Monday 7 October 2013

(Yamaka vagga) 1. Historically, the law of life master mind, the mind that it invites endless days on evil Speak, conjoined action defiled by foot bull wheel as hard Industry dating too negative. 2. Historically, the law of life master mind, the mind that it invites quiet day on three body Speaking, action, gentle kindhearted As per the glue ball too optimistic Blessed , good results follow. 3. verbally insulting other people my beatings, vandalism, robbery foul ceiling space relative who also embrace suffering resentment resentment relative difficulty of escaping notice. 4. verbally insulting the other person I Beatings, vandalism, robbery foul ceiling space is light itself Whoever put an end to resentment resentment alone, calculated from the saddle. 5. Historically, the law of eternal hatred to answer hatred unforgettable Compassion extinguish anger at the pharmacy, It is magic after the old account. 6. debate such people understand we live and die through blood Body unpredictable Who enlightened usually not disputed examples gentle guidance. 7. Enthusiast attachment upset Join lived pleasures, tied coast life now is not the root photographer households the insatiable eating, lazy self- Prone ma career twist in the wind like trees, so misery line! 8. attachment people depart from provinces such illusory pleasures ham virtual ma life The based awareness beautiful Eating temperance, diligence time period is not now tied python code as rock steady, constant wind blew hard. 9. draped Who Do not leave filth degenerations (2) there is a practitioner not sophisticated self-censorship that is better not to wear, more consistent nominal. 10. those who diligently practice Disinfectant sliding drop, the law strictly as directed themselves Stoic sage Dressed like that, meditation glory.

(1) These performance measures are key words to song

Buddha pointed the way forward
in the Pure Land Noi that go
down the non-market beliefs Termination
Resistance Buddha mind, associated maintenance named.

Namo Amitabha Buddha

Re: Word Magic Gold for (Dhammapada)


Phi Legal (3) charitable idea was born
Thien birth (4) crazy leaders saw no
evil thoughts disturb dresses
like cultivators, difficult meditation feet forward. 12. Chon is true that in Africa feet clear Size is not true right and wrong thinking right ma ha cultivators like magic. 13th. revealing confidential roof, no rain was leaking at the house with rambling nature philanthropist So we were craving plump All anesthesia care. 14. the front left closed after roof is not leaking rain misery tottering nature noble philanthropist is not greed, insert the peace of mind. 15th. This life, this place repent later life, as in other places as well that ignorance who did evil before after chasing the ball were evil poor miserable karma your shoes wear life forever guilty person. 16th. This life, this place happy life after life, away joyful smile makes good people industrial peace Before following conditions are also clearly legal Pole, happiness is money I do the work I enjoy connecting. 17th. This life, this sad place coal Ke cause harm arduous life karma "karma I created and now it's being seated insecurity fruit stand " It's sad cry, cry it to fall Since suffering endless pain! 18. This life, this place glad Hereafter, merit away jubilantly The practice, the results money "I have merit, virtue connected" world's fresh fruits reborn eternal peace joy the bar. 19th. matter much recitation of No age are not set, their own self-contempt Live Let loose, not merit born Sa subjects retribution fragile human life shepherds cow, the only effect on my day I, ephemeral lives life! 20. Shelf meticulous recitation of significant impairment test, practice practice practice the anger and ignorance shines Body purification, medical director kept gentle grace It leaves bare secular life, the happiness lifetime Sa meditation subjects.

(3) As four specific order as clothing, rice, medicine, housing and ten things wrong . (4) As, concentration and wisdom and right view .. etc. .

Buddha pointed the way forward
in the Pure Land Noi that go
down the non-market beliefs Termination
Resistance Buddha mind, associated maintenance named.

Namo Amitabha Buddha.

Re: Word Magic Gold for (Dhammapada)

(APPAMADA vagga) 21. Not let loose, death and birth of Forever let loose ... death's door enthusiasts! diligent person, not even death! sluggard as the world ma ma! 22. clear that meditation na Wise and Diligent Efforts heart Paramitayana not let loose, pure nature in the holy realm Happily , did not display color. 23. Rough, patience gold heart meditation, ashrams liberated the province from Wise diligent meticulous evidence entered nirvana, very best color results! 24. Skip let loose, deep mindfulness Try stoic to, well head monk Zen lawful subjects elaborate English Protestant aromatic growth from flight director. 25. contempt morning tomorrow afternoon engrossed themselves allelopathic, self or my heart The place, as the island of spiritual wealth tide take deep charming! 26. confusion fuck out to let loose the ceiling overflowing sink well aware Wise dream house concierge rich, three deserted train. 27. Letting illusory immersed ma lung sensual charm , romantic flowers bad practice time period Awareness Centre peaceful nature itself intended recipient. 28. Wins let loose, decided calculated from prison wise man does not fear worldly sage wisdom topping Trade fool, immerse gold dream new passion! On the mountain, the upper classes who look down thousands of suffering all things fun. 29. lazy dud among the provinces among the people who buried deep sleep as the weeks fly Wise and Beyond love slowly lean horses left. 30. Sakka Diligence (5) get home Makes all our God, enjoying God please not let loose, beautiful director let loose with his damn lazy contempt. 31. monks self-ignorance wins Wins lazy, friendly win Let loose the Buddha commended as flames burned Burning affliction (6) round out generator! 32. monks self-ignorance wins Wins lazy beings let loose straight compliment them near Nirvana Buddha Definitely not required explicitly filed under.

(5) called Sakka's Like To finish, the host of heaven, Indra, or thirty-three heavens. When Sakyamuni was born, he had come down to celebrate, encourage him Sakyamuni left home. When Sakyamuni close to passing away, his last four coming Uranus and pray to Buddha that he will often support Jewels. In many previous lives of the Buddha, he often appeared to test the Buddhist Bodhisattva conduct . (6) Only greed, hatred and delusion .

Buddha pointed the way forward
in the Pure Land Noi that go
down the non-market beliefs Termination
Resistance Buddha mind, associated maintenance named.

Namo Amitabha Buddha

Re: Word Magic Gold for (Dhammapada)

(CITTA vagga) 33. ordinary mind always agitated restraint is difficult, often changing him upright position immediately as straight arrows, finance workers make. 34. thrown ashore as fish struggled fear thick, hard body butter church ardent efforts Cultivators Find out the malevolent ghost realm. 35. byproduct sensual pleasures (7) twist imbued with vulgar ephemeral disturbance awakening the people who need care nature preserve nursing practice peace. 36. byproduct five desires revolve around obscure hidden variables u love being the center Wise average hedge hedge Thanks to smart, keep your peace and happiness. 37. byproducts like giddy life invisible form filling buried deep he knew for turning bound Liberation, which later stupor. 38. Who does not calm indifference Unknown dharma, emptiness drowsiness life No faith, love playing with intellectual Looking at ... surely the blind away. 39. Persons pure, peaceful mind counterweight Good and evil beyond normal expectations not chaos, not chaos fear not ... Princess bare legal enlightenment. 40. Than fragile ceramics center column tie between ... sarcophagi of the human Mara, crushed for treasure not to have brought wisdom bass line. 41. Than This brief fog lying dead in the ground, deep sleep dreaming night and day, And where the sense disposing As dry tree field Wild! 42. Contrary unfairly left unfairly harming hatred - hatred myriad woes! Not by entangles evil mind act ... I usually self-inflicted! 43. parents, relatives ... those who are not in the center of this well made ​​body and mind ... sage act noble growth, merit life.

(7) First year of education raises human heart from the inside is excellent, silence, smell, taste and touch; year raised sensual desires of man from outside finance, identity, name, make and lobes
Buddha pointed the way forward
in the Pure Land Noi that go
down the non-market beliefs Termination
Resistance Buddha mind, associated maintenance named.

Namo Amitabha Buddha

Re: Word Magic Gold for (Dhammapada)

(PUPPHA vagga) 44. Who conquered this earth point where (8), heaven (9) ... in the space outside the ring who left teaching as a skilled worker colon fragrant flowers. 45. Tier school property (10), the local photography point where, heaven ... ceilings throughout the gods who cleverly spoken charm measures as well the workers fragrant flowers borders! 46. sponge body as impermanent illusory line twist cap floating up demonic rebirth Bankruptcy Exit tempted allow life cycle birth death 47 . ceiling space floodwaters swept away villages recorded the night sleeping dreamily Death participate regardless of the Birth Center of attachment level after falling down! 48. Craving mesmerizing easy stretch Not boring, not afraid of his dreams ephemeral flowers sicken spring collection is the opportunity profited off. 49. Sa death disciples Muni By alms neighbors, flowers bees find nectar, not harm it no flavor loss, it is true that human feet. 50. 'Do not look error of weight distribution can do, or do not experience failure should ask yourself before going were doing, so they do not ... should be reasonable? 51. constant As beautiful flowers showing color only, not by scent good thing people say more damage was not operating, self profane slack effort! 52. As beautiful beautiful flower petal colors flowing scoring Perfume aromatic good thing, said to bloom bright pink Practices human results. 53. place charming gardens From The corolla born beautiful line between heaven From the author of human life itself unencumbered wholesome charm of the report. 54 . the stuff is money floral Lamb Board, Mahjong glass (11) ... radiating magical mystical flavor usually fly down wind, down the road could not back the four winds of harmony presented Perfume, fragrance virtue Sangha swept blend contrast, the lotus building. 55. sheep herd, Every town, the price is (12) Bar sa constant contact with the mysterious fragrance of incense does not exceed the gods Only heady fragrance of virtue over top. 56. sheep herd, the price is ... still taste the flavor of magic ... Aromatic high heavens that does not match any direction Perfume Perfume smelling the virtuous ten. 57. feet Achievement virtues often Liberation, financial position, directing the sound pure evil acts that can not not sound dominated the World Ton. 58-59. pile of mud from deep kissing budding lotus fragrance radiates between life bar in pure bright mind who I dust her, dashing human foot dharmakaya disciple enlightenment Wisdom enlightens the ceiling of birth.

(8) the point where, according to the notes, the world covering all four, hell, hungry ghosts, animals and asura . (9) Heaven, according to the notes, the heavens cover six realms and realms of education world . (10) The preliminary results showed the Huon momentum, momentum binary function results, three preliminary results anagami and results oriented, binary outcome oriented, results oriented triangle, ie school property, because these people are not learning, concentration and wisdom. Until arahatship vouchers are called uneducated level . (11) Lamb na man (Cadana) is the name of a fragrant plant. Mat dysentery cases (Mallika) is a kind of fragrant flowers, such as wireless overgrown Bim . (12) Bat every period (Vassiki) Vu precious flowers. Most in la (Cagra) name aromatic plants .

Buddha pointed the way forward
in the Pure Land Noi that go
down the non-market beliefs Termination
Resistance Buddha mind, associated maintenance named.

Namo Amitabha Buddha

Re: Word Magic Gold for (Dhammapada)

V. Pham Ngu
(Bala vagga) 60. Persons sleepless night scared bars long tired road travelers miles away from the cycle (13) which is connected forever ignorant style ceiling three walks. 61. than I did the body Ke Ke horizontal I did not get close confidante that she would rather stand out in your parent's better to fool people. 62. This my son, our asset spin-off misery attachment of the body where it can damage! Case's assets, for the grandchildren. 63. Sources said his foolish position than ideal sleeping position, was sad eternal enlightenment mind living life stupid is this true position, get blind retreat. 64. hundred years who slept near location such dharma understand, do not penetrate the mystery religion was like soup spoon sad day even sweeter taste heartless. 65. moments greet Wise dharma enlightenment open declaration moon Like this tasting tongue was soon exposed knew sweet dust. 66. Ke ordinary pleasures forever Comes adversaries say no or laugh! who created evil for a long time now and definitely notice even in his suffering. 67. anybody any good cause for disruptive agitation, standing sitting Security! repentance, remorse complaining Future countless painful retribution! 68. Creator karma lasting peace in the Making and joyful bliss gently Everyday life enjoying their peace Knowing healing results. 69 . When the evil no achievements Honey fame, take for own fate when ripe karma definitely suffer chronic misery! 70. living the sweet life results like stupid people into the way of life that fascinated not by ten then the problem however only towards Buddha Dharma Center. 71. cow dairyman May for them (14) easy just visit a couple of times where evil damnation receptors coal ash into the fire of revolution Sources negative. 72. byproduct his shoulders evil forever want to be right in the intellectual life enjoy live action, go back to Happiness harm reduction, mental time shattered! 73. byproduct usually want to echo not value virtue, love brings legendary virtual money to increase their time religious right to enjoy Fame, religious faith awkward gentleness. 74. Increase keep yourself thinking: "All the big and small from where we are" byproducts in the mistaken attachment Arrogance aging self, human. 75. On one hand, leads to suffering itself the one hand to reach Nibbana leisurely tone Buddhists monks diligently get round Awakening fame.

(13) Reincarnation (samsara) only the flow of birth and death will be no stopping . (14) For the curd so that they do not have to be a shareholder on a night that was .

Buddha pointed the way forward
in the Pure Land Noi that go
down the non-market beliefs Termination
Resistance Buddha mind, associated maintenance named.

Namo Amitabha Buddha

Re: Word Magic Gold for (Dhammapada)

(Pandita vagga) 76. sage who often admonishes present only mistake, should realize every imperfection bad defect where one Self that is cleverly avoided new religious order ornate Buddy treasure as precious feet gentle guidance. 77. Persons or advice, advice education prevents guilt happy healthy married endearing is the friendly name of the stirring Being jealous dislike hate evil. 78. 'Do not do evil coast friends Do not make friends accept rotten coward Guinea Bodhi Do you approach the sublime architecture of the initiates go. 79. drinking water, numerous advantages Dharma Center pure nature of the self as he often blissful place of birth Preferred hear the true Dhamma, achievements achievements feet. 80. Who's directing it went Watering plumbing, carpentry of wood lo brightness Bending detected Archery The position taken by subduing the body (15). 81. solidly between bare mountain wind blew no fear, no e spirits Praising, defame, praise the center of a surface location provinces. 82. quiet blue lake As soon yen, just light delicate lake mud The wisdom among legal Listening serene meditation as poetic flavor 83. The Sage often live calm lust not think, implications clean mind who the pipe away from the concept of lucky escape Xao fun round upset. 84. Not so sweet fleshy galaxy Ne also not whether primary ones who do not mind the the memory not for children, or by powerful wealthy Bridge, bridge Faye Bring Unjust, changing facilities for their new so called wisdom is moral wisdom into spirituality member. 85. During the majority of people find feet the other side (16) reaches the legal body mystery crunch Much of the rest by the banks of this vague dreams (17). 86. Persons who often lectures or rely Know Dharma days from the date of themselves accumulating things meet other Coast reach out blind witches. 87. Argentina (tar) recognize self- compassion (white) light is a new practice of mind Lia family, single professional Sa-being results, Bodhi almonds. 88 . cleanse Wise passion structure search Cau Dharma of emptiness happy feet far apart cybersex ceiling contingent of self, realization of Nirvana Hao course. 89. Practitioners practice of mindfulness meditation enlightenment (18) seven sacred lotus fresh pineapple defilement, contamination love, unborn Nirvana sound wonderful to stay in range.

(15) Allelopathy in house not to see, hear, smell, taste, touch things wrong . (16) nirvana . (17) The realm of birth and death . (18) Interior Decor enlightenment known as the Bodhi including scout law, diligence, joy, equanimity, mindfulness, concentration and discharge.

Buddha pointed the way forward
in the Pure Land Noi that go
down the non-market beliefs Termination
Resistance Buddha mind, associated maintenance named.

Namo Amitabha Buddha


Re: Word Magic Gold for (Dhammapada)

(ARAHANTA vagga) 90. The human mind freed Freeing binding, quietly religious holy Quartet (20), well it need not fear very best lap bar. 91. Dung strong, mindful similarities Lia at home, I do not like her behavior over the pond for the geese as no little nostalgia, sauntered fouling paint. 92. Arhat relief in eating facilities, beyond the river love No no , formless, pray about as elegant birds four surface nothingness. 93. Arhat clean polluted the Quartet (21) Princess temporarily, separated from sinners Liberation, formless, non-flowering (22) As in the birds themselves , residential building not president. 94. Arhat pink lotus subdue the week, photography heart miles away from negativity Ego peaceful heaven, the beautiful glass house tomb compassion. 95. Arhat of ignorance as realms Center land of goodwill stored deep sediment pond clean mind Phui Industrial ceiling light, all cyclic conditions. 96. Arhat often the fresh words, the time to act silent meditation political liberation chairman peaceful mind and body, virtue radiates gentle flavor. 97. Arhat from Mirror Self hearts steadfast, gentle nature usually open to the press outside Causation Supreme Defence officer, as president leisurely drive. 98. Though mountains, though village by land, mound valley, wilderness, urban residence Arhat peaceful realm lead happy the bar tender. 99. Persons forestry pure life nothing like the happy domain Arhat bureaucracy President sensual life who loves the beautiful Arhat Young green slopes.

(19) the holy Arhat was clean all the negativity, attained nirvana, no longer samsara again.

(20) holy Quartet consists of four class sravakas fruition include: Tu momentum Huon, From momentum function, and anagami Arhat . (21) only for four things: food, clothing, housing, medication . (22) Securities are called liberating nirvana, the so-called Not because I could not take , anger, ignorance, sorrow; laicon called formless because of this was no longer immerse themselves in front of lust .

Buddha pointed the way forward
in the Pure Land Noi that go
down the non-market beliefs Termination
Resistance Buddha mind, associated maintenance named.

Namo Amitabha Buddha

Re: Word Magic Gold for (Dhammapada)

Postsent by battinh »Monday, 03/05/12 9:08 pm
(SAHASSA vagga) 100-101. Proceedings of thousands of questions, no spiritual meaning by reading a verse Sao magical mystery penetrates deep self love hearing this noble minds in the province. 102. Litigation unbiased hundred verses in Sao Dhammapada said a word meaning Hearing temperaments shining bright pure form beautiful sound doctrine. 103. Wins thousands distinguish enemy can not call him rank among his heroes are real people win yourself resounding victory every time the space. 104. Wins yourself, new traders win more than others is a thousand times more good understanding of yourself craving Tame sublime nature paint! 105. Angels, Beware grandmother (23), the Mara, Heavenly violation, the sun ... high low residence matter what realm Self wins, wins out in the natural dark. 106. hundred years away thousands of gold, money worshiping spirits, natural rise month on Not with a second minute immediately blocked from the glass workshop offerings German gentle ripple ten Glimpse spirits than hundred years. 107. hundred years of church fire dreamy Sao minutes with a true practitioners are also blocked from numerous advantages blissful worship of fire over time dim. 108. Alms offering one-year bridge blessed, not by merit quarter Homage masters upright nature of mind from negative range. 109. Respecting bowed traders happy being blessed countless elders live long, beautiful , noble wisdom, health, life expectancy fun police. 110. hundred years down the world, easily stretch example by living a day long hard discipline, effort, meditation faith networks dignified sage wisdom provinces. 111. Percent mental age not birth no meditation, blessings lack fortunate example of a meditation on wisdom shows that faith in the gentle light. 112. Centenarians playing street laxity It is useless front line May Not using a translational Centre Specialist required effort directed profound gold. 113. hundred years are not afraid of time Impermanence birth and death shocked fleeting instance of a religious life legal birth certificate kill, get misty tan. 114. hundred years of enlightenment is not gold inaction is not calm dreamy bright example with a heart gnay tasteless unacknowledged calm colors. 115. hundred years between earthly life not see optical ultimate mystery method instance in a deep realization Seeing countless supreme law the heartless.

(23) Beware she is an idol in heaven .
Buddha pointed the way forward
in the Pure Land Noi that go
down the non-market beliefs Termination
Resistance Buddha mind, associated maintenance named.

Namo Amitabha Buddha.

Re: Word Magic Gold for (Dhammapada)

Postsent by battinh »Tuesday, 03/06/12 9:30 pm
IX. The AC
(Papa vagga) 116. The good, be rushing to Controlling the malevolent monarch sinned healthy idleness impermanence The evil flourish troubled Italian industrial life. 117. A case of accidental evil and self-discipline, not to To double faults keep on trying to do evil The evil's unpleasant, more intensive work forever! 118. familiar hands If good works should be done again, month rose bowl clean up The durable receive pleasure, increase happily background. 119. As bad karma immature mistake is wicked fun, as incredulous when ripe now say evil Retribution continuous months on the island crazy! 120. Khinghiep good enough grace The fresh drywall, complained very close When people now bear fruit fresh floral fragrance Sac thousands of Asian treasures. 121. nowhere Do not despise small evil retribution sad example given back to me! simultaneous flowering buds liver Drip accumulation of the full average fisherman the reason for the pain Do evil actions themselves created! 122. 'Do not despise small fresh ... ignoring the retribution brought thousands instance court for us! flowering buds Timeline Drip than average accumulation of the Wise and smart trim Thanks goodness knows the long-term consolidation. 123. Going European trade precious nhieucua The lack insurance anxiety in every way you avoid the fear of panic Find Living People age that, while away from evil. 124. injury the other hand did not know they did not poison polluted evil people do not believe waiting is never evil plot sowing. 125. donors were wicked in serious willful misconduct violated western mind to turn back evil guys do evil against the wind and dust around. 126. From fetus, general karmic evil hell, good natural arch foot upper level of nirvana for Clean Industry birth, residence, such as the feet. 127. Did not fly nowhere Or extreme deep diving deep mountain forest wandered around the place World time off thousands of identical messages Nor evasion from his career Causation Hao justice to the course. 128. Did not fly unbiased Or is diving deep mystical forest mountain blue sky The world is frantically working around the place naked blur "Death" is waiting for, is waiting time Causation sufficient conditions respectively.

Buddha pointed the way forward
in the Pure Land Noi that go
down the non-market beliefs Termination
Resistance Buddha mind, associated maintenance named.

Namo Amitabha Buddha.

Re: Word Magic Gold for (Dhammapada)

X. FOOD chiefs
(Danda vagga) 129. Everybody feared sword bother sacred Everyone feared dead in the middle My heart, heart showing division shall not kill, said the consequences for killing someone! 130. everyone is afraid of long sword Everyone nhangian like to live forever My heart, heart division show You shall not kill, disturb security implications kill anyone! 131. Persons of happiness, his or cane knife again changed for good fun happiness heart hurting cane knives, insecure life. 132. Persons of happiness noble cane knife No person asking the staff did not speak laughing Knives Happiness life, beautiful self-love. 133. harsh words inside photography by saying the words, indebted messing around! temper, his pride suffering as knives, such as causing the pain sticks! 134. As the tank is im offering free I hold before the word evil to Self at distances Nirvana My heart is silent, evil that turns on the road. 135. shepherds beef, cane fields , large and small cows, that means that the downstream beings dying old leader Retribution life, death human life. 136. fishermen make life karma causal Unknown invites or not? criminal, evil eternal fire itself as free to take yourself. 137-140. Taking the knife sticks misdeeds leg two people, himself now king size reported by Ten road funds can annihilate difficult the search for body lying corrupt urgent disease progresses, pain subside heart, liver, spleen, kidney, intestine cells Being vu felony, falsely tied to applications relatives of relatives glass melt property loss, they Displacement distribution of Buildings, premises wicked scorching attack, increasingly implicated in sorrow When dead worms hell nemesis Causation, had given himself. 141. Going barefoot, hair ruffled xinh Remove ashes spread on land his fasting Or lying on the ground, rolling back stand sits unusually ridiculous sleaze (24) The pure, articulate self- doubt no end, left the pure heart. 142. enlightened mind and body sharp smart not overcome, tame, homologous prime interest not stick knives, hard to do evil He let morals, religious sink you. 143. ashamed of themselves elaborately Few people do, your very best self spiritual practice he cleverly As smart horse avoid the evil whip. 144. effort repent my heart or endurance horse salty deterrent to faith, the world, meditation threads proving the sufficiency (25) fascinated many generations of suffering 145. irrigation water displaced people Worker carpentry level rise, the trees ... plasticity Bending name straighten, bend, just good man tame bright sunny afternoon rain.

(24) The way of living, especially the pagan practice of ancient India, is often used for physical abuse . (25) Entertainment and fully .

Buddha pointed the way forward
in the Pure Land Noi that go
down the non-market beliefs Termination
Resistance Buddha mind, associated maintenance named.

Namo Amitabha Buddha.

Re: Word Magic Gold for (Dhammapada)

(Jara vagga) 146. loving What fun is always relative lack fuel his career (26) Dark, gloss, hard fun (27) Why not look bright luminous light (28) 147. Body This a pretty nice block slipped down line, where the dissolved organic matter disease has brought her husband Chiang smooth, clear cultural force in May. 148. Shape think dark old Focus illness, impermanence sound forest canopy Achievement, the loss of chaos ... There birth death the human path. 149. wilt fall election remains too dissolution of this body aging colors, silver hair skin primer What fun, sun sunset evil. 150. bones Body is the soul adorned flesh , glue Minister of Interior in the older patients generator Ego, pride, lies the heart damage. 151. Vehicles decorations adorn the king One day tan color and life to the body done to improve despite the old to dream weary legs of (29) is not shifted Compassion beautiful way everlasting immortality. 152. Less heard, at school ... human beings like cattle sow division, his mouth decry foreign minister meat bones strong Intellectual confusion, suffering nostalgic black buffalo! 153. - 154. cycle of samsara forever down to see old names Search forever home life vanity Unfortunately Sanh elderly patients die ... ball flight commander Ta Ke houses, who are you and why past Meet accidentally hybrid integration psychic You do not home anymore, heartless invisible sesame Rui, truss columns were off ultimate nirvana profound and permanent Education drift maternal infection or gonorrhea clean off, stand sit Net Security (30). 155. stalked Youth robust Not for natural asset to corolla From the time children are not hard When no other old gentle river at Early turbid swimming in the Dead worn wither not for bait. 156. robust young youth fun not for property, life converged future financial Children not accumulate merit to lie down in the old empty out the sick body, stoop handcuffed As the bow burst, as dried wreaths!

(26) The World This fire is burning 11 things: greed, anger, ignorance, disease, old age, death, grief, lamentation, pain, grief, brain ...

(27) For ignorance . (28) Lures wisdom . (29) Here in Buddhism, Bich Chi, Arhat . (30) This is the word of the Buddha attained enlightenment, joy speaking your mind out. Later on, because Ananda asked the Buddha said that the words. Who do the body only, sesame rui show in the world of sensual pleasures, and truss column shows ignorance .

Buddha pointed the way forward
in the Pure Land Noi that go
down the non-market beliefs Termination
Resistance Buddha mind, associated maintenance named.


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