Thursday 20 September 2012


University Liench'ih

Chapter 5

5.1. Clarification of retributive
In the Three Kingdoms period (220-280), the Wu (222-280), the capital of the Company, the standard Khuong Tang Hoi (Vietnam), to missionaries and founded the temple Architecture (247-Red in the 10th year ).
One day King Wu Chun right down command millions conditions, the question: "Teacher can tell a thousand words a little moral good and evil, the message of the Buddha's teaching?."
Master meet: "monarchical Tier I be able to use the filial piety and compassion to rule the galaxy, the color pink bird will fly * , Saturn appears; using moral and compassionate education to thousands of people, on land will pop out stream sweet, delicious, fresh, fine grains production, the full ... with good politics have been reported to work so nice, evil has the same evil. So in my heart to do evil, but who do not know, but the evil spirits want to kill y clear in the area contains the good, the joy seems to come into balance. "In economic also praised Yang Quan Tu blessed to do all chief of the Vietnamese charity, can not go into demons, evil path, this is but a cycle of his teachings, Confucius ... but also teaches so obvious.
King asked: "Chu, Confucius has made ​​such moral, galaxies all have to use the truth of Buddhism?".
Master said: "The sages scholars such as Zhou Gong, Confucius did not want to go into details, so the only strategy say so; longer as the teachings of the Buddha, not only presents problems immediate past but also clearly futuristic, subtle eyed, so expressed in are filled du.Thanh who just afraid not much meditation, majesty more annoying is the moral?
King Wu heard very unwelcome
5.2 Promotion of good unless graphics
Qing Tan, at World, Son Truc, Fa Minerals.
One day, the problem space (371-373) to try to visit the daily life get peace? And visiting professor of phenomena appear is how elves and thanks for thinking measures. The reply: "King Te Landscape political practice kindness, negative virtue, goblins appear before which all targets are gone, now dare ask Majesty should also prisoners, positive virtues which rule the galaxy to prevent rebuke and peace of heaven! You given up reading all mind power work to eradicate the scourge for sewing blessed ". Then the teacher and students together at the Buddhist ceremony of repentance, not how long the demon disappeared.
5.3. About morality
Jin Dynasty, in the Industrial District, Buddhist Intermediate, Middle Thien Truc; later because Million United Thach Lac hospitality officers, he immediately came to of Thach Us. Us asked the master: "Buddhism is nothing spiritual experience?"
Master know Us not understand the doctrine of Buddhism not have any faith, would have to show a little magic, magic to have medical care before, so he took a bowl of water, burning incense, mantras, not How long in a bowl on a green lotus, Thach Us now instant credit for.
Master and made ​​it redundant to say: "The king of a country such as using the power of goodness to regent heaven, using kindness proclaim four sea, there will be four spiritual animals: Dragon, phoenix bird, times, and the spirit shall appear, indicating good water transport, dragon bones; longer if inhumane political, raging infidels, the sky appears the elves as a comet, blazing comets ... expression in the galaxy imminent disaster, chaos arises, the best is not good. Interoperability has clearly, dysentery hung, designer instant blessing will come, good, good, and evil is evil, this is the common symbol from ancient times until now, it was such a warning! "
Thach Lac heard very happy, happy. Many people are about to be killed by the way that was spared.
The era of Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasty very strange, especially with a lot of great faith monk sages appear, not only in peace but even in the chaos. The reason why? In fact, the reason is because at the time, the games danger, the times of extreme suffering people, material deprivation ... It was at this time Bodhisattva apply compassion suffering rescue! This is not exactly what is said. "Drug research illness from iron that poured out"?
5.4. Smarthost about male gender
Northern and Southern Dynasties, the high Rising Iron-Na-real-, temple States Complete, in the capital, is the King who is the attacker, India, ordained. Dynasty, Tong Van de, Professor Cau-Na-real-Industrial Architecture, Visiting affairs master: "It's like precept not to eat non-vegetarian and not killing, but a country station master, grasp the whole politics of the country, each of which are limited, can not reach the cause, do not know the new measures what? ".
Master said: "The practice of the king and of his people order hundreds of them are not the same place. Hundreds of their own people poor, honor small, austere life must be hard, frugal practice; still ranks emperors ruled the galaxy, hand holding hundreds of them, just say a the virtues, all his officials and his people hundreds of them are very happy, to make a benevolent policy, his people are happy that, depending upon. Yet there used but not abused killing penalties network. Income tax but not exploited, pinched the labor of the people, like the galaxy air weather, adequate hot cold, hundreds of species of grains grow well. Boy gender is so great son, great merit! No killing, then that is the morality is not close to the extreme! If a meal without salt is to preserve species of animals' lives, that's great ball from the great merit!
Issues exclamation wife: "The introduction to the teachings of the Buddha deep mystery so ignorant not understand, not of religious worship, who left home in the capital, the country was not informed in time, using legal of the goods, and lead to death. Heard him say a few words like that, it was a high increase was enlightened through, well the through both sky " .
Then the king orders for the offerings to monks, national cult, also serve.
On King trim not believe in Buddhism, not to mistake himself King, but actually, who preach Buddhism also responsible, in the absence of the ability to present and promote all the positive side, intimate clothes, the colors of the Dharma. The venerable Bridge-Na-Bat-Ma said Buddhism, both accuracy and moral capacity, flexible, ingenious explanation which is not contrary to the truth, that is the true application of content between direct and life without obstacles! Until now, a long line of government is salary such a word can break not too. The the increased bigotry, prejudice which holds the director, they do not know that the king does not want to order cause close ordained just because people like them! The metamorphosis of the gods long worms can not understand, is this moral!
5.5. About the offering
South Dynasty, Qi Dynasty (479-502), the temple Chinh Thang, sister Phat Nguyen, Cheng Chau. King Qi Cao to all things country, gathering of disciples ceremony on him with all your heart. To the away Qi emperor successors, also treated with very much respect.
One day the prince Van Tue visiting the temple monks then please only monks: "I used to dance tunes to make offerings to the Buddha and Bodhisattvas, blessings that how? ".
Master said: "In ancient times the Bodhisattva used eighty kinds of dance music to make offerings to the Buddha, the merit is not by bringing attention to the pure worship of the Buddha Dharma, today could blow those track stars, on cowhide death (ie drums) a few hours, the merit? "
Inflation well (such as clams, sermon) that do not understand the teachings of the Buddha, but takes a lot of financial resources, only to be blessed illegal ownership of natural only. Professor May said a sentence, do not wake the confusion of the secular, but also is an effective or honest words - for the monastic life after that!
5.6. Lecture king heard flashes treatment
Northern and Southern Dynasty, Qi, Industrial District, West Long Mountain, Van Temple Square, with monks except, bone loss, at 28 years of age to the temple next to him, in filters, veritable cult master teacher, the derived family.
Emperor Qi, Van Tuyen order, edict 3 times each to Industrial Architecture monks of population born, he refused to go, so the Emperor personally visiting professor, then welcome Professor supply. Because Van Tuyen to explain the three worlds (male gender, Lust, Immaterial), this ancient dream are illusory like nowhere, national country also have the illusion that (Shurangama Sutra "who are not established the world, representing the state level), life is impermanent. Next professor lectured on four methods of practice contemplation called the four foundations of mindfulness. Problems listening to suddenly great awakening, awful, sweat falling like rain. Soon King Bodhisattva precepts refuge with the monks, stop alcohol of meat, drop all used for hunting birds such as iron bird, bird, broken fishing nets and other tools. House would ban their god hundred people killing animals, each year vegetarian for three months (January, 5, and 9), each remaining month fasting six days (1, 8, 14, 15, 23, 29 , and 30), and encourage people to life over the Bat boys with men.
5.7. Persuading East offers Prince
Tang Dynasty, in scribes, temple Prussia, Quang, lawyers Huyen Park, Huayin, Hoang Nong province. Dating to the first manager (627), Emperor Tang Taizong that folk from the officials of the court to respect the precepts of virtue should invite and sisters to provide for Crown Prince and the King of Prince TV Bodhisattva vows. Master writing to the prince: "Right now I just highlighted four key points of Buddhist teachings, simple, but hopefully the Prince Center serves over. One is the practice of compassion, this is shifting by virtue of the in Mahaparinirvana economic, where he talks about how people behave, if you use 'human' life photography can nurture their hundreds and relief poverty. Two 'reduced killing', East offers Crown Prince in a normal meal also killed many creatures fried cooking; necessities of electricity down also need lots of people looking for a large selected, so much so that loss of life, can not say no because you die, would you kill to less demand longevity! Three is 'harmony'. The thing that we call 'close' it is 'human', kindness is expressed in the liver of the human body, the liver belong to the 'rustic' in the Five Elements theory, trees and lush growth spring, low voltage Prince, location is' missing duong'trong 'thought', blessed is located in the spring months. So please power down in the spring of not killing living beings for food to eat and to regulate blood gases. Four 'fasting', vegetarian every year for three months (January, five and nine), a month of fasting six days. Why do so? Because today's low voltage beneficiary effects are due to the low accumulation of merit from past practice that, if life today trying to cultivate positive virtues more, and even more perfect, blessed large further notice. "
Crown Prince replied : "Thank you teacher has only taught for four wonderful, I would be careful to remember in my heart, always credit the worship lead and always get four this guideline, the guideline for life and work, the desire demon god above threshold usually always support. "
5.8. Recommend quit killing.
Tang, Chung Nam Son, Cancer treatment, Chih-Tang Minh Thien.
He previously was a multicultural scholars, embrace ambition and talents correction for life, their people (of international states). Sugar Tong heard the, edict invitation to and sisters in the palace, please visiting teachers some problems. Teacher presentation thoroughly principal water treatment at the same time taking advantage of the opportunity to take the moral compassion of Buddhism as the guiding principles for their people to serve the country. Tang Taizong heard very happy, ordered the entire population each year and three months vegetarians and the per month remaining six days do not kill creatures, and personally throughout the localities comments temples.
5.9. Encourage religious penance
The Southern Dynasties, Song, Ghost in salt, Professor Tan Tong, who dresses Lang.
Dam Tong ordained monk Spirit blacks, there has been a time since the Song Dynasty Emperor Wu king composing penitential law of the Bodhisattva performed six times in a day (One day after practice: repent, recommends visiting , depending joy, dedication and aspiration). Dance to laugh that tells that: "What have I professor told penitential practice?".
Master said: "Once upon a king bed, king Shun Higher saint told king Vu: 'I left the path he must be with us'. King Shang Thang, Vo United Chu also used to say: 'Hundred they are so we do mistakes monarch lead level'. This ancient kingdom are self-blame, for very strict, for everyone was very respectful, so who is the model of the world! Ancient king and saint are wise intelligent religious practices of the holy kingdom as to be humbled, why can not the same as the holy kingdom without blame yourself? ".
Dynasty Emperor Wu heard very unwelcome.
5.10. Shall be fined not lie
The Sung dynasty, in East economic, Tianning government district Phu Dung, Thich Dao Age, people think of.
Master Dao Age after the enlightenment of mind, strongly propagate concrete room Soto. Dynasty Huy Tong (1101-1126), about dating Sung Ninh (1102-1107), Emperor down the wrong letter abbot temples in Tokyo mistress. Dating Dai Quan (1107-1111), Song Dynasty Huy Tong, moved to Temple Tianning Emperor to go to a gift from the medical professor and effect pursuant to the teacher. Party participants refused. Emperor orders for casting Kaifeng government, Hieu Ly Tho, personally explained that clear the mind of the court is to worship respected engineers, but engineers decided not to receive.
This made ​​King so angry, ordered the approved engineers treatment. Military law enforcement to know the ever loyal, eager for the lawyer asked: "Elder looked shabby and poor health too, are sick?"
Master replied: "No".
Officer said: "You have to answer a disease but, so can long form".
He said: "I dare not lie with the patients to avoid?".
Officials heard then lamented alone. Finally shall be fined, deported to Shandong, Chuy Chau. People see Professor exiled not stop the hurt, tears. But Professor natural as if nothing has happened. To Chuy European, professor in a room very primitive, scholars more familiar, a growing number of people. A year later, His Majesty ordered the release of monks. So using a draft am in government capacity to practice.
Honor, wealth, fame brought to the body, but also refused, is that it is difficult to do, refuse, shall be punished, fined without must beg his side, can say is the difficulty in the difficult ones. In the comic character of Chinese god, do not have a story like this? So, this story as a model for the export country in the world.
5.11. Gulf can interrupt flowers.
Five times, the post-Tan, Jiangnan region, one day Li Hau Owner million reviews Dafa meditation Van helpful, at Thanh Luong Kim Lang Pagoda, also. Now is the peony bloom season, Hau invited Justice Brand teacher a poem Bay peony, he improvised read:
"Wearing fur fabric cherish, face frozen flowers fragrance fragrant, this is the spectacle and atmosphere of wealth. But the years of my life happened, beautiful also impermanent, hair on the head today starting point Hoses, beautiful girl beauty review is not the same as last year, the charming beauty of the peony was the morning mist glitter explosion, more beautiful wonderful, but downy fragile, quickly evaporated by the sun, the beautiful and increasingly dry, the scent of peony in the wind night time gently put everywhere, even more flavor to the bar, but the wind the night away, floral also slowly dissolving spiritual adventure, so look so galaxies all have to wait until they can dissolve new delicate wash Assembly is moral "is impermanent, all things which are not."
Late owner moving lament, he led the meaning of this poem, the teacher had borrowed flowers satire profligate life deep love of the King.
The scene of this poem is small, but each sentence words are filled with loving zeal the middle of god. Unfortunately, the Li Hau owner knew the meaning, but not if they truly want to transform faults, ultimately unavoidable water loss, after regretting her life as a dream, do not know the feeling of consciousness. (Li Hau owner in all from "Lang Dao Islands" which says: "Looking real close hotels, especially the direction of Festival"). The title of 'crude' home person is not the direction of the wind moon or threads soaked paper, used to make the sentence or, for the beautiful poem, written for the director who care not help you. And, this poem the teacher's legal status compared to recent, not gold than land-star, the real difference so far!.
The gentleman being in the human world to worry remember to order the military. Also ordained no officials, no responsibility can recommend short that can take the middle like that, who would say those who practice cool sitting under a tree in the jungle not interested in King Minh, I? Bring strength to serve? Do not use nice words to inspire moral right of kings?
Human morality is not there see the matter than the between spots king parents, so, I first set up the example almond taste of home, later raised the spirit of mirrors ordained, the purpose is to give life to terminate Buddhist destroyed by infidelity, disloyalty.

* History record that when Vu United over colua River from the abovefall, when the king sat, birds swimming in the water, its color red, ethereal sound of it. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS.GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.21/9/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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