Wednesday 15 May 2013

Volume I
Author: Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki
Translator: Natural Architecture



I don't expect presents here a complete research article properly in the spirit of scientific criticism and history of Zen Buddhism, because want to PM a wall of Chinese Buddhism, but on this subject, as far as I know, no history books would just offer you read. So, my intention in this treatise Guo that narrates the history of traditional Zen Buddhism Meditation houses as far as the recounts, in Japan as well as China. The survey and critique will be followed, after you read the prepared portion to go further.
Traditional origin of Zen Buddhism in India, before you enter into China, according to the income documentation in the literature of Meditation, blending traditional all-States to nothing worth believing. As of yet the school survey, and everything, especially in the religious domain, put one end into the trust, requires nothing more than pitching. Far too late to unlock stuff and then the e-screen secrets covering the source Natural India, unless by thinking a compromise according to the historical record of the development of Mahayana Buddhism. In fact, Zen Buddhism, as presented, is the product of the mind, or rather, Chinese products are refined from the tenets of enlightenment. therefore, when want to recite the history of meditation, better in extent, from going to Press that just lingers in China to learn the psychology and philosophy of Han dynasty, and the industry help the Meditation can afford grew on the land of the Sun, for I do not forget to Meditate is enlightened leaders form over comments the Chinese tournament.
On the one hand that scholars can house your doctor conclude on, perhaps that if it was a Meditation traditions of Buddhism as Zen Meditation, the German listing transfer can not separate out the entire history of Buddhism in India. It's nothing more correctly; However, the fact that reviews, no Meditation in India, I want to say no in the form we know today; so, if are in addition to more distant lands in search of Chinese origin and the developing direction of meditation, the only road open to us to be the way I was relying upon in the previous comment, but Guo Qian. In other words, one must consider Meditation as a Chinese award of Enlightenment, the catechism was presented in full and Buddhist literature, more fervently in the Mahayana, and became part of the minor. With time, his teachings grew, taking up the whole soul the Buddhist, and govern the general evolution of Buddhist thought; because their not due to food poisoning that Having Discussions as the Buddha, the false sense of momentum? And the purpose of what Buddhists if not follow him who is the Pope on the ultimate fruit syndrome? But "Bodhi" China plays mind xiển Yang khứng no Enlightenment teachings of swallowing the economies of Indian Buddhist cuisine indigestion. Mentally imagine practices of the Chinese nation and he generated led Meditation, and they make the force Hong, meet in the mind.
Compare Meditation in the form's triumphs with Enlightened teachings when he put new houses in Buddhist resources thỉ, we encountered a pit depth Lake did not pass. That is the very thing of course. See: originally, Buddha hesitated somewhat in taking more smuggled perhaps charged with acts of the Buddha's name, thinking that the disciples not afford followed Him. Its first feel, after then-Gnostic dominated Him throughout the time between Hong. It is the Primary Visual feel so wretched, Associate Director Primary mission prove yourself oxidized too hard for love beings strive to be; but for oil that motor even legendary show them they still hardly grips, e back for basic land that stabs out libel any more. He rolled there is intention and right Nirvana after its leader? Although there is request of Brahma, His lifetime as being dominated by feel: hesitant given the world all He proved was that the old terms called the Holy self. May very well, in fact, he has passed to his disciple, not dè places, all the Department of Him, but impressed with him from the set of A function or the Nikaya Buddhism is the result somewhat hesitant in granting transfer. Alternatively, it is the duty of the Italian classic art-house first before trying to imagine Germany the duty counsel, any oil Coast Guard excuse. In this situation, the concept of enlightenment received up fully and prominently in the literature of the U.s. admit makes it to attention immediately. But we have noted the concept he just buried between the other concept, at least more relations, and easy to make manifest if it is psychology and logic with your track in the classics line of progress brought to the city by the Buddha.
The home to the first Four concept art Truths, or Twelve People, or eight of Legitimacy is central tenets of Buddhism, which, in terms of psychology, including theoretical always egolessness. But, even in the face of philosophy and, in the view of meditation, if carefully test failure on the life of Buddha and the Buddha's marvelous about family identity, we can not put heavy legal Enlightenment as the most meaningful, the most crucial, and most useful of Buddhism. Therefore, Excess oil and Primary products to understand how any of what is called Buddhism raw thỉ, things that the real Buddha mind want to give transmission to the disciples to Enlightenment tenets. However, Buddhism flourished in India how long are still primarily concept y, i.e. not in addition to the development of most of the classics. Only after Bodhidharma across China, the concept then grows roots and grew up here in what is now referred to exclusively as Buddhism Zen Buddhism. So, strictly speaking, or more narrow in scope, we can consider opening such as Zen Buddhism sites in China. Metaphysical Indian land of colors, too, are rich in the spirit of imagination too hard for something to Meditate can đơm spike left in pure form as we have
Stated the enlightenment of Buddha's name, Leanne Leanne or La Hon, do rescue wing, the Buddha demonstrates a practical spirit, always come close to the common practice, and always, in the usual lecture, a harmonic life with precepts. He also did not have to disclose, by way of the knowledge or the metaphysical, the contents of the Enlightenment, to evidence retrieved, can not explain. Buddha never forget to promote the sense of self, because testifying or Nirvana is the duty itself evidence retrieved, with self and within themselves. The four Truths or Twelve Human Charm or catechism Egolessness is just the only intellectual Scout pathway made of living Buddhism. A doctrine so cant have little practical value would end unless she brought to Enlightenment.
Buddha never thought that map them later again cóthể most recent all-you-can-eat selection of Dharma on the artifact's minds, these artifacts are not self shelf stand if there are internal support. Eight Legitimacy, Buddha regarded as moral guide who pointed the way to Enlightenment. People were biased look at Buddhism can not see anything other than moral sense beyond will accept Buddhism as an academic moral stuff. They regarded Buddhism as a philosophy of empirical reasoning, and old growth as a mass of people who order according to moral. They praise the Buddhas as the creator of a system of spiritual religion science, does not have the decency to generally flourish embraces around religion. But the experience, but not award opinion completely true to the word of Buddha; they only reflect a facet, not opinions aired at all. If, along with the comment above, it is stated more practice- dhyana - an element of Buddhism, the judge can say is reached; However, both to the dhyana is a form of training centre for pave certified rescue wings Nirvana. Dhyana, by itself, does not distinguish Buddhism with but other philosophical system prevalent in India when He was still at it. So want to understand Meditation as Enlightened leaders expressing France's full Leanne Li Buddha, one must wait for the Renaissance up trend Mahayana teachings. And when this flow introduced into China by the heels Bodhidharma is opened up what is now known under the name from Meditation.
Legend of the origin of meditation in India, India tour takes place as follows: the other Day, at the bearded vulture (Thứu) Sakyamuni Court said. This time the lengthy interpretations not Buddha, Buddha is just putting up a flower spike before the French because of a notable new artists rise to intimate, craton without saying a Word. Does anyone understand how Buddha mind, except for false religion Ca Romaine mĩm quietly laugh as implicitly deep enlightenment meaning of teachings in silence, but then the eloquent World of the Sun. The Buddha then told he Ca Romaine: "we have the most precious treasure, the transcendental spirituality, now we give him false religion, Ca Lettuce"[1]
The Meditation Assoc. Presidents often blindly embrace her story as an open story, according to them, a hidden Buddha's marvelous ones function as well as legends of Meditation. Because meditation is considered the essence of Buddhism, and the Buddhist Center of India are directly transmitted to the disciples was Increasing natural should map them this particular sect to moments of excess communication between master and disciples. Essentially we know American excess upper Lettuce Buddhist leader as its next President raises them in terms of beliefs, such as the story of Indian mind transmission meditation, we do not have a historical record of the block of Indian Buddhism archives still store. According to the place I know, stories are specifically raised for the first time in a Meditation China called Your lamp[2] in 1029, and both in the French Tv Chief tribe signed the Deed Unleashed compose in 1064, in the order, the composer review using event on regarded as completely authentic. In transmission lamp, composed in 1004, is the oldest extant history of Meditation, the author is not kicking anything specific to the Indian mind transmission Meditation in Buddhist life. Because probably all the ancient histories of Meditation are lost, there is no convenient starting Meditation tradition of assertive on Chinese soil at the time. Make sure that the new rows between the meditation discussed later on, when the Meditation established Christian stubs tone firmly on the soil of China at the end of the VIII century.
Time, they see the need to put up a flag of its prestigious style so for Zen Buddhism, Meditation, because the more flourishing, prestige and influence instilled to the masses, then the existing sectarian stab of jealousy and Meditation practitioner does not have an area of credit resources for the direct lineage of the duty Counsel as human subjects in each claim. The natural world is, especially when Meditation advocate ultimate credibility of its leaders in the self-testimony and evidence, and lightly from the teachings of the Scriptures and commentary. At this point, most Meditation is not the same; but not because of critical and independent spirit was that regardless of the Meditation of Buddhist history and look forward to finding a possible integration of Buddhist Meditation will attest to the Deputy American Lettuce, and Romaine from Indian-American Center for Buddhist lineage was continued to Monday threats, eight is Bodhidharmahost and preliminary Chinese Meditation. He is the historian Meditation set up harm eight lines of The Celestial Structure, while, according to the other sects, only harm three or four threats, host since its opening. Had the lineage between the Buddha and Romaine, historians still need to fill the gaps between things harm three or four threats, and Bodhidharma were honor was the first harm.
According to the conception of modern critics, meditation emanates from Bodhidharma in China or from Buddha in India, it was less important, not least because Meditation took a leg and have a long value. Also, in the opinion of the historians used to track backwards in the scientific spirit to its source of trend of thought ended up together to lead meditation, they see no need to rather than finding out the logical bond between Enlightened reason string of Mahayana in India with the application of the Chinese leadership in the daily practical life; also, the transmitters Thua Thien Truc before Bodhidharma as the meditation people put up, they don't care, likewise had nothing critical. However, even a cardboard has independent traditions, not those with a particular sphere but also in the event that there is evidence that natural history, historians should map out a cardboard genus lineage, not disrupted during meditation, as we shall see later, not what's essential in the publication of Professor for the first confirmed the transfer. So I set a prearranged ideas considered Meditation as one product foster up on Chinese soil from the same seed of enlightenment India, from the French established a lineage system of India, unless we want to set up a way of compromise and rational part only as I did in the previous essay but.
Twenty-eight lines of the meditation of Tianzhu are regarded as belonging to the French Chief of the tribe is the host of this:[3]
1. Sakyamuni: Sakyamuni
2. false Religion Ca Romaine: Mahakasyapa
3. A Nan Da: Ananda
4. trade Na Tu Republic: Sanavasa
5. giving priority to Three Buttons: Upagupla
6. Theme Song: Dhritaka
7. Di Price Ca: Micchaka
8. Buddha Da Nan: Buddhanandi
9. Buddha Da Suite: Buddhamitra
10. Rape Religion author: Parsva Bhikshu
11. Phu Na Da Sa: Punyayasas
12. Code: Asvaghosha
13. Ca Bhikkhu Ma La: Kapimala Bhikshu
14. Long tho: Nagarjuna
15. Ca Na Title: Kanadeva
16. Rahu La Multi; Arya Rahulata
17. increase the Elderly Nan: Samghanndi
18. Old Property Multi: Samghayasas
19. External Ma La: Kumarata
20. snake in the Evening: Jayata
21. Mrs. Tu Tables: Vasubandhu
22. Ma Noa La: Manura
23. Red-Lac district Na: Haklenayasas
24. the lion Tỹ Khưu: Bhikshu Simha
25. Ms. Private Property: Vasasita
26. Real As Suite: Punyamitra
27. Uncivil To La: Prajnatara
28. Bodhidharma: Bodhidharma.
In keeping with the view of meditation "was the Buddha's own Indian mind transmission beyond the Catechism of inscriptions" the Meditation also pushed the lineage predating Sakyamuni; because according to legend circulating between the primitive Buddhist order, at least to six previous birth of Buddha Buddha neck lives so far as Its Ni lines they like; and each of the ages that Buddha has saved a French Deputy shelves are kept in the insistence of meditation. That if the six are the past Buddha with stand then why Chu zu, after all, from Like Ca to Meet Ma, the shelves are? Or if a double that has shelves, why the others don't have? Should all have their back to the shelves of French Deputy, whose Foreword as follows now thy hand the «treasure of the eye of the Chief Justice, thou shalt hold, and remember always ". Make sure that hair is really full of creative's Zen historian cotton first, as encouraged by the trust the establishment for clues led Chief Justice system should have extreme workout pen tops fantasy to such elevations.
According to the author the French Tv Chief tribe signed the translate the client's shelves hold was then spent on Diamonds Long Wage in life Money Wei, and Link Na Da Residences in the Eastern Wei, who lives in central India and who in Kaboul. Works by him are two sets of Procedures signed got lost after the France crash constantly in the contemporary era, but the area of Chu also held back less out in two sets, Buu Lam Stories and Saints Head Lice, both born before the Lamp Transmission have references, and both also misplaced pitches for some time after the Deed Unleashed, in the life of the Song dynasty., Should Transmit lamp is the most ancient history of Meditation have proficient in turn harm the eight host Professor Tianzhu along the shelves of French Deputy.
Please made the example of two of the six cards shelves of six host Professor Buddha; the first Buddha's Seat Examination She stated that shelves:
From the myriad life General delivery
Slightly huyễn engenders the iconic
The huyễn, the duty consciousness was not
Such crimes are not blessed place head office
Of pallets article Buddhist stock Friday was Buddhist Ca Romaine precursors Sakyamuni, is as follows:
The names of beings relative purity
Of old was not being far removal
This new mind-body only huyễn of birth
In the huyễn Bill still not guilty joy
When Buddha of our modern existence is Like traditional false respect for French-American primary Ca Romaine, He said the shelf often ignored:
France the French capital as the French example
There is also French French French
It is now awarded the French example
France has never been to France?
The sixth Title Ca Multi Vice shelf that:
Information reaching the self consciousness
No such non-France
Food poisoning and then as less food poisoning
Don't mind nor France
The second harm is Ma Noa La said:
The mind according to the scene shifted
Where transfer is not blurred
According to the get the names
Not thrilled is not lo
We got back in the main article on the shelves, the line of thought of the Mahayana teachings as Azmi flow in India as said earlier, once-heavy set the problem doctrines, Meditation result nothing called, is unique, to be off topic; due to existence of its Meditation in the mind, not in philosophical essays, or refined tenets the concept. Meditation only once all the inferences of the Mahayana teachings are crushed into everyday life events, and directly expresses the spiritual activities of human beings. It had only been after Buddhism was transferred to the color of the soil of China, was this ethnic boundary substance foster back from Leanne contour, don't get swallowed first the economies of traditional Indian indigestion. A popular feelings of the texts known as the client's wishes, Deputy shelf on the popular Chinese soul sensations, so once the fiscal food poisoning and then, they want to take place back in my own, want to live again as their natural physical, instead of keep as an item enter the port is not located in the Centre of the ethnic mosaic.
When Bodhidharma handed a message to disciples, legend Holds that the shelves are as follows:
We fund through the United
Awarded France rescue me sex
A five-point flowers bloom
Contrary to nature into
Affordable, in two words, "my links", Ma notice late teacher's gorgeous pole shipping in China? While "in the wings" for so long as such only in the Group of Chinese lawyers after Reaching Ma when meditation is acknowledged as a traditional foot disciplines bearing a heavy mission enemies win. Or her shelf is a true language of Thunder Reached Ma, or because a particular Meditation historian Wei created after the continental-life Patriarch Hue, one inconvenient decisions. There is definitely something to be confirmed in the history of the tribe only Reached Ma getting from there to enter China, and nearly two hundred years after the President this nation members are assimilated in a good way for as their own ideas. Meditation, in the form we have matured, where other than Chinese soil. Indian land too metaphysical, easily let go drifting by mystical fantasy. It is the land use of Consciousness, Mantra 's, of the United States, or of No comment. Also required a Meditation soul ever instilled in Master pages, which are still not able to split apart the details of daily life. Calmly, Hao Shuang, naivete, and somewhat impassive punctual and balanced properly anymore, it's the German names are needed to bring Meditation to the status quo. Meaning that if Buddhism and Nagarjuna's style, and the Only Minister Ma, Uncivil, etc. for the tomb of old, not the genius of China training back then surely meditation never appears as such.
Here I thought to double up by theme at specific examples of leaders teaching how to "special Train" of Zen Buddhism in demonstrating the truth of meditation. As I previously noted, Buddhism, primitive oil or radical, liberal and leader is freed, and the ultimate goal is to open the minds of all legally binding so it can dynamically use horizontal vertical manner before nature. It called the mind infinity space [4]. The concept's results are somewhat negative, because just to open and tied love for, but feeling positive that covered, and your ultimate goal is only achieved when the mind is perfect in the way users work. Our mind, by itself, it knows how to do, so what we have to do is just delete all hindrances that because ignorance we brought piled on it. "Lay down", which echoes the title of death in Buddhist teachings.
The following is the Indian Buddhist technical impressed in one:
A Brahmin teacher named Black Nails to worship Buddha's two giant roots shoots raw cotton, using Kabbalah gripped each hand in a tree. Buddha's name, teacher, Buddhist pertains: "let go to go!". Brahmin teacher dropped flowers left hand down in front of the Buddha that Buddha. falls further. Brahmin teacher, Bach: "I have nothing go anymore, but let go. He wants to teach? " The Buddha replied: "I never said I let go off some flowers, I told the teacher is giving six six six bare root. When I quit being exhausted to have nothing more to give, that is the time he lost all bound by birth Prince reincarnation. "
Different approaches stating, "too filling of Buddha, the following story of Zhaozhou[5], straight and neat, address the issue explicitly:
There he rose to asked Zhaozhou's elders: "Don't bring anything to this?"
Zhu responded: "falls away".
He rose to such things: a white carry then let go down for something? "
Chau said: "let go of something down then up up away».
The Zen master kuai says. Zhaozhou's response here a typical paradox.
The problem is that Lynn freed, but that the more critical, that is the question: "what is Buddha?". Once nm firmware problem is Buddhism the Buddha is complete. The Indian Masters think about Buddha? Here:
There is an aging woman living with Her sire Buddha. simultaneously with the Buddha, and is located in the eastern area of the city. She does not know how the Buddha organised refugee that never want to meet mBuddha promised aviation disaster.Whosoever shall see Buddhism goes through where is she hiding from the throne room. But the oil away, East or West, she must still meet the Buddha always. She retrieved the hands cover the face, and this! She saw the Buddha through the hand.Truth is beautiful, brilliant, and how? And, together, the topic here is solution of meditation:
A he rose to consult counsel An, one of the first high CodeTthe drive, and asked:
"What is the duty of the Property Lot Na Buddha?».
Lawyer: "He put in on them the other jar for me».
He rose successively to bear the average net ascent. Lawyer:
"He brings to quiet place». He brought up the old placehas done, paypromised aviation disaster again questions as before. Engineer a:
"Ancient Buddha then takes longer then that!"
Bad example on enough stating the wrong place between Chinese meditation and Indian spirit
Meditation book beginning with Bodhidharma to China in 520 after the TL, carrying a message from the enemy. Her message was summed up by sixteen this word:
Such form of inscriptions
Private transfer outside higher education
Point your mind straight people
See the names of the Buddha[6]
Raised essentially the establishment of different Meditation teacher with the contemporary Buddhist sect in China, four questions were then not Reach Ma that posthumous. The lack of authoritative documents, one can not determined who is the author. According to the historian Tong Jian (?) author of the "French Chief of the Buddha", composed in 1261, and compose in view Tendai, that initiative of South Prussia Pooja praying; make sure that the recipe's introduction during meditation are extreme Muslim Thanh district in Jiangxi and Hunan with Matsu Division, encyclopedia Staff, Huynh, The Jelly and Paint; and from there the message is considered to be the main characteristic that Meditation is the first initiator of the Ghost Reached out her spirit for Buddhists in China. But these people are usually just a side business, on the one hand meditating. They do not pm wall allowed "online only" of meditation is a method aimed straight at the heart of enlightenment, and to the Buddhist emptiness through too many level bothered prepared as the other sects.
About the area of Bodhidharma, through two sources. First and foremost is the document of the Nam son lawyer Leader Declares in the series Rises High, composed in 645, the Tang dynasty and is considered the oldest document we have. The author is Professor of Chinese in Law enlightened, erudite scholar and a; However, he lived in the time of Meditation have not created new Zen Buddhism, Buddhism is built up after this with the Green Patriarch Hue Features early life he was nine years old when the Declaration composed the "series". The second resource is the Lamp Transmission on moral Resources compose in 1004, the early Song dynasty. one written off during meditation was at the same bar to admit as a separate disciplines, and specializes in recording the sayings and deeds of the teacher. In the "table of contents", the author often references to add credibility to the ancient Meditation series currently has lost out to the name list.
Of course the two sets he used the wrong copy different from each other in many points about the biography of Bodhidharma. The beginning (the series) was designed as a basic yet Meditation is done to form the tribe, while the later (green) is that of a teacher. In the "series", Ma, group meditation, enlightenment is presented as the other Buddhist monks in many aspects, such as the interpretation, conclusion, lawyer, Attorney, are more yogic Kabbalah, etc. . and so is Gaining Ma cannot be captured in a position other than the pancreas baht every "high rise". He is described as a mage specializes in meditation, which meditated here for example through traditional meditation is only of Minor disciples admit higher education[7]
Moral weak grasp of just not Propaganda messages Reached Ma, oil that he can get out of him is something completely different than what is often called the "four-eight meditation". Should the Rails many notes that in the area of Reach Ma Tuyen's at least what's known is that Meditation worthy of a khai Tong, Eastern Meditation that Reached Ma cannot be esteem that, as they each claim. Say e oan for Meditation that oan Leadership to both the State attorneys, because where lawyers intend to write in advance to book a Meditation during meditation is not the course opened up the cardboard spear under the title. Lawyers is not a prophetic historians. The oil, if the area of the Former has more hard news, especially about the life of the Patriarch before the East, we have reason to believe that most of the area of the Ma Yuan's Gain after the winter Speed value for historical value. Such remarks that brought Relief to declare fill for Scouts. Zero, nothing reflected the essential critical part indifferent over the side leaving the other party, not improperly weigh all the different historical conditions contribute to the texture each area of operations.
Religious Pronouncement, Bodhidharma had saved many autographs or quotations are also circulating in the author's reach as high Up the story, but the most reliable texts of host master Meditation now surviving is a very short document was copied at all in High Rise as Tv series such as the lamp has many other essays are assigned to Reach Ma[8] But although instill Meditation, most of which are false, except for an article I think is probably the Chief Justice mark: it is "comment on allowing peace of mind" . Together with the documents referred to above, is often called "the four almond bars", we only have two texts regarded as due to Reach Ma pass. But I don't believe that "four happy number" is your finger techniques of meditation Reached Ma has power put him straight into the heart of meditation; oil so I would give it a translation, because it is one of the most trusted essay Reached Ma, Chinese Meditation group profile.
As said before, there are two versions of "the four almond bars [9]mộtbản in the story of the Declaration and a copy of the contents of the Invalid Resource Leaders together at the double points. The body shall remain so but such details. So try to ask: what's the second? By age, the birth Stories in advance, but the Mainland still have to "exemplify" the material before it. We have no way of deciding the level of reliable statistics, so the signal strength of the series not absolute. So, to consider the relative value of the two versions, we only have a DAC list try comparing the literature of two copies for each foot can clearly showy version of chess in the light. The result I reach is the author of High Rise Series used the same material in conventional Lamp, but documents in the Mainland close to the source material than, unless there is any other than the version that I don't know. If I decide that because a writer 's Ghost appears to have been arbitrarily "margins" very much in the publications of the Declaration, the text more beautiful, more concise, more incisive and more grooming. So I offer the following translation of material Resources in the Transmission Lamp, thinking that the author has many reasons why according the Chief Justice:
Magi (Bodhidharma) was the third son of a great Brahmin in Nandina in the West through bridges of light hue., where he meets the French bridge releases adopted Mahayana, empty white coat upasaka, put the Brown piece sồng, do Thanh hung granular look like Saints. Comfortable in the Palm, the traffic, in addition to light rail, virtue beyond worldly stereotype, he hurt before the scene in the Church's undoing, and he brought the tape to mount crossed the sea across du Wei in China. The constant Center who also believe in, also the superficial being blameless heart.
At the time there were two he Directed every Ability in tuy Hui and late birth years that handsome, releases high back far, Coast Guard may meet Shamans and he there served many years, all tu students only to Counsel only. Shamans trade them into them then just for feet management?
This is allowing peace of mind
It is allowed to play the voice
Wire is positive permission objects
This is the media.
It is allowed to rest assured of the Mahayana teachings, careful manner.
Peace of mind that, that's ONE FLANGE[10]
Play everyday, it's happy foursome
That agreement, which is prevention of the damn gièm
That means, that's making himself do not accept.
It is owned by the brief narration.[11]
That means that the leader has more sugar, but tell the same two non-track, is JUSTIFIED and is HAPPY to ENTER
I. CURRICULUM INTEGRATION is taking refuge in religion (the classics) to food poisoning in the tribe (ethnic) believe deeply that all spiritual beings are generally a foot before, just because the outside ceiling customers and good ideas inside obscures manifest emptiness legs should be. If put forward under the foot, the discontinuation of the spiritual head of the nail is not found, then the NUMBER ONE FLANGE with the Holy, divine one bothered alike; If an ink neutralization, ended up drained is not subject to the Pope, it tube i.e. with distinct ideas involved agents.
President Li wuwei fuel type,
II. CHARACTER TYPE is talking about the four almond, in addition the hạnh kHao Haidong are included therein. What are the fouralmond?
- one is the reporthappy n
- the two are happy charm
-three is infinitely happy bridge facility
-four is commensurate to France.
1. So called JOURNALIST HAPPY RESENTMENT? — The austerities when experiencing the scene should thought as follows: One from cover before letting go of lung failure, give up root according to the giạt, drifting by
the substance, weighting compassion to hate, harm is not the same. This is not, however, have welcomed it, but although the career of today's left from previous drills, it would have to do it or who created where, on the one hand we should not humiliate ring gauge, bear resentment.
Jing said: having a gauge not sad.
Why is that? Because the spectacle (law of cause and effect). When his mind played out was the reaction. Borrow the resentment which acts should say is happy to pay the resentment.
Beings are due to karma that turn into, no egos. All suffering human beings are funny charm. If today is the fruit of good newspapers enjoy wide recognition, was then due to human
benign childhood should feel truốc, now to be so. Whatever charm off the testicles, glad happy my fears? Be what takes are according to the coast guard, but the mind does not so that is more or less lost.
If yet so funny, not wind quietly that pros, should say happy positive options according to the karma that
The life forever wrecked, what also did before, so called bridge
High position food poisoning probably legs, turning back, safely located in wuwei, the body depends on the transport facilities. Everything about things is nothing but fun.
Whatever has merit then dark sailings are pursued. in long in threein other realms, such as in the home. There is no suffering, is gìmà fun? Smoothly is all so let go of things, end to chess, for example.
Jing said: "while the globe is also suffering. All is fun ".
Review the new bridge not knowing is directed should say happy does not wish
The legal purity of character's name called. (NET, read the names of the genera en France).
Believe he's understood then all the General into no, no pollution, no ball does not try
Jing said: France has no being, be left beings. France has no general fall, take a left fork specs.
High position because your understand so, depending on the action that followed Muni
The duty of France did not take part in fraud for so wealth and bringing the network trunk oil out that Bell has no regrets. Three clear lens is no longer the series again and accept the first. Just decanting ceiling texture, depending on the chemical education facilities being, but don't make your General, i.e., taking people back to the more dignified Bodhi leaders. Bell did so then five degrees (Uncivil) as well. Because the end except hope that the Executive order six degrees, but it's not something called acting at all, should say happy options commensurate in France.
(Media post, vol. 30)
The doctrine of the second type mentioned above would have an investment Diamond Plan[12], also four pubs, the almond is part width "voice type" of the investment. Compare the following Scripture we see rõ.
"The Buddha said the two inputs are justified and happy to enter
"Lienter is believed deeply that cSaudicBasil birth were a bust, Leanne is an example to all, different only in cadded support for hidden by a foreign court. The old capital now owned legs there didn't last. Practitioners during a condense concepts in a detailed example on the Buddha's name will have to be necessarily not, neither does not deal with the General, of insensitivity as well as various functions like, same subject. Then practitioners will persist where diamond centres, ended up not depart, was President of the wuwei, most distinguished minds that is entered.
"Happy is keep restless, delays, do not immerse the silhouette drifting roll like waves. Anywhere also keeps the spirit unto you in silence, don't chase anything. Keep as of stormy oil remains motionless. Let's paint clean off your ideas in mind, saving all beings take over the banks. No living being, not the Prime Minister, not prime not to discharge, nothing to what goes in the mind. When the mind has nothing to what goes in the mind is not my duty to enter the hybrid type. Bodhisattva entered France is such that. France, for example, is not, and the French "no" could not be dismissed as unrealistic. Why? What France does not actually have all the power. It isn't, not shapes, which are purely "as"
Comparison of the two texts, readers inevitably replacements before the most important changes, most notably, in the texts of two letters: change Ma Hit the bars with flanges.
Bich mean walls as in the idiom posters crunch nan regularly is the wall hard, or figuratively to visualize the attitude to stand straight up: acala vidyaraja. For the same reason would Reach Ma changed the word "province" is getting up, or enlightenment, the word mural is the wall, reviews out there is little contact with the letter a is consideration? This new word puzzle with its incredibly real relation because it transforms the whole spirit of the texts.
Lead lawyer Declared, author of Comic Monks, in the way of peace Meditation, France Bich Quan Mahayana do marvelous career of Professor Reached Ma in the train. So Engineers are often called Mural a Brahmin, meaning he engineer looking walls; and in Japan, disciples of Cao Cao's Meditation seeming refugee status, business collaborations also in meditation when they face turned to the wall, however, surely there is a way to explain the two-digit number-area flange slab, as if seated such walls look like how launching a sweeping revolution so popular amongst Buddhists as Leader Declares noted in the area of Reach Ma?[13]How did a spontaneous acts bluff so again erected was a terrible protests between the contemporary Buddhist learning home? According to astronomical objects, posters hung has a marvelous sense of much more intensive, and to understand the spirit of the passage here quoted by the lamp transmitter with a work called the Special sign, name some private documents.
"(Reaching) the original Shaolin nine years, since the second nest (Hue To) speak French only teaches that:
In addition to end to the lettered charm
In no premeditation
Mind as the walls.
A new type led
"Hue To present sufficient understanding of Leanne Li (my duty) of the mind, but would also ink a quote" not ", which is also not said anything about the radio Centre.
Day Lily To say: "it has been a stop off in China and then coast".
Mastermind asked: "thou shalt not turn into the kill (nothingness) shalt not?".
Possible answers: "the passage".
Monk asked again, "what's done is not Taking the news?"
Possible answers: "due to the unknown nature, also said the organisation was"
Counsel responded: "it is possible the secret Centre of headless Buddha, thou shalt not suspect anything."
The passage actually has developed a special message function hidden in catechism Reached Ma, thanks to which one can come up with a satisfactory response somewhat about the essential meaning two-digit number-flange:
Naturally there must be a new Word, and all words in the full divinity FROSTING -a specific font how do as drawn up before absolutely nothing is abstraction, is the concept. So which Scouts Declared extreme doctrines Reached by four digit Mahayana-one Flange that is allowed to look at the precipice of Mahayana teachings. Review for the same nothing particularly meditation in the doctrine of the second type and the four almond bars of Reach, but the lesson one flange , Reaches an accession of Eastern Meditation Master Lama.
Author of the "French TV Chief of Gautama Buddha," like that one mural is the realm of the mind, not else of dust plaque. Maybe so, but do not know the author based on the prestige to such interpretation, or assuming the author was willing to comment on Ma's Ability to Gain Insight in the passages of distinction? The oil out in any way, the essential meaning of the mural hung still had to search in the teacher's subjective attitude, a great attitude to the deep, drastically eliminating all Memorial and general shape of the senses. It's nothing more than nonsense just out mural hung on the words meaning cliff face. If you have to learn the message States of Professor Ma of Zen Buddhism through the pen's still, I set should search in four-letter words.
In addition, the pen moves only document Reached Ma left, we have the Old Mausoleum Nikaya, diamond, diamond tours can essentially help us have an idea of where the mind meditation's Reach. Different from the other sects, meditation does not have the investment would be considered as the basis on which we can build the open tone. But the Group Reached Ma handed out four-volume Old Mausoleum for the first disciple who is Favored To treat the Indian Golden Buddha mind deposit mix with Meditation; and after the members the President, on being a special teacher in China took part in the rescue[14] Also the diamond Plan, how important for philosophy of religion, it is easy to see clearly through the lyrics Reached Ma references back in one of the texts have been mentioned before.
Specifically about the Diamonds, usually people think that from Five of her business Rings Hong are not related to meditation, and the Ring was the first to put then-Minister on Meditation about while Gaining Ma did not refer to the oil, that it is one of the most popular Buddhist texts in China. But according to the foreword by Lily writing for the diamonds, there is still holding, "Reached Ma from through Trains always play mind xiển Yang just diamonds to the school can be reached and enlightenment before."If result then at least off Reached Ma must know to then-Minister from the new French Open Road at Chinese Hong, and in the coastal area, then contact between Meditation and Diamonds are also intimately than my Old Mausoleum with Zen Buddhism. We reviewed the concept from that gorgeous new Diamond Sutra before is started using the word Hoẵng, life rings and Hue; Old Mausoleum, Star Oil is also hard to digest the mass, so naturally the old steering wheel feedback times gave way to original Diamond promote more Meditation's more prestige and influence. As a Minister in Buddhist literature in Uncivil catechism Diamonds since the relatively easy but also the corresponding thought Laozi about probably "no" and "wuwei". The average Chinese person doesn't feel much difficulty in learning the philosophy not because her philosophy is to the double aspect of Chinese ideology[15]
However, according to the German literature, Meditation is not just the index finger of the Moon, didn't contain anything possible practical man to place comments on self because opinion aired news of self, taken by self, beyond all proof of the deed. All the classics, including the old Mausoleum, diamond and Diamond does not help much for the devout pray leader releases addressing himself grabbed the naked by bare hands, not the gloves. It's only achievement was when an extension of the mind, the inner self, with all peace forces gas delivery. While the literature is only just a truth, but signs are not the truth.
The first part of the biography of Bodhidharma while in Tianzhu, Posted Record narration, seem too incredible, myth in full, but later, after the winter, can be trusted. At this point, TV Lamp can fill for the High Rise series a "comic strip" the value of the Claim, a historian, composed while the author does not know anything about the further development of the Meditation. So, according to Media Post, the first-quarter level Reached Ma exposure when he had just arrived in China as the King of Liang Emperor Wu Zetian, ranks Supreme Leader of Buddhist. The audience took place as follows:
Liang Emperor Wu Zetian asked: since news came today threw off the pagoda burned longitude increase don't know how much that ever since, have merit?
Professor answers: Are not the Germans.
God says: Stars do not have merit?
Says: itjust as the right to small fruit only bootleg in the Sun the person,as the ball in, but not really
The question: So what is authentically virtuous?
Professor nói: Tríis purity, the right to khthe boxng, eóis the footcWengin Germany, the Germans were then unable to get việcthe worldmShirley bridge àc.
Liang Emperor Wu Zetian asked: have the same truths of Scripture?
Engineer a: empty nature nothing is holy.
The question: in front of the body politic?
Professor answers: Don't know.
Response as well fairly easy, and also quite clear, but the devout and the wisdom not to contract law with the spirit to reveal in each gesture of Reaching Ma.
See what level can not be to the King, Reached Ma spent goes to ground Wei, hide in Shaolin, nine years of silence an flanges [16], literally sitting on swing, so Cliff then people called him priests face wall: mural a Brahmin.
The other day, he was to increase the optical Nerve, enthusiasm to be initiating meditation, but Ma didn't look cold. Optic nerve do not hence the falls, think the Holy ancient Sage University spending ranks must undergo everything natural pine new extraction the duty to be ghosts. The other night, he stood in the snow waiting to Reach Ma attention to until the snow falls dam đìa buried him up to his knee.
"Now the new mastermind turned back questions: he wants to do?
Optical bi cry Bach: Threshold to Venerable graciously opened the door wide, cam Lo of beings.
Says: the magic invisible Director of Chu to Buddha reincarnation of essential needs, is hard to do, difficult concessions to concessions are small, blunt, a German place full of contempt, be pleased that world unbearable hard labor suffering excess leg requirements?
Patricia heard his rebuke and he pulled a knife on the cutting-edge[17] stage left his left arm to put up front. Professor know French, gas met says:
Chu said because Buddhism bridge at the French Center of bunch, now he's weak in front of me, so like to do?
Say, the Mastermind and he changed the name of the God Light out To Lily.
Greater transparency: the French press of the headless Buddha, can hear?
Client: French India says Buddha can't due to other people.
To Bach: but the mind khhe was an Attorney, making her an.
Professor says: Take thy heart this one an for.
Greater transparency: The make that affordable found nowhere in mind.
Says: so we have an mind sitting and then it[18]
Permeability thoAsiat nine years, wants to return to Heaven Gúc, and he calls his nhân to protect:
One day coming up the road, the people who try the view that Prime property of each person about Meditation.
"Now he is Deputy Director of The Bach: see, for example, accept the deed, something left of inscriptions, which is owned by.
The said: he was part of my skin.
"Ni Of My Place: Maintenance far as Unveiling Hỹ (A Nan) looked into the Buddha (Estate), see once didn't see.
The meat section was said by me.
"Bach: the Four Education Leaders is not, in fact, no warm place to see is nothing Prime facility.
The said: he was part of my bones.
"Ended up off to Hue To wealthy girl, desk., and so on that stand straight, don't say anything. He said the section of my marrow[19]
The last days of Reaching Ma in China spanning in secret; We do not know in any way, at any time, at the secular realms where this left Division. Someone said Counsel to poison, who spoke to us on the desert runway Division, which also has the speaker Professor through. but everyone agreed that Lawyers live a long time, with no Moral claim to life, over a hundred and fifty years
After Bodhidharma, Hue To is France from[20] the Chief Justice system of Meditation. Prior to the French life with host, Pastor is an erudite scholar, not the information Giant that both Buddhism Taoism anymore, but not the school would meet Professor; seems to have proved nothing, and look forward to hosting Reach Ma quiz again. After his retirement from The distilled steps du, Professor not Hong turned right, hidden getaway between lower class underdog, not to unmask a high rising dignified location hue[21]. Oil so, the custom still favored Hong. Professor calmly keeping supply relatively modest, unobtrusive. The other day, while Lawyers are saying France outside tam quan Pagoda Temple in Kuang, Rescue the Abbot high school fame is France lawyers Draw faculty doing Nirvana. The duty to direct traffic jams traffic jams giving shaman standing faculty alone out bu around him master instructors among Sun, made sure that her clothes of the scandal at all, absolutely nothing proved in the hierarchy. The sorcerers saw so angry, to head the Fox with his bum on the other Director media heresy, so the Hue To be arrested, sentenced and gynostemma pentaphyllum. To not call for oan, a squid impassive followed, for that true to the law of cause and effect have an old debt to pay. The Interior occurred in the year 593, Professor at the age of one hundred and seven spiritual life.
Religious Pronouncement, Member of the lily To do self centered, very good no trace range chapter excerpt. The other day Pastor preach about meditation in a major metropolitan area, there are some serious people accept the texts for the pagan demons French says. As of now there he Directed Hong (?), a rising musician specializing in the location of static map them of thousands of people, associated with an attitude against stock with Hue To. He's wrong a minor to Hue To, perhaps intentionally due to supposed enemy General feet, but this Uncle has just heard the Pastor preach the so-called deviant led the suddenly traumatic and Exchange apply to meditation. Led Hoẵng wrong again a different minor call notes about, as he was later also by heels are always paying attention before. Many other minor note is wrong, but the results still are not. After this Scouts Hong stumbled back to the first minor notes, his rebuke: "why pay attention to it is called multiple times? One example how consuming his hard open eyes for Teddy? " Note the minor a mysterious: "my eyes ever since remained straight, because he's so it's stabbed lé". Insulting sayings strong that Led Hong hate immensely, and accordingly Declared, because of the tricks of this master that Hue To be on trial.
The analysis on narrating religious Confessions in High Rise series different from the Original's transcribed in Truyaboutn lamp but they both agree to Huệ is Available a dead martyrs in enemy hands. Certainly in the way of reaching Meditation taught Ma as well as of the disciple The first Flower is the lily To have something hard to understand for most contemporary Buddhists Arjun talks marvelous array of arguments or concerns, or practicing meditation, or pure tu about Hanh. Should the current xiển meditation leaders must insist on truth hit the wake of self consciousness, penetrating oils to which cause the Holy Spirit for the disturbance of the investment and the conclusion that many translation has đượclưu. It all causes the joint to its former and "before".
As well as Gaining Ma Hui, To not save autographs would though point in that the French post of two writes are collected, and Hue Can also be classified. Oil so, following text snippet is also holding back can shed some light on the Meditation of the second suite in Hue To.
Someone named Direction upasaka hearing him speak To Thanh Hoa and hue written notes to the statements, as follows:
"The ball because that up,
The wine that up.
"Hard-ball joke image, the original image is the shadow or,
The high filled up echoes, echoes, the source is not known.
"The negativity towards Nirvana, else remove the engine,
Buddhist beings left expecting results, not through, the end to find the wines.
New: Mexican food poisoning a way, such a stupid position.
"No name set to name, by whose name should be left at all.
E.g. LY pitching out, because there are enough table discussion should appear.
"Huyễn example utility leg, stars that are left,
Naughty real prospects, taking nothing with do not
"So: be not possible, takes no space lost.
"Y I unto the up, the threshold would expect Venerable Catholic only".
The second Patriarch blesses a message that:
Across Italy then are as real
The reason the foot u no distinct enemy
Maze said ma ni is the brick tile
He naturally wakes as Chau
Other entertainment ignorance not Yuan Hui
Everything about France are "as" the bottle to the bridge
Traders who accept and accept the
Some mail-sheet manuscript 34.52 lyrics
A the same Buddha would make difference
HA all Nirvana make forever ru![22]

Next To Lily is Increasing Sengcan admit to the third position Groups. The dialogue between master and disciples takes place as follows, according to Media Post Contents:
A homeless musician over forty to wealthy girl 24-Hue To White:
"Sami has promoted the form[23] may Venerable confessor graciously on them guilt!
Says: "Take the guilt out of here we repent for."
 Residential Rehabilitation long Bach: "disciple making confessions that see where all.
Says: "so one has to repent thy sins done then. From now on, thou shalt y where Dharma increase that security. "
Upasaka Bach: Now I see the Venerable then know it is Rising, but it is unclear what is Buddha and France. "
Says:"Is Westmis Buddha, the Buddha is the center of French and France, for example, Increase the medical supply is a snail so. "
Upasaka Bach: "Now I know guilt in the names, in addition to, not in the Middle[24] Nina, Buddha is so, France is that, there are two such ".
Upasaka is Hue To the player, then as a distinct loss in life at least one unidentified plane unleashed. Partly because victims persecuted Buddhism in life in North Africa, from the King Emperor's martial arts master. Up to the twelfth year of life Testimonies, Sui dynasty, Rose sought Jim French ranks also to pass on the Nest, which is the Dao.
Credit Director Bach: Bow please Venerable compassion only for the disciples.
Mastermind (Jim) asked: who tied thee?
Credit: nobody tied off?
Said: why did the rescue bridge?
Credit plays the DAWU right "under the words," give up the nine years of suffering.
Increases The Jim knows the industry and he has come to Trust Leaders do credit the French coat material passed down from the site: Meet Ma, then God President kill in 606[25] .
Jim Rose Hosted almost live for life,but we can recognize its ideology through a contest about the Food Trust has named Credit Center, is one of the autographs of cthe evil teacher contributes commentaries to the most deserving tribe just Meditation. The following is the full text and translations:
Chi radio-Director nan Dao                 
dNorway simply organised Trach                  
Irish fairy tắng desert                        
đỗng course of transparency
Hao li owner sai                          
tlegendary place terrace way                 
dPrime entriesso farmoney                      
mmusic potentially reversible
Vi pros concurrency                
ttake off that mind, depression                          
bthe old formula just myths                                
map of tuberculosisniệm-NET
Vrole of Thai Board damaged                    
vthe box endless impaired balance                       
lrun by Xu away
sin of any such
Coastal property shaft lining                 
vmode's no head                   
naverage strains hứt Huai                            
dẫn nature take
Mobile media master only                                   
just mobile wing                       
only economically marginal athletic                                
ninh tri depth strains
Depth strain of real info  
Sexual dimorphism of qigong
a control property
sulabha not set in don't
Most multi-Lu
convert real Samyutta
very good writing very good Lu
loads of real info
Rules based DAC only
interior lighting options Tong
tu du reflection
refuse the winning amount
Money does not turn turn
period due to expected comments
any use of the bridge thou shalt
maintenance news comments
The second opinion real Head Office
the kidneys of go games
DescriptionHuu Thi phi
the pastel furniture Center
The second due to depth hdatau
depth Heron Mac player
depth of mind without being
the French captured the van radio
Vthe boxmagnetic Chuck loads France
Despite being no mind
optional features scene kill
scene axis power bass
Scene by scene features
features scene functions
Athletic tri sex clips
originally the depth not
Depth not athletic Council
the function of Qi great wall statue
real rough Crystal Ant
Huu ninh party paradise
The great leader able to drill
Infinity Radio-nan
u.s. opinion outdoor facilities.
Transfer transfer tri
Accept the information furniture speed
mind the added Ta Lo
free natural genus
be disabled past head
Leanne mission leadership conference
• the knife very good brain
the notion of Nhon straps
affective Kiss real good
Real good lao spirit
user profile use HA
animal sex nhut increment
bare green stain items
Luc Tran real evil
complete the Chief sensory
fake decorated wuwei
ngu Nhon himself be
Radio France French hetero
hope himself previous charity
also mind the use of the mind
run non-great falls
Mexican President's contentious disorders
Satori loads of good evil
depth setting of the second editor
hope himself the example of magnet
The United States is not huyễn dream
HA lao BA exfoliates
DAC a Interior Africa
depth to refuse the discharge time
With its Swiss real
during the dream itself except
mind the bad real allergies
ten thousand French depth as
Depth as Huyen
the Turkish coast guard's unexpected death
the great wall of Qi French cafe
the natural jurisdiction
Leading term of
possible means of exchange rate
dynamic dynamic loads only
only loads only
hermaphrodite sign real proh
depth HA owners Club
Save the extreme wing
Despite the loss the Fund rules
serves as the center of the average tng
the sentence Works Department news
NET to take advantage of facilities Lake
Chief Justice online articles
depth setting regardless of their
infinitely greater memories
damaged natural intelligence
real break of mind power
Africa investment amount of
nan sex knowledge test administration
chMatthewn such as France about
Infinity tha loads manually
Weak level Samyutta
Second, the only real language
real bronze stage II
loads any how byng
the false position method
the enter try Tong
Tribe Africa exposed land
depth anniversary of perpetual
Infinity at real in
shifang catalog
State University
the sheer death realm
The Council of the u.s.
any opinion editor-bicanu
Property news radio marketing
Organic marketing news radio
Its real as the
All real tu player
Depth in technical depth setting
Depth setting that depth
Fairy talents such as the
HA were uncertain whether all the
II any Mind trust
II any Credit Center
The language phase leaders
Non-silent hybrid stock
Great leaders there's nothing difficult
Costa do not choose only
you hate trade Lake
then nature shines
Wrong halfway counters
tubular sky soil separates
shalt not think story upside-down
now the immediate instant
Offering reversible chỏi each other
It is the center of terminal illness
do not grasp the legendary affair
Juana lo NET anniversary
Data mining, full circle Crown damage
no shortage nor excess
by array lo kept up
should there be such as
In addition to a clerk Chase Naked coast
in don't be green without rings
keep a balanced level
the natural end to take advantage of
Prevent that net bridge
top off with more
as delays on the sides
would rather clear where are termites
Clearly no clue Info
the top two flower beds of uổng
Chase has lost sailings
According to not depend not
Said many more alarmed, probably the
they finished around such forever
end to end, probably for reply
where such information throughout the
Returns the source holding clues
Watch the lost tribe
minutes seconds soi reverse
beyond the immediate scene does not
The scene is not God Games take place
overall disappointed by comments
keep nothing to pray, thou shalt
just end the Department comments
The two sides don't drop the eye
careful shalt not chasing games
right left both problems
the crushing loss of burning heart
Two by one that has
one then well let go
a Centre for forth
everything about France guilty of something
Not guilty then not France
forth, then there's the mind
heart scenes that had not met
the scene in the mind that sink
The mind is the mind of the scene
the scene is the scene of the mind
for two behind end
ended up with just a not
A second, not that one
includes most everything wrong
find in find opaque
lwhat was that skewed wrong
Great leaders be tolerant
It's not easy but there is hard
the u.s. comments encompass the khừng
fold under and slowly dropped
Accept the hold is tilted Askew
It led to an anchor ties
free to let go off
the duty to be there through
Leanne pros as directed
• the knife end to negativity
as think as tied more
probably led sink virtual maze
Virtual spiritual poverty he delights
what properties the user profile
want to straighten the depth increment
Don't be disgusted six ceiling
Six ceilingYesbad read more
the General still vabout companiessensory selections
high position keeps the wuwei
stupid self tie retrieved
France the French like the French
Irish birth by previous mistakes
com there is sexual harassment at all
wrong mind to go catch the mind
Mexican birth with birth Yen
food poisoning all bad out of good
depth sets the two sides
disappointed by the real magnet
MMatthewmidsummer storms don't blossom
hard skills thought Chase
lost stories are contest phi
once let go of Guo
Eyes for me not to sleep
Midsummer dream themselves except
the mind Center for chng else
the French melting pot depth as
Depth as Arjun can
Ma had not met does not charm else
one such common needs
everything about about natural remedies
Don't ask why both
have the wrong conversation set
NET is not yet active pane
other far from net
the two da there was
What an Exchange ...
Ended up drained to the extreme
else of such fund rules
equality Management Association Center
im complete my formpartnership
Niềm or to end the
Trust inclusion probably users
else the dust is not their
take nothing but memories
the duty to be frivolous minh capitals
natural hard-jewelry
Location of failure would be
formula would weigh out
foot scene such as France about
No not one
Need for make Samyutta
the same probably real leaders of the second
any second, sociable
What does no dong
ten method of false position row
all together enter a cardboard
This tribe which in
about carving is perpetual
dealsu have no no có
ten immediate means of raising
Extra large is extremely small
also, complete the coastal scene
Extra large làextremely small
also, about the minutes
That is cAsiai do not
What's not there
For refurbished are so affordable
Determination should not nấn explosive
One that is all
All news is a
You are so alone
What concerns did not complete all the
Centre of origin two
There are two units of the mind
The speech made a stop
There's the old metal hybrids
Under the four movement suite in Credit Management, meditation subdivided into two sectors. The industry called Niu in early morning meditation, a day after members of the Group of French Enlightenment, in The Niu mountains, and not regarded as meditation Assoc. tribe. The following sector due to the Hoẵng Ring System; the Meditation also suffered in the ring Hoẵng to date, and the Professor are historians considered Meditation Group Thursday.
The other day, Legend Credit Director District Huynh Mai between having a child at its general spirit, common Thai term.
The question: what is identity?
Boy a: Leanne, but not vulgarity.
Group: Leanne Is what?
A: The Names Of Buddha.
Host: there is no names?
A: Leanne, but which is not.
The French are aware of safety.
It is art, because to talk about "race" (identity) and "corporate citizenship" (self owned) people of China are read as before. Credit Director asked the question about identity, about a boy's name itself is, to borrow the word synonym then its give a detailed solution.
Dialogue between Religious Beliefs and France (593-658), "World First Niu meditation", followed this meaningful, away from opinion differ between the two to the magic tricks of the Credit transfer French Content put into the path of meditation Assoc..
Legal Content nineteen years of experience learning through cinerea, great vacuum Uncivil physical reach. The other day he screamed than that: "the learning Vine belongs to the dictionary, not the French rescue wings, only one new Chief Justice French is Uncivil boat export" Segments on The Niu mountains, the Temple of the Warriors U, hidden at a Rocky Mountain side, am the North. now the strange omen is the first hundred birds tha cotton to give worship to him.
"The time to life the Tang Quan Trinh, four Credit Leaders hold viewing Meteor know mount and he's asking for extraordinary find to. Someone said some ten miles away, in the mountain have a relief he saw who did not stand up, but also not pieced together waiting one ever. The revive to see counsel Dung are ngWhoa as being hard as never before last year's neck back. The question:
"He's done nothing here?"
Professor answers: A mind.
Tthe drive: Who is number one? What is mind?
Counsel is not a wealthy girl, stand up, ask:
"Suchproperty or of greater Germany? "
Nest: Extreme poverty relief chng tdisplaynh Office where, well so that West, too.
Professor: DDphone Germany know the teacher Directed Credit?
Nest: Ask him what to do?
Professor: Because ngưỡng a high German was long, the forwardbe enjoy the cult.
Nest: Directed Credit is extreme poverty relief here.
Professor: human stars up here?
Nest: Visit him. There it would rest?
Counsel pointed backwards, says: "There is a separate beaker"
And he led the Team to the PM. Look around the PM finds refuge blueberries Tiger ... The dang hands off fear. Mastermind asked: "is it?"
Nest: See what again?
Counsel did not answer.
Chặp, Tthe driveand he wrote on a rock counsel Yong hang net sitting on a word "Buddha". Professor see the highway looks uncomfortable.
TSocket question: "There is that stars?[26]
Counsel have not hicanu-intensive Festival of Italy, wealthy girl please listen lyricsa weak mind. Team teaching: hundreds of thousands of legal specialization, ha s a full merit in its mind; all about sports, disciplines, hue, all spirit through changes themselves are enough there's also mindful of thee. All negativity to create Karma hybrid is not the President. All cause and effect are as romantic mị. There are three realms would have to exit, but not Bodhi would rather be. People with neither the General Lee, which Leaders are equal. Arjun damage generosity, there is no thought without worry. The French thus far he has been, for example, with schools of Mahayana Buddhism, there is no other Buddha. THE BOXng for himself in which his mind, do not according to hung, also becoming a clerk, corporal clerk, a clerk bring sorrows were uncertain, infinite horizontal, vertical barrier nonchalantly elective, such data do not heal, go stand is sitting for customized charm that feel, that the whole is a marvelous use of endless pleasure in favor of Buddha, có new world known as the Buddha.
"France, Dung asked: The mind was so, what would the Buddha? thewould is mind?
Patriarch says: If not the mind, don't ask the Buddhas, which have ask the Buddha then is not the mind.
Breakp Menu questionNo-one was happy: tu then when the scene starting up, the mind do for treatment?
Group a: coastal Scenes don't good bad good bad in places.
Mind for something, love hopes to go up? Hope has no leg up the mind for air transport mission that expressed his wall. so in that subject, no need for therapy. It is usually located close to France, there's nothing wrong to another[27]
(Media post, vol. 4)
After France, France French refugees, becoming Content Niu Beginning Meditation.
Credit Director President the year 651, at seventy-two years old. Succession is Five Hong Rings (601-674), a native of States, also with Credit, now is the Fu Pei (?) of the School Director. of Huangmei Mountain, where The French-speaking and teaching Meditation to map them five hundred people. Many people assume that The Meditation was the first Counsel intend to solve the message Meditation according to the doctrine ... But I don't agree with her point of view for the reasons already presented before. We may consider Five as the start of a turning decision in Meditation 'sstore to host Friday's opening Features Lily out of Meditation. To date, the whole of the teacher hoẵng turns out im quiet, less popular cause attention; he hidden retreat on high mountains, far from the sight of dirt world wind, so no one knows their job is left to how mà to comment. But the industry has come to publicly infidels stock meditation, and Ring was the first to appear between them, clear the way for his successor is Grace Talent.
In addition to the primary Nest media he is also a century VI and VII some Meditation on Germany, a few names, but many other neglected or at least be someone who knows. The two are best known for is Botherwiseu Chi (President, 514) and Deputy Grand Master (President, 569); the legend of him being burned in conventional lamp under a separate category called "those who reach enlightenment at the mouth of the channel, but not yet published Meditation fame equal time.It is a grotesque, confusing the author says "not export thdiscounted " is literally nothing. Often saying she hinted at those who do not have a status recognized in a temple official was "good quarter". In the sense that he is at least in the same section also has an advanced Windows are Decorated KhSaudii, because Location KhSaudii is a high rise with a prestigious Director position at the Court of the Sui dynasty. The oil back, the person named in item not in line Meditation Assoc..
Disciples sent Thai protest two name servers of duties, Insight Investment and Scientific Mindsin Saudii, assigned as a teacher in conventional lamp under the category "Meditation subjects reached fake but real export potential, a process the author". They said that the two he found long statue of Tiantai Buddhism cannot be rated a slight way possible as such in the records of the master of meditation. But Meditation related niệm that is reasonable, because if give the talks the magical treatise tribe Heaven is a line of led meditation, a Meditation with independent development stream Reaches, but with a more practical way of promoting certainty brings end of Meditation as the existing form. Unfortunately her mysticism aspect is undue exploitation that juts over the practice should the Taoist Paradise has always been to war with meditation, especially with extreme Meditation often adamantly denounced incidents of him like discussions, attorneys from the chapter, read the classics. According to the illusion, Heaven is a variation of the meditation, and as khai Tong he might deserve on every teacher, although he does not put France to The Jelly, herbal medicine, Matsu, forestry, etc.
Trong when few other Meditation disciplines[28]legs up in a century Sunday Meditation VI and VII, derived from Bodhidharma to continue unbroken progression with the Hue To, Increase Credit, Jim and Hoẵng rings, it demonstrates that the most appropriate Meditation to promote with all results guaranteed. Distinction under Five into two sects of Hue and the God Tu help industry for Meditation pure development than by removal of these elements are not necessary, or rather, those factors don't tsupermarkets above proved that culture was. Ended up with Hui faction Power exists across denominational Spirit Excellence demonstrates the effects of sheer way before enjoying the Meditation added with fine psychology and feelings of people.Of China.
All but the Indian elements and obstacles in Meditation Reaches Ma and Chu Hui to next hold Feature of sand is the stuff of sexual together, not congenital birth from the genius of Central United. So when Lily and mồn filed by Him cheer up the place to meditate, no longer a stumbling on the road hoằng Ocean French Chief Justice until Meditation become a prestige almost unique in the Chinese Buddhist world . We need to consider carefully the inheritance Feature Lily Hoẵng Rings by way, and where there is disagreement with the opponent's Spirit.
Hue Function the people at Tan Chau xừ Lthe ditch on the South mOh orphan his father from childhood, NDrng bán wood fed. Even though the other after selling firewood burden at mbar at a time, he was out on thì heard có people chanting Buddhist scripture strong shocks. spirit says.THE BOXng and he asked what chanting customers và where occasionally, vàafter unknown fell for want of business to enthraly vAvril Lavignei teachers then.Jing is Jing Jin Cu question: , and him làFive Ho ng Rings in Hoang Mai mountain camp States Chau. Lily NDrng then fend off money to leave m già, and hit the road bridge.
Is almost a month he was to mount Hoàng Mai mix to map them five hundred people, (with bow tiei said seven hundred or even thousand) and anoint Ngprevious nest.
The Five Tthe drivehresistance: THE BOXngcome from?
Meet Lily: Head South.
The question: he'd like to do?
Ans.: Just pray to Buddha.
The Southern Leader said no majornh Buddha stars doBuddha is?
However, has resolved to request relief should not Lily.Power then a right:
"Who can we có North and South, Leanne Buddha com so? ".
Please reply, very much. Thcleaning brushes and Hue are delivered to work pounding rice for monasteries. The series were Colonelm, in addition to Power only the h silver thing until Five inaugurated ah Select the sirentime a throne, holdinga group of subjects . The other day, the Group reported a possible t-paddle out reach lItaly , Tdrive sis transmitting Asiao France for which nesting thstasis for six. Thout TPeek (President , 706) là learner cao for out of ordern, and elegantly precise for vfor the Scouts, and cstain course Proc dOh we considered xstasisng worth for frivolousởng the honor then and he ism a tr rackto place knows, and where v2ndch on chAsiai monasteries.Ksystem that:[29]
The root Bodhi
The Mindas the mirror light switchboard
Hours hours of industrious phủi scan
Chớ to dye the ceiling one
Anyone reading through orgasm also disguised, and thought how monumental giArab leaders also are rewarded. But the morning after has just awakened, map them so close surprised a kimproperly write next, as follows:
Bodhi is not original
Conference nor radio
Raw is not an object
Stars bare phủi call who
Last giSaudisixteen rather than on a cby d sand so wequèn lo day room, kitchen under junk only bidiscountedt was fine wood, pounding rice for chbuzzinga.An impersonating him too tm letterOhng to the little one to Italy so that now all of thcan ddOh they very close marvel at sstainwitness t cuộc challenge quiz him on the mroutet Norway providedaboutn eã are admitted. But NgGod's Nest found in Mr. rose[30] not that ambitious maFrance gas can dominate the head steady chPeekcertain ng TV and Austria France for him. But no worries, because hu out his map of Nests are not enough insight to realise intuitively the light penetrating the magic of the words on the disposal value firewood rice Lily, if coo bstain the honor of the French Prime time over network Lee e-life people harm. SoZu ngmBao Hui Features true broth ba when map them dormant, into the pure land teachings, interior work.
Then The French shirt and awarded for the Hue of credit capabilities demonstrates the Prime evidence phAsiap loads, and late Meditation's streak will ever more brilliant. Nest also told French speaking Skills in a hurry do not ignore Lily Let's temporarily incognito where forested mountains wait time will develop and hong; The TV also said the French coat back from reaching the credit of making Ghosts later don't transfer down anymore, because from it's Meditationis to be the recognized period, do not need to use the typical dress for the reception . Right time to retire from Lily nests.
The area of the Nest by Continental's disciples transcribed[31], e have biased somewhat. If we get the other documents of the deity and his disciples, be sure the story is much different. Unfortunately so far we only have one single document associated with Excellence and a Ring Hong inscriptions of Chang Shuo (?), a notable singer and disciple of the God. San copy is the God of beer was Deputy legal hand that consider patient. Hoang the Nests of contemporary Features Lily also had to scramble the data, or the tough stuff about your loyalties also works very well-defined until Lily Meditation Power is identified with total supremacy surpassed any Meditation sect that may have. Sorry epitaph article for more about the relationship between Hue and Spirit, but in the area of both including well enough to collect a few factors throw light on history Meditation leader.
First of all try the question: because the demand would hold Hue is presented as a home school chỏi school for the erudite Spirit Excellence? The Hue is it ignorance, ignorance to close the letter for a well know? But the France Business Forum Buu transcribing the French post of the lead, as Nirvana Sutra, the diamond, the old Mausoleum, France Only, Ma, Di Da and Bodhisattva. It's fun enough that the author of the French article has to go completely ignorant to the Mahayana literature? On the one hand that The unaware to the Mahayana literature? On the one hand that the Nest is not an erudite scholar compared to God, but in the area of one finds written trying to get to the truth than ignorance. Try asking people to write knowingly? According to astronomical objects, emphasizes the contrast between the two chỏi the first High Five's best news at the same time emphasizes the essence of meditation, external, independent learning and knowledge. If, as advocates of the Practice in Germany, is "foreign TV special, the real form of inscriptions" then the Meditation is not reserved for one, oil is the ignorance and non-religious school. The high point of Hue, the higher it's more on the Meditation Group. Sure because he supposedly did, Green Hue in person to ignorance, which is sometimes a coated beads to ignorance anymore.
Secondly, why the French shirt Features Lily should not transmit any more? If Hong Rings teach hold retrieved her coat, she really imply? Saying that the lives of people who are Austria will suffer harm, it demonstrates between the subjects of the Hong Rings have the accident scrambled. They regarded Austria is typical for the situation? But what is the coat, about life and about the leadership? The Catechism Reaches Ma has been considered as the Chief Justice France propagating from the Buddha? And if the shirt is no longer relative thought would cease to Practice ethical? If so then when first Bodhidharma special mission statement says is transmitting. warm heart of Buddha, he has been regarded as Pagan, and abuse? The legend he is the enemy of Indians to poison its almost makes him extra large high. The following Austrian problem, oil is still closely related to the regulation of the lineage of French schools of Zen Buddhist Meditation as well with a solid reputation of leadership more than ever in the spirit.
The third is the suite the night of French medical communication between Hui Hong and Ring Functionality makes it must pay particular attention to a professional Home Improvement. was fine considering firewood rice in the temple, a roof, the world is not life refuge up the nest, oil is the name only, the heir to the leadership network lawyers in seven hundred map them, must cause germ of jealousy, and the grudge is another. But really if it is real enough to believe that the responsibility to screen head of the Sangha, the general coordination of the master and game fun not win over all opposition? Probably still not Gnostic oil won desire of the worldly, too unreasonable, childish too. Oil so, I still can't help but think that the chronicler Hue Features make the tragedy turns ton of drama. Maybe I thought mistakenly it know, because travelers were compounded more waist where it is unknown now, le due to lack of historical documents.
Three days after the Hue Features away from the traditional information Son Hoang Mai y Bowl spills anywhere the elder lam, a growing number of increasingly crowded due to the pursuit of the Ming Hui Hui. Through a Gorge is long pagoda, saw many people chasing to keep up, and he threw the French coat on a rock nearbyMing Hui, and told: "this coat is made of Chu, com uses that file be? Want to get really anything goes! " Ming hui Austrian grip trying to decipher the up, but Austria as heavy as mountains. He stopped, confused, and tremble.
The question: He came here what bridge? Bridge coat or requirements? Ming hui Austrian ladies because: for example as.
The official said the temporary Memorial, should heal the data relied upon do not think of next.
Hui Ming well received.
Seconds long, said: don't think, don't think, just take me Meanwhile see the to learn more about lai an his entry before my parents yet he engenders.
At first glance, Ming Hui suddenly clearer now the France (truth) Basics solong looking around outside in the vivid characters. The understanding now is that out of people drink the water heater itself. He touched too close to sweating, tears, movement and then the glass palace nearer The white ritual hand pieced together:
In addition to his suite the suite as on longer suite would again?
Energy-Hui said: the thing I said to him that there must be a suite. If he self-soi return will see what suite is in place.
Oil the historical context surrounding the lily in the same remote place, it sure is the sentence: "see the future to learn more about an item before birth parents out"[32] It is true that a new message was first announced, to place the use of meditation, and raising the Held goods increased Lily commensurate with the French coat. It's a new horizon Hue Features open to traditional Meditation in India. In making it, I don't see what is Buddhism, the mean Hue control outlines a way to express the truth of meditation according to experience, read, and filled with the spirit of creativity. Before Grace, to express her experience, one that borrowed this word borrowed and borrowed the method. Saying that "He is Buddha" or "He and a Buddha" or "Buddha in the" it's too trite, the sink, too abstract, too the concept. The question now is can we have contained a marvelous deep truths but somehow lacking in specifics, not enough being one soul lay gas up out of my sleep and ngật ngầy tri-lỉm sink scientist quotes between the abstract is from the chapter. Hue, the substance found in the mind, in place, do not have the school of life, Hui may embrace the warm truth in hand. And it is extraordinary freshness of mind while dealing with life. We can go back to that point later.
Hong the President Rings in 675, four years later[33]After a night in your grace, Lily of France for Deputy Professor Shou seventy-four years old. But The Hue, according to teachers, not open even though France, which hide rings retreat in the mountains. The other day, enter the world, thought that was up to the chemical coast. Early life, he was thirty-nine years old, to the first year of life-Supporting Facilities era (676). The search came into Guangzhou, Leanne French, an erudite Mage is Pressing Tong are preaching economic Nirvana.
In the meantime he has two people increased debate about the story, he said "a cuckoo wind wind, one he said" cuckoo ", divided not only. Hue Features jump to that that:
Not the wind, not the main centre, the cuckoo he[34]
Sentence ending in an instant the fights. The monk Wisdom Publications astounding Tone too changed before saying such contingents of Hue, tentatively, full of power. Emperor Hui's medium Power know decanting, Indo Tribe and he sometimes Held to listen to the Dhamma Huynh Mai. The following is the response of the Hue:[35]
In response to the Deputy wishes, Huynh Mai does not transmit anything, He releases on France found most essential, Leanne of meditation, not comment on meditation and moksha. Why is that? Because meditation freed, because "two" (dualistic), such as France French French is Buddha Buddha. "second" (non-duality) such as Nirvana Sutra commentary on France: France names of French, such as the names of real good second radical or radical evil that the Buddha's name has often left or a stop loss. Moreover, there are also two apartments are friendly, or common, or impermanent, while Leanne Buddha then often something impermanent and should not end, then called real. That means that something "has two" such as Meditation; the two are friendly or charity, while Buddha's name is not friendly, not real, so called real. All things in life there are only two Mexican State new decor, reached the absolute reality is King, i.e. the family identity, but it also means Buddha's name.
(Forums, product titles only)
It's the opening steps of energy-industry Director Hui Hong. effect of the apparently urgent, pervasive and deep. Did the French to thousands. But The cost of inaction far out of network Hong Yang and advice. Activities across the four southern province narrowly, and Buu Lam pagoda in Cao Cao's fields by Khe. King Jungjong excess Capacity or something the life Rings and hue to the French-Indian Center of Hong Reached Ma, sai a Messenger brings good just to get no Nest, but sometimes nghinh about menstruation, just like in the old men linquan.
Human messengers wanted to know where the weak mind Meditation about trained tâu back King Hui, Features Italian compromise only stated the following:
By the mind, be pleased with the SAT (meditation)? Jing said: Guys would see only As Lai in the General or sit or lie all the railway administration. Micro-stars? Because As a hybrid does not come from not going on where, not being there. Realize the world does not come to that As pure Bred Meditation. Realize that probably everything about things is not that the President is As Lai thanh Tinh district is located.
Not that dark. Says dark is stated literally turn the high relief crosses. Glow is not the same, and then also have to same.
(Likewise, there is no impurities with Bodhi treated each other. Micro-Star) because of the negativity that, not two not hhác. If the retrieved location hue shone out negativity, that is the opinion of the bar, feeling the car minded Coast nai goats; every great apartment high solve not so.
Shine with bright chums guys, not see "two", "clear lens position ranks second to none it's name". The names of none then the foot as real names. Leanne's equally stupid, secret, that means that basis, for example in the Holy Sage, not more, in afflictions such disorder, in meditation there the President; the saw has the second chunk, absolutely no diamonds usually, something to not go, not in the middle of something in addition, bring forth such destruction, the names of the business such as General Head Office moved, it's called.
If he wants to know where the mind of practitioners to heal all that data all shalt not thinking of the natural food poisoning could enter the names of the purity of the mind, calm the spirit using the timeless truths which respond to the utmost.
(Forums, French household products).
While energy-Lily meditate in the South, the spirit of Excellence, rival schools, operating in the North.
Before coming to Buddhism, the God Tu did the intensive grape, the original core was almost cast for him later to a different Hue, fellow illiterate. Tang Martial King as his disciples, and of course several close relatives, the wife anymore refuge with Him. When the King of The Sun News, in 685, the God Tu was also much esteem, and a great time the wife of Chang Shuo Court biographer and writer engraved headstone made for him, the French article this shelves are therein:
Teachings of the Buddha in China
In my duties as a futuristic enough.
The bridge Centre which give the names of
The other lost his father.
The God Tu President in the previous seven years Features Lily, 706. School of engineers called the Northern Tribe, for the Southern Tribes of Hue, are flourishing in the North than in the South Feature Lily very much. But since the Lienchiang (?-794) and The Jelly (700-790) actively promote the Scouts of Meditation in the South, and the latest is finished at which French Meditation workshop, the Northern Tribe does not find out who admit to such officers permanently strained to what is now known about the God of Excellence are presented by the opposing faction's documents and the southern Tribe. The main Feature is Beneficial, not God, was Miss Friday's la, acknowledged the Buddhist Meditation.
Disagreements between South and North is inherent disagreement lies in the hearts of people; If we call this Tribe is the tribe to the other intellectuals regarded as home. Nam Tong wood cutting is a match for the Northern Tribes called the salon, is due south of the Tribe advocates food poisoning is food poisoning, not sequentially, because there is a process in progress would cease; While the Northern Tribes, in contrast, promote modalities need to follow in order to reach enlightenment, i.e. food poisoning recovery time, requires more time, more elaborately refined a way. Hue is a high extreme of idealism, also God of Excellence is a real dare not unknown to the world the phenomenon in which time on each of our actions. The idealistic not regardless of the objective aspects of reality, but their eyes are always placed in a location independent character in addition to total, and optical nhỡn they released absolutes. The optical zoom is broken down into what she nhỡn much of the vivid characters in an absolute State. All the mysticism were in the Cabin. Fly surfing from the solid to the non-uniformity, which also could not be a sequential process. Excellent God disciplines should be intended as much as a word of advice for those serious about meditation, essential maintenance, overhaul, but powerless to describe substance of what himself witness called to see the names of the cage in a particular message of Hue Features with any other Buddhist schools. Meditation in Northern Tribe does not exist is the pretty, of course, because the Teacher couldn't be more than an act of instant intuition, suddenly. Flash opens up a whole world has never dared dream of, meditation is a mystic and a sudden jump, jump from one stage to another stage of thought. Raise the ramp to reach the rescue wing, the God Tu lose the ultimate goal of meditation. However, in terms of practicality, the Professor is still a worthy mentor, has many advantages.
The concept was broken down food poisoning and a food poisoning in a Meditation course derived from the Scriptures of old Mausoleum, the distinction was proposed in the passage about the translation, decanting filter out of the Memorial and the General. According to the Sutra, the decanting filter customised call her that, when the general store, when it was broken down. If for it as the smell of the ripe fruit, or straightening work pottery, or of plants, or the virtuosity of an art is to sequentially advance gradually in time; It is a behavior in which took place the Salon ahead; But if for it as a mirror of foreign material, or as A form of family leave back all the mind's refinements then the picture goes away. So is her business Express has two types of units: there are things the mind must refine new episodes once reached enlightenment after years of practicing meditation, and perhaps many lives; There are other mind right there, suddenly, almost without a conscious effort.
In addition to the above Scriptures, the Division two tone wood cutting, to the Meditation teacher, also based on the events of common psychology addressing. The point of debate is not the matter of time meets oil waged or not, it does not bother the teacher, because he said that if there is disagreement between a general philosophy, attitude and an optical nhỡn launch straight into the enlightenment. So is the issue of physical time-now converted into psychological problems with all sense the deep tone than so.
That means giving up the road (the media) all lost seats to (save), and then the media is assimilated to the rescue. As the following story:
When he Releases TheSpirit of master Tones, Tu, to consult Hue Features, ask the teacher he taught how to raise them, the answers: "I taught to stand chận all thoughts in the mind (mind) and sit im visualizations (pure land), sitting not nostalgic." Energy-Hui said.
"Net cafe Center Office is a chronic illness, not Meditation.
Sitting in the body of a nostalgic musically shalt not helpful whatsoever. Listening our shelves:
Engenders sit not lie
Death is not
A ragged thúi skeleton
What where the
That, primarily, is the attitude of Hue Features for permission to meditate God's Excellence heavy on looks. Two shelves on the wall in front of the temple border in Hoang Mai Paint when the home was in tones both with Hoẵng Rings tell well enough rhetoric comes up are all fundamental disagreement between the two sects.[36]
Then Hue Features also asked him increased, in the Northern Tribe, lets teach About God's Grace To Excellence, the ladies:
The great master God of Excellence teaches us:
the thing is that, data clerk called about
the wholesome things well done, it's called the hue,
keep themselves clean, that is.
Hue Features says: my opinion on gender to the lily back.
About nail hue of master he used to speed the Mahayana; about next level to my Lily Ultimate row Cuckolding. All my French speaking out are out from Leanne self, never left the names themselves.
Left my duty so that this time he has spoken French in addition to Leanne self is said, has not proven to be owned. The vivid characters, both about equally hue, defined by the application's name itself, it is understood that the real world is a French brand new to hue. Listening our shelves:
Self consciousness which never sexual harassment, Tanh self that is about,
Self consciousness which never si, that's Leanne self hue,
Self consciousness which never rebel, that is Leanne self.
If he does not see the names of breakfast to express what is treated on both sides should be affordable to set up opposing Nirvana Bodhi with negativity, or tri-liberating (about Ding Hui) in opposition to be constant. There is nothing free in foremost DAC facility owned badly damaged capital, by itself, but the damaged component but from which all applications. So people see the names, the access to freedom, with no sugar, which do, that said, we all over reincarnations which are not self self, Leanne left in spirit, du Delta 2006 black.
"Sexual harassment is not owned, not si, no, at any location hue also broadcast soi, freely in horizontal, vertical feature for Deng. Leanne self self self sheds Ang (self enlightenment) is ventilated, transient grade stuff no seclusion. Things like "not the President" then what is the grade?
(Forums, wood cutting food store)
Some of the French post of the nest is copied in a book called France a snail Forums. The word "investment" is often used for the pen documentation is considered to be of Buddhas, or of those who had contact with Buddhism; here a list of the French post of Hue Features are as menstruation, it demonstrates enough premium status of the work then in the history of Chinese Buddhism. Also "Junior", herd, is alluded to the corolla herds as a generation ceremony refuge for Hue, the herd this name due to the bridge na Cislo da la, the first person to translate the Scriptures of old Mausoleum, erected from the Liu Song dynasty (420-479). From January up until the flock home for life, and after, the TV always praise Oracle shaman's Pharmacy Locations (someone said that the base 's) notice will have a bodhisattva in the flesh about life here, and the Centre of Buddhist India. So "Business Forum" which means meditation Assoc. tribe comes up in the forums then.
The French also kept only the paragraph also fall through the bottom Energy Favored thirty seven years actively Hong. In the remaining sections, somewhat reputable, trustworthy, in situation one cannot answer definitively, because the books seem to have spent much of the past ups and downs, it demonstrates enough Hui's Meditation messages Feature extraordinary results too in many ways to close so much contradiction and myths between rows of Buddhists. Later, when air conflicts up to ministerial level Economic Forums legend, burned, considered with primary Buddhist tradition.However, except for a few sentences, a few dubious piece, essentially Nikaya can believe as shown in the right spirit and Ancestor of the continental French Meditation Hue.
The basic ideology of the Hui Power deserve to lift up Pastor ancestor enlightenment Meditation leaders of China can be summarized as follows:
1. one could say that Meditation Functions by Sceptre were marvelous. Before, when it Reached Ma Indian Meditation tree brought to plant to China, successful contemporary, oil Reached Ma not yet member of the Meditation messages in all the meanings. Had to wait over two years later new Meditation Centre in China, and said to be the voice of the soul of China, making India bristling from the Board to Meet Ma and as The next times times the loss and move on to speaking Chinese perfectly. The makeover was completed between hands in Hue as the disciple He immediately traveled immediately to solve all but unsolvable. The result is that what is now known as Zen Buddhism. So understand how Zen Lily
According to Hui, meditation is found before. That's two weakest giừ essential words not be cast as a full force than in the line opened by Meditation. Around two characters, a Meditation from it, and thanks to that we know our efforts are directed to where, and how one can envision it in consciousness. Then, meditation held up rushing. Actually two words he has in his life, Hit Ma, but the lamp Transmission die cage it in a life of many facilities. The oil that reached the Ma has used two words, but not all of Him that it is a personal Meditation with other disciplines. Right to hold new Lily essential sense, and strong physical upon marvelous in the consciousness of people to hear explicitly for why not confused. For the first time when He declared only a weak chorus of Meditation for the Indian shaman Tribe, saying He's not true it would misidentify are:
"the only conclusion that Leanne, conclusion of meditation or rescue". That is the main point of Hue, but the post said France later just to develop the concept of time only.
"Tanh", according to Hui, the Buddha's name, or in particular of the location, which is uncivil. Professor teaches that uncivil thing which is sufficient in any person, just because one passionate disorder in thought should not be implemented in light of it. So we need to have the instructions and the initiating of a Meditation in Germany until the hue is out in the open, and we can comment on Lee himself. Leanne is not much, which is an absolute, uniform and the same equality in American as well as fools. The lot is turned out letters from insanity and ignorance of consciousness. Many people ever say to uncivil, thought about uncivil, but absolutely cannot reflect truly uncivil to another, in any such day on speaking to enough food, not missing a side dish, which was still hungry. He could lecture on philosophy "not" thousand thousand years, but is yet to see even the names of wireless power charges uổng entryway. There are many other people considered meditation is Jing is located, keep the mind worry im all feelings, like it doesn't know what is uncivil, and what is the mind. Leanne self, implied the whole universe, never stop applications in the Earth It self free capital in, sappy, but at the same time the same self self tri. It said "all news, all the news a". Dieu Tri then use uncivil is due before application. He supposed letters by subject manner, let alone for the lily buds a projection of him.
2. the result not be avoided is natural for cabin Church was raised in the South. The see was then seen in an instant, the Hui grabbed the whole through a view-the transcendence of all dualistic award comments, under all forms. Felling is thus not sequentially, not place times and continuously. Please read the following paragraphs in the casting Business Forums all doctrine for cabin food poisoning:
"If food poisoning all the teachers from the stump allowed shall accept as external to this page, just where the order began to the see the negativity is not authentically Chen lao would be infected on thee. It's seen before.
"Good knowledge! Don't head[37]anywhere, in the outside, then the access to freedom. Don't let the mind accept before the course does not go away, no problems ... Fools if suddenly bright decor, open mind, then what's wrong with the other such locations.
"Good Buddhist enlightenment, without knowledge of beings like us; intense food poisoning and we, being, i.e. the Buddha. New World know all in the mind. Why we don't know where the Center exit saw (cabin) just the way your foot before you like? Bodhisattva Sutra says: "from the beginning, the names of the us which is pure, so if one knows himself as the Buddha mind is Leanne finds". Net Business Name says: "instant opening is to be back to learn more about the mind"
"Good knowledge, as we did in the venerable Hong rings, we have just heard is food poisoning right" under ", exit saw (cabin lives) to learn more about family identity of Legs As is thought of today should circulate the Dhamma he made the study of early leaders for cabin Bodhi enlightenment. The person himself a heart to her the will yourself see my duty before themselves.
"If his own food poisoning are then removed from the bridge. With a good cartridge before, thanks to the others to be freed, it doesn't have to be. Why? In mind that he should heal master may order food poisoning. By every Mexican plum lace puppet, mistaking the peanuts anniversary not a wholesome teacher he would outside, hot-oil, cure. If the projected number one uncivil place within moments all features expected to dissipate. If known, the names of characters just glimpse of Satori has right into the land of Buddha.
3. once the appreciation that Leanne, promote the users, instead of surveying and philosophical treatise, the result of course is the concept of traditional meditation only treated like a common sense technique to town. That was the case in the life of the continental Organization. From the childhood origin of Buddhism had two thoughts related to the meaning in meditation: the thought flow according to the advocates of these two masters of Buddhism is the most Crowded and A place in la, is off all mental activity, or wipe out all thought: the flow of thought later considered taking meditation as a useful vehicle for exposure to the ultimate reality. The basic disagreement is the cause Bodhidharma did not abuse between people who study Buddhism in China and the contemporary learning meditation master: that is the differentiation between The French departments of Niu Meditation and Meditative flow of Credit, the four primary Leadership, as well as between the North and South of Zen BuddhismAfter Professor Hui, French martial disciplines intuition, Meditation dhyana-khứng not interpretations-the usual negative sense. According to counsel, the mind, great floor plan, not just a can of non-fiction, Leanne wisdom and thought, does not contain anything that is not. Engineers want to embrace something so right at the base of all physical and mental activity, something not just a point of such geometry, which is the source of promoting all essential power and perception. Hue not to forget that the will ended up together is the ultimate reality, and the Gnostic has to be something greater knowledge, the higher the seat im observing the truth. The mind or the names need to be realized in the middle of the line moving. So, the purpose of dhyana is not the equal of Leanne self, which is the deep diving line between her flow of Leanne, and seized the heart of the operation. It is a conception of intuition's proactive way. In the following dialogue, Hue and disciples still use the old term, but the importance of the story enough to show the topic I raised above.
Sensory Myths (665-713), allows only one of the tribe's business reading Heaven Only after Ma which centres glow. Someone recommended the Continental Bridge, India should come to the sensory, Sensory and he brought to Cao Cao Khe.
Sensory walks around The three rounds, finishing against the area of thy stand straight.
The Voracious austerities is said to be enough three thousand Majesty, eight international melting pot, where greater Germany to which high such arrogance?
Buds says: The new birth is often the shepherds, time did not wait for anyone, through mau.
Host: why he did not embrace the non-being is not, clearly, for example, the knowledge of time, not to lick slowly.
Sensations: The embrace that is the infinite being, that unidentified object which is not a slow lick.
Group: Yes! The right way!
Huyen honorific Sense do the premiere team, second report please long.
Patriarch says: early?
Sensory: to learn more about hybrids, had their say soon late be stars?
: Anyone know the had?
Sense: it is at he Center of distinction.
Group: real Italian ones You clearly have been contentious.
Sensory: Has loads of birth stars that make?
Nest: If not Italy, one distinguishes here?
Sensory: segregation still available, but neither is my[38]
Group subscribed to the opinion of the Sensory Myths by saying: "heal instead?"
Royal Decor specializing in studying meditation under Five. After twenty years of sitting here in the am, he considered as Chief Justice (meditation). Arjun is Lily's Book human travel method to listen to rumor Care Ha workshop am, ask:
-He sat doing nothing here?
-He talks typing, so he retained consciousness[39]which enter or turn of mind which type? If the mind is all the world ceramic tile plants as have accidentally can enter all. Using the mind that type then all the same, conscious spiritual function, are also intended to be.
-While I added the nail does not know is that possession of mind or heart.
-If he does not know is that possession of mind or mind, always, stars also says "import". If the entry is not specified.
Position the yellow not meeting, minutes long asked:
-The master of who he is?
- The Master Record is Held in the presence of Khe.
-Green Team teaches about meditation?
-Master I say that meditation which silence that magic (magic workstation), the calm that fills the circle (the President), and are as such export, such as enter, something that no disorder. There is emptiness meditation, shalt not head in place of calm Meditation. Meditation, shalt bring forth before crashing to think of the birth (removal) of meditation. Mind as frivolous, but do not envisage about nowhere.
Huang and he sounded so until Su Hui. Professor asked: "who is he?"
The Queen made it clear things. Says:
True to his book of myths, he keep his mind racks natural as frivolous, that's still not a opinion that no ones nàovề award, the mind will free applications, no obstacles, what oil or pure land, which is ridiculous, and it is equally holy or divine time forgot all else, (uncle) and Department (guest) are end-stopLeanne, and are as such, i.e. at no time there is such
To clarify further, more explicitly, Hui's stance in the issue of sitting meditation, I sent out a different case in the Forums. There he directed reading shelf Crouching London as follows:
He held strong rotation giắn
Had our ideological end to silence
As for the scene Centre for forth
Bodhi Day grew
Counsel heard read, commented as follows: article not her shelves are centres, under which that only more binding. Listening our shelves:
Hue Features such as well at giắn
Thought no end to the silence
For the scene of mind for birth
Bodhi would grow[40]
Flexible enough to articulate the continental Organization of not Power Sceptre static damage (quietist), wisdom (nihilisten), which is also not the only center dedicated to deny the objective world. His meditation is Meditation, yet in a false world when the world was not yet produced NIE in meditation.
4. display the truth Meditation of Hue is a pure method of China, not India. Counsel did not resort to the language of abstraction or mystical realm myth. It's the direct method only that simple, specific, and reality does nothing more than as venerable Ming Hui please listen to France, says: "I considered the future duty to Take an item of him before his birth parents".
Their statement did not aim directly into contacts? There is nothing philosophical treatise, is exquisite, award is frivolous image appears off, that is just as outspoken, tentatively, not Lu frigid winding. Ởđịa particles, the pioneering Features Lily paved the way, and his disciples Professor followed, effective steps and sailings. We have seen through the International Forestry approach then how unique in France of the "selfless human legs" [41]
Please add a few examples. Hue Features has just found the South American Bid a nostalgic (677-744) Federation immediately: "where to?" and then the next claims right the second question: "is That what's coming?" Vann takes a hefty eight years new schools were satisfactorily the question of organization.
Then, almost as suddenly asked as client's engineer and say hello. Such as the South Institute asked a new rose:
-Where to?
He also mistakes like me.
Incense Is Strictly ask Three Holy Hue:
-Where to?
-There is a sword that International Forestry?
Of course Lily holding plate is located on the instrument type in the mouth Flavor, and then develop the sleeve out.
Chen fake respect ask a Mr. Rose:
-Ởđâu to?
"He's lying" that's my judgment of false religion.
Other times the ceiling of fake religious question a he added:
-Where to?
-Jiangxi Province.
Take the trail off several grass shoes?
He grew more subdued this sweet treat.
That disagreement between the two methods of mining towns of India and China put up discontent, if any, between such as Lai and Meditation Master of meditation.In the case of Incense is strictly submitted to Paint President Lily poor shelf post Threshold,[42] The President says:
"Professor filed only As Lai unincorporated, Meditation Master of meditation".
Someone asked Category "meditation As a hybrid with various Lawyers Hold Meditation, same, what?" In response to:
The blue mountains are the green mountains
Snow White is snow white
Hue Features President, 713, at seventy-six years old, to the Height line, Xia happy peaceful scene, and culture up to the magnificent peaks of glory in history.
Over hundred years later, the first use of the Willow Ton Raw, in every contest count of China literature, compose articles inscriptions on the Tower, as Xianzong King after the posthumous name is the great Chief:
“… From TV to life six Ghosts Reached the Executive. The great Chief solong offering subtle translation business just heard has spectacle probably together. Five touching given credit for. After the Mastermind hiding in South Sea, no one or know, to sixteen years found time to plat and he brought to Cao Cao held Khe districts, as the master. Scholars come to Tutor up to thousands. The core of the leaders took the "wuwei" do have, did not get the "đỗng" as the immense, took the big forest making room for. What about higher education, Professor taught before the original is, ancient remains, from the right way, will be digging artificially which is essential Britain.
"The King of The Sun listening to the track twice sent to sometimes, but Su refused from it, only the mind arts, Word of his presentation today, enough disclosure statements for Xia said.
"Chums say meditation in Xia all must take the great Chief Cao Cao Khe do root, the President so far has various fillings for six years."
(Four Great Swedish Chief teacher bi)
After Hue, Meditation mineral fertilizers into multiple lines,[43] of which two lines now exist in China as well as Japan, a line comes from Private Practice in Srinivas (President, 740) now continued under the title of Sōtō;also on the other line, in France from the Hefty Nostalgic in Nanyue (677-744) now Rinzai is represented. The oil over the drastic change in many ways, but the principle still Meditation style legs and vivid as any day, under table of contents, and it is one of the invaluable spiritual heritage of the East is now affected also instilled deep within the culture, especially among Japanese fake food world.

[1] Source material: "useful French public falling out with Tibetan, Nirvana, marvelous micro magic traditions, Vice Minister kim General and indefinite wish Ma Ha Ca Romaine". Meaning: "We are the eyes of the French public treasures, magical mind of Nirvana, the French doors of magic, invisible General General, now bring back the great Ca Romaine". This tradition is called "anniversary flowers that goofy", meaning Buddha's jam, aromatic herbs and mĩm laugh. Indian mind Meditation arises from it. (D. G)
[2] The composer is Li Tsun Hsu (?)
[3] Free name transliteration according to the lamp next to the Wan's Meditation. (D. G)
[4] A pratishtita cittam
[5] Zhaozhou (778-897) was one of the early part of the first Zen master Tang in the air jubilantly of Zen Buddhism are Islamic Renaissance. Professor Shou to 120 years. The post said France's mastermind is always short, aim directly into contacts, and the response of nature known that subtle, hard-to-lãnh.
[6]"Private communications Director in addition to classics, directly, not through words, aim straight on, the inner self to family identity to become Buddhist». The two sentences that basically set the tone, the following two sentences to experimental methods. Because "foreign TV special» shouldn't y according to the Scriptures; because "any form of inscriptions» should not construct of thought reasoning; only the "opinion" as "Leanne as the Buddha" should have nothing to say. It is self contained and only Centre (D. G)
[7] 4 To 8 Meditation news
[8] It is the lack of the continental Interior (6 door Missing) consisted of 6 essays legend due to Reach Ma.
[9] The four Almond Bars, also known as the "Second type", two inputs.
[10] DDóare the two weakest Elf characters Reach Ma,I to nguyên, not translated,willthe following explanation. 
[11] Partnershipassuming the passage of today's Forestry Siddhartha's title or post. According to Professor at Tokiwa University Royal in Eastern capital, Forestry Siddhartha is an erudite scholar ever to contribute to the translation of many Sanskrit texts. his name is also mentioned in the articles claim to write about Hui profile Availability. If, due to the Talk, he identified Forestry as a scholar rather than a mastermind of meditationnatural, is that he can write essay "the four Almond Bars" is that a real application knowledge with the Italian League has been Meditation. The Catechism "Mural a" officers are especially of Zen Buddhism, but the essay also many appropriate element for Meditation. 
[12] Translated into Chinese life Northern Liang (397-439), the translator does not know who you are
[13]In The High-Rise Series Leader Declared that Reached Ma administration where charges are taught Meditation leader for the people there, but because of the time the country immersed in the squabbles about four chapters so many cases trumped happened against the message of Reaching Ma 
[14]The subject has been presented in the previous page, but only the summary only, and will be more broadly in a separate book. 
[15] On this point, I would like to have a few words to comment on the opinion of some scholars consider the philosophy of "not" is the basis of meditation. The scholars then absolutely no grasp of occult Meditation which is justified, first, not philosophy or dogma. Meditation never build up on any psychological or metaphysical point of view; These views can be set out later, after Meditation, never out front. Uncivil philosophy never goes ahead, must always come after. The study of Buddha as well as those at the same time to reach the often too easy to assimilate the doctrine to life, theory with experience. icons with real. Even longer tolerate crazy mood then Island flourish then the Meditation does not set out to be a clever explanation and satisfactory. No the original point in the River, to the Union of Romanian Long tho never expected to write was a moral interpretation of Uncivil
[16] As said before, people often confused how to meditate "mural" with the catechism in meditation "mural a" reach Ma. The confusion he has from the beginning and during the Original Director, intensive Italian "mural a" less often.
[17]History books when the Optic Nerve is a common introduction to the people, when they say he's the Huge religious soldiers.
[18]It's too obvious story full of wild beauty the way in vertical details in the snow and strong arms to demonstrate kindness into the bridge. Someone said two more on not in the life of the spirit, but to borrow in the book , because the Moral Pronouncement didn't say in his series. Accordingly, God Rays arm sure because abuse of bandits attacked him after his French life Reached Ma. Decent would van could not be authenticated. But the staged on terribly real. Maybe in the history of Meditation available at need to spin the truth too such imagination, whatever the facts.
 [19] According to Hsieh, the author sets foot on French public television, where Bodhidharma anatomical Long tho by the Meditation. Nagarjuna, in a commentary on the Sutra fame has says: "happy is the skin. meditation is the meat, place the lily is the bone. While the magic are the bone marrow ".
The magic of mind power, the author said, is the Buddhist response to France Gall (son of). The author quoted Khai Decor life Options considered the mind as accommodation of Chu, as central leader, had not met before, such discrimination is an example to all nor any bristling words for satisfactory.
[20] The official in the center of the bowl and was Director of Indian Medicine Buddha. 
[21] Media post-Green said: Professor venting mantle, disguised, or unicorn la pub, or sa da butcher. or in the language of the class path, or enter the market place you the servant of the people. Someone asked: "is he's led such stars are?" Engineer a: I order things, my mind has nothing to ôngđâu that ask (DG.)
[22] "Being Italian officials stage as real.
Foot u chi wing's real enemy.
My duty me ma ni en ngõa.
Visual Hoát nature the European leg.
Endless Dan Hui intellectual ignorance.
The French equivalent of van tri news period such as.
Read more comments on second try introspection map set.
From the pen falls last Wednesday.
A data-body Buddha real wrong.
HA tu Belgian miluo city wing loads.
[23] Seems to suffer from leprosy.
[24] The only Premium products, in three cups,Bodhisattva Wei Ma said to Favor three cups: Him shalt not guilty for two khưu Bhikkhu (piracy), to terminate, shalt not do them disorders. Why? For the other names not in, not in, not in the middle. As Buddha said: "mind the stigma should be clean, the stigma of beings so pure beings". Also not in, not in, not in the middle. The other Center, guilty of such well structure. The French also like, not in addition to the foot as.  
[25] In addition to Direct Credit is the Chief, Jim Press Center also Increases an Indian shaman is Their Genus (Vinitaruci) and advised to the South to the beings. It's the first Meditation in Vietnam and Their Genus is the Mastermind. Mr. President, 594 life Backstage LY Nam de. (D.G.)
[26] Text: due to possession of fish prices in?
[27] Here, as in many other passages, I translated according to the text of a Chinese, not through a letter, should have it slightly differently, as said above there is in a word He
[28] The contemporary practice of meditation is the gorgeous Meditation Cabin with Lily. Power, God, Meditation, Occult Shop with the God Tu, universal Citizenship, Location, The Niu Meditation with France, Tri Nham, Hui Fang, Hoang Mai Meditation Painting by TV Ring with Hui'an, Gui, etc. Along with the other sects are Muslim flourish (the United States, Law, Consciousness, Heaven. NET, Your tribe), the meditation on the line to give culture a prestige ultra pounding is unmatched, so historians for the era is the era of culture gathered in one location all the most essential differences of English and Chinese thought.(DG) 
[29] Post this article as well as the shelf the shelf under the copy to gain accessTransfer Posting of contents there are other double letters in the final sentence with two shelves in France Business Forum, but Buu relationships. (DG) 
[30]The homeless musician, not increase. Lily meets Energy eão nest while is upasaka; case Raises Sengcan as well.Sixteen years sau Hue 's new hair, student tools to adjust the t-nh. Factor cd sand so is one of the determinants of the Mahayana teachings toaboutn tribe.Then did a lot of upasaka Gnostic oil still gpulloutBC residential AO sso Trong number then Bang upasaka is one; and right from inception Hue Available had Brokenwithng cyeah singer.DDóis a very special point of meditation. In addition to longer factors women are also very thAng note. (D.G.) 
[31] The document is Buu French Forums Kinh. the copy of France (D. G)
[32] To learn more about the hybrid wing category: the literal is the puppeteer from infinity thỉ to infinity, is the face behind (D.G.)
[33] There are other than the copy book, from five to fifteen years
[34] According to the English version of the four he raised threads clerk sent two. The popular classical Chinese saying only that the two men have room on. (D.G.)
[35] This is where the French open post for Glass Harp in the well-recognized energy Lily called "opened the Eastern disciplines Painting" selling room followed room escape from classical Chinese for easy to understand (D. G)
[36] The story that disagreement between the two leaders first Meditation House, oil true to history or not, still shows a dispute between South and North took place quite drastically. The "French Economic Forum Buu" seem to be send out being dismissed arguments opposing tone of his human Spirit Excellence for Meditation Nam Tong
[37] The classics are always highly uncivil above mentioned doctrine loads head as the sentence "but invisible children's head office being States of mind" ... is it, or accept hard on something do it based. Here is a meditation: The Million questions to visit Etc. CU asks: "Han elders, why not find a spot and then head for?" Chou asked: "where is the head office now?"-"after the other mountains have deserted Temple, venerable to it's right". After Zhaozhou up the Mountain State engineer Tu Du. Professor asked: "Master Han dynasty, Han dynasty, why not find a spot and then head for?" CHOW asked: "where is the head office now?"-"Behold the elders did not know where to head any more novelties shalt not!". Zhu said, "thirty years and one playing with the horses unharmed today again fooled the rock". 
[38] See the solution in the "certificate management" of the Heavenly Structure produced in the leaf Set (D. G)
[39] owner: conscious, as opposed is not consciously, the mind can understand in the strict sense is thought (D.G.)
 [40] Hue Features a thoroughly: no job, no impact on the duty to be natural.
-The encyclopedia of thought: my duty was not thought should not need to kill the thought.
-For Center sight window run: the mind itself which purity as the mirror the mirror for passport photos, the scene is not afraid, not afraid to mind scenes, all corresponding data is the same.
-Operative Chief ma Bodhi: to never kill because of not being, further growth is troubling.
The same two items on the shelves. posterity has other shelves are as follows:
The military thoroughly HA
Ownership concept ridiculous idea
Free mind began removal
Chief Bodhi real growth. (D. G)
[41] Consider this story in an essay
[42] Consider posting shelf in the conclusion of six "French meditation practice" The Mastermind is a non-profit Reach Ma. (D.G.)

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