Thursday 16 May 2013

University Institute, published 1969
The pagoda Opening Britain, France to republish
Chinese translation: OUYANG KHAN SURVIVES
Free translation: LIKE QUANG
(Comment on suffering, God Set) 
These points were presented in the previous two chapters is just taking hold of love in so far as the primarily to talk about psychological activity for the Board only. But, according to the Buddha, the life not only of a period which, because of the power industry, is that there remain myriad myriad Marine General, and adapt to, the nature of the industry, people born on the plight and under the condition of different creatures: the novel "y career reincarnation" (samsara-shipping). Theory y career reincarnation of course not derived from Buddhism, but this idea of India appeared from the end of the age Range, and it was not until the era of the Austro-Meaning-Messages it is formed at the same time with the novel often fell, on this point, I have said already. (1) From then onwards the doctrine he has slowly been for Spanish culture, and to the Buddhist era, with the exception of the only House-extreme-reasoning, human-like-this agency under a certain form, was all the schools admit. (2) Every see the Lun-hui-quan and Career-overview of Buddhism, said, all of the glass was also derived from the catechism for the Board. But other Buddhist, with the other denominations. The sect, if currency use and theory of reincarnation, all admitted that the fall can often also; my lai, as mentioned above, the Buddhism for human life which favored by advocates to infinity-fall-comment.Career and Robin-feedback-comments of the sect are related to often fall that start, the mission, during the demonstration of the similarities of the soul after death, that the ego as the rounds, thanks to the firepower of career brought to a certain place, and then again from where, thanks to the new fire brought to a different place, is based on the destruction of souls that take reincarnation. For again, Buddhism does not recognize the cosmological constant exists of bullets which only admits forms of reincarnation due to enemy fire. Like new, look over, between loads-falling-and wheel-feedback-comments of Buddhism almost lost to enemy fire; the Buddha has put her on the Catechism reincarnation comments that do not know or just because when responses to contemporaries that used the old theory leads only? Such is the problem cause it is impossible not to think of.
(1)-Max-Philosophical-religious-school-History, page 275-284 and 350-365
(2) As on page 509-510
Among the Buddhist scholar, Usa today also have many questions on this point. As the Buddha learned Rhys Davids was also expressed as follows
For this is the opinion prevalent in time which is added to the basic teachings of Buddhism but is complete without a bit of fusion with the logic of the legal basis (1).
In my opinion, of course, impossible for the criticism above is correct, but the superficial comments, ideas still have spots that are acceptable: that is a truth. Right, when Buddha handle on this theory, often just pay attention to the practical aspects, not mindful of the argument, so it's impossible to figure out the logic with fusion, this is the problem that the Buddhist studies for was also gone. But in a way that survey, general industry and reincarnation has a crucial meaning for human-born-Buddhist view, without it they could not do captions are the human chess, not even articulate it rules of human ideal. Because of its important personalities like so not it was not compatible with logic. But, if then how can theoretical conditioner egolessness and general industry?.From time immemorial, this is a great problem of Buddhism, and took the Center deployed all doctrines. According to the place I know, firepower is difficult because people understand loads-falling too mechanically. If we understand the life of the Buddha in a true bitterness, in contrast, can see the theory of karma and reincarnation is just after you enter the new Buddhist philosophical meaning. So, for this issue, here we again ask for comment and compared birth-par-view has been presented in previous chapters in order to understand the logic of reincarnation.
(1) Rhys Davids; Early Buddhism, p. 77.
For convenience, let's discuss the situation for ban of reincarnation. People in life to have a certain body parts, there is the PC of course of life; from birth until death, works non-stop, which means the living (biva), also known as Shou destined (agus). The specificity of expression out, talk about humiliation, then warm air (usma-ovum), respiratory, talking about psychotherapy, then , in brief, is there tho, ovules, formal, i.e. so-called life that, (1) And, to a certain duration, ovule, life and consciousness can no longer maintain the peace between them and escape the body: which news is dead, is taking advantage of life, (ayusankhaya), is the dilution of the four great. But, the problem raised is: why to a certain term, then have to die? On this point, but there is a special presentation is clear, but it is a truth that cannot be concealed. If said a compromise that is the effect of karma, i.e. the so-called children's natural course. 
The two often follow each other, that's life and career, not career there tho. If the life and death love the indigestible won't die, even if life and eradicated the ham (love) all must die, the (2) 
Career here means that the jewelry industry are only preserved in a time limit, thanks to his power that is tho, and when his life is destroyed as well off; it's the captions between the career and the life.In summary, there are students all have the kill, it's the natural principles by destiny. But, according to the Buddha, the destiny of man is not annihilation with the death; activity of consciousness but had stopped because the goal of the year was based, but the will to live , basic ignorance, taking the experience (career) at alive as Bollywood, etched with the impression that succeeded, as this way when opened, would have enough ability to calculate formation in aggregates and, to adapt, to express the creative character of love. The only point is one can not for the life of the current as well as the existence of space, under a and in somewhere. Because when it comes to exist in space, surely will associated material but could equivalent of life is non-existence of matter, so could not treat it as an object space. This location for view Buddha they born in the myriad colors have no country, no love of pure spiritual activity with the country then clearly enough. That is, love in Infinite realms-in the present real-world-can not be considered the existence of space, depart every body, all general photography work consciously on the will of life, how that is considered to be material. Such is the major disagreement between the subject of Buddhist reincarnation and soul are common material half of the day. If standing on the base stance of the Buddha that says the equivalent of life as well as what is now called the scope of the fourth stage (The fourth dimension), but this is also the point difficult to explain about the reincarnation of the Buddha. Later on, usually given to General hull Centre (antarabhava) and the room is the space to allow for the easy out, resulting in novel Bardo brackets have been-continues-. Also as the equivalent of a public life and could not take the existence of space that measure.
(1) m. 11 Mahavedella 43, p. 296; Central, 58 out of sight-Questions-Hi-La, page 267: d. 23. Payasi 1, p. 335; The cable, a, 7, 800 pages
(2) A character doing 5-6, 11a.
Song, the equivalent of life then how to leave alone – so far – turned? In this regard, as will present later, according to the Buddha, the method of doing-then chemistry has four categories is: thai (species lay wrapped), Ovum (egg laying species), low (species lay in that wet) and Biochemistry (the natural species that are born). But the only real method of presentation – so far – by thai students only. We must first have the intercourse of male, female, that is the first step in the exercise-we-travel. The stock then, if standing in terms of gender which comments, then it is to satisfy the desire of the instinct that there, but, if standing in terms of doing-biochemistry of human destiny that comment, then it is because the creation of reserves, make themselves that intercourse. In your start up the phenomenon falls pregnant then is the father, mother and fighter sweeps-Thát-She (gandhabba-absorbent perfume) all three harmony that there is the phenomenon of the falls. Qianlong emperor-Thát-Mrs. here is borrowed from mythology, used in the sense of wanting to do-so far-the biochemical destiny. The other is called the formula of life take the sex of the parents do to coast-take-turns is the beginning of love thai born. So life Super space, at least as technically possible, also be subject to the provisions of the space that would be the certain body parts. And then the reality experienced in the period of pregnancy, until the day of export, the adaptation to body parts, i.e. the rebirth. The process of regeneration from prenatal to postmortem compromise is like. Thus, the phenomenon of death, if the comment on the surface, the game clock as annihilation, but, if the comments on the current of life, it still has the capacity to calculate the five aggregates succeeded, even adapted it s personality come to the realization, because in the course of time always builds new skandha in place of the five aggregates have dissolved. In summary, regeneration is not inherited through the five aggregates changes of birth only.
"There's no newspaper industrial who created this warm, author (skandha) destruction, and then warm the other procedures ".  
This popular, Di-da-(Milanda Panha) and Comment-Max (1) such a lamp which spread to a nearby đènk Hao Haidong to clear any ongoing significance.
(1) 10 p Panha Milanda: location Index, volume II, page 80b
Well as silkworms into pupa, pupa transforms into his son, equal and continuous metamorphosis. As such, it is also easy to understand Dafa-Hui-quan of Buddhism.
But, the problem arises here is: If your human mind Organization due to the successors of the skandha in before, then why do people never remember the things in before? (1) in terms of Ðứng liturgy of Theravada Buddhism which says then this is not really a problem. Why? Because, as mentioned above, according to the Buddha, the nature of life are not the intelligentsia which is the will, the memories go hand in hand with intellectual who would scatter at once with the rebirth. Australian economy still Functions in the Coast and cascade control is the way to go into the body of the mother, but the way it ended up just the Bureau will mindlessly, i.e. born destined to be called differently, rather than addressing not only for the sense.To see where the Bhikkhu-Khưu God-Tea (Sati) for that consciousness (vinnana) is the subject of reincarnation that suffer very severe rebuke Buddha is clear enough. (2) news was not the recipe , can't remember the experience in previous lives, that's probably natural. Ðứng on theoretical stance the will a situation that says, the memories, for the same personality, the only ones worth Monday, Tuesday only.
(1) Milanda Panha, p, 7
(2) m. 38 Mehatanhassanhhaya; Central-vol. 45, tea-Soles-.
As Buddha said, to the Saints who are not employees of the half before that even though the half can also understand. The main ancient Buddha also has often said about half of the people, at the same time, one finds the fate after death. (1) for the Holy places is often seen through the nature of life, the unknown is the past, the future of every impression a (career). This is not the common memories that person can usually do, by this, who are often based on what is, not of reincarnation is contrary to Buddhism's stance. What is called Buddhist reincarnation is totally about the character unconscious .
(1) See The jaw, 5. -Far sa investment; D 18 danavosabha; Central Functions, 57, Jian Mao: Ma-Ha-Da, 79, Culasakulundagi: Middle, 83, Three Races count blakeana; Ma-Ha-Da, 68, Malakapana etc.
Love taking self as possible, is the equivalent of career, taken as samples, taken as progeny in, taking the industry as the Department vi, means that such distinction is due to the distribution business. (1) y world on that move, love bondage industry suffers, as well as the y axis on the wheels that spin. (2)
The nature of the industry? This issue but was told through above, but here it is the central issue of London--comments should be left to be discussed again. And, here, although somewhat complicated, still have to go back to grab the born-destined-as the starting point to argue.
As presented above, b.-destiny-of Buddhism for life really is, that is, the life of the accumulation of the five aggregates, and is the first step to understanding Karma-Buddhist view. Otherwise if detached skandha which survey the industry, the General Directorate could not understand the meaning of the base of the industry. Also retrieved five aggregates as-documents-private, career-making force-multiplier, used the car to such that demonstration, held then, as said above, just as examples only, rather than in fact it was not the same life that observes the ways quarrelled for captions for convenience, the only. If the home owner-fall-comment created a soul is often fixed constant dependence of the industry between the subject and object dependencies can be surveyed separately, rather than behind, according to the Buddha, the departing industry hosted love cannot survive, so, not able to survey the industry and life separately. As the meaning of the verse quoted above: "love taking self as possible, is the equivalent of" it has clear career was inseparable love. So, according to the Buddha's feet they must understand the industry is not dependent on the life that life itself is when search demand creativity autism.
(1) m. Culakammavibhanga 135, vol. 111. 203; The function of cable, Anh vu, 44, 207 pages ' (refer to a a 6-sheet vol. 1, pp. 23a)
(2) the Suttanipata, n. 654.
As well as on the other end said, the principle of the unity of mind of people, commented on the schedule, but the Consciousness (vinnana), but, comment on the internal side, then it is Released (sankhara), that is, in the strict sense is Capitalism (catana-Italy releases), the Buddha for the process will consistently form is the personality, i.e. the author fell (puggala, pudgalà-the-old-la), it is themselves viewed the French sayings such as "whole medicine on that volume" and "Y in that there" is clearly enough. So, the close behavior, password, your medicine on life business, the reactionary of the news industry, said in a broad sense, but also affects the whole mind-body organizations to form the names of the way, but, speaking in the strict sense, have to say, ended up, the subject of it is , that the will, was made up of Bollywood. Moreover, the latter will form this personality, whether it is unconscious, but, in order to adapt its personality, it is unity consciousness that traced the bridge the will after this. What the Buddha called the career is not over but not the customs of the will in deep into Bollywood. Later, Ministry-religion and Consciousness-religion etc., of the career (acts of reality) is the current investment (will happen), and to be of scalar-expression-career (i.e. industry) is the e-strain of capitalism, that is his will. Although this is the explanation of later life, but in my opinion, it's still close to the foot of the Primitive Buddhism. As the medical industry to self that creative future the decision not because of the possible health which has mystical power possible classification but it is from the nature of it there was enough potential personality in and the will and creativity.
Again, survey in a different way, in a sense, the Buddha may also be known as an experienced home-conclusion, i.e., that means that advocates of one (taken psychological operations master) are due to the experiences in the past builds that have, in addition to experience out there something off. Only one other point with the common opinion-experienced is that the economy experienced only speaks to the experience in a period from birth to death, the Buddha is said to the radio from the past experience. In conclusion, the experience home to talk about life of the people, at least, can also be said that the attitude of the House experienced-comment, that idea is no longer the Lake what facilities. That was in fact the cause the accumulation of experience, while the unconscious but the to of the character and the real rules of future behaviour. So that the career is not over well just the sugar beet continuous experience, and, of course, is just the medicine the results of experience and the constant flow of Bollywood. Because, as far as Buddha says, life of people is due to the accumulation of the experience in the past which is infinite, y on Bollywood adaptation experiences that bridge business, and the business methods that bridge is the new experience that changes personality, so incredibly successorthat news is reincarnation. And then retrieve that personality along with prescribed course in adapting vớo creativity autism which called y into the cause and effect of karma. Therefore, if the thought of Theravada Buddhism is just thought of home-experienced, as well as for the Buddha organize life also experienced (career) are inadequate. But, the experience of the Buddha is endless, and Marine General, commented on aspects not experienced having point of origin, the Buddha is again evident-Angel comment but acknowledge a life not career also does not leave the industry . Later, the consciousness-created the A-Back and comparison of the first survey, celestial bīja (a possession bīja) and runner bīja (new order of bīja) of it in fact also stems from the ideas on here.
Again, while the cumbersome but let's take an example to talk about the relationship between career and life.As the heishui (black water). A black liquid, called the black cards, but also able to loose out there is color, which also colors out nor can loose: there is a certain principle (according to a chemical analysis may cause it to depart the self that play with out, but here is not about the same point). So, the so-called career ended as well as colors, longer life as well as liquid, both not one that is different, different but is a. But life related Buddhist in nature, so if only examples with Northern aquatic e, which must not turn it into, which means smooth succession. And the direction flows to all the right due to the color rules, and due to the flow direction is that the color of the black cards there. Also on the variation of color from red to black, turned into yellow color loss not to become black, gold and Red also retained the ability to turn into yellow, black. Also, when changing from black to white and gold shall not destroy, that is, the changes are still preserved are capacity-PC. This location is very close to the concept of career and life and reincarnation . That is, the direction of life due to industry regulation, and industry back to medicine on the content of life, always cause a new career in deep into the self, and preserve the obsolete industries; and then the entire industry or a content rule to parts of living life, but it looks extremely complicated but which still has a clear, coherent policy that turned into their ongoing activities. This is also the point of disagreement between industry and Lun-hui-comment. Because, as noted above, possession-fall-comment for that career as through only part of foreign expressions dependent on a fixed life, that is, the raw-force to the scene, said the Buddhist in the quirky real very good again absorbed past experiences and then take that as raw-force but promote creativity (rather the periodic creation). As I said above, to the theory of Buddhist karma and reincarnation are true new meaning in philosophy, which is at this point. See, if your theory of Buddhism is not consistent with the logic of that is not acceptable,
As presented above, the Buddha that life is something always changes back to the continue its reincarnation, if only medicine on computer mindlessly, the personal relationship between life before and after? In other words, it is one or the other? Because, according to owner-fall-comment then all but are variable, but fell to the uniformity often head, and said, according to the logic, of course, can fall before or after is also identical. But Buddha is just getting out of that mind is physical-chemical variables, so all must be the victims, especially about the newspaper industry theory of enjoyment then the home owners-ego-commentary is often questioned the Buddha always.
"Tickle Ðàm! the other guys (Borders) as the other guys, (Borders) take that (it) does, or a do (Borders) that other guys (Yǐ) took? ".(1)
The above is a-La-Alike questioned the substance Right. This figure the word out was derived from it do not understand life's General foot changes and ended up also just took the crumpled fixed do standard that accident, the only. Buddha and the relation of before or after General similarities of life impossible for one that can not be that different, that is also the same, which also varies: it is central.
(1) S. 11 pp. 76-77; Cook Ham, 14, cable a, 656 pages.
By the Buddha has answered the question above by novel pratītyasamutpāda. 
"By doing that your Borders took the voila is extreme. By doing that the old Museum took its voila second extreme. As Lai Shun two extremists and theory under central leadership " (1)
That is the spirit of the Buddha on this point. If in the opinion of Mrs. Rhys Davids then can explain in the form of table as follows:
A-A '-A '-A ' "-An ... anB-B '-B '-B '"-Three-bnC-C '-C '-C ' "-Ca. .. enD .. dnE ...
In the graphic above, ABCDE is the pattern of life due to the five aggregates constitute the real, but no but just assume it is detached, i.e. born destined to Bollywood. And then again using only the number, ",", denote the reaction of experience, i.e., to show that life is real life model.
First of all let's assume life of people currently taking world starting making A, if used as the example of heishui as subrahmanya. But the nature of the Indies-Max-Philosophical-religious-schools-Use of capital is not a carving would stop; its activities direct dye color itself but into a kind of A ', A ' Hey back based on the color characteristics that works to bring A ' personality "so in turn collect those past experiences on current and existing back up into the future until the General is A '".
(1) See footnote on page 187
During map representing A ' A ' A ' "as having a truss, but in fact it is the continuity of real clips, while experiencing many changes, but thanks to the childhood memories of family names, at themselves and the circumstances surrounding that retains the personality model a. From a child becoming an old man just as the entity of a film camerabut does the film long: thousands of size but also the person that has the different activities in the film. For changes like that until can no longer maintain the habit usually know is the General then will arise a greater turn drama is dead. The road ... in the map is courtesy of this designation, the results go to form B, look on the surface called the Lake very wrong other than A, but, according to the Buddha, the basis of B is infinite personality-Italy-. Also as there is An accumulation of experience, security, then that is just the constant changes of An only. Again according to the Buddha, but also the humanity but which has the wrong about capacity, the plight of other dissidents and etc. is physical an untapped potential in this. And then get an as the basis for all activities, according to the above rules, go to Bn that student plays turned into out bn, enD, dnE, etc ... that is your General infinite reincarnation. So, if the only comment on the surface only between ABDC... "the Lake as there is a relationship, but if it holds its content in the raw power of Ba-La-Mon may imply A '-A '-A '" ... again. By that, She-La-by A regulation. By CB AD regulation, D do that, ABC News is the establishment of causality. Dew point, when set to a French problem, then the question is raised as A regulation B as a condition to implement or that's just the process takes to D? Sees one's life, then of course the problem also arises: in the accumulation of reserves the industry as secondary causes? etc. Later, Bhikkhu-Hit-Ma has launched various research, but here not to mention. In summary, say a switch from French, tam the causation of Buddhism has been built on the Foundation of the changes mentioned above; that is the Buddha. If the relationship between the results reported enjoyment and the artifact is one or the other, are mistakes, which are based on the principles of system news changes pratītyasamutpāda, to the new deal. As well as led example above, which is the main Buddhist reincarnation is like the turn of silkworms: from the small insects become capsule, the capsule from the son, keep looking from the outside, "the Lake is a completely different animal, but ended up then just the turn of a child. It is not the same and he's the one, which also could be different, just maybe for the changes that the fun of it, the similarities only.
  "The Industry has no artifacts nor have people tasted the fruit, just because the aggregates transform, which is the proper review with brackets. Yes, there are results like the circulation of trees with fruit (and result), each each do to each other to move, no one can speak of its Bureau and General clue "(1)
The changes above are the endless endless marine chemistry variables in common, i.e. Infinite reincarnation, that the legal principles regulating the process of changes she is cause and effect: it is the true perspective of Buddhism.
To this problem is to note is: If the Buddha only build samsara according to the variables such as the reincarnation of the Buddha is not the reincarnation of Phât not the reincarnation in accordance with its sense of self, because if true self-the meaning of reincarnation is the vicious souls in space to go reincarnation is the body parts.
(1) Visudimagga, Chap, 19: Buddhism in Translation, p, 24.
But according to the Buddha, the equivalent of the changes IE reincarnation rather than have the echo phảng in space, as well as the worm shall not die away into the new capsule news, his son, but only because of the changes that into him, the pupa. Life of people as well as the current ones can turn into water buffalo, horses, into hell, into heaven, all are not beyond what is called karma, all turned into reincarnation, so says:
"Due to the result reported ties that natural Ant into eight major hell" (1) 
News the millionaire club isn't heaven, hell that's the career of people taking it as his own realm of creation, not the soul of one reincarnation to the belly of the horse that is just the career people, in the process turning the goods the five aggregates of human beings instead of the five aggregates of horses. The truth of the Buddha on the rollover comment is exactly in this point. See the comments of Professor Long Quan (Nagasena) that reincarnation is the successor of a, and such fire from this to catch on a lamp a lamp to the circulation of reincarnation (2), may be said to be very logical fit reincarnation of Buddha.
(1) Increase-For Cable, 43 a, page 135
(2) Milandapanha, p, 46: p, 71
Among modern scholars who want to use philosophical methods to modify their theory, and Buddhism are one admits the first of the Estimated-minutes-HA-quota-grapes (1). In addition, the number of people who advocate explained as well. (2)
"It's sowing would then enjoy the results: good results are healing, do evil bear bad fruit, the growers who enjoy". (3) (Yad bijann vappatti Phalam Ladisam idem, kalyana Pavattam Papakam kalyanam kakari papakari, te Phacam ca bijam Paccanabh taka-assasi). 
It was under French rule of causation. But that, the relation between cause and result like? Because, people do (kalyanakari) is the fruit (katyanagakhàla) who do evil (rapakan) suffered a bad result (rapaphalav) the meaning of good, evil is not yet clear and the deal-worth-computer it hasn't been transparent.
(1) Gesamntliche Werke 41, s. 591
(2) Warren's Buddhism in Translation, p, 234: Mrs, Rhys Davids Buddhism, p. 137
(3) s. 81, p. 227; Rose-For Cable, 5 a, page 485.
First of all let's review in terms of the nature. The Buddha essentially for the nature of the relationship between people and the fruit has two layers. Firstly, in terms of cause and effect observation of the same nature; Second, observe it in terms of other characteristics. If it comes under the term after this then it is the influence of the latter relationship between copper-type-multiply (sobhagahala) equal-their-result (nisyan-daphala) and di-Shu-multiply (vipakahetu) fruit mature hetero (vipakep-hela), (fellow human kind, equi-their-qả that is the nature of human and nature identical results; di-Shu, Shu-result means the nature of the people and of the results).
The first relations of the kind of psychological stance as weak, just as the theory of Karma , but went a step further, the results are expressed in the form of advances, such as: life is hard to learn then life after birth will be the nature of intelligence, lucid; This later then lazy life born to nitwit ignorant. Therefore, the old days of Buddha tu people usually ask the layman maintained about the chicken, the dog's future results could be, and then claimed that tu about the chicken, the dog that if mind tu chicken, dog, then after death also do chicken, dog. (1) because the results report the rollover doesn't accept the fine, the third that just adapt to the personality of autism by yourself for the artifact as the chicken will be the chicken, bring the mind demons, would be the devil, keep the mind going born the Sun, which can be odd natural. Therefore, the theory of cause and effect as the thện direction results in good, do evil bear evil fruit could also be said to have a psychological base. The cultivation and education of the people while taking an age to limit but not through the use of French only physical cause and effect like that.
The second type is a different cause and effect type, standing on the logic stance to perceive causality between the various nature phenomena, i.e. the law does not do that to enjoy happiness, not doing evil that suffer disaster. On this point, good, evil moral means, also, well not quite moral sense, which is just that combination or non-combination, therefore not considered causal properties is the same. While the presentation of the human phenomenon, the Buddha tends not to ignore this relationship type. Let's take an example: life far abortive is lifetime ago kill many, and this life live longer because life before have mercy and forgiveness for the other life; This life much suffering is caused by the previous life as miserable beings brain, in contrast to this lifetime health, not illness is due to the previous life from mind soothe other people. As this ugly venture General existence is due before or anger cranky, on the contrary, this is due to the beautiful realm of existence before the meek gentleness late; until this past miserable poverty is due before didn't work well, by contrast, the existence of this wealth is due before or alms giứp help your woe and etc. In the above case, the so-called kill with abortive, fed with live long, at least, in terms of morality as well as the notion of dissent, but a demonstration on the key is to try to cause and effect relationships in it. So, the presentation is not only to suggest the existence of evil, do give to promoting ethics that is the extreme Islamic subjects vital to explain the phenomenon of human's disagreement.
So is the Buddha have y as to presentation of two layers of causality in which, of course, the same causation more understandable, because, as mentioned above, it has a psychological basis to build on the creativity of the will. But the following types, i.e. different causation, it is difficult to understand because it is not due to the direct creation of the will lead to; If the warranty because this realm before the kill, according to the customs, born brutal as his curious observation is based, easy to understand. Rather than turn over the abortive cruel rather curious observation, the same base where? Also, because before they make this existence should brain born to illness, before because of the mercy and nourishes the beings existence should produce blessings God is here to understand, but if your evil brain because that illness, because the Fed is healthy then get nothing to demonstrate the collective bargaining-of-worthy? Want to live based on the innovative character of autism that explains it as the same type of cause and effect is extremely difficult. Statewide, about this point, the facts in front of the national law that rewards good fine evil, retrieved the incorporation of good, evil, happy to do any physical di real room, see the justification in terms of cause and effect extreme self-discipline. But, should know the national law is regulating climate, also is the first legal causation, if not for it's a physical impossibility investment conference that goes to the reasons of the first great capital endowment the issue should have to justify doing so. This ancient Buddhist scholars, advocates the cause and effect is the truth well are ignored at this point. They're just captions sense moral of human evil, Thien Nhan, and then the mixture of good and evil by evil goodness is that bad or good destiny for like kind causation because stopped there. But, we do not forget that the most difficult point of human-fruit-bodies of Buddhism is the point of this.
But that, want to retain the principle of and the aircondition of the comment above, the relationship and the other this kind of cause and effect reasoning is enough demonstration? Or, Buddha has protected in relation to divorce her kind have enough natural agents that collectively qui application it as a kind of causality and type to make good, evil, Gospel, and agreed, to be used like that to satisfy the requests of people reasonable? The problem with travellers also need separate ethics to comment should also. Follow me to comment, it could also be on the nature of the industry comment above. That is, it also has room to maintain the air conditioner. We try to discuss this point.
If just looking at the surface finds works the will (sancetanika kamma) of one simple, but at first glance, it was established on the Foundation and the downright complicated. Thus, when an operation would return with itself, the impressive response of it also is not alone; It will take the character of it as the basis for, after the operation, the world itself, and its results are not only identical to which all aspects, this idea is not to say anybody out. And again, in one's life is also made up of a multitude of career, and then with the ones created in before, take it as a basis to form her own destiny, then the result will mean extreme complexity, one can imagine is also visible. However, standing on today's stance that said, we can divide into two aspects to survey, i.e., an active expression and ways to understand current reactionary. In other words, industry, on the one hand while actively reveal the result similar to itself, but, at the same time, on the other hand, the process does the fruit taste, fine. Because, while the same company but survey it according to the truth and give it a moral value, then it means there are different. Moreover, both, if survey from the different aspects of the same industry, the impression of it also has two meanings. So, after finding the bridge base for creative activities that reveal the two aspects are also the nature. So, stand in terms of the psychological truth that says it is the causation and types, is still standing in terms of moral values, which said it was the result of allergic reactions, depending on the payoff. If the captions according to precedent, such as the Centre for Philanthropy work, results, the main character has the need and he became rich, loving kindness and charity; and to a degree that says, if regeneration half will also be the incarnation United-Slaps have absolute compassion. This news is the presence in terms of cause and effect dynamic at the same sort of way. Election time; Although the charity mind was then derived from pure engine main leg, do not carry a notice meeting but was there of and who shall itself also had the impression that the will practice, it will become the personality, and when forming his own world, the world he will also submit a supplement food, which themselves would be born into wealth plight. Because, as mentioned above, and will also be presented in the following, the world of ours is also inordinately because our personalities form; that's true opinion of the Buddhist world before, also as part of this, who or half as violent elements do occur, i.e., at the same time, in the other world troubles as his own context, so ill themselves or abortive that, i.e. the presence of reactionary |, however, is the type of allergy, but causality is like cause and effect type, but not inordinately her own personality because of her own artifacts. The other point is that the only wrong cause and effect kind is cause and effect track the real psychological cause and effect, while the heterosexual kind of causality is going according to the value of the covered psychotherapy. As two aspects of the industry do not always follow each other to simultaneously make the result, which is when there is more time, so that the world has many different status, such as the gentle hearted the crashes, poverty, and the villains is happy to be wealthy. The phenomenon is two aspects mentioned above signify about the singularity as such.
If the explanation on it with the right foot of the Buddha, may said, the problem of evil, friendly goodness, evil, evil results, although the method of expression is slightly fuzzy, well just say same industry but there are two aspects that effect only. So, according to the interpretation of the above analysis, although heterosexual kind of cause and effect in human-results-conclusions although there are confusing but obviously still well grounded argument, that's very clear. Moreover, the explanation is not my own opinion, which, later on, to Consciousness has divided bīja (the industry) into quotations bīja (the food) and career bīja (value); that is, e-strain quotations found in the world, also career bīja discovered the world of destiny, the reason it was clear.
Again, the two aspects mentioned above causation if standing on the theoretical stance that said, what is called cause and effect dynamic but also more relational aspects, but also its authenticity; song, also by the climate effort, i.e. can be converted to a certain level: of course the Buddha also has noted this point. Such as career before that as the substance of this realm, but thanks to padded imbecile trying that fostering is Bollywood, so have air conditioning. Also, while investment in the substance, but because of lazy so can blur d. nature and become stupid. By the Buddha, while acknowledging the competence of enterprise funds are very strong, but also an idea of the cultivation climate: that is the point of departure of student-destiny-conclusion of Ma-ha-Li-CU-dormitory (Mkkhali Gasele). And the Buddha's sole mission is to make human beings transform the international aspects of this industry to become lucid, if Buddha is the primary Buddha is at that point. Because of the dynamic aspects of the career of capital due to the nutritional sense, should be based on conscious activity runner can also be automatic conversion. By contrast, terms, i.e. terms of destiny, the Buddha also said that its strict rules of extreme, does not admit can be transformed.
 "Khưu, we decide never to say the result of attempting to kill operation, not as head of the bear. Result or message this life or certain later suffered "(1)
"These guys created the evil industry, although there are up there, down to the sea or to the mountain cave also there would escape" (2)
(1) the A.V.p. 297; Central 3, investment Capital, p, 13
(2) Dhammapala
Above is the Buddha often said. Only causation-type, because in this capital just as mindlessly dưỡg, should not be based on conscious effort to stop the fruit of it arising. So, for the worse, despite how far to string, the Buddha wants to conquer to reach the lofty status. Also of chance then that is natural rule France, although Theravada Buddhism is also inevitable, the Buddha also taught like that.
"Likewise with the life, death has destined eventually to run out.
"Y in the industry that bear charm, good, evil has its fruit.
"Tu Bliss was born to the Sun, created the evil right into hell.
"Tu be the end to live, die, that merges Nirvana forever.
"No, not under the sea, not in the forested mountains, not a place to be death.
"The headless Buddha, Bodhisattva, and The Writer have to dismiss the case, impermanence body is divine Lady" (1) 
(1) extract, 3, a, page 891; The five-part-2 sheets, 21, Law, 28a; Dh p. 127; Suttanipata 126
It is mortal newspaper career, no one can escape. The Mission of the Buddha is not just making her legs that and teach the absolute method is escapist only,
According to the guidelines, in order to adapt to the type of career, love also has a variety. Right as the Buddha said, though there are countless beings, but they would be the same as for the different industries. Song, if only to say that the countless , co it three for demonstration, by the Buddha, as well as contemporary customs, love, as well as a type of mythology and exist essentially divided into five or six types: i.e. , falling (pancagatiyac-five veterinary) or six falls (chagatiga-Green Beast). In fall is: hell (niraya), animal (tiracchanayoni-Eagle), fell the demons (visaya), and human (manuosa) and heavenly (devalaka). Such is the way of the first category. After coming to the North-e-mail Ðộc-more faction-A-tu-la (asura) on Wednesday, the six (1) China and Japan called six main reincarnation has derived from it. The demonstration of the theory of six falls are in Steady-For-Ministry, including Han and Three-li, and in the A-Rank a Chinese translation of the fourth part (World-Economy), etc. But when it discusses A-Bhikkhu-Kosa will again speak clearer, here is just a brief history of world art. In summary, the classification of love over here, except for the human and animal, all of which is the existence of myths. Comment by creed for the Board of the time, for all of its existence and survival also admitted that it is a phenomenon of world's reincarnation.
Classification, falling in six ways, in a certain sense, a most interesting category is about. The Buddha had taken it in combination with the three realms that the twenty six categories, and except for a small section, and all the other gods whether in Her beliefs-La-keeper is also hard to know. So, the Buddha had to rely on documents to arrange and coordinate the God like that? This however is not the problem of the essence of Buddhism, but, if you want to look over the situation of religious-about contemporaries to understand the origin of Buddhism, then it can be said that it is also a matter should be studied. Because here there is not enough time to fully copy the names of the realms, which just set a problem summary like, hoping you would have head lice please research it more deeply.
In the novel the five Scouts to General management staff are not referring to the plant, if it comes under the principle and against envoys-Conclusion, then this is a cons of Buddhism; but, if standing on the indispensable practical stance that said then that there's over just because the want for convenience only. Why is that? Because, as will present later, Buddha set about real-close-up, through both in the home and renunciation, if both photographers and plant on the Mainland, the Director, on reasoning, essentially one can not live, because eating vegetable crops also violates about suicide are also living in any way. But, in law also has taught though for plants must also have mercy, do not go the way of reel up, see the world, to know whether these lowly for the Buddha also admit their life.
They are born in the five above-mentioned leaders or green leaders due to the different reproductive which are divided into four categories and called four b. (catassayonvya), i.e. thai born (jalabvja), ovules born (andaya), low born (sarmsedaya) and biochemistry (opaptika). Thai students are like people and animals from the pregnant mother was born. Ovules born then as the bird from the egg hatches out. Low born, such as mosquitoes and ticks due to damp place was born. Biochemistry, such as realms of heaven or hell natural chemistry. (1) Austria-Literally-the message has also spoken to thai (jarayuya), ovules (andaya), low (svedaja) and seminarians (byaja); see the Buddha's four noble idea has stemmed from that, the only other point (1) is replaced seminarians in biochemistry, reasons, as has said above, because Buddhism is not stock photography plant on reincarnation, which, like the thought of hell are in vogue, need captions about biochemistry.
(1) the reference M. 12 Mahasikanada sutta, Secondary Residences-benefits-theoretical departments Develop vol, 1, p. 73
However, according to the word of Buddha to love the pity the grass plants and for undermining the herb is a crime (2) then know Buddha has also served notice on this point.
Again, the five and four born with on the realms, the Buddha took three realms, the realms of sex (gender sex-kamaloka), the SAC (rupaloka-gender identity) and the infinity award (arupaloka-infinite colors). The exercise is the most prevalent sexual pleasing places, including from hell to a Division on the Sun; all four species (four), are part of the. Gender identity and gender identity is the Sun and are part of biochemistry. Both of these realms, power of meditation however, ultra strong, but the colors are still active material (the body), the infinite good, which is the end to all activities, only the name only.
(1) reference-Max-Zhe-learn-religious-363 pages; ibia, p, 150
(2) Brahmajals sutta II News D, I, p. 5 Simamapada sutta and d. 45 164 etc. comes to can strain (mulabija); rolling strain (khendabija), strain (phala bija) and vaccine strains (bija bija) etc.
Here there are also points that need attention are: gender theory has third became involved in Austria-Literally-instant love letters, divided into three categories: crude falls born (olarika attapa-tilabba), Italy the fall born (samamaya attapatilabha); and the idea of the facility fell born (samamaya attapatilabha). From the Evangelist-tra-BA-long (Potthapada) in The Field to the other, people are seeing how to sort on it. According to the interpretation of the Buddha-(Buddhaghosa) then the rough fell born is only for themselves in the strong physical weakness factors humiliation possible, Italy the fall born show oneself in the SAC are fully serviced; After all, the idea of the Department into a crumpled birth is only for oneself in the infinite good, fully in the activities of consciousness. According to the text of the Scriptures that the survey then this is also very true interpretation. But, the thing to remember here is novel sausage in Kang-Germany-benefit-cross country-Austria-IE-mail (Taattirvya.) for the Organization of love is retrieved carries as the Center and then incorporated in the class that have the. First of all from the outside is actually own the fork (amrarasamayatman), the Department of the ego (manamayatman), officially the Department into fall (vijnamayatman), the Department of the wedding banquet Festival falls (ananda-mnayatman) and then gradually come to his small but almost its General feet, (1) now let's compare this with three active birth of Buddha is evident the business known as crude falls born is the equivalent of what Austria-Meaning-Messages called real its fall . Also note the fall was born and thought Department of the fell was born , as well as the Department of the ego and its own way of falling in Austria-Meaning-Messages.
(1)-Max-Philosophical-religious-schools-313 pages,-314
Thus, we see between the two novels have had more or less historical relations. Moreover, Buddhaghosa took delivery of three realms to presentation was absolutely, but, the Owner, because the harsh fall born 's humiliation should have taken note of the Department into making themselves the Bardo, meaning small, and gain practical Centre exists to demonstrate. If the explanation is indeed consistent with the investment then the trikaya theories on here again almost identical to Austrian theory-Definition-Letter words, but ended up drained then explained by Buddhaghosa have remained with more experience. Here, because the table to differentiated species which I suddenly remembered the Austrian document-Definition-and just about over it.
The Buddha has stood for many ways to only display the difference like was presented above. But, if standing on the stance that talks sense-most first-then of course no need of any category at all. Buddha for all discrepancies between them just do that; talk about the nature, all are the same, the nobility could become ignoble, and the miscreant could also become nobility. If divided item type is the most important love wanted to ban of time for convenience only.
Above we already hold an attitude of extreme freedom to comment and presentation on the internal meaning of the theory of karma in Buddhism. Here, to add, we will talk about the value of career, by a sect of scholars-which also include the Buddhist religion anymore-that a very old theory theory, is no longer relevant, and also hard to live. So, for the real value of many companies have yet to explain.
First of all take a survey about the born-of-learning. Die one of the genetic theory can be accommodated also. Western scholars have also said so. Gas substances as well as the tendency of people in this life is because of the experience in life before, despite differences due in part to the ancestors, due in part to yourself, it's still the same place. Statewide, the results of the industry admits these are all related, reincarnation, so also there is room also with evolutionary thought (including macular degeneration). So, standing on the stance-that-said the significance of the theory of karma is also very excited; It is an undeniable truth. However, one should be cautious when equates the survey about evolution with Buddha's karma theory. in summary, in comparison with the thought to the human species and other animals is the existence completely different peculiarities and then explain the wrong gas is free of the supernatural powers naturally then can force theory of industrial location in accordance with opinion of the award modern art. This one also must recognize.
Again standing on the stance that psychology survey then, as said above, Buddhism for the industry is to accumulate the experience becomes unconscious personality then this psychology today's measures also admitted. And Buddhism for its unconscious is based to the consciousness of the incompatibility with the unconscious theory (Unbewsustainstheorie). Of all the aspects that are consistent with the survey of psychology. Thus, among Western Buddhists, many thanks to the excitement of psychology that started studying Buddhism. Back also by understanding the psychology that finds general industry has a huge excitement. So, if the offer applied to education, as outlined above, all its educational purpose, says Buddhist terms, may be to accumulate good karma. Why? Because, the purpose of education – whether it is ethical or technical-are aimed at the adult training packages into Bollywood. Sees as Buddhism is not the only take that practice but also for free it is career anymore, so, if this application is the internal cultivation is also an extraordinary meaning great. Otherwise, if you depart the cultivation within all education can be established. Know that we lost the efficacy of this career education.
Novel career but have the taste, but, surveys on the value of it, the most important sense can it be moral theory, reasoning and assumptions about consensus between good, evil, painter, ... Now we stand a visionary way to compare it to the many theories from before and given the school's career.
Consensus between good, evil and the Gospel, is a very difficult thing to prove, but, like Kang The said, it is a requirement that a blind one can't. The reward, punishment and social order in the institutions of mankind it has stemmed from that. However, in practice, this requirement is always becoming: the Sage payroll or against the scourge, the evil guys usually are happy, glorious: it's the sheer phenomenon ever. That means the fair have direct sun or not? This problem, since time immemorial, people have offered various theories to want to regulate your discontent led to the requirements of the people be satisfied. Essential words, we can conclude the following points:
First, hope in improving civil-society-social resources is the Agency has full responsibility for this request, but because its institutions are not totally should have done was ask that a radical way, people expect in the future the improved social organization is gradually implementing consensus; so, in addition to the progressive improvement of the society no longer means to satisfy this requirement. In my opinion, the same reasoning essentially also has reasonable and civil society have taken that do to attempt to progress they can fulfill its mission. However, in fact, the path to it, that man, instead of waiting and promising in the future, again take the request as a problem. For the experiences we money, if it is thought that the statue of unreasonable, would like to find a satisfactory solution and a secure method, then the answer can say is the most appropriate solution to this problem.
The second is based on the theory of his conscience payoff-i.e. those who, in good faith or works which may not have met disaster, in cheerful, satisfied, despite the superficial have successfully walked that conscience is often ray rức insecurity: it's good, wicked, painter, did not agree. This theory is mainly taken conscience as the basis for conclusions about the moral of the undertakings, in my opinion, of course has a great value; the only thing is its sense of conscience it is not everyone who breeds. If according to this theory, the who would maintain conscience mix is happy to also maintain the mix like that, this may be misfortune. Why? Because, if based solely on the payoff in the conscience conscience as possible maintained how much mixing, the qualifications of the payoff will more gently.
Tuesday was looking forward to the satisfactory feature of progeny — i.e. According to Confucian "area of friendly information, all the owners residual Chongqing; area of real good chi, residual organic socks "-fresh encounter, healing, do evil meet. In summary, if you yourself cannot perform the required time, then hopefully the grandchildren will be able to continue to perform. As far as I see, this theory also, because descendants say track, moreover, say by genetic theory, if the mind of the forefathers can still be transmitted to descendants, the reward for their fine, also involved his cousin. But the defects of this theory is that no decision is that indeed there are body-real-time popularity? Especially for those who do not have children or who have children and grandchildren without having to exchange rate, as well as nostalgic, then that problem? If these cases are really hard to give a satisfactory explanation. Such is the pity.
On Wednesday, was based on the above-mentioned policy of resistance to the idea more to close and the society for the Board. A Vedanta of India that when a person is about to fall, her relatives will have to take responsibility for the industry, he's evil. Among modern scholars also had someone (as Paul of American's Corus, for example) that the cause of good, evil of people, heavy or light, are all saved society that demonstrates results, i.e., a perennial power industry advocates, and, on the other hand, wanted to the deal-worth-computer it in society. In terms of reasons of this theory, like the theory of the second and third, so, might it not entirely.
So, commented the above answer, but the answer has its reason, but all are not being thoroughly, because, just based on the current search request fulfills-worth-computer cannot reach a resolution of Max. Moreover, because the policy transition to come to extreme, i.e. random theory, for may, which is the accidental phenomena and good, evil, good, moderate, combined together is a fundamental misconception. In the novel, now, the theory, female sexual orientation then all moral scorn, while the rightist dogma then wanted to fetish control, siệu free public benefit. In summary, both advocated dispose requires good, evil, painter, agreed, and that the similarities between the two trends. But both of these tendencies cannot achieve an ultimate satisfaction, so it will have to rely on the sense of the future title decided greater rewards, punishments.
Thursday, was based on the judgment of your Sun in the future. According to this theory, welfare, good, evil in the present although not unanimously, but after death, God or heaven will judge, in good faith, the reward, the wicked are punished, not biased, therefore, this requirement can be satisfied. In theistic faiths in India-Max also has dispatched such undertakings, and thought about the judgment of Diem-ma-United (Yamaraja) are colloquially also in this policy. As the thought of the judge in the Apocalypse of Christian-Roman also emanates from it, for the immortal soul advocates and divine existence of Kang-The complete also wants to made to satisfy the request. But, the point of this theory of fuzzy 's: If there is an omniscient omnipotent deity, then why to wait until new future judge? The will of a people free to conduct, if mistakes are not punished immediately and if they act in good salaries then why not rewarded right? Dew point Monday, theistic denominations, most are Christian-Roman Catholic, said that the military's main guys that are having on the scene is due to where my spirit wants to challenge it, eventually, and then will be judged a very fair way of integrity. If so then can protect these gangster whom be glory is also due to the spirit of truth! The future judgment of Italy must not be fair: it's a hard truth to deny. Many are dissatisfied with the weaknesses he has post your doctor judge the theory of doomsday devotee's Christian-Islam that advocates an ideology similar to racism-Max, for the-l-of Buddhism, which is the spiritual sense (Spiritualism) is very prevalent. As they say, the soul before industry adapt to an equivalent context (or is that three days after his death), under dịa to hell, on to God are many stages, exactly like the Green and the cross-about-overview of Buddhism. There are only different is they have to complete the same message then immediately the soul will turn up the high status. Especially one thing makes people feel very excited is: the mind-spirit-learn English celebrity, Reverend Owen has recounted in the Weekly Despatch of spring, five out of The nine, the story of a dead person notified about. According to this story, then a person after death as a divine punishment for the crime of his status should internalize always saw fear insecurities. Right then an Angel came to that: "thy Sins are made by thy end taken rather than by God would judge". (The Weekly Despatch, 15-2-1920). As such, the novel judge in doomsday novels Italy jurisdiction began to waver between the pastor that came closest to a kind of ideology as dogma of Buddhism. The theistic sects in India Monday night while advocating God judge, but also acknowledge individual's business, means also that the medical arbitration to guilt, responsibility for the individual. So no spirit can also address that according to natural law. If reluctant to get close to the waist more theoretical retention judge because God makes it inordinately well just a lean fat half-half argument only.
See the world enough to know the phánx ét according the Italian spirit also has many cons and one cannot receive it as the ultimate solution. In addition, only yourself to complete her own career and the industrial triangle of Buddhism is the general agreement-worth-count above all. On his own, causing himself to and then himself took the result he believes is no longer a judge would more fairly. Moreover, it is not only the start in this realm that it followed from not knowing how much before, so, the woe of the righteous and the glory of the gangster, if every comment in this realm is found unfair but if observed from the distant past that no injustice at all. Why? Because according to Buddhism, as presented above, the good, the bad, and the destiny of the fruit of evil, associate, not quite at the same time the wing a unanimously; the result of good form in this existence not to be passive in this realm that is when item how much new afterlife is false, no one else, and the determination is not the flower beds. So, once there is a solid belief that he can serenely, happily with fate and try to do the job well. Also, if someone in this existence does not cause me evil for having the accident will understand that as a result the workers themselves were sown in the previous existence now is new, and as such, they will become relieved, accepting its responsibility and self in. If people in this realm of no appeal in Germany that are happy, blessed, it is because the German pharmacy building in existence before was the German welfare section and the Shu will diminish. That means that the discrepancies are so reserves in the future to encourage all motivation. Ðứng on the first stance-for-meaning that says Buddhism for quitting and ethics built on public stance is also possible Prime property and denied it, and the Buddha teaches good ultimate high is transcendental moral right is significantly longer Prime facility Center. In summary, standing on the stance, well, good, evil and agreed that says don't have a presentation with an interior is satisfactory and it hoped that the Buddhist theory of karma, by the righteous, who are Buddhists took place safely made par, tu ardent Scout, and, in Buddhist historyThis is a very obvious facts. As will be presented in the third, among the disciples of the Buddha also is typical. News such as the case of Japanese Association for instance, experienced how much the persecution, but also fun and nonchalantly receive and attempt to spread the French-Chinese ethics and firmly believe in dogma. The European side but also theoretical cooking career is the superstitions of Ðộng method, but your judgment theory of doomsday. People who lack such secure place not less. Speaking to the same novel career but hardly proved by science, but in the presentation on this point, it is a most sensible presentation; that's what we need. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.17/5/2013.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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