Thursday 13 September 2012



're Always feeling provinces to self-liberation from Samsara, and the rescue must be made by the individual. We can not rely on any power or influence from outside to help us achieve Nirvana.
The new one is one's own salvation, to do if you saved?
Only the well-known practice itself, solve the problem of finding salvation outside.

- (Dhammapada, verse 166)
When the Buddha was about to enter Nirvana, practitioners from the four winds near and far, is crowded with Him. While the subjects you always stand by his side and very saddened by the loss of four, a bhikkhus name Attadatta again draws on net loss and diligent practice.
The other monks think monks Attadatta not care about taking care of the Buddha, so upset and reported the incident to him. Master new Attadatta replied as follows: " O Blessed One, for he was about to kill, so I think the best way to honor him is to achieve his be directed arahantahood time is money ".
Buddha praised the attitudes and virtues of the monks, and taught us not to give up his own spiritual benefit for grinding the interests of others.
This story highlights one of the most important aspects of Buddhism. 're Always feeling provinces to self-liberation from Samsara, and the rescue must be made by the individual. We can not rely on any power or influence from outside to help us achieve Nirvana.
Buddhist people do not usually criticize this concept, and Buddhism is a religion of selfishness, only the theory of the interest free from all the pain and misery of their own. This is not true at all. Buddha stated clearly that Buddhists do not stop working because of the spiritual and material welfare for all sentient beings, and diligently pursue its aim of achieving Nirvana. Buddha always promote selfless service.
Again, people not understand Buddhism can ask: " It may be true for some lucky people, with full power of the spirit, find nirvana by their own efforts. But with that spirit and body or physical impairment? How can they be confident? They need the help of an external dread as God or gods bless them? "
The answer is that Buddhists do not believe that the final liberation necessarily achieve in this life. The process may take a long time, through many lifetimes. We must cultivate all good ability, and gradually develop the power of self-confidence. So, to those who are physically disabled spiritual, mental and physical well have tried though is very little to start the process of liberation.
Once the wheel is off, individuals gradually hone themselves to develop the power of self-confidence. A small oak fruit someday become a great oak tree, but not just overnight. Patience is essential in conducting materials difficult.
For example, by experience we know that many parents bring the best of his ability to do things to raise children according to their hopes and aspirations. But when those children grow up, they develop in their own way, not necessarily in the way that their parents want. According to Buddhism, while others can affect a person's life, but ultimately individuals still make their own Karma and responsible for his own actions. In the final interpretation, no human or gods can control, or control the achieve ultimate liberation of the individual. That is the meaning of self-support.
This does not mean that Buddhism teaches people are selfish. According to Buddhism, when a person with his own efforts seek to attain Nirvana, he decided not to kill, steal, lie, greed, or uncontrolled senses because drug poison. When he controlled himself, that person automatically has contributed to the happiness of others. So-called "selfish" it is not good for the welfare of others?
At a more mundane level, people were asked how inferior forms of life can be free from the pointless cycle of existence. Certainly in a helpless state that, you will need an external power charity to pull the other unfortunate beings out of the quicksand. To answer this question, we need to mention the knowledge of the theory of evolution. This theory states that life started from the very primitive form - no more than a single cell floating in the water. Over millions of years, these basic life forms to evolve and become more complex, more intelligent. Do smarter level, the form of life that is capable organizations, independent thinking, concept formation and so on ...
When Buddhists talk about the ability to save, they want to mention form of life at a high level of spiritual development. In the early stages of evolution, strength and spirit still in a state of real estate, but do not know how many times reborn, a living will yourself to toxic levels of thought development up, with the ability to treat rational rather than instinctive. At this stage we was aware of the sense of having transcended bag of endless rebirth associated with how pain and sorrow. Beings that have the power to end rebirth and find real happiness by achieving enlightenment and Nirvana. With a high degree of intelligence, of course, an individual can afford to self-improvement and self-development.
We all know that children who are born in many different levels of intelligence and reasoning capacity. Some are born as a prodigy, while another at the other end, intelligence is very low. However, all beings are able to distinguish between the choice or preference, especially on vital issues. If we expand the vital animal world, we can distinguish animal is lower or higher this same instinct (at different levels) to choose the most vital .
For that reason, both to a lower form of life has the potential to create good Karma, but limited range. Due diligence to promote growth and good times now, a being itself can raise the standard of living and understanding.
Looking at the problem from a different angle, we can d? A on one of the first things that Buddha-Will-Members (Bodhisattva) lower initial determination as to how to strive for Enlightenment . In a lot of life before birth as Siddhartha, he was born as a normal human.
One day when the Bodhisattva with his mother on a boat, a big storm emerged, overturned boats, and toss all the data on a boat into the sea.
Do not think about the safety of yourself, the future Buddha carried her on his back and tried to swim to shore. But before him, vast water, he does not know which direction to go. While he is in the dilemma of not know what to turn towards His courage through to a devas. Not able to help him, but also can make the future Buddha know which direction to go. Youth (Bodhisattva), according to the gods and his mother escaped. There, and this time he was determined was determined not to rest until the end when you reach Enlightenment.
This story highlighted the fact that most Buddhists can find and with the help of the gods in everyday life. A deva is a being by virtue has made a high merit (as king of the gods) was born with psychic powers to help other beings. But this power is limited material and physical. In daily life we ​​can find the help of the gods (when they are unhappy, you need to be assured, when sick or scared etc.)
The human condition to seek help of the gods means that we are still bound to the material world. Must accept the fact that they are born we have to rely on the desire for material needs. And there is nothing wrong in meeting those needs in a limited range. When the Buddha advocated the Middle Path, he taught should not passionately on luxury nor should reject completely the basic needs for life.
But we should not stop there. While we accept the conditions of man's existence, we must make every effort to practice the Noble Eightfold Path, the level of development to be able to experience that attachment to the material world is only create pain and suffering.
Thanks to expand understanding through many times of birth incalculable, more and more we reduce the craving for the pleasures of the senses. At this stage we really trust in yourself. At this stage the gods can not help me anymore, because I do not seek to satisfy our material needs.
Buddhists when understanding the ephemeral nature of the world will practice to let go of material benefits. Contemporary people no longer cling to worldly interests, so they share the benefits for the unfortunate ones - the practice of giving offerings. In such a way, they contribute to the welfare of others.
When the Buddha reached enlightenment as a result of his own efforts, he is not selfish to keep this knowledge to yourself. Moreover he his common process for 45 years, not only for humans but also for the gods. This is an example of the most important Buddhist altruism and concern for the welfare of all beings.
It is often said the Buddha to help people in a fit of passion not by divine miracles as the dead etc., but by the actions of His wisdom and compassion.
On one occasion, a woman named is Kisa Gotami find the Buddha asked him to save the lives of her children died. Can not argue with her because she was desperate and depressed, the Buddha told her to go for a handful of mustard seed of an unprecedented dead relatives. This distraught woman run out of the house to house, and everyone wanted for canola her but no one has dared to say that I do not have any relatives that have died. The then Kisa new Gotami understand death as natural things happen to all human beings were born.
Understood, she returned to the Buddha and to thank Him for her to know the truth of death.
It is worth mentioned here that the Buddha's more interested in understanding the nature of the woman rather than make her life with sadness pain temporarily by rescued her child - the child grow old and then die. With the identification smoothly, Kisa Gotami not only can understand the phenomenon of death, but also to know the cause of the suffering caused by attachment. She can understand the attachment causes sorrow, and when the attachment is destroyed, the troubles came to an end.
So in Buddhism, one can find the support of external actors (such as deities) to seek temporary happiness, but in the later stages of development, when the mind is attached to the conditions the world over, will start to give way and secular enlightenment is one in which the human self. When a seeker freed to break the cycle of birth and death almost reached the awareness and enlightenment, that person only by his own efforts, by focusing his own willpower.
Buddhism for the great human dignity. Buddhism is the only religion that man has the power to help and liberate yourself. In the next design development stage, people are not subject to the authority of any power or an external agent that they have to please the form of worship or offer sacrifice animals. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER.( VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS.GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.14/9/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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