Wednesday 25 January 2012


Exporting countries by Buddhism, is a lofty and not many people do. However, a person who has Bodhicitta decided otherwise met Thuan Export ceiling, from Habitat, coastal community clergy, whether or not there are duty counsel are capable of instructing the Center Bodhi easily be stepped.


Exporting countries by Buddhism, is a lofty and not many people do. However, a person who has Bodhicitta decided otherwise met Thuan Export ceiling, from Habitat, coastal community clergy, whether or not there are duty counsel are capable of instructing the Center Bodhi easily be stepped. You can no longer mind decided austerities and back where previously he had decided to abandon. This is a painful failure of whom days ago impossible life immolate themselves for ideal freed.
Therefore, the austerities should have suitable methods to apply in practice his or her daily life in order to put the results at peace freed actually in the mind. The main Buddha, daily also always reminded, sometimes reprimanded the Bhikkhu-without pretentious his disciples, in order to point out the wrong, and guide them how path toward the primary footer solution. So, through the classics record so far, the Muslim world for the Bhikkhu-without pretentious of Buddha occupies a number of major classical system in its entirety. That could be raised about the actual ritual of dread, precepts to apply to everyday activities. Besides, it's also the guidance on the level of penetration depth in the mind of the Bhikkhu-without pretentious during meditation.
Can say, Middle-rank Minister is that the teachings of the Buddha on this subject occupied key positions and the majority of these. So Buddha taught what to the Bhikkhu-without pretentious self-fulfilling outstanding personality of himself, simultaneously making molds for good-natured owner can find caves? It is also especially important is how to maintain stability and harmony in Increasing Union Buddhism? That is the problem of publishing his need to perform.


1.The introduction of the Crown Prince have all reached

In La-ma,[1] Buddha raised two fact-finding that is holy and Sacred mission. African Saints players are those who have a disability disabled disease patients but to look further. Those being against illness, death, condolences, bi, suffering, brain, UE ... but continued looking for the thing.
Can say, African Saints players here who are sinking in misery but could not find method exit line, go find the new gauge for himself. So, they are reborn from another realm, which came to bring the career Prep, ignorance, suffering, courtyards, si should still have to continue suffering. Therefore, they did not know until the peace of Nirvana or the path to Nirvana.
Saints players are the ones who are being by illness, death, condolences, bi, suffering brain, UE, but thinking to find ways to escape the suffering. After thinking like that and then, they resolved to press for liberation, so nirvana is the goal that he or she can gain.
Germany The religious recounted his thoughts before that:
"When one reaches the age of youth, in the light green hair, to adults in twenty-nine years old, now we have a fun life, jewelry, Mall. In the meantime, though parents weeping, eco-glamorous unhappy, it is scraped away beard tó, wear a KESA , press release, apart from the family home to study, live life, preserving the eco NET, network, network, password protective NET bar. "[2]
Thus think of ourselves and the people are living in misery, though lived between wealthy and beloved by his family but He still outstanding decision renounce. After his studies, he successively took place A-la-la-ĀRoman-ma (āāKāma l) and Yuchi-da-la La-ma (āmaputta Uddaka R), though experiencing the highest meditation deck that his two teachers taught but but do satisfy his questionable. Finally He went to the banks of the RiverNi-contactNairañjanā-(meditation) and Zazen until evidence was being smuggled. Following his testimony might say is the most general purpose off of him, later of the Holy disciples, and it's also the ultimate aim appears ideal:
"We find that the psychopath and infinitely superior stability of Nirvana, an adjoining DAC non psychopath and infinitely superior safety of nirvana. We demand the old, does not die, does not favor, melancholy, negligent, not unclean and infinitely superior safety of Nirvana, successively gained not old, not die, does not favor, melancholy, negligent, not unclean and infinitely superior safety of Nirvana, sanh, French architect and to product delivery. We know as fact that the birth may be out of scope have set up, what to do then was done, not being back to life again. "[3]
Thus, the ultimate goal that All Prince-multi-multi (Siddhārtha) towards the invisible beings and peace stabilization of nirvana. The main purpose of this motivation should He decide releases away from where the space for the ecstatic is the Imperial Palace to look to the forests where she learned French liberation quạnh, persistence asceticism and meditation until reaching the ultimate liberation. The family is not duties were imposed, not because we desire will be how many years already convent everywhere, would be the benefit of offering glasses and people.
Want to finish the target off so well in this, the Buddha teaches the five Bhikkhu-the first is the right thing without pretentious costumes themselves in public to not be the education touch control and control mentality. From the control room, we will be back in their birth, aging, spin, disease, the purpose of exporting his country had not been completed. The Buddha:
"Lady foolish qualities which is not multicultural, non-organic, not knowing the Holy League against France, was tame by St., then guys that for years the nature of the exercise when exposed to infection, taking will immerse and stick with our arrogance, without seeing nghễ go into the disaster, not seeing the road exiting cups should use fifth exercise. Should know that the guys that run the according to ma, working for ma, ma, fall into the hands were tied, because matrix grid binding by wire ma so can't escape the bondage of drugs. "[4]
Thus, the exporting countries need high vigilance with regard to the proposal, stick, flavor, taste, don't let them bind and must run under them through many past lives, reincarnation.

2.Principles of the austerities

2.1.Mention things metaphysical

For those books of Man tongzi, Germany As lai did not answer. He said that with regard to the production of copper, As lai Man cannot promise beforehand that after him, As would answer these questions. Why not answer these questions? In Buddhist Sutra says: those who do not yet know all the other foolish things then halfway died already.[7]
Buddha giving examples of people being hit by an arrow poisoned, the first to pull out the arrow, and then cured rather than wait to investigate the origin of a new subject for the arrows finished drawn. Why is that? Because the investigation is not finished, the poison did he died already. Also, so far we are suffering, ignorance ... made to birth, old age, illness, death, condolences, bi, khỗ, brain ... the first is the practice to end except for the cause of the accident, i.e. to eradicate ignorance ... rather than lo investigate matters that it does not bring about practical results is to end that suffering of ourselves in life so far. Because although the questions which are answered by determining that to do so or not so then this still being, nothing has the disease, has died ..., there's still this entire block of suffering arises. And though this world how go further then it is also unrelated to dzogchen, mutually agree with France freed, not brought to the bar, not the first in the full sense of security and achieve Nirvana.
We see that, if run by solving all of these questionable this material with the brief lives of people we know? If this world is finite, then when it's removal, then maybe we have destroyed before long. But so far, we are suffering, then does that really knows how much of the world, how many galaxies have solved pain or not? If so then we also understand the reasons why the Buddha did not answer all the questions.
The Buddha did not answer the question so he has said what? The Buddha declares:
"What are we affirmed The French refers to? These meanings are we asserting mentioning: here's the line, this is the Line, this is the Line removal, this is the path of suffering. For whatever reason we reaffirm comes to such things? We affirm it comes to these things because it is the sense of appropriateness, as appropriate, is a basic Offense, because it leads to wisdom, which leads to enlightenment, leading to nirvana so he affirmed speaking to. What should not be talking about, we should not say, what to say, we said. You should maintain life like, should learn from it. "[8]
Through this we can see, the truth of this world are suffering, if nothing fun then after it is also the suffering only. The Buddha was the first of four French theory of truth is dukkha, the cause of suffering, the suffering and the way to gauge. those in worldly wealth when be heard to the nature of life, maybe they don't believe because they are sticking víu retrieved the Bliss artificially is not thought to someday I will take them. Exports of primary then right foot manner this, and what the Buddha asserts above we must ponder solicited a lot to not go with the path of Buddha taught skewed.

2.2.No table talk benefit packages

The publication of studies, such as in La-Lama, Buddha has described as abandoned family, shaving away hair beard ..., i.e. renounce all worldly for what is important, topping most of life. So, who, according to the Dhamma of the Buddha's vow tu then consciously abandoned the benefit packages should always be promoted. Why is that? Because worldly education team have the sweetness without sufficient the senses then they entice, making life Great bliss failed to return to life are more confining that previously we have voluntarily relinquished.
Biblical Journals A-rank narrative to the incident that the Bhikkhu-real life without pretentious after finishing, bèn gathered where lecture table conversation about raiment, jewelry, food, stories, story of the war, alcohol, pornography, sex club, dance team, laughing, digital music ... Ever heard the story of the Buddha that the Bhikkhu-without pretentious are deliberate, bèn arrived and yelled at the girls that the story that the Bhikkhu-without pretentious are illegal, the table is not lead to liberation. Hence, the Buddha teaches that the Bhikkhu-ten without pretentious should contemplation and discussed whenever meetings together:
"Thee if it wants to discuss, you should comment on ten of the German. What are ten? If necessary-without pretentious glass Citadel (1) minimum education, (2), (3) voter interest among multicultural, (4) may the sermon to others, not afraid (5), (6) the full precepts, (7) the achievement, (3) intellectual achievements, (9) achievements freed, (10) architectural achievement wisdom freed voters. "[9]
Launch Center was inaugurated and consciously exaggerated his knowledge of policy is the set of people should work on any problem of hí society is inevitable. So, have your credit life, instead of discussing the social problems, you should discuss the Chief French and law. This is beneficial for the development of their knowledge, and knowledge when discussing the issue of French public schools will help eradicate the anachronism of perception of the French. Conversely, if a Bhikkhu-without pretentious relies on the credit of trust experiments, providing cozy atmosphere seems to satisfy the demand for quartets that does not attach importance to the development of spirituality, wisdom, not only has her trust and the women's Forum-na but also create bad karma then wasted the family of her own.
In the everyday life of the Bhikkhu-without pretentious, in addition, the French player will need to learn a lot of Dhamma to afford the sermon to others. The object of the Bhikkhu-without pretentious sermon can be a Bhikkhu-without pretentious, sa-di or resident artists. Thus, life without pretentious is Chief of the Bhikkhu-leg to benefit themselves by way of minimum education, knowledge, meditation, hold world ..., also must know tha advantage is the sermon to others. If you only know yourself without pretentious Bhikkhu-after the real life story of the table, and then easily lead to conflict because of its then still carry the volume of gas, then it is the family bringing negativity and not conducive to the development of Buddhism. This is especially important for life made her if we use it to comprehend the current situation of Rising.
Back to event-Ms. Devadatta (Devadatta) repeatedly killed Buddha and conspiracy to split Up, we see the interaction of the then ruling has brought the benefit packages, have also damaged the Buddhist King of seduction, but the result is true. Here, we see beyond the disastrous for individual unit's but also harm to a division of many Bhikkhu-without pretentious went by the thing. The Bhikkhu-this saw no need to go without pretentious khất implementation that still has to eat, no need to learn or sermon which was the Palace of the masses, because the King was also revered deities. This is a bad precedent which led to a split in the Group Increases. Providing full service of the King of a material with lifestyle relax by Bhikkhu-without pretentious could harm themselves.

2.3.No crowded gatherings

In General do not[10] narrative that, when the Buddha went to Crystal hostel Part-la-sai-āma (Kḷāakhemakassa Sakkassa vih), see ordering multiple beds with and there are many Bhikkhu-without pretentious are resided there. Buddha taught that if the Bhikkhu-without pretentious are keen to talk loud, gathered to talk loud, love seat, don't like secluded spot, then she can't be without pretentious Citadel – the peace of the Holy. Only the Citadel-like static security without pretentious be the peace are:
"This A-nan! If there is no Bhikkhu-without pretentious desires to talk loud, don't get excited with the speak loud, not meeting the talk loud, inappropriate place, don't get excited in places, not gathering people, want to leave room, usually happy with life alone far away places, then you'll have the peace of the Holy, the peace steps due to the far, the peace and quiet, there's the Security Chief's peace, no peace by not having peace of animals, not being killed. If the peace then the DAC-DAC which is not difficult, this definitely happens. "[11]
Then The religious teaching French sentence resident German Interior and exterior not to have peace without pretentious Bhikkhu-out money. An internal failure is the resident to hold for an inner space, static is only the most professional, and meditation. If so then the peace will instill both body and mind. After the internal Italian foreign works not otherwise, considering there are pirated, pirated, sexual ignorance pirated ... have started up in his mind or not, at the same time consider the French thirty-seven products › Bodhi himself was executed in whole or not. At the same time, with the comment table Africa chief legal situation does not get involved, just want to discuss these issues in French public schools, after discussion, the mind is not greedy, melancholy, san evil comments ... with respect to education, the third year he consistently observe clearly each object and vigilance did not mind the oscillation start up parameters, m wants things. ...
Through this experience, we see the Buddha was wary for Bhikkhu-without pretentious that should not be gathered into large groups and activists on the fuselage, and export, Italy If gathered East so then inevitable talk loud, lead to schizophrenia, and frequently so there is no peace of the country. Inaugurated the five Education Center launched the easy temptation, can lead to damage it, as well as causing instability in increase them. Bhikkhu-without pretentious away from the noisy uproar, domestic and foreign law is not consistent to his headquarters security. When there is peace in mind, in rise, including ones not able reach the stories different meditation, which is the highest result was interested in primary direction.

2.4.Things you should know-without pretentious Bhikkhu

The Bhikkhu-without pretentious shouldn't gather again to discuss the story of the incident, as well as comments to metaphysical issues. Duties of a Bhikkhu must tame without pretentious-is mentality, that is to know the behavior of the mind. The control activities of the Centre, including the notion that words in mind I will start up the driver, the negativity sexual pirated. In Dat Pham almond[12] Buddha taught six things that any Bhikkhu-without pretentious whatsoever must also know and lifetime maintenance. Six things which includes:
(1)Know about pirated, pirated, know the character of the owner of pirated, the pirated, won by the removal of smuggled pirated kill, said.
Know about pirated is known to have the three illegally pirated stuff, including: education, ignorance pirated, pirated. Yields smuggled is ignorance. Due to ignorance bind should be reborn through the realms of samsara. The victory of smuggled pirated which are due in six road. When ignorance is destroyed, it is the removal of pirated removal of pirated. Know the Sabbath day Holy leader is know way destroy pirated.
(2)Know about sensory (thanks tho) human beings, know, know the owner's life expectancy, knows the triumph of his life, said the removal of shou, know tho removal.
To know about life expectancy is known to have three categories, including: lost life expectancy and suffering, suffering does not touch tho. Know exposure is human life engenders. AI is the property of life. When relatives or relatives feel how life then a Bhikkhu-without pretentious know as the truth about the pirated then, at the same time know that exercise kicked up about life in touch sensors or otherwise known as the victory of life. When exposed, destroying life then known as genocide the killing of tho. Know the Sabbath day Holy leader is know way destroy pirated.
(3)Know about the idea of human beings, know, know the owner of the idea, knowing the winner of idea, the removal of idea, know idea of extermination.
Know about idea is knowing there are 4 types of ideas, including ideas, idea, immeasurable and ownership of ideas. Wings touch (tactile) is the cause of the idea. Result report of idea is theory (including the arrangement of the information in the thought and the formation of a clause in thought). The winner of idea is the idea of color, sound, taste, taste, tactile. When the wings lost (tactile) kill the idea also kill, that is known about the removal of the idea. Know the Sabbath day Holy directed is knowing the road kill.
(4)Knowing about human beings, know of, know, know the utility of his WINS, the removal of sex education, said Director removal.
To know about sex is unknown in nature[13] of education is the AI, hỉ, beautiful, fit, so desires. In this category is the nature of the six subjects of six senses. Exposure is the cause of education. Depending on the type of education which is being attended to, where it then must receive the report his evil ... called the friendly owner of education. The winner of education are the kind of education is the best, want want sound, aroma, taste, tactile. When exposed, which is destroying the institutions of the removal. Know the Sabbath day Holy directed is knowing the road kill.
(5) know about, know from whence human birth of industry of organic being, know, know the win of career, the removal of industry, said industry kill.
Know about career is knowing there are two types of businesses, including: investment and of course karma (thought and action). Exposure is the cause of karma. Know your career is knowing possession newspaper industry black (evil) they had black and white outcomes report (friendly), then the industry has resulted in white, black and white newspaper industry has resulted in black and white, not black and white, with no result and meanwhile career was terminated. The victory of career is knowing where the hell has this kind of karma, that kind of contentious career sanh where animals being demonic nature, ngạ, lettered or humankind. When emotions are career kill kill, which is the removal of industry. Know the Sabbath day Holy directed is knowing the road kill.
(6) knows about your suffering, know human beings know the owners of gauge, gauge, knowing the winner of line, the removal of suffering, know line removal.
Know about line is known to have birth, aging, illness, death agony, suffering due to resentment of hate that meet, suffering due to loving that must separate cups, suffering due to the wish that there was, in summary, the five aggregates is suffering deterioration both players hung. The cause of suffering is caused by craving sanh. Knowing possession of suffering is to know that kind of line removal somewhat slow, there's kind of miserable kill slightly faster, there's kind of miserable kill very slowly, that kind of line kill very quickly. The victory of suffering is the little lady foolish qualities, not having good knowledge, not overpower by France in French public schools, where birth feeling extreme suffering, suffering extreme, lives like coming to an end, wants end to remove it from the outside and then curing it must on the inside ... The removal of suffering is to know when the line also defeated AI removal. Know the Sabbath day Holy directed is knowing the road kill.
Through this experience, we see that the framework which the Buddha above is Bhikkhu-without pretentious should have mindfulness. There are mindfulness to know where is smuggled, where is the education ..., know so then the new control center, the hedge to the pirated, pirated exercise ... not penetrated the heart. Without mindfulness the negativity would result from the pirated, the kind of life, the idea ... as something inevitable. From negativity can create bad karma and Shou result line. General methods to kill the types property above is the Sabbath day Holy pirated. Therein, mindfulness is mentioned up top, besides, Chanh Tri has always led the first process of exporting the negativity. Practice of whole Holy Bowl Executive Director then that's inconsistent Offense Hanh's publishing house.
Business Friendly legal[14], Buddha taught a Bhikkhu-without pretentious need seven achievements or need to know this to seven rites and have flat dread proper behavior when exposed to everyone. The Buddha:
"If there is no achievement without pretentious Bhikkhu-seven French would be an Lac in France Festival Hy, directed straight to the Gentler pirated avail. Seven French-what is it? It is company-without pretentious know French, know, know, know more, know yourself, know them, know the more or less of the people. "[15]
(1)The French know works without pretentious know Bhikkhu, ca Bay area, sign theory, shelf-tha, charm, compose, the Khoi, try dogma, birth origin, ad placement describes the friendship award, France, the theory of meaning.
This is the form of presentation of Buddhist texts. Its correct distinctions needed to be able to evaluate the content and form of presentation, that requires the learner to remember techniques on how to classify it to his or her understanding or when presenting it to others not to get confused. Thus, in the first one was demanding Bhikkhu-without pretentious specialisation means teacher study and know how to classify the form to not get confused, resulting in a skewed understanding of French public schools. From don't remember clearly the classics and does not understand the meaning would lead to the consequence is that wrong maintenance and theoretical teaching mistakes to others things that sometimes yourselves to be true according to subjective.
(2)Bhikkhu-without pretentious know literally know what every every theory that is mean or mean.
When the French player then the Bhikkhu-without pretentious must understand clearly that of each issue, if confused meanings this issue with other issues, the hue due to the writer cannot arise, favoured by investment also could not have been maintained, resulting in real international action is also wrong.
(3)Bhikkhu-without pretentious knowing French is known at any time, any tu tu is low, any amendment to the French high-class discharge.
Know the French tu does fit any stage of the development of consciousness, the maintenance will bring results quickly and properly.
(4)Bhikkhu-without pretentious Xue Xue is know known for eating, drinking, walking, standing, sitting, lying, or talking or silent, or urine, decreased sleep, tu administration positions.
Minority student education not only as a French tri-tu to remove reference to gas concentration of human that it's also the beauty of who made the high bar. If the exporting country too seriously eating ... which means the wish remains, at the same time tap his schooling life gas well before subtracting any, said nothing to the Pack ran out of time and effort for the action.
(5)Bhikkhu-without pretentious know yourself is to know themselves how much to credit, gender, culture, countries, intellectual property, remedies, a-function (Chi-āgama, to what extent), the DAC.
A Bhikkhu must regularly audit without pretentious-talk back what she achieved through administrative maintenance in a legal process. For Chief Justice, to assess his belief in France by the Buddha declared dogma has profound or not. For those precepts that he had discovered prayer leader shou, everyday life, breaking the world, make world faltering or failing; If yes then to penitence for paid net and increasingly hold World Youth net more. As for what was truly his listeners have heard correctly, there was no forgetting any portion. After reviewing such a Bhikkhu-without pretentious should ladies ask the UG-friendly knowledge ... to additional defects.
The Bell of the Bhikkhu-without pretentious is French, but wished to be published for the first position that there must be multicultural, experienced administrative maintenance chief legal requirement for new Government contracts France preaching. With regard to intellectual property rights, remedies, a-function (Chi-āgama, to what extent), the DAC must also test scores so that there's always that attitude and humble bow, since self-knowledge that their are also many defects in comparison with what Buddha taught.
(6)Bhikkhu-without pretentious know about them is they knew this was the Observation, they board Her Brahmin, they spread out, they are the Sa-keeper. When in these societies, one should go like this, should stand like this, should sit like this, should say like this, so silent like this.
After the Bhikkhu-without pretentious older resident in any place shall always be wary about dread ritual. Because of the Bhikkhu-dread ritual without pretentious's dread of doubt when people view her as representing the French leaders. Therefore, from the fuselage to password and did not always set in Mindfulness. A Bhikkhu has always know yourself-without pretentious needs to do, it should be said at any time to match or do not do and silent at any time. Main foreign performing so well speak up intellect and morals of the time. If a Bhikkhu-without pretentious that talk too much, or win the right to speak of others, always uphold the understanding of yourself, then for worldly also blamed smiled rather say something to the status of the exporting country. The Bhikkhu-without pretentious to speak French as Chief Justice and Chief Justice in silence. Want to be, first and foremost must have mindfulness, multicultural and profound meditation. It is the right way of exports as the Buddha.
(7)Bhikkhu-more or less by the without pretentious know the person is known to have a two-class people, and the person class dissident class. The credit is over, the real credit is poor. People there have also have two different class than poor ...
Through this, we can see, the respect you truly human as Buddha's moral status, wanting to be so then she must have trust where the Dhamma and not due to social class or wealth. The jewels, has served as a voluntary export ceiling and chemical releases to others still suffer from ignorance obscures, as in economics, which is the most respected you.

2.5.Export the user wishes

Exports have strong with a goal to achieve Nirvana then course though do think what, what are the things that yearn were not to be away from the goal moksha. When there was such a target i.e. had the desire, desire, but the desire, this is consistent with the wishes of French public schools. Evident when the work is first and foremost must work the desire to perform it. In the life of the Bhikkhu-without pretentious, not have desires, that desires that far left goal freed, asymptotically with negativity about both body and mind infection contamination. The Bhikkhu-without pretentious should desire something where Chief Justice French and directed to Nirvana? In Prayer,[16] Buddha taught the Bhikkhu-without pretentious should aspired 13 things:
(1)The religious visit aspired Germany, talking to him, the sermon.
(2)Aspired the kinship, my thanks to him that after the network was being made in improving overall uncertainty, birth place of heavenly realms.
(3)Aspired experiments have provided to ta raiment, Dinnerware drink .., thanks to this that there are many dāna, quang minh, there are many great blessings.
(4)Aspired tacan withstand the starving, thirsty rings, hot, cold, Mosquito Magnet Warbler, white-eyed oppression by the solar wind, by; beaten was notorious, can also be disabled patient bear; itself a disease is painful, until lives orchestrated the events weren't happy, gorgeous, we also are able to kham.
(5)Aspired one patient withstand the unpleasantness, if contentious unpleasantness, were not approved in advance.
(6)Aspired one patient withstand the fearful, if being fearful, psychology are not accepted before.
(7)Aspired the evil beings if one in three mantras, nhuế any charity is education, psychological harm do not stick with where the notion of three mantras sympathetic evil in real.
(8)Our egos, egos aspired the evil immortal, until Four meditation, achievements and an Office.
(9)We kill off three aspired, as Tu-da-done, do not fall into evil, certain directions to the Chief Justice, the maximum is seven times back and forth reborn, frauds and human realms seven times and Sun sailings certified Dak the cessation of suffering.
(10)We kill off three aspired, thinning, deities, si, once through the heavens and human realms again, done certification was the cessation of seamless line.
(11)Our diết all three lower aspired epilogue, sanh on where other plants certified Dak Nirvana, was during the great depression, did not return to France despite this anymore.
(12)Our first President aspired to be freed, invisible glass, DAC, with the intention of such certificate shall, in themselves, achievements and an NGO, used consistently and the intellect which smuggled or pirated or subtract and tri.
(13)Aspired to be like the poppy, the ta label, tha mind, network, electronic delivery, were clean, DAC ends, mind freed, innocent pirated intellectual property right in this life, freeing himself, in themselves proof tri self-discipline, accomplishment and an enlightenment, known as truth that The birth has ended, have firmly, to-do has done, not reborn again.
Want this achievement the aspired, Buddha:"Dac gender specific objects without abandoned meditation, where no-one was happier achievements NET."[17]
The Bhikkhu-without pretentious must have aspired, but not about rice, honor, benefits packages that is aspired for the piece. When your life is to have interested Dan free, self at TAM you virtue that deserves what are tho use or not. Therefore, when the aspired the cozy atmosphere yourself always having Germany and after death was healthy, the waterfall of birth without pretentious realms Bhikkhu-also always find themselves to be responsible for practice, not the effort yourself nor the expectation of credit 19 uổng experiments when they supply yourself. At the same time, the process of cultivation is the process of locating Bhikkhu-free fight with themselves without pretentious to eliminate the inherent properties of the Earth that he had this order of episodes that were not only from many past lives. So you need to know without pretentious Bhikkhu-rings bear the charm, it may come from the environment, which could also be from humans. If there is not enough the humiliation then you would easily defeated by the coast, and Bodhi is also gradually die. Can you still look the same but the heart of the generals were gone with her bare record, was convicted of using fasten no outlet. Although in certain circumstances, a Bhikkhu-without pretentious nor should fear, because fear ahead of the threat, then easily stepped. In other words, a Bhikkhu-without pretentious to effort in all circumstances and timing.
Thoughts of the Bhikkhu-without pretentious to towards disarmament negativity towards the evidence was that the Buddha taught the meditation, because when reaching to also simultaneously intellectual and the Kabbalah also full. And that also means culture of beings, a temple of credit for that.

3. Th rotary kiln of the austerities

3.1.Baggage delay precepts

After producing countries, the first of the Bhikkhu-territorial aspirations without pretentious as Shou precepts. Shou world then carefully maintained the world's life strictly to lifetime. In the Statue of example,[18] Buddha explained about the world of accountancy.
The Bhikkhu-without pretentious appeared and then left his observation being, paragraph except suicide being, eliminating the knife sticks, mind you, there are compassionate mind TAM do benefit whole beings, until the insects. Not theft, just got to be, no glue was established, not for the expected report. Far left Africa Pham tu, effort, scope, phase separation. Don't lie, speak true words, not deceiving people. Not saying blade, not undermining other people, don't listen to this person and then tell Word to divisive, not a friend to the party. Far left verbal chinense, just say the words meekness. Don't speak vain, said the right time, says true, France. Not traded, not gotten solicited by others. Far left the receiving woman women widowed, copper ... No acquisition of slaves. Do not accept any animals. Do not get their gardens, restaurant. No acquisition of fertile wheat grains. Do not drink alcohol. Vast not high bed. Not wearing wreath, Britain, other types of jewelry. Non-ca or go see a musical universe, listen. Non-receipt of money. Abstain from eating. After keeping been so without pretentious, a Bhikkhu-alive tri, dressed just reinforced to cover themselves, eating essence to feed themselves, only three y a bowl is enough and educational journey throughout the place.
As such, the Bhikkhu-what not to do things without pretentious harm to the Earth, does not seem to reference the cosy fitness enjoyment. For the du hí, entertainment of worldly, Bhikkhu-without pretentious nor immerse before, which took the administrative enforcement do joy peace for themselves.

3.2.Green grounds hedge

Six apartments are six place brings emotion to a human because it is capable of contact with the audience demanding interaction with it, from that which kicked up the greed, love, hate ... Therefore, the Bhikkhu-without pretentious need to hedge the six bases. Buddha taught that when the eye saw beauty nor immerse infected, do not immerse the senses by seeing colors niễm that. If you don't mind being greedy player households, melancholy, the goodness, favor France also kicked up. Likewise, for the ears, nose, tongue, body, must also not accept the capital hedge, where the object to which it is exposed. When hedge was six bases and then, when you go, stand, lie, sit ..., also in Mindfulness and knows each of his actions and thoughts.

3.3.DAC meditation and eradicate illegal or

A Bhikkhu-without pretentious precept, eternal student, tri, the household, and then find out where mindfulness, living far away and practice meditation.Position is keep body upright, on inside the mind of greed, not excluding the brain damage, as seen by others that interest is still not start up notion of greed. As such, the greedy's mind was the exception. Likewise, for Nguyễn thùy hypnosis, trạo, nhuế yard, paragraph except suspected or, with respect to the charities regulatory practices that no longer hesitated.
After paragraph except the ones in the slopes of unclean things do mind, intellectual property, turbulence was no longer being faint, he proves A meditation, an achievement. When you have an Office, the senses were no longer driven out the scene, in an enlightened mind, not static, the most consistent, loving, not due to birth, she was the second meditation. 'S separatist position, discharge, Hy, an Office where mindfulness, Chief of intelligence, the body feels optimistic tho, what scriptures say is Holy celebration club head, facility discharge reaches Tam meditation. The removal, line removal, he lost favor Hy which was also defeated, not, not line, net bar, discharge reached the Fourth anniversary of meditation.
The same after reaching a net of such interest, net bar, not UE, don't bother, nhuyến, cylindrical steadfastness, achieve an immobile Center, animal headed the intelligence evidence smuggled to take effect. He said as truth it is elevation line, known as truth it is Suffering, this is the Line removal, this is the Line removal, known as truth it is pirated, know as truth it is illegal to take, this is extermination, genocide is smuggled pirated. He said such a position, seeing such a mind freed sex illegally pirated organic mind freed, ignorance pirated. Freed and then said he had freed, known as the fact that ' The birth has ceased, it was Bliss, things to do are done, do not also reborn anymore '.
Through this piece of content we see that the countless sexual life, only a bridge towards goal freed so without pretentious Bhikkhu-opportunity to segment diplomatic charm. Exterior charm here is the need to eat, wear, in the bother of adherents. When charming has ended, its State-without pretentious spent every time Bhikkhu for meditation. As seen in the history link forced beings gave immeasurable lives should the exception up it is very difficult. However, it does not look for the same control the senses and the mind should start up in the user himself and itself make suffering and not freed. For the record radical hedge is important with exports. From the green grounds hedge, i.e. keep the world, the mind does not suffer from the faults, if violated, making Austria the brain; the greed, anger, delusion burned body mind, despite Zazen also cannot be safely. So, as far as the Buddha, from the initial basic precept, Bhikkhu-without pretentious meditation will be achieved. This is the important step to towards the holy place. The holy place is unknown Four truths and eradicate the pirated is pirated, pirated and sexual ignorance pirated. The Citadel – also i.e. without pretentious were freed.

4. T resort way Bhikkhu-without pretentious

Biblical Code Hamlet,[19] Buddha taught the Dharma to Bhikkhu-without pretentious worthy of the status of a Bhikkhu-without pretentious to a Bhikkhu-without pretentious became a published his primary legs, not a Bhikkhu-without pretentious nominal, as unclean and uổng [19] the Increase of credit for life offer cozy atmosphere. Basics is Bhikkhu-without pretentious to conscious of his actions and there are always comments that arrived in the fullness of the status of a Bhikkhu-without pretentious, and the cosy home apparently to himself, thereby also be blessed.
First and foremost was the Bhikkhu-without pretentious must have bulbous thanh tịnh. Thursday to release the first bar, the password is issued the first bar, the network run net radio. Next is often recite the capital base Memorial, constant run various primary voters. Bhikkhu-without pretentious to enroll voters when, upon entering the electronic customs officer distinguished; co stretching, bowing to lift, adapted content chững sure cleverly brings old-Growth-; and the y Bowl; go, standing, sitting, lying, sleeping, wake, said energy or silence ... all have primary voters. After all is navigate to the certificate was pirated.
The Citadel-like ritual without pretentious kept dread but then not up to the high interest, no disrespect to others, not unclean cooking, not using an opaque, like new deserves a Bhikkhu-without pretentious foot works.

5.TAM thanh tịnh

In economics,[20] Buddha recounts French tu kill games quarter-finals when He is not the leader, while sitting in meditation under the Bodhi tree.
The Buddha divided the concept into two parts: (1) education, nhuế and harmful notion; (2) education concept, nhuế and harmless.
If you are aware, nhuế and launch exercise, this is the notion of damage hurt, hurt people, hurt both intellectual, more disturbing, destroying, not hard evidence as Nirvana. Knowing that, harmful, malicious, damaging both the intellectual, more disturbing, destroying, not hard evidence was Nirvana, it sailings destroy fast.
When the mind has sex, nhuế and harmful paragraph do not get that tho, oust it away. Because the found that if there is the notion that there will be immeasurable evil real friendly French France arising from it.
If running under the Education Center for celebration of the anniversary celebration, nhuế and harm being fascinated in it, we are going to lose the notion of unconscious education concept, nhuế and harmless. If not left to be education, nhuế and harm will do not escape being, elderly, sick, dying, melancholy, weeping, also can't be far from all suffering.
If the mind endlessly education concept, students run nhuế and harmless Memorial garage know as are being ridiculous notion, not hurtful, shall not harm people, don't harm both intellectual and clergyman, hard evidence that does not bother DAC Nirvana. Knowing that, innocuous, innocuous people, not harm both, tu wisdom hard evidence doesn't bother that DAC Nirvana, sailings are practice quickly and spacious.
If too many are tired body posture notion, d. Hy, mind garage compromised, then the Mainland for treatment, resulting in an inner usually stay inside, only the most professional, Dak veins, that interest is not compromised. After being kicked, ridiculous notion was then being run contemplating toward France, Radio France, the birth anniversary of start var. nhuế, recite harmless, then also sanh began contemplating toward France, Saturday. Because human beings do not see where that immeasurable evil real French.
Bhikkhu GIAC-without pretentious, most pubs had static content, not feeling not consistent, loving, birth certificate of the second meditation, achievements and an Office. Bhikkhu-without pretentious that glass of Hy, an invisible bridge, boarders discharge, where body mindfulness works, feeling that Holy Scripture called operating rank, discharge, an Lac, DAC tertiary boarders meditation, an achievement. Bhikkhu-without pretentious kill, kill, kill, and then the wedding favor is not inherently has no notion of gauge, net bar, discharge certificate fourth meditation, an achievement. So without pretentious to the mind, Citadel-NET bar, not unclean, not negativity, nhuyến, an ingenious mind, DAC headquarters, directions to fruition estate, self certified Satori smuggled intelligence, successively known as truth that ' this is the Line ', ' this is the Line ', ' this is the Line removal ', ' this is the Line removal Act '. Also know as truth it is smuggled and pirated kill is directed.

6.Eight to contemplate

In a bowl,[21] Buddha teaches the Bhikkhu-without pretentious eight articles, called eight to contemplate of undergraduate and postgraduate staff, should think and remember to effort towards Nirvana. Eight things which includes:
"(1)From infinitely finite exercise fitness, not from that evidence was. (2) from tri sufficiency, not from non-covered glass which proved expensive. (3) Directors from the far, not from your capacitor Assembly seat, not from the living room convergence Council, not from the live stock Association capacitor Assembly that was elected. (4) Directors from the essential need, not from the author favors that evidence was. (5) Relief from mindfulness, not from the pagan notion that evidence was. (6) from seat to Italy, not from Italy which evidence was available. (1) Director from the intellectual property, not from foolish that evidence was. (8) from seat not friends Sammo Hung, favoured the no comment, really not friends Sammo Hung friends Sammo Hung, not from friends Sammo Hung, not from your favourite friends Sammo Hung, not from the actionsarguments, which witnessed friends Sammo HungDAC. " [22]
If education is also favored bare scene then was turbulence, turbulence is not tu meditation. Publishing of áo Rice Lake where you then throughout the day just thinking of what to do to have delicious, good health or sleep more then where mind patch time reserved for the practice is patently not unattainable. If you live in crowded, that they which many people they have no releases austerities are all day would have been, or causing deliberate hí wood together, will affect the practice of meditation should need to stay away from the place. Do something also needs to have a professional interest and effort is successful, the new austerities, too, requires efforts durable by meditators professionalism they have the opportunity to progress, new intellectual property arises and be eligible to gain new leaders. If schizophrenia is not available, no definition then cannot arising intellectual property. There is wisdom, discernment is Chief deviant, new new delineation between negativity and friendly France, the distinction of being like sẽcó Trach France French colonialists is selected then teachers ' legal suit himself to seclusion will gain relief rapidly. Everyday not idle static meditation monastery which is just to gather hí comment then mind are scattered attacks, projectile, not be achieved in cases like that.
Consequently, Deist always contemplating the new efforts to practice and to know his or her duties is Bhikkhu-without pretentious it should do and shouldn't do. Be like they don't give up too on departure.

7.Seven French real disengagement and six French harmony

7.1.Seven French real disengagement

(Saṅga) is a mass production which consists of a Bhikkhu-without pretentious older family, living in harmony and the same target towards liberation. After Buddhist sermon and degrees for 5 brothers he Jiao-Tran-as the Increase of Buddhism was officially established. first time in about 12 years, the Citadel-NET bar without pretentious lived together in harmony, but since the Buddha gained many to death in the early stages of different strata, the possession of pirated appeared Nanhai to limitations. The remarkable thing is that event-she reached split Up, and to establish a separate division, the Increase in internal Growth of Buddhism there are certain inconsistencies exist.
In the Universe,[23] Buddha taught 7 seven French real recession if the Bhikkhu without pretentious practice properly thus Increasing air degraded, not fragmented and increasingly strong development. Main points of the French real disengagement is the Bhikkhu-without pretentious must himself keep precepts, real evidence, then new creates an Increased net bar in harmony, typical is the Dharma real rotten follows:
"If your achievements-without pretentious Bhikkhu, world finance, credit, financial, uncle Tam Quarterly, financial and cultural assets accomplishing intellectual property assets are certainly strong Citadel-without pretentious, not recession. If any legal action without pretentious Bhikkhu-seven, no life during the great depression, the Citadel – delay without pretentious certainly strong, not a recession. "[24]
A Bhikkhu-without pretentious that has full trust, world, TAM, you, writer, intellectual property, it is the ideal pattern of exporting countries. If as a whole Increased delegation comprised the Bhikkhu-without pretentious like strong, then increase the Union will be no recession. Because he has faith firmly with jewels, full World Germany, could not have happened disputes between Increased delegation for the purposes of lists, status, influence the adherents, etc., nor does it appear people who want to establish a separate denomination to himself as Pope, to be someone else's glass palace, sung grave.

7.2.Six French Republic glass

Also in the Universe, the Buddha teaches the six methods to increase Union applied in order to create harmony, called six French mandate strengthened, aimed at enhancing understanding and mutual attack. This applies to six trunks, password, gender, interests and opinions.
Dear colleagues from the Council of Republic towards Violations. Likewise, imported from Italy, from the industry. Benefit of any right under the law which is loc, until the rice pieces during his custard, with the margin thus bringing share for the Offense. If there's not been chipped, not been punctured, UE magazine, being black, steadfastness as Holy ground, which was full of praise, careful tho. With such a section, along with the same shared Scope. If there opinion of Scriptures, appear weak, there are clearly seen, the taillight radically, brought to the foot of Chanh kill line; with such a section, along with the same shared Scope.
Six French were known as the French mandate strengthened, is unlawful, is unlawful, makes the AI, making respect, making service, making the glass palace, making practice, prompting harmony, Sa-Mon, the one mind, the essential need, DAC Nirvana.


The purpose of publishing is toward ultimate liberation or nirvana. If not for this goal, the family is the only time in his 19 uổng then only.
When Shou uses food because man-free donation, though delicious or bad then a Bhikkhu-without pretentious also aspired to them thanks to the donation of this cozy atmosphere that is the win in an evangelical blessings to live and after. Aspired so then of course you also have to deem the austerities fact his worthy life using this or not. From there birth center and as essential need in Tam practice more.
Through the analysis as above, we see that, had the appearance of foot works, benefit should not be handed to the story, reputation, etc. In the Earth, a person has moral, issue spotlights, rice, they had considered unimportant and disgrace upon mentioning, then exports the perhaps not by the person.
Want to be so then you must not destroy experts maintained NET world breaking something whether it is the smallest. The Bhikkhu-without pretentious must have full mindfulness to hedge its subjects, not to the pirated or run up, which leads to unhappiness, breaking the world, lose the status of Bhikkhu-without pretentious.
To complete the goal of freeing the gods must have practiced meditation. The first step is to choose the farthest place bucket Bo complexity of society, as well as in the community consists of various export countries but don't keep precepts of real, everyday only worry yourself. Later photographers interested in meditation, but the important thing for this as the paragraph above we saw was the Bhikkhu-without pretentious should have mindfulness. Any notion of good or evil kicked up the unit he must also know obviously. Aware but did not catch it, nor hate the notion of evil nor infatuated the notion, that as in the Bible has to say, there is also a kind of his mind by main hí created. Due to the idea of creating something that their run Chase, born concur, failure, and heart were both tired, does not lead to any practical advantage at all.
In addition to mission work for yourself, a Bhikkhu-without pretentious have to multicultural to the sermon to others. That is the benefit and interest of the Bhikkhu-tha are fullness without pretentious. And there is also an ideal pattern of exports of such primary footer.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).26/1/2012.

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