Wednesday 5 September 2012



imageThe Buddha gave a sermon on the Four Noble Truths for 5 brothers Style Tran As
In Business Magazine A-levels (Samyatt-Nikaya), the Buddha told his disciples: "O bhikkhus, the teacher not to mind in the following thoughts: The world is finite; World is infinity. That does not matter. It is important that we teach the teachers about the suffering, cause of suffering, and Paths to cessation of suffering. Things that are useful, for sure will bring him to the goal of enlightenment and liberation that. "
In four decimal binary program, funded by his two Ma Dang Kassapa and Truc France Finland late Han dynasty (China) service, the total volume is written: "Buddha attained enlightenment reason, the thinking, sexual ly calm night win, the head of meditation, psychic ghost director. U Deer Park, which translates to moral law, that Kieu Nhu Tran sleeping baby witness ... ". This passage can be understood simply: After enlightenment, Sakyamuni start thinking concept, apart from craving is static at first and attain the legitimate sense. Then he dwells in meditation surrender and tame any magic. Then, in Deer Park, The Sun take teachings from easy to preach and his group of Kieu Tran As others witness results.
This shows the importance of the Four Noble Truths of Buddhist scriptures . In Buddhist thought, the four base or the Four Noble Truths are fundamental doctrine, people-centered and for the people that do. Buddha found in the human beings to be good, it's Buddha-nature, if you know the correct legal practice can become a Buddha (Necessary organic beings during the Buddha). Buddha because of compassion to benefit living beings preach his teachings. This is the teaching of the Buddha preached in the early also called Theravada teachings.
four base or the Four Noble Truths is the translation of Han Chinese from the original Sanskrit is Catuariyasacca, also calling other Four Brackets , the Four Noble Truth. Quartet is number four; Noble is amazing, smart, or magic, mystery; Empire is firmly words, sure it is true speech, always true to the truth. The four noble truths are published make it, wonder no one can deny. Four to management was: hard to (dukkha Ariyasacca) spoke of the suffering in the world. Suffering does not just mean pain, painful body, mind, but just feel peaceful state, not to satisfy the desire in my heart. Buddhist thought that people born in the world is suffering: "life is suffering". From birth until blindly down the hand without ever suffering. The natural universe is always in the process of change - Head - passes - no. The human body is experiencing birth - Lao - Diseases - death. That all four process was never separated from the suffering: Born suffering (born suffering), Lao suffering (aging process of the body is suffering), Patients suffering (illness sickness is suffering), Death suffering (the end of life is suffering). Then living in social life are always in suffering: Department sudden pain (desired but not achieved pain), Ai separation pain (love one another away from the line), resentment chapter format ( hated enemy that must live near each other is suffering), five aggregates receptor dukkha (the five senses to interact with the outside world, received general excellence of the material, the physical form of the blocking nature and forever charmed soot as it is suffering). That are eight human suffering that Buddhism called Bat format . According to the Buddhist concept of the sufferings of human subject is suffering in the three realms and are to life later bear fruit damnation in place hell, hungry ghost, animal. Because real life and death is suffering, no one does not see, no one can deny it as is obvious to humans, it is difficult to call. apron (Samudayat Ariyasacca) talk about the causes of suffering. Group that is meeting, combined. If past or present life people do not know is suffering, do not know all things visible or invisible just assume temporary, changeable; does not know the thoughts, words, and his actions will cause should times in continued follow him, because the bad thoughts and actions that increasingly Order episodes, group contribution evil, being pushed away roll forever in samsara, so called Vol. Buddha taught that, because very masked man does not receive the truth of things, then just craving go by that illusion is not permanent, you should create now. It is the cause of the pain. In particular, there are three independent (the three poisons): Join (greed), Tennis (angry, annoyed, impatient), Si (dim stupid, ignorant) is the main cause of the suffering. Homework, things to do good, evil (will create industry) associated with human death in the three worlds that no one no problems, so-called Volume soles. Cessation (nirodha Ariyasacca) spoke about the suffering destroyed, to be liberated. Kill ie cessation or nirvana. That is now gone no longer sorrows of birth and death. Is the germ of misery. That afflictions should kill the karma in the three worlds away. If the negativity in the three worlds have ceased, immediately realized the realm of Nibbana (Becoming public Nirvana). When the discharge illusory body (ie death), four great body no longer (the Buddha from the president or cessation or type of nirvana ) of life after suffering no longer that continues, then called parinibbana. Nirvana realm is quiet, static status and happiness, annihilated all or reincarnation industry should call Destroy soles. Dao (Magga Ariyasacca) talk about methods to eradicate the causes of suffering. Is moral, is the right path, the longer meant to reach, it is the method, is the way to living beings in that practice to seek escape from damnation, suffering frontier in the three worlds. In it, the Buddha only eight main road, including: perceived true (political); genuine thinking (thinking); authentic speech (language); genuine career (career ); life true (the par); diligence true (diligently); righteous memory (main memory); genuine concentration (major). These eight righteous path, Buddhism called the Eightfold Path. Dao in order to have Thirty seven assistant director and Bat The upland director provides, relative to each other can certainly put them through suffering, to show us the entry World Nirvana unspoilt lies, the so-called island. Buddhist intellectual undertakings has taken to eradicate ignorance, break the cycle of birth and death, just to practice eradicate desire to move now reached liberation . Practice to seek liberation in Buddhism there are many ways. Buddha said, eighty-four thousand teachings, anyone see the contract and vow to practice any method they can become enlightened liberation, for Buddha nature in all beings is no different and every method to enlightenment. However, whether the practice, there were pulled three ways of learning (About - Insight) as a basis and as weak. Buddhist sutras often recorded, because of compassion for living beings, because compassion ideas to life which the Buddha appeared in this world. His presence in the world as a great karmic sufferings of birth. So, with the Four Noble Truths , Buddhism solve human problems ultimately, and the Four Noble Truths is basic teachings that any an ordained Buddhist though the sects must know to and practice to seek liberation realize Nibbana. /. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS,( GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY,AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY ).4/9/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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