Wednesday 25 January 2012


Retreat that is shampoo wash for a clean body and mind, to see the Buddha and hear the sound of his methods, advanced practice virtue. French retreat helps the practitioner to adjust the body of a normal man does not become normal. Since the body normally raised to an extraordinary family, love and transformation of ordinary reasoning into moral and intellectual sage.
Want purification, first to purify themselves. Purification of the body by breathing the air conditioning, for governing the breath of life practitioners. Before starting practice retreat, to prepare a number of conditions as well.
1 - Place a relaxation practitioners should be clean and fresh air to breathe the fresh air, necessary for the purification of the body. Places unsanitary, cramped, stuffy, dirty, damp, or toxic substances, many flies and mosquitoes, is not the appropriate place for regulating the breath and disease prone.
2 - Time of retreat, should choose a quiet time, quiet, and not have people over; no loud noises shall not have a voice conversation or loud voice traffic. All external chaotic noise are hindering the concentration and reflection.
3 - Before you buy a relaxation tape, he should not be doing too much on the minds and hands and feet. So much work, quantity of organic matter is burned and will have major emitter of carbon dioxide. Then, breathing fast and hard, keep the new rid of toxins out. So, he sat calm day, the light breath and slow, not enough to drain out the harmful carbon dioxide buildup in the blood longer. This makes the practitioner feel minded lethargy, lethargy, chest discomfort with or disintegration limbs, etc ...
So if the author has worked hard bit, before the retreat, do the following moves. Breathing the vapor for up to ten years, to completely rid the body from the harmful carbon dioxide. Then start slowly breath again.
However, it is not very strong stage breathing immediately transferred to breathe slow. In the middle of transition, to breathe average rate of respiration at slow breathing and time; to avoid imbalances for heartbeat. This method is only applicable to practitioners when to retreat, but not in the mind-normal state, should be adjusted so.
After you've prepared a relaxation room, retreat time and breath control, not to fall into irregular status mentioned above, the authors begin breath and visualize the following methods will tell.
Particularly for practitioners who are religious law to recite the Buddha meditation retreat and return to sitting, the body and mind they have been adjusted average daily while walking. They do not need to apply strong breathing method before. The breath adjustments will progress as follows.
As a relaxation, the practitioner back to it directly . Sitting up straight helps blood and air circulation in the body is the air easily. The left hand of the author placed his right hand, symbolizing the inner secret meaning is foreign. That is outside the body general practitioner as any people, but inside it forces cultivate, cultivate virtue, always bearing in mind to build peace for everyone. Although practitioners of the benefits and gains more extensive merit anywhere, nor boastful, not self -sufficiency, remain humble and a happy heart cultivate virtue.
As a relaxation, ancient practitioners also must be straight. Eyes to the ground before hand, a practitioner of a size , because the vision is too close to ease eyestrain. eyes open about a third of normal eye opening is the most appropriate and also represents the compassionate eyes of Germany Buddhist. Practitioner does not close his eyes, because eyes closed, easy to practitioners sleepy eyes open and vulnerable to disturbances, difficulty of concentration. When the eyes are selected to fit the look, fit, one focus is on the look nor a glance glanced back, to avoid psychosis.
To respect the quiet needed at retreat of the VTP, as well as to ensure that minimum hygiene to the general public, the administration assumed a cold, runny nose, cough, etc. ..., general practitioners do not well, or an infection, they should not sit with the mass retreat. Because when one sneezes, coughs, or swaying body, fidgety skeptical, to modify the sitting position, will animate them and interfere with the visualization of all people; not to mention other infectious .
Adjusting for sitting upright, strong finish, he began to adjust the breath , slowly breathe in real light. Breathe in more light and lasts as long as possible; from ten seconds to a half minutes is best. Inhale gently so that air movement in a normal bronchial, steady, no damage of the bronchial cells. Breathing in a long time to expand the chest, filled with air.
Inhale finished, he paused a second, the air passes through the lungs fully; then slowly exhale. Exhale also very smooth and long lasting as when inhaled, to completely clean carbon dioxide emissions dirt out.
Exhalation is complete, he is also taking a second, then continue from the air to breathe. When inhaled, sniffed practitioners do; because sniffed, waste management will receive a force too strong, not good for the lungs . Also, now breathe out, do not breathe too fast and short, will not fully discharge the residual carbon dioxide in the lungs.
When inhaled breath, he should not draw the belly up, lift up the gut and breathe out, do not be put down intestinal gas. Breathe wrong like that, some time will suffer from the gut.
Breathing intense, irregular, fast time at slow or inhaled long exhale quickly, or reverse it, breathe in color, breathing out long; or instant feeling chest , difficulty breathing, abdominal pain, dizziness. All breathing as states that are unusual, not good. Adjust the body is not lawful, if they continue that way retreat, shortly will produce a multitude of diseases .
Yogi breathing in and breathing out slowly, gently, steadily with each other, helping to regulate heart rhythm. And thus, blood flow in the body and air conditioning, filtering the unnecessary substances and blood all over his body. So, he did not feel numb limbs, or discomfort in any part of the body.
Adjustment for normal breathing, healthy, just the first stage in art nourishing of the world is not an objective of the practitioner retreats. Since there are healthy to where, I must leave this body; so practitioners need to phase two of centering.
After adjusting for steady breath, he starts the mind on the breath . Do not think that the scattered mind, by a gas inhaled and exhaled breath, then count and the next one, count two. Keep counting until such tenth breath and one will count from the beginning, and not to fight.
Count just the breath, not to think of another mind, as customary law books away. This French restaurant to help practitioners focus on the mind, should not the stops. When applying customary law books ie maturity, an interest that is easy to then, he should proceed to other customary practitioners.
Yogi sitting, meditating, begin to think about certain teachings of the Buddha, or remember the deeds of the Bodhisattvas of the yogi has the feel, or think of the Buddhist world favorite. All the holy image of Buddha, Bodhisattva, or the teachings of his noble, are great premise for practitioners to focus, to think; to create a win blessings predestined between the practitioner and his.
Practice of customary law master practitioner helps the mind calm, clear. The more you visualize, care practitioners as well as expansion of the volunteer and his work.
In short, retreat to practice customary law is one of the methods that practitioners choose, think and express in daily life, to bring peace and freedom for themselves and for others around .
On the way to practice, according to the different religious documents, the legal practitioner has other troops. However, despite any legal bar, any bar in the processing of religious retreat right to bring legal practitioner of intellectual insight, healthy body, gentle wonderful temperament and harmony with everyone. Also, he always wishes to bring blessings to us and expressed the wish that by the good works to create a happy family, building mass and wider development, to create a social Assembly peace, prosperity, love people to know each other.
Achieve this goal, he rewarded the gift of the great Buddha and show a practical way of Buddha skeptical obligation existed on earth for happiness to sentient beings, compassion for ideas for life, for the useful, because peace for gods and men. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).26/1/2012.

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