Tuesday 31 January 2012

A BUSINESS SCHOOL TITLES Han Translation: Buddha Da Da Xa & Architecture Buddhist Mindfulness
Vietnamese translation: Thich Tue Sy

Pham Le

1. Vietnamese translation, School A function, shall comply with the Han School A service business function长阿含经, 22 volumes, the Buddha-momentum-da-amnesty佛陀耶舍(Buddhayassa) states recite (single reference) the Sanskrit and Buddhist mindfulness Truc infusion into Han culture. 2. Back to copies, translations Vietnamese edition based on the "Great chief General Tan tu Tripitaka"大正新修大藏经, 100 files, each file over 1000 kanji page size 10pt. In particular, "A function of" two-set, 151 business (No.1-No.151). A business school function (No.1), the "A function of" I, set 1, from 1-149.
3. "Dai Dai tu district Tan Tripitaka", from No.2-No.25, the Han are sporadic and business services at the School of A levels. These are the texts of many different parties, so little content contained many differences. A field function is currently most researchers believe that the French organ (Dharmagupta), ie the law of the parties to the Four四分律(University district, file 22, No.1428). Vietnamese translation of the works currently only done on the Han School A function (Dai district, No.1). The other sporadic translation of Han (University district, No.2-151) is used as material for comparison.
4. Back to text processing in the translation, much of the basis for comparison and correction of the general district. Also, refer to the project and compare different revisions, which are mainly:
- Buddhist Tripitaka optical Foundation, A function of佛光大藏经,阿舍部; Buddhist optical social publishing, Taipei, 1993.
- Business School A function长阿舍经, transparent translation device, favorite corn (Wu Shi Ci)释悟慈; Tainan, 1997.
- "Kokuyaku-issaikyoa", A-consolidation-bu, Choa-a -gon-kyoa,国译一切经阿舍部,长阿经, Japanese translation by Shin-O Iwano岩野真雄; Tokyo 1969.
5. Among the publications of different points, the Vietnamese will be selected or vetted by the awareness of the epidemic.
6. In Seoul, where considered if written translation or word does not match the popularity of traditional teachings, the translator will refer to the Business, Law, Luan necessary correction. The main effect is explained in the footnote.
7. The Han service implementation based on the oral tradition. Therefore, similar sounding words easily make assumption, as sam or sama and samyak Pāli; Cala and Jala; muti and mutthi, etc ...
In these cases, the translator will refer the economic equivalent of the He knows service, free to speculate as possible in the original Sanskrit to the main signal. The main effect of this will be stated in the footnote.
8. Due to the different transmission between the parties, to be made ​​aware of the original teachings, common to all, there should be extensive comparative study. This work beyond existing translators. However, in the case may be, the point difference between the transmission will be recorded and compared. These records are listed in the footnote.
9. The Han Dynasty is divided into 22 books translated. Vietnamese translation of the book is not divided like that, but will be recorded in the footnote to each other to start a book.
10. The content of the Han services are classified into four parts, each composed of many little different experience. Vietnamese translation retains this division.
11. The special services of Han used as reference documents are publications of the University district general Tripitaka. Total volume is directed to write the "Great" followed by the Roman order only the volume number. Example: General XXII, that is, Tan Dai tu district general Tripitaka, set No. 22. Although this edition of Great organ is replicated many times, with many different publishers, but the volume number and page number of each book are considered fixed. Therefore, in the record cited unnecessary replication and place.
12. Each page of the publication General district split into three parts. In the citations, this section is written as a, b, and c immediately after the page number. Where necessary, can record the number of lines. For example, University X, tr.125b, or Dai X, tr, 125b24.
13. Reason to move residence regularly origin, but the move can not carry the necessary documents, so when referring to the equivalent Pāli, the translator has to use many different Pāli edition. Mainly Latin edition, Devanagari edition, and the CD Rom. Page number, paragraph number of the heterogeneity. Therefore the comparison is often cited Pāli inconsistency. When favorable conditions and circumstances permit, to the real one will have to be revised for consistency.
14. Most of the Han Buddhism in this translation is not common. Because it can cause difficulty for reading and research. In such cases, but remains of the Han language translation, language translation equivalent but more common are described in the footnote. Where possible, always will write language translators and translation of the origin of our word translation for easy reference.
15. Traditionally, the Vietnamese translations of Han culture, the transliteration of Sanskrit words are capitalized, regardless of individual or common words. For example, the costumes are different, the Han culture from which no exact equivalent of the Sanskrit uttarasanga, the transcription is largely thriving multi-la-rose, and in the Vietnamese translation from transcription This is always capitalized. Vietnam In A translation function will attempt to standardize the spelling of words, phonetic transcription, and translation of words, to be able to distinguish between private and common words.
- For multi-language Sanskrit syllables, while Han language is monosyllabic. For a transcription of Sanskrit, to many of Seoul. The transcription from Seoul will be linked together by hyphens. For example, Xa-profit-waving, is a transliteration of the Sanskrit word: Sariputra (Skt) or Sariputta (Pali). But if you write Xa-benefits from, that's two words coupled together, one from the transcription, translation and a word. This distinction is essential to avoid confusion occurred as from now Vietnam, is explained as super generosity to Vietnam three worlds, by recognizing that this compound from a Sanskrit transliteration of Dana (generosity) and a from that Han. Indeed, if the now-Vietnamese is written with a hyphen, which is given a transliteration of the Dana-Pati (for all).
- The words transcribed, if a particular word, regardless of the name or place names, are written with a capital letter. The next words are usually written and linked by hyphens. If the name so many transplants from the Sanskrit, each word beginning with capital letters in transliteration. For example, Ni-event-momentum Solomon disciple, how to write three words that have Sanskrit paired together: Nirgrantha-Jnati-Putra.
- The name translated means, if the sites, only the first letter was written flowers, and no hyphen. For example, the United amnesty. But if the names are all uppercase, no hyphen. Example: Khanh Hy.
16. Finally, the guide book. Books lead mainly from Seoul, including the term Buddhism, the name and place names. Some words are not terms, but in Seoul translate obscure, to guess the original Sanskrit to determine meaning. These words are also listed in the guide books.
17. A translation of Han culture obscure question, need to compare Pali Sanskrit syntax of speculation, looking almost exactly meaning to turn into Vietnamese. A question such numbers are also listed in the book leads from Seoul.
18. Each of the Han in the table note book has led Pali and Sanskrit for easy reference.
19. Documents matching mainly Pāli, Skt note if any. it is largely speculative. So here only give a guide Pāli books, seen as complementary to the guide book translated from Seoul.
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Introduction to Business School A-levels:
Business School A-levels, is Dighagama Sanskrit, Pali is the Digha-Nikaya, consists of 22 volumes, by Mr. Da-Buddha-track clinic and Architecture Buddhist mindfulness in the service life Hoang Thi Thu 15 Dao Tan (413), is fall in Tan Chanh Tu Dai Dai Suttas file 1. I say "School" is designed for the longest set of texts in which the A-function. Under Act 54, Part Four, Part Five Law 30, Luan-Du-Su-Place Aged 85, the reason the word "school" because the total set of big business (long). Tat-Ba-Da-Ni Pi Pi-1 Ba-Sa said that A-levels Where is the break up of pagan heresy. Discrimination is a review of Germany said that "school" means saying that the long distance, that is still not gone through many lifetimes over. Generally about the identity, the texts say different, great to have this done.
All business is divided into four sections, including 30 business. In particular, the first section talks about the water and the volume of the Buddha; the Monday talks about the practice of virtue, and outline key teachings of the Buddha doctrine; the comments Tuesday to talk about the victims of pagan and allergic theory; Wednesday the records of the general state of origin of the world (universe).
Kinh is equivalent to the School of Ministry (Pali: Digha-Nikaya) in five of South transmission system. The school consists of three products, 34 Business, News About Aggregate Products (including 13 Business), General Products (10 business) and Pali works (11 business). But the century of the School of A-levels are not in the School of Ministry. According to the Tripitaka Index (English) scholars of Japan Fumio Nanjo, if you compare the 34 trade with 30 trading Pali translation of Seoul, only the first six economic and trade the No. 10 Han translations of Pali is a relationship clear, but the experience others do not agree. Reviews of some other well-known scholars in Japan are more moderate, ie similar to that of another business.
Especially in School A Business That Buddha-function (known as China Special Sanh Kinh) were extracted separately to translate a lot (21 types). Western scholars often use Pali manuscripts, editing, translation and publishing as much as Dialogues of Buddha, 1909 - 1921, by the British scholar Rhys Davids and his wife are JE Carpenter interpretation; Dic Reden des Gotamo Buddhos, 1907 - 1918, by K.. E. Neumann translated into German; Das Buch der Langen Texte des Kanon Buddhist Leipzig, 1913, by O. Franke translated into German. There is also a legend of the Great School of Ministry Sumangalavilasini commentator of Sri Lanka living in the fifth century was his pronunciation (Buddhaghosa), the couple Davids published in 1986.
In the new version found in the New Sankrit Gang, China's economic equivalent of Business We set (Sangiti-sutta) - No. 9 of the Seoul business services, and is equivalent to a paragraph Atanatiya-sutta - 32 of Pali scriptures, the scholar R. Hoernle collection record in his Remains of Buddhist Literature Manuscrip found in Eastern Turkestan, Vol.1.
Also in University of Tibetan Buddhism in Hdus-pa chen-pohi MDO equivalent Business Conference - Business School No. 19 in A-levels ; Tshans-DRA-bahi PAHI MDO Pham equivalent to doing Business - Business School No. 21 in A-levels; Lcan-lo-can-gyi pho-bran-gi MDO equivalent Antanatiya-sutta in the School of Ministry.
Thich Nguyen Hien


1. Buddhist economic theory School A-levels , 22 volumes, Hau Tan (Hoang Thuy 14 to 15; Tl. 412 to 413), Buddha-momentum-da-amnesty (Buddhayasa) and Bamboo Buddha mucus.
2. Pāli: Dighanikaya (Sanskrit: Dirghagama ) :
a) Devanagari edition, 3 volumes, Pali Publication Board (Bihar Government), 1958.
b) Roman edition, the Business School (Thich Minh Chau) , Pali-Vietnam comparison, the Tu-mail, Van Hanh University Institute, 4 volumes; Volume I, 1965, file II, 1967, file III, 1972, file IV, 1972.
c) CD-ROM edition, Chattha Sangayana CD-ROM (Version 1.1).

1 Great texts D. 14. Mahāpadāna .
2 Business Travel D. 16. Mahāparinibbāna ,
D. 17. Mahāsudas, hopefully .
3 Revered classic D. 19. Mahāgovinda .
4 Soap-ni-sa business D. 18. Janavasabha.
5 Primary coastal economic D. 24. Agañña .
6 Cakkavatti business practice D. 26th Cakkavattī.
7 Bad-self D. 23. Payāsi.
8 Na-momentum-spread economic D. 25. Udumbarikasīhanāda.
9 We tap business D. 33rd Saṃgīti.
10 Low economic D. 34. Dasuttara.
11 Increased the most economic no.
12 Three Character Classic no.
13 Great grace means business D. 15. Mahānidāna .
14 Please complete Human-like economic problems D. 21. Sakkapañha.
15 A business-magnate-di D. 24. Pāṭika.
16 Good delivery business D. 31. Siṅgalovāda.
17 Pure economic D. 29. Pāsādika.
18 Economic self happy D. 28. Sampadānīya .
19 Economic Congress D. 20. Mahāsamaya .
20 A-ma-stay business D. 3. Ambaṭṭha ​​.
21 Pham epilepsy D. 1. Brahmajala .
22 German economic strains D. 4. Soṇaḍaṇḍa .
23 Save-la-head herd-economic D. 5. Kūṭadanda .
24 Solid economic D. 11. Kevada .
25 Complicity of the media business D. 8. Kassapa.
26 Three business intelligence D. 13. Tevijjā .
27 Sa-subject performance D. 2. Sāmaññaphala .
28 Dad-tra-her-long economic D. 9. Poṭṭhapāda .
29 The Business Register no.

1 Brahmalāla-suttaṃ
(Skt. Brahmajāla-sutra).
(21) Pham epilepsy.
2 Sāmaññaphala-suttaṃ. (27) Sa-subject performance.
3 Ambaṭṭha-suttam. (20) A-ma-tru.
4 Sonadanda-suttam. (22) German economic strain.
5 Kūṭadanda-suttam. (23) Research-and-now-top experience.
6 Mahal-suttam. Seoul: no.
7 Jāliya-suttam. Seoul: no.
8 Mahāsīhanāda-suttam
(25) Speaker Mr. Pham business.
9 Poṭṭhapāda-suttam. (28)-her-dad-long investigation.
10 Subhasuttam. Seoul: no.
11 Kevaḍḍa-suttam
(24) business consolidation.
12 Lohicca-suttam. (29) Lo-old business.
13 Tevijjā-suttaum. (26) Three business intelligence.
14 Mahāpadāna-suttam. (1) General texts.
15 Mahānidāna-suttam. (13) general economic means of grace.
16 Mahaparinibbana-suttam. (2) Travel period.
17 Mahāsudassana-suttam. (2) Travel period.
18 Janavasabha-suttam. (4) Snake-ni-sa business.
19 Mahāgovinda-suttam. (3) Classical reverence.
20 Mahāsamaya-suttam. (12) General Assembly business.
21 Sakkapañhā-suttam. (14) People Prefer To break a business problem.
22 Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna-suttam. Seoul: no.
23 Pāyasi (rājañña)-suttam. (7) Bad-economic elite.
24 Pāthika-suttam
(15). A business-magnate-di.
25 Udumbarika (sīhanāda)-suttam. (8) New Business-momentum-na.
26 Cakkavatti-suttam. (6) cakkavatti business practice.
27 Aggañña-suttam. (5) sub-coastal trade.
28 Sampasadānīya-suttam. (18) Self joyful experience.
29 Pāsādika-suttam. (17) Pure business.
30 Lakkhaṇa-suttam. Seoul: no.
31 Siṅgālovāda-suttam
(16) Thien Sanh business.
32 Atani-suttam. Seoul: no.
33 Sang-suttam. (9) We set period.
34 Dasuttara-suttam. (10) Low trading.

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