Thursday 26 January 2012

RE-BIRTH & DEATH Thich Nguyen Tang

ALAN Molloy
A doctor Buddhist AUSTRALIA

" L am how you can apply the practice in busy daily life? ". This is one of the questions that newspaper reporters Mandala interviewed Dr. Alan Molloy, a longtime member of Tara Institute of Buddhist Studies in the state of Melbourne, Australia, who has witnessed the development of Buddhism in China this country from the late '70s to the present. In this talk, he shares with readers the experience of its practice in daily life.
Dr Alan Molloy is working full time at a cancer hospital in the state's largest Melbourne, Australia, and in a geriatric nursing home. Recently, he was a visiting lecturer on the subject "comparative religion" at the University of Australia.
The work is not stopped when Dr. Alan home. The Institute of Buddhist Studies here is Tara (Tara VPH), where he has resided nine years with a group of 35 members. The VPH Tara, Alan is one of the Buddhist teacher classroom weekly. He is also responsible for catechesis in many other centers, and as a student, Alan is attending high school classes weekly Buddha by TT. Geshe Doga and HT. Tsong Khapa instructions. Last year, Alan has set up and run a printing base material for the Institute. This year, Alan is a member of the organizing committee Australian visit of the Dalai Lama in September on this.
For the first time, Dr. Alan exposure to Buddhism in 1975. At that time, he saw newspaper posters pasted at the University of Melbourne on presentation of a Tibetan monk. He has to listen to and immediately applying to study teaching at a small house on the outskirts of Melbourne, which is the predecessor of VPH Tara now. In 1979 in the vacation period, Alan, along with three friends to visit Nepal and end this trip with a holiday refuge Alan became a Buddhist vow to keep the five precepts.
Back to Melbourne, he continued his studies with TT teachings. Dawo. TT in 1985. Dawo transferred to India and TT. Geshe Doga instead. Talk about this teacher, Alan said: "TT. Doga is a professor of Huang Mao sect, originally from Buddhist institutions Sara, is training many generations of Tibetan monks. He was very understanding and language practices language of the West. At Sera, he is master of many Lama, but in Australia he is our master, we are very fortunate indeed. " In 1985, Dr. Alan to Switzerland Kalachakra tantric retreat by the Dalai Lama to democracy and then the little TT. Zopa Rinpoche during a trip around the world missionary activities. Next, Alan worked five months in a children's hospital in Dharamsala, India. Then Alan went to England for training on a specific course.
Complete training course in London, Alan returned to Melbourne and go to work at the hospital. He was then appointed as chief operating buildings Tara VPH. He began his search, advocacy and buy a piece of land to build VPH Tara. Since it was too small to Tara as a place of living for the number of Buddhists is growing.
At first the job almost a standstill, because there is no proper place and not enough funding. But Dr. Alan also eventually find and buy a decent place, it is a mansion built late 19th century on one acre located on the outskirts of Melbourne. Dr. Alan recalls buying at the time: "Buy the VPH Tara, I think, it is an extraordinary leap outside of our ability. Institute gave us more power in the transmission of Buddhism in the Western world. At the time we do not have a company of all who supported. But in my faith, and the combined efforts of thousands of Buddhists, they worked steadily, orange wood for many years to contribute funds for Tara. The virtue of this regular hardworking and Buddhist Tara helped VPH success. "
Indeed, in about 10 years, Tara VPH in Australia is one of the major Buddhist center Most of Tibetan Buddhism in the West. Religious education program is held weekly regular introduction of Monday night classes; Tuesday evening Buddhist philosophy; Wednesday evening to discuss what was learned; last week is the time for chanting and meditation the. Most weeks are over 300 of the Buddhists.
VPH Tara also runs meditation courses for chronic diseases and courses for volunteers to help the elderly and the sick. It also supports the local community organization and administration of a charitable fund. In particular, the VPH Tara has provided many Buddhist teachers to teaching for many communities in Australia.
On the professional work in the hospital, Dr. Alan to death every day or even every week. According to his experience that older people in Western societies are faced with loneliness and fear before the impermanence of illness and death. It's a huge demand for the City Center as Tara must provide and teach them about the spiritual life. Dr. Alan said: "Old age is accompanied by a loss such as loss of health, dynamism, sensuality, parents, children and property .... death, impermanence and karma is the considerable fear of old age. It is important that we have an explanation why they died and what happens after death? ".
"Death usually comes after the disease, which means we can not practice is. So it's important to think now we're healthy, we have the opportunity to practice and prepare for their spiritual path. I have been so fortunate that the profession I realize this all the time and I am constantly reminded of that. The it has given me the strength to have a practice. The West needs to understand about death and impermanence doctrine so that they are can overcome suffering in the final stages of life. "
now, Dr. Alan await reincarnation of his teacher guru, which is HT. Gershe Dhargyey just passed on last year in New Zealand. This year, Dr. Alan busy preparing for the visit and communication methods of the Dalai Lama in Australia (from 16 / 9 to 01/10/1996). He also held two previous visits (in 1982 and 1992) the Dalai Lama. Specifically, in 1992 Dr. Alan want people to witness his German, so he held a speech at the National Tennis Center, with over 20,000 people attended the occasion.
Buddhism is a religion developed fastest growing in Australia, with hundreds of thousands of devotees of 80 million people. Tibetan Buddhism available in Australia from the mid 70th century and now has 13 centers of Tibetan Buddhism in Australia. Dr. Alan very enthusiastic and spoke of this visit of the Dalai Lama: "This will make happy. The 14th Dalai Lama is very loving and caring Buddhists in Australia. This time he returned Australia is like visiting an old friend. Many people will come to hear him preach and their lives will change. Summing up the Mandala Journal and Tricycle Magazine from 1995 to 1997. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).26/1/2012.

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