Saturday 25 August 2012


O those who wish to protect their mind!
With clasped hands,
I am pleased to recommend them this word:
keep the attention and vigilance is always hard,
with all the energy of his own .
Shantideva (Shantideva)

Cambodia (Angkor Thom, the end of the XII century
Sandstone, Guimet museum, Paris

Training thiendinh is what?

Benefits from the attention is one of the most amazing discoveries of the Buddha. Attention is a cure nhamdieu everything our disease. That is the key to the door of the Enlightenment.

Zen Buddhism does not mean thinking about something or dissecting a topic at all, but rather a way to help us see the meaning of reality in its entirety. Following advice is very simple: " Use your mind to observe your own mind . " It is also the most mysterious power of attention. If you keep the alert events occur, we will break free from the domination of them easier. Whenever feel frustrated, do not try to run away from it, do not feed it or tried to learn it. It is just better to pay attention to see if it appears, exists and disappears like. It is helping us to penetrate its deepest nature to transforming it.

Indeed not think much when the concept vesu pay was raised in the Western world, except by the rare few real scholars such as female philosopher Simone Weil. According to her, we do not see the true role of the will in his own existence, but only see it as a first attempt, an attempt is almost machinery to actively reality: "If you only knew his gong, biting his teeth tightly to enforce moral, delam poetry is to seek a solution to debug a problem, then nothing could indeed stupid than that? The focus has nothing to do with those things. "

At the deepest places of interest tamda potentially available a certain acceptance revolutionary implicitly help us direct access to what's visible and not question anything (mindfulness helps us accept the reality shows out like that in a way that is "natural" and "logical") .

Trying to understand is also nothing more than a dodge (learn instant analysis that is something outside of us and different from us) . A form of self-avoiding away. Path on the left is a means to help us achieve a certain approach. Trothanh Buddhism is a very simple thing: just need to know have access to what appears like that, do not try to remove them and also not cogang seize them (back to yourself and integrate with reality is the way to help you become a Buddhist) .

Why practice meditation, it gives us the benefits?

Meditation brings peace, healing the diseases of the mind and nursing body.

Meditation brings us back to reality, to help them to integrate in every moment to experience their own sense of life. It is also a way to help us get out of the control block of the automatic response and machines of thinking, always linked together to bind us. Our life is really just a survival machine, controlled by the automatic response (that life is really just a long series of automatic responses, driven by instinct and trends available - ie industry and makes us not too late to think or judge anything at all but only entrusted to the conventional reactive and superficial thinking of his control a machine) ; meditation the contrary, it set us back to reality and what we feel. The return to yourself will give us a boundless bliss. We sekham break can be a very simple form, a natural form like that, it does not need to rely on anything to that form (which nothing can manifest in a casual and more simple reality is: it's just like that!) .

Many doctors and scientists have proven that meditation is likely to relieve the mental stress and excessive anxiety and cure many diseases arise from depression.

Meditation helps themselves transformed in a positive way, seeing the suffering and privacy beyond their own mistakes.

Meditation is a way to help us to directly observe the experience of their own comments. Meanwhile we will discover the experience feel that fluctuate, sometimes very obscure, thenhung also sometimes quite transparent. Indeed, when we get angry, jealous, also time for us to focus one's attention. But usually we do have to do the things that we are feeling and thinking on them. Thinking and feeling so that students experience, exist taiduoc a while and then disappear.

In points of Buddhism tuduy the very formula based on the words appearing in my head, to tie ourselves to them (thinking is formulated through the language of the convention, we control our actions in a machine) ; them constantly visible and obscured our minds that we no longer see the world in a transparent anymore (look at the world through the thinking has been formulated) . This is only the fourth is not true because right thinking is always direct and spontaneous character (that is not, or before being formulated) , expressed in a gesture, a certain words. In other words, the Buddhist view from the only true reality, the thinking was different from other thinking (always governed by convention and driven by instinct) to separate us from the real.

Sometimes we also bring to mind things thinking it resembles a persistent obsession, for example: "No one understands me"; "Everything Under the same that happened to me was worse ";" I'm just a useless ";" I hate my extremely ";" I'm just a little useless ";" He is a wicked and I just want to find ways how revenge "... Meditation is a way for us to return to form of consciousness not identify themselves through the things that kind of thinking above. For example, instead of that I am having anger damnation makes her become aggressive only simple (stand away for that) it's all observations (ie, monitoring and observing the anger and did not see anger as his or herself) .

Meditation helps us to open our hearts to receive a true spiritual form and to enjoy the experience of a sense of reality as well as unconditional love.

Meditation is a spiritual path. Its purpose is to help us to let go of ambition to all dongduoc everything, to help us open our hearts to receive a reality to little wider than the one I own and full of anxiety. It is also a way to help us let go of determination only ruminate about their personal ambitions, to help you can find peace in an open space full of life and enthusiasm.

All the saints and mystical character even belong to any one nation, if you want to improve your value to it must also rely on the support related to meditation. Suhau contradiction does not necessarily depend on the particular context of Buddhism. It cũngđã learned Sufi (soufisme / Sufism or Ahl al-soufa) of Islam and some Christian sect, as well as a number of aboriginal tribes of the American continent practice. Basic meditation was simply like that. But in fact there is a way to discover the wide open spaces of love, help us rise above all bondage.

If looked at from that perspective and once thiendinh teaching is complete and correct, there will be a direct means to help give us a spiritual life in its own right. I way aydoi asked us to have a certain determination to remove a mask of his own and remove everything hallucinations, to help us deal with all the obstacles may hinder the expansion of the mind his soul.

What is attention?

Attention is a light illuminating what it shines on. When we focus on the breath, the dominant state of neglect often we will also vanish all, the breath in soft that tronen also makes us feel more relaxed.

The purpose of meditation is to promote attention and keep attention not leave the object observed. For example, I do not look at my breath that I became my own breath.

Meditation is not a particular strength of the mind but rather the nature of consciousness. The mind is best able to help us with what we shop at. I took a bite apple. My attention my integration with the flavor of the apple.

Dualistic character that we often build up as a boundary to separate the observer and the object observed - ie between subject and object, or between oneself and others-will disappear when we launched our attention.

Like meditation, how to do?

Meditation is the way to keep the body, breath and mind your always in the present.

Speaking in a general way, we can see ourselves is where the encounter between his own body and mind. However, it should be noted that the above image temporarily borrow is not a concept Buddhism (because Buddhism does not see the mind as an entity different from the body) , so a Buddhist is not considered a relative determined independently of the mind which should only take a breath more important role in the transfer of life and help us come alive.

To choose a correct posture is

Sitting not only means the individual motdong of the body that relates to the whole person.

First you sit down. Then figure out the real picture of yourself sitting firmly on the ground of this planet.

Body you represent a combination of earth and sky, and your heart is the crown of a king. Let's put the crown of your heart to return to its proper place (on his head) . Then imagine majestic crown is in perfect position it and welcome it. This is how to put yourself in a position ready to receive the vote of reality space. Try to integrate into the existing form are phatdong a naturally it (no need to appeal to a divine power at all) . Seeing as that aspect, sitting alone is enough to represent the whole integrity of the whole teaching (posture not only contact with the body, but your mental longer can phananh as well, the link between body and mind through sitting will help fasten the existence of the into reality - ie sitting very firmly on the ground - and it is also the most basic foundations of Buddhist teachings) .

Depending on the schools of thought that the instructions on the method of meditation is a bit different, but all are seriously preparing to sit how meditation can help people integrate into your body and keep that body upright and dignified (posture is important because it will reflect the mind of the meditator. When you look at an expert sitting meditation, can also visualize out mental thedang or level "type" of person. sitting posture of gold hovung as a mountain, the whole body radiating a serene, quiet and dignified can cause us to be shocked and respect) .

If you want to be sitting right from thetren here they must keep your back straight while maintaining comfort. Sit that will help you feel the "solid" and "vertical" back closely associated with the "soft" and "expansion" of the chest - it is a symbol for the combination between the energy to help me look at what is like and the fragility (of where chest breathing) to help you become more soft.

It is important that you have to keep your body relaxed. Depending on the school, the legs can hang together in lotus position or sell old, or just sit with legs folded well enough. However, it can sit on the chair - is also good but straight must giulung true and not resting on the back of the chair (to sit comfortably and firmly, it is necessary to have a "cushions", ie a pillow round, square or semicircle, stuffed, thickness can be reduced depending on each person, sometimes it takes a lot of time to adjust the thickness of the cushions so that it suits you. Also for liberty raised another small detail is the person meditating in the Zen school has its sewing cushions in accordance with the rules, the fabrics in natural fibers, dyed with the color taken from the bark, padded cushions using natural materials such as cotton, straw, or dried nuts ... But beginners can use anything to sit, such as a pillow or something else, the goal is the butt and knees create three point seat keeping the solid ngoiduoc) .

Anyway, you should not be overly concerned or worried. Posture is not the entire technical training, there is only one way to "announce" that's all. Sitting it properly as well as to express their determination to keep the body straight, flexible and not fall asleep. Choose their own way to sit it also means that mimic the image of the Buddha. One way to become a Buddha. Anyway, it is not a means to seek to achieve something. From the meditation itself simply means the practice. It is possible for a sitting meditation is a mountain that can be found there a favorable retreat place, whether they are living in any one context.

After sitting, breathing!

After preparing for a sitting, you start focusing on the breath and attention have to be very strong, anyway it is not meant to be gong to the new track is quite tho.Co for attention as an anchor that keeps you from drifting away. Let the air enter the body, causing bulging belly and broad chest, and then let the for natural air back out and disappear into space. Air to penetrate you and tie you to the ground, it flows through your body and then leave. You should not try to retain anything. Do not put the quotes. Just to see what it was like.

After all, how to deal with your thoughts?

Of course can not get rid of these thoughts and emotions to your visit, including cases where they can fill your mind. But the target of meditation is not intended to shove pursue them but rather seeks only to observe the appearance and disappearance of them. It's very important to keep this in mind.

There is nothing wrong than to assume that the practice of meditation is a way to help create yourself an as no longer nghigi in the mind. In fact, meditation is not a means to help you gain an achievement at all!

Of course, sometimes we may not feel very satisfied with the results bring or also thela completely disappointed after realizing during meditation I just found out all the things about crap useless, they repeatedly took turns going on in his mind. The purpose of the training is to help establish a true relationship between himself and reality, but in fact, I get into an endless adventure! However it should be understood that the practice of meditation is the way to help you reach the above situation, but did not comment (monitoring the operation of thinking but "indifferent" without express or reveal a contact whether it is happy or sad, just look at the current thinking and variables matdi, they are not alone, nor is his) .

Allowed to exercise is so simple and easy to implement. Aside from the attention, there is no other purpose than to be achieved. Necessarily need to open our hearts to welcome elected symbolic space for your presence and of the world every time they appear thethoi.

But why allow the practice was so hard to do?

Principles practice of meditation may seem simple but also quite hard. In fact, meditation is not the same as that exercise is actually a modified method of integrity helps all that can be detrimental to vote extensive space of life.

Sometimes we want to put into practice what has been learned in books, but when embarking on the dethoi press.

We just want to have immediate results. This fact is easy to understand, because we are all victims of the race aimed at effective and tend to enjoy the most, as well as your lack of patience is widespread today. First meditation is a living art, but today, the art had disappeared in Western thegioi (in fact, it would have disappeared in the Eastern world when the world chibiet looked ideal and material values ​​of Western society) . Meditation always requires patience and determination.

Meditation sever the root of greed just hope that everything happened so easily, such as when you turn on the light to shine out immediately. If only to see everything that way, you Sechang never can become a meditation master and also active Sechang a anything. There must be a day when you move, we have furnished rice dishes? Every day we have to confront voidu everything distracted and his guilt or? We can only advance on the path of meditation when physically transforming themselves faster than the dominant influence by everything confused. It's very important not viewed the thuhoang very 'as the need to remove obstacles which should see them are cohoi to the help I doubled the strength of the attention in life.

It's strange that the first stage is easier. When I first started training, his mental condition is often not clear enough, and therefore we found it easier to bring efficiency, including some sanity. But the more practice, the more we find out the more subtle problems, so we have cleverly hơnđể can remove them. Thus we will know how to use exercise more proficient to protect themselves against the tough stuff of reality. If you look in the corner, then we will understand easily why meditation study Zen to recommend meditation to keep "the spirit of a new practice."

For me, I enjoyed following the story of the Zen master Shunryu Suzuki, one of the greatest teachers of the twentieth theky (please note Shunryu Suzuki, 1904-1971, is not Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, 1870-1966, but people often confuse the two, that sometimes Shunryu Suzuki said: "I have the great Suzuki somewhere, I just a tiny name") . The story is as follows, with four different horses, one excellent, one good, one medium and one is bad. The best horses, the release of water easily. It predicted the rider's thoughts before seeing the ball of horse whip brought up. The second is the quick release as before and in response to the whip touch it. Third child, only released when the whip lashed into its flesh and make it hurt. Fourth child is released only when the pain started to eat into the bone marrow of it.

When the above story, then perhaps we are all looking forward to the first horse, or at least, also phaiduoc as the second son. But if the desire to be like in practice, our results are not wise.

For training, the worst horse is the best horse. The main deficiency of the new you is exactly what will help you walk in a steady way. Trendy those difficult exercise are those who will find the deeper meaning in their practice (author wants to reassure and encourage us taday) .

Despite having difficulties in practice or in the time to find a way to go back to reality, it is not to be taken as signs of a disadvantage. Determined simply sat down on the ground and keep your back straight to integrate with the new realities that are currently out is more important.

Is the purpose of meditation practice is to make us calm down?

In the West meditation thuongduoc considered a permitted practice to help bring greater relaxation, many people also see it as a therapy. It, meditating contains many significant real therapeutic qualities. But not so that may be sure that comfort is the purpose of meditation, despite the fact that the efficiency benefits that can occur. The purpose of meditation is actually Other than therat.

The purpose of meditation is aimed at transforming the whole relationship between us and everything that we receive biếtđược, feel or think (that is helping us to understand and feel the reality so, do not let the pulse energy and intention in mind making it distorted and turned it into an illusion) .

Meditation can not find a particular form at all as this is the only way to narrow its effects only. It is a way of creating the conditions to bind it, and it is also one of the leading obstacles in practice.

Meditation is not a means to help you find the calm, is not a bowl of decoction to drink when encountering difficulties. The purpose of meditation is to help us develop the attention directed at all visible to help us escape the ties between us and stuff.

The practice of meditation is not intended to intentionally make the mind subside or become insensitive to the obstacles in life. Anyway, meditation is not a way to cut our reality.

Sixth patriarch of Chinese Buddhism (Huineng) after listening to a teacher lecture to the crowd following his disciples: "Keep your mind calm to help the sense of calm and Tranquillity , and not necessarily always hold a sitting position and not take a break, "he responded as follows:" keep quiet mind "is a certain form of sickness and that is not the way of Buddha.

Then, he has authored a poem as follows:

"In life, if only to sit without a break,
Until his death people will be resting, but not sitting.
In both cases, it is just a stinking pile of bones!
What lessons relevant to the essential truth of existence where ".

The poem above is not great or what! The essence of Dharma is there. Meditation helps us to promote the deepest understanding of the nature of reality and of ourselves. Buddha put yourself in the center of the world's most consistent reality that a more transparent way.

Although meditation is one stopped to help her find more transparent what is like, but that experience itself is not a purpose.

The suspension helps to bring back a form of leisure. Stop it. A silence spread wide. It is a process that is essential for attention becomes sharper. But if you stop there, in fact that is not the way.

The more important thing is awareness.

Deeper attention and vigilance

Buddhist knowledge (wisdom) is not based on the dogma of any mobile service like other religions, is not the result of scientific analysis gives as prevalent in today's world. It is not to be the result brought by summarize different quandiem. Buddhist knowledge is formed due to the sense of our own experience by relying on deep attention and vigilance (the author did not use the word "intellectual" but pointed out the meaning of the term very ingenious and at the same time do not use the word "enlightenment" but also indirectly explain what enlightenment is short by only raised it is "Buddhist knowledge" is formed from the experience feeling get our own based on attention and vigilance - that means as meditation nhovao) .

The focus is a natural manifestation is like when it reach a certain object and did not reveal a VIU subam. For example, I focus on are inserted breeze in my hair and in my mind is not thinking about anything at all (the first author was a monk smooth thin, the example given is probably dedicated to we are here! If the thin but in the mind, then we just felt the wind was inserted into his floating hair, it proved that he had fallen out of the attention and adventure in one place else outside of reality and outside yourself) . I can put my mind in a form of reception that's all. What the mind's focus and integrate into a true balance of serenity. It is no longer trapped in the conditions governing it. My mind was not trying to say it like this or like that.

Deeply wary of a direct understanding, it does not require any intermediate form of revolutionary concepts or words (concepts or words are revolutionary convention, deeply wary an intuitive understanding transcends all forms of reasoning based on the concepts and conventions) . It frees the restaurant that is located inside the visual, it frees hearing sounds inside, it frees the feel and touch inside the touch, it frees understanding within knowledge. That was also the way that the tree symbolizes confusion dig up the roots (seen but not expressed, heard but not diendat, and touched the flesh but not the expression, but express understanding : it is radically removed any illusion of reality) .

According to the original texts as well as the writings of the great masters, first of all we have to the attention and from the attention it will generate a consistent deep nature open and extensive more help meditation shows a very sharp experience his sense of reality, and that will gradually understand the full structure of the previous experience was that the ordinary person do not henhan is. Attention to help bring peace, because it frees the mind from everything ranging commonplace makes it always crashed into batdinh state direction.

Profound awareness found in the form of the intelligence and the intuition ( prajna or paramitas ) - it is a form of knowledge is not generated by tectonic escape from a vote open space wide and familiar (profound awareness not formed due to the reasoning that arises from the sense of intuition when exposed to elect the familiar space of reality, that means looking at the reality and consistency get reality is like, the reality is so very familiar to me and did not show a slightest strange) .

However, I often found that for many people the progress on this does not happen in the same order. Profound awareness and attention can occur simultaneously, or sometimes occurs in two types of cases hold a dominant position.

Meditation Is creating an empty form or not?

Thanks to a certain exercise, can also create a blank form in the mind. The but such datduoc to do?

The Buddha did not discover the emptiness, but is actually an intuitive intelligence (intelligence) to help open up for us a vote vast space of reality. Meditation is the way for us to discover truth and transparency the operational role of confusion, to help us realize that we are bound himself (hallucinations) and how the space of deliverance, brightly know how.

Practicing meditation is not emptying all in my head but rather to help him deal with his situation in the present (ie slavery by the illusion) . Practices often we just stop completely unknown to yourself. Not only the feelings and reactions we can sometimes surprise ourselves to (did not expect her to be able to think or act like that), but also might make us fear again. I live but apparently life is being controlled by a monster hiding inside us.

For Buddhism is really not a monster at all. To put it more precisely, there is nothing more nhumot child terrified one scallop op. Just turn on the lights, you will see immediately that no animals or people hiding under the bed. The main focus of light is what makes us all afraid.

Where the focus of the people always have something really good (the Buddha) . We just received it. The discovery is so exciting. If people integrate with it, the whole bunch of demons also semat out likely to cause bad things. Actually, a bunch of demons he is not to be nothing more than the fourth only in his own head. Indeed we do have different bubbles are suspended, and here we will must break tande into a vote open space. Liberation is just like that.

Aside from meditation, there are other ways to help promote one's attention?

Meditation is the ecliptic. Not only it is a permitted practice beyond the permitted practice, but also the convergence of all forms of life. Without meditation, we nor Sechang ever have the opportunity to enjoy the attention and taste of reality.

If you discover it, then every moment is one we will also discover that they can maintain very sound one's attention and it will help you to live a more profound way.

For some schools of thought, if you want to do it, just keep track in my head every small real body movements, such as stretching or bending, holding a pencil, closed or open door, raised a glass of water or put it down. However, there are many other methods and allows practice can help us return to reality.

If determined to step into the path of meditation, it is necessary to avoid these obstacles that could happen?

Do not try to take the initiative the body that inclusive chican with it

Most fundamentally allows meditation is to rely on the body as a base to help her practice. Gong so hard to try to imitate the pose of a meditating adept, it is useless! Let's focus on what you have - it is your sole fulcrum.

Do not try to launch the attention that simply just need to pay attention that

Not just gong to be resolved everything difficult. Just integrate into mainstream attention. Do not wish done anything just to reach very close to what is apparent to me.

Do not use meditation to transform your perception becomes empty which should only rely on meditation to be aware of their own sense

Many people use meditation to try to create a form of silence in order to help you protect yourself by what grim truth arises from the perception of yourself. This is nothing more than how to turn training into a tool to help her escape, to escape from the world and get rid of the emotional stuff as well as all difficulties. Actually it well just settle a things solidly prison or some form of self-assured only and absolutely not the a vote open space help themselves transformed by what exists. It is true that exercise can bring a the confident naodo the world, but if based on it to try to turn it into a interesting tool to tuphong about every attack in life, the result is not true in the sense of meditation.

Do not set a goal to find cachdat it to be, or are looking for something, here just thuchuong he stop all contact with reality

If you are trying to achieve any immediate cumot something, your training will be skewed right, because you have begun to fall outside the naked truth of what is. It is for that reason that the path of meditation there is no purpose at all. As long as the direction to a destination and expected to reach that point, then we will forget the way you're going. If enlightenment is the reality of reality, the desire to achieve enlightenment would be a misleading - because while searching for enlightenment, then we will no longer think about what is available right next to (people often sure that the path of meditation is short, because itself has is diemden, if meditation to focus on something else outside of the naked form of themselves and of reality that surrounds us certain is that Sela is a misleading or lost the way) .

Do not cling to the comfort brought about by the practice of

Instead of having to look at the changes in the right mind to provide the appearance of them, we aim at what was going to bring her comfort. It should be understood that the highest purpose of meditation is to help us eliminate attitudes only seek pleasure and avoid pain. Meditation is the way to help us discover what do taidich real beyond all expression (whether it is pleasure or pain) .

The practice of meditation has brought the risk of making us himself in the us?

Executed very meditation is like a self-closing and self-separation with the world and people around us. Does this mean it is the only way "to look at your navel" and no need to ignore the myriad of other things going on in this world?

The questions which shows an extremely dense meditation on the meaning of the path. The reason for the questions that occur because Western philosophy advocated an opposition between the two types of dynamic and real-dynamic always be considered and vice versa, the real contempt.

The wrong judgment that the reason happens because the distinction between dynamic and real estate is not based on the sense of individual experiences in life (just trying to distinguish between two types of dynamic and real on theory and not thought of as the "real" also represents a huge energy, such as attitude "any Baodong" requires a very large inner strength to rise above the thucday response of "violence") . Keep silence often need a lot of energy, more than spoken words. Let drop as Suchi governed by the first pulse is always easier than facing them (should remember is thiendinh not passively nature which requires a huge energy) .

Meditation help us promote thedang ready to take over. The practice does have an ascetic only seek to withdraw from life. Meditation gives us an open sucoi, and more also help us behave properly first any event occurs scene.

So we have thểtự practice his meditation by learning from books?

We can start practicing right away by relying on the instructions in a book properly, but after some time, we should find someone else to help add to it (please understand that authors practice Tibetan Buddhism) . The communications world is what it is simple, thousands of miles away with things mystical illusion revolutionary. But if there is no communication world, there will hardly be able to meet the genuine aspirations of the people asked to be passive. (this statement the author would like the liberty to raise a small suggestion that the word "Tantra "Chinese is" Mi Zong "-is an" invention "mistakes in the Chinese language to specify a school of Buddhism is Tan-tra TT or Vajrayana. This school of thought is formed around the fifth century in India and then spread to most other countries in Asia, so schools of thought are not necessarily developed in Western Tangde can be identified with the "Tibetan Buddhism" or to schools of thought was "Tibetan Tantric." Communication World is a ritual practiced fairly typical of all schools of thought and there is nothing "secret", that well just settle a way to help strengthen and determination in the heart of practice. summary think so called schools of thought on this arise from India as "Tan-tra TT" or "Vajrayana" is probably more correct) .

Unfortunately our time tend to disregard the importance and beautiful definition of the ordination rite, but at some point we will also require interoperability between two (between master and disciple) , there is a need (in order to bring the sacred character of the practice) .

The ordination is not a sutroi forced to seal himself in a tight relationship with another person, more madung to the connection between the practice of with a impart spiritual line. What are instilled not dependent on anyone, and not a creation of any person (ordained, does not mean a slave to a lineage, a ritual or a human) .

Many people have invented many thuky arts training was modified effective help to bring personality. But to understand that meditation is not such a purpose. Meditation is a way to help us come close to the Buddha, his teaching roots.

Furthermore and also a truth hetrong is whether the practice is extremely simple, there were really very necessary to talk with a person who has made ​​many authentic experience. We need to be guided on the way to help you can discover all the richness of it (ie the inherited experience of a veteran who, unfortunately finding a true teacher and full able to guide you, it is indeed difficult in the current circumstances. Consequently if not find a vithay as desire to better themselves have tried so many, and so many before) .

Why meditation is necessary for life to the world?

Really on a certain aspect, nothing can be called absolutely necessary and everyone can choose a private life. But there are also many people, this may be cited the case of the sculptor Brancusi (a French sculptor original Ru Romania, 1876-1957, is one of the most famous sculpture in the twentieth century) , who is determined to see the Buddhist life is probably their lives, whether they no Hetu identify as a Buddhist faithful.

Anyway, for most of us (ie Buddhism) if those who did not know what to training thiendinh is indeed very difficult for them to find enjoy vitrong the teachings of Buddha (whether understood by the theory was correct Buddhist teachings, there were like only see a plate of food "delicious" by painting or photograph that's all. Only when we know the cross legs sitting down to expand the perception of his own to help integrate with reality, khido the taste sweeter and deeper meaning out of the teachings of the Buddha can spread wide in the soul I) . Indeed, each of us has the time can reveal a high attention to help you saw a certain sense experience. The economic nghiemay apparent to me and gives me a bit of relaxation. For example, when we bath with a shower hose, for instance, we focus on jets of water pouring down and ran down his body. Instead of thinking of what to do in the day, then we just let the water jet to bring her comfort. Allowed to practice meditation in fact, they are only a means to help us to make manifest the format is like that, a form helps us to fully integrate into what we are doing with a mind peace of mind and an expanded heart. The practice did not bring give us something special. It does not evoke for us a wonderful form at all.

But without it, it was very difficult for us to walk firmly on the path towards enlightenment. We will keep on being dominated by case situation is happening. Meditation helps us to directly receive all the apparent clarity of a sudden way from attention, to help us to improve themselves and transformed thedang that we are out there, as well as help us deal with any case a scene can happen to me.

That is the reason why meditation is needed. It helps us understand what mind of suchu path and how to turn that attention into a path.

Should practice meditation alone or with a large group?

The practice of meditation joint quanden feel personally identifiable. In a sense, that's what's very simple, nothing more than a bath in the morning when you wake up.

That's not the same as said hello to each other in the morning and be ready to welcome life in front of him. Harmony nhapay simple. After a cold shower, cross-legged and sit on cushions (exercise alone) . Let the purity movement in a natural way around us.

Anyway, a common practice with a group of people who can help me go further (thanks to the help) . General practice is often to help you meditate longer than the time to practice alone. For example, in the case of exercising with others and feel no longer able to continue anymore and just want to stand up, but if you saw the others still sat, I will have to try to sit down. It is also a collective effort to help everyone beyond the predetermined limit, which means that everyone can sit longer than the specified time they did not know.

It is the practice of meditation is not only their own practice and for yourself. We dedicate his practice to others and it is also a way to turn it into a jewel (should not giunhung what they done but should dedicate to others) .

So-long training session for how long?

It depends on the circumstances of each person - more or less idle or too busy because many things happen. Sometimes I practice it diligently and regularly every day, but sometimes less.

If you truly want to practice, you may want to meditate for at least twenty minutes a day. I often recommend that people should study with my practice of forty-five minutes each time. Keep a context will help the body, breath and mind you have enough time to tronen firmer. In that day everything happened to her will progress differently (I would be more likely to actively transforming event occurs and they become better, or at least do not let them commander through the automatic response and their machines) . If we practice pay mind regular thatdeu, the focus will also be faithful to yourself and remind yourself often.

Before beginning a meditation session should also predetermined that I will sit and for how long. Then they must try to keep the same thing, this is very important.

It is best to meditate in the morning when you wake up, that is, before embarking on daily work, it is the most favorable time. Should find a quiet place without being disturbed.

However, if you want to progress faster, in addition to daily meditation sessions sometimes also to attend the occasion retreat lasting several days and only for special practice thiendinh. In such occasions, we will have the opportunity to look back to one's mood easier to meditate when he was a rookie, like drinking a sip of water flux from the source of a cool spring.

After meditation, how to behave in daily life?

Meditating in a sitting posture Chico can contain a true meaning when it can bring us a high alert helps us to transform what happens in everyday life. In other words, meditation by sitting meditation accompanied by action. This is how to generate the "morality" of Buddhism (moving meditation that results achieved to bring actions suthan good, benefit and happiness to those around you) .

Action meditation by sitting peace segiup for the attention becomes more flexible and more resilient. Meanwhile we Sey is a more transparent way each his own actions.

We will discover the high quality of the silence helps us find the enthusiasm and real relationship between us and the lively atmosphere of open space. The philosopher Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855, is a Danish theologian and philosopher, advocated theory birth-existentialism) says: "The living and the world's view of us fall into a disease strict truth. If I was a doctor, and if anyone asked me what I thought about people I would tell him: "Be silent now! To do list for a prescription of silence ".

Meditation is a health theological ky.No brings us her silence, a silence is necessary for each of us.

Many teachers encourage us every hour, take a moment silent. Every right and every time one has to stop and keep his position at the time, whether sitting, standing or lying down. I feel at ease to do what I need to do during the previous fifty-nine minutes, but the last minute of each hour, so he stopped to meditate. We can turn the map to tell us what that moment.

When she heard the ringing of a copper hothi should focus your mind on your breathing. Pay attention to breathing in and breathing out.

Any sense a minute passed, but also just a minute was enough to help us enjoy what brings from his mind and heart when they combine with each other to the same direction in space is expanding. (In the absence of regular meditation one minute in each hour, should also remind ourselves the minute silence was necessary only when felt his mind wavered, restlessness, anxiety , angry, scared, or suddenly realized that I was laughing non-stop without initiative. then please try to go look at his breath, monitoring every breath in and every breath out natural ... after a minute, the emotional panic above will settle down now. Though it is not a form of meditation dinhdung its meaning, but also a temporary cure medicine help "pain" is torture slightly less) . END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS.( GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.26/8/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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