Sunday 23 September 2012

Thich Duy Luc.
Like The Often Written Records


Economic explanation: 3 words "great mass" is the number of Triangles, transcendent is the nickname of the character names, enlightened Buddha fullness. "Buddha", the Press Of the Buddha, translated into a false sense of three meanings: self-awareness, sensory, happy feeling fullness.
"Tu da", An Age, are doing.
Buddha sermon you have willow and Willow:
-Real willow that is based upon the disease of beings that loath Willow said.
-The willow that Willow's top real estate, mortgage means accept it.

Multi translator of Buddhist subjects, Roman Da Sa in the Front Design there is no culture, the lowest caste.
I heard that day: a life of Buddha in đđịnh College Saving Psyche Quang Minh, where the Abbot Usually As Chair of the all-optical Hybrid Sites such as,
"As the fall", all of the first Buddha has 4 letters, the word fake by A 4 ton Nan says, to demonstrate to the people we are.
As the writer's ego, so that one hears, it sounds like this special day. False religion, A Nan is of Zen Buddhism. 2 the word "temporary" is not specified a time, i.e. at the Buddhist sermon Buddhist theory, would also to 2 the word "temporary".
Her old lady (Sanskrit) is the nickname of Lord Buddha, from the results of current Buddha not translations, just translated into. Why? Because of that, if a Word is alive, the other uses, not translated.
There are 6: 1 is at position 2, the gorgeous (gorgeous: go: fire traffic jams traffic jams), 3 is strictly seemly, 4 is the title (the list deserves to call), 5 is established, is 6. 6 this sense Cyrillic foliage often merit of Buddha.
"Buddha in Tibet to Quang Minh University Divinity", it is possible the sermon of the Buddha.
He composed three: France, reincarnations, incarnation.
Talking about the National Level also have three:
-The President Of the French-based medical body is Optical where there.
-It is Strictly user quote Quotes Buddha y head.
-Residual Organic Means.
University spirit Quang Minh is Chairman of Optical Pure, because quang minh as dignified, not taking the other treasures to make dignified.
Lynn black as Chief Justice, Dharma has the break fell to the Chief Executive, also known as pagan demons also have added, but didn't break the fall handicap called deviant.
The Chief Justice is Chinese, He said, "in the works to use life called life works", i.e. the order of French life, so called black Chief Justice.
"Where the Abbot Usually Dignified Chairman of The all-optical hybrid", 2 the words "strictly optical" is the President, i.e. take the dignified, so do optics known as photosynthesis. As the President Of the French Buddhist incarnation is Optical y head there, known as the new abbot, as well as in France, not the other to compare, because there was a foe to win.
Also the local sense of capital in clean of all beings, all divine Scriptures are based upon a possibly real equality by Leanne self filled around ten space and time, the mind of any scene that kills the second where the pure,
User experience is the nickname of the character names, i.e. the Buddha realm. Buddha realm in which all beings are available here each of the beings and Buddhist schools of thought, in fact real equality.
"Mind of a killer, the equal fullness shifang real second depending upon". If the mind is, when the President reached down, forget the end mind, achieve equality. A fact that is also real. Fullness of the method is the use of the automatic's names around ten. Real easy option II is written, translated into arbitrary real pros.
Binary order is the nickname of any names, the sermon is subject to any agreement. As Lu, said: "the sermon is not left to the names". Any second, including 10 missing equations aside, there is no Scripture, no Buddha paranormal beings, all equal. So says: "subject to any agreement to none".
"Such a view, any existing Pure binary client" is in the real scene second, Pure landscape, i.e. the Buddhist schools of thought are all magical life. If the realm is reached, no Prime Minister, no Prime Minister, no sermon, no publicity.
Speaking from any scene the second apparition scenes are Pure and life itself revealed the excuse tho, the Bodhisattva is just pure land (from beginning to The Venue). Talking about your newspaper's name itself is called the free French names, so here are saying yes to, the sermon is the French listeners.
Though the sermon is the French listeners, as He also did in the black Chief Justice, not out. Why have the sermon? Because you like this is said Buddha himself, i.e. show which left the conscious mind.
Who left the realm of consciousness is the highest, known as The Lai shadows WINS pure meditation, i.e. France, without any comparison. So, like the sermon must take heart consciousness, the novel has the listener, but who left the show a sense of high realms, there is no other comparable.
Along with ten thousand Great Bodhisattva, masters is: Professor Vengeance taking advantage of Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva Samantabhadra, Scores With Bodhisattva Maitreya, Avalokiteshvara, Kim Cang Hui Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Purity, Dread, Germany himself in Bodhisattva, Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva Karma Lettered Net, Sensory Spectrum Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva SensesGentler Conditions The Bodhisattva, etc. and the disciples were in French, the sister's Chief equality of Tathāgata.
Great Bodhisattva ma ha slapped 10 thousand people, the masters has 12 bodhisattva on behalf of 12 issues, the representative asked.
Bodhisattva and 12 Senators are dependent on three black. Why are all on Tarek black? Because this sermon Buddha in the black, if the listener that the evening talk how to be? So, too, must enter t black, and then the same head of legal equality of opportunity.
The novel also must stay in black and listen to France must also stay in the black. So how can there be heard? It wanted to show France is undefeated as summer residences, called the magic undefeated French as summer residences.
One area to visualize the highest French:
Former Bodhi Monastery is Zazen in mountain caves, pool Racks Like apiales, scattered the exclamation, says: to honor the hypothesis very Uncivil.
Bodhi monastery said: I'm sitting here where there are theories Bowl.
Pool Empire Like says: No but, I don't listen to that hearing; that is not the truth theory theory theory, not to hear but to listen legs is Uncivil.
Take this story to imagine it, not seen not heard that theory also also heard. This section is believed to the French Crown.
Now Van Benefit Division Foe Bodhisattva of the masses from the seat got up, walked round the interference of Buddha, Buddha, legs girl open 24 qùy white pillows that Buddha hands:
-Please Respect our Great World Tragedy because this event was attended by French instructors on staff issued its clean As Hybrids are based in France would follow, what was known as the Buddha Mahayana Bodhisattva who and developed voluntary clean up beings known as the Buddha, but not know how to use the new austerities Center was the Chief Architect's Officefar behind in the hospital, making a French teacher, loss of life beings are bred for such legal opinions deviant fallen Mahayana ".
Writer's first Foe representative asked the Bodhisattva Buddha sermon, publicly stood up, jamming around the Buddha three laps, then kneel accept hand asks the Buddha:
-Local health detection of Personnel according to the law and according to the misery to the Buddha?
Mahayana Bodhisattva-who play in purity, praying as the Buddha of beings, who did not know how to use, is the Chief Architect's Office, making your space Ant?
He said the Document is complete, Bodhisattva Foe in a body cast their land, a visiting girl ladies desk three times.
The time of Buddha and Bodhisattva Enemy Documents that:

-Heals instead!Alternative healing! Good boys! Skillful players as the Bodhisattva asked about who issued the mind of French-based Hybrid As, tu, happy again because all beings, loss of life in France where the French player is French-based Chief of the Mahayana, such as fallen beings. Now you listen, we will for that.
At the time Van Foe Bodhisattva and popular wedding Festival obedience Buddha, silence that heard.
-Good male! There are traditions Of French Senate Champion of United called Members. From this idea up all purity, Like their feet, Bodhi, Nirvana and the La Suite to teach about human beings and Bodhisattva issued of all As hybrids, are so pure as general medical corneal illuminate fully, completely new ignorance as the Buddha.
He finished theory Texts Foe Bodhisattva head girl to Pentecost (kneeling leg 2 2nd hand inspired Buddha foot and land), each has come to the desk girl 3 times; usually the girl and 1 holiday times. Why sometimes and 3 holiday girl? Is to signify importance, because these beings tu freed.
At the time, He says with girlish Bodhisattva: Vengeance! Very good! Good boys (including good woman). Why say only the good part? Because the Buddhists speak only with the representative, the representative is representing all of the listener, in France it is composed of 10 thousand inhabitants; but He just said Van Foe Bodhisattva is the representative body, should say is in good part.
Because the France of Bodhisattva, to ask France's almond Buddha, loss of life, beings like to bridge the public opinion by Mahayana tri Chief Abbot, making your space. Such requirements very well.
At the time, Enemy Bodhisattva hear teachings very silent and popular wedding Festival listen headphones.
The Buddha said: "men! French Senate infinite had momentum la ni is the subject. Sanskrit da la ni, is the translation of all France, maintenance is immeasurable. I.e. There is not sufficient there should say of, but should not ruin the cause and effect is not maintained. All scriptures are divine in this doors which, in this Sense is in the order of the names of all beings.
Beings the Buddhas are thanks to the Member, in the discharge of this all. But the beings are defiled mind, but infections which are not contaminated so called purity footer as well. Why is called the foot like? Because radio is not far from the thỉ space change, just because of the ignorance that obscures its apparition, not Buddha. all pins as, Bodhi, Nirvana is my nickname and self-sadism.
Visual staff exude result, that all local staff from the Bodhisattva which flows out, la suite is also from where runs out. Because the basic teachings of Bodhisattva austerities as no other, is the life of Bodhisattva, which, according to the Medical Student Leanne himself informed this to the President of pure Visual projection called the y member of pure Visual projection, i.e. a austerities. As Lang N says: "freelance writing names", meaning the same. If you are Leanne self returns the perpetual ignorance sever, the new arrangements.
Good boys! What is ignorance? All beings from the infinitely far enough thỉ Thursday, insanity, for as the lost get up the South into the North, hoping for four was his real ambitions for Premier heart shaped photo naked continent is at the heart of his truth, such as generals who were spotted flowers nhặm and saw the Moon Monday.
Good boys! Nowhere, not patient capital u.s. nhặm expected accept the offers. As expected, the Executive does not know the names of nowhere, now also offers the u.s. sire identification error spotted was real. From the hope to have birth Prince reincarnation, so called ignorance.
Why is ignorance? The Buddha explains to us all from anonymous thỉ to date, generating enough insanity, as well as the woman does not know the way; should it aim is to the East, where he again went to the West, where the aim is to the South, which again went north, where it needs to go but did not go.
Receive four great this body served as the Prime Minister themselves, the Quartet, glass, fire, Feng; This body by four organizations, which accept the truth of this body is the body of thought. The body has a basic record exposed bare ground accept the truth. Like nhặm eyes spotted flowers and see the Moon Monday.
America true nowhere where flowering spotted! In new condition by the flowering eye sees light in the heavens, there is only one moon, because the eye disease saw a second moon. The sick accept it is real, real self by losing two Internet accepts of nowhere.
Because, before you go nowhere, where purity have spotted! That passion for is nowhere being spotted flowers. The new mistake by the sense of being really accepting the rollover element should be called ignorance.
Good boys! This could actually be ignorance, like who was enjoying how it had, until the awakening then nothing at all. As well as flowers spotted kill where nowhere, can not say for certain that it kills. Why? Because no place of birth.
All beings in France expected parturition sanh countless revealed, so called as being suicide.
Good boys! As Lai autonomous prefecture where scheduled before may illuminate, Member of the President's name which had a kill, knows who the u.s. relatives, such as spotting, so mind not taking anything to death after life reincarnation? What does this is because a family identity, not necessarily due to the artifacts. The know it as frivolous, guys know as nowhere that IE could not spot flower General said no names of perception, with irregular leaves, then known as the rhinoceros ' option before you clean.
Why? Because the names of imaginary space usually doesn't work. In The Future no equity being the Organ removal should not have the opinion that the contentious Prophet, as well as France's names, cabbage and drain the fullness filling around ten space and time, then called the French Chief of staff who issued the order, according to the Chief Justice.
Bodhisattva in Mahayana developed place so clean, being in such austerities which French binders fallen beings.
Ignorance is not a subject, was just pretending. As well as yourself see see how, seeing people in Vedic astrology, as the awakening of see how it takes. This ignorance, too, such as the United đốùm out of nowhere, kill in out of nowhere, but that killing but there is room for removal.
Why? Because it has no place of birth is not possible. Ignorance also, no place of birth is not available, due to the expected operation feeling wrong, should accept the truth that being, that being death.
Buddhist schools of thought from the Mediterranean scheduled in this Park, the enlightened know there being Prince reincarnation, i.e. no mind is the agony of birth death. That's not the order, and then it's destroyed, in which Leanne obligation, no.
If you destroy it, that is ignorance. Just the enlightenment saw the ignorance which is not possible. Uncivil Business Center says: "infinite infinite Heron ignorance ignorance take" is that way.
Knowledge and knowledge as well as unreal, unreal sense i.e. General United spotted in vain as it has. Not to say that no names of perception, and not have to wipe out the new agreement, referred to as pure sole sense of family identity. As above said is subject to any agreement.
Nick is the nickname of the character names. Why? Because the names it is nowhere, nowhere is empty without a subject. Nowhere not waggle is not being destroyed. As Hybrids of such By-products such as Hunter-nowhere start-up, is also not expected.
So, I preach from Uncivil comments, Interest, knowledge means knowledge-tri-State, tri, honest opinions and comments tri tri-Mahayana Buddhist admit are clean of all, the proven result.
Because, not capital, said scans of tri is not right. France about names of fullness around the 10, not more moderate, like nowhere. Should be called happy's place in French, but as this Bodhisattva in Mahayana developed mind purity austerities and loss of life beings Bill under which an opinion to the austerities of the railway.
Join meditation is successful humanitarian solution. Taking meditation to break the fall with acceptable 9 the word "infinite Prime property, Department of bridges, Department of fear" did not reach the TA which provides direct access to the Buddha.
At the time The Crown wants to preach again in this sense that the theory of the shelf that:
Thy Vengeance culture should know,
All of the As,
From where a local agent,
All thanks to Lily's position.
By reaching the place of ignorance,
As well as other spots in China.
Then from reincarnation.
As well as who,
Awaken romantic scene.
Enlightenment as frivolous,
Such equality lay.
A triangle around ten,
Attached are known as the Buddha.
Huyễn not place of birth,
The leader also won the jackpot,
As a result of Tanh.
Bodhisattva in it,
The Bodhi mind development skills.
Beings, loss of life,
Tu as left deviant comments
The Buddha preaching done this wanted again, lecture, and then it comes out an article 5 each shelf, shelving the significance article says.
From local people's wisdom to the Willow reached ignorance, know that ignorance which does not have a subject, like flowers spotted in vain. If the enlightenment away from being Prince reincarnation, as people see how are awakened, in Vedic Astrology how proved true.
The Enlightenment is like nowhere without a subject ("the Enlightenment" from the word "Buddha Da") is equally not waggle, the advantage of enlightenment around the world means 10, i.e. 10 in the world is the use of names.
Satori is so called the Buddha, however, says the Buddha but know there is no Buddha directed to the, at the time all huyễn were destroyed but there was no room. Because no place of birth does not have it, i.e. do not have a subject.
Jing said ignorance is not a subject, because ignorance no place of birth is not possible. But wanted to say to say, say it is the Buddha into relief. The Buddhist leader also is a prime property that is invisible to find myth at layman testified to the Buddha and not to be. Because of the way the names of such fullness! The new enlightenment he knew.
Bodhisattva of enlightened mind development is a prime commodity vô, if there is a privileged basis shall not be enlightened. So, I often teach people meditation to a privileged basis, global basis, Department of fear. If being under the teachings of the Bible became the austerities of deviant, i.e. are the Chief cleric, was elected as the Buddha fruit.
Join Hosts Who Government is in meditation, is also the local almond French to the Buddha, the enlightened then learned ignorance is not truth, nor the truth. If something is genuinely accepted, not enlightenment, not as the Buddha.
The room did not understand, he said, "want to be Enlightened Members to enter t black", which he said "type t black with no ties to, to have the Chief Justice, that is the magical life". The glass master begging a declaration?
I say He is in a Sense theory ' Chief to Chief Justice of that life, but also in the Bodhisattva works to that listener.
Recently he asked the issue, States it's the Chief Justice of the Buddha does not have import and export, is always in the making, which was then French speaking members.
His remains now is different, I have no business teaching Students to enter, the hearing did not enter to play.
What is the black triangle?
Lynn Black's Chief Justice, the Chief Justice is to distinguish your space plan. Commit to not be freed, since also accept the ego. The Chief Justice to break the fall handicap from being killed.
What are the three la suite?
"Three dollars" is Sanskrit, translated as the other side. The sides are now part of afflictions, not freedom itself; up to the end of all suffering, misery, are free to order in. So, Buddhist scriptures often speak to three la suite is to be Buddha realm is freed himself in, no negativity, left the line being killed.

Please identify the primary, which means that the Chief Justice is the Chief Instructor, life expectancy has infinite life expectancy means that the client 3. What is the life expectancy in China? The line, life expectancy, life Club misery. If there is a sense of agony is life size, there is the feeling of happy-life tribe, feeling miserable and not happy to be misery. If the leaves are 3 to this life is black triangle mindfulness. If the Chief Justice is life expectancy lost lectures, confusing, ask for the master instructor for additional authentication?
I'm here to teach meditation Teachers Organization has no life and no life expectancy, and must be wiped out, because life expectancy and are relative. In the quarter-finals, the first call is free, there is no life, no second call there is a third call, not life expectancy was one-fourth.
Only meditation Teachers in the teacher's name to reference yourself if taking subliminal words are useless, so it does not determine the correct name is. All translations are pretending, called the Prime Minister.
The Buddha on the Chief Justice to economic mass, the French player Who also added the Chief Justice to hear the economic Staff. So practitioners of meditation parameter to?
I preach also to have the dialogue, the situation there is listening to the dialogue must also be there, so very good, but not that.
There are two architectural parameters to the ranks of A Monk?
Arahat opinion not names, A La Han end to be the third gas, i.e. the end of capitalism or the and, or, but have yet to see a family identity. End to end or not and then either reborn in tam (sex, gender identity, gender identity), i.e. from the contentious paragraph, but also turns to translate birth, should be carried out as agreed.
Leanne architecture does not have fallen and France handicap higher than A Monk, the first objective is more than A Monk, not by arahat!
How does the same concerns about a bit in mind?
Divine Lady of the same objective, the worldly appearance and gas remain. But the same concerns are now clearly the names themselves, as well as the universe because obviously there is something suspect or any more. Bourn it remembered virtually no breakup.
So, not to be Chief Justice of the turn, came later on, bear in mind that realm no longer exist, i.e. they were an infection reaches the end. But people want to remember it, so the Group called "pans of boiling oil, coal fireplace".
Bourn St breaking is the same good, not to remember, but to break off recently reached the final scene. But now I don't have anything to remember for many the victim knew how much!
Where do reasons A Nan in a night in which saw A Monk?
My steering wheel is strictly said, "fake Religion A Nan result certification by his rebuke, Da Buddha should try tu later saw A Monk, but not the names of architects. Who discovered meditation and then attended Romaine by the Singer transmitter for facilities, a new legacy should adopt the second nest. If not, then only the broad overhaul could not show results.
The arahats can use magic, and that means that there are two opinions for Magic Lady Kabbalah?
The names of all architects and also does not have, does not show A La Han, demons have pagan. Kabbalah pagan demons in your Grave Mausoleum is very high, such as in Large Markets to Us within 5 minutes to grab a piece of the truth. But that is not liberation, have not proven results.
Show result set is different, there are two free spirit magic, immeasurable advantage not of arahat and Pagan's have restrictions.
Leanne self together around the space of time, not in this spot went to another spot. As God by knowing the bay from here through Us only 5 minutes, not Kabbalah of names. Why? Because there is time and space is limited, there is some space to fly, that time is 5 minutes.
Kabbalah of names from the need to fly, to where we are now. If you need to fly is not autonomous of God's name. The focus on Kabbalah, very harmful, as many have, University Professor, told them to abandon Kabbalah but they will not be abandoned.
If retained the Kabbalah is the major obstacle for the two architectures. Although the divine Lady didn't have but two Internet architecture institutes, also there is the transcendental self Kabbalah Kabbalah before all else. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS.( GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.24/9/2012.)NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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