Wednesday 25 January 2012


Venerable Quang Kham
1. the Exporting Country To do?
2. Con Duong Tu's Super Exit
3. self Max
4. Max Person
A. know good laboratory home
B. entertaining adherents
C. career of Bo-slapped
5. What are the good Of The Tu
6. Dao Cao A nearly lost, Macao one size
8. Ni Them
Chapter VI: Poor Export Countries
1. the Exporting Country To do?
Export part and thread, you must understand the meaning of the monk. You must have autonomy; homage to others pierced nose pulled away. The need to hear, hear; the not worth listening to, don't hear; smiling is sufficient.
Take a sheet of Brown coats often look like touching your head bare, Casino, which is wary of themselves: "We are increasing-SI!" Failure to do so, sometimes you forget phắt, enlightened mind running rông, is no longer interested in publishing his foes.
Breakfast just wake up, you immediately feel his head, wondering: "why would I go tu?"
"Because of death, because of the Willow sanh exit terminate samsara!"
Tu for virtue is the most important thing.
In the temple to do? The key is to tu virtue, tu the futuristic interface item.
You just look at the things around you will understand right Division-Women. Listen to what is done, you should also try to take, to transient notoriety.
The increase, the younger, sentiment also Ni heavily Lam. Song, a monk, the mind must also be a monk. Three industry body, mouth, their appearance is completely different family of perpetrator in bushels you must know how to escape being willow. The purpose of his amendment, which alone pursue, which is exit loop after death! 2. Con Duong Pass of the Tu
A. Giớ Life before and afteri
Not understood by the Dharma that has Limited life expectancy, the highest tribute Center, sanh is very easy to fall off.
You shalt not blind blind translucent, then blind blind translucent Shou world. Shou world is due for penitence, isn't something uncovered, pallete pallete uncovered ones.
When in the world — flock, you should at least say, at least with others to Exchange (or phan charm). Hễ where are now the Lord Buddha, Buddhist mantras.
In the world – flock, the bridge's life came from everywhere, so always East stuffy. Must remember that, you came here not to emulate with them see who wore nicer, better, or more delicious food!
When Shou world, if you are tough, patient, you will enter a Dao be.
What qualities (in the world – flock) is also very simple; you take along others compare to see who ate delicious, sleep well, or to find out how this conversation, the conversation it how ... Shou is suspected at school, the tubers dread; rather than talking at discussing, in Africa, creating export industry.
After Shou world, you have to be completely different from life at not-– taking World, made more miserable-Hanh, wipe out, modify all bad habits, the sheer finality of every fictional disabilities bad thoughts.
You must always usually litigation world; so new no things AI love contemporary Tomb but.
There are Precepts, pincers holder questions, then you, not easy to do things wrong, about sexual harassment.
Life expectancy is the humiliation. When the ear you listen to people chưởi abuse or provocative, angered her, that you for example to Center on, then it is wide.
"World" is the world (the commandments instituted themselves), rather than introducing foreign (pincers constructed other guys).
Right at the thought you've sparked a bad notion, you use the Precepts to pre-loss it again. Such call is taken as the master.
Need to learn in the Bhikkhu-Ni Japanese and everyday applications.
B. Remove List Margin Strenuous
When not tho, because don't know rules, Precepts, should you violate world; It wasn't intentional. now tho world; Learn About breaking world, then that's intentional offenses this badly. Shou World and then to hold world, hảy y according to the Precepts that austerities.
Life's not life some world-ba (the mark burned on the head). World in mind. Therefore, when you know yourself doing something wrong with you, please immediately penitence. When you maintain decent, then the World will no longer be Prime Minister (or concept) men and women.
And then must bring About life's out of practice. Not complete World life is promoted to An Unchanging, Agency France-Professor. Between the convent together there is no Division.
There are many guys go tho World again learned more avarice. When the temple existed then became enjoyment, love to eat delicious, even beautiful, in that good; no longer know anything about among, effort anymore.
The Precepts have taught clear rules of things, the Executive-the master. You have to learn, read thoroughly, then, not easy to make mistakes; and later if you do accept-the new work well Deng.
World is to the commandments themselves; Therefore, the penitence is also the world.
Keep, but don't go to the extreme, accept in advance. If not, though--hold world that results are bound to push the couch away. Because, precept, doesn't negativity (do yourself or someone else's negativity, suffering) and does not conflict with other guys.
When you have yourself, German General (distinguished boundaries between me and my brothers, and the UK), surely you would be having disputes. To the temple, not to fight, quarrel. Exporting countries must "system theory", in harmony with people; be so then who are also good.
To the temple, is not to dispute considered one true one wrong. The attitude that laundry is secular, always subdivided into himself and people.
SOAP publication of austerities are not competitive, rivalry, nor quarrel over lost, more or less, right and wrong ...; some stuff that is purely "smell".
When it Draw-Colonel said: "exports not qualified for listing hám. Because hễ is beneficial to all would be harmful, therefore, not been nurtured desire list "; then someone asked: "so today, the reputation of the famous four Sea Lion – Extra wine?"
Hoa Thuong replied: "we don't know what to it because they are all huyễn. Does anyone know anything about her is best! "
People ask nod times: "Such was elaborately true!"
C. You Mind!
Now you have, however, song you like in the sea, seek out immense outlet.
Who made the need to champion global basis (no desire for anything at all) and Department head (don't let the mind entangled in any affair, something, or opinions, moods, emotions).
You must have tu Tanh; i.e modify Tanh is modest, bad habits; also IE tu Buddha-family identity. Each person, who is also the first Buddha-Bar Tanh; This is the administrator of the Buddha-family identity.
You should customize pros personality of others (chớ b. conflict), in harmony with everyone.
Exporting countries is to treat the mind as gasoline steering wheel, this monkey mind running Dragon like horses.
Exporting countries must work in all formulas at all times to serve, must recite Buddhas mind.
The exporting country should nianfo for many, not certain as to meditation; because when the Lady Meditation not yet ripe, you stick to Mya.
Who made the need to discharge himself--who chưởi abuse, humbled, decry, ballast chores, currency ... you must had not. To wipe all ideas about gourmet sanh ego ("I", of "I") then the new austerities.
SOAP publication of then, you must suppress clean avarice eating, sleep, stay happy; so then you new tu Dang Phuoc, hue. Do not like the guys at home; full Monday took passage. Rising is one of the three pearls (Jewels-Buddha, Dharma, rising). Thus, the Steady (Ni), you must be good for good for seclusion; that only abstemious, guise they can austerities, Dinh and Hue.
The temple is shume public. The increase, from the other temple Nuns if they keep the rule, then all can stay in the temple to seclusion.
The family is of outstanding people in the seclusion, fantasy, action, consciousness, life--warm; the convent to which they are "not." So please wear a rough cloth, mealtime Abstemious. This does not mean you hunger, which means eat enough no, even enough to warm as well then; Don't be greedy, spoiled.
About eating; for exporting countries, who said what, what's cooking, then eat nấy. Not be accepted in advance, fussy; not be gluttonous, like delicious. A little less food, a little frivolous thiu also still eat. If every gluttonous, enjoy delicious, then your not easy targets except where. If you also run greed food, then samsara escape failed! The truth, what if offered food testing, you can find out the toxins. When great-they eat what are you feeding nấy is enough already; Don't be frustrated, annoyed students Monster afraid enough story.
Who made who never feared death. Death of Western methods, possible homage!
The monastery should have the power "to turn everything into infinity"-new!
Appearances on his plate KESA, you must arrive no longer suffers from the tu do monsters, bother. Don't bother about the monsters, the story; No entangled wholeheartedly on the mistress ... Whole things, hễ monsters concerned is redundant.
3. self Max
A. Temple, Shifang
The temple then anybody can come in to the monastery. Guys to stay to keep the rules laid out by the temple. You may not consider the good people do bad, then self-convenience in its sole discretion, to one resident, the resident.
When someone to stay in the temple, you may not have interested discernment, comparing, expert tells the story of bad lể, her mistake. To do so, you will render difficult the tu tu people. Just y respects, comply with the rules of the pagoda is enough already.
Do not should compare, distinguish this is ai's disciples, the disciples of ai. Hễ people do observe Precepts, the tubers, are the same before. Anyone who was also a disciple of the Buddha. If you keep subdivided into pure thought: "master killer outside, I was the disciple of Professor-in Temple ..."; then you weren't being defrocked!
People, you just need to austerities for true to the precepts. Hễ you go tu deportment then you are also provided to all people, glasses, bowls, Long also endorsed, protection, and the Temple in place of morpheme is your home!
B. Place Mistaken
When you are certain you must austerities, tu in large (Dai Tung-Lam). Tu in places where there are great – they're crowded can exercise the degree of talents.
When the tu, tu in great need, East pagoda. Because only in place many new friends and learned experience from the bad. The bad guys are the evil in Temple Street just so you know that more progress monastery Most organizations-from job kitchen, planting vegetables, forked wood ... in the temple. Main places nobody crave attention, nobody won do, is place for you austerities!
When you are in the temple, be subject to Amendment kham line about eat, stay, wear. Your eyes do not see anything, you do not hear anything, identical name dại. Keep that faith to Dharmapala En tu then-Da certainly will protect you. Later on when you go to tournaments, one finds also regards as the Buddhist way. Now, you want to build the temple, would immediately have right supporter.
Today we had a good Temple, a Director-colon ideal to austerities; you do not have hope idea, calculate regarded wherever there is the temple better.
When you're not an intention is not about what you can austerities are!
Q: I want to leave this to other tu pagoda pagoda, there are now three seats; don't know the peace of the place that's Shanghai coast with me?
A: You go is because mind you not stable or is due to an unsafe settling pagoda?
If you don't mind, though you can run to secure Western, you're still not safe.
When gasoline, mind you, runs rứt mausoleum in action, which you moved it right rông instantaneous, then interest will be an. Therefore, keeping the Precepts are extremely important. Hễ you keep World Net, the mind will net bar bar. When the mind is not stable, look what you an also-General (accept the tightly into his ideas about themselves and); so you have to look at every single incident which is not, and nor is ours.
Western, you must want to come to mind no longer rebel monastery, i.e. no traffic jams traffic jams expected idea emerges again. When faced with any, do you also only have a notion of net bar, then that is the main Tay Phuong.
Mind is not an, then hope idea for gasoline mausoleum forever. Therefore, you must grab attention to peace of mind; If so, how "safe"? When you want to run the Dragon Centre, hảy wonder that it wants to run away.
C. Visits Learning
In Vietnam-loan no place to visit to learn, should you let yourself researching yourself enough.
Do not so restless rứt, Tempus, in action.
Friendly-tri-form? At her!
When rice early wheat badly bent buckling down; trĩu should When rice soggy then started rolling upright soaring. (Guys understand DAO, austerities maturity, then lowered themselves down; also new guys are always self-tu Dao, unknown bends.) For the monastery, not good, you also have to attend interviews learning; by Ke tu excellence are seldom found, that e that you also look not thoroughly excellent people is the place where. So go visit learn scammers is true; because users can see the bad points, it's their mistake, you use it to manually vigilance, roused themselves; ask yourself the same errors made or affordable housing, and avoid committing errors.
Take interview learning to research fictional score points bad, of people. They mistake then? His seclusion to don't violate it! They are not true cultivators; World his seclusion so that proper Franco!
You export part is for the purpose of austerities, so don't be so out to learn French. Things at the Buddha-School-Institute teaches unsure purely Dharma, Buddha-School, as always being junk by those subjects such as xen Social-Economics-economics, sociology, etc. If you keep near the environment so long, then gradually you will not mind what prominent secular way lost.
When you come to Buddhism, shaved head monk, please see if you can escape death or non-contentious Willow; It's something you can't understand, for example. As a monk again and want to study for qualifications, more knowledge; try asking at the school who taught you to wear rough, eat rice protein, let discharge to austerities reasonable?
Many artists have made the Increase-and then, back to school in Buddha-School-Institute. After graduation, they just pleasing growth, high self ego self, want to do Head-maintained. Song, they are attributable to where to "LY", causing people to harmony, fun austerities? They are not doing so has the capability to sense chemical humanity; also does anybody support them!
Therefore, practical steps Up-to-gauge austerities for many, nianfo, Phuoc Hui song tu.
D. Relationship Between Ke Dong Tu
How close disciples, if you know what his master is, whether large faults, you also do not say where the other guys. By, if you do so, then there is also a mistake action!
After hearing others talk about the faults of the teachers of medicine you bring things listened then told lể to people, then how many crimes were attributed to the body's health. Because that's the mistake say bad things of the same monastery.
For his fellow monks in the temple, you have nothing to fear at all. Please respect, mutual glass palace.
As for who work what you don't use attitude ordered (as loudly, dread, says chinense), enjoin them like his father wrong, mainly false servant; because that is the attitude of the guys.
As tu Dao, you have to take the Dharma as pedantic (i.e. using the words softly, calmly, respectfully ask them to work).
When the Brothers brotherhood sat together, you should talk about Dharma. Do not question every other subject to prevent schizophrenia. Do not should join chat, say the story is nonsense, charge time.
When the brotherhood had people talking about Buddhism, you should not secular talk on xen. If not, more and more contacts to further shake said. Furthermore, when talked secular, how you also mentions this delicious diet story, the other bad etc.
Two of them Falling and Ni must diverge boundaries for clarity. The next hundred years racist life must also be conversant in such vessels. Unless you've declared Satori, show results, there are deep thick Dinh-force; zero, you will be very easy to mistake mistake, causing enough problems complicated.
When rose and Ni talk to each other, which haven't been face to face, eyes peer into the eye. When rose and Ni need Exchange, putting anything, then the two sides were not touch each other.
Ubcv monks have Lion-Accessories-force; zero, it is also impossible for some to close within reach one hundred step further. The situation now is not going to be a tenth mindfulness; Therefore, the situation remains very dangerous inside, so the need to pay attention to technique.
E. Ring Humiliation
Shou World i.e. rings. If you can ring the humiliation endured all the, then you will hardly breaking world.
You must be fast because the patient's original amendment rings of the monastery. If you do not know from sexual humiliation, only uổng for Austria and monks are appearances on themselves. You shalt not always assume that what you do is right hễ (others are false); her attitude will make you hard to tu Center.
Based on the free new patient that austerities, tu basics. The result is going to where you also have the capacity for empathy and/or others. Consequently, tu almond Ring-new humiliation virtue; anybody see you they would also welcome wholeheartedly the wedding, birth, and you can chemistry degrees.
After publishing, you must see the humiliation is the highest bliss – Ring, is number one. These guys say bad, name-calling, disparagement, criticisms, which is the only way for you. Without them, you can not, can not progress achievements.
Do not assume that the charm that make you hate them, then being bored them wholeheartedly, considered something also his predicament, seeing what's also spikes eye, then you thought: "Ok, the package goes Guo! Come home to! " Song, know where to go for good? Also can't go married, because you know that doing so was still suffering over the other, else what's living in hell?
When one offensive, criticisms, you should ring bear. Despite being oan also ráng fasting. You also have to thank people for their newly blessed Lam (the critics).
When anyone brings the bad evil, mistake that knocked admit, slander you; you need to be patient.
Although you are correct that others slander, saying Qian that you wrong you errors, then you should still penitence, sorry guys he (don't dispute procedures); because tu tu is in place.
To contemplate suicide? You must contemplate these words then as money; and when the other bad evil then spray lyrics like y're brandishing money for you. If when she arrived at the scene about which you are not patient, not knowing how tu rings humiliation, then only engenders enough minor impurity, frustrating!
Guys, uncle reviled slammed, you assume that y is worse. Song, tu DAO, y opinion is people helping you; You must thank y. Y bring money in to donate realms pole-Lac, you will not be accepted, to flee, weeping rowdy!
When what's wrong with you, you will also be new rings, tu from sexual advances. Whether you have the correct rationale also justifies the war do not quarreling; for penitence, sorry people is enough. Such is the German company focuses you are for yourself.
Rings-Three la confidential's humiliation was happier when you ring the humiliation, you don't feel that you are doing and not for the almond ring – not humiliation is humiliation, his rings Moss rao nor the lumbar, mighty presses inner (not to reveal the anger inside); because there is no general status.
When rings humiliation whose heart you don't have the feeling something, don't see what's happening; as if anyone is reviled, you do not know is that they moved themselves; then true is happier Patient-humiliation of three la confidential.
F. A Ballooning Gap
If you are not liable to be monk Dao, mind you, however, is still in sight, strenuous vưởng traversed by scenic world and outside; It is still very dangerous.
The pagoda is also filled with stories in Africa, black and white, pretty bad. Qualified guys then think: "Wait I tu quite pretty, I'll return to the situation." Guys are not savvy will do things deteriorate, resulting in resentment lamb added. (You can view the transformation of foreign police or not.)
If anyone wants to hurt you, you should be thinking: "maybe the past he has hurt him; Now you shouldn't cause more resentment of sheep, which must be of him. "
What also cause and effect, whether they are little things like a needle, thread, a word of mouth--all have cause and effect.
Do not ever exercise habit of bigotry.
People ask: What is my swimming Bowl; affordable ones my lost rice bowl? (Italy says is affordable also Bowl sinks, then off.)
Hoa Thuong a: Do should accept in advance. If the bowl of her people make swimming, then have it that resentment, wants revenge on the other guys, it's clear that just because the bowl which she created resentment sheep, causing hatred with others!
When karma again and to come, ignorance, negativity, if you don't have random initialization-Ta-reciting mantras, the Chief will emerge. Meanwhile, seeing who you also spikes eye, frustrated; see what you are not satisfied. You just want to book packages come in the temple; or do you feel life tu drivel, no mean accomplishment for finishing, just want to talk.
You know the affordable housing; just you float a notion of negativity up that you were wrong then, no need to question whether you have the correct or not!
Do not find regarded people have faults or not. You must manually lighted realms, irradiation optical reflective mind, Muslim--whether he had done well yet.
Tu edits yourself based on truth, rather than relying on others. Therefore, you must supply Protective glass, Tam-respect (the embodiment of truth).
Hễ as beings who also faults the rotten bad; song hễ someday know penitence, penitence modification, then good. Whatever the species swells from eggs, or from fetal cells, engenders from humid low or from the goods--all have the Buddha-family identity. More cattle born before a priest, even human anymore; song, only crime is that they don't speak for us to understand.
You are aware of the evil, which is a very good job.
Who is who, who also filled a belly negativity; If no error, how self-knowledge tu? Therefore, amended as from here, from this perception that except for reducing impurity. Otherwise, every day you feel like old, did not change anything--for eating, sleeping, working, not the convent to Satori Dao; then to old you still identically now, that the mind is filled with Le Petit defilements!
All day just filled with bad notion, there is no a little mindfulness; you don't think about (third form General like beauty, clothing, money, rice soup. monasteries, …), are also thought to minor vo (whose name is without shape identity, Loi, ecstatic, enjoyment, ideas, ideology ...).
Hễ you dispute, fight, quarrel, calculated over the odds, then why not you mind was quiet. Do not assume that someone else wrong, its true. They aren't wrong, don't bug where; that you didn't know austerities. Just because you have unhappiness, frustration, irritability, argues, should be mindful, not peaceful. For the passed then it would vanish, and you can be works-mantras.
People decry bad, you rotten; You shalt not, frustrated, annoyed. They praise you or, you're good; you don't glee, high excitement. In the bad always something or, in the good ones always intermingled evil.
Who praise you; ve claws, increased evaporation serial killer that is not good, not the teachers ranks Ming-Shi. Those who curse, clapperclaw you regardless of whether you right or wrong; they new the ranks-Attorney. At their disposal currency with you as they help you to achievement.
If pressed, when inserting, you think: "he despised me so; but, I still keep the convent to him understand "; then you are the person whose releases gas; and so, ắt there on you will succeed!
You are correct that y is wrong; keep let y do, do, as you are the wrong way. (Since you have explained, there's controversy where, y nor crave hear; so controversial?) Đó is you know master himself, not being bystanders or the incident shook.
The scene where you are now exposed by the seeds you planted settler, now shown only.
Find people at home wearing beautiful clothes by differentiating (i.e. a second sight), then the guys themselves thought: "why that line the monk Himself? What's also not have been wearing rudimentary three-coat Brown sồng this ... "; There are other guys to think: "Oh! In this brain gauge realms Ta-She only beautiful dress to the only; What is strange? ", or
Many female adherents when unpublished family, stuffing, DAB, guys eyes, drawing upon ...; now her Ni-she hardly here, no one has thus seen better!
The two men, an ugly, a beautiful ambiance. She is ugly then know its bad should chalk mark g, makeup tươm tat Lam. Song, as makeup how much more bad much; not equal to naturally!
Austerities should have the capacity to endure--subject line, subject to eat rice protein, was dressed in crude.
In this material world rich, wanted nothing nấy very easily. Many things, due to technical progress should no longer be used to the limbs, so incredibly comfortable.
The guys made his austerities, which you must observe, reflecting mirror austerities of lettered Organizations past. Follow the footsteps of the Lord that they cease to be contentious amendment.
I (Hoa Thuong) published his austerities is not for the sake of enjoyment; I want tu stars for eating, sleeping, clothes really simple. I would rather be social belittled, given that everything here can't be with someone who lives longer than the envelope!
When social esteem, then between them and myself will produce strong emotional strings, loveliest, and then takes to suffering far apart; as a result create Thanh lap samsara vicious! When you suffer from social horizon cheap, belittled, then you are less pleasing phan charm (like taking this, owns the other, concluding with this person to the shaft), reduce heart hope idea (thought of all this talk about this story, not off to other stories, not end), and easily recognised than single-minded!
4. Max Person
A. know good laboratory home
When you delegate home appreciation, they seemingly new cozy atmosphere. Therefore, you should have a gratefulness, appreciated, which austerities for deportment.
As you guise, abstemious, work the discharge itself again dare for the temple; Outsiders looking at you they will realize that "the monks are really making me touching; they know the discharge itself because DAO, because the temple ... "and naturally they want nasty looks. Like, invisible, you have an apartment to heal them, causing them to grow in their blessings. This is the French favor hoằng born!
The monastery suffered extreme subject line, otherwise prior to the conception of "I" and "I", and engenders a disability like grooming for beautiful, delectable dining, and wish for everything to comfort, refinement. Eco wear Brown Casino for clean, adjust qi is enough; by publishing the happy guys that live too, the enjoyment is not in any want nasty looks at all! The polar bear, live that knows tu kham line, then the new experiments, new wants, cosy appears to admire. Life just got food no clothes warm enough, there is much already.
Exports: foot pedal of the credit for the team's credit, experiments, the body dressed in a laboratory for testing, mealtime mouth, cosy home, sleeping in a laboratory built home. Keep as per day you tu was a hundred coins of Germany. Hễ you run dynamic notion which stems the mind does not young NET mouth, then deducted off thirty. In addition to the money diet worth thirty bronze, money resided was twenty, fifty bronze dress worth money; a total of one hundred and thirty German currency. This, the German austerities that you do during the day is not enough to pay the costs; so then you also have the German? Credit home cozy atmosphere apparently indigestion Lam!
Want to increase-group dignified, myself have dignified. Anyone in any place, at any time, you must also be dignified. For example, when litigation, if people see a tributary rising, Ni extremely dignified, then naturally they will being do beliefs for the DAO, and do not consider Buddhism is negative stuff anymore.
B. entertaining adherents
Bo-slapped as being of beings, thus his heal with charming combinations beings. So far I am alive, when people expected me to Bai you must a friendly charm with their ráng See adherents of any kind, you should also be welcome, greet; song not be phan charm (taking emotional tricks to earn favor loc private), do not drain high fell, that person, the only guys in! " You must understand that all expenses for daily living such as eating, staying, even my home experiments are due to that place looks nasty!
When someone links bad for democracy, the charm you shalt not be people's influence, prompting his links with countries which host coast bad. You must have the capacity to be left, right self-employed themselves; because we need a fresh charm wide.
So said: "the Buddha, first the human charm"; i.e., when not the Buddha, first and foremost, to stay fresh with charming people.
When you make adherents to pagoda, entertained them cleverly used to heal, invite them to the Lord Buddha, eat rice, stroll regarded pagoda. Đó is the charm, and is also how austerities. Most do not display these essential poses seem high bar, "is this is the master". It is not the austerities. Adherents are guys are tu, you are the administrator of the monastery, take Portuguese-slapped. Shouldn't tu Thursday, bad behavior; to set a good gesture. When guys dishonesty to pagoda, you don't notice until y is complete. Do not should be reviled nags, others nostalgic. Austerities they must overhaul until have hue; now, what hễ touched, you also get to grips with his right. Meanwhile, you can also talk to put Member content. When he had to stand firm then, other guys will therefore wholeheartedly welcome the wedding reception that delivery back to you, which you also do not create karma.
Adherents wear item to cosy looks, it's because they'd requested. So, whether object is like a mountain pasture, you must also be fun to receive. If you see they bring good things to appear, and then you cozy atmosphere engenders greed, then you can't Satori Dao be. When people bring food to suck, you bring it back to delectable cooking, then that is both blessing and hue you tu! If you don't know handled inappropriately, in contrast, Democratic candidates have liability hook fictional rotten food, cosy; then it's self you floating negativity and you create and export industry!
Whether a family member or relative of his to eat rice, his pagoda should also advise them, cosy apparently money for rice so that they have conceptions pagoda correctness (about causality, Karma report.)
You should trade all neighboring introspection, beings; Let's think they and their only one. For home leave, to cultivate friendly bases; themselves to grab mind Bodhi, compassion for their new right.
When someone is talking, you shalt not interrupting or interjects Wait they say complete, his talk; It's called polite. Upon application, talk to the pilot, you should only talk about the Buddha-Dharma. When they want to talk to secular, sorry that said: "I don't have time, would like to invite you to Buddha, or stroll strolling players." When encountering bad guys, you pay him homage to y is the best; because the two currencies that beating on each other, then be sure to call lẻng triangle!
Relationship with the life: real too they only etiquette only. So, when you resume them, mind you must know the self, always have Buddha-Dharma (illuminate). Shouldn't the same secular person conversation lifetime story. Please bring the Buddha-Dharma to compare.
Say the parallel farce full of the Buddha-Dharma will make listeners with negativity.
Guys austerities without saying Buddha-Dharma, to go the the conversation; It does not discharge the duties of the people? When the monastery but also talk of mundane life, i.e. y has not premiered continue gas (mundane routines); then how did y eligible table to two letters of "austerities"?
C. career of Bo-slapped
Every master has a different method of birth; Therefore, you do not arbitrarily disparagement, criticisms. By doing so, you would create if the influence is not good for the confidence of others Buddha-Dharma. This may cause and effect!
Due to his constant of beings should, according to dimensional beings, just as his fool child (because want to save the network it); that is largely to sentient plant root in their blessings.
I'm not demanding anything. Beings are born free wedding Festival saw me; song, I myself, I don't know.
Clearly you must also work through the truth of the new leadership, he then led to be believed. If its not smoothly truth, how can lead others?
Currently, the monastery needed Buddha-Dharma and true to steer, chemical beings. Not so then everything turned into secular; its not the impossible depending upon who gets a crush on but losing weight anymore!
French favor Hoằng: this is not the say smoothly. Just you tu Tri for good, then naturally when looking at you, who are also being wholeheartedly welcomes the Hy, glass.
(Such as Hoa Thuong Promo Khâm: Him unnoticed down the mountain song guys adore Him, many don't scale y-running River.)
French favor Hoằng takes his birth i.e. sacrificed body.
You have to do a Bo-slapped. It is impossible for her well enough, and ignored others. To treat others is a key, and then copy also. To do benefit humanity. When you just made my own interests are ignorance, negativity will abound.
The appearance of taking root, taken from goodness means to do, get free dhāranī do able. All (all radical Protestant, all disciplines ...) are all from compassion that arise.
Countries, such as volume, routine, ignorance, negativity, his bad bīja. Nations, such as mass. His family first, then new empire later. Means first and foremost, let's you clean every fictional bad habit except sickness, ignorance of her impurity; then bring virtue out chemical other guys feel, "LY."
5. What are the good of the tu
Exporting country means the great fondness. You need to report a large four-grace (for parents, for countries which, thanks to the Buddha, for Master-vassal), and Salvation are three gauge (hell, demons, animals born ngạ). You will get rid of her parents in untold lives, not only the parents this life only.
AO tu not everyone who also wear. Only the new wear-gas killers Phuoc Dang.
A serial killer, although not much, just know austerities vegetarian school, no major sins, then after y can reincarnation do people leave and austerities. Y would not be dropped on three or four kinds of birth gauge (born from eggs, from thai, from where the wet, or from the variables).
Asked: When a published his destructive world, crime, to be dropped into hell, worse than the guys affordable medical home? As such, the genus by the tu family better?
A: Export the tu is still better! While y (who made who) were fallen fruit, when y is exhausted, y can return austerities. Sure, then y is also, by planting more or less radical Protestants who already. (A foreign leader, if compared, also inferior to someone who published his destructive world).
Guys have grounds, then after a monk, y understood things, the bad points are good points as well as between the exporting country and under house arrest. Guys never able to get it.
If you cannot see, can't know the fine points of the publication, it's because you also karma. If karma is indigestible except, then when you Lam chung, they will appear.
Look at the guys who made the only superficial eating three meals, do a few stories on this faith. The truth, are wanting except for reduction of avarice, anger, delusion and subtract karma.
Someone said: Several Master vegetarianism should say comments moves of fasting; If anybody go tu then society would?
Hoa Thuong a: who is also a monk, then together we Hugely-current world-wide in North dialect; It is not better or copy?
6. Dao Cao A nearly lost, Macao one size
His evil created from many career past the high ecstatic as the mountain. In this, himself a monk, when evil karma can appear. Therefore, feel that career after producing countries more while under house arrest. Now, you need a strong effort to overcome. If its not catering is negativity, starting motor, then the Center will create more new!
His appearance is non-trivial austerities.
The publication of the then very much. When these guys resentment, eco, creditors (in the past) to reclaim the debt, then his second story being sick or having enough trouble ensued. If you did not go beyond what is not the way peace tu Dao Dang. Therefore, when you are sick, ask yourself the encouragement, the book attacks themselves. The Lord Buddha, nianfo more then Karma will dissipate.
Guys in his look (living person tu) but do not understand, so for the tu miserable Lam. For guys who are not Administrators-Center considered solidly, then y tu lifetime as life in hell; y always feel something is also not good and not self in, again being attachment. There are various but Dao-mind solidly over, song by bad seed cultivated many before, should nevertheless listen to Professor-teaching without at all. Influence of earthly secular against them are also heavily, deepened.
In the temple, you also see people coming from everywhere: which is the best general article, image generation kia ... enough at all. The Rising young then, Ni idea of emotional love is still very heavy. Upon seeing the son daughter arrives, if the mind is the spectacle's doing, and being free to fluctuate, interest, desire, the situation would end take Dao-mind (mind austerities). If the Outlook of his favorite mood is guilty, then the new Dao-Centre.
Young guys made the time now is very dangerous. They are very susceptible to foreign police do change evaluation. The half life of production (i.e. got married and then), you've tasted off the smell of his life, so for foreign police, they are somewhat more autonomy. Song le, if younger people appeared that bear austerities, then will opening position hue, very easy achievement.
8. Ni Them
The female lacks the austerities 500 lifetime. If you know tu, she could just close this, this life was freed. Song the girls don't be too seriously broken body: eat as well, wearing warm enough, no need to sleep, do not sleep. Failure to do so, only greed, concur, d. Dao-Centre!
Being the woman being body, meeting postgraduate – tri-consciousness, to reach shume that quieten austerities; the girls must be perceived to be his great part luck! The mau mau tu, she should modify the Tanh Tempus, except remove the evil bad thoughts, instead of sometimes misconception settler.
Taiwan still better is because she is still appearing. Otherwise, afraid that the woman in society just fallen only. Her family then moved to the present, if not, then after the girls have also knew was herself to austerities again?
Do not assume that the tu is so miserable, and being free to extreme hate this, bothered the other, see what is wrong also derailed; to think, "OK, go to phứt!" Song, the girls go, that knows where to go? Also cannot be married, by thus ended up just more miserable as living in hell! 1
Many she has suffered various ailments of old Tran trong-base sentiment. The girls are not re-offending games emotional cord melon, as like to sleep together. (If she does not bear sleeping with her other, then isolated the other said she was not well with her). The girls have to sleep alone, separated for a while. If the girls for bigotry, is deviant that nostalgic!
The woman whose family is difficult and publishing; copy she also requires that go to interviews, learn this faith? Just the girls learn yourself (dynamically at startup, at Center, had participated, si, arrogant, TA). The master then goes to interview new should learn!
The girls must scrupulously avoid talking to the men, with the master.
1 when it Draw-upper Square Khâm (aged 83) wanted to enter Nirvana, he had said: "the nuns in Taiwan cannot bear line-line here refers to everything line, such as making things asceticism, rings, or humiliation nianfo at effort, Lord Buddha ... that body jewelry-the hospital line, she succumbed to extreme gaugeWhat evidence, then there is no way the DAC both! " TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).26/1/2012.

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