Friday 27 January 2012

Breaking news !..Karmapa in Dharamsala, Tibetan Buddhist Teachings, Public talks, Tibetan Tours, Mantras and Meditation in Dalai Lama's Retreat !

Karmapa Lama in Dharamsala

'The Living Amitabha Buddha'..the Prophecy of Buddha Sakyamuni, Meaning of his name, His Buddhist Activities in Dharamshala !

The Living Buddha in Dharamsala
The Lord Buddha Sakyamuni foretold the coming of the Karmapa in various Sutras and Tantras. From the Samadhiraja Sutra,
"Two thousands years after my passing,The teachings will spread in the land of the Red faced ones,Who will be the disciple of Avalokita.At that time, the bodhisattva Simhananda, known as "Karmapa" will appear.
Possesing mastery over samadhi,he will tame beings And establish them in bliss through seeing, hearing, recalling and touching.
Endowed with a name beginning with 'Ka' and ending with 'Ma', there will appear an individual who will illimunate the teachings"

What does Karmapa Name mean ?!
In Buddhism history the name means "The one who carries out Buddhist activity" or the "Embodiment of the activities of Buddha". These spiritual lamas have incarnated in this form of nirmanakaya, or manifestation body for seventeen lifetimes, as of the present. They all have played the most important role in preserving and propogating the Buddhist Teachings of Tibet. Throughout the centuries they have been the central figure in the continuation of the Vajrayana and Kagyu lineages.
It is said that he has attained enlightenment long time ago as a Buddha in the past called Shenphen Namrol. He will be the sixth Buddha of this fortunate eon in the future who will be known as the Trukpa Senge and is inseparable with the present Buddha Sakyamuni.
The great Indian saint Guru Padmasambhava and the great Brahmin Saraha are some of the most prominent manifestations of this Buddhist lineage.

Birth and Early years
In 1985, a male infant was born into a nomad family in the Lahtok region of Eastern Tibet. In the months prior to his birth, his mother had wonderful dreams during her pregnancy. On the day of his birth a cuckoo landed on the tent on which he was born and a mysterious conch like sound was heard by many in the valley. These are considered auspicious according to Tibetan tradition.
The young nomad was called Apo Gaga. In his early years he did not speak of any connection to the Karmapas. However in 1992 he asked his family to move their location to another valley and told them to expect the arrival of a High Lama. Soon after the High Lama 's followers, of this Buddhist lineage, came to that valley as per his secret instructions in the letter of prediction.

Karmapa buddhist
The Long Search...
Karmapa Living Buddhas belong to the oldest line of Tibetan Reincarnations back to the thirteenth century.
The Mongolian Ruler, Kublai Khan is said to have presented the First Living Buddha with a Black Hat to mark His authority. After the death of the 16th Karmapa in November 1981, the search began for the present Reincarnation!
The Child Buddha...
His parents have told that their son would often ride on jackals and goats into the mountains alone.. " He built toy monasteries and a throne of stone and earth, where he would sit and recite prayers."
'When others were killing animals, he would look at them with great compassion and shed tears !'

The boy Karmapa at Tsurphu monastery
The Amitabha Living Buddhas.."self recognized"
The 19th century Master Chogyur Lingpa made a number of predictions about the lives of the 'Karmapas' and since these predictions are fulfilled in themselves it is said, these Living Buddhas are 'Self recongnized'!
Dalai Lama Vision..
Before the boy lama was chosen His Holiness the Dalai Lama had a vision, in which he saw green mountains covered with meadows and two streams where the name 'Karmapa' resounded in the air !
The Tia Situ Rimpoche's prediction..
In March 1992, the High Lama Tia Situ Rimpoche announced the discovery of the prophetic letter written by the 16th Amitabha, leading towards the Boy Lama in Eastern Tibet. There were many poems also predicting He would return back to the Tsurphu Monastery in His Reincarnate form !

HH Karmapa Enthronement in Tsurphu Monastery

The 17th Karmapa, Ogyen Drodul Trinley Dorjee returns to Tsurphu..!
These Living Buddhas are the spiritual leaders of one of the four major Schools of Buddhism..the 'Kagyu School of Tibetan Buddhism'. In July 1992 His Holiness received his formal name in a traditional ceremony at the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa- 'Ogyen Drodul Trinley Dorjee'. Situ Rimpoche and Gyaltsap Rimpoche conducted the elaborate ceremony presenting His Holiness with a variety of blessed items sent by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and others.
Restoring the Heart of Tibet's Cultural History..!
On 27th September, 1992 the Beijing Government accepted the recognition of His Holiness as a reincarnate Lama with an official certificate when He was enthroned at Tolung, Tsurphu in Tibet..the main seat of all the Gyalwang Karmapas since the 12th century as per the "Tulku" traditions.
During the religious ceremony the child 'Living Buddha' was enthroned and presented with a confirmation letter of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, a copy of the 'Dakhaishalcham' and the prediction of the Nechung Oracle which ratified the selection by the Sikkim Government.
This traditional ceremony "Ngasol" consecrated the the seven year old Karmapa with the 'Eight Auspicious Symbols' along with an offering of the image of Buddha symbolising the Body,Long life Sutra Text and a Stupa symbolising the Mind. The ceremony was marked by a huge gathering of Tibetans, High Lamas and Dignitaries from Dharma Centers from all over the world.

His Holiness Karmapa in Dharamsala
Tsurphu in Tibet..
Two days later His Holiness the 17th Amitabha Buddha, performed his first empowerment by blessing the audience with the most beneficial and compassionate activity. It is said that a flock of Eagles circled in a clockwise direction along with the appearance of a horizontal rainbow above the monastery.
The Great Escape..
The monastery at Tsurphu underwent extensive restoration of temples, shrines , stupas in the presence of His Holiness. However as the years went by there was an increasing pressure from the Tibetan, Chinese authorities and recognising perhaps that His usefulness in Tibet was been undermined He decided to leave Tibet.
After months of careful planning on December 28, 1999 the 14 year old Karmapa pretended to enter into a solitary retreat and instead donned civilian garb and slipped out of the window. Leaving the Monastery with a handful of attendants He began a daring heroic escape by car, foot, horseback, helicopter, tarin and taxi and arrived in the Northern State of Himachal Pradesh in Dharamsala in India on January 05th, 2000. He was greeted by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and given the Refugee status by the Indian Government.

 Karmapa with Group from Portugal
The Living Buddha in Dharamsala with Group from Portugal...
Currently His Holiness is residing in the Gyuto Ramoche Tantric Monastery in Dharamsala, India. He continues his Buddhist studies and by permission of the Indian Government annually travels to Bodhgaya and Sarnath to preside over important Kagyu ceremonies and teachings.
Public Audience and Teachings...
His Holiness gives public audiences and teachings on selective days with pre-registration. For more information you can contact us !
TEL (Office/Home): +91-1892-203112, 211147, 211266
Telefax: +91-1892-223040, 224713
Mobile : 91-9816291271
Poem of the of the 17th Karmapa...
" Coming from the son of the precious Buddha The smiling rays of luminous Dharma. Bring to blossom the lotus garden of the Sangha, the Supreme assembly. May the three realms reveal all their beauty in auspicious Glory. In this New Year may there be Peace and Prosperity on this Earth !! "

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