Saturday 29 September 2012


At one point, The Sun in Sàvatthi, at Mr. Anàthapindika. At the bottom, The Crown called the An-hamstring muscles:

1. Is the pretentious, billion-will preach for the master of the order is not human Legs and upper Legs. Please listen and operative skills, We will preach.

Dear well, Bach World Religion.

The Billion-Ton World's response well pretentious. The Sun says as follows:

The Bill-the pretentious, what is the status of people's Feet not level? People don't have to Foot the Bill, not the pretentious-grateful, grateful. For the wicked ones, specification of their names are known, the An-hamstring muscles, i.e. not grateful, grateful. This is purely a human foot guys, which the Bill-not pretentious, not grateful. Children's Feet, where the An-hamstring muscles, is grateful, is grateful. For the good people, this is their names are known, the Billion-i.e., pretentious, mind you. This is purely a human Foot level, where the An-i.e., pretentious, mind you.

2. There are two categories, it is said, the pretentious-unable to pay for it. What are the two? MOM and dad. If one side as this mother mated the pretentious-if a party as his father, mated to one hundred years, until the hundred years old; If the masseur, DAB xức, bathing, aromatherapy shampoo, and the oil in, parents are leaving urine defecation, as such, is the less pretentious enough to do well-or pay for enough MOM and dad. Furthermore, this Bill-if pretentious an parent location on the national level with the paramount power, on the Earth with the seven treasures, so, well, this is not the pretentious enough to do-or pay for enough MOM and dad. Because why? Because of that, the An-his pretentious did more for our children, nurturing, nurturing them, introduce them to this life. But the Bill-hamstring muscles, one for the parents there is no confidence, encourage, guide and all stay safe on trust; for parents as evil, encourage, guide and an all stay on good. for parents, encouragement, joins xan instructions, all stay safe on alms; for parents under the wicked wisdom, encourage, guide and all stay safe on intellectual property. So far, the bill-paying, and pretentious is doing enough for MOM and dad.

(Capital Increase Branch I, Chapter 2, one Mind, parts)


In his life, grateful for being a raised glass tastes of parents to have is the hard part. But to be a true hospitality does, happily heart tastes taste and integrity to become more difficult. In many of the classics, The Ton usually refers to the gift of immense parents such as pool, although we still have a few dutiful response can be hard to spot. However, these discourses That Sun has just presented a report (s) is different from the usual, it is the parents ' Guide to tu, converted the three evil, which according to Him was "paying for enough for MOM and Dad".

First of all, The Sun determines that, thankful and grateful is characteristic of human foot steps, of human goodness. When a person does not have or lost property is thankful and grateful then surely that is the cruel, real guys, real.

However, though the degrees of human feet, the gentle goodness knows more dutiful but has yet to do enough or pay you enough for MOM and dad. Even the ranks of wealth, the ultimate authority on the world level, offering a pleasing song is not enough to serve the body, because vegetative mother Grace, the children become too great, to the point where not able to think.

According to The Sun, up in the usual sense, although comprehensive, the curious still not sufficient. Should be paralleled to serve up the material, glass, the Buddha recommended aggressive chemotherapy to know even the parents believe the three jewels, an improvement in the alms know, donation, always live with the glean of. Do like IE did enough to pay you enough for MOM and dad.

Obviously, The Sun is so focused on industry metabolism for the parents to look forward to life after their parents reborn into a better realm. Because of limited capital life and impermanence. This life after countless lifetimes. If the parent franchise that lacked wisdom, can create more for parents that do not accumulate any newspaper could not effectively, call it business, is the true tastes and fullest.

Hence, the Buddha always act aggressive serve and convenient glass parent in there life but also do not forget to create workplace well-being for parents when the pundits from the world, to reborn on the heal. Prep is trusts, about, and intellectual property. What this means is this life and the hereafter the parents are happy. Hence The Sun claims to have done enough and pay you enough for MOM and dad. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH  CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER.( VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS.GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.29/9/2012.)NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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