Friday 27 January 2012

Discover Tibet Dalai Lama Palace, History of Potala Palace, Dharamsala Home of Dalai Lama & Summer Palace..Norbulingka !!

Inside Potala PalaceHistory of Tibet Dalai Lama Palace.. Potala Palace
The early legends tell of a sacred cave, considered by buddhist scholars, the dwelling place of the 'Bodhisattva Chenresi' (Avalokiteshvara.This supposedly in the seventh century was a meditation retreat for Emperor Songtsen Gampo. In 637 AD, Songtsen Gampo constucted a palace on the hill in 637 AD. This in the seventeenth century, became part of the bigger buildings which was made later. The constuction began in 1645 AD, during the reign of the fifth Dalai Lama the White Palace or the Potrang Karpo was completed in 1648. The Potrang Marpo, The Red Palace, was added between 1690 and 1694; by the work of 7000 workers and 1500 artists. In 1922, the 13th Dalai Lama renovated many chapels and assembly halls in the White Palace and added two storeys to the Red Palace. The Potala Palace stayed almost untouched during the Tibetan uprising in 1959. All the artifacts and chapels were well preserved.
The Potala Palace rises on top of the Marpo Ri Hill, 130 meters above Lhasa Valley. It rises further 170 meters and is considered as the greatest monumental structure in all of Tibet.

The Fifth Dalai Lama
Tibet Dalai Lama Palace..Potala
The Potala Palace's interior space being in excess of 130,000 square meters makes it an huge structure.The Potala was first and foremost the residence of the Dalai Lama and his large staff.It was also the seat of Tibetan government. All ceremonies of state were held here. It also houses a school for religious training of monks and administrators.It is one of Tibet's major pilgrimage place due to the tombs of past Dalai Lamas lies inside it.
Within the White Palace are two small chapels, the 'Phakpa Lhakhang' and the 'Chogyal Drubphuk' made during the seventh century. These chapels are the oldest structures and are the most sacred ones. The Potala's most venerated statue, the 'Arya Lokeshvara', is inside the Phapka Lhakhang chapel. It draws thousands of Tibetan pilgrims every year.
As early as the eleventh century, this Tibet Dalai Lama palace was called 'Potala'. This name is derived from Mt. Potala, the mythological mountain abode of the 'Bodhisattva Chenresi' (Avalokiteshvara) in Southern India.
For an exclusive trip to Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan and the India Himalayas..Contact here:END=OM MANI PADME HUM.( 3 TIMES ).RESEARCH DHARMA BY VENERABLE GESHE TESERING TASHI.VIETNAMESE TIBET NUN.28/1/2012.

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