Tuesday 31 January 2012


DUTIES OF Buddhists Thich Thien Hoa

A. Open Thread

1. The partner who also have an obligation:
People born on this universal, everyone has a duty. Speaking generally, it has a name, all have a part. Ants, bees, with the fate of the ants, the bees; moon, the sun is a part of the moon, the sun. Although large nhodu, everything everyone has a part of its own. Things to do, for the destiny, is a duty.
list bigger, the more parts; part as much as heavy duty. Whenever there is one more name is added duties. Name as many duties as much ... The duty of the people; but when the people + do, of course outside the duties, additional duties as officers and (the obligation of duty +). And if people do to make the first quanay province, (a + the + first peak) is of course out of two on duty, and extra duty again ruled the province (the duty of + duty + duty rule the province). If you want more fame, but the duty to pour down, it is fraudulent, deceptive. And then, the title was only nominal. And when the name was bad, then all went nowhere at all. So the ancients raised Confucius theory of "the list" for social adjustment is therefore welcome. 2. The Buddhists have more duties than other people: Based on deductive reasoning in which we find the duty of the Buddhists it is heavy. The list includes our five words: The Buddhist + + at home. So, of course we have the duty of the Buddhist + duty + duty at home. That's not to mention that the Buddhists also have a list like: the official, professor, etc. .. But the Mayor to issue from going into details too; following we refer only to duties Division of Buddhists only. But if you want to put issues in a lucid, simple, and look more SSE, we recommend bobot word people. That means we will not mention the duty of people here; that all duties, as was well known even then (in all moral policy, citizens are talking about). Nhuthe below, we just mention the "duty of Buddhists" only. B. Re chief duty of Buddhists what? Buddha is the one who is omniscient, omnipotent, all virtue, ego was definitely clean, affordable all good works whatever, should be fully and Buddhist congduc know clearly allowed to follow the law of causality, should always sow goodness only knows, do good. Buddhists, the Buddha wanted to do, like the Buddha's footprint, to deserve the title from Buddhist, all PAHI fulfill the duties of Buddhists mean hear Phatda teach, follow what the Buddha did, take the path of the Buddha went. Buddhists should have done the same thing there. But because we are Buddhists, should not be completely in accordance with the Buddha. Two words bind us home in the duty which we must fulfill. Dodo, Buddhists, have obligations as follows: Four parts for self duty to family, relatives of duty for people outside the family. I. Duties to Self Tu duongc nature center addition to the duties for the nominal value for people, for round personality, Buddhists are always trying to virtue, religious identity nursing care, body and mind is an decho optimistic, calm, almost entitled to be happy now and step up escape routes in the future. Every Buddhist should always try to go beyond human life, beyond the green lead. We from the cortex, so far, still sleeping in the living dead drunk pretending dewclaws, reincarnation has many lives many lives, but being also being refunded. Today, we may ask rewarded his past life as students are Buddhist, the eye is in the book business, ears to hear the Dharma, as well as the available light at night, the tank size to meet the international crew. If we do not strive to practice, to get rid of the disturbing habit of delusion, mental essence decho evolved gradually we come to complete fulfillment, then from the side so that your affinity of our previous lives and women of Thanks Sakyamuni, from women who have embodied the sermon, only for our present methods of practice to get rid of birth and death. The method that a Buddhist monk at the address family is determined to make: keep the Five About, low good dark except for defilement, dedicated to Buddha, the economic development of compassion. Yes, the ct can nhuthe beyond human life, one step on the long path to freedom. II. Duty to family Buddhists also relatives of the family, so many duties can not be ignored. Buddhist parents, vohay husband, children, kin, who helps or kemuon ... For each class of person, Buddhists have each treatment, each duty. According to Thien Sanh , the Buddhists have bp as for those in the home: 1. The duty of the parents, must be five things: a) Do you have hospitality heut respect for parents, depending on the season more welding, thermal blanket after blanket that projection, warm trendy, so that parents are sleep and rest. b) Do I have to get up early every day, to assign work to do back on time, and lo pieces of food and drink arrangements for parents to be both pleasing to the mouth. c) Do I have to assume all work and fatigue, substitute parents, for parents to be for women, happy in old age. d) Do you have to remember to always think of reward delivery, nurturing, to do in return for the match in was born at his parents money. e) Do you, as parents of illness, care must be devoted, almost haben beds, no insistent hard work and caring teacher to see the procession circuit, medicines are not afraid of costly treatment. 2 . Duties toward their parents, must also complete five things: a) To teach all off except the wicked, do all the good, to become people of virtue. b) Must counseling children, so close to the intellect. c) To remind children, diligent study. d) whether the marriage should marry their children in time for spring time. e) Must abacus for children attending the home, the contribution in the construction of family happiness. 3. The duty of husband and wife, must complete five things: a) Be at peace with beloved husband, the husband to leave or return, to give warm welcome. b) When the husband is away, at home to worry about cleaning , sewing, meals ready, waiting with her ​​husband about the new diet. c) To keep chaste, not adulterous. d) severe anger at her husband said, should not trigger controversy flushes, loss of harmony disintegration and sometimes have new wells. Back when my husband is counsel of righteousness, the wife must obey; stock delicious things you should not use their own. e) Every night, when her husband as then, to consider of the anchor, before the close tight tuck thoughtful, carefully cut, illuminate throughout the house, then go to bed later. 4. The duty to husband and wife must complete five things: a) When the wife to go back to time, to give warm welcome. b) must be eating for a moment, and not too difficult, do not have to devo do not bother about cooking, and worry hard. c) To customize your wealth part, to his wife buying clothes and jewelry has interest, not narrow as vobuon troubles. d) must be reliable entrusted to the wife of the home. e) Do not we borrow consciousness, dark plum training early, making his wife jealous anguish. 5. Obligation to kin, must meet five things: a) When you see her child is not healthy workers, they must dissuade mercy, commandments mentioned. b) The kin, a person who is illness, accident, disability, must be kind and helpful, or rice porridge medicine, or clothing, money etc.. c) the confidential, the person's privacy, you should not have to know more reveal to others. d) kin, to visit back and forth energy, probe data nhonhau prevent healing. Sometimes not the same opinion, should be happy, do not accept each other angry. e) In the relatives, the poor are rich, but the project leco to, to help to those who lack. 6. Incumbent owners for maids in the house, must meet five things: a) The owner prior to dictate what the maid, to know them before, hungry, full, warm, cold, how healthy they dusuc and please do your back. b) n always helps to do, before they have to know, hungry, full, warm, cold, how they are physically fit and please do your back. b) When any person assisting with disorder patient, to take non medicine and to give them a break, to the tonic. c) When they do make mistakes, to consider as they intentionally or accidentally. If you accidentally miss mistakes, they should tolerate and if they are determined to destroy, they must strictly accountable but really, with his elegant lethanh, let them know about to leave. d) When they add the amount accumulated hackers own should not seek to collect wins. e) When workers want to reward them, to keep the average level, depending on the merits of each of the divided proportionately. 7. The duty to help the homeowner, also must meet five conditions: a) Each morning wake up before the owner, no call waiting. b) Know what each part of Nagy, just as usual y the implementation, not all wrong life insurance. c) When work must be careful of the furniture, not flashed fork, Airmail. d) Must all homeowners devotion, leaving at home, have graciously put off, back at home, glad to welcome. e) Do not criticize, defame all the people outside. III. Duties to people outside the family outside the family who we want to say here, not strangers, or neighbors, but rather those who have closely related to us, but Copyright is not, not in general under one roof, so people call it outside the family. Those who hold this important role in our lives, driving us on the path to understanding ethical played a part in building the great happiness for us. These are the teachers teaching and the Sangha and the good is knowledge. 1. The duty of the student teacher must complete five things: a) Right to love him as their parents b) must be taught to obey him. c) To help him in affliction. d) Be diligent study for please him. e) When I left school, also features back and forth to visit him, to show our admiration and acknowledgment and appreciation taught by Master taiduc .. 2. The duty teacher for games, also must complete five things: a) Be diligent to teach students. b) Must try their students how to make quick progress than other pupils, as well as talent of the virtue . c) To pay attention to how it is essential for students forever imprinted on my mind. d) To expound the theory expensive and asked several times for students are not misled. e) must with generosity, eager to do so that students become better at their minhduoc. 3. The adherents of the duty of monks and good is not enough knowledge 5 things: a) Be honest with all your heart and good monks intellectual property. b) To respect and obey your teaching intelligent Suva the good is. c) must be hard to hear teachings of the monks giaduc degrees, for a thorough examination and that such legal practice. d) Right to education to monks and know-how good is the principal place of moral they do not understand. e) To appeal to the competent teacher to teach you the essential teachings, such as "meditation", "nembutsu" day dedicated to religious life, without interruption. IV. How to Confess them and a Number Needed Protocols of Buddhist Family In addition to the above duties, Buddhists also need to know how vocative your exposure to the Sangha, and the rituals required when to the temple, the Buddha, economic situation etc. .. Forums are Buddhists, those which, although a form, can not not know. 1 . How to greet and vocative Sangha: Buddhist must know how to treat, vocative with the monks to allow for: a) When a meeting or more monks in temples or in the street, it offers hands respectfully, by concept: "Male models Amitabha Buddha", with his face with joy. He offers a way of expressing strong emotions, rather than greeting hands of Western Europe. The reason offered by a security question the Buddha, is to remind that everyone has Buddha-nature (the nature of A Di Da), if the religious life, and also to the realm Tinhdo and will eventually become a Buddha. b) vocative way, Buddhists monks should not be called by Parent or Parent Teacher or Path property that should be asked by him, although he is the master. The Venerable English, Venerable should not be abused, not for what is called a monk Venerable Venerable or both. Only for a pious monk, many people make (old Act), and not familiar with their very new, or use the word Venerable Venerable. For the Guru, the old monk I usually know, using the word "I" is the right way and the most meaningful. He is revered as the father meant (military, education, women) and are often taught on his way to practice. He appears to have been respected, just friendly, just truthful, not as text or Venerable Venerable social stylish looks, lip, outwardly. Now the epidemic is spreading, and use word Venerable Venerable. We should be cautious when using these words, to avoid being mistaken as the arrogant director Sangha muonduoc you called, because it is like the Duke, nominal. c) Prior to the Buddha Hall, to Wash, rinse, wash your hands clean, in addition to paper gout doorstep, do not bring in Phuoc Dien that damage. When you proceed to the left, then go, when they go out on the property, according to "property interference" of the Buddha (the afternoon walk around the property, ab or seventh round, to show our love of the Buddha). Khidi out, attention must watch his feet, to avoid infection sudam bike reviews. Keep the like, are phuocduc than liberating life without knowing hold. d) When chanting, be folded across your chest, arms, ten fingers of each pair are equal, not staggered, two hand tight, do not let space between. Equal standing leg, the word "bowl", his eyes looking down, hard process for the question clearly, should not voice or dependence, process noise to them. Must displacement rate proceedings, the proceedings of the English language open and he Duy na (dandau). When Buddha, in stature to the ground, that is, first, two hands, two knees, close to the projector, and with all devotion that ceremony. When bowing to the side chain, because the back has Hophap or Buddha pagodas and Abbot gave way to the throne. When the Buddha finished, go to step back, eyes looking Buddha, do not turn away. e) Before the economic situation or proceedings to wash your hands. Holding demdi books just yet, so hold on the chest, the armpits do not pair as the book often, because the glass business as Buddhist. If the economic situation but want to offer people, the right to trade on the table before offering. The case has no place to experience, then hug the chest that offer: "Amitabha Buddha" as is. Abstinence is holding the book business that offers remote users. Trenday is as brief a happy fact that the Buddha posture tutai family to keep. Posture of renunciation, the lot, but not the scope of this article should not noiden. C. Conclusion We recommend that Buddhists hold fulfill our duty. The duty of Buddhists as just described above, but mention it much, but nothing is highly complex difficult. These things, a person is not a Buddhist, but there is little virtue, also understood it, knew it. Nhungdieu important here, not knowing which is the practice, understanding that what they have. In ordinary daily life, to fulfill the duties are more difficult than the battle to kill the enemy, or non climb wade streams. The hard work is just as unusual vandong effort and enthusiasm in a certain period of time, but the ordinary daily duties, like making the circle, must use patience and efforts throughout for life. For this reason the proverbs we have a saying: "Thunhat home tu, tu Fair Monday, Tuesday pagoda." So we do not overlook the humble duty of ours, which should always try to do for the round. Suco these efforts will bring us a real reward is sure to lead us on the path to liberation. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.( TAM THANH ).NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).1/2/2012.MHDT,NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.

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