Tuesday 8 October 2013

Prajna is transcribed from letters from Prajñā and it means: Wisdom, observe, think clearly distinguished, that is the transformation, forming the basis of all life, to bring to mind the true knowledge and right or Prajñā paramitā hrdaya sutram or   Prajñā paramitā hrdayam sūtra.


Prajñā (Sanskrit, Devanagari: प्रज्ञा ), with g real letters from Prague ( प्र ) and letters JNA ( ज्ञा ) composite. Pra ( प्र ) is the prefix and it means: forward, start, before ... JNA ( ज्ञा ) is the verb root √ JNA , the group 9 and it is known that there are as follows: that , have knowledge , to know , nh be eating, self-memory, learning, understanding ... The prefix usually comes with it is: anu ( अनु ), abhi ( अभि ) ava ( अव ), ā ( ) , pari ( परि ), pra ( प्र ), Prati ( प्रति ), vi ( वि ), sam ( सम् ).

Prajna is transcribed from letters from Prajñā and it means: Wisdom, observe, think clearly distinguished, that is the transformation, forming the basis of all life, to bring to mind the true knowledge and correct. In the spirit of Buddhism, Wisdom is often seen as the original glow, as the light, like the moon, like the sun, has the power to break the ignorance.

Paramita is all the way at the tables of declension of the feminine body in the form of Paramita. It was grafted from the word param ( पारम् ) and ITA ( इता ). Param is all the way at the table turned to the body in the form of neutral para. Para ( पार ) derives from the verb root Pr ( पृ , group 3 ). PR has been said that as follows: rescue, protection, pass, pass through, climb up ... Para ( पार ) means the opposite side, opposing, end, limit, target ... param g ( पारं गम् ) means that at t ới something. param Ni ( पारं नी ) means complete, k Write the end.

ITA is all the way at the tables of declension of the feminine body in the form of ITA. ITA is the past participle of the verb i ( ). The verb root i ( , group 2 ), and it commands means interpersonal known as follows: go, go, go towards that, and, from that point, grasp, reach, appearance, becoming ... The prefix usually comes with it is: ati ( अति ), adhi ( अधि ), anu ( अनु ), Antar ( अन्तर् ), apa ( अप ), abhi ( अभि ) ava ( अव ), ā ( ), ut ( उत् ), upa ( उप ), ni ( नि ), Para ( परा ), pari ( परि ), pra ( प्र ), Prati ( प्रति ), vi ( वि ), sam ( सम् ).

ITA means: walkways, corridors, roads have trees on either side. Ita ( इत ) is then used in the plural command in the initiative, in the scale of the Sanskrit verb i ( .) See the table below:

Then all the
 The few
 Number of couples
The first
Ayani     अयानि
Ayava    अयाव
Ayama    अयाम
The second person
Ihi     इहि
Itam     इतम्
Ita    इत
Third person
Etu    एतु
Itam    इताम्
Yantu    यन्तु

Paramitā often it is translated to the other side.

Hrdaya ( हॄदय ) Hrdaya ( हृदय ) that supports a small number of the variables in the table itself Hrdaya in neutral form. Hrdaya is t uh compound word from HRD ( हृद् ) and negative tail -Ya ( . य ). Nh Hrdaya have known interpersonal meaning is as follows: heart, emotions, consciousness, spirit, emotions, feelings, feeling, intelligent ... Hrdayam ( हृदयम् ) is subjective and is also close to a small number of Hrdaya.

HRD ( हृद् ) of its revenue came from Oc neutral and it means: hearts, heart, love, heart, chest ...

Ya ( ) or Ya ( या ) t is the corresponding yeah, and it means that someone, anyone, that ... yah kascid ( यः कश्चिद् ) means that b lunar or anyone who ... Yo Yah ( यो यः ): t lunar those who ...

Sutra ( सूत्र ) that supports a small number of variables in the table relative to the Sutra in neutral form. Sutra is t uh compound word from SIV ( सीव् ) and Tra ( त्र ). Nh Sutra is known interpersonal meaning is as follows: Peace, string, small rope, wire, fiber, row, row, grade, style, surrounded by round, ring, ring, cross border (at the wall), the edge (of money), coastal (geology, geography), sacred rope, conventional reading of the ritual, road markings, lines, paths, routes, caves (text); sentence ( poetry), sketches and plans. Sutram is subjective and is also close to a few of the Sutra.

SIV verb root √ ( सीव् ) , is from the group [4], and it is known that there are as follows: May, knitting, sewing, the back. - T a ( . त्र ) is itself had been used deform the adverb only place, or device ...

On m Lay the general words of Sanskrit sutra ng u message he translates as Beijing and it is used to imply the expression of a series of rules or aphorisms, inclusive and contains no symbolic meaning for the other or the definition of special things, having the nature of philosophical principles, ethics, literature in human society, was handed down by word of mouth or in writing simple brief remembered. This is a form, it is often used in ceremonies and it is passed down from generation to generation orally.

The word Sutra in Buddhism, is often seen as a good subject line contains forms moral guidance, through the teachings of the Buddha, with different metaphors in social life, to help free people themselves, to find out what is available inside the good, but the good build for his life, as well as for people, in the spirit of compassion, selflessness, altruism.
In a deeper sense, the scriptures indicate complete fullness of cosmic reality, which seems less human vision achieved its perfection.
Since the light of wisdom and enlightenment of Buddha ultra Vietnam illuminated under the Bodhi tree, the Heart Sutra four letters are transcribed or translated from the Sanskrit four Prajñā paramitā hrdaya sutram, is considered a in texts reveal the magic of the Buddha had left for Buddhists and those interested in exploring the path to liberation, from the experience of the man, an enlightened Buddha himself.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT=WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.9/10/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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