Saturday 4 August 2012



Dharma teaching:
"Be like a lion, do not tremble at the sound.
Let but the wind, not attaching the nets.
Be like the lotus, from the muddy waters coming up
but not dull and muddy water contamination.
Be firmly, alone, like a rhinoceros. "

The difference this time is not entirely beautiful fruits like rose petals. It is also not absolute thorny plants like roses. Roses sweet, beautiful, and fragrant scents. But the tree it is his full birth thorny. Flowers are flowers. Gai gai. What is the flower of the flowers. What is the spine of the spine. Not because we threw herself into the flower spikes, because spikes that are not completely alienated from the commission.
For optimists, this world absolutely like rose petals. Pessimists on the contrary, found it full of thorns. But to the practical world is not absolutely beautiful, is not entirely bad.
The understanding will not charm the beauty of roses but identified how true it is. Comprehend the nature of the spikes he sees really are right and will exercise caution to avoid spikes grooming or stabbed, shot.
Like the pendulum of the clock, hit to left then right, then back to left, always the case, there are four blessings and four unfortunates in life that everyone, everyone is confronted , no escape. They are:
- Is (labha) and lost (alabha),
- fame (yasa) and bad (ayasa),
- praise (pasamsa) and blame (ninda),
- happiness (sukha) and pain (dukkha).
Pali called "Atthalokadhamma" eight worldly [1].
A. Gain and loss (Labha and Alabha)
The business generally must meet both of two things: gain and loss, in other words, profit and losses. Of course, when it was beneficial, delight, joy. This in itself nothing wrong. With the benefits similar oil-righteousness or not, bring joy to everyone that men desire, everyone looking for. If there is no happy moments, as fleeting and temporary oil, life, is not worth living. In the world of disputes and uncertainties, human life is very little chance of enjoying a few inspired and happy spirit. Similar pleasures, oil remains the material will definitely help us add health and longevity.
But until then suffering losses began to arise. I can easily gain smiled as, but not at a disadvantage. Many cases of losses is important to make people psychotic, even at the scene brought to life suicidal, if not take it anymore. It is in the same situation, we must commend the spirit and keep calm, do not get too perturbed. While struggling with life, all people have met at promotion, on deposits, and we must be willing to endure, preparedness, especially in adversity. Despair will be minimized.
It takes something of course we feel sad. But the very sad not help us find their lost animals. We have to think that someone can enjoy other things, although they enjoy a real right. Wished him to be happy, peaceful and happy!
Or we can console ourselves: "This is just a petty loss, does not matter." Or we can accept a noble philosophy: "Nothing is 'I', not what is 'Of I' ". In similar cases, to keep a balanced mind.
At the time of the Buddha in the world, there's a woman to increase German brother Sariputta Temple (Buddhist relics) and many other monk. In preparing the material offered to the husband believed in him and all the people were ambushed and killed at're a dispute mediator. She did not even seem sad. Calmly, quietly kept her poems in his pocket and continued to bowl monks as if nothing happened. Then a maid lost trap and milk offered to foot fall monk risk order, cracking jars.
Thinking that perhaps she will regret owners such jars and food containers in which Germany Sariputta (Buddhist relics) insist that things like jars, have sense of "tank" as associated with it, is subject to breakage date. She credits intellectual woman replied calmly: "Dear Venerable, it was just a normal loss. I just got the news her husband and children of the murderers were killed. I put poetry into his pocket and still keep a balanced mind, not hysteria. And though the news, I continued to bowl him and monks. "
Germany's precious brave woman indeed laudable and worthy example for others.
Other times, the Buddha went for alms in a village that. Due to the disruption of Mara, the Buddha that day no one to bowl and have nothing to high noon. By Mara said brusquely when he has not heard an empty stomach, the Buddha explained the mental attitude of every obstacle was getting out and said, "Happy, Tathagata lives unimpeded. Nurturing joy, Tathagata always the gods Guanyin Heavenly realm. "
Other times, the Buddha and his disciples retreat in the village it says invite a Brahmin. But you completely forgotten this duty is to take care of him. During the three months full-time low, the Buddha and the monks and peaceful use of horse feed that a horse had offered to drive, although Germany Moggallana (Moggallana) mystically volunteer to do other things. Buddha is not a word of complaint or protest.
She Visakha, female candidates are all important in the Buddha, often to the temple to take care of every need of the Buddha and the Sangha. One day she put a robe so precious to go the temple. When she took off to the temple gate cloak and handed it to the maid held. At left, her maid accidentally forgotten again. Germany Ananda (Ananda) found, store it in one place, waiting for her to be handed Visakha. Back in the house suddenly remember, she told the maid back to find. But if a monk who has touched should not take on. She inquired maid to the temple, Venerable Ananda that has kept the coat should go back home informed. She went to almost Visakha Buddha and offered to do good with the sale of this precious coat. The Buddha advised her to build a vihara for the monks residence. Because nobody has enough money to buy the coat so precious as her own acquisition, and use that money to build a beautiful Buddhist monastery, the monks offered. After offering her temple finished speaking maid thank the following people: 'If you do not accidentally forget the coat, one will not have the opportunity to make this merit. So, we would share this blessing to me. "
Rather sad or depressed because of temporary loss of a precious, and scolded the maid accidentally, she thanked him helped her the chance to create merit.
Her attitude improved model Visakha intellectual worth is a lesson for those who easily get angry because of the mistakes that she makes.
We must bravely endure the losses, losses. Confronted with it, and as the phrase "painting numerous single releases" describes, it came suddenly, every group, every crowd, and not alone. We have to deal calmly, with perfect equanimity, I think this is a golden opportunity to practice this noble virtue.
Two. Fame and Bad (Yasa and Ayasa)
Name Fragrances (Yasa) and Bad English (Ayasa) is a pair of other ups and downs that we have to deal every day. Fame we gladly welcome. Bad, we do not like. Fame rekindle the spirit. Reputation makes us sorrows and sufferings.
We like to be famous. We would like to see his name and image in the newspaper. We are delight to see their operation, oil is negligible, and was reportedly prompted many, many people know. Sometimes we also try, a real right, to make people pay attention to her.
To see his image in the press, few people are willing to pay a big amount. For honor, few people are willing to contribute to important or powerful groups bribery. To order advertising, few people praised pure heart by giving their alms hundred Bhikkhus, or more. But there will be those who completely unaffected by the plight of the poor and living right next to my tear. We can scold and administrative penalties a thief too hungry, to steal a coconut garden to relieve hunger, but I will not hesitate for a whole world in exchange for little coconut fame.
It's human weaknesses. Until we do good, well most of us do with the profit implications. Those who clear it completely altruistic rare in this world. That is why, those who have done a good - oil motivation to action not very praiseworthy - was also praised for his good deeds. Most of the world are we always hiding something in his sleeve. Who is hundred percent good? How many people completely clean, from the engine to act? How many are absolutely altruistic?
We do not need to run the fame of good. If we deserve, surely it will come that we do not need to find. When flowers are tinged with full privacy bees and butterflies will come. United do not need to invite bees or butterflies invitation.
Yes indeed, we naturally feel happy, very happy, as fly the reputation of our far-reaching. However, must realize that good name, fame, glory, just follow me to the grave, then disappear clouds, smoke. It's just words, although the needle language is rhetoric, soothe our ears.
As bad, why?
We do not like to hear, or think of. Certainly when the bad words reached the ears, it will make our mind shocked, upset. Suffering heart strings as bold if the call is reported or reported it proved completely unfair or misleading.
Usually it takes the whole year, or more, to create a great palatial houses. But just a glance sophisticated modern weapons can wreak havoc and destruction easy. Sometimes it takes years or even lifetimes to build reputation. How much painstaking work that can blight the moment. No one can avoid the disastrous start sentences with the word "but". Indeed, he is very good, he has worked this and that. But ... the good part of his sentence had been a "but" pushed into the darkness of oblivion.
You can clear moral life as a Buddha, but you can not avoid criticism, attacks and curses.
Buddha is the most famous religious teacher of that time but who, cursed and insult most of the time.
The great men are not known, or known matter, and a wrong way.
At the time of the Buddha, there is a woman used to come to Vihara at night. The other people in the retail rumor, slander the Buddha and his disciples woman was killed and buried under a pile of flowers disabled within Monastery.
When the Buddha finished fulfilling his mission history and a lot of people apply to ordained, the priests opposed the defamation that because the Buddha that she must leave you, leave her husband. The obstacles he has all the country's progress.
The cousin, and also a disciple of Buddha, many attempts to crash his noble qualities, but failed. Consciousness he attempted to kill the Buddha by hurling a rock from above on his own. Having worked as a Buddha, he can not murdered.
If that's the unfortunate part of an innocent and pure as the Buddha, rank, be subject to ordinary people like there?
When climbing a mountain, a higher one, who gets under a contract with us and as more and more attention to the smaller one. And they see only the back, not the front. The world is just blowing feathers to trace exhibited shortcomings and our faults. How much virtue hide unnecessarily. The construction and fan to fan rice dust and damage the flat rice seeds, but retain the good seed, it is full. Sieve on the contrary, keep raw flesh that turns to sweet juice. Persons who cultivate the intellectual sophistication to keep yourself, and leave what rudimentary. Uneducated class and keep a rudimentary throw out the subtle sophistication.
Every one is mistaken and accidentally or intentionally, transmitted Classified unjustly, we should clear thinking or, as Epictetus advised: "Thankfully, many people do not know her. They only knew sketchy so bad I can only say this much. If people knew more, sure I was being criticized more. "
Do not waste time in vain to correct false rumors if circumstances force us to clarify the issue. Enemies will delight in that which we're mad because their words. That's what they want. If we relaxed, slander will vanish into oblivion.
To see the faults of others, we must do as a blind person.
To listen to the criticism of others, we must do the deaf.
To speak ill of others, we must do the dumb.
Can not stop the charges, reports or false rumors. The world is full of thorns and sharp stones. We can not clean up thorns and rocks. But if it must go on regardless of obstacles, then, instead of moving rocks and thorns - about which we can not do - it is better to wear shoes and go step by step carefully. We'll be safe.
Dharma teaching:
"Be like a lion, do not tremble at the sound.
Let but the wind, not attaching the nets.
Be like the lotus, from the muddy waters coming up
but not dull and muddy water contamination.
Be firmly, alone, like a rhinoceros. "
As a jungle princess, lion without fear, trembling, or shock you to hear the roar of the other animals. In this world we are listening to the stories left ear, disadvantages, false accusations, the sound of despicable libel slander, because oral tongue lizard not without cost relationship. As a lion, without notice. As an Australian weapon (boomerang), it was first released, it flew to hit the target and then returned to hand threads, even so, the words evil despicable claims he will end where it started first.
Even dogs barking dogs, caravans themselves forward.
We live in muddy waters. Many lotus flower has since overcome, paint adorn the galaxy, without being dull and muddy water tarnish. We must try to live like the lotus, a pure life and noble, bare mud noticed that other people can throw at us.
Be ready for the mud that other people can throw at her, rather than expect the roses that people can donate. I will not disappoint.
Although difficult, we must try to cultivate refusal behavior, let alone, not attachment.
We came here alone, a relative. One family alone, we will leave. In this world, non-attachment is happiness.
No need to look but venom tongue lizard lips. Alone, we tend to leave it here, and paddle out for the welfare of others.
Europe is weird! That great men often slander, libel, poisoning, hanging on the cross, or shot dead.
He was the great Socrates was poisoned. Germany Jesus Christ (Jesus Christ) noble hanging on the cross. German non-violence Mahatma Gandhi was shot dead.
Is not it so well too dangerous as well? Yes, when he was alive to the criticism or slander, because no run reputation. One can know its not a job, regardless of him. He worked the service, but do not mind enjoying life.
3. Praise and blame (Pasamsa and Ninda)
Be praise and blame are two other circumstances constant ups and downs affect humanity. Of course, when we celebrate it on the engine hatch, joyful delight. At blamed the collapse spirit, kept leaking sadness.
Among the praise or blame the Buddha, delight not wise nor sorrow leak incubation, which is like rock solid, unwavering under three storms of life style.
If we are worthy praise indeed mellow. But if we do not deserve, as the case sycophant, then those words though tuneful, also makes me frustrated, and is a disservice. Nevertheless, they are only sounds, the sounds, no consequences, if not reached the ears.
Stood in terms of the world, praise can go very far. A gentle sound compliments at the right time, can make them easier to reach the desired recording. A question worthy enough to recommend to the entire audience listened attentively to the speaker. If the speaker has the audience praise, then one will get noticed. However, if a speaker begins with the words of reprimand or criticize the attitude of the audience response is surely not favorable.
The raid did not believe tame Flattering words, do not want to be Flattering. When someone deserves praise, the truly mature devout praise without envy implications. When the reprimand, the reprimand that he did not despise implications. The reprimand him only out of compassion, to improve the way people wrongly wrong.
The great men who are all adults but little praise calmly, not perturbed.
Many people close to Buddha always extolled his virtues, each way. Upali, a new millionaire refuge to the Buddha, citing hundreds of his virtue. Nine of my commission at that time the Blessed One often remind people, even the date of Buddhists still read up as economic Divine. And each time the proceedings to the noble virtues, we looked up pensive statue of himself at the heart of reverence worship. Nine red list was also the subject of meditation for people who have the enthusiasm and interest is still an important source of sexy to those who consider themselves Buddhists.
And blame the stars?
He says: "People talk much blamed. He said at least reprimanded. The silence also blamed. "
Looks like censure is the common heritage of mankind.
"The majority of the world live without discipline" Buddha recognized as such, and training continued: "As war elephant in the battlefield, inspired the name intact nose bullets fired from all directions to a blizzard, even so, Tathagata bear any curse of the world. "
Delusion who misled because the ugly, the failure of others without looking at the beauty of one.
Except for the Buddha, no one hundred percent good. No one hundred percent bad. Between us, the best in people also have broken part. In the worst people have good points.
The silent as a cracked gong when attacked, cursed, cursed, he - the Buddha - Nirvana stood before, although not realize Nibbana.
I can serve humanity with the greatest heart, but often misunderstand the world and give us goals, the ideals that we never dreamed of.
I can take to serve and help a friend in danger of flooding. Sometimes want to work, we must borrow or sell the whole map to reach homes. But later, the world is deluded damaged to the point that the other waiter returned the kindness of our denial, of complaining, gossiping, and will delight smear that was broken.
In the Jataka are stories of a musician named Guttila, devoted disciples taught and never sign anything withholding. However, there is a silver pupil ungrateful that it knowingly made every effort to compete with the master effects. Later the student failed.
Devadatta (Please Dat Ma Ba), disciples, just as the Buddha's cousin, had supernatural powers, not those trying to lose the reputation of the Buddha, but also attempted to kill him by hurling a rock from the summit run down, while he sat meditating at the foot of the mountain.
Once a certain Brahmin Buddha invite the boys up. According to the petition, the Buddha came. But rather than welcome to perhaps, Brahmin jealousy out a series of words is coarse and very dirty. Buddha politely inquired:
- This he Brahmin, a visitor to your home when you?
- Yes, he replied Brahmin.
- When the house guests know he do?
- I will prepare a sumptuous feast to entertain them.
- But if the customer does not come, why bother?
- Then our family will share a meal.
- Well, this Brahmin said, today he invited me to his house for alms and were entertained by the Tathagata curse scolded. I do not accept. So please please get him back.
Buddha was not angry, not revenge, but he politely returned the Brahmin what he has entertained.
"Do not revenge, not vengeance", the Buddha counseled so. Hatred will face hatred. Vengeance, revenge will never bring peace and tranquility. Strength to cope with certain strength. Will meet with bombs bombs. 'Hatred will never extinguish hatred. Only our mind away from the new airport. "That's teachings from the Buddha.
Without any pontiff praised and revered as the Buddha. However, he also criticized religious teacher, was reprimanded and most insult. That is the fate of great men.
Before the crowd a young woman named Cinca pretending to be pregnant, slander the Buddha. With a face of compassion, he patiently endured the curse, and the purity of his virtue proved clear.
Buddha and was accused of killing a young woman with the complicity of the disciples.
Other times other people criticized him and the disciples with the words so severely that Venerable Ananda asked him to leave it to a different village.
- Ananda, if people in other villages also cursed again shall we do?
- Dear Sir, we will turn to another village.
- Ananda, if you do the whole territory of India will not have enough room for us. Please be patient. The curse will end naturally.
One of her first non Magandiya king named it, has a grudge with the Buddha because he showed no respect for her beauty the beauty of Africa, because do not know, man her father wants her as his wife Buddha. As I crossed the country she was in, Magandiya hire people who openly scold drunken Buddha extremely badly. With perfect equanimity the Buddha endured all. But Magandiya suffer because of her missteps.
Cursed, cursed is commonplace. The more activity, more service, we became increasingly greater and more subject to insult and curse more.
Socrates was the scolding wife. Every time out to serve the people, his wife Socrates often narrow-minded temperaments scolded his importunate. One day she fell ill Socrates should not be doing "work" importunate usual. That day, the street with his Socrates looked sad. Friends visiting stars. He explained that because today his wife is sick should not have scolded him.
- Why so strange? He should rather have new fun. Not to be scolded, why be sad?
- Not so, when scolded, I found the opportunity to practice patience. Today, I had to take a chance. That is why I sad.
These are valuable lessons for all. When we have been cursed think this is an opportunity for law enforcement patience. Instead of anger, cursed be grateful to us.
4. Happiness and Suffering (Sukha and Dukkha)
Happiness (Sukha) and suffering (dukkha) is the pair finally downs. It also has many capabilities, affect human life. What could be easier happiness (Sukha). What is unbearable suffering (dukkha).
Typically, satisfy this desire is happiness. But, immediately after the wish has achieved that, I wish happiness to others. Join bottomless pockets. Greed is never satisfied, never know enough.
For the trivial class, enjoying life's pleasures sensual happiness is unique and the most noble. While dreaming, while enjoying life, and when in his pleasures recalled that the materialistic favorite, is certainly happy instant. But indeed, is short and the virtual suspension.
Bourgeois material can bring true happiness is not? If so, the millionaire never really thought about suicide. In a progressive country that material it has reached the ultimate level, there must be ten percent of the population suffering from neurological diseases. Why? Business assets and have enough happiness really is not?
Authorities have dominated world is not true happiness? Alexander the Great, who was pulled heavily on Indian troops across a patio, majestic and glorious, who has conquered all the territory on their way, he exclaimed that it can not do a country to conquer.
The kingship, the kings are still crowned, there was always fish are happy? Life political leaders and national leaders are often the opposite side, le threatened forest. The death of Mahatma Gandhi and President JF Kennedy are a few typical cases.
True happiness lies within us and can not be defined by such terms as property, power, fame, or conquest, invasion. If the other worldly possessions are recorded reached through violence, power, or any other unfair means, or in a wrong direction, or more, are looking with affectionate eyes and greed, it will be the source of suffering and sorrow for the people who owned it.
What is happiness to others can not for the other person happy. What is food or drink may be poisonous to others. The Buddha mentions four kinds of happiness of lay:
a) The first was happy to have private property (atthi sukha) such as health, property, longevity, beauty, fun, energetic, career, numerous children and grandchildren etc. ...
b) The second source of happiness is private property they enjoyed it (bhoga sukha). Typically, everyone wants to enjoy life, who came to like fun. Buddha never teaches that all people should reject earthly happiness and withdrew into seclusion, solitary place deep forest.
Tho property is not entitled to use it only for themselves, but also is giving to the welfare of others. What we eat, exists only temporary. What we hoard, we will leave, and leave. But something that we give out, will return to us. Good deeds that we do with the worldly possessions, will be long-term survival can not lose.
c) No debt (anana sukha) is another source of happiness. If sufficiency, said police department with what they have saved and if necessary accommodation, we are no debts to anyone. The debt has always lived in a state of agony, in fear after creditors. Without debt, although poor, we still feel comfortable in our oral history and time.
d) clean living (anavajja sukha) or happiness is not to blame, is the highest happiness of laymen. He has a clean life is a source of blessings for themselves and for others. The clean is all admiration. He feel happy because within the influence of vibration peace that others send to you.
However, we must recognize that it is difficult, extremely difficult, but everyone was impressed. The characteristics that have only noble to keep his life pure and unaffected by the opinion.
Most enjoyment delight in the pleasures of life. But there are people who delight in the class refused, let the pleasure. No attachment, or rise above all material pleasures, happiness for the virtuous person. Happiness Nirvana - ie exit status from all suffering - is the highest happiness.
We happily welcome happiness. But suffering is not warm reception.
Pain (physical) and depression (mental) that come to us in many forms. We suffer when subjected to old age, it is natural. Must calmly endure the suffering of old age.
The more painful than the old situation, is sick. And if a witness is endemic to prolonged pain, I would rather die than feel. Only a toothache or a headache time, sometimes making it extremely difficult to bear. Yes, have to insist that I must take a more serious illness.
Sometimes we must be separated from friends and relatives. Landscape extremely painful separation. We must recognize that any combination must end in sight separation. This is a valuable opportunity to practice equanimity.
A regular occurrence that we have associated with unpleasant people, living with people whom we hate. Must try to endure it and think you are reaping the bad fruits of a career in which his own creation, or past or present. We must try to create a lifestyle appropriate to the new situation and, in one way or another, trying to overcome all obstacles.
Even the Buddha, who has destroyed all the perfection of pollution, but also suffer from sickness or accidents. Buddha repeated headaches. Certificate dysentery finally made him unspeakable pain. Devadatta (Devadatta) rolling stones from the mountain in injury to his right foot surgery. He was not very hungry. Sometimes he had to use food for horses. Once, as the disciples did not obey, He entered the forest in three months. Between the jungle, he must be on a layer of leaf compost, spread on the rough uneven ground and have to deal with bouts of cold bones. But he still relaxed. Among the painful circumstances, as well as peace and happiness at the Buddha always keep perfect equanimity.
On step wandering in samsara, dying is the most significant relationship troubles that we have to deal. Sometimes death does not come alone for a loved one to the coincidence that many relatives in a while.
She Patacara take a while but how many relatives: father, mother, husband, brother and two children. She became hysterical. He asks her prize and consolation.
Kisa Gotami She lost her beloved only child. Hands cradling children, she ran to find drugs to treat and to Buddha for help.
- Yes, you can find some mustard seed?
- Sir, you will find the mustard seed, for sure.
- But this mustard seed must come from the house where nobody has died.
Mustard seed there. But she could not find any place that death had not visited. She awakened and aware of the nature of existence.
Once, she used to be people would ask why not terrible death cry of the child. She replied: "Uninvited, it came. Do not give out or, it goes. How, it goes the same way. Why do we cry? Crying is useless? "
From the left tree fall more - with young fruit, fruit old, nine have left - even so, we can die at birth, the younger, now adult, or when he grew older.
The sun rises in the East just to dive in the West. Lush flowers withered in the morning to afternoon.
Can not avoid death, to everyone, without exception. And we have to deal calmly.
"As on land whether we can throw something, sour oil, sweet oil, clean oil, dirty oil. Land is an ink calmly impassive, not angry nor injured. So, even so, in happiness, in sorrow, was promoted on deposits, we must have a mind like the earth. "
Buddha taught that way.
Prior to the vicissitudes of the world, the mind of the Arahat never perturbed.
Between gain and loss situations, fame and notoriety, praise and blame, happiness and suffering, let us keep a balanced mind.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.( SRAMANERIKA,NOVICE-NUN ).VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS.( GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY ).5/8/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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