Saturday 1 September 2012


Author: Holiness the Dalai Lama

A negative emotion is anger. Perhaps there are two types of anger. A kind of anger can be transformed into positive emotions.
Anger and grudge are two of the closest friends of ours. As a youth, I had a very close relationship with anger. Finally I found a lot of discord (!) with anger. By using common sense, with the support of compassion and wisdom, now I have a narrative capable to defeat anger.
According to my own experience, it is clear that if each individual implementation effort, then he can change. Of course, the changes are not immediately that it needed more time. In order to change and cope with emotional, ideological analysis is useful, constructive and helpful to us. I'd say a mainly towards the thought makes us more quietness, relaxation and peace to Center ourselves, against the thought of creating a fret, fear and frustration. The analysis is similar to things that we can use for pagan things, such as plants. Some plants, flowers, and fruits are good for us, so we use and cultivation. Things any toxic plants or hurt us, we research, listen to know to get out there and sometimes targets for them.
There is a similarity with the world. It's easy to talk about "body" and "mind". In the body there are billions of particles [subtle]. Similarly, there are many different ideologies and a diversity condition of consciousness. So as to have a look into the world of our conscious mind and making a distinction between these State benefits and detriment of the conscious mind. Once we can get the value of the good condition of consciousness, we can consolidate and nurture them.
The Buddha has to teach us about the principles of the Four Noble Truths [1] and this formed the cornerstone of Dharma. The third truth is that the termination (kill). According to Long Life, within the termination means that the condition of consciousness or spiritual qualities through the practice and effort, to terminate all negative emotions. Long Life determines the cessation of sincerity as a condition that's personally have reached a perfect condition of consciousness freedom from the effects of negativity diversity of emotions and negative thoughts. A bad ending really such Buddhist, Dhamma true and so is the place that belongs to the titles that all the practice of Dharma looking bridge. The Buddha became an object that belongs to the title, the most revered, because Buddha real condition. Because of this, a person's reverence for the Buddha, and the reason that people looking for refuge to the Buddha, not because Buddha is a special person from at first, but because the Buddha himself certified true condition to terminate (kill). Similarly, community, spirituality, or elderly, are seen as an object to the title because the members of the community of spirituality is the individual either has or is in the path taken to describe condition removal racks.
We see that the condition true he can be understood only in the format of a condition in itself from the negative feelings or things were real friendly net culture ideals through applying the treatment and capacity for resistance. The cessation of the foot is actually a condition of thought and these factors lead to this is also the function of consciousness. Also, the basis for which whereupon the NET can take place is the similarity of the spirit. Therefore, an understanding about the nature of consciousness is essential to the practice of Dharma. By raised this, I don't want to say that everything is simply the projection or mirror of consciousness and that detached from the conscious mind, nothing exists. But because of the importance of understanding about the nature of consciousness in the practice of Dharma, so it is common to describe Buddhism as a science of consciousness ".
In a general way, in your comment Buddhism, a negative emotion or thought is defined as "a condition created harassed in consciousness human." The emotional and ideological impurity are the factors that make up miserable and disorder in the us. Emotions in general do not necessarily something negative at a conference here of science that I attended, along with a number of psychology and Neurology, concluded that even the Buddha also have feelings, emotions, according to the definition found in the principles of science. So bi introspection (karuna-considerate kind of infinite loyalty) can be described as a kind of emotion.
Naturally, emotions can positively and negatively. However, when it comes to anger or anger, etc., we are dealing with negative emotions. Negative emotions are things that create a kind of miserable or not comfortable right away, and things in the long term, creating these types of actions. These actions harm the basic brought to exist, and this pain or suffering to the people. This is what we want to say through the negative feelings.
A negative emotion is anger. Perhaps there are two types of anger. A kind of anger can be transformed into positive emotions. For example, if a person has a true compassion and interest in the person, and the person does not note to warn her about her behavior, then there is no choice except for the use of a kind of any know power to end acts of her mistake. In the practice of tantra, has Confidential tribe what types of meditation-one allowed skills transformed the energy of anger. This is the reason behind the Museum hidden obligations religious outrage. In the basis of compassion, anger can be helpful in some cases because it gives us the special and additional power can allow us to act quickly.
However, anger is often brought to the grudge and hatred is always negative. Hatred nurtured will sickness. I often analyse anger in two levels: on the basic level of the human being and on the level of Buddhism from the level of the people, do not have any contact with a traditional or religious ideals, we can look at the root causes of our happiness: body healthy, convenient facilities, and those friendship. Now from the status of health, negative emotions like hatred is much worse.Because people often try to take care of their health, a skill they can use as their spiritual attitude. Our spiritual condition must always calmness. Even if a fret do happen, as it is always bound to the life we should always quiet. Like the waves start from birth, and dissolves back into the water, the harassed this very short, because if they do not affect the basic spiritual attitude of ours. Although we cannot eliminate all the negative emotions, if basic spiritual attitude of ours is healthy and calmness, it won't be much Huong If we maintain stillness, blood pressure, etc. will maintain at a level normally and as a result our health will improve. While I can't say scientifically why this is so, then I am confident that my own body condition is improved when I am older. I have been using the same drugs, and a doctor, the same food, so this must be through my spiritual condition. Some people say to me, "He must have a special type of medication of Tibet." But I don't have!
As I mentioned before, when I was young, I am quite outbursts. Sometimes I am sorry this by saying that because my father or angry, like it is a kind of inheritance. But time passed, I think now I almost no hatred for anyone, even those who are apparently hard Medium Plus creates and suffering for my fellow Tibetans. Even for them, I really don't feel any sort of grudge.
Some friend of mine suffers from high blood pressure, but their health was never going to serious condition and they never get tired. Strewn over the years, I have met some very sophisticated professional practitioners. In the meantime, there are some other physical facilities are very good, but when we started talking, after a few polite words beginning, they begin to troubles and grief. Despite their material wealth, these people do not have the stillness or peace of soul. As a result, they always worry about digestion, sleep, everything!. Because of this, it is clear that quietness of mind investment is a very important factor for good health. If you want good health, don't ask your doctor, but take a look at yourself. Try to use your ability to do that. This doesn't even cost anything!
The second source of happiness is the physical media. Sometimes when I wake up in the morning early, if my mood not so nice, then when looking at the clock, I don't feel comfortable, because my mood. And then in the other day, perhaps through the experiences of the day before, when waking up, my mood is pleasant and peaceful. In the meantime, when I looked at my wrist watches, and I see it as extremely beautiful. But there is a clock only, right? The difference comes from my mental attitude. Use of these facilities offer the satisfaction or not depending on the spiritual attitude of ours.
Our facilities will be worse if we were judicial restraint by anger. To talk again about my own experience, when I was young, sometimes I repair the watches. I tried and failed several times. Sometimes I lose patience and beat the clock! In those moments, the anger changed my attitude completely and then I regret my actions. If my goal is to repair the clock, then why am I banging it on the table? Again, you can see a person's mental attitude is essential in order to use these facilities for the satisfied or true benefits of ours.
The third source of happiness as those of ours. It is clear that when we quiet spirit we polite and open mind. I will give an example. Maybe 14 or 15 years ago, there was a Kingdom named Phillips, who has a relationship with Chinese authorities, including Zhou Enlai and the capacitor. He knew them for years and he was a close friend of the American people. Once it in 1977 or 1978, Phillips came to Dharamsala to meet me. He brings some film and told me about the good aspects of China. At the opening meeting the ominous pre-bubble dimensions, there is a tremendous difference between us, because we had different ideas. In his opinion, the presence of Chinese People in Tibet is what this nice. In my opinion, and according to some reports, the situation is not good. As usual, I have no particular feeling negative about him. I just feel that he held these views through ignorance. With openness, I have continued our dialogue. I controversy that the Tibetans have joined the Communist Party of China in the 1930s and who had participated in the war – Sun and welcomed China's aggression and enthusiastic cooperation with the Communists did so because they believe there is a golden opportunity to develop Tibetfrom the perspective of Marxist ideology. These people have partnered with American because hope sincere. Later, circa 1956 or 1957, most of the people he had been whisked off a variety of bodies, some imprisoned, and others were missing. Due to this, I explained that we are not against the anti-Communist United or. in fact, sometimes I think of yourself as someone who half of Marxist and half of Buddhists. I have explained all the different things to him with a sincere and open and after a time his attitude completely changed. For example, this for me is a belief that there is that if there is a tremendous difference comments, we were still able to dialogue on the human level. We can put aside the different ideas and dialogue as the humans. I think there is a way to create a positive feeling in the mind from others.
Also, I am absolutely sure that if the Dalai Lama this laugh less than fourteen, maybe I will have fewer friends than elsewhere. My attitude towards others is always looking at them from the human level. On the same level, whether the President, Queen or khất, nothing distinct, the man reveals that there are sincere people feeling with a sincere smile human impact.
I think in the sense of people sincerely value than in the fuselage section [2], etc. I'm just a simple man. Through experience and ethical guidelines in spirit, a new perspective that has developed. This is nothing special. Gentlemen, who I think had a better academic background and experience than me, more capable to change yourself. I come from a small village there is the modern education and without the profound awakening about the world. Also, from fifteen or sixteen years old I brought took an unthinkable burden. Therefore, each one of you must feel that you have a potentially large and, with confidence and a little more effort, can actually change if you want. If you feel that your current lifestyle is not happy or have any difficulties, then don't look at things negatively. Let's see the positive side, abilities, and make an effort. I think that at the time there was a guarantee that any type of success each Department. If we use all the positive energy of the human or the qualities of humans, we can pass the problem of humanity.
So, until that the exposure of us with the same kind of human beings are concerned, our mental attitude is very weak. Even for those who are not believers, just a casual considerate man, descended of happiness is in our mental attitude. Even if you have good health, these facilities are used in appropriate ways, and good relationships with other people, the main cause of a happy life is in. If you have a lot of money, sometimes you do have many worries and you still feel covet more. A basic way, you become the slave of money. While the money is very useful and necessary, it is not an indispensable source of happiness. Similarly, education, if not egalitarian rationality can sometimes create more trouble than fret over, greed, lust, and ambition than-summary, suffering mentally. Friends, sometimes a hassle.
Now you can show off to a minimum of anger and grudge. First, it is extremely important to realize negative emotions in universal, especially grudge. I see a major grudge is the enemy. By the word "enemies" I'd say individual or direct or indirect factor undermining the interest of ours. Our attention is what the basic form of happiness.
We also talk about foreign enemies. For example, in the case of my own, the sibling the Communists are destroying the rights of Tibetans and in this way, suffering and khoắc khoải than growth. But despite this intense, it can't ruin Nguon transcendental Bliss, there is quietness of my conscious mind. This is what travel outside that an enemy could not be destroyed. Non River I can be invaded, possessions I have destroyed, friends I can be killed, but this is the second one in my spiritual happiness. Source of spiritual happiness is the quietness of my conscious mind. Nothing can ruin this except the anger of my own.
Moreover, we can get away from escaping or enemies and sometimes we even can scam the enemy. For example, if anyone know harassed the peaceful soul, I can escape from the closed room and sit quiet on your own. But I can't do it with anger! Wherever I go to, it still always there. Although I lock the door the room, anger stayed inside. Except that we adopt a method which, inevitably unable to escape. Due to this, grudge or anger-and here I want to talk about anger is that the devastating negative-primarily that my mental peace and so is my true enemies.
Some people do know that lumbar emotions is not good, that it is better to let it reveal out. I think there are differences between the diverse negative emotions. For example, with depressed disappointment, there is a sort of frustration which would grow as a result of these past events, such as sexual abuse, and then this accidentally or intentionally create trouble. So, in this case, it is better expressed boredom and reveal it out. However, according to my experience with anger, if you do not make an attempt to minimize it, it will still remain with you and even increasing. And then even with a small cable you will angry immediately. Once you try to control or exercise the anger you, then finally even the great also will not make you angry. Through training and practice we can change.
When anger comes, there is a skills important to support you to maintain the peaceful tranquility of mind. You shouldn't be disgruntled or bored nãn because this is the cause of anger and hatred. There is a natural link between the causes and the consequences. Once the causes and conditions that the enlightenment a way full, extremely difficult to thwart the process causal's go to đơm United to the left. It is weak to verify the circumstances so at the infancy of this preliminary country we can arrange a stop of cause and effect. And then it cannot keep going to stage further. In the Buddhist Bodhisattva Lifestyle Guide, great meditators Shantideva mentions that it's important to make sure that we don't go into a situation led to dissatisfaction boredom, because discontent is the seed of anger. This means that we must adopt a certain perspective for our material possessions, for those with friends, and for those situations.
The feeling of discontent, apparently difficult and desperate, etc. in fact relate to all of these phenomena. If we do not receive a proper perspective, possibly anything and everything makes us boredom. For example, for some who know even the name Buddha can also avoid making them angry or frustrated, although may not be the case when one know there is a direct encounter with the Buddha. Due to this, all phenomena are likely to make a boring nãn and not satisfied. However, the phenomenon is part of reality and we are subjects of the existing rule [causality, samsara, ...]. Thus, this gives us a unique choice: change our attitude. By bringing changes in the perspective of us for all things and events, all these phenomena can become Sisterhood or source of happiness. Instead of becoming enemies or source of frustration.
In special cases as an enemy. Of course, there's an enemy is very lousy. It harassed the peace spirit and devastated a number of Holiness of ours. But if we look at it from a different perspective, only the new enemy gives us the opportunity to practice the persistence (ring humiliation). No one can give us opportunity to tolerance. For example, as a Buddhist, I think Buddha completely failed to offer us an opportunity to practice tolerance and patience. Some members of the group can provide increased gives us this, but says other than truth is rare. Because we do not know the vast majority of five billion people on this earth, so the vast majority of people also do not give us the opportunity to manifest tolerance or patience. Only people that we know and who created trouble for we really offer us a good opportunity to practice patience humiliation and tolerance.
Seen from this perspective, the enemy is a great teacher for the practice of ours. Shantideva Religious Pundits argue a very clear that these enemies, or the perpetrators of damaging to us, in the fact that the audience deserved for the reverence and to watch such precious we teachers. Anybody here can protest that our enemies cannot be considered worthy of our reverence for this because they don't tend to be in the help us; the fact that they are very useful and benefit to us merely a random. Shantideva says that if this is the case then why do we, as the Buddhists, see condition stop end (genocide) as an object worthy of the title when the stop to end the genus is a condition of mind and merely part it does not tend to support us. We can say that even though this is true, at least up to the stop end, nor tends to harm us, on the contrary the enemies, antagonistic tendencies assisting us, in fact tends to harm us. Due to this, an enemy is not a subject to respect. Shantideva said that the tendency to do us harm exists is what makes enemies become very special. If enemies do not tend to do harm in the existence, then we wouldn't classify him as an enemy, because of the attitude of the US would be totally different. Because we do exist tend to harm him as an enemy, and the enemy because that gave us an opportunity to practice patience humiliation and tolerance. So an enemy indeed was a valuable teacher. By thinking in these lines we can finally minimize those negative emotions, especially the grudge.
Sometimes people feel that anger is helpful because it brings an extra energy and daring. When we confronted the difficulties, we can see anger as a protector. But despite angry bring us more energy, energy is a mainly blindly. Nothing guarantees that the anger and energy would not become devastating for our attention. Therefore, grudge and anger completely benefits at all.
The other question is if we always keep our humility, others can take advantage of us and how we react? This is quite simple: we should react to the perceived conventional wisdom or intelligence, there is no anger or grudge. If the circumstances so that we can be a type of action here, we can get a response against the limits without anger. The truth is, such actions toward intellectual property position rather than angry argues, in fact more efficient. A reaction deal happened between anger can often mistake. In a society so rivalry, sometimes there needs to be a response to cope. Let's trial tests the status of Tibet again. As I mentioned previously, we are conducting a nonviolent approach and sincere introspection, but this does not mean that we should bow down to the actions of the invaders and suffered losses. No anger and no grudge, we could contrive a way more efficient.
There is a kind of practice of forgiving a sense of contact shown on the suffering of the other guys. I'm thinking about the circumstances which therein, by the people in the know are we wary about challenges gay go, trouble, and trouble contact during the short term, but it is believed that such actions will have an impact on the benefits very long. Because our attitude, and trying the same prayer of ours to bring long-term benefits, sometimes we sense and caution burden taken the difficult challenges and trouble contact time.
One of the effective means that thanks to it we can pass wins the capacity of negative emotions such as anger and grudge is self-aware of the capacity for resistance, such as the positive qualities of mind as from AI and bi introspection. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS,GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY,AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.1/9/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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