Thursday 20 September 2012


University Liench'ih

Chapter III

3.1. Farming efforts, the

Jin Dynasty, Chang'an, Lord Level, shaman Security Act, twelve-year-old left home. Master Sun intelligent beings innate nature, but looks very bad, should not be respected teacher, call the fields, doing so for three years. Executive employees should suffer, never expressed resentment. After a few years, to find the teacher want the classic players. Teacher gives a real economic variables Italy has more than five thousand words. An Chih- field with his business book comes out, at rest bring economic and read, until night returns, to please his master passed to the other texts, the teacher said: "Today gave him his business learned finished yet again for his other business!. " He replied: "Yes, I have read in the business!" . Master that amazed but still doubtful, gave him a Bible specifically Quang Minh, book trading close to a thousand words. An Chih bring business travel, sunset bring economic returns, the master said to him, each, he sent a letter, a new master absolutely terrified, praised.


An Chih-like genius jewel in the palace of the cardboard or holy place to worship, so that he was plowing the field, but he still endured labor pain than resentment. The disciples of today, there is a bit of talent, treating it a little gas was not want to leave, how much more is known it will do the fields that need workers? Which is more labor for a long time?! Thinking of this, I could not hold his lament not!.

3.2. Self-blame

Jin Dynasty, in Beijing Chau Pagoda, Changsha, Professor French Enlightenment, Lord Zen Dao An engineer, teacher, then resident of Changsha Pagoda, in Jiang Lang, lectures economic, have more than four hundred people came to learn Buddhism with him.

One day, a monk in the temple secretly drinking, master French Enlightenment conducted using fine, but do not hit the monks rushed out the door. Master Tao An far away to hear it, use a bamboo tube installed a whip in the bag and then sent to the master Wu. Master Wu opened the room found a whip, said:

"This is a story the teacher drinking alcohol, not enough teaching and leadership capacity, to make remote master worry that this gives us the whip!".

Then rated Necklaces panicle convened a master them. Ambassador Ngo took rod out front, burning incense, bowed glass press, lying down on the ground, the only wrong he na stick his three lashes, he tears blame. Such a time, increase local customs that no one is praised and multiple recovery, because of this that people appreciate chalk effort very much.


Oh! Suppose the now include bamboo simulation of teacher posts, find a cane, that does not break the bamboo, cut cane, open insults fear that is very limited. And as the master is a saint, disciple sages, but time has more than a thousand years, I continued for two master this ever coal can not be much!

3.3. Because teacher Buddha penance

Dynasty Tan, The Thanh Son Truc, French magician Minerals, their African orphan from early childhood, worship design templates are very convenient and have filial piety reputation.

After ordained shaman cult Indian Talkie as his teacher. There is a very heavy Indian shaman sick, very dangerous, is about Chih 7 days 7 nights, respectfully Buddha penance dedicated to the master. By day 7, suddenly see aura colors around the room lighting master Dam India, Indian master wakes up the user that there is a hand rub to your body, it is immediately healed.

3.4. Snow flooded the knee

Liang Dynasty (502-255), the Bodhidharma from India to, at first audience with Emperor Liang Wu Ti, but that should not be kings land to Wei.

Wei Dynasty (534-550), (of North Korea), master Shen Quang (Hue Ability), in contemporary Central Industrial District is a leader in the world of education, interpretation.

Bodhidharma from India to, to ground Wei, hidden in Shaolin, lack of truth, the Spirit Quang to the lack of truth to worship as his teacher, Lama sat back on the wall without saying a word. Both one day a large snowy night, God Optics stand drowning in snow cold midfield, profusely snow buried him to his knees, the new Lama turned and asked: "He stood deep in snow for so long, What do you need? ".

Shen Quang tears said: "The that Venerable compassion door threshold nectar, wide beings"

Lama said "the ultimate law of the Buddhas have many ardent life, difficult to do, difficult to endure patiently, class practice as he can from them? Today he fell down on romance, questioning want to base the Dharma, was a dream, work hard in vain. "

Than Quang heard rebuked, because he wanted to represent legal determination for not fear labor itself, he took out a knife and cut off his left arm placed in front of Lama.

Lama said: "The Buddhas at the bridge directors are in their own legal forget, today he cut off an arm may also demand legal right".

Than Quang said: "The mind is not an, teacher comfort to me."

Lama said: "You bring out this mind police"

Spirit Quang said: "I find forever without seeing"

Lama said: "I have peace of mind for it!"

Saying that moment Shen Quang flashes treatment, care meditation commanded his subjects, becoming the 2nd Chinese Zen.


Second the Spirit Optical transmitted dharma is so ardent to the extreme, the conditions are ripe. As iron magnet stone, amber picked mustard seed, a clap, a type that is a contract, a bit that has mastered. Certain not to cut your hands. Foolish to imitate Professor Shen Optics, do not know his spirit, only imitate knife cut off the body. Oh! If certain legal transfer to hands, so tourism you patriarchs body able are not intact, each each disability; want to Buddhism all have to burn the body, so the first church, is now no who also lives. In fact, the hands are hands afflictions, ephemera ephemera ignorance! Hopefully people to meditate should help each other, to encourage each other like that.

3.5. Away from the teacher self-blame

Tang, in Europe, pagoda Planned Corners, Thanh Giang wizard.

Shamans Thanh Giang from small led discover the truth life is illusory dreams, like bubbles, like lightning, all things are impermanent, should come up last Dam lawyer as his teacher, close proximity to the law Biggest professor, reciting studied law once through eye is understood. His card said: "This monk is the natural horse of Buddhism" . There was a time, he masters the darkest of conditions where, so far he had to master the participation fee school places, where to go to are open conference lectures. Then she blamed herself, said: "Almost over half the galaxy, taking countless wizards, if comparing the ability to master our darkest ago, people really did not have much" . So he returned to the with Biggest attorney.

As we increase was gathered, he still bad times they bowed to plead guilty, saying: "Son, Thanh Giang, today returned to close to his master, hoping compassionate teacher that admitted to making disciples" .

Then, Dam Nhat his master in charge, do not want to get him back, Thanh Giang and cried, Lord repent and lament: "In the past due to human ignorance, now understood, begging the master from accept me back behind the court, let me be fulfilled round the pupil duty ". Poles pray like that, Dam Most pity professor, restore teacher-student relationship at first . After Master Dam Nhat died, Thanh Giang back to Indonesia cult up Hue China, Korea and sisters seriously weak transmission method for determination.


Enlightenment that I'm away from the sages is a wrong action, accept the plating system that does not rot the mind, it can be said that the intellect and the glass again; later nationalized Chinese monk Hui as value and commanded of mind and because He is intellectual and respectful! Those juniors bias, confidence fragile, treat it a little better, we want to let go, never going back to, rebuke it a few sentences, it has always harbor a grudge heart, so, despite having high master card, can be used again? Like the popular fortune to meet the emperor and his association with that half changduoc, unfortunately!.

3.6. Pick him up at the main road

Tang, Province Changsha, mountains Thach Suong, Khanh Chu Zen master, be master Wu Tong Tri, in Conversation Chau, initiation, after Professor Dong Son retreat in Liuyang, sometimes honored Liuyang Ancient Buddha. Many people rely on martyrdom. Chih-Tao Wu was about death, focusing especially on master Khanh Chu, bring your health communication major bowl given to monks, and then give them away to live with the professor. New Khanh Chu Chih-Tao Wu on the main road and then take care of yourself offerings, at a certain way helped him go, given time sitting virtually one hand, respectful, glass support very enthusiastic.

3.7. Most longtime teacher

Tang, provincial RECRUITING a Zen master Society.

Teacher Society at an early age as Army ambassadors (contacts in the royal crown loss) of the German Sugar Tong Dynasty (780-805), but does not want fame and wealth, the teacher should come up cult director forestry locks, bridges, the teacher did not receive. He plead ball, ultimately Zen monk ordained and recognized him as his disciple. His servant teacher, entourage sides, diligently diligently never change, over 16 years, have not yet been teacher. Then one day, he told him, the desire to go far, his teacher asked locks want to go? He replied: "To go to the local part of the Buddhist Dharma".

Locks Zen master says: "Buddhism has a less" finished speaking He picked a fabric hairs where clothes blow one. Shaman suddenly great awakening. A fabric hairs falling enlightened, so people called him "the attendant announced that".


People only see the Zen Master got some fur fabric falling enlightenment, not knowing that before the teacher has gone through 16 years of ardent not confided deals, daily research practice Buddhism and reception, and decorations for a invisibly secondary where Zen master locks, the time has come, like arcsecond stretched up, once touching the immediately emitting realm, if elaborately ever more ardent, how on enlightenment which? Meet the Master as above, but hopefully not too urgent!

3.8. Carefully maintain cell fate of teacher

The Song dynasty, Southern Music, am challenged, Zen Master Humphrey Chi, Jinhua, at youth school teaching experience, by being stimulated by a meditation, away from chanting meditation in all four directions. After Professor to ashrams Dong Son (Soto Dashboard Director, Sensei Dong Son Luong About), Thich Chon Tinh Van for whom the enlightened, almost Thich Chon Tinh Van for a long time. One day, when he wanted to distance Van, Van Zen Master said to him: "Zen of sublime teacher but continuous drainage, the treatment is also very large, but the causes and conditions turned beings of teachers not good, reluctantly goods is leading to the destruction, carefully pulling back now " . Chi teacher leaders face special cult, engraved in the heart of teaching.

Far Europe, people in Europe asked him resident of Ocean Pagoda States, but because of the obstacles should be removed. After traveling to Hunan, Tuong Giang once, with the Tan Chau asked him Pagoda Upper Room or Meditation North, he refused. He then stay in a thatched hut in the Mountains for over 20 years. He has a verse like this:

"Clarify the issues, remove all things charming, the world without competition, pretending to be a stupid man si, honest nature, I roam the mountains, forests, you with flood deer together excursions, the thorns sticking not even together, get fist knees, folded arms while he slept. Since countless lifetimes we went rolling in the birth and death, how many lives, how many world like today's life, where am online in jungle grass um like this? "

The end of life, the defeat teacher Long An Mats. The teacher arranged for projection abbot "An Lac Supply" in the temple. Master in there until death.


Famous people who also liked, but also respect for the maintenance of cell fate of the teacher, refused to invite every way, now very hard to find! Now only seek fame, throw away that did not look to the ceremony, people sometimes do not invite yourself to a lot, so remember the words of teacher instruction?!

3.9. Lifelong respect for the teachings of the master retreat

Song Dynasty, Zen masters elements, after thieon lion Minh City Department of Vienna, in Thach Chance, Dam Chau transmission of the, his retreat. Where Power Zen master Browse now also in general. One day, it gets dark, Where Browse heard something in the night, ask the teacher to know each element is attendant angels from Minh, a phen horror. Today after, What Browse regulate the use Comfort trials come up to the teacher. On after regularly visiting teachers to the teacher, spent several times opening and see, Browse the end of the treatment.

But the teacher factors Browse vigilance that: "I do for thin shallow blessings, history teaches us is not the transmission of them, today I see you also even downtown, business people forgetting words of gender history, I hope from now on you will not be legal because we pass ".

Zen Master retreat tomorrow element name in our lifetime almost no one knows he is a German General enlightenment.

3.10. Infantry victims do not leave

Beijing Yuan Dynasty, Zen masters cheat, the Son Tay Ninh Far, 8-year-old cult contemplative meditation Middle teacher. At age 18, military Nguyen raised infantry defeated the Ninh Far, people are refugees, anger still old for Madhyamaka teacher such as, did not mean to run away. Cafe Zen master said to him:

"I have great age, did not know what to do, young age he is still employed, galaxies all have to stay here, in this dying old man do? He let himself flee! "

Master cheat tears said: "The results of a silk hair who is not wrong, life and death, how can you leave that Master went, turned out to be who participate live?"

The next day in Ninh Far broken play, soldiers daou. System of military reasons, the God, asked Professor Simplified : "Who are you people?". anger said: "Being ordained." Using asked: "Did you eat?" . Simple monk replied: "flesh?". said: "Meat". Simplified monk replied: "Tiger is ferocious animal species are not cannibals, let alone the man?". heard a compliment award, which let him go.

3.11. Master Emptiness

In maize, containing Chau, a monks solution is emptiness, leaving ashrams chanting repent, to retreat in Understanding paint room. He used to give me some of his vow and the skid ten etc. of teachers, I praise, praise to spread the will of the Master. But soon I possessed, crazy insane and die. Me pain I memorial, very merciful, both anger and regret, to investigate the cause, it is a pretext for the new faith, by faith but a no brainer! The ancients, before the mind is not enlightened, not afraid to journey thousands of miles to find the master who, far from a Tong Lam is linked to a different ashrams, to the ends of the earth, going to school all over the place, do not have an hour a other is at rest, tired, lazy. After interest of transparency, new to the retreat in the woods, the streams, to grow and maintain sophisticated intelligence center reviews nature. And just like this teacher is not easy ordained monk was, just wanted to get li strong aggregates such as fire burned the secular, went blindly into death, self-wisdom great network? Because the faults themselves are not transparent, the suspicion in the mind are not clearly distinguishable, for should make smart clumsy, want to reverse the progress that threatened optimistic. There are many people at the new spiritual center, where am painting in deep mountain forest, in a self-directed, self-taken as the high bar. So good! But not possessed crazy, but do not know the mistakes, not be comfortable, extremely detrimental to the practice, the bright eyes and try to think.

3.12. Army Increases

During the Buddha's time, there were six billion monk named: Don Da, Ca Save Da Di, Van Dat Da, Ma Su, and Man Tuc friends pull off all these medical dread, not as legal, Buddha so often rebuked, great disciples as usual. But, from then to now, they say green pants monks Buddha at the same as bodhisattvas Code Minh, Nagarjuna later, when the Buddha was passing. Oh! Regardless Death has been criticized healthy route that rude, strictly Bridge, brutal harassment policy abuse people, said the state of human element, but which, if used test-Lo and Bridges policy, the correction. However, compared to those that do not cover death praised at the time, but today, it is rare tracks Vietnamese and the world, the gentle, you can make very good command state government or the district the minister! After this the great General as Uyen Ha, creating greed, Thang, Hoang Ba, Suite district Spirit of, Do As asked, Sung, Sung Scenes, Korean States, Pham in Yem Phu Real, Au Duong Tu, also not necessarily have comparable with those on! If Pi army as the enemy win after this bizarre could do so? So, in economic 'Great Local Hoop Volume' , in products 'moon rose Subtitles' , Buddha said content as follows: "After passing the first in 500 years, the monks release the same our approach is very solid, the next 500 years, our eighty Dharma Zen is based solidly, the next 500 years from now, those who recite, multicultural solid cylinder, 500 more next year our legal construct many temples solid head, and the next 500 years is that the period of permanent struggle, said legal proceedings in light hidden, but not really damage reduction. "for as long as the Buddhist way as harsh as degenerate, as poor practice. in Huainan Zi, access Chapter said: "Vu Phi Long, Phi Long Phoenix, Phoenix birth Loan Articles, Loan Vu, Pham is dancing all the birds all " . this is not a life not as a manifestation life? said it in a very reasonable! Why can not so and uttered three hours one impressed! Although like, but Mencius said: "He who trenches masterpiece that must time no matter like military intelligence Van Vuong, but can also be creative yourself a career." If this statement is not such errors, the result is the operation of all sentient beings! Every day I hope so.


In ancient times, who make disciples, after his master died, respect very determined, not left cell fate of teachers, religious worship. Today who make disciples, religious teacher was still not dead fluctuations, changes, why? It is because, at the new distribution center, all true not everyone want to rely on the right location, with the right teacher to kill escape birth and death, is that inspiration, random coincidence cult that teacher only. So, that fame may be, remove the master immediately intrigues, fake or meet friends bad enchanting seduce and give him that, or false work he rebuked, taught that hatred out to another, even good teachers you not otherwise follow you evil, bad teacher, like tall trees shade the back dispelling to dark deep ravine, as come down wanderous the. Mencius said in Dang Van that chapter , then, a student of Chen Luong Tran Also, after he's dead, and he in Promise City, the southern barbarians Man, plowing; shaman Spirit Industry away from Buddhist priests for the birth, even as the steward of the teacher Thai Duong (called Binh attendant) to bring the remains of the master from the tower to destroy, squashing the beginning, self-taken as high intelligence, there are many! Morality teachers lost, sadly! END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER.( VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS.GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.21/9/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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