Wednesday 25 January 2012

IDENTIFICATION OF SEED PRODUCTION OF The fun Coast can become the driving force that helps us transcend hard, became the major aspirations, or interest that releases almond cultivation in accordance with the spirit of the Buddha had taught. Later, we will have the opportunity to make a lot of people are suffering, overcome the challenges that they cannot remove.
The Buddha is often taught mentally irrigated laced the seeds appear. It is the concept underlying such a capacity, can play, create vitality for popping a new tree. If no seed is placed in an appropriate context, air, water, light, fertiliser, proper care, will be advancing methods and die. Seed production of many who are also planning a way likewise. There are people who are interested in volunteering, but because of the adversity of the family, sentiment or bound by status, rights and lives of education should not be performed. All these factors just mentioned as an obstacle, if placed, together with publishing will make seed seed that ash and die away.
Identify and seed production is irrigated laced a demand, requires art. Should not think that at any one given brand it, watered it, it will mature. We need to know to take fertilizer subsidies, cultivate new methods, proper effect. Conversely, if taking excessive fertilizer subsidies will also be counterproductive. Therefore, the art of tending seeds requires us to have discerning knowledge.
Worldly people, who often appeared the conception that all have radical overhaul. The concept of "tu" is a word that's nice. Because in the past can be a life closest, they used to be a student, should be reborn back into a family of pure Buddhists, although the reborn into a family of other religions, but the seed that remains strong, to the point when there was encounter with pagoda, monks, or people you actvoluntary appearance, suddenly stops release of them began to rise, and they became the who.
Following the tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, after his death, the Lama is considered evidence. Often leave wills, speaking about the reborn to somewhere. Based on that, the higher Testament disciples will go looking for his master. How to identify these reborn often relies on choosing the characters often use the inertia of habit.
Case Lama Osell is a typical. More than ten years ago, he was born in the country of Spain, in a Christian family. The monks of Tibet relies on the will of his master, had sailed back to find him. Properly into dwellings, there is a boy six years old, so restoring NGO Tuan TU. This boy is very different to the ordinary boys. When he met the monk, he never had a strange attitude. Later, he dared to put hand up touching early monks, not a little fear.
Prior to that image, if one does not understand the flow of the monastery passed from existence into another realm, it is assumed this mischievous boys, endless feasts. The monk when he was touching the head, very excited. Because they've discovered this is a continuation of master seed. Most Tibetan monks and nuns were recovered master certification, the highest rising to bring about the monastery, shortened training time. Training those available seed Dharma will differ from those who have nothing at all.
A question arises: why do the monks of Tibet dare affirm exactly the same? The answer is that they rely on habitual method to identify the seeds. The precursor to Osell was a low rise, his disciples and those older than him, but all are him as a master glass Festival, a father. Business U.s. calling it: "Cha young children grew older". The reborn children of age, but Hemingway about awareness, practice and action.
When a person can process close to him, died in the long run, when to meet again, in the past but the two sides have forms, but by the label, we can still be recognized as his relatives. By practical experience, we can identify the flow of love in the process of birth and death samsara.
Concept tu only for the potential production of seed of a person's death, consciousness and their aspirations continue to be followed. This reasoning is why birth place, some people become monks. We shouldn't get to radical cleric is something specific, just those who can take the new monastery was. Understand how radical overhaul, evaluate and get to go against the spirit of the Buddha, lose the opportunity to help yourself become a convent. The conception about the tu is only valid when we discovered the potential, nurture and develop talent into potential in life.
Typically, those who want to export the right training during the period from three months to six months. Depending on each person, master duty counsel can observe them from speech, jobs, if they really want to go to the Temple became the convent by ideal, releases large prayer or not. This is the test necessary. With his fierce, even prayer appeared in the episode time and more motivated and conscious wish to export their manipulation as fierce as that.
Usually, when we have a big to do a voluntary press represents the commonly encountered adversity, come charm. We need to identify and resolve it one way ended up drained by the will, resiliency. No ingenious the adversity, come charm take us away deviate or withdrew halfway through.
In some cases the collective in the temple was a long time could be a year, two years or even three years, has not yet been agreed to publish his master. In fact, many people tend to want to be joined soon after on the temple. Some monks high hands, often lasts no time for his appearance, the episode is to let the seeds are ripe from kia. Conversely, if the condition made her too easily, often return again, don't know cherish and promote. So, when his master long stretches of time, one more effort, to strive, to do anything special in order to demonstrate to the teacher, we have qualified, ideally, what we also achieve soon aspired. Old monk is difficult, the study leader Professor is both a challenging process. If you prefer seclusion and have big aspirations, surely we will will not give up.
In economic Federal, Marvelous have a metaphor: when it rains down makes all the plants and herb b. boiling, popping expansion. Small trees and large trees were improvisation was rainwater and mature manner of its own. To a certain point, the đơm flowers and the trees left. There are also several species of tree, when the rains appear rushing and many times continuously, will be correct and died. So, who is seeded just few small and weak, prone to weng'an challenging times and died.
Venerable Body Loan was a low rise in modern times. Him emperor Yang Tong United Law was highly successful, generating gas can enter new Buddhist movements in society. The life of his great misfortune. When the new nine years old, his parents died. He has no brothers, and became orphaned. He is available pursuant to the amendment. After the burial ceremony completed parents do, he would encounter venerable From towns, asking for a monk. At the time, venerable was eighty years old From above. Venerable told Relatives on TaiwanCo.aslater: "n are small too, eat rice left unfinished, Star walk. You down the mountain thatkẻo dark, dangerous ". Sir Friendly Loan answers the venerableSilveraslater: "h venerable, arrived here to join his opinion two things. First and foremost human beings would ask him, why? Second, through death, why sexual penetration between parents and children to break apart each other? Because to learn are two principles, come here please be tu school. If you have requested or what condition", children are doing at all.
Listen to complete, venerable From Towns very happy, knowing that this is a good seed for Buddhism. However, venerable still pretend to rejectand continues: "son too, Hy nose not clean. OK Let's go, want to do it tomorrowup here with the white ". Sir Friendly Loanprayer is as follows: "Right on his parents ' funeral, venerable arrived and taught us one thing: don't wait for life who impermanence. The very interested as saying. So if today's venerable children back then didn't know tomorrow's children had kept his mind off again? Moreover, the age he also was high. Today he is alive, but tomorrow is also possible to him about the Buddhist realms so that, today the ... will not go home! If he does not give children to sleep outside the temple, you will If he does not lobby for children sleep ... in addition to the lobby, you will sleep on the road. Children will be here untilhe agrees new! ".
In the meantime venerable From Towns are no longer any other way, for gathering primary electricity and increase them on working ceremonies down hair for eco-Loan production.
This is a true story, talk about someone who has enlightened perceptions, said finding good opportunities and make the ripe seed production. We can ask the question: why a new nine-year-old boy, to know how the reasoning and persuade a higher increase allowed himself a monk.
According to the theory of seed of the Buddha, undergo the process of birth and death in past generations, people tend to be smarter than the previous generation. Historically, grandparents ancestors lost several dozen years to get a knowledge. Generations of us today only takes a short time is fluent in many things. Undergoing the process of development of modern civilization, people continue sowing the seeds of knowledge that in the brain and when reborn, the child will erudition and agile than our ancestors, grandparents. The exporting country based tu undergone many lives similarly well.
Sir Friendly Loan probably before a tu, seed production of he has germinated in situations of grief because of his parents died. In that suffering is too large, he came to the Buddha and became a high rise. Things to learn here, as he has to know how to turn grief and loss, sufferings into action, find the way of liberation for yourself. That's the way production has great ideals.
The grief leads to voluntary actions, releases, but also the grief makes people completely collapse mentally. So, the Buddha never Bowl Hong suffering, as some who had been assigned to Buddhism is pessimistic and Wattled. The principle that the Buddha has to explore beginning with the reality of suffering. When you see the suffering not to boredom which should find out why it had to face, next, once you've found the cause of suffering, one must search for happiness by going on the right.
The process of truth consists of four propositions: here's the line, this is the cause of suffering, it is happy and this is the path of happiness. If the Buddha is not stressed suffering, because don't want to make people suffer boredom, frustration. The Buddha taught us look straight into the miseries to find ways to solve it, transforms suffering into action, find the way of happiness for yourself.
Export of seed soaked in irrigation is a demanding and sometimes a challenge. Don't let the seeds that go dead, or altered, deformed. Right from the start, I said to the concept of irrigated laced seed is an art. One must irrigate laced how-to relatives agree, how to irrigate his aspirations are growing. Zero, one will be disappointed, boredom and distance path appears.
Many have no luck raising seed production is ripe, so they withdrew halfway through. There are also many people but no seeds, but knowing how cultivation, seed production will gradually arise. Though before they may not be who they still tu tu, realm very well.
Recall the story history Buddha after empress Ma-da's death, the King remarried, wedding Net Sanskrit Ma-ha-ba-ba-topics, namely SOAP-younger empress Ma-da, as his wife. Love that opened its flowers bloom and crowned by a child named Nan-da.
About command-line, Nan-da's younger half-brother with Buddha Thích Ca.
When the Buddha returned to Ca-La-Wai to visit his father Bhikkhu, to persuade and turned to him, that day is a very solemn day for all of Sakya. It is on 1572 crownprince Nan-da. Major events also affect the succession to the throne. Crown Prince All Devadatta was a Buddha, should not be statutory throne, his brother succeeded to the throne. Buddha wanted to multiply this opportunity, giving his brother doesn't become Kings, which is a spiritual home. That day, the wedding is taking place in the warm welcome by many people, the Buddha also attended. After finishing, he used the first celebration. Usually, after the first Sino-Japanese son, Buddha had an evening sermon helps the masses to understand the moral, to practice and metabolism. That day, Buddha air, didn't say a Word, handles one-bowl and stepped up to donate to Nan-da. Then He got up to go back to the garden dwell Wan. Nan-momentum because very dear brother his half-brother, also holding the bat goes by, thought, this is a precious opportunity for cultivation on his wedding blessings. Meanwhile, the new Princess of he lamented bloom nực day because know that this is not healthy. When you arrive at the garden Buddha sits down, dwell Wan. In the meantime, Nan-bird Bowl has given new momentum, the Buddha and Buddha asked him as follows: "today is my wedding day, we want you as the path of liberation and enlightenment, rather than the road succeeded his father, rule by law and the military. They think this? " Nan-da real sensory flutter ruling, just want to get my wife only. The Buddha advised him think again, between two paths: a path to life thong dong and lasting happiness to help for everyone irrespective of caste, color, and a path bearing nature stabilise with the responsibilities of a husband, father, heir to the throne. Because respected Buddha, Nan-da eventually did accept.
In this story, we see the seed production in Nan-no momentum. The Buddha has to know how to irrigate laced seed there and eventually seed that has been mature.
After producing the complete, Nan-da day miserable because relatives dressed in seclusion, but his mind always think about your partner newlyweds. The Buddha knew this, called Nan-momentum up and asked: "is a few days, Nan-da are not interested in the way that photographers were selected, is it true?", he has admitted this. Then, Buddha used method of Kabbalah put Nan-momentum to a planet to another. Where there are lots of beautiful maiden and they better her his new Princess. Upon seeing this beautiful female fairy, he begins infatuated and forget soon turns to love kiều diễm weibin, of himself. The Buddha not to give Nan-da was infatuated. He brought him back to the planet and ask: "Nan-da had wanted to get the beautiful female fairy that the wife?", he replied: "white World Religions, the World 'd, would facilitate the Religious".
The Buddha taught, just try to practice good. Since then, Nan-da day effort elaborately practice. Meanwhile, the other monks to spread about him very much. They said his condition, because the want to take beautiful new wife maiden should hardly practice. Because of this that Nan da feels very ashamed. Interaction through to make him have to think. Suddenly stops, he felt enlightened realized, all the values that worldly known as beautiful can vanish over time, there is nothing to give long term attachment to him. Only new export path help he reap fruit of happiness. Since then, Nan-momentum has changed the way look, irrigate laced and cultivate export path. Finally, in a short time, he became enlightened ranks.
The Buddha is very artistic when application method seduce Nan-da. He knows very clearly in the mind of the Nan-da will always be covered by love, Buddha used methods "Mace he backed" to this invoice for seeds and sprouts of popping goodness.
Events of Nan-momentum gives a lesson, never even felt that we never had the seed of the monastery, convent or not has no grounds to seclusion. Just tune to self-awareness correctness we will achieve aspired.
Buddhism does not accept destined, nor do they accept things usually constant invariant. All fluency as a river. If we know how to invest, create conditions for those good seeds are ripe, things are going smoothly according to the tendency to Nice.
I tell more stories about nuns Dieu Lien. She has had a huge role in Buddhism of the khất sĩ faction system. In thirty-two years old, she fell in love with a teacher who has a lifetime wives and eight children. He unfortunately died during the birth times final. With love for her husband, ni concentration Tham was watching all eight children before her husband as child, and she also genuinely happy when the children dutiful to her. After his defeat for some time, she has aspirations. Her husband, a squid to disagree on this issue.
One day her husband and she sneaks down to the Temple in Hà Tiên to down hair. Her husband or believe she has left, incredibly sad. He travels a lot, find her everywhere but hopeless. Suddenly recalled the time before, the two couples he has visited several temples. He returned to the temple there, and fortunately, when he reached the eighth Temple then met his wife are there, preparing to export. His self-deprecating felted, weeping and holding a knife standing in front of her threatening that, if she doesn't go home, he would commit suicide. She stands in front of a situation extremely uncomfortable, like a monk nor officers do. If so happens there or judgement network at Nunnery. The Abbot has recommended that she should go back home because of not sufficient coast.
According to the precepts of the Lord Buddha, who is married to a monk must obtain the consent of the other and must be divorced by law. When contractual marriage no longer legal value, at which they are entitled to decide for his life. So, she vows to return home.
The couple continued living together adds a couple of years. Later, she again escaped and went second with Professor Minh Dang Quang, and was also unsuccessful. He also finds her and made the same manner as before. The couple has lived together was sixteen years but had no children. Up to sixteen years, she continued to perceive life marriage no longer satisfy any more. That same year she was forty-seven years old, once again claiming a monk but husband remains an ink is not given, because the injuries Mrs. Since then, she has decided to net exports during a year long. She wanted to create pressure to her husband agrees, but he still firmly not to. Body by glamour in her many Buddhists also push is recommended to prevent him. Actually, while the two couples he has in common with one another but were separated. She was the first password doesn't tell him lyrics do stars also happy anymore. Husbands still explain that, just like he was seeing her every day, seeing her face is enough to feel happy and very satisfied.
Finally, there is no longer any other way, she vows to putting pressure on him by threatening suicide. He can't help but accept, allowing her to be involved and this time she succeeded. After her husband was a monk, weekly visits to Grandma. Temple stay Later, he also had remarried with the third wife and they had to add some children anymore. Occasional occasions, he still leads the child to visit her.
Only after two years, she has the ability to mobilize funds from being benefactors to the temple construction. When he died, in eighty-three years old, she was thirty-two graves of construction for the pure land Buddhism khất Sĩ.
In this story, we see the seed production of huge, Marvelous nuns Associated to the point where it were fill to seventeen years of life marriage that seed is still not being dead. In contrast, the time seventeen years back is the opportunity you are precious to let this seed was implicit, urged and creates a large pressure. When this pressure is booming, it makes that person becomes the major leg and publishing ranks, there are many contributions.
Despite the circumstances, social conditions do not allow, but if you know how we can make it a success. Talking about irrigated production the ripe seed soaked, there is a principle so that we can identify. Principles that are based on the time factor.
Tell the story of mine, when twelve years old, only temples have a single day, next day I would like to export. When out on, I have automated sewing clothes and go to the Temple in Ba I disagree with the reasons that temple in far too. So I suggest asking on a temple close to home, he also did not agree that the temple near the House difficult. Therefore, I have to manually apply nearly three dozen different temples, there is no temple would agree. The old days, perhaps due to see Prime Minister I, ugly, tiny, not doing what should be the integration should not accept any dare pagoda. I can't explain is why would a monk. Because new thirteen first, I do have sufficient wisdom to recognize the values, ideals of export routes. But Meng corporal family which for resurgence in me like a call, one which he cannot explain.
Meanwhile, I see the image's uncle Xiao to very strange haircut right through, which I've arose desires monk. The only reason is as simple as that. There are some people, their motives appear very oddly. They desire a monk just because to be eating the cake on the table of Buddhism on culture, July, April, or October. If we know how to nurture good motives, would mature over time.
Then I get to the monastery at Temple University. Time tu education in Temple, Thich Thien Hue does not let me shave his head. My work every day is knocking on principals. mõ When doing this job, I keep associative, visualize themselves are tu mountain. I also think to the story. Some time later, I hinted to me please the venerable anti-Government, but again, he did not agree.
In 1984, have enough industry I came to the Temple of enlightenment cleric. Here, only within three months, I been venerable
Thien Hue allows generation likes. My happiness, carders surges describes why not.
In such situations, we can identify that the seeds that arrived at ripe. Like the picture a tree is planted in the shelters. When the trees matured it toward the light. Itself it would be slashing the House to rise. As the picture of a chicken, if chicken was sufficient number on Hamlet's mother, it will be slashing the eggshells to emerged under the rule.
Exporting countries as well, as being prevented, we increasingly find any way to go. This is the tendency of the seed production of intense. Also anyone who deems his seed should mimic the ailing, as in the case of he Nan-da. At first we only tu retrieved, but then by enlightened Buddha has taught in the intellectual property rights, and through practices maintained under the guidance of mentors, we gradually realized the path needs to go. Meanwhile, we refresh the seed and the seed that has good results in the future.
Before, we have to prepare yourself a new Sun. Fang Sun, said according to the Governing Rules of paint are: "Fitness supernatural appearance of counterfeits, sufficiency, Center anomalies continued". The exporting countries are defined as people who are taking steps toward a broad high Sun. Where the administrative, administrative password, the Administration completely overtakes ordinary worldly people. This is a definition of the nature of people, simple but correctly. The form of a publishing family should have material about the singularity. Form that not only are manifested through the shirt which also manifested through walking, standing, sitting, lying, and employment. It should be the substance of the Summit of fixtures, stately, quietly, peacefully and disengaged. It is the result of a process of practice, referred to as intrinsic lifetime metabolism. When the mind is changed then the shape will also vary.
Governing Rules Paint has taught us how to transform the mind, transformed the conduct and the gestures of everyday, it overtakes those qualities about aspects of content, ethics and philosophy, sensory perception. Therefore, preparations for a new Sun is a very necessary condition. Because many people have seeds, mind and consciousness, but there is no process of preparation, so met many Blaue after producing countries. There are some known Temple through courses or through a few hours into the temple activities. They feel about themselves, and think about everything also took place after his appearance. But upon entering Temple Monastery and then, they were disappointed, Blaue due to lack of preparation. Here, the preparation by the Buddha is not as long or short, that's the way we look back at the problem with all the wisdom, giving her one more promotion.
In folk having the proverbs: "before bending tongue seven times say please" in order to remind him the caution, avoid negligence leads to the breakdown, causing suffering for others. According to the Buddhist perspective, if we applied this would create a situation hesitated. When we cautiously, propriety, hesitation will lead to non-assertive. Hesitant attitude was the Buddha defined as an energy source, that its function is destroyed, destroy all the competencies of the judgements and truthful Outlook in life. Those who live with hesitant attitude get defilements and suffering. Poet, Tố Hữu was once noted:
Standing between the two waterways khuâng.
Select a line or to the water to drift.
Here is the comparison to help us be assertive attitude, no remorse. The Buddha, the regret is a second source of energy may be destroyed all the good work that we have been in the past. Aware of this, the Buddhists don't ever regret the good jobs, paid for by the resentment, critique, criticism and even killed. We need to do everything in their minds Trish Hy, not accept advance, negativity or wish a thank you, like, Phuoc an extra day's growth.
At the time of the Buddha has a scope, i.e. Sikh named the Black Market, he has the ability to sermon very great. Every time he persuaded France, both heaven and The Like also to hear, because the way he was eloquent, example and explain very deeply convincing. Anyone heard him throughout the day, although not eaten but they still feel no. This is the real Buddha called French wedding. Means to eat with the Dhamma, or the path of morality. The joy of Dharma which makes them forget the hungry usually. After the French Emperor Liked her voice, he told Black that, through his face, suggesting he died very soon. At that time, the attitude of Black Market panic Khan. But the sermon or homily, but when facing death, fear in him still appear.
He had words with the Like let's just for him, so he could order outlived many things. Empire Like advised he come meet the Buddha, because Buddha is directed by Professor ranks, metabolism and inability to change his life. Before he came to the Buddha, Imperial Love also advised Black
Municipality should choose the path, because this path created many blessings jewel can help to increase life expectancy. Along the way, the Black Market to see two maize Board are blossoming very beautiful, and he has to spit two tree brings nasty looks for Buddha.
When you see the Black Market and, on his holding two corn fields. Instant secure his release, Buddhists, corn down. He served as the Buddha, let go of a corn down but other hand still holding the remaining trees. The Buddha to secure his release left corn and he also follow. The Buddha told him please let go further. While he is sleepy yet understand how, he again secured his release, let go further, let's let go until no longer anything to let go. He asks the Buddha: "white World Religion, hands the ruling only two corn fields. The Sun has just told you to quit the maize board left hand down, then to the right hand and his hands were now completely empty, so The Sun protect you let go anymore, you know how to proceed here? "the Buddha taught:" what guarantee he let go of Vairocana, does not belong to the material, not corn Council, that he be let go accept the six senses, six awareness comes from six senses that the exposure to our audience. " Hear that, Black Market again sleepy do not understand.
The Buddha has explained to him further. Human sense organs: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, but we shouldn't let the senses this dominant, impact direction we go in the direction it wants to. The let go of the senses as such does not mean that we let go of all the possibilities of perception, assessment of all things phenomenal around, here we get it in a way that does not let it do one suffering.
We have lived or not, the issue is not important. The value of life does not depend on the time factor is available in this lifetime, it depends on how we live life like. We acquire material, happy or not. If yes then we as humans happy, zero we are human suffering.
The process of perception that leads to the practice of the Buddha are expressed very simply. It is in the process of exposure of the eyes, we just see it simply as the show. During the hearing, was simply a listener. In the process of snuff and snuff, is simply in the process of knowing simply know. In the absence of identification, evaluation, analysis of negative manner, although we still use the senses, in contact with the subjects of them but we would not be binding. How is that we're going against the line.
Those without the process of practice, always trying to find ways to be satisfied. As in the case of those addicted to cigarettes ke, drugs. Now a drug addict with no lack of energy, to consider the new presses, rã rượi, even extremely painful. They must satisfy at all costs. If there is no money, they must steal, Rob tries to etc this shows they were dependent on the senses, control and served as slaves to them.
The Buddha taught us please let go of six apartments, six and six died. The amendment must be a master of the senses, making the senses into the slave, the tool, then we will become the ones who made the correct meaning, then the path will be freed.
So, in preparation for the path, one must set let go what belongs to the tendency of enjoyment, to navigate to the value of the bar high. From there, we find the values associated with inner life rather than the relative glamour outside. Two way of life completely opposing each other, resulting in two temporary tendencies, happiness and lasting happiness.
To support the practice of letting go of discharge, embarks on the path of the exporting country, the monastery houses the Buddha we need to have time to get acquainted with the life of the monastery. The familiar is the seed for cultivation from spirituality. There are many who do not accept or not adapt immediately with the sudden change of life appeared. For example, after his hair down within a few day, a few people feeling stunned, endeavoured, fear, and fear that have changed the decision not to walk again.
In 2004, I had occasion to go preach some temples in Australia, I have met a Professor she gave five weeks. When she met Professor, I feel really uncomfortable, because on the face of her foot upon and used alternating chalk lipstick. Lips are cut and create lúm a coin every time laughing. I'm very taken as weird, but don't dare say. The Buddha has taught everyone who exports family towards internal life, taking the beauty of ethical jewelry for yourself. New ethics is the most beautiful jewelry, is the most precious fragrance in life, rather than son phấn.
Before returning to Vietnam, I again have the opportunity to contact counsel her once more. At that time, I took her out to ask questions and get her attorney said she has tattoos it before a monk. She adds a detail she has tattoos it a week before going to production. Because she said that after producing countries and will not condition to her makeup, tattoo ahead nobody can say he is.
The nature of the makeup, beauty is to generate gender attraction, yet others attention, praise or attachment. But if a monk that do like any other graphics on our loved ones. ' However, I also think Professor she could so remorse when he decided to do this. But this is not so that obstacles to the practice and maintained her as if she knew to take advantage of the opportunity as good as his Nan-da. When others curse, criticize, criticize us should get motivation to demonstrate and strive to rise. If derived from the engine, the obstacle will become good terms, inversely charm became pros charm.
Classic Mahayana often teach "negativity & Bodhi", turning the plight éo le do opportunity to strive to rise up, no mud, shower fresh green blooms never, never curse the darkness, misery, or criticize, criticize what incomplete. Without it we are not mindful of great power. Interactive rule of all things phenomenal is that having created the other. In the practice also, one should become familiar way of life of the monks to not be surprised that the unusual tendency to live in called: "Tam often illegal residence". Three food: eat, sleep and wear usually should not be too full.
The Buddha, each day the clergy only being eaten only a lunch. Buffet breakfast and buffet dinner from sexual hunger to spend all the time for practice, metabolism, bringing material at peace and happiness to yourself and others. Today, due to social changes, the monks have to labor, work, energy pretty much decimated. Therefore, the Organization allows the backs who were eating lunch one day three: election is key, and width only snacks. The Buddha taught the monks to eat simply, shouldn't immerse infection on taste: this delicious or other fatty. While eating to chew thoroughly and always had the presence of mindfulness, awakening. Who should view the amendment is only a condition of food to feed itself, gives the health of the body is guaranteed and thereby the way practice is long lasting, durable.
When to go, each clergy only wore three y wore during one year, who made his only be sleeping five hours a day, some people just slept four hours. If the status of him was placed in Mindfulness awakening the energy consumption of it won't lose much. Life in the monastery remain serene State of mind. Ai tu proper methods, their very deep sleep, just a day to sleep two or three, no dream, nightmare was still rarely ensure health work all day. The old days, the Buddha only two hours sleep per day, and twenty hours left Him working, teaching Bible sermon for hearing them. But sleep very little, but his health continued to be ensured.
Therefore, "Tam often illegal poppy" teaches the production as well as the preparations involved right off the diet, and sleep. Because the person's lifestyle is the bobs bar, peanut cultivators. There are practice like every footsteps, speech, our new employment can create a new Sun.
There are methods of support, help for people exporting countries achieve big aspirations releases. That is the method of comparison. The comparison as a knife blade. If you don't know how it will make us unhappiness, suffering. Such is poor or ugly, comparable to a wealthy or beautiful. The comparison thus makes suffering great pain started occurring,
time to make his mind does not aim to shock, rise. Conversely, if we know how to compare themselves with those saints, high rise or great ones, why these do big things, and then not, we will progress even more. Or comparing why these exporting countries, have resulted in successful and beneficial to many people then? These are questions to help us pray big inning the releases of the ta will mature. Governing Rules taught Painting very deeply:
Belgium signed the trượng wife of ego Egret Atrium
Real self contempt nhi rotten Qu Ying.
Who is trượng, I've also been
Shouldn't disrespect his corruption.
The concept of "Trượng phu" only for the greatest degree, hero, who is anatta, altruism embarks served tirelessly. If there are human greatness in life then why must not be like them? Compare this, not to let it drain high fell, which contrast helps us strive for reaching up to achieve. Compared to the upper ranks to close them, get the selfless, noble material. Zero we just take the form of exporting countries with tiny, selfish, angry, sad line easily argues, etc. The tu must know metabolize emotion not processing it, the more processing pincers pincers makes it surges and exploded. At that time, the extent of the devastation of an negative is increasing.
Thanks to the comparative method which resulted in the value of metabolism, it became the true sense, valuable monasteries serve human populations and societies.
Seed production for irrigate laced ripe through the lessons of those Holy in the past, or who the greatest in modern times to help him be given reflected themselves, see themselves can do that or not. The wear and inferiority is considered to be two types of Psychology make humans lose the ability to self esteem, to strive and contribute. This political attitude make us unable to accomplishing all work as expected. The Buddha included the wearing and inferiority into the kind of negativity as the enemy of progress. We need to have faith in the ability of ourselves, can succeed in life.
To irrigate laced seed export properly methods and efficiency, we need a period of preparation for a high Sun. Fang Sun, altering its 21st century become selfless heart, negative perception becomes positive and the psychology of personal behavior became benefits the community and society.
Buddhism would be those young, talented tu to renew Buddhism. Conversely, people who have the plight éo le in my life, failed in his career or love charm Buddhist monk, as they are the hidden Ocean Princess who is the Buddha ... are successful, again removed all decidednew primary exports, have high goals and ideals. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).26/1/2012.

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