Saturday 4 May 2013

Chapter 11
Ten good

Giving, Virtue, with glass Export
Intelligence, Diligent is that n Am
Ring, Chan, Kien -making, compassion,
and far more out of ten.
- (The Buddha's teaching, Buddhavamsa II, 76)
Want to meditation, the practitioner should have three qualities: generosity, virtue v à kindness. But higher spiritual life beautiful c Thanks to the other virtues v à we also need to be cultivated.

These virtues l à perfection of virtue (Parama ) ultimate meaning (paramita), is the true nature e ã available in us. If not, can we cultivate from any other piece of wasteland. because we e ã available in us, we can start from there. Yet if we do not intend to practice this good, we would not have be strong v à right to, l à indispensable to l am all his career. We always have to rely on the kindness and love of others, must be based on the surrounding environment and the comfort of family. As long as we still have to rely on one or all of the above, we are also slaves to them. Which is slavery to live there anything interesting. Always living in fear. Of course, everyone has the noiso fear, but to depend on others, or circumstances, it can not be thought or freedom h Photopanel action. liberal things will help us be free. Speaking That does not mean we want to do and be. Liberal ideology means we think the independent, individual v à can decide to h Photopanel of m HIB. 1. CANDIDATE STATEMENT good first thing we need to start a charity, the key to open any door. Does not mean the other less important virtue, but if l dad not being cultivated, th ì the road to an ethical life can hardly cleared. they have arrested the head h Trinh and that l à steps nipple Israel, is the first virtue ti Israel we need to have. Buddha talked about three kinds of giving: of the beggars, and friends of the king of stripping. Type alms to beggars l à while giving us things we do not need to - clean up things when nh à door, we need to throw away. Alms this stuff, oil is better than almsgiving, but not the width r who does, because we do not want to diminish her ​​and cling. alms second type when we share what we have with the people around us. We moderate alms, charity and keep the other part. kind of giving is when we deprived kingdom for more than we keep. Rare, is not it? Most of us do not l am that. Alms should be good motivation. generosity because if I want something in return g ì that - benefits, compliments, l He was grateful - it will useless. This may sound paradoxical: Giving not get back to the g ì it. generosity just because we want to give alms. But if you consider carefully, you will see the truth clearly. If only because we want to give alms giving, you're sure to be happy, cheerful, calm mind b HIB and happy. One can feel his generosity as abundant. Or because they want to share with others wealth, his wealth. Or giving out of compassion for others. announced the Buddha of compassion for all beings. generosity not only material resources. Not everyone has the material wealth to bestow, most oils have the ability. fact part of us does not remember m HIB nothing more, for the right to move nh Well, now that we see m HIB is too much. We have too many d map in the application to the point we can subtract m à still no shortage. But wealth is not the only thing we can share. We may share time, attention, ch m warm care of the household-n as well as sharing of antenna, the ability of m HIB. That is the importance of giving, and this charity, as well as government agencies widely practiced charity. Only one thing l à with this form of charity, sometimes directly l am only doing this work for wages rather than v ì true compassion, should do their job the way trade Commerce. But if you're giving the n antennas, t Ai n m antenna of HIB that do not think to be repaid th ì alms because our compassion. French Buddha alms beings with mercy. generosity not only to m à also back. The more compassion generosity, compassion within us as t antenna head. This is understandable, but few people think about. Some people give alms to be kind to others with m HIB. But if we really giving kindness emanating from the heart, it is clear that we have much more goodness to bestow to others.

However, whether in the form of generosity can make us less ego, and that l à why Bell TV is the first since Israel for ten good m à we need to cultivate and protect. When yet th Buddha Photopanel direction, which l à these virtues Ng Ai completed and how many stories about the virtues of the Buddha in The Jataka, stories from the Buddha's previous lives.

The compassion of the Bodhisattvas still further, they c ON handout themselves. To sacrifice his life for anyone is the greatest charity. The trivial as it is extremely difficult to do well. However, there are many levels of giving, m à though a small charity so n loud, will also reduce one's ego lap. Giving more will reduce more content to self, if behind that l à the proper motivation.

Reducing the Ego is the main purpose tr Israel the purified sugar, gradually leads us to the experience of countless ng ã. We can not just hope, pray or his imagination will be experienced unless we begin l am nothing to change that clinging v noisy self. In what way? Giving is a departure early great.


Next to l à morality, related to keeping g Print n the am. virtues to reduce and gradually help to tame the l ong craving and aversion. Alleviates take anger as a way to l am reduced ego involved because courts can only arise due to the illusion of self.
's All French Buddha l à like. Sometimes we feel confused by the Buddha's teachings on the spiritual emancipation. But this doctrine like the fragments of a giant tiles. When we can put a v Ai pieces into their correct position, th ì the remaining pieces will be an b Ai alone. All French are aiming to pre ti Israel dampening ego, then gradually break down or to place safety ego, to go to the Supreme ng ã.
observance of the law is part of the overall picture that . When we do not do harm to other organisms, th ì I feel less anger. I can only do harm or destroy what we do not like. When we do not take what is not yours, then greed is reduced. greedy only when we take the wealth of the new. Also for errors in t HIB education. Ac is spoken by desire or hatred that out. The first toxic alcohol, drugs l à so desires sexual gratification that these things can easily bring to us.


Export ly often been thought of as a virtue of ri Eng quarter t ni antenna, the yoga teacher who lived in seclusion in the cave, but it was not l à a thought entirely true. Publication glasses have means letting go of the illusion of self. If meditation is when we do not try to somewhat be like, th ì is difficult to achieve meditation. ego loves to be pampered, always pay attention to. When forced to silence, and not be l am the g ì interesting, it reacted violently, and trying to get out of the situation by the things that l am as talking, reading, dreaming m antenna or anything just feel it. Unless we can break these habits, our meditation is difficult to be successful.
Similarly, all the goodness will help for my meditation. they raise support our spine. Meditation on need a strong spine, not only by sitting straight, m à also have mindfulness.
Want to step on the spiritual path, we need to know of the cup. This means letting go of the notion that the ego, ambitions, desires of the ego. All these thoughts only reinforce th lap quieter ego, take us to the wrong place. What we think we own-house 'my' furniture 'my' husband 'my', wife 'my' kids 'my', relatives 'my' car 'my' career 'my', v ph feeding tube 'my' friends 'of my' do- for 'me' feel safer because all of a protection system. Create the illusion of self, a stable. But no person or any property permanent, the permanent, all are changing.

If there is truly sustainable , the th ì house, a bigger car, more and more children of friends, many wives, many husbands, the more people feel more secure. In fact, the more the things mentioned above, the more human suffering, anxiety. Imagine if someone that has ten husbands or b à instead of a wife. Let's get rid of even thinking that! That's just one of those wrong about what can bring people peace of mind. I just love to wrap yourself with what constitutes the 'me', 'mine'. Thinking of it makes us become like oil obviously we can not control anyone else is. place I can go unplanned, may choose the wrong partner, or neglect each other goodbye. Each person create their career. Yet we still call them 'my', and truly believe that they belong to us. Once we believe that we cling to them throughout life. they have always been 'my'. It is the process of self-determination atta our families, our work, and with all our possessions. Instead with just a 'me', we are now expanding, including more others. Thus we become more massive.
cup Export certainty intending l à an important step starts early: only when n loud we can stand a m Dinh, can we truly practice what the road leading . Does not mean we have to chase people out of nh à. But when we depend on the opinions of other people's work, th ì how we can practice for freedom, their own liberation? Without relying on this, so I will go back to normal size, that's just me, nothing more. As the Russian investment has not been demolished, but at least it is in our ability to overcome. A body, a mind, not ownership, not how many people cling to, how many other things.
soon to with a teacher, if you still want to achieve g ì n there or back Israel this world, that it, it is just one more way to strengthen ego. Rather than present in the present moment, mindfulness in every moment, we want to be , is something belonging to the future. What can be said about the future right? Nothing. The future is completely empty. But there , right in the present, is that we can l am with all of mindfulness.

Become, become something more than ourselves-a teacher at directing, a boss has fame, what Europe is, admired-will l am pleased to accept my self more seriously. Become, become useless, how is it more useful. Now that it is difficult to treat ng ã more accepted. We can be mindful of the presence of m true HIB. But do not be mindful of what we will become. It's not real. It just daydream. It's just a dream and hope. It is what we want of glass.

In the process of separation, we can let go of ownership, the assertion of ego v à these delusions. If in real life, we do not know letting go, th ì letting us harder than the Zen. When Zen on, we have to let go of thoughts, desires, any judgment, l he wishes, the hope, the sensual. We have to let go, if we want to practice meditation, so we need to practice the renunciation of all time, anywhere. Does not mean we have to dispose or alienate any property in e HIB. I just have to throw away clinging mind, the claim for m HIB through things there.

Export glasses have many forms. It could be as stoic self up earlier than usual, inclined to renounce the enjoyment. Publication glass also means do not always want to eat th ì eat, m à waiting time really hungry. When from the author of life, we must let go of everything. I can not take possessions or loved ones that we considered our own, nor can they bring their relatives. It's better that we should know about death before it arrives. Which is why people often struggle before your departure. A small number of people can go a b HIB peace, but the winter is not so, v ì they not ready to let go of everything. Prior to that, they have never thought about this moment.

All you have to cling to is an obstacle, an obstacle. For example, if I kept hugging pillow forever and never let go, I would have trouble stepping out the door. In fact, we often cling to others and need to let go of it. was not meant to scare other people pursue. But this means that we must cling to the destruction of our attitude to others, including the new l à biggest obstacle. If we do not fix it change direction, the h taking walking was my only obstacle, because we will cling to thoughts, hopes, my desires.
they can remain in c nh dining à his clothes are still there, still no g ì instead of changing h HIB identical appearance, but inside I e ã separation of the attachment of m HIB. Does not mean we do not still love in e HIB her again. In contrast, love without attachment, ownership is love without the fear, totally pure. While clinging love with love, owns a torment. It includes the emotional wave and generally make the invisible barbed wire. True love is love no ownership, being the m à not expect a return to wait. It feels like someone standing close but not based v rushing it. 4. INTELLECTUAL To the right track in life we need to have good karma next l à wisdom. Complement is intellectual faith. intellectual faith and virtue are the two inseparable. Buddha compared the Faith as a giant guy with a small blind and disabled with the bright eyes Wisdom. Faith told Wisdom that: 'I'm strong, but I do not see the way forward. But his main weakness, but his eyes th ì fine. Be seated l to Israel my shoulder. The two of us together is that we are not anywhere to be. ' blind faith can move premature, but it will not move that mountain. Intellectual indispensable to directions for l he believes. Intellectual inner eyes so wise.

Wisdom is a virtue rather special, v ì can not gain wisdom without purification.
Intellectual three stage development segment. learning first is to bring knowledge. One can have knowledge through nh à schools, books, and through the words of the wise step. After that we have to reflect on the e ã learn them is to become th him a part of the mind. As the food in our body, what the body does not use will be excreted. Everything else will be taken v rushing blood, produce n antenna power. Likewise with knowledge. I can digest knowledge, discarded what did not need to v à v useful to those blood rushing. We will gradually move to change n Israel intelligence, as well as foods ti êu shifting cultural change th Photopanel fuel to help the body survive. This is the inner transformation and requires us to contemplate , digested with tons of knowledge. It is not e quantity demanded, but need quality, as well as food v body was so loud.
meditate, absorb what I learned before ti êu of them. This requires the heart, which is an important part of the growth, and food of good quality material is important for body growth. Without the work of the interior of the Buddha, th ì those that still l à words of the Buddha, the T antenna. they will never be mine, though I have up to, up to know How many times êu. Unless we contemplate, absorb, digest things we e ã learn, we can move them change th Photopanel inner wisdom.
More and more intellectual, the more likely it is a life b HIB Security not change much the l Israel down. Lack of wisdom, we will find embarrassing, awkward situations before many. Sometimes we have a new next time out. If we have wisdom e ã not fall into awkward then. Moreover, if the intellectual side more confidence it even more powerful. Trust vast powerful, no g ì can shake it. Adding bright eyes of wisdom, they will take us to the finish line c application.
wisdom only, no trust, sometimes to nh it to the bi-directional printing. For any problems, questions have also looked in both directions. It has no internal cohesion as for l he believes. Faith does not need to rely on something outside. Based on the belief that external factors which, th ì trust that is not sustainable, v ì elements it needs it to exist as a proven, unquestionable g ì. No one has the right to be suspicious of the g ì they believe. Trust is the most effective confidence in the ability n th antenna of her Britain. Furthermore, trust can arise when we e ã choose the right path. That's unshakable faith in France, plus the bright eyes of wisdom. 5. Solubility Next is n antenna power or effort, m à we can compare the fuel to run the machine. We must invent their own fuel. That was one of the seven factors of enlightenment, so we can see the importance of how it is. N antenna power can be used in many h HIB form. One can spend a lot of n th antenna power to return him a billionaire or to build a house nh or à l to take advantage of one tube well. All things we do are needed capacity.

N antenna power can make us whirring. Runs from this work through it, thinking this stuff, other stuff. It can take us from this place of the world to another, trying t IM is the g ì can satisfy it. If not using n antenna in the right place, it will bring consequences ti êu pole. Government itself is not comprehensive. It's just fuel, it is also the duty of looking for a car it the right kind.

The Buddha spoke of five spiritual elements and compared them with a group of horses pulling a wagon with a horse leader and two pairs followed. The horse led the l à mindfulness and it can go as fast as its strength. It does not need to be symmetrical, waiting for someone to wait. Mindfulness is the e herds, the most important thing. Without it, cars can not go. , but two pairs of horses remaining balance to each other. The first pair is n antennas have disproportionate power to focus.
attention makes it okay for. However, if only n attention without power antenna, it will cause drowsiness. Doing becomes inert stone, no contact feeling. This kind of attention is not useful g ì. It should have n antennas for balance power. but have n antennas force m à no attention is also useless because it can make us too l petrol antenna to stand, when n loud what we have to do that.

N must have forces antenna orientation. benefit if not only shed pediatric Israel if the car, start the engine, but do not know where they go. Doing so just stop wasting fuel right? On the world crisis n antenna on Storage of Israel continue to happen, so it was a shame, if we helped start v noisy waste of fuel, is not it? We need to know my car needs to go in the direction n loud. It should have one direction only go alone. promoted to the growth to achieve higher awareness, even deeper.

When we grow up we look broader. When e ã achieve growth th Image intellectual and spiritual, we can look at everything as a stand tr Israel looking down, what happens at the bottom line does not affect us. flooding oils, droughts, earthquakes tr Joel results of our land, or flying saucers p Israel air, our awareness is not affected. Have a look at the story of the bird does not, we can see things in a general way, not individuals. Whereas if you're at the bottom, all we can see is l à c ph ate him.
Similarly for the nh printed inside. The narrow view that only that is the g ì front of it: the pains of the body, the fear h AI, anxiety for the future, mourn for the past, love, hate people around us. I can just see how things look not so developed. But look e ã rather constant, we can find l à suffering which tr um everything, we no longer have anxiety, fear half for I know that the past and future are one. Only the present moment.
N antennas need to force a direction, take care v rushing a job and to get a result. We have depleted most n antenna in mental Meditation: unique capability in this universe. All material is the result of n antenna mental. When we e ã meditation a time time, the cost n c no power antenna noise makes me tired. Contrary to the other. I feel like absorbing the new energy source through meditation.

To do all the instincts, requires energy. Living in the n antenna l à mammal life. People more likely n animals because aerials thinking, so m à still encounters many of the reactions are natural n v antenna at myself in the game. Because human nature is the reaction by the n antennas, we need to have more capacity to tame them. What seems natural for us to have a way-easy d antennas are the ones we need tame. Just live in the n drift antenna will bring suffering to us. Transfer from a trivial change th him a noble person (ariya) is the step to liberation. need to have n antennas for processing power Defence lifestyle v instinctively react à mundane mediocrity.
Everything we do needs to have the capacity. determination is steps from the beginning, but the capacity to help us move forward. And we can only move forward without hesitation if we know the direction of meters away HIB. People can be so l à people can achieve more than others v à always admired by others. 's no big deal. They are just great people control capabilities of m HIB. 6. Patience Next is patience. If in our daily life, we do not have the patience, I will always anxious, difficult to secure. I will try to do things with vain hopes up pushing my work quick results.

The show was impatient ego mind because we want everything happened as we expected. Furthermore we want them to happen around the time we expect. I just think the thoughts, intentions m HIB. We forget that there are many other factors, many other causal contact. Forget that we are just a result of the billions of people on this earth, v à result of the land only l à a small dot of the planet, and there are countless other planets. Because of our own interests, we forget these things go. I just want everything happens in its sole discretion immediately . When things do not happen by thinking, ranked set of m Dinh, who often become impatient anger. It is ironically a circle of impatience and anger.
patience is a inner value. I realize that we can plan but the results can not be sure. Sometimes that's a good thing, or because of our karma. We need to accept that these obstacles. If you can not accept what happened in the life m HIB, then the more we suffer. Everybody who experience pain, but we do not know when to accept, th ì resistance, resistance to pain as l pain increased multifold Israel. As if our palms v rushing a hard object, my hand will be sore. , but if we lean hands gently on the door or wall will not show pain. Resistance or desire to have l à origin of suffering pain.

The patient had a more holistic view, they can see things change , turning the v à drift with the flow. There are things that today we find it hard to accept, then tomorrow, or next month, n am after, we see them also b HIB often. There are n the last warm so we see urgent, indispensable in life, th ì today we do not mean anything to me. Such thinking helps us impassively before anything can happen. If things do not happen as we expected, we can also look at them as part of the line l life to Israel.
These virtues can only cultivate tr strong Israel 's fertile interior. Introverted hideout beneath the cultivated intellect and n antennas needed to force the right direction, while ki Israel and rings of glass needed to treat with ng a man, because all is impermanent, suffering v à selflessness.
'Inner' in Buddhist language means profound meditation on the three characteristic p Israel: impermanence, suffering and non-self. We are constantly occurring. Only our attention to our l à can stop. I usually try to avoid them. I do not like impermanence, suffering and non-self, should we resist them. I deny the existence of them, and always think of every way to avoid them. , but the most effective way to escape is to accept, understand and enter them into our lives, liberating it from the only , eternal. All other ways are just l à a temporary escape, not going anywhere, ngo Ai leads us back to the starting point.

First we need to have patience with yourself. If not, we can not have patience with anyone. If you do not have patience with yourself, that is, we do not know their self-esteem. We launched the ability of m Dinh, its importance, and then when things do not happen as we expected, we get angry thoughts. For example, we think we have a long Enlightenment, or we can meditate for two hours without moving clock, or may not need the sleep meditation to think. Enough things 'right'. The desire was also to apply it to other people, v à becomes impatient with the lack of them.
should not however identify the ki Israel with the facile ring. A very patient with significant medical virtues of tolerance êu containers. , but if not intellectual enough v à inner courage, patience it easy d ang degradation becomes easy, let go of thinking What is in vain, as a thing not true. Sao say useless, as it cleverly, virtue. problem threads l à wisdom we must have ki to turn Israel into a ring virtues. Oil accept the fact that life is not as we expected, we still have to be determined v à n antenna to redirect resources to better things.

While a man may surrender his clothes look and said: 'Do it. But we can do is g ì right? All clothing and will also be unclean '. It is an extreme example. Like a man who looked around the room and said: 'performer too. Any room that it is dirty. "Or the observers themselves and say 'Paint e ã and silver color. Which then also painted silver. "That is the attitude that things happen for no decision the mental capacity necessary to transform things for the better, in form or introspective. deems that if we have a weakness, then I say: 'Oi, c ON do anymore? Who is not greedy, anger 'and then to give up everything. thus not good enough.

On the other hand, if we see human nature in their greed, we become impatient, things did not benefit more. Everything needs time. beginningless From our e ã up repeating the This bad character. I need to have time to change. Patience is necessary, but do not let it be. 7. GENUINE Next is true, and this virtue has many aspects. prerequisite is first and we have to tell the truth. That is the law Wednesday - do not lie. But there's more. We need to explore yourself with the ultimate truth at the heart. It is a difficult job. We need wisdom to recognize errors m HIB, not the people. Find the fault is not difficult. Error's pretty obvious. But for t his error IMP, which l à l it difficult to warm, we need the truth and a profound inner truth. thing is like dissecting inner self, question yourself. When questions started ti Israel is tr ã words, we must ask questions about the p ã said that, 'Why did I h Photopanel such action? Why do I have the feeling that? Why did I react like that? ' Finally, the answers are given on a 'so-ng ã ', if I e A from their analysis fully. facile reactions like 'Oh, that's just l à ego, I can not do anything other than ', or' That was my game right now ', not useless. Both states are very effective level, v ì if we e ã really his ultimate self-analysis, and e ã realized that l à falls that out, then we must find a way of removing cling to the self . difficult as others look at me look at me. We have to put a mirror in front of, not to shed h HIB identical appearance, which is to d oi the formation of our physical and mental. The mirror then call l à mindfulness. Sometimes the way others treat us also create a mirror, but a mirror is not necessarily true because their egos in there. Since then, my main job is to self-questioning m HIB only. truth on the other hand there are many. Knowing the fact that l à know the four noble truths (four noble truths) v à l that France à true. Get to know the four noble truths that means l à our e ã observe them with inner vision: the truth of suffering, the truth of the origin of suffering (training base) l à greed, the truth of the end end to suffering pain (anti-imperial), ie l à liberation, and the truth about the end of suffering means pain (sole director), that l à bowl right direction. conclusion that only the truth like that. All ultimate truth to lead us to freedom, liberation. One can go t IMP truth in many different ways, through many learning theories. There are many theories dreaded v ì it teaches people to e herds pressure class and honor this man walks. Another group talked about the e herds and neo ultimate pressure. All is created by the human mind. Mind u love will put the theory of m household-based illusion of the ego, so that they can not be n loud bring the agreement m totally hidden. Seeking truth is one thing to do, young people should pursue the truth and the elderly should not stop. Sadly, the search for truth may be interrupted. People are bound to too many daily duty for the purpose of survival, so that the t IMP looks for truth beyond n their antenna. they are no longer capable or willpower. Actually pity young people do not have enough wisdom to discover the truth behind everything, c On the old people no longer qualified. As Bernard Shaw e ã said: "Youth is wasted by young people." We should never give up in the search for truth, even if only for a minute. If we continue to search for, then not long after that we will discover the truth can not be a product of man. Truth must be going global. Must be applied to everyone, not to a person n loud, a social class, a gender, or any national religion. Truth must lead to liberation for human suffering absolute, m AI forever - not just temporarily, for a group of people there.

Truth is truth absolute respect, not relative. absolute truth for lies tr Israel are suffering pain v à human quest. It is in the quest of spirituality and truth can only find the tr Israel and the spiritual path. We live in a world similar to two-way. It's no tomorrow and yesterday, good and bad, you and me, them and us, I want and I do not want to, implicit in it. During that personality 'my' v à personal 'my' that 'I' want to confirm the v à 'I' would like expansion. That is merely relative and not absolute truth can satisfy everyone. Who must suffer th in the world sabrecat it. absolute truth to ignore all that stuff. Understand that there is no personality v à individuals, we will realize that what is considered l à 'I' , 'my' is a mistake and what is 'he', 'his' is a misunderstanding regrettable. 's no excuse for concern, fear h AI. All just a physical flow and only the outer shell. Absolute truth is not limited to one religion n loud. It has a global character and can be experienced through the practice of the Eightfold Path. perfection of this virtue n make Israel the power within us, and to break the truth relative, t IMP out absolute truth of, we need to have a lot of power.


fresh seeds we planted in the next need is determination. No such determination we can achieve the g ì. Even should wake up every morning with determination. But with the e demanded more commitment than the other, such as sitting meditation. When caught early, for most, sitting meditation without g ì excitement, the more uncomfortable. Not attractive and not bring immediate results
We used to live in a world of instant results. Press a button, instant money shopping at a total. Pressing a button, the included fan, creating cool air. Press the button again, e latent turned dark, light. All are immediate. X Socialist us, more than ever, e demanded immediate results. That is why the painkillers were more people preferred drugs often need to agree new longer effective.
Meditation to slow but l à a drug guaranteed. Want meditation, we need to have determination, a characteristic ki strengthen Israel. Heart weak rays can not be determined. , but strong, the static th ì contrary. Each meditation is to sit down, we need to resolve a place to sit without moving, to keep health care in Israel a place, to focus v noisy work we are l am.
During ng ordinary life which he will also need determination. If we just sit and wait for the opportunity, the opportunity unlikely to us. I need to do something about it. Must have determined you are new to Zen Monastery to learn, v ì at home and more comfortable.
Tat both of us are in our good deeds. Everybody knows the good and bad. Otherwise, this world more chaotic than that. All of us have the determination, but have no profound wisdom to know that this virtue l à good friends of his. I have tried to close them, cherish and develop them to grow in me. They are the necessary ingredients for a happy life, b HIB and an indispensable spiritual development.
That's all that life can bring to us: spiritual development. Also, only the temporary pleasures of dangerous counterfeit because they entice us into a surrender. When we e ã clearly understand that, then the determination will arise to give us the spiritual development l am weak in life. To do that do not need to go to the monastery or hiding place deep cave. We can advance or lag in anywhere. All that happens to us can be seen as helping us practice, that oil l a c à eating disease, death, evil heart of man, take t Ai production, relative unpleasantness, or lost love , fame. The attachment to others, they worry me a lesson. Do not disregard anything, but use things to study and develop.

Determined arises when we realize that the present life is no g ì value for us, except for the spiritual development and ultimate liberation. No need to change your lifestyle changes m HIB, but need to change attitudes, h Photopanel action, awareness of the g ì happening around us and in us. The determination that brings us happiness v ì determination had the pleasure of being away tr Israel the path. thus determined to load n m antenna of the HIB. Determined normally come and go, there must be more to fight l am living a determination. But when the determination is committed to p Israel the spiritual path, it does not need to be continued resuscitation. enduring it because it brings joy to the determination. 9-10. TAM TAM & THE EXHAUST Two late c virtues cancer: compassion and amnesty, your e ã heard of many. has been mentioned in the previous chapter. Drain the feelings of worthiness least. It helps us to destroy the illusion of Ng ã. If we did not know that the ego e ã create suffering in life, th ì can not really play equanimity. We can e è compression frustrating, l antenna gasoline, but we can not have an interest b HIB. C ate the discharge of l à intellectual and introspective. Oct karma this should be developing this life after life, li Israel to continue until they are strong enough to take us to the noble path, the path makes it nh is the print on the inner Truths Noble wheel in the center of Buddhism.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.5/5/2013.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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