Sunday 26 August 2012



Buddha touching the ground to
prove his victory before we Lucifer
(Floating sculpture of the Pala dynasty-sena, India, the tenth century,
black basalt stone, museum Guimet-Paris)

Buddha is true or not?

All historical documents prove that the Buddha is real and living this way twenty-six centuries. He was the son of a king of the family Sakyamuni (Sakya) ruled a small kingdom foot chain Hy-code-Greek painting, in a territory of Nepal today. Keep his name is All-at-most (Siddharta), they are Gotama - so that His people used to call the Buddha Gotama.

During an early ascetic people still call him by a different name is Sakyamuni Form-ni, which means "Sage of Silence their line of Sakyamuni".

After insisting that the latter will not take positions leader holds temporary authority (ie political) in the kingdom of his father, he abandoned his palace luxury to choose the life of a training of the mind flexibility. When thirty years of age, he attained enlightenment and then started preaching. He has brought a great encouragement and founder of the group who left home. He passed away next to his disciples at the age of eight-fifty.

What are the primary sensory experience
have made to the Buddha became a founder of the religion?

These problems are problems caused Buddha constant restless revolutionary incredibly deep and unusual. Is He asked why we have embarked on a life of always striving to bring the violence and to extend the unending violence. Why should we get rid of the human potential in himself to choose a life filled with hatred? Why hardly ever we have the chance to prove that he is a man? Why we can not do what you always wanted but kept immersed in things not to do?

That is what the Buddha had concerns. People always fall to the sidelines of life. They struggle to provide for his success and happiness, but how much more struggle, the goal was to become far much.

Although the Buddha lived in splendor but also know that many other people had rejected the flashy him to turn away and forget it (the ascetic at the time) . You can ask yourself why so.

Contrary to what is often understood in the wrong way, really can not find any teachings bring a lot of confidence and optimism than the teachings of the Buddha.

Buddha is always based on reality and see only a single path can open up an outlet for people. That is not to try to find ways to hide the pain, unsatisfactoriness and grief that concerted efforts to learn them. Indeed there are many means by which we look at how we live.

The castle full of amenities that his father had set up to try to rein him in reality is a prison with walls erected by sựsợ fear. Similarly, we are also being held in the prison of horror before illness, aging and death, and that is what most khiepdam of reality.

For nearly years-decades tukhi achieve enlightenment until passed away, the Buddha is not a time to remind us know that we are deceived. We should not be hiding the fear and suffering that have to listen to we almost learn them, and that is the only way to help us be able to remove them.

Look straight to own property suhien to strive. Not necessarily that he will win, but also is not his to lose. It's the human condition that we always enough khanang help myself free from everything shackled chains - such as changing his mental form.

Methods practice thiendinh will help us accomplish that.

This is conđường also that the Buddha has opened for us.

Buddha was a god or a man?

Buddha is not the same nhucac founders of other religions by relying solely on books - such as Abraham, Moses, Christ or Mahammed. Buddha is not a prophet (prophete / Prophet, is prophetes Greek, means a self-spiritual revolutionary, unpredictable events will occur and rely on for teaching orally or in writing. The events that he predicted usually the disaster will happen in the future - that means a threat) . Buddha on the other hand just a simple man highlighted the experience feel that every human being can do. He did not hold anything revolutionary revelation. No one gave him a message transmission revolutionary spiritual, supernatural, or belong to a different world than this thegioi.

Catholic requires the faithful to believe in Christ is the Son of God died on the cross and then rose again. The focus of religious faith was based on a rise above all the ability to reason.

In contrast to the facts set forth in the teachings of the Buddha, is simply based on a tudo and forms of reality - though to be as revolutionary potential, that is obscured and u mesmerizing. Just a simple way to help us find the true one can format it and make it manifest in our hearts. Buddha was not interested in the Most High or the other gods. In any case according to the Buddha, he can not help yourself to free yourself. The only way is to sit down to look at their own experiences feel in every moment, with all the sincerity and uprightness. Truly no one can do it instead of her.

At the most solemn moment when the Buddha was about to reach the Emancipation, that is, when He was about to step to the other side (to achieve suGiac Enlightenment) is also the time when he was most intense demonic attack. We tried every way to make him to be corrupt, us attractive to distract him, but at the same time it is also the time that he had demonstrated an extraordinary action, a unique action in the calendar human use, carry an infinite depth: He used his hand to touch the ground and borrow the ground as a witness for Him.

Instead of pointing up troide sure to let everyone know that his mission because God entrusted the Buddha his hand towards the ground of this world. Many image represents the true mark of sophistication of the Buddha when he used his hands decham on the ground. Indeed can not be a symbol mean much more than that to prove that first of all he's just a simple man, simple as every human being in all of us. A man walked on this matdat and only interested in what the simple truth of reality without waiting distant dreams and hopes.

World but is nhovao the discovery of the possible form of escape from all attachment and hatred always entice us all commit mistakes, the Buddha has become a sacred creature. Life and his teachings are what extremely kydieu object represents a vote open space, beyond all conventional notion cuadoi. For many schools of thought, the Buddha is not a man to be born, live and die, which really is a form of living is present in reality and at the same time the truth of the real at him.

When you look at a statue of the Buddha we can see the transformation of a human being, there is a mirror set up the courage and determination to make a heart filled by peace and joy in love commercial, a vote open space of pure love and of reality as well - and that is what exists in every moment.

So if you understand the meaning, we should avoid the habit of dualistic thinking in advance to look at the Buddha as a perfect human and fully divine.

The image represents the Buddha
be honest with his own hìnhảnh or not?

The artist is not a journalist but they are just expressions. They just find ways to show the computer where the existence of the Buddha that do not pay attention to the character on his body. In order to achieve that purpose based on a first artist sobieu most recognizable object to represent the Buddha: for example, a throne, His footprints, the wheel symbolizes his teaching, a lotus flower ...

Later, more precisely, in the first century, the new show is born Buddha opinions expressed through the human form. This is the reason the case is probably due to the Greeks looked at the Buddha through the images of their gods Apollo (can see the article " Art represents Buddha identity "on the ALA website Sen, Quang Duc, etc.).

Today we can thebiet added that the Buddha at the time there could be a skinny and black dark demau but not like some of the statues that we often see today. Thanks to the study of Orthodox books in Pa-li and one is based on the research work of modern historians, it is understood that the Buddha is not a large-scale royalty, as well do not live in a magnificent castle, but rather He is the son of a king only modestly in the region. But it is nothing important.

Only serve as image reminiscent of the teachings that he has left us, but by no means a true reflection of his human body. Moreover in each geographical region, we again understand his teachings in a slightly different way, people in the Buddhist there was thichung to their history and what they dream of, then His image out another way to go (please note this is the idea that the author will develop the presentation of the origin of Maitreya Buddha in the end) . But to understand that all of these images tell a single truth, though not revolutionary history, the spiritual truth that also contains a high price trithat

Despite trying the historical Buddha hìnhảnh with any price, there is only one way to cling arising from the nature of his ignorance, and also shows that I did not understand anything venhung teachings Him. Buddha selves nothing serious. It is a living symbol of the Enlightenment. What we need is the search of enlightenment rather than the details related to his biography or his body shape.

Look up the image of the Buddha. The image that conjures up in our minds what?

A form of peace and kindness extended straight into his heart. That really is what the primary.

What we learned from the image of the Buddha?

First the image tuongay said He was. In our time today, the role of the image no longer hold sacred character as before. For us, pretty much, just work evokes a certain charm in the aesthetic aspect. But for Buddhists, the Buddha's image is what helps them direct access to His presence in reality. The photo tuongay not be the work of an artist to describe his inspiration. It was created by the image he sought to remove themselves to make chocho what they want to express can reveal radiant with its primary. If you look in that direction, any of a work of Buddhist also carries spiritual character, are to reflect the pure beauty of it. Beauty has no purpose gives us a feeling of interest which Cama rather help expand our hearts a's resilience and quangdai.

Indeed very difficult Deco can read what is written in the pages of books written in Sanskrit or Pa-li virtually insight was the teaching of the Buddha. Language barrier is a major obstacle. The translation seldom brings the desired results and more today's modern life has led to some of the teachings that it is of the Buddha can become confusing. But simpler than just looking at the image of the Buddha, we also thecam receive His presence. This path is very simple.

Sometimes the image is enough to help us find his extraordinary determination in meditation: solid his body back for trying. There is another example of how more valuable for us to look at?

His image also shows that sometimes seem to get away from all the stress and appears as a reality that is pure and natural no need to express, because the pure reality was beyond all any narrow criteria.

Why is the image of the Buddha is often the same?

Because the Buddha represents only symbolic character to refer to the products of Enlightenment in him. Image usually shows on the top of his head with a hump (symbolizing wisdom), and between the two eyebrows a little tufts of fur (symbolizing suquan that deep) . Two left ear hangs down, it is because the wear heavy earrings truth when he was a prince. Short cut hair symbolizes separation from secular life, because at that time for long hair is a symbol of power and prestige. Movements of hands is always a meaning naodo, such as to say: "Do not be afraid" , "Try to listen to the teachings" or "Matdat is the only witness of me" .

When we say that Buddha is our true nature, that mean anything?

The Buddha advised us to wake up to help we can visualize getting what noble in his own existence, because without awareness, we can discover the form of noble own. If you look at that aspect is really nothing more wrong turn Buddha into a Hollywood idol dienanh to look at it that imitate. That's not acceptable. Buddha does not belong to any one place at all because he's staying in our own minds. Not should respect thoNgai from outside but must realize he is present in our hearts.

Know reflection do you get raduoc it is not an easy task because we still have the habit of always looking for what is desired in places impossible to get those things, that is where we always committed all wrong. Western world often see people as criminals, always dominated by sin. Therefore must comply with certain rules and rituals to take the initiative themselves, so I do not roll down the abyss.

For most of the beliefs, the key issues are: how to control yourself, do not let the beast lurking inside your crush?

Buddhist not divided sequan point was. Buddhism just look at where it can promote kindness only. Buddhism does not recline nor against Rousseau (1712-1778, writer, philosopher and the French composer, advocated a revolutionary concept is both philosophical and political nature-related before human society is formed, and the essence that is what brings happiness to people - note of translator) . Yet he did not claim that only humans can be perfect under a jungle (ie depending on the primitive social without being corrupt) . He viewed it as something good nature (somewhat like the concept of "the goodness index" of Confucius) focus on the experience of his comments, and based on that analysis a very demanding to find out why we reject unclean and makes good nature goes.

Lotus Sutra recounts a story of a poor man looking to meet a childhood friend. This friend is very rich and when you see your friend's misery came discreetly tucked into the coat of a very precious jewel that does not say anything, nothing because they do not want for you to know to avoid afraid. Many years later when suddenly people see old friends again and see you still poor as ever. Too surprised, this instant touch the hem of your own and realize that the jewel was still there. Long through so many years that he could not find the jewel in his shirt. It is what we like to beg her for holding in one jewel that does not know.

The Way of the Buddha has no purpose other than to help us find the precious treasure of yourself.

The treasure was not a gift of the Almighty that in fact private ownership of all a human being. So how to know that fortune?

Let's take an example.

When we are walking between a landscape and suddenly felt very touched, to the point where they just want to be immersed in nature are wide spread it to enter into an entity with it, and will no longer be a separate between ourselves and the world around them. The experience feel it can also happen when meeting a human being, and from that encounter an outbreak receptor the tunhien of the love. It is a symbolic moment for an extension, and the people he knows would be a Buddha. The road will set us shelter in his face.

When will experience a sense of an extension as above help us integrate with it, it will awaken in us an understanding of the basic truth to always desire to put their faith in it. Buddhism is not a desire to find something that we do not have, but rather just a way to help her back to herself.

Is Buddha who founded a religion,
a sect philosophy or psychology or not?

Buddhism has the same views, the same temples, all these things can cause people have the impression that Buddhism is no different with the style religious Jewish, Catholic or Islam. But in fact, different. The main reason is that Buddhism does not believe in a creative God, and it also shows that Buddhism is a unique religion does not believe in God (non-theism) .

Allows Buddhist meditation that is made not for the purpose of integration with a spiritual form, or an absolute, or any other form of pure knowledge at all, but rather to develop a accurate focus and sustainable in all that exists.

Buddhism is not a religion based on the teachings. Buddhist practice does not need to reveal their faith for any one thing to rely on that to become a Buddhist. Whereas on the other, the Buddhist teachers often remind people to always be vigilant and practice questions to find out more. Buddha once said: "Do not believe anything I tell ladung, just because it is as I say. contrast to bring out the teachings of the test I like a gold jewelers tried. If after consistent at Ta teachings that experience that is true, then should carry it out. Nevertheless, certain well respected not because we carry it out ".

One thing need khangdinh a Buddha emphatically not be able to save us. True Buddhist vayDuc not able to do anything for us. He can only point to show us a path, and each of us that must follow conđường yourself.

Everyone must take responsibility for our own existence.

Buddhism is not a philosophy, because Buddhism has always avoided answering the kinds the net hoidon question only for self-defense or metaphysics.

Books tell the story of a man who insisted insisted Buddha asked to answer for it, theroi He had to to tell him a story as follows: "If someone shot an arrow makes his injured and I know there is an arrow soaked in a powerful poison it. therefore should find out who shot the arrow called what, what his social class, his village here, his bow and arrow made ​​of? course should not wonder about these things. Instead, they must react quickly as long as possible, was to pull the arrow out of the wound and find the right drug Good chatdoc to bandage " . It is for that reason that the Buddha is often viewed as a physician rather than a sage or a philosopher.

Even the thought of the fur is often considered among the most sophisticated ideas in Buddhism does not belong to the field of philosophy. The very simple reason is because philosophy is a wonder of the Greeks only (also for liberty prompted the author graduated PhD at the University of Sorbonne in Paris) .

If you do not pay attention to the aspects mentioned above, this will be hard to avoid the very serious paradox. In the field of philosophy it is common to find ways to translate what not know became known (by understanding the theory and self defense philosophy) and it is also a way to deny what nature Buddhist particular way (ie Buddhist denial beyond philosophy) . Buddhism is not the same as any philosophical structure of the West - though there is skepticism, the cynicism, the meaning of enjoyment .... Could not bring Buddhism closer to the ideals of Descartes, Spinoza, Kant or Nietzche (first three philosophers postulate God, the fourth is "God is dead") . Scope and vision Buddhism in a different place. Therefore it is very important to always protect the uniqueness of Buddhism.

Buddhism also has the songs, the words uphold, worship rituals, ceremonies - and especially meditation. Thus Buddhism is not a form of self-reflection of reality but rather measures the true path associated with each action, our words and thoughts.

Buddhism gives all people of all gender one way to help them live the integrity of their own existence. Path does not lead us into a country other that simply brings us closer to his own people, where the famous wine that is the voice of a large space.

Buddhism is a "non-target path" or a "aisle way" - that is to say in order to emphasize the fact that hanhdong follow the path will be much more important than the results you need to reach by the duongdo brings.

Buddhism is an atheist?

Buddhism does not respect the Creative thomot gods, but that does not mean that Buddhism is atheistic. It thePhat Catholic vigilance us before any behaviors beliefs and advised us to always introspection and caution against a lot of similarities in the struggle of atheism in order to extricate himself from the shackles created from these teachings.

But on the other hand, Buddhism is also very close to our religion (ie Westerners) , such as when a Buddhist monk met a Christian monk, they both feel that I shared something really major.

Nevertheless, Buddhism also bring very deep-god truth. Buddhism advocates a zero tolerance analysis to point out that the trap is being laid out in the theistic belief: it is the way in which we have confirmed is there a god with her, and followed by vitroi rely on his existence to that confirmed the existence of us and even set us feel our own experience (which means he can give us happiness or punish me) .

Whenever man comes to a certain god, it is just a jacket to add to his own image he, after exaggerated it and append it to the perfect qualities. God is only one picture is enormous amplification of our own.

When the location of the He and his assigned two distinct sides, of course, also happens to pray He, rely on the support as well as the rescue of He. Oils so thidoi when we can feel a certain correlation (between God and us) is tight, but sometimes we also feel that the bond that was broken (lack of faith information) . It was very difficult to be able to create a relationship with God when we still figure out the image of it (while still figure out the other image of He to me, how can I can integrate with He) .

Indeed there are some mystics maintained that God is not outside man. Among these may be enumerated viThay Eckhart or St. Thérèse de Lisieux, there are those that feel close Buddhism.

In why godless Buddhism that have a large number of local gods daoden?

If based on the Western concept of each heavily influenced by the Catholic and the aggressive war and the persistence of religion in the chorus against "heresy" (polytheism of the La Christian code before entering Europe), then you can not understand the paradox in the question above. For the Catholic, the worship of the local church and the secular is a kind of poison, a kind of superstition need to radical nhobo from the minds of the general folk.

Buddhism does not giochu policy behavior that has always believed in the existence of so many gods. Buddhism seeks to turn them into living for Dharma. The mountain god or gods ponds can be true, the condition is to respect them and not separate them from their shelter. I just asked them if they could stay in their territory and ask them for help, but it absolutely is not the way to help you can extinguish the flames of suffering (only true Buddhism help we made ​​it) .

It is also an expression of Buddhist tolerance for other faiths. In Chinese Buddhism developed together with Confucianism, Taoism and other folk beliefs. In Japan, Buddhism and Shinto coexisted together and in the same direction on the worship of nature and the gods dwell in the context of that nature.

Buddhism also append to the gods of the natural wealth of the Buddha for the purpose of logos for thousands detection of enlightenment. The word Buddha is not necessarily a proper nouns but rather a "title" meaning "The Enlightenment". Even in the primitive period, Buddhist religion also began to advocate the existence of many other Buddha lived trendia this demand in real time immemorial, or will appear later.

Why are there so many Buddha?

If you want to answer this question, we must first ask: "Who is the Buddha?".

That has to be a man who lived in a certain period of history or just a form of existence under a myriad of different faces?

Similar to the ocean brings different properties such as wet, salty vastness and the mind of the Buddha, too, and can also be revealed in many different forms, such as compassion, wisdom and many types of different activities ...

In the Buddhist view, if see Buddhas contain a separate existence revolutionary fish thethi least it was a mistake and the mistake is not different with Susai wrong to assume that the Buddhas do not not exist. I was very aware that is saying quite confusing. But also to try to understand it. It takes many different Buddha to help us expand your heart and mind so that we can adapt to the different way of thinking. To see he is so they will be able to bring to the situation can not recognize as broad open they themang to us, and we will fall into a pure form of worship image object. Conversely, if you see the Buddha was not true and is simply what revolutionary illusory or, a kind of image or idol logos, then it would also be the way we lost the giupdo their precious.

There is a Buddha wearing a loud belly
common in the hangan of the Chinese people,
how he meant?

In China it is common see a Buddha baldness, obesity, smiling, gloating way, the coat clothes coffee-sa and a real belly. Indicates that for a Buddha really is worth we have surprised because obviously reached out beyond the usual manifestations.

The origin of this character is a saint symbolizing wealth. Huge belly and the seems his hahe also like a bunch of kids around him bu aims to raise his own wealth and at the same time he will be ready balconies sugiau have for their who pray. This person always carries a cloth bag full of precious things, which is rice, which is candy for the children. In short he is a symbol of happiness, luck and abundance.

Buddhism does not remove the local practices of worship whether in anywhere in Asia, but chitim altering somewhat the meaning of worship. Variable Buddhist gods of ancient origin above (Inv) to become a practicing Buddhist, or see it as is an incarnation of the historical Buddha. So trenday be considered as Maitreya, the Buddha of the future (bring wealth and happiness) . END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS.( GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY,AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.26/8/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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