Saturday 25 August 2012



C- section to ON Near-Death Experiences
Parallel to the study of scientists, in 1981 Gallup Institute for Statistics has launched an exploration of near-death experiences in the American people. Results showed that as many as two million Americans have experienced , including 1.2 million who saw the light phenomena and 1.7 million people saw the whole life. well as the issue of reincarnation, the discovery of the death experience is not scientific from various disciplines (medicine, psychology, psychiatry, social, etc.) easily accepted.
1/Khong shortage of people smiling for that so-called NDE but an illusion like at dream dreaming alone, there's nothing strange that the importance of it like that. The researchers were very interested in this issue and in the spirit of that question is always posed to the witness during the interview and always denied, sometimes quite drastically. They confirm they dream also more and know what distinguishes dream seen in near tu.Ngon experience language often used to describe is that it's very real, and how they can not speak can not prove a specific duoc.Cac NDE researchers, by indirect assessment, understand the reality of the NDE.
First of all, the common dream scene is not clear, do not leave a deep impression. On the contrary, things heard in the NDE often clearer, imprinted on the memory, a powerful and lasting impact on the spirit and emotions of the people in the .. Those who have experienced near death experiences say what was going through, they know how to die, and then will go, so that they no longer fear death. they understand that perhaps Vietnamese that we call "life posts, exploitation" (birth registration, death rules), so that they have an attitude of calm receiving death will den.Tham again in people's desire for early next day to be on the peaceful realm they've been to, but not be allowed to stay.
On the other hand, what is sacred character seen in NDEs often profound impact on people back to life, make them have to think about the meaning of life, spiritual values, the relationship with those around him ... Since then, they have a big change, a surprise to those who know. Other people needed to have a life full of relaxed grab, run according to the material, but now chose a more quiet life. From where countless believers have found faith in religion. Someone capital selfish, indifferent to the activities of this society, to devote the rest of his life to serving others actions unlucky lucky. Dreamless dream I do have the ability to effect profound change like that?
Again, the messianic dream often knew, no one dreams like anyone else, no a dream common denominator. On the contrary, we have found the most general features of the experience of death. The most common definition is that? It is the feeling of flying through a dark tunnel, hear the unpleasant sound, visible light with different colors (white, yellow, red, blue ...), feel the separation of spiritual soul from the body and so on . Based on a common denominator, does not distinguish between men and women, rich and poor, young and old, race, religion, educated or uneducated, social status or class is trivial so that the doctor Moody drew a typical dead picture, as discussed before.
Those who have experienced NDE mostly confirm that the state of the soul out from my body, they are very conscious, discerning, keen to hear more, go easy as you like, is not material and space hesitate. they see, hear, and all that is happening around the world of the living but can not get in touch with the world, can not make their living out of the presence side; What they do not impact on physical (touching the living, moving furniture, etc.). extraordinary obstacles like these can make the dead feel lonely, depressed or angry because of the almost isolated in another world. they recognize they have two bodies: a body lying there, motionless, senseless, as an "empty shell" (empty bag) and a I witnessed the revival efforts of the doctors and nurses taking place on their body that not recorded a feeling, though clearly identifiable as being chest massage, or dissection, injection, blood transfusion, etc. Some people, after the resurrection, recounts the words and deeds of the nurses and doctors in an emergency, some people wonder that at that time they were in into a state of death, how do you know?
At the boundary of the permanent departure to his side or back peace on earth many implications, many respectable decided that they were conscious decision to go back for more work not resolved or the lives of their loved ones in need. Such is the case of the wild rabbit mothers with children, husbands could not bear to leave her wild children, who are really unfinished business etc.. It was decided of reason, entirely based on facts, very wisely, that dream impossible.
2/Cung no shortage of the medicine that you can see in the NDE is nothing more than the product of hallucinations caused by medical treatment . This new hearing, is not no reason. The death raised to near-death experiences that the hundreds killed a living. They are clients of the strict control such as heart failure, stomach bleeding, intestinal bleeding, renal hemorrhage, serious injury, etc. In these cases, to help patients reduce pain abuse , drugs that affect the nervous system are used, such as morphine, which can cause hallucinations. NDE researchers, most of them are gender Medicine, outstanding know ay.Bang method statistical distribution analysis, by conducting controlled experiments, they draw the conclusion that the hallucinations caused by medication is not the same as what is found in near-death experience. physiology The argument that the human at dying, the authorities have come to paralysis, blood longer provide enough oxygen to the brain, on the other hand, the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) increase; so what is called a near-death experience but an illusion arising from the final chemical reaction is happening in the brain in a state of exhaustion. Sabom doctor opened the control experiment by reducing oxygen supply to the brain on volunteers and reported hallucinations arise, but the illusion does not stick to the NDE.
3/Khong lack what psychologists or sociologists skeptical that you can see in near-death experience is just the projection of experience which he himself has accumulated in life. other words , what the dead about the afterlife is just a fabrication based on experience available. Sabom doctors as well as other researchers is not known what do.Rieng him, has done both the interview for chung.Sabom said that with the expertise and experience interview, can find easily the fabrication of those who have actually experienced NDE, because there are obvious loopholes. Dr. Moody, to answer the question of whether a witness is lying, lie to deceive, has said that in professional experience, evaluate the attitude and emotional expressions of witnesses in interview, he can know what is true. Moreover, perhaps not every person every where, do not know each other, the same concentric lie.
D- Soul Perspective of SCIENCE
According to Professor Bruce Greyson, dean perceptual study (DOPS) at the University of Virginia Health System (USA), near-death experience occurred in 10% of patients with cardiac arrest. When awake, the patient may describe accuracy of all activities around when they On tinh.Dieu is said that in many cases a near-death experience, EEG and other medical evidence shows that patients with no signs of brain activity when the phenomenon this place.
Pim van Lommel, an expert on near-death experience at Rijnstate Hospital (Netherlands) agreed on this issue. He said that, when in a state of near death, "the patient is not conscious, but they also expanded consciousness than ever before . They can think clear, detailed recollection of childhood and feel close contact with everyone and everything around. While they absolutely no signs of brain activity ".
According to Professor Peter Fenwick, Institute of Psychiatry of the University of Kings (UK): " If you can prove that the man continues to receive information when they are out-of-body consciousness and it is indisputable evidence of the intention of exist separate brain ".
Perhaps, the idea of ​​the soul comes from this situation. People from ancient times, going through the virtual state itself, that when the spirit leaves the body. From there, they began to believe in the existence outside the body.
The idea of Professor Penrose refers to a mechanism for consciousness continue to exist after the death of the human body. But it will go? According to Prof Hameroff: " If patients can not be saved, the sense will go into space and who knows maybe one day will be another body to get back. "
DOPS which houses about 1,400 records of cases are of this type. majority of which are children remember their past lives . They can tell who his previous coronary wall, where to live, what to do, look like, and more.
Ian Stevenson, one of America's leading psychiatrists, founder DOPS start collecting stories about past lives since 1960. Among the documents he noted, there are many cases where a child is born with less wound in the right position they were in a previous life. Some haunted fear things, the phenomenon has caused death in a past life. Stevenson and his colleagues never claimed that the phenomenon of reincarnation actually happens. They are just trying to gather the evidence of it . In science, this evidence may never be enough to confirm that the human soul exists after death of the body and then reborn in a new body. But that does not mean we can confirm that there is no soul.
Not everyone when death has experienced full range of conditions such as scenes typical passage describing Dr. Moody or the entire contents of the Dead Tibetan mentioned. That is the basic phenomenon, a death can fully experience all the police state or a certain number only. The Tibetan Death Letter, now each person is the cause of the difference. The following quote is only a modest part of the document is published. If you read this experience in contemplative look of Tibetan Dead will see an important role for the correct perception in the intermediate realm.
1 .-Experience the feeling of peace
"The thing that I can never forget, absolutely never forget that feeling of heavenly bliss, or something similar ... Well, I remembered, it was a nice feeling of security peace, happiness ... The peace and liberation. The fear go away. No more pain. No more anything. It was a wonderful. Although it takes a million years to talk about feelings, I never could explain. It's a feeling that people one day and will encounter. For me, happiness is the best word I can use to describe. " (Woman, 60 years old, heart disease).
2. - Experience of soul from body
a / "At the time, I find myself hovering in a corner of the hospital room, looking down at the confirm my black bruises. Looked like the life has left it. As for my mother, sitting in the chair next to my bed, is only praying and her Italian lover weeping at the foot of the bed. " (Youth, a serious car accident, located in the emergency room).
b / "I can not bear the pain anymore ... I then collapses. Everything became dark, and I can not remember anything, except at the beginning of episodes of unconsciousness, like someone suddenly pulled the curtains tight light made everything dark. For a moment, all black, but there is no light. It was like a gray haze covered, I honestly do not know how to describe. I feel are the activities that take place somewhere around, I was still standing on the floor, so that I found myself. I think it looks so unusual, I have to stand in a higher place, I look down, okay, I never noticed that the black and white tiled floor flowers. So that is what I realized when first starting sense ... And I feel like a little lower down, like turning around. Two or three people picked me up, put on a tray, not where the tray, which is a metal trolley with four legs. They tied my feet and pushed me out ... taken and room chinh.Toi found in another table with a bunch of machinery and equipment on it. Later I learned that the machine used to stimulate heart activity ... Please note that I am not a drug mill hand head start ... This is not a myth. I never read books on the subject "NDE" ... Yes, I can see all the details ... "(Man, 52 years old, employed to protect, heart disease).
c / "emergency room seemed bright red glow. I do not know where that light. I looked down and saw them (doctors, nurses) are working on the body high above me ... I'm out of my body and looking down. They are working to revive me.I do not think that I was dead. It is an extraordinary feeling ... I did not feel any pain at all, but only very peaceful quiet. Death does not scare me. They inject into the groin. Dr. B. travel, decided to inject a play on the left ... Then he changed his mind, the only other place close to my heart ... I feel like I'm still alive. As I'm here to talk to your doctor. I can hear them, see them working on my body, listening to them talk, order, only thi.Co seems I was outside my body and see everything going on. " (Men, 62, a retired mechanic, heart disease).
d / "Then I found myself separated from the body and was sitting on her high look at the body lying curled, assisting me with her mother is crying because my mind has died. I felt sorry for them and sad for me ... sad, very sad. Now I still can feel the sadness. But then, I felt I was free, so no reason that suffering. I no longer feel pain anymore, I'm totally free. " (Mrs. French, 73-year-old recalled NDE at children).
3. tunnels and light experience
a / "Around a dark color. I should say that I feel as free to go fast, very fast, over time and not gian.Toi are going through a tunnel (tunnel). Actually, it's not like the tunnel, the rate as when you're in a tunnel and saw around him a solid dark, that's all. " (23-year-old woman, was shocked post-surgery).
b / "I can see my body lying there ... I see the entire scene ... then I slowly fly up, drift off in a dark or dim dim corridor ... I think What is this? What is going on here? I continue to fly, fly forever ... I go further, and I go into a different world ... "(Men and heart disease).
c / "At the end of the tunnel is bright light. It is orange. Well, doctors have seen the sun set at sunset, right? From that light emerged a bright orange tinged with gold rims around. It looks like there is light at the end of the tunnel. I did not go to the end of the tunnel. " (Man, 35 years old, heart disease).
d / "white light. Light does not dazzle me ... It's the most white light white, flooded around. It's like when the doctor looks at the entire universe and did not see anything except the white light was. It is the most brilliant bright light bare life, but not the light hurt his eyes people such as the electric light bulb ... I said to me, as I am talking to the doctor, the that they are chet.Minh do not want to die, I'll fight But if I die, I will accept. I have a great sense of peace and love ... I do not see anyone, just me said to me ... "(Male patient, clinically dead at the time of surgery).
e / "I went through a period of darkness ... light, like someone was holding lights and I walked towards it. And then everything lit up and the next thing I remember is that I like floating floating ... I go through the light, growing brighter ... In the morning light is so bright, brighter as close as , to make dazzled. But no, it does not make the eyes sore uncomfortable. "(Man, 56).
f / "What I describe light, yes, it is not light that is the absence of darkness, totally dark ... Well, your doctor think big lights shining on everything then create a shadow, right? With this light really is no shadow. We are not used to the idea that because we always see when light shines on the object, the object has a shadow, except when the light shines all around us. But this light is absolutely no shadow, because we do not look at the light source, which are in the light. Doctors know what I mean? "(Hunter, 54).
4. - The experience of self in (traveling as desired)
a / "During the surgery for me, I remember to and immediately return immediately where the battlefield that I have lost the war. People are clearing the battlefield. I saw the dead that day being packed in "ponchos" and people are collecting the wounded. I know someone in accounting and I remembered that I had tried to stop him not to pick up a few other corpses. But I do not do that and suddenly I found myself back to the station operation. It's like you just be present in the flesh there and then suddenly your immediate presence in day.That quick as a flash. "(Veterans of America in Vietnam, the NDE experience in one seriously injured in front Cu Chi).
b / "I can see where I want. I am still in the lobby, so that I can look out of the parking lot. As I thought, OK, do not know what out of the parking lot?, The flight as part of my head to look at everything out there and then come back to tell me ... "(dan aside, heart disease).
c / "I can go anywhere at any time, as you like. Not by machinery, such as cars or something else. It's just a progression of thought. I find that whenever I think like anywhere is immediately there soon ... I feel satisfaction because of the feeling of power. I can do what I want ... Indeed, it is longer than here. "(Men and heart disease).
5. experiences of meeting the Divine or relatives (died), and the reason for return.
a / "During the doctor as I was dead, it seems like I'm talking to someone. I do not know who you are, that's strange. I have asked but not answered. The only thing I remember is the same as with one voice: "Hey, is dead. Ultimately, you are dead. " I said, "No, earlier than that. He said what? "He said," Well, I gave up my life; I will not suffer anymore. "I'm sad as a kid and it made me miserable ... I said," He say mean? I want to go back. I can not, I do not can die where duoc.Toi death. I'm going to school, I have a job. It is to me. I have much work to do. A whole bunch of work I have to do is not done. I want to go back, if possible. "That voice said," That depends. If you go back, you will continue to suffer because you are really painful. Will suffer. Child will suffer long after. " I said, "Well, for me not the tolerant de.Toi. Just tell me about it. " Are told, "Well, about." And at that time I heard a drop of water on their bodies, doctors shouted "He is risen, he is risen." (18-year-old youth, a serious car accident, had surgery many times. Patients confirmed a year after the accident he was still injured pains).
b / A interviewer's question: "Why did she feel she had to come back? Why she chose to come back? ", A woman with heart thrombosis, clinical death, answered:" I think it is because I have two wild young children. I see that they need me more than I need to go there. I thought goes into other realms of death, I was at peace, fun, not painful anymore, but that does not mean my child will suffer. I have considered. I do not regret anything, I was calm thinking and a rational decision, a good decision, there is no emotional involvement. Do you know what I mean? I said that I did not decide by cam.Toi decisions with reason. "
c / "In the situation that I have experienced, I can not figure me out, but I know that I was standing in a high place, because look down there with a lush farming region, beautiful ceiling . It is a small hill and a flat lawn on the right hand side ... I looked down and saw cows, sheep and shepherds, all are in the pasture, cows sheep on the right and the left, and the animal sheep standing on a circular mounds, about 20 or 30 feet (feet). It looks like it is on a sunny day in the morning. The whole scene is like experiencing a fresh green color on the playing golf is good care. The shepherd turned his back on me, as doctors often see images in the Bible. He wears a long, hooded cloth, cloth tied around, hand holding something ... I do not know who he is ... But I see clearly, as now. This image was etched in my mind, never forget. "(Weavers, 55, of heart disease).
d / "I was stopped by a fence ... One side of the fence is extremely arid lands with shrubs, wilderness nobody wanted to. The other side of the fence is a beautiful animal that scene in my life I have never seen or imagined, spacing the beautiful trees, green grass and horses ... The fence was well , three or four layers of barbed wire fence ... What is clear dividing lines, the other green lawn running to the foot of the barrier fence, stop ... this party is this world. Is the dry dirty place that I'm living ... and the other one is a beautiful place I would go to. "(Man, 63, who spent long years in Texas, with heart disease).
e / "It's like the sun set with red light. Not that sky blue or where green watercolor. Everything is very nice. Trees, but also all radiating golden ball. Absolutely no green or blue. " (Homemaker, Florida, heart disease).
f / "I go to a place in the presence of family, grandfather, grandmother, my father, an uncle had just committed suicide. They approached me to meet my ... Paternal grandparents wore all white, hooded towel. They look more refreshing was the last time I saw, looked very happy ... I took grandmother's hand ... and suddenly everyone turned away. My grandmother also looked looked back and said "We'll see you later, now is not the time." (43-year-old men with heart disease).
g / "Obviously, as the Lord came and stood and held out his hand to me. Well, he stood there, looking down at me and everything lit up ... He's tall, two hand-made, pure white body color, as he wore a white gown that ... his face more beautiful than any every face that I've ever seen. His face was so beautiful, really beautiful. His skin was almost lit up, without the slightest blemish, absolutely no one little blemish ... He looked down at me, smiled cordially ... "(Woman 55 years old, Protestant).
6. A synthetic form of experience
a / "When people take (correct) I am in the emergency room it looked like I was there but I'm not there ... It is reported (body) I up ban.Toi see I as a participant in the emergency room research, but behind the scenes, away from the table than those khac.Toi can look down and see everything. The table is located there, as at the end of the room, the doctors in my right hand side, also a nurse, the plot on the left. Both a priest and have injection mat.Ho but did not hurt me, because I completely get out of the body. I said to myself, "That is not my dog." But I know the body lying there was me and make something wrong day.Toi see strange things seem too; I have never experienced a situation What as vay.Noi for the same, I do not see afraid hai.Nguoi I burned black asphalt, my face broke and memory flow mau.Toi see clearly the true, full of blood; the doctor said, "He was going off the feet then. "Meanwhile, you're bleeding for my legs. The monitor (monitor cardiovascular measure) placed behind my head. I can see the bright lines running on the monitor and suddenly it stopped ... Then I heard someone say "It stopped ..." A doctor patted and rub push on my chest ... And then I like to be in the ball toan.Toi darkness through the dark period. Seeing the light, like someone shining lights and I walked towards him. And then everything lit up and the next thing I remember is that I like to go. I went through the light. Increasingly brighter light. Light is so bright and as approached as light, to dazzled ... I see the angels around me. But the angels around me are my children. My biggest child was 17 years old, ... but it seems as long as six years old. The children gathered around me, three of them on the right, left three children, the eldest son in front of him. All the same age ... With each one, I recall what the most gentle, most cordially that I have experienced with our chung.Giua and I not speak gi.Nhung when looking at them, I contact each one of them with what has happened in the past ... I can see a beautiful blue color that surrounds us all is a beautiful do.Khong blue, the doctor can not call it the blue sky, which is a deep blue, a beautiful color. I never saw a blue like that ... I feel there is a force pressing gently on the head and heard a voice say, "Go away!". I said, "" Lord, why was I?, And someone say that my work on earth is not done, that I have to return to complete. All I just heard the person's voice, a great voice rang, thunder like thunder, as elsewhere echoing thunder ... Then I do not remember anything else, the children leave me out, and then see the dark and do not know anything anymore. Two days later, I woke up in the emergency room. "(Men, middle-aged, business, a serious car accident).
7 . Near-death experience has changed the conception of life
a / Vietnam Veterans of America, was seriously injured (lost his legs and one arm): "After the NDE, I do not go to visit the funeral. I not send flower puff dieu.Toi nor sorrow for the ta.Neu someone tell me who has just died, I would say that we should be happy. Why do not we organize the party when they die? In my testament, I am told that no funeral, is not up to the grave. I will be burned, and bring ashes scattered away. I think the funeral just a waste of time, waste land, should organize the party is over ... I do not fear death. I insisted believe everything happens for a purpose ... I live, play, and work is always hard, because I recognize that in a moment, I could go forever ... There is something behind life nay.Cai was peace. In the near-death experience, I was completely at peace. I do not want return to earth nua.No it is different. It is not an emptiness of life or of feeling, but rather a sense of beauty, is a real life. Either in the form of life matter, whether we are in a certain format, we still exist. ".
b / Men, volunteer service hospital, has through NDE from heart disease: "I do not want to tell the doctor about NDE's status, but I think that's when Christ came into my life . And this has deeply changed my lifestyle. Before, I drink beer, whiskey and a lot of other dishes but now I do not touch anymore. I can not wait until discharge, after the NDE, and then go to church. The pastor said never seen the enthusiasm looking to God as toi.Truoc, I never go home tho.Toi vowed before God that I will take my rest to serve God, as I'm lam.Toi currently works for Veteran Volunteer Agency. "
c / business, extremely relaxed, active, with heart disease: "That (NDE) has changed my whole life like a startled awake. I often worries of life; life squeezed and rushed to the front, efforts to make life more comfortable by "plow" more to have more money, make life more comfortable ... and so on. From now on, I do not nua.Toi live through ngay.Toi usually live with what is there in front, yet to come, and what was falling behind, over. One can not live on tomorrow or yesterday. One can only live in the day we live. I know that I do not have a long life as others, so I'm ready ... I know where I will go, so I do not worry about death nua.Toi have experienced death and it did not bother I. I'm not afraid of it anymore ... ".
d / Women, after an NDE, volunteer service hospital to comfort patients: "After you die to live over, I would like to work in a hospital as a volunteer. One of the girls there is a psychologist, social worker, you know about my new conception of life. Every time a doctor tells someone that they are going to die, she is often referred to as it was found that the time required in addition to comfort. When you hear someone like that is anxiety depression, she called me and with me to talk to people about this chet.Dieu not troubling gi.Noi about death is easy for me. I felt I did a great job and has brought peace of mind and for all. "
e / The experience of a small business: "When I was in the tunnel (NDE) exit, I know my life has been dedicated to the Lord ... From here, I will not do the wrong thing again. I was like everyone else, have tried many adventures in life when doing business. I've been drinking. I have a small business and I have to drink, mingle with people to keep facilities running ... After this, I realized that I do not have to mix with the crowd to keep the facility operating . "
Learn about the Dead is a very urgent job for all of us to die while most of us do not know anything about death.
If Death is really all too easy, we just lived for was gone when they die, there will be other concerns solve their corpses: bury, burn, for the vultures to eat, and did not need it bother at all.
But in fact, there are many who remember their past lives, with those born by the will of the Tibetan lamas, who have undergone near-death experiences, the psychic can exposed to the death ... so, after his death, there are many mysteries that even science can not explain. Writer André Malraux said, like it or not, death will always haunt and dominate human life, so we should find out about the death without having to go through the gateway religion.
The title of the report is "ABOUT DEATH" I deliberately set so instead of saying "TABLE FOR DEATH" because my understanding is by borrowing from their predecessors rather than I "realized".
The ancient Saints did not answer about the death to the question, I think, not because they do not know that because they do not want people to ask themselves prefer "opera a review" while not practical to get Thien Nhan ( AI not to say, legal persons and BUDDHA). So we must be very diligent meditation to meditation before you can touch the invisible realms, new know Death. Now we only have two eyes meat (hardship) his, how we see the invisible realm to that conclusion: Yes-no? Right-wrong? ...
I say this, not that I have a natural label, but I think the Lamas of Tibet through deep meditation has to tell us clearly about Death to prepare yourself and your loved ones, why people are denied?
There are two books you should see (are available online, in the library Lotus) because you will find so many problems I do not know:
1/Tang letter life and death of Sogyal Rinpoche and translated by Ven Thich Tri Hai
2/The intermediate form between the death and the birth of Dagpo Rimpoche by Hoang Phong
Before you go away, we often have to prepare for a full page, then you have found it strange that people do not worry prepare anything prior to his death. In my opinion, we should be prepared to live right now, especially those who have had years to go gently and better.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS.( GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.26/8/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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