Sunday 23 September 2012

Theoretical Study Buddhist scriptures Ngạ Da La Qủy Ni Awning Diem 1313 Password

A German Religious World in Steady old lam Ni na law sentence[1], the American flag, along with its tributary satellites Roman Bhikkhu bodhisattva pretentious phrase, and a multitude of mass meetings, surrounded the German tandem of world religion to be Him speaking to.

Now, suppose A Nan is toxic in a secluded place, thought the French took over. Immediately after watching three nights, false religion saw a ngạ demon named Stacie, hideous form, the body lean, dryness in the mouth and throat, fire, head hair, long nails, canine are very intimidating. Standing in front of A false religion, demonic ngạ told the Sun that hypothesis: after three days, the lives of the master will run out, twins birth falls on ngạ species. At the time, assumed A Nan heard about, being afraid, ask the devil ngạ: after my death will bring forth as ngạ demons, so then I have to make a way to escape the agony?

Meanwhile, the ngạ demon told Nan that A fake religion: in the morning tomorrow, if I can food alms to hundreds of thousands of na ngạ sa by the constant qủy of tha Netherlands together with hundreds of thousands of Sikh unit time [2], each receive a portion of the laboratory is a culinary competition is calculated according to the amount of water the old da Ghost [3] also, because we're that donate, so we break demonic ngạ gauge, born of the Sun, the new master is increased longevity.

False religion A Nan see Devil ngạ Diem here thin-bodied, dry out the fierce abominations, in the mouth of the fire, the throat like kim, hair, fur, nails also listen there, do a panic, hairy stems. False religion from the seat got up, went to lick the Buddha in courts, land girl, a 24-foot Buddha, his body shaking with the white Buddha that Buddha would bow to suffering children! If the call is because when the bar uncrowded place to deeply the French Head of the life experience ngạ Slogan child, tells Stacie demons that, over three days, to make sure the public network is made of ngạ. At that point you have to ask the devil ngạ is how to break the line, ngạ demons responded that, if the possible alms food for hundreds of thousands of na ngạ sa by the constant qủy of tha Netherlands, along with hundreds of thousands of Sikh unit first, then you are living. The White World today, German children how to take care of enough food to give the demon ngạ and Sikh.

Now, The false religions and faiths A Nan that he now do not fear, we are trying to help him get the food to give hundreds of thousands of Dutch ngạ the qủy constant sa Brahmin by birth, he was the first clerk to her brain.

The Buddha teaches: this A Nan, a very magic from hostile forces against Romanian Roman named Norwegian Immeasurable Germany himself in Vietnam, if anyone maintain this momentum that litigation can la ni provides a full range of superior cuisine magic for China due to tha ngạ number of Dutch demon Melvin sa along with them for the first time la. Every one of them are receiving the food fight 49 is calculated according to the amount of water the old Ghosts. Is this A previous life, she had been working in la, for before the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara and Germany As Germany's Reputation In the world hybrid that hold life da la ni should be alms nationwide for the immeasurable evil ngạ Brahmin who first spread, making the ngạ demons escape the suffering body, birth of the Sun. He is A long-Nan, should maintain the German and Ashish networks increase life span.

Now, The false religious respect so A Nan which says that da ni la Na tha PHA model Trinidad, slapped hard lot, only the PHA projects took her out, take her out, pink.

The Buddha teach false religions A Nan: If there are good men, good women who want to bridge the long lived, wants to add greater joy, like to lick her achievements fullness alms three la suite, then each morning or all the time without any hindrances, grab a bowl of clean water container, add a handful of rice in ricethe left wheels or other foods, and then use the right hand holding the bat, first complimented da la on 7 new, variable enough claiming four titles of the canopy As hybrid:

The Russian Imperial City, PHA bat, her sweat out, only the most out of Trinidad, Trinidad tha grim to the skin. [4]

Due to the delay [5] and the title To Protect As a hybrid that can destroy all evil karma took Acacia scams usually use more so far in life, the twins are blessed Germany fullness.

The Russian Imperial model PHA Na BA, three holes, Trinidad tha Russia to the skin. [6]

Due to the Excellent and Marvelous title Itself As a hybrid that could break apart the fruit reportedly ugly bodies trapped in the underworld, are good for General Excellence.

PHA model the Russian Imperial City she, s the Bowl out Russia la Trinidad, rough out leather, Trinidad tha grim to the skin. [7]

Due to the Ad title and Body Specialists such as hybrids that can cause the throat of the devil was extensive, even Italy receiving no enough experimental artifacts.

PHA model the Russian Imperial City she, she erected ca out skin, skin formed, increasing to excuse [8]

Due to maintenance and the title Cup Captain Father As hybrids that can cause destroy the fear of the devil, the devil ngạ picket escaped.

The Buddha told false religion A Nan: If there are two people who have been in good part and title four of the Tathāgata is finished, flipping the finger seven times, holding the bowl of food handed to pour sprayed on the soil. This lab work was finished, in four directions where there are thousands of layoffs by the Ganges River to tha na ngạ Devils, before each have 49 matches the food in real life, old Ghosts, among them are no enough. The devil here the devil himself certain that birth of the Sun.

If A client is Nan the flag flag, pretentious pretentious favor her strengths, she moving often brings this same language security titles of four such hybrids in which the panels on food and alms for the devil, is full of blessings, immeasurable compared with the donation of the client details, such as, the Germany's equally is not anotherlong, a network, of good faith, full House; all of the massage felt inhuman, la observed, literate demons spirit did not dare harm; though Irene immeasurable achievements of Germany, the life network.

If you want to give them the first la then it should bring the drinks filled in the bowl, use the language on the maintenance of seven variables and then pour in the water. To do so, and that is American cuisine has brought the magic of nature during the time that donation for hundreds of thousands of the genus hang ha s a number of Brahmin. Other people's food thanks to the paranormal has maintained by the German language the reputation that every achievement are owns the basic vows, Germany. Each situation was discovered simultaneously that: for every donor are long-life power network into peace, to pray for her mind to see hearing out the Chief French purity, full achievement of German Prestige disaster Coverage, poor Christian Sanskrit [9], Germany as the German donation for every hundred thousand ha sa schools such as lai, all hostile resentment can not invasive.

Schools of the pretentious pretentious flag flag, her priorities, she preferred moving, if anyone wants to donate the Dharma, so bring the floral food purity, to use the language of the Constitution serve to 21 maintenance three jewels. In good part, good woman had used the Senate delights of the pool that served as a donation donation throughout the Dharma and increases in ten in the world, as did the evening visiting, recognized, customize the client tells a German Buddhist often commemorate praised, friendly Christian schools frequently to support, is full of the alms three la suite.

Is A Nan, he let the words such as hybrids that the French broad and austerities and say keep, cause all beings are seen to have reaped immeasurable joy. This is called Your talking about saving the devil ngạ da ni la Diem password and save beings suffering. Please use this name, he should serve. All false religion and A Nan etc to the Buddha says this is done, a trust receipt, but Hy Festival.

Vesak 2553


[1] Ni law Club is na (Nigrodha) of gardens in the South of Ca Bhikkhu la defense, is where the Buddha back to sermon for his father is Nick Sanskrit United after He became leader. Great Western Railway Bridges, vol. 6, noting that Asoka donated the entire property to build the tower and old blue. In this garden there is a tower marks the site where ancient Buddha sitting under the main receptor agent that received the donation of her Wrath "needles ca sa di model Mobile Talks Overseas.
[2] the first Brahmin = Sell Brahmin Genius: one of the qủy, is subject to real experiments in the laboratory ngạ.
[3] old Ghost (Magadha) New Drug is Exhausted, the former translated as Ghost grew older, is a country in West-Central India.
[4] it is the southern most of The Security model.
[5] The maintenance Of German Supremacy Champion In Quang Minh As lai da la ni.
[6] it is the Marvelous patterns Such Ethnic men.
[7] this is the female Body As Doctors Square pattern.
[8] it is the southern Secessionist tissue Claims Promoted As futuristic.
[9] the Sanskrit Sanskrit Means God = happy happy: happiness comes from Sanskrit ' first, bi, Hy, discharge. Take turns into 2 IE anymore: the lewd and reach Nirvana. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS.GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.24/9/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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