stay on high always (Rectangle idea), do not never go below the low. "(Easter-transfer-rate law signed 28: 1-14)
After listing the Phuoc, that a judge who obeyed the voice of God will be faithful. The Bible says: " Then the LORD, the LORD will put you in back of head , do not have a tail, who will stay on high always always, do not never go below the low. "
The word " behind head "and" always on high "significance of the rectangle. The implication is always in the best places high importance.
2. Text Import : It means "mouth."
Monday letters make words Phuoc, which is the word: Trade .
Import text that is a mouth. The human mouth is to eat and to talk.
Eating and drinking is also a human Phuoc. Book of Ecclesiastes says: " Behold, I have seen that food , drink , and enjoy the blessings of the hard work you do in the full sun during the day that God gives, he is very good and good; century because it was his part. Whenever God gives someone wealthy, wealth, making people have the food taken , received the record, and happy in their work, it is a gift of God. " (Communication -direction 5: 18-19)
So there's food and to eat well is a blessing. As a person of wealth, but because of health reasons or other reasons, not edible, it is not a blessing.
Mouth to say: A person born with a disability if the radio ad, which is being born dumb, of course, is "very good" then. Those dumb they also need to "talk." They tell by the expression in action. And so they can not say all that is.
To speak and is also an Phuoc said. A person can "voice" in the family, in society, as well as a man of Phuoc. Because he had a prestigious position or something, because if not, he "said no one listened."
Indeed, words, people's lips is a very good use of harmful gases. The old notion that Phuoc Hoa or are caused by the mouth. An old scholar wrote: "Most certainly manic state language; First language course ice." That is: One word can make the country prosperous; that a word can make the national decline. Indeed, Jesus said, "By words thou shalt be justified, and by the words thou shalt be punished "(Matthew Matthew 12: 37).
Because speech is a good use of harmful gases, so it should be responsible for your words. Marriage, happy family or not, depending on the words. Friends you have close, long-term close together or not, depending on word of mouth. Neighbors are at peace with each other happily, also depend on words. World peace or not, depending on the speech of the head of state, on the international conference table, etc. ... The new sentence:
" Words do not lose money,
Choose words that speak to please each other . "(Ca dao)
Words do not help people address these presentation ideas, thoughts ... Which words also help people be more understanding. Life would be better if people knew how to use a delicate word, right.
Jesus Christ is the "Words" of God, the Creator Most High, for humans are creatures of God. Jesus is the Word is proclaimed. The Bible records that:
" In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God: all things by his works, no material expenditures made ​​but not by him. " (John 1: 1.2)
World, the universe and all things were made by God. But sin, man had not heard the "voice" of God. Because not hear His Word, so the human world has become chaos and darkness. War, death, oppression, hatred ... constant in human history, is because people did not listen to him. Jesus Christ is the "Voice," was the Word, is the spokesman of God, came into the world. If anyone hear His voice and receive His Word, that person will be blessed and be blessing. Blessed is because that person is forgiven of all sins, and become as children of God. Blessing because he will use the lips (Export) of himself, but brought Phuoc sacred to God's people. Because they are blessed, they can not silent, but to use his own lips of every high rao on Phuoc Phuoc, to the people. No Phuoc can be compared to the Phuoc become children of God. King David, a highly respected king of the Jews used to say:
" Blessed is the man who was a violation of his neighbor, his sin is filled! Blessed is the LORD-how and not for the wicked, and inside there is no deceit. " (Psalm 32: 1-2)
A person who is forgiven every sin and became a German children of heaven, is a blessed of all blessed! Because when a child becomes God's will, he shall be entitled to " everything spiritual blessing in the heavenly places ", not just enjoy what blessings on this land only temporarily. (Ephesians number 1: 3)
God has used His Word, to save and bless the world. Those who are saved and become His children, also used his own lips that rescue, Phuoc Thien brought from heaven for the people, the same type. Spiritual blessings from heaven, came to humans from the mouth of God. Man has used his own mouth that transmit the same type of Phuoc Thien. Watch out, the ancients did not have no reason, when using the word EXPORT, to make letters Phuoc. Phuoc Phuoc is made of all children of God. Phuoc is also passed from the lips of the mouth (EXPORT). Gospel of God's salvation through Jesus-Christ, is called Phuoc MUSIC, or the Gospel. Bible copy:
"They shall not live by (Rice) bread alone, but by every word spoken from the mouth of God. " (Matthew Matthew 4: 4)
"People Living" implies a meaningful life. A meaningful life, itself is a blessing. Sin has made ​​human life becomes meaningless, very blessed. People who desire to live well, but do not know how to live for? and death will go? People want to find a life with true meaning, a blessed life experience, REAL, they must by " every word spoken from the mouth of God. "This is a truth: No one can find a meaningful life, ie PHƯỚC TRUTH in this world, if they do not come to Natural Language, is spoken of God International Trade, that is, the Word is spoken from the mouth of God.
God's Word is written into the scripts, which is the Bible. The Word was made flesh that is Jesus-Christ.
3. Focus : Broken Heart
Tuesday letters make words Phuoc in Seoul itself, is intentional. Paying attention means heart.
In the art of calligraphy, we also write letters or TAM, as for meditation, "mindfulness" and remind yourself: How do people - lived to have the mind!
Human heart is the birth-place or Phuoc Hoa.
Poet Nguyen Du, the Tale of Kieu, has written:
" Good base in by our hearts,
The intention with three other new owners. "
The general partner, attaches great importance to the property. As owners, that is talent, which also means "money." A person with Finance, usually have many things in life. A person may be many things in life, the part of many, people think it is "Blessed." A person can be many things in life, a legitimate way, of course, also an Phuoc. But that's not a perfect blessing, but it can only be a temporary blessing. Or sometimes, something that many people are blessed, the potential itself is a graphics connection. Because, according to Nguyen Du, he wrote:
" Finance has in place reliable information,
Chu Tai Tai associated with a spelling word . "
Chu Tai: mean disaster. How many people have been getting into the big disasters, only because of their large ears, or is that just because they have too much money, fame:
" Trees are the more likely the winds blew,
The high fame, as full of difficulties . "(Ca dao Vietnam)
Money is to be blessed but also as a painting.
A life that only "difficult," it affordable so that a blessed life? Living only to suffer the hardships, and always worried about Arab Disaster spy, there is nothing to call Phuoc? Therefore, owners should not choose to do, or is standing in Phuoc letters. So do not think anyone has money, there is Tai Phuoc . Book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible  recorded that:
"Had an accident data that we saw under the sun: he is the owner for the wealth which it contains, or to harm themselves, or because of something disastrous, both to take all this wealth; if the owner ( wealth) birth to a son, (then) , then leave it two handed. I reached out to any mother's womb naked, surely will come back to him, and about the size of income of their employees, such So what can you bring your hands are. This also is a major accident : who was born to do, is subject to return to him. So, bear hard labor unto the wind blows, there is little benefit (long term) he? " (Ecclesiastes 5: 13-16)
"All the labor of man is suffering because of his mouth, but not fulfilling." (Ecclesiastes 6: 7)
People work to earn a living, but what people earn, accumulate, making them never be satisfied. A life which found no satisfaction, that is still in the "hungry" and "soft." They are living in slavery and the "god of desire," without knowing what it means Phuoc It . They were "god along outlook" forced to " work hard ... and not only caught fast the blessed spirit "(Ecclesiastes 4: 8).
Today, some people do business, in the stores, big stores, the director ... it is common to the ground, or in a corner that an altar, called the "altar Shen. "Shen is one, comes from? ... no one knows. they only know through the "mouth" that they must worship God Doing Tai - Do not worship Shen do not eat, do not have money to eat ... Then a few days in the New Year, with a "love service credit ", which is a group of people dressed as his" Shen "go house to house dance, what is referred to as" Shen's building last year, "this year are doing!? The facts upon which the loss is a loss but there should be where god Finance! The above form is just superstition, but also as a sort of "Spring art" by those who "worship money" rather than any effect. It is ironic that he "Shen" in three days of Tet, to go giang sun, tired to dance to ... make money!
Before Nguyen Du wrote " words associated with the word Tai Tai ... "the Bible told you so. Money is not real blessing, but sometimes it's an obscure veil, that people do not see Phuoc fact. The devil often use a "temporary blessing" in life to obscure the fact Phuoc forever. When people pursue a temporary blessing, then we will lose the Phuoc fact. It is not necessary to have more people, the Bible, the Word of God comes!
Why focus should be selected for Phuoc letters?
With a veteran like Nguyen Du, the "new focus with three other owners." This concept is very different than most people think of today. Life today, much of it very seriously, even idol worship  owners: Doing the church "LOVE." educated youth are tried, remains that of Finance, but little cultivated on the faith, paying attention. Once the account then it's time "raging talent," stealing from the other one without conscience. How many "teacher," "doctor" work just for money only. Human life in society is different than losing the money, a slave to money ... Overall human life would be nothing significant, is blessed if only money.
The old concept of money will not bring blessed man. Therefore, in words no words Tai Phuoc, but intentional, that is the heart.
Trinh Cong Son, a famous musician, a Finance and can be regarded as "master" in the music industry in Vietnam, wrote that: " Live life, to have a heart . "Then he wrote " To do ...?" Then he continued: "To wind swept away . "It seems to Trinh Cong Son, the heart of their homeland, the same type is required for every life, every human being. However, people underestimate the heart (" to the wind swept away "). If people live together, said plate valued altruism, kindness (focused), the country is probably not at war, people are not poverty, oppression.
Bible copy:
" Quite careful to keep hearts of the children above all, because the source of life where it's due to that place. " (Proverbs 4: 23)
Source of life: That implies a blessing. Blessed be from the human heart that out. Life, or a meaningful life - a life of significance - it is itself a Phuoc. A meaningful life, a life truly meaningful, not necessarily rich or poor person. But how to get a meaningful life? Money can be earned by work effort, labor or business ... But how a person can find   meaning for their lives?
The ancients conceived the human heart is the cause of sabotage or blessed. A person with an evil heart, that he always thought of malice and evil, whether it succeeded nowhere, he will always live in insecurity, and could not find the true meaning, for life their lives. A life so very blessed indeed, that there is no merit at all, whether he or she has everything that other people want!
Human heart is the core, the center of everything. A live life happy or sad, life or live a meaningful life meaningless, are rooted in the person's heart. Therefore, the human, world view, a universe of man is needed, and it will decide for that person, get a life or a meaningful life is meaningless.
A concept that if the world, the universe and man, are just a "product of chance," then surely, he will never find true meaning for our lives. Bible copy:
" fool says in his heart: there is no God. They are corrupt, have done hideous things . "(Psalm 14: 1)
A life without knowing God, is a life of obscurity and meaningless. A heart without the indwelling of the Creator, that is a heart "empty endless." One heart "empty" is where the power of darkness, an evil will control control and dominate, but the person did not know.
"Ma led the way, the devil take the road,
Back to find a place where the go. "

King David of old, is one who has been a life of "ideal," but perhaps one must dream. But he was talking about God that:
" I said to the LORD, the LORD (Eternal Christ) that He is my Lord, except Him that had no Phuoc else. " (Psalm 16: 2)
A king fame, wealth, wisdom, power ... What is missing everything in life. But for David, everything will be meaningless, if he does not have the heart of the reign of God. One day when he sinned, his heart had been "problems" and lose the presence of God, he prayed that:
" O God! would be created in me a clean heart ;
And renew in me a divine straight. " (Psalm 51: 10)
A king, but when his heart was not clean (crime), no longer upright spirit to God, he felt ill, and to seek forgiveness, healing, and recovery God's place in his heart. Wealth, power, fame that hearts are sinful (evil mind), and without the dominance of the Lord, nothing is also Phuoc both.
Once you have experienced God's forgiveness and then, David has written that:
" Blessed is the man who was forgiven his breach! To be filled sins!
Blessed is the LORD-how and not for the wicked,
 And the heart does not lie! " (Psalm 32: 1-2)
When Jesus came to earth, one of the first things, which He has taught man, that is:
" But first, you must seek God for His forgiveness and reign in the hearts , and He will fully support all the needs for the children . "(Matthew Matthew 6: 33. The Modern translation)
Human heart is the cause of the graphics, blessed in life. Heart wickedness, sin (ill) is generated graphics. Clean heart, straight, not sin (goodwill) is born blessed. To be Phuoc, the heart must first be forgiven every sin and the reign of God. Want to be forgiven every sin, and God dwells in our hearts, we must first repent of their sins to God and accept Jesus as Savior. The Bible records that:
" If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and make (our) cleanse us from all unrighteousness . "(I John 1: 9)
Greatest blessing of all the blessings in my life, that is to be forgiven every sin and become children of God. Bible copy:
" For God so loved the world, that has given His only Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life. " (John 3: 16)
If you are a sinner was condemned to death, but then he was the president's pardon, the forgiveness of sin is death and restore civil rights, then there is no greater blessing for him anymore, is not it gentlemen? People of God, too. Which we are sinners, but God has been forgiving sins, when He gave His begotten Son Jesus, die in our sins. Jesus died and rose again, to give us forgiveness and recovery status as children of God. Repent of sin and faith in the Lord Jesus-Christ as Savior of your life, you will be blessed in this new BIG. That's for sure. In this world, without any greater blessing to be blessed as children of God. We earnestly invite you to trust the Lord Jesus, to heart sins are forgiven, healed and lives will be blessed BIG.
4. Font Fill : Means fields, or parks, or land.
Wednesday letters to make words Phuoc, which is the word Enter. The old concept of land as the "lifeblood" of man. Humans are born from the land, living off the land and die, "provided the land." Land for people living plants and food to live. Man can not live without soil thanks. Thus, a person with more land and farms for farming is also a blessing.
Land is also confirmed the position of man in society. A person can be a piece of land, a garden to take home in a concentration of population, life convenience, as well as a man of Phuoc. It differs from a "homeless," or a "not a piece of land to plug the awl," whole life living by plowing lease, hire hoes, as tenants, in which another person, to have pieces eat.
The former Vietnam also have a saying: " Run snakehead shock, do not get a corner in the field . "This sentence is that: A person only needs a small field angle only, who cultivated it himself, a self-feeding their families, not hired to work in it for anyone, so simple it is blessed. Therefore, the word Enter, ie land, land, occupied an important place in the ancient word for Phuoc.
Copy the Bible: " In the beginning God created the heavens and earth .... God said land delivery to plants, the seeds of grass, fruit trees results, depending on which his seed in the earth "(Genesis 1: 1, 11).
Land, nature, creation ... which by God's creation and people. Land is the career of each individual, family, and with a nation again. For Jews, the land is the "place" of a person, the Holy One of their communities. For them, a lost land, meaning that he or she is "alien" as "immigrants" rather than people with "the business of the Holy People."
" Let's expect the LORD Jehovah (God Eternal) , and keep him along, and he will lift you up to get the land " (Psalm 37: 34)
Land without the means to live, it is "where in" again. If a person has a piece of land, in a city or a central place, easy to work and earn their living, it means that person is an "accommodation" of his long there. Meaning beyond the owner's: It's "long-term accommodation" of an ethnic community of man. The ancients often said: "Land, farms because grandparents and ancestral." As the precious career. Land is "accommodation" of man.
Jesus said to his disciples that:
"In our Father's house are many accommodation ; not so, I have spoken to you then. I go to prepare for you a place . When I go and prepare for you a place , we are back to bring you along with me, that one where you were there then . " (John 14: 2-3)
One of the important issues of man, which is "accommodation." Birth parents, the care of into the school, with families struggling to own, and of course also have to take care of a child " place to live. "So the new question:" An industrial settle. "That is not a stable place in the new daily life, worry about future career long.
But for humans, the problem of "accommodation" is not just limited to the "accommodation" on this earth only temporarily, it is "accommodation ever" again. That's the big deal, that's the reason that the ancients used the word Enter, ie land, is "accommodation" to make text Phuoc. The old concept: " Birth registration, e-regulation . "This means" Living on post operation . "Life is a temporary post on the ground, is also dead on. In the Bible, God said to Adam that: "Because of the dust (soil), so you will about the dust (soil) "(Genesis 3: 19). In the Book of Ecclesiastes, the Word of God says that " the earth will become dust like the old original, and spirit will become the place of God, who gave it " (Ecclesiastes 12: 7).
The ancients not only spot on earth concept is important, but also think of "accommodation ever" again. This means that people will "where? going? Where ?..." after disembody? Or is that after "from the old ceiling" (also known as death).
There is a stable residence on the land, to be in business, was then Phuoc. There is an "Accommodation An Binh and Happiness in eternity", the more likely that any large Phuoc! Heaven is where God has promised to those who believe Jesus was the Son begotten of Him.
Moses, a renowned scholar, a leader in the galaxy most of the Jews, once wrote:
"Lord, died there from this life God places us.
Before the mountains unborn, land and the world is not created, from the previous very God for eternity is God.
God made man back into dust, And said, O children of men, go back.
For a thousand years ahead any other media today has passed, like a soup of the night. " (Psalm 90: 1-4)
People need a "place in An Binh and eternal happiness" for his soul. There is a Heaven. A person is a "place in 'the Paradise, he indeed is the one who is blessed. And that's all Phuoc Phuoc.
Date Xuan is the opportunity for them to say more, discuss more, more interested in words Phuoc. But what is the real Phuoc, there is still a matter of vast, too vast. People are always looking for Phuoc. Tet is expected Phuoc, Phuoc wish, Phuoc bridge. However, after the happy day Spring, Tet then the busy life, full of anxiety depression. Everyone with a cover story hardy livelihood, career ... Then when the New Year to discuss ... Phuoc more!
In this sharing, we hope your friends, think what mentioned above. Even in a short range, but that's all true and precious, that we have explored and realized in the Lord Jesus-Christ. Only in the new man Jesus received and Phuoc Phuoc REAL BIG. Everything old human remains for the Phuoc in life, in fact only a "temporary blessings" only. It seems like a blessing, but actually is not really the Phuoc. Only God knows what is PHƯỚC REAL people. We hope that through this sharing, you will believe in Jesus Christ, to receive PHƯỚC TRUTH.

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