Monday 27 May 2013

For Buddhists, the universe was born, people where to start nothing significant as all are just phenomenal world are born there. When the Buddha was still at the Same minutes, a pretentious Man Death Bhikkhu poses the metaphysical questions to ask The Sun that:


For Buddhists, the universe was born, people where to start nothing significant as all are just phenomenal world are born there. When the Buddha was still at the Same minutes, a pretentious Man Death Bhikkhu poses the metaphysical questions to ask The Sun that:

-The Sun! The world is often constant or non-constant usually, finite or infinite, the soul with the body is one or the other. Such as Hybrids exist or not exist after death ... He asked the Buddha answers for it to clear all 16 uninhabited metaphysical. If The Sun saw and knew then say see and know. If not, the answer is no. If the problem cannot be explained, he warned will give this almond range, will not follow the Buddha.

The Buddha nature is silent omen. The silence of the Buddha is like the only kidney-Ma he silent when asked how the French import sport two (uncertainty principles of the second). For Buddhism, the truth can not take place in the language of human deed and only if they themselves experience proved the truth on his own spectacle. But with the phenomenal world is being there, although nowadays science tries to explore research to find this particular law or theorem is also still within each student distraught over kill, where a clerk must be the truth. The understanding of the Buddha with the truth of the universe because the truth of the universe and his pure heart has become a sociable so incredibly immense endlessly, how comes out to be. What He holds them just as the leaves are in hand to help people have the means needed to pass school tu bare affliction of tuberculosis, did what As Lai knows, like the sea, like how the leaves in the jungle. In other words the universe great wall owner how immense the France Family Bhikkhu Lot Na i.e. the Buddha's wisdom is also vastly so. But the intellect as wide as the sea, but he does not speak because said they did not understand, just as futile. For example at the time of the Nguyen dynasty, Nguyen Truong to take my mission in France on the back with the King is in the French side bulb hanging upside that still burn bright. But he has little to explain how no one believes the guilty hope the language. That is why although the sermon the following year during the contentious 49 net he said we never said a Word so if Lai said as the sermon is defamation As a hybrid. Indeed, the wisdom of the Buddha, such as the water in the four seas, extremely immense. What about the classics He says a limit like the water footprint in Buffalo. So if say the Buddhist doctrine is like saying that the wisdom of the Buddhas only narrow as water in the manner of Buffalo footprints are also like the four seas. Says that if the Buddha is not what is libel.

Buddhism for the human interest and space related news is the world that has a very clear explanation for all phenomena in France about pratītyasamutpāda. On the phenomenon of the great wall friendship then pratītyasamutpāda is France common principles of causality. All the French are all tremendous pratītyasamutpāda stars such as small or as Mote, a flower spike, a haywire there not as France pratītyasamutpāda. It is "all of France is facing bankruptcy as impact c as the result i.e. every object is due to the same identical pratītyasamutpāda which". Speaking in the noun as the e strains to undergo how new chemical reactions to the material things we see. Yet the world space radio-radio thỉ from 30,000 extremely common infinity also has no outside, ceiling and. If "standing procedure" that looked phenomenal world great wall friendship through the novel "the plant" coast absolutely right. Not only it is true for the Buddhist teachings that it properly with the facts of life, true to the rule of all the phenomenon of the great wall. However, if thou shalt stand "truths" that are observed to be able to see more widely know by comments made by voters, across a variety of phenomena which are the same thing "organic compound is also the phenomenon of the self and not have the self beyond the phenomenon". As well as undulating sea waves is the peaceful and quiet stay in under the oceans as well as water, possible disconnection. Buddhism denies there is a divine deity would in addition have creativity, human issue arrangements. At the heart of Buddhism is the removal of suffering to be happily order in for the Buddha's teachings being instructed them to return to live with their feet, their own names of Buddha to have the peace, purity in life. Here is a possible foot as of the great wall. So when it comes to the world of purity, the Buddha teaches that: "Phi phi natural charm, nhơn, Africa, Africa, France considers as" means it's not favored by the French van Tanh, natural not being, this harmony with others is also not true that in fact everything France produced as to how they must see to know like now. Other than the science is the study of explorative exterior, Buddhism only advocated returning within, return with "a hybrid of an item" that is his own. In other words, science can be such a dazzling lights radiate everywhere, whereas the magical light of Buddhism as a specialized laser converge on one point only.

For example, science today are exploring new is caused by a large explosion from a micro-electronics (The Big Bang Theory) about 13.7 billion years ago and since then the Galaxies are formed. Before 1913, the universe to science just finishing with the Galaxy (The Milky Way). After Edwin Hubble measured the distance of the Andromeda Galaxy about 900.000 in the light, the new universe was understood to be due to the formation of many of the other galaxies do not ignore not only the milky way. But it was not until 1965 in the lab of FX phone Bell, the two scientists Arno Penzias and Robert Dicke at Princeton University accidentally discover the fall energy prices dropped back in the space after the big bang 13.7 billion years ago and from there they launched novel "The Big Bang". Now the universe is still located in the period extended until all of the planet's hot like the Sun ... burn completely the fuel like Hydrogen, Helium ... and at that point the universe will sink into the dark, icy. Then the universe would fall back into that same initially. This phenomenon is called The Big Crunch. Because of the water and the air so the creatures evolved on Earth and human presence of about a million years. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, as the universe expanded, meaning the space is collapsed hatch in every way, then the Galaxy would be cooled if it as possible at a distance. But in fact, science is today identified as yet have billions of the Galaxy is that its temperature remains the same, not cooled as the theory of scientist Einstein. The theory of "The Big Bang" how exactly are? Science cannot explain this phenomenon should be closing off the range for a long time until Alan Guth, Professor of MIT'S renowned Technical University in Boston put out the theory of "The Inflationary Universe" means that the growth in the inflation of the universe. According to this theory, as the universe exploded from a microscopic quantum computers with very fast growth with large ratio is 1050. This is called the growth of inflation of the universe. Then Ray power, energy and the body cools slowly until the universe collapsed hatch to the fullest extent. Up to this point, the temperature of the universe is naturally grown and finally all the Galaxies also slowly cooled after the extended today for all the Galaxies have a temperature close to each other. Although Einstein had discovered the theory of relativity and quantum theory at him in his youth, but throughout the remaining life he works non-stop and still not come up with a formula for the physical universe is.

Here we side allows you to introduce a way summarized the latest discovery of cosmic and human science to see that while science has advanced a little, having invented the very sophisticated machinery, their discoveries still lie within relatively born killing because all the discoveries that are both "novel" not "the truth ". That was true then the false theory of the mai, what guarantees. Dogma is the author huyễn, born, new truth is truth eternal, the absolute Self. For example, even the famous scientist Einstein also counted wrong, guess wrong about the universe. He thought that the universe are balanced, not increased not decreased. But for the moment the universe is in a State of extended where a clerk has balanced. In contrast to what the Buddha is not truth theory. The truth is the right of all time and space. That want to experience the truth is there is only a single path is to overhaul himself knows a clerk could not use the language of inscriptions of the humans that interpretation. In other words do not have an equation in physics or a mathematical theorem can tell the truth at all.

Unlike the other major religions of the world have tied into the hard life childhood wonder what dogma led to the payoff of injustice, Buddhism encourages sentient itself meets truth, himself the experience nirvana, himself having been freed of enlightenment that Buddhism is just the way, is the media, which is the vehicle to help them reach the ultimate wings rescue. The universe is the world born, a new world is immortal. That is why the Buddha Bhikkhu Gerald pretentious when silent Man Pupils asked him about the metaphysical world. Not that he does not know, and could not answer, but that's not the rescue wing to have freed the enlightenment that just increases the Chief afflictions of ignorance. Suppose the Buddha explained the world the universe begin and shape like that, how verified? As a result of that explanation is true or just fantasy novels? If it says that can not prove they say spring, but an enlightenment is never never says the wrong truth. For example, both the Vietnam year man mistaken for that has jut the living sister happy happy on the Moon until astronauts Armstrong set foot on the moon which had seen her sister jut Constants. So instead of answering the questions of metaphysical religion assuming Man Tongzi, Buddha told him to listen to the story of a people with poisonous arrows. For Buddhists when seeing a person infected with the malicious name, the topic is the anatomical to Detox right that rescued them. Also look out for issues surrounding the industry arrows and arrow firing people is not important. Because if not treated, the person hit by the name poison will die before you know the tribe of the perpetrator. So the topic of man and is also at the heart of Buddhism is the nhỗ arrow "suffering" not finding the answers to the metaphysical problem is not practical.

At the time of the Buddha and in the world there a recluse Mrs.-la-Mon to meet him and symbolism Develop Federation:

-Nirvana, Nirvana, he you and symbolism Develop please tell me there is something wrong?

False religion and symbolism Develop and he answered:

-The destruction of greed, the kill hot-lap the hatred, the anger destroy happy delusion misleading is what people called Nirvana.

When talking about Nirvana, the Buddha also taught that:

-If they would have given up hobbies and the like, were full of wisdom, they have reached the Liberation Trilogy, the President, has reached Nirvana i.e. where health resorts usually exist in eternity, in the realms of life.

As such, Nirvana is not a realm, a scene, a mood and of course Nirvana nor is the nothingness. Obviously Nirvana cannot use the texts of human language to describe, so nirvana is true or not there?

In the Na Na, he First First Pretentious Bhikkhu has answered similar questions of King Milinda such that:

-Tâu the King, true Nirvana and Nirvana can only be taken where identifiable. If they keep the mind pure and Chief Justice, get rid of the Karma and get rid of the vile wants to be then they will see the nirvana.

The King would like for an example.

Mr. Na preconditions:

-King knows a so-called wind, but the King has said wind what color, shape, it is thick or thin, long or short?

The King responded:

-Wind, the invisible invisible colors how to just be. But not only are, but it's still there.

Now the pretentious new Na First Bhikkhu concluded:

-Also, the tâu King, Nirvana is the true that cannot use the deed language to describe the human being shapes its identity.

Then how do you know Nirvana, the King again asked.

-Thanks to escape the negativity, karma, peace, peace and purity, there was Nirvana.

And then he again Na First:

-As people fall into bonfires, interpreters covered ngụt, if they try to pass out and onto the cool place up to then he would feel extremely suớng fig. Also, who escaped the fire by taking part, si will huởng the extra security of nirvana. As well as the exit from the mind any good, he will enjoy the ecstatic Nirvana. And finally, those who escape from the fear of birth, aging, illness, death he will enjoy the ecstatic Nirvana.

So for the human universe, the Buddha taught that all phenomena are: "the equivalent of export being, the equivalent of destruction make" means this place right from the sire and removal takes place immediately. Thus, for Buddhists, pure mind is the rescue wing because when there is purity of mind, they will experience leg General of the great wall. That foot invisible invisible chess is good then do that. So Good My College Professor and Director in Ca have the sentence:

Ming Lee, unique friendship fun

Invisible heavenly sense no non runner


In the dream, six-way jasminum subtriplinerve vặc Yes

Buds and then, three empty circles which opened.

The old days, before the refuge in the Buddha, the code is a comment Attorney fame. Because hearing the false Religion of Assault should seek to challenge the major essays and his players made. Smart code given topical argument that: "all languages can all be negative," meaning that something comes out to be the wrong place. Hear the complete silent Assault false Religion. Smart code see Rape fake Religion does not answer is given that he won so that his mind which side birth Rape fake Religion is only nominal, not breaking up his point. Some time later, the smart Code knows the mistakes because of Clever Code itself has been negative. Y as the Covenant, the smart Code to to deliver its capital grant to Assault mock Religion. But Rape fake new now Respect said: "I do not need to cut its capital of his, which just cut his hair". From there, the smart Code to honor Rape as Religion teacher and later became very famous representatives of engineers treatise. Again, the language itself is not the truth because they are relative, born ...

Christians, Muslims or Protestants believe there is a God then called for the spirit. Meanwhile, the Giant leader or Taoism believe in many gods, who should be the leader is called polytheism.

In contrast, Buddhism is not a religion, not God is polytheism that nor is socialism dogma that the Pope give any religion whatsoever whether right or wrong, the faithful required order rắp subject. The Buddha has stated that:

"We are not God, nor is the spirit, which is just a man, but the man has won the world".

The Buddha was the winner, but he does not need the throne to reign and also does not require people to be honored. He lived very disengaged with three pieces of y and a custard, but winning mind to live with new names, thou shalt be the great winner of the undergraduate, Ursa. Only after He entered, people adore him, His promotion as the deity. In summary, the Buddha is just a direction, is the torch's wisdom to help them slash under which that finding out the path, the path of enlightened liberation for yourself.

To explain the relationship between faith and wisdom, the Buddha teaches that:

"People have confidence that no-brainer then often do growing ignorance. People who have wisdom without trust, the railway growth usually make comments ".

Wisdom here should be understood as the capacity considerations and judge of all things so if intellect have no confidence in the Chief Justice's French is easy to fall into the flaps, Dai, self-higher self growth, is bigotry not see possible mistakes. On the contrary, people have confidence in the French Public which lacked the intelligence to understand and differentiate the conscientious easily sunk deep into that dark, delusion, superstition. So that the bowl of Legitimacy that is the eight righteous path to help them move living from chums to the Scriptures only the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, mindfulness and the Chief Justice determined that there was no Chief Justice. The Buddha is not God Almighty should He not required they have to believe in him absolutely. In contrast, the Buddha taught them are thinking a projection, the test failure Buddha taught objectively, the reason they have the benefits for yourself. The Buddha wanted beings comprehend the French public to realize right, think right, which has a peaceful life at peace then where people still believe in superstition, pagan. So please listen to the message of the Buddha's life path of life:

"Take away all the sins, hone your life with good deeds, the purification of the mind from the thoughts impure".

Before entering, the Buddha teaches that:

"The child is the island, the torch for yourself. Take refuge in himself, not other refuge to somewhere ".

In the Dhammapada, Buddha taught again:

"You ask yourself the lit torch onto that go! You take France its torch! Follow my French that tu rescue! Don't look for salvation in a other guys don't find salvation in somewhere else, in addition to the child ".

And finally, the Buddha teaches that:

"You ask yourself, As a hybrid is just the Guide".

Buddhism is the only religion worldwide determine that the door to reach the rescue wing saved the enlightened are open to everyone, from men and women, large and small, to low, despicable, moral or criminal. If they know life in clean, neutralize all afflictions of ignorance will get Bodhi, Nirvana as the Buddha.

Ever, reason and faith are always opposed to one another. Reason, then use reasoning and thought derived from experience and commented, while faith is in range emotionally, unable to reason, considers explains. So the God of religious revelation, faith is God perceived by the heart, not by reason. Gratitude derived by heart is based on very emotional ups and downs so it is at the right, is wrong, that at that time hated. In contrast the compassion derived from discerning intelligence, based on the objective spirit of equality, not favoritism. Furthermore, with regard to the religion of God revelation the gods, miracles are important. In contrast the Buddha used it as insignificant and irrelevant because the most important thing is still the intellectual training to be freed of enlightenment. For Buddhism, those miracles are not necessarily enlightened ranks or the Holy Spirit according to information, the most sublime miracle and most magical is how to turn a person into a foolish wise, wisdom.

What is Buddhism a religion?

Based on the explanation of the scholar h. g. Wells, then religion is the Centre of education identify the morality of human morals.

The philosopher Aldous Huxley defines religion as follows:

-Religion is a system of education, by the means he can free himself to his training. First and foremost is to change your desire for true to his personality in the society. The second is raising the conscience and the establishment of relations between man and the universe in which they are a part of it.

Usually religion always coupled with belief, hence all the religions in the world are trusting Christ God, Savior, says Sun and Mr. Sun. Only Buddhism is not believing in God, does not believe in God, do not believe in anyone that believes in himself can out run any implications of the afflictions of ignorance to yourself that the Buddha was the leading the way, the whole level.

Buddhism stubs opens a philosophical ideology very intensive produced thought-based magical emptiness (uncivil) to lead beings holds true manner of French General van only realize the great wall world over the phenomenon. The profound teachings of the Buddha to take the mind set of a calm mental state is uncertain and a lot of people for it is religion, and another for the philosophy or psychotherapy. So, when referring to the world of the self and the phenomenon is a very important issue, an issue with profound philosophical, if people look at it through the prism of philosophy. But for Buddhism, whether people have call it religion, education, philosophy, or what is the that have the value add whatsoever because the reasoning is also within refuge, probably the world 's, duality of relative born there. That it is important above all is the response to the sermon of the Buddha to speak up the truth objectively, says the original ones of the formation and existence of the universe the great wall. But whether people have arguments based keep any aspect, aspect, one thing is sure that everyone agrees that the Buddha is not God's Messiah, the Savior that He only he, is the great masters only.

Thus, Buddhism can be called a religion without beliefs. Why not have faith? Because Buddhism is the way to help sentient beings experience yourself the truth in order to rescue the enlightenment that does not believe there is a God, a God who can somehow ban happy save the slitting or salvation for them. That want to reach the rescue even wings, Buddhist disciples must have faith. But the belief here that believe in the true teachings of the Buddha who has proven the truth for oxidized because the teachings of the Buddha are: "As a true Hybrid fake fake languages, thou shalt language, linguistic singularity theory, real fake languages stem" mean sayings of Buddha's footprint, is the truthNo swapping back and never lies. More important is the Buddhist disciples to believe himself able to neutralize, eradicate all ignorance negativity to achieve pure consciousness which is Nirvana, there are Bodhi headless as well as Buddha, Chu Bo-slapped. The Buddha taught them to develop the potential and the efforts of himself to reach the State of peace and bliss absolute Nirvana. So happiness or misery is due where the clerk depending on a absolute power and the Buddha was just a Scout Master.

So if you say God is omnipotent all good then why did He leave the creative world with sin the pain hurt? Why He created many scenes tai Sun ACE water, devastated, killing sentient beings? Like the Palm of his love? So the prayer that reduce natural disaster, epidemic, war or suffering of humans? Hence Buddhism denies God's existence in the human life. In the spirit of Buddhism, human beings have to solve his own problems such as war or peace, happiness or misery. War or peace is because humans decide the manner nothing to Buddhist heaven at all. If people know live tolerance levels to love each other, they turned the war into peace, otherwise if the leaders run by dark ambitions, from peace to war, killing it. In addition, due to the movement of the Earth, of the volcano, winds gust ... According to the law of impermanence: the head office, sabotage, not have harm humans. In General, it is also due to the greed of people destroying their own environment through war, through the nuclear experiment, through the devastation of nature, the forest fire destroys plants ... create a chain effect on the danger to human beings. People also wanting to satisfy the greed that goes back to nature should daily take up from the ground, from the seas millions of stuff from diamonds to gold, silver, aluminum, iron, oil, gas and emit millions of tons of toxic, harmful effects caused mistakes than through natural disasters, earthquakes, the tsunami, floods, droughts, ...So people can't believe there is a God that can be ruthless punishment, human destruction and grief of mourning the dead. When Willow food poisoning so people don't have to fear God, to worship God, van vái and beg in God anymore.

In summary, Buddhism is not direct barter, not the Scouts declared miracles and also not promising relief. The liberation, enlightenment or peaceful pure Nirvana actually themselves born giving him shalt not Buddha not issued to anyone at all. Thus, while Buddhism is of compassion, wisdom and courage, but if people don't believe in compassion to love, have fun suffering to save sentient beings; on developing the ability to reach the truth regarding the most profound know human general truth and courage to overcome turbulent rolling that victory was his affliction ignorance that just beg to be divine vái valve, happiness is the way they are going to make sure "not" is Buddhism.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.28/5/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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