Friday, 2 November 2012

The importance of the four Noble Truths: Germany The Religion that the Bhikkhu-dunqiu County: "Behold the Bhikkhu-dunqiu County, because do not understand, do not reach them Four Noble Truths (Four) that's just as you had to go through many lives reincarnation within birth and death. Four of the truth then?
For not understanding the truth of Dukkha (Suffering) which we do not rollover to understand the truth about the origin of the Line (EP), do not know the truth about The Extermination (Genocide), do not understand the truth about The Kill Line (the Empire), that we had to reincarnation within birth and death.
By understanding, by way of their reaching the truth of suffering, the truth of the origin of suffering, the truth about The Killing, the truth about The Killing, greed of players were the take ownership to support, was destroyed, and no longer have to regenerate anymore. "
--Great Nibbana (The Ministry, 16)
Zhuan Falun:
In Germany The conservative Religious masses in Bhikkhu-dunqiu County:
--There are two extremists, the Bhikkhu-dunqiu County, a renunciation should not practice. What are the two?
One is passionate in education (kàmesu), Xia, blackguard, gag, not degrees, do not related to the purpose. The two are self-propelled, suffering, not order, do not related to the purpose. Stay away from these two extreme, the Bhikkhu-dunqiu County, is the middle path, so as to become Chief Justice, Futuristic vision, become, resulting in net security, win, enlightenment, Nirvana.
And how is the middle path, the Bhikkhu-dunqiu County, so as to become Chief Justice, Futuristic vision, become, resulting in net security, win, enlightenment, Nirvana? The Holy path led Eight sectors, i.e.: the Chief Architect's Office, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, mindfulness, Chief Justice. This is the middle path, the Bhikkhu-dunqiu County, so as to become Chief Justice, Futuristic vision, become, resulting in net security, win, enlightenment, Nirvana.
This is the Sacred truths about Dukkha, the Bhikkhu-dunqiu County. B. is suffering, old age is suffering, illness is suffering, death is suffering, anxiety, bi, line, pros, the brain is suffering, resentment is met, special gauge of charity, not the line. In summary, in the aggregates is suffering.
This is the Sacred truths about this File Format, the Bhikkhu-dunqiu County, this charity is to regenerate, the owner with the wedding, and, to this spot the other place loving. That is, sexual love, friendship love, friendship.
This is the Holy Empire of Agony for Stt, the Bhikkhu-dunqiu County, is in the Cup, no residue remains thirsty craving, the toss up, give up, freed, without prior approval.
This is the Sacred truths about The Australian lead to destruction as part ofthis, the Bhikkhu-dunqiu County, is the Holy path led Eight majors, i.e. the Chief Justice's Office, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, mindfulness, Chief Justice.
... Holy Empire of Suffering needs to touches the tri, the Bhikkhu-dunqiu County, to France, since before I ever heard, with intellectual property, location of birth, born, born, born. This is the Sacred truths about this, Willow was the Bhikkhu-dunqiu County, for France since before I had ever heard, with intellectual property, location of birth, born, born, born.
... Holy Empire of the collective Framework should dedicated segment, the Bhikkhu-dunqiu County, for France since before I had ever heard, with intellectual property, location of birth, born, born, born. This is the Sacred truths about Dukkha was the ending, where the Flag-dunqiu County, for France since before I had ever heard, with intellectual property, location of birth, born, born, born.
... Holy Empire of the Line removal need to adopt certification, the Bhikkhu-dunqiu County, for France since before I had ever heard, with intellectual property, location of birth, born, born, born. This is the Sacred truths of Suffering, have been shown to kill the Bhikkhu-dunqiu County, for France since before I had ever heard, with intellectual property, location of birth, born, born, born.
... Holy Empire of The Street brought to Line removal need to practicethis, the Bhikkhu-dunqiu County, for France since before I had ever heard, with intellectual property, location of birth, born, born, born. This is the Imperial Church of The Foundation to Gauge this, cultivation was destroying the Bhikkhu-dunqiu County, for France since before I had ever heard, with intellectual property, location of birth, born, born, born.
--Zhuan Falun (Samyutta, LVI-11)
Looking back to the old way of Antiquity: "There is one person who is following a trail in the Woods. Suddenly he discovers an ancient old path where the common people's money. He then went his way. Then, he rediscovered the ancient city which the day before had many people resided, with parks, gardens, ponds, lakes, the magnificent temples. On his return, he reported to the King and the officials: ' Dear stands down, when people follow the trail in the forest, the population has recovered an old path. Instant people follow him. Then, a recovered ancient city which the day before had many people resided, with parks, gardens, ponds, lakes, the magnificent temples. Dear please let down the altar restored the city. ' After that, the King and the officials decided the old city was restored, and since then, the city has become more affluent, densely populated, growth and abundance.
Together, we have to find the old way of antiquity, a path that the Chief Justice Chief Justice College Buds are going through in the previous period. The old way past what is it? That's the way Eight Chief: the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, mindfulness, Chief Justice. One has to take the road.
That way, one has to get old and die on voter, voter opinion on causes of old age and death, destruction and the architect's Office, on the road tri kill elderly and dying.
That way, we get comments about voters, voter opinion on the cause of the destruction, the comments about tri, tri comments about the way the killing was born.
That way, we get comments about voters, voter opinion on the cause of the destruction, the comments about tri, tri reviews on the way down.
That way, we would have to be accepted by voters on voter opinion, about the causes of intolerance, genocide on the architect's Office accepted the player, on the way voters accepted removal.
That way, we get to take on tri, tri opinion on the cause of the destruction, the reference comments about tri, tri comments about the path to genocide.
That way, we would have been on tho tri, tri opinion on the cause of the life, the life of ants, kill the tri tri is expected on the road kill.
That way, we would have been on tri, tri opinion on the cause of the exposure, the exposure kills on tri, tri comments about the way the killer exposed.
That way, it would have been six comments about voters, voter opinion on the cause of six of six passages, made comments about tri, tri comments about the way the six.
That way, we would have been on voters list, the voter opinion on the cause of the destruction, the architect's Office list, comments about the way voters kill list.
That way, we get comments about voters, voter opinion on the cause of the food poisoning, official comments about tri, tri reviews on the way down.
That way, we get comments on tri, tri opinion on the cause of karma, tri, industry views on genocide piece tri comments about the career path of destruction.
Tri is expected to be like that, it was passed back to the men and women clergy, men and women, residents to this Holy life is strengthened, splendor, extensive promotion for schools and the human species ".
-Samyutta, XII-65

The road rescue:
Subhada — if the French would not contain the Director's Chief Bowl France that do not train the sa sports reached the first Director (Project Save, the da 's), not training the sa Division reached second Director (most notably, da), not reaching the training subjects the third Director sa (Real l, A na), do not train the fourth relief reached subjects sa (Anonymous birth, A monk).
Behold, if any French Subhada contain the Director's Chief Bowl France which will train the sa Division reached the first Director (Project Save, the da 's), will train the sa Division reached second Director (most notably, da), will train the sa Division reached the third Director (Real l, A na), will train the sa Division reached the fourth Act (Disabled by birth, A monk).
Behold, there's French Subhada contain Bat should Act Toward the Dhamma that training the sa Division reached the first Director (Project Save, the da 's), training the sa Division reached second Director (most notably, da), training the sa Division reached the third Director (Real l, A na), training the sa Division reached the fourth Act (Disabled by birth, A monk). The French education system are not trained in the discipline Holy berries Director gain sa, intellectual property acquisition. Behold Subhada, when the sa sports practice and teaching of French Public TV the right way, then this world will never be the emptiness of A monk.
-Graduate School of Business, Nirvana-Nikaya, 16: 214
Definition of eight spent parts of Eight principals:
"This the Bhikkhu-dunqiu County, how is the Chief Architect's Office? It is the understanding of line, understanding of the cause of suffering, understanding about the kill line, and understanding about the kill line.
What is the Government thinking? It's thinking about the Cup, thinking about the endless Golf, thinking about harmless.
What is speech? It is quit lying, abandon the two tongues, abandon the wicked say, give up say frivolous.
How does the Chief Justice herself? That's giving birth, close up's not for, renouncing acts of adultery.
What is the Chief of the network? It's the exorcism, elected to the Chief Justice.
What is the Chief effort? That effort stopped there for being the friendly, yet real French effort except kill the real elements were being discovered, effort started the charity France not being, and the effort to maintain the French charity gave birth.
What is mindfulness? There is one living on the fuselage, zealous, the all-subduing, the priority parameter; living a life of fervent, tho, the all-subduing, the priority parameter; -one living on the mind, zealous, the all-subduing, the priority parameter; French living in France, zealous, the all-subduing, the priority parameter.
What are the Chief Justice to? It is the glass of the French Cup, the real, and the first Zen stay-na, a State of being, loving, sexual fault with that Quartet; and then make only translational and quarter-finals, and in meditation-na Monday, a State of loving due to birth, not games, not four, static content, one mind; and then tells glass flush stay, mindfulness, the sense of touch, the touch the life which the Scriptures called the celebration of the discharge and to stay in touch, stay Zen-na Tuesday; and then discharged, discharge line, kill the previous life has priority tells, and in meditation-na Wednesday, suffering does not touch, discharge of pure celebration. " END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=THE MOST VENERABLE SUPREME-PATRIARCH=THICH TAM CHAU.TO DINH TU QUANG.CANADA.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY=3/11/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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