Friday 14 September 2012



Speaking of India refers to a culture with many religious traditions. It has many philosophies born with many different ideas. But all these theories are based on the philosophy Upanishads; since very early, it occupies an extremely important position in all concepts and ancient human society and to date.

"Truth is the highest truth: God is present in all things. Things that you want the things of God ...

We need a religion to create man to man. "


Man is the great contradiction: the socio-biological entity, it must perform the duty to human society, is its spiritual entities desire to overcome the social finite man to escape all tied back to the divine nature. Hinduism solve this problem?

From ancient times to the present day, people are always in search of cosmic origin and each individual. So, in the heart of each person are trying to find and outline the nature of the world, the nature of nature humans, the similarities between internal and external, to find spiritual path of liberation ...

Each one according to his ability tried to lift open the mysterious veil of life. So many thinkers, religion, philosophy was born with the aim to satisfy the needs of knowledge and the path way for people to reach happiness. But each sect perspectives, different ideas. Here, we examine and explore the philosophical nature of the Ba-la-subject teachers look under the observation of conscience, not through religion we are and cultural as not to impose or our country into a theory. Because everything through the prism of us vulnerable refraction. So theologians like John Haught and John Polkinghome asserted: " Science and religion aim to separate aspects of human experience. Many scientists have written a powerful study of how biological evolution have increased rather than decreased their religious faith . " So most beautiful emotion we can experience is the mysterious. That kind of feeling right at the cradle of all true art and science. Such beauty we can find in the great ancient philosophy of India.

Philosophy is an important part plays an essential role in traditional Indian culture. Indian philosophical unity in diversity by only truth a multifaceted but truth and everyone can discover the truth from his perspective. Besides philosophy there is no end in itself but a means to inner transformation to achieve liberation. This means there may be more. With a tolerant attitude in the air freedom of thought Indian philosophers through the ages have constantly think shed light source and looking for ways, the real solution is the only goal.

A. Historical Background of Indian country :

History of India begins with the period of the Indian River basin civilization , a civilization that flourished in the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent from 3300 to 1700 BC. This stone age civilization was followed by the Iron Age of the Vedic period , the period saw the flowering of the major kingdoms known to Mahajanapadas name . Between these two periods, in the 6th century BC, Mahavira and Sakyamuni Form-ni was born.

Subcontinent was united under the Maurya dynasty during the 3rd and 4th century BC. Then it broke and very much dominated by countless medieval kingdom over the next 10 centuries. The northern part is reunited again in the 4th century AD and maintain unity in the next two centuries, under the Gupta dynasty . It is considered as the golden age of India. During the same period, and a few centuries later, India is dominated by the Chalukya dynasty , Chola , Pallava and Pandya , and experienced golden age of each period. At the same time, Hinduism and Buddhism spread to many parts of Southeast Asia.

Islam was introduced in the early 8th century AD with the invasion of Baluchistan and Sindh by Muhammad bin Qasim . These Muslim invasions from Central Asia between the 10th and 15th century AD led to the majority of North India under the rule of the Delhi Sultanate early and later the Mughal Empire . The dominance of the Mughal empire, the empire had opened phase of the freeze period and strong development of art and architecture , has covered most of the northern subcontinent. However, several independent nations, such as the Maratha Empire and the Vijayanagara Empire , flourished during the same period in western and northern India. At the beginning of the period between the 18th century and more than a century later, India gradually the British East India Company (British East India Company) annexed. That dissatisfaction with the rule of the company led to the Indian rebellion of 1857, then India is operated directly by the British Royal (British Crown) also witnessed strong growth period facilities as well as the economic downturn.

During the first half of the 20th century, the struggle for national independence was initiated by the Indian Congress , which was then matched by the Muslim league party . Subcontinent gained independence from Britain in 1947 after being divided into two countries India and Pakistan . The eastern wing of Pakistan became Bangladesh in 1971.

Central India show that India has settled at least since the Middle Pleistocene , about 200,000 to 500,000 years ago. [1] Period stone between the Indian subcontinent covering a period of 250,000 began about 300,000 years ago. Modern man seems to have settled in the sub-continent before the last stage of the last Ice Age , about 12,000 years ago. The first permanent settlement was confirmed appeared 9,000 years ago in the caves of Bhimbetka , Madhya Pradesh province today. The discovery of Mehrgarh (7000 BC or earlier) is the symbol of the early Neolithic culture, its Balochistan province of Pakistan today. The vestiges of a culture Neolithic period have been found in the Gulf of Khambat , Carbon dating survey identified around 7500 BC. [2] Culture and the end of the Neolithic period appear in the Indian Basin between the period 6000 and 2000 BC and in South India between the period 2800 and 1200 BC.

I. Religion Brahmins :

a. Definitions :

Ba-la-subjects (zh. 婆罗门, bastard., pi. Brahma N a ) a noun a class, a class of people in India . Belongs to the class Ba-la-subject is the monks , philosophers , scholars and religious leaders. Indian people are very respectful of this class.

b. Brahmin Religion :

Dao Ba La Mon (Brahmanism) also called Hindu or Hinduism (Hinduism), is a native of Indians (Hindus), formed in India around 1500 BC or earlier, that is before Buddhism very little about the 10 th century. Do not determine who is the owner or the open direction. Silver leg enlightenment spiritual guidance for the believers are called guru.

Polytheistic religions advocate (polytheism). God or the God of the Hindus is an Trimurti (eight) of the trinity: Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (preservation), and Shiva (destruction).
sutras written in Sanskrit : Vedas (Vedic), Upanishads (Upanishads), Bhagavad Gita (Chi religious songs) ...

Universe. Ultimate reality born and maintenance of the universe, the universe is known as Brahman, can be viewed as similar to the Chinese concept of Dao, or Logos of the ancient Greeks in the fifth century BC.
Human agencies. Man bound over ignorance (stupidity) and fanciful, but the ability to get rid of them.

Life with four goals: dharma (complete moral obligation, law, and religion); Artha (living and success in society); kama (satisfaction of desires but that abstinence and moderation ); moksa (liberation from samsara) by eliminating all of the industry (karma) because of his death that remains now is to take rebirth in the next life in the world, ie reincarnation (samsara).

Life to undergo four stages :

brahmacharga (learning);

grhastha (married, create career);

vanaprastha (spiritual direction);

sanrgasu (escapism to social practice).

Morality. People can handle 3 of grace: thank heaven, thank you, thank ancestors. Must be practiced in three ways: karmamarga (serve); jnanamarga (of knowledge or wisdom); bhaktimarga (Devotional sun).

10 commandments : ahimsa (non-killing); satya (not lie); asteya (not theft); brahmacharya (not loose by desire); aparigraha (not greedy); saucha (must be clean, fine pure); santosha (consent); tapas (discipline myself); svadhyaya (to study); ishvara pranidhana (obedience clause sun).

Rituals. There 5 Mass: Mahashivarati (mid-February), Holi (spring), Ramnavami (late 3), Dusserah (early November), and Diwali (mid-November). Believers to worship in private homes and in temples.
Brahmin Religion has 900 million members (2005). Approximately 30 million Hindus live in diaspora . Early Brahmanical culture marks in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asian countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam), is still the temple and credit map in this country. Brahmins also in some Western countries (UK, U.S., etc.). European and American authors in particular respect the thoughts of the guru Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa (1836-1886) and his disciple Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902) ...

II. dictionary :

Vedas (Veda) as the root of Brahmanism and is a source of Indian civilization. In business there are hymns to praise the gods, god of fire, the god of mountain, river ... Much praise the glorious beauty, jubilantly, and the mystery of life in the universe. The entire set of four organs:

1. Rig Veda : the implementation of the said proceedings.

2. Yajur Veda : private ritual.

3. Sama Veda : hymn mantra.

4. Atharva Veda : (implementation of the other three sets of economic significance).

Mainly of Vedic thought is transformed from Da Nhat god, from Nhat god to areas across the three age philosophy: Vedic God (Veda), Brahma Library (Brahmana) and Upanishads ( Upanishads).

III. Thought Brahmin Religion :

Chronological order, Vedic thought have reached a conception of God who own self creation of the universe and an absolute selflessness as a common origin for the universe. However, generally, the Vedas are natural importance of the concept of a God who more falls.

Vedic Forecast Letter, the cult of sacrifice people to ask the help of the gods, the main form of polytheism. To the period of Brahma Message believers tired of sacrifice and worship many gods, filtering should hire a few important deity to worship, then worship a God who is Brahma (Brahma), the supreme god almighty , transcendent, creator of all things space. What is the object of belief of the majority of the Indian population shift from polytheism to divine unity. Through to the period of Upanishads is not limited to formal economic order, which includes sublime philosophy.

That letter is the coat of the clergy texts Brahmanical writings to develop the Vedic teachings on the philosophical. While the Vedas focus on rituals of worship, the Upanishads would like to learn more about the self and the self of man and their relationship with the absolute nature of the universe. The basic content of the Upanishads that humans, like all sentient beings have a self life, undying, and numerous head injuries The absolute can usually be called Atman or State falls (a immortal soul). When our human self, or who do not integrate with the sale absolute (Brahman, Brahma or the Great Falls), the human ego still cycle in the cycle of birth and death. They advocated "Brahma-Atman identity" and human liberation is human harmony in the universe. Primary Self harmony with the infinite self in a state of eternal eternal.

In the social realm, the Indian population was then divided into four classes:

1. Every clergy caste Brahmin (Brahman).

2. Kings caste iron reasons, (Kshastriya).

3. Merchant, farmer and mechanic crew (Vaisya).

4. Add people impoverished working-class prime Da La (Sùdra).

5. Three-ri-a (Pariah) like the same size, are considered to be living outside the margins-human society, being superior period-to-treat as interesting material, extremely painful humiliation, darkness.

This caste system in hereditary mode, the other classes are not married, not to sacrifice together themselves and not sharing eating utensils. Player class was a class along with despised and abused, so eternal slavery for three classes. This class so despised a Prime was approaching a water well, the wells was considered to have become dirty, can not be used for all three classes and the Prime was any offense had be stoned to death. This stigma has caused a social organization is extremely unfair. Until the end of the 6th century BC Brahmin caste completely dominated the entire Indian population, they consolidated political power in religious power, set more annoying ritual to bind forced the people to strengthen the ruling class. This period has many commentaries acceptance of self and factions arise from the arguments arising from the past, the future, to review current observance of Nirvana. All content of this approval are based on the exposure to distinguish six senses (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and consciousness).

IV. Ideology and Philosophy Religion Brahmins :

In the first period, with the low level of awareness people still, philosophical thought she-la-subject teachers rely heavily on forms of economic self-polytheistic nature. Because they believe that, by the liturgy that one can sympathize with the divine, divine protection and help for free. Upon increasing the level of awareness, people began to sense his existence. They reflect on life, destiny and find the reason for living for man. To meet that demand should philosophy Upanishads was born. This is the culmination of the Ba-la-subject philosophy. All thoughts of any sect after this, we will not know where to choose if you do not find out the source of the all Upanishads systems. So the philosopher Schopenhauer has to say: "All over the world there is nothing uplifting human interest in the Upanishads. It have comforted my life, it will comfort me when I die. " The appearance of the Upanishads marks the transition from the world of religious mythology to philosophical thinking. Ideas that are presented in the following major issues:

1. The Supreme Reality Brahman :

" What is the first real, unique, supreme, is the root of all that when we realize it we will know everything and can liberate the soul from all worry suffering brain of his life . " Upanishads say: it is "the spirit of the universe the Supreme Brahman . " Brahman is real first and is the only entity, absolute, supreme, eternal, formless anonymous etc. is the essence of all, in addition to all limits of time and space ... Brahman is transcendent reality objectively, outside and in humans. Chandogya Upanishads say: " The whole universe is Brahman "and also said" hidden ego in our minds, that is Brahman . " Both Mundak and Katha Upanishads are confirmed: " Free fall can not be achieved by education, wisdom or knowledge. He can be reached by any person of his choice. For him the self of self-expression of his nature ". Taittiriya Upanishads mentions the teachings of the priests Varuna of Brahman for children as follows:

" What is there all things created, that live there everything is and what there all things return after death. You yourselves know, that is Brahman . "

Such, transcendental Brahman is the principle of, typically, without beginning and without end, is the dominant orbital things in an order such as that available. Meanwhile, things are organic in water, common ownership, management and direction of Brahman.

Brahman is a homogeneous reality, beyond concepts, the total number of concepts;, but to explain to people who do not have spiritual empirical level, it must borrow the idea. So, Taittiriya Upanishads Brahman visualization as a bird's nest with three small birds head is Viraj, Hiranya Garbha and Ishvara: " When absolute conception is independent, uncreated, called Brahman. Once regarded as the embodiment of the universe is called Hiranya garbha, when considered organic creative god ego is called Ishvara. Ishvara becomes Brahman, Vishnu and Shiva when his three components are distinguished "

Can not described Brahamn, but Mundaka Upanishads Jiangsu took the spider image to describe the creation and recovery actions of Brahamn as follows: " Just as John spider silk and silk draw on, as well as students on the grass land, as well as hair growth on the body alive, it is here in the universe, ordinary existence is self-Immovable Property service ".

Inability to describe Brahman, Brihad entire Aranyaka Upanishads use the word "not" to say: " Brahman is not big, not small, not short, not long, not brilliant, dark, odorless, tasteless, no eyes, no ears, no voice, no breath, no inside, no outside, no destruction nor destroyed . "

Although indescribable Brahman is nothing but Brahman there are essential features are: Food Organic (Chat), Consciousness (Chit), An optimistic (Ananda). Brahman is actually useful because is not nothing, Brahman is conscious of being the source of all awareness, Brahman is at peace because it is eternal happiness.

Mandukya Upanishads that humans can only perceive Brahman with spiritual intuition (Turiya). " Turiya is the essence of the unique sense of self, where all things in the world are back, still fun, pure, not two . "

2. Ego Atman :

Atman is self an intrinsic entity in each individual. The breath is the source of the material, the Atman is supernatural breath, is a source of spiritual life. Atman is actually able to make people rise above all things. Can say Atman is Brahman components in humans. Brahman is the universal cosmic ego, Atman is the personal ego. Braman only one, Atman is plural, but that's just because of the nature of both fiction is just one. That when the body dies, the self (Atman) return merge with the self (Brahman).

Atman is not a rational self, feelings and senses, but the Atman is the source of the living spirit. There is no Atman, all mental and physical activities are terminated. But as soon as both mental and physical activities end, the Atman remains immortal. With much effort, but the Upanishads can not be clear about Atman, should always be vigilant that the self can not be understood, the self must be done. Katha Upanishads say: " Atman can not be perceived by the power of the mind, can not be perceived by the senses . "

3. Deliverance and the state of Liberation:

The end of all philosophy, religion is problem free. Brihad Aranyaka Upanishads say: " Tier foot tri after death will pass the space up to the realm of eternal happiness ". Realm is the realm of eternal happiness for those who achieve real liberation. And sinners shall be governed by the laws of karma, miserable fall deported in the cycle until the end now and reach the foot tri. Chandogya Upanishads also refers to two paths of liberation: the way of extra items (Patri Yana) and sugar of god (Deva Yana). The way of extra items for those who strive to good deeds, those who after death will be in heaven (paradise). But when the effects of all blessings in a corresponding period, they will come back to earth. Only when people go into the paths of gods, not being enslaved by material, homogeneous Brahman with Atman at yourself, now newly liberated and enjoy the fullness of eternal happiness.

But, to be free, they must undergo the practice. Must all persevere ethical practice (karma-yoga) and cultivation of knowledge (Jnana-yoga), in order to eliminate all desire, anxiety, sorrow, get rid of all constraint, driven by the animal world sex virtual, impermanence of earthly world; thick meditation (dhyana) reflection of inner contemplation, "spiritual experience" by intuition; comments for the nature of his legs to reach the truth at upstream integration into the absolute essence. That is liberation, the supreme meaning of life. But the awareness that the immortal soul is not common sense or wisdom can be achieved. It can be achieved thanks to the real spiritual experience. Spiritual experience that the experiments in the depth of my soul. To go through the experience, but first of all to bring awareness back to yourself. The Upanishads say: " Atman can not recognize by education, by the power of the mind. Atman not be perceived by the senses. Self open the senses out, powder it just looks to the outside world without looking for self . " There are three ways to achieve liberation :

- The path of knowledge requires practice ascetic, dedicated practice, happy to escape the mundane world.

- The road to act as the spiritual principles of altruism, for the common good, for the good, for the fall.

- The road eventually, most widespread, for all that is the way devotee, all faith in love, reverence God, - Atman can integrate with Braman in love and with great love divine .

Human liberation is no longer suffering, because suffering is human status are limited. I no longer desire, hate, dreams ... people from the world of duality relative, step into the realm of the absolute best resources.

4. The Ego :

Upanishads recognize Atman exists in humans. And also that there are immutable self, how human life is due to the decision of the Supreme Brahman. The revelation of the creator will decide the release of a man

In short, it comes to India refers to a culture with many religious traditions. It has many philosophies born with many different ideas. But all these theories are based on the philosophy Upanishads; since very early, it occupies an extremely important position in all concepts and ancient human society and to date.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS.GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.15/9/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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