Tuesday 8 October 2013

His compassion seeds are sown over the place effort in India and Tibet. He has been from the poor to the rich people, from kings to the people first, male and female religious charities, young and old were happy to be bathed in the light of wisdom and compassion of water by watering down his .

Nirvana Buddha Statue in India
In 49 years of practice life of the Buddha, he did not hesitate to go everywhere from the east over west, from north to south, all these countries to other countries to propagate religion. Wherever there is light footsteps leading him to flashes yellow radiating splendor. His compassion seeds are sown over the place effort in India and Tibet. He has been from the poor to the rich people, from kings to the people first, male and female religious charities, young and old were happy to be bathed in the light of wisdom and compassion by his country watered down. Wherever there is light yellow to pagan religion and pagan right away, as the clouds vanished, as the darkness before dawn is up. When Buddha feeling of fullness almond He was 80 years old . Like everyone in this world, those elements of his physical body as well as the change law of impermanence. Although that last three months before passing away, he did not rest but continue as missionaries. One day, the Buddha told Ananda: "Act now fulfilled it. prayer As before, this I've had enough class four disciples: monks, nuns, Pros-she-rules (good men), Pros-she-di (female members). many followers I can replace the car legal move, and Act I has spread everywhere. now I can leave that up to you. My Body, according to the law of impermanence, now worn as a neck-life vehicles. transport I had borrowed it to France, this car also has erosion that has spread throughout France where, so unfortunately I also love to do this again so emaciated body? Ananda! During the three months I shall pass away. " Another day in the passageway leading to the sermon, he met a employed coal called Da Net (Cunda) invites him home to make offerings. He offered him a bowl of mushroom soup boar, because this Thursday is the preferred breed boar. use porridge Once finished, the Buddha felt the excruciating pain as his blood was infected with severe dysentery . Although the pain is physical abuse, but he still tried to walk about 9 kilometers to get to the period Kusinara (Kusinagara). So go too far and the pain of abuse should not stop thinking about him 25 times. The reason is because He had to Kusinagara three conditions: 1) He wants to preach one last time for them up to live a virtuous life. Buddha taught: "Hey, you have to light the torch on the go! The French people take the torch I do! Please follow that practice my French rescue! Do not find salvation in any other guys, do not find salvation in a place other than you! " Then the Buddha to teach: "Hey You do not because I desire to forget words told. Everybody in life are not things was precious. then body will disintegrate. Only My word is precious. directed only truth We are the unchanging, unchangeable. Be diligent to free up, so cheer the people I loved. " It is very important that the Buddha wanted to teach all his disciples before his death 's "Y Tu France". Buddha taught: "Tu y law whose primary purpose is to help the later Buddhist easily distinguish between what is right and wrong way from the legal form to content". Four forensic medicine include: Health care law's estate, health care means any language, any medical care that willow and willow means any health care food place. Firstly the Buddha wanted to talk about "health care law's property?" We not born at the time of the Buddha, if you want to be meticulous practice firm, we have to rely on that practice Dharma. Dharma is based on classic texts because the Buddha's teachings. If that is contrary to the classical interpretation of the patent's own people can not listen to us. In other words, the Buddhist Dharma, Sangha means to take three security-centered and not taking a particular individual as the subject. But after the death of the Buddha, the trends that are turning over a "light weight French people". That means that the weight is more than teaching so it is replaced by three security increased security. It's unfortunate. And how is that any health care language? entire Buddhist scriptures that we see today has been translated many times by many different authors translated from Sanskrit into Chinese and then into English Vietnam. Buddha taught that one can say whether or how to write it anyway, if they still hold significance in the Buddhist teachings, the Dharma is. In Buddhism if we honor the ultimate Zen Center is a nature Minh City. And the Pure First they called attention any confusion. But the Church, they called the Great Square Opening theme park. Whether we call it nature is Minh Tam, Nhat any disorder or attention is the theme park is opening its meaning is the same. It was found that the nature of his sight. willow So how is that any medical care in another sense? Lieu means freedom from the cycle of birth and death and no longer dominant in the six paths of reincarnation. often you hear " may have application for all ". In everyday life we often prayed for her a lot of money too, someone to be there for your son or daughter. And another in his demand for a promotion soon. All of this begs only related to one of this life only we but it does not help us out of the six paths of Buddhist reincarnation is real in another sense call. " He says we should interested in Lieu means to have the opportunity to free themselves from the cycle of six paths only. This is the only cure of those who practice. Finally, medical care regardless of location? Tri is a sense of intellectual situation. Usually in public relations problem if we use feelings to dealing with people is easy because mistakes are feeling confused, not enlightened. Buddha advised us to get that rational insight not out of fear of being wrong. Later he commanded him Kassapa inherited Y, Bat and advised his disciples to retrieve all the rules to him. 2) He wanted the disciples admitted last name the Bat Tu Da La (Subhadda) because in addition to the Buddha who can not stand him touched. 3) He wanted to flesh relics divided into 8 parts for the 8 major Indian monarch. Later when told undertake the probe is complete, bathing him in the river last Kakuttha, Ananda and said he made ​​his bed to think. northward his head and he was lying between two trees Nagarjuna. enter quietly to him, sequentially through meditation levels from low to high, from high to low and then finally take the initiative to pass away. at that time of the night is aimed fifteenth day of the lunar calendar in February. Nagarjuna forest trees (Sal-trees) flush crimson flowers covering his body. Buddha Life 80. The disciples his body wrapped in a shroud with the needle and they wait 7 days after he returned from a trip Kassapa missionaries. they start cremation (cremation) to the true Buddha and the Buddha's teachings, they brought relics body is divided into 8 parts for the 8 major Indian monarch. Having a delicate thing is that after the Buddha's death, His disciples Kassapa convened the great Arhat 500 to aggregate together relics of the Buddha dharma body. trio of It: The Organ, Vinaya and Abhidhamma, without interest, to wear for ordinary disciple took flesh scrambled relics of Buddha. So we can see, the only flesh Relic important new ordinary man, even saints do not care because they are free for life and death New is the ultimate. Buddha was brought to light yellow direction for mankind, but his life can be summed up simply put as follows: § Launched beside a tree § enlightenment beside a tree § And die in the middle of the two branches.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT=WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.8/10/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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