Wednesday 25 January 2012


In the Anguttara business, said a short prayer of ten measures that the Buddha advised the renunciation must always encourages self-observation on the way towards liberation ethical practice.
This is an important economic with renunciation, since experience shows that the content authentic portrait of the monastic, that is a luoh always thought, concern and how ambition worthy renouncer as Buddha's teaching. The discourses contain brief, concise, easy to remember, easy to memorize, very handy for regular monastic contemplation and application in daily life practice. Originally Buddha's words: "Behold monks, ten this, the renunciation must always observe. What is salt?

  1. The renunciation must always observe: "I went to this situation is no class."
  2. The renunciation must always observe: "Our life depends on others."
  3. The renunciation must always observe: "Nay gesture of our posture must change."
  4. The renunciation must always observe: "Not knowing self can criticize us about morality?" Section.
  5. The renunciation must always observe: "Do not know the dignity of a place, after learning, have criticized us about morality?" Section.
  6. The renunciation must always observe the "nothing to love, to our mind was changed, with variable damage."
  7. The renunciation must always observe: "I am the owner of the business, the legacy of the industry, the industry is thai organ, is the son of her career, a place of business specified direction; flesh what we will do business, improving or bad, we'll admit themselves that business. "
  8. The renunciation must always observe: "The family went with us and now we have the How".
  9. The renunciation must always observe: "I have joy in the empty house or not?".
  10. 10. The renunciation must always observe: "I have been the law of merchants, knowledge of significant wins xunhang no saint, so to the last day, the same qualities have questions, we will have no shame ? ".
This monks, ten this, the renunciation must always observe. "
Ten or eleven legal mind on the compass for life gain access to advance ethical and spiritual emancipation of the people of in. French first comes to the ideal "no class" of renunciation. The country has made ​​"sand love from family," ethnic identity separate from the world as well as all parties and social organizations, have become of the world; thus no longer stand in the ranks of the secular, not on stage level or parties in society. "No class is the policy of the Buddha's unique flow from the realization of his real-self and so it becomes an ideal experiment for all members of the Sangha. Buddha advised the monks to practice equality and center director said his Vietnamese super class or gender . "For example, this Paharada, flesh with major rivers like Ganga, Yamuna river, the river Aciravati, Sarabhu River, Mahi river, the river that flows to the sea, immediately remove the old name became a great sea. Also, this Paharada, there are four classes: Police stand-ly-, Ba-la-subject, Phe-amnesty, Prime-momentum, after leaving my family, ordained in France and the Law is declared unto me, they give their name and their advance, and they became the favorite subject Sa-e " . This is a noble mind that young people in need of care to limit the consequences of earthly problems, remove the sense of reclining chronic, perform mental liberation, equality, self, regardless of self and others. France Monday to talk about the lives of renunciation. The country needs to implement open xuato livelihood, avoid living in the professional inadequacy, to place ourselves in relation to other people by accepting the basics of life the dead, fed by faith and family network generosity of people. This is a great mind that the Buddha advised the renouncer should apply to determine their target practice, practice patience unfortunate, difficult moral commitments, and foster appreciation, and responsible attitude to life. France Tuesday discussed the posture or gesture of renunciation style. The ordained need to practice and demonstrate an easygoing demeanor and decency in their daily activities, avoiding the pop-off and the current crude indecent minister. It is our hope to help shape the monastic practice and perfect as his enlightenment. France Wednesday stressed the virtue or moral conduct of the renouncer. The monastic life and behave in the Buddhist precepts, thereby requiring regular scrutiny of their life in accordance with the provisions of the rule or not to draft and self-control efforts. Center this year, which may help to promote the psychological part of himself with his infamous (eight) in case of mistakes or missed duonh culture feel ashamed of the body as evil, speak evil mouth, evil thoughts to improve the moral life. France Thursday stressed the virtue of renunciation. In addition to introspect about their own behavior for timely editing, people in need of psychological care practitioners fear the book will rebuke his sorrow about morality. These people help care for the promotion of family psychology of shame with (you) or frighten other people would rebuke her for the evil acts to prevent the avoidance of mistakes in life practice. France Friday prompted to save the renunciation of the law of impermanence. The renunciation must recognize the truth of impermanence of all things pass variables to overcome favorite psychological attachment and tons of practice information. It is our hope to assist in the development of awareness and capacity to let go of craving attention. France Saturday stressed professional or intentional acts of the determinants of the fate of suffering or happiness of others. The ordained need to understand the doctrine of karma (kamma) or volition (Cetana) to guide their practice career. Buddhism refers to three kinds of good business, evil, evil has improved recently and the corresponding results to help people live the kind huonh cuocc improve its law of cause and effect, and said Wednesday the type of business can nanhang of keeping people out of pain causation, that is willed (Cetana) or the determination to overcome or get all of the good, evil, evil has improved both in cause and effect cycle of reincarnation. It is our hope to assist in the orientation of the moral life of their own good kind, on the other hand express and responsibility for items tiei liberation of self. French eighth reminder of the renouncer ardent effort in the life of learning. Renouncer should identify each moment passed constantly in their lives to diligently practice efforts to achieve the progress on the way to practice religious freedom. Center this year, which may help to promote their renunciation ardent tunh diligently to complete the steps of their target practice or the Buddha's saying is "let's eager ardent practice to attain what is attainment, not realizing what enlightenment, what is not evidence of achieving satisfactory ". French ninth note of renunciation of the focus of the practice of religious freedom. PAHO renouncer should identify the target of his practice is to rid all fetters and defilements, experimental mind liberation, liberating wisdom. To do so, the objective must practice meditation, intellectual development. Since only meditation and wisdom are capable of helping the country achieve the goal of liberating enlightenment. So mind reminds ninth renouncer should practice meditation diligently, and found joy in the life of meditation. "Empty House" (sunnagara) in the context of discourse implies dedicated meditation or meditation. In the Pali scriptures, the Buddha often recommends prompt: "Behold monks, this is the tree, this is the empty house. Let's meditate, do not have free land, to have regrets later " . This is the advice of the Buddha helps focus the attention on the part of the goal of liberation, for all experimental priority for mental liberation, liberation through the subject property practice. French tenth said the results of the purpose of meditation or practice of renunciation. Through dedicated practice of meditation that is part of the law merchant, knowledge worthy saint wins, goal achievement of the practice. The term "the law merchant, won wisdom worthy saint enemy" mentioned in the text implies the attainment of the empirical or moral sphere, invisible world, thought to destroy life, except for sexual orientation to the counterfeit, pirated property, ignorance illegally, attained liberation or meditation experience profile, sensitive meditation, moral, charitable, Student Achievement Network thanhh intelligent, smart third eye, make counterfeit cards, attained the status of A-la -drought, born of suffering and death. It is our hope to help identify who ordained responsibility to liberate themselves, determined to fulfill his goal of learning in this life.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).26/1/2012.

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